package main import ( "flag" "log" "net/http" "path" restful "" "" "" ) var trustXFF = flag.Bool("trust-xff", true, "Trust the X-Forwarded-For header") type wsHost struct { prefix string hostDoc string getHost func(req *restful.Request) string } func (ws *wsHost) register(rws *restful.WebService, alterRB func(*restful.RouteBuilder)) { b := func(what string) *restful.RouteBuilder { return rws.GET(ws.prefix + "/" + what).To(ws.render) } for _, rb := range []*restful.RouteBuilder{ rws.GET(ws.prefix).To(ws.get). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s details"), // raw configuration b("config"). Produces(mime.YAML). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s configuration"), // metal/local HDD install b("boot.img"). Produces(mime.DISK). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s boot disk image"), b("boot.img.gz"). Produces(mime.DISK + "+gzip"). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s boot disk image (gzip compressed)"), b("boot.img.lz4"). Produces(mime.DISK + "+lz4"). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s boot disk image (lz4 compressed)"), // metal/local HDD upgrades b("boot.tar"). Produces(mime.TAR). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s /boot archive (ie: for metal upgrades)"), // read-only ISO support b("boot.iso"). Produces(mime.ISO). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s boot CD-ROM image"), // netboot support b("ipxe"). Produces(mime.IPXE). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s IPXE code (for netboot)"), b("kernel"). Produces(mime.OCTET). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s kernel (ie: for netboot)"), b("initrd"). Produces(mime.OCTET). Doc("Get the " + ws.hostDoc + "'s initial RAM disk (ie: for netboot)"), } { alterRB(rb) rws.Route(rb) } } func (ws *wsHost) host(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) (host *localconfig.Host, cfg *localconfig.Config) { hostname := ws.getHost(req) if hostname == "" { wsNotFound(req, resp) return } cfg, err := readConfig() if err != nil { wsError(resp, err) return } host = cfg.Host(hostname) if host == nil { log.Print("no host named ", hostname) wsNotFound(req, resp) return } return } func (ws *wsHost) get(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { host, _ :=, resp) if host == nil { return } resp.WriteEntity(host) } func (ws *wsHost) render(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { host, cfg :=, resp) if host == nil { return } what := path.Base(req.Request.URL.Path) renderHost(resp.ResponseWriter, req.Request, what, host, cfg) } func renderHost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, what string, host *localconfig.Host, cfg *localconfig.Config) { ctx, err := newRenderContext(host, cfg) if err != nil { log.Printf("host %s: %s: failed to render: %v", what, host.Name, err) http.Error(w, "", http.StatusServiceUnavailable) return } switch what { case "config": err = renderConfig(w, r, ctx) case "ipxe": err = renderIPXE(w, ctx) case "kernel": err = renderKernel(w, r, ctx) case "initrd": err = renderCtx(w, r, ctx, what, buildInitrd) case "boot.iso": err = renderCtx(w, r, ctx, what, buildBootISO) case "boot.tar": err = renderCtx(w, r, ctx, what, buildBootTar) case "boot.img": err = renderCtx(w, r, ctx, what, buildBootImg) case "boot.img.gz": err = renderCtx(w, r, ctx, what, buildBootImgGZ) case "boot.img.lz4": err = renderCtx(w, r, ctx, what, buildBootImgLZ4) default: http.NotFound(w, r) } if err != nil { log.Printf("host %s: %s: failed to render: %v", what, host.Name, err) http.Error(w, "", http.StatusServiceUnavailable) } }