package main import ( "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "syscall" "time" yaml "" "" ) const ( // VERSION is the current version of init VERSION = "Direktil init v0.1" rootMountFlags = 0 bootMountFlags = syscall.MS_NOEXEC | syscall.MS_NODEV | syscall.MS_NOSUID | syscall.MS_RDONLY layerMountFlags = syscall.MS_RDONLY ) var ( bootVersion string ) func main() { runtime.LockOSThread() log.Print("Welcome to ", VERSION) // essential mounts mount("none", "/proc", "proc", 0, "") mount("none", "/sys", "sysfs", 0, "") mount("none", "/dev", "devtmpfs", 0, "") // get the "boot version" bootVersion = param("version", "current") log.Printf("booting system %q", bootVersion) // find and mount /boot bootMatch := param("boot", "") bootMounted := false if bootMatch != "" { bootFS := param("boot.fs", "vfat") for i := 0; ; i++ { devNames := sysfs.DeviceByProperty("block", bootMatch) if len(devNames) == 0 { if i > 30 { fatal("boot partition not found after 30s") } log.Print("boot partition not found, retrying") time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) continue } devFile := filepath.Join("/dev", devNames[0]) log.Print("boot partition found: ", devFile) mount(devFile, "/boot", bootFS, bootMountFlags, "") bootMounted = true break } } else { log.Print("Assuming /boot is already populated.") } // load config cfgPath := param("config", "/boot/config.yaml") cfgBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfgPath) if err != nil { fatalf("failed to read %s: %v", cfgPath, err) } cfg := &config{} if err := yaml.Unmarshal(cfgBytes, cfg); err != nil { fatal("failed to load config: ", err) } // mount layers if len(cfg.Layers) == 0 { fatal("no layers configured!") } log.Printf("wanted layers: %q", cfg.Layers) layersInMemory := paramBool("layers-in-mem", false) const layersInMemDir = "/layers-in-mem" if layersInMemory { mkdir(layersInMemDir, 0700) mount("layers-mem", layersInMemDir, "tmpfs", 0, "") } lowers := make([]string, len(cfg.Layers)) for i, layer := range cfg.Layers { path := layerPath(layer) info, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fatal(err) } log.Printf("layer %s found (%d bytes)", layer, info.Size()) if layersInMemory { log.Print(" copying to memory...") targetPath := filepath.Join(layersInMemDir, layer) cp(path, targetPath) path = targetPath } dir := "/layers/" + layer lowers[i] = dir loopDev := fmt.Sprintf("/dev/loop%d", i) losetup(loopDev, path) mount(loopDev, dir, "squashfs", layerMountFlags, "") } // prepare system root mount("mem", "/changes", "tmpfs", 0, "") mkdir("/changes/workdir", 0755) mkdir("/changes/upperdir", 0755) mount("overlay", "/system", "overlay", rootMountFlags, "lowerdir="+strings.Join(lowers, ":")+",upperdir=/changes/upperdir,workdir=/changes/workdir") // mount("/boot", "/system/boot", "", syscall.MS_BIND, "") if layersInMemory && bootMounted { if err := syscall.Unmount("/boot", 0); err != nil { log.Print("WARNING: failed to unmount /boot: ", err) time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } } // - write configuration log.Print("writing /config.yaml") if err := ioutil.WriteFile("/system/config.yaml", cfgBytes, 0600); err != nil { fatal("failed: ", err) } // - write files for _, fileDef := range cfg.Files { log.Print("writing ", fileDef.Path) filePath := filepath.Join("/system", fileDef.Path) ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, []byte(fileDef.Content), fileDef.Mode) } // clean zombies cleanZombies() // switch root log.Print("switching root") err = syscall.Exec("/sbin/switch_root", []string{"switch_root", "-c", "/dev/console", "/system", "/sbin/init"}, os.Environ()) fatal("switch_root failed: ", err) } func layerPath(name string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("/boot/%s/layers/%s.fs", bootVersion, name) } func fatal(v ...interface{}) { log.Print("*** FATAL ***") log.Print(v...) select {} } func fatalf(pattern string, v ...interface{}) { log.Print("*** FATAL ***") log.Printf(pattern, v...) select {} } func losetup(dev, file string) { run("/sbin/losetup", dev, file) } func run(cmd string, args ...string) { if output, err := exec.Command(cmd, args...).CombinedOutput(); err != nil { fatalf("command %s %q failed: %v\n%s", cmd, args, err, string(output)) } } func mkdir(dir string, mode os.FileMode) { if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, mode); err != nil { fatalf("mkdir %q failed: %v", dir, err) } } func mount(source, target, fstype string, flags uintptr, data string) { if _, err := os.Stat(target); os.IsNotExist(err) { mkdir(target, 0755) } if err := syscall.Mount(source, target, fstype, flags, data); err != nil { fatalf("mount %q %q -t %q -o %q failed: %v", source, target, fstype, data, err) } log.Printf("mounted %q", target) } func cp(srcPath, dstPath string) { var err error defer func() { if err != nil { fatalf("cp %s %s failed: %v", srcPath, dstPath, err) } }() src, err := os.Open(srcPath) if err != nil { return } defer src.Close() dst, err := os.Create(dstPath) if err != nil { return } defer dst.Close() _, err = io.Copy(dst, src) }