[gRPC Go](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go) recently acquired support for
Interceptors, i.e. [middleware](https://medium.com/@matryer/writing-middleware-in-golang-and-how-go-makes-it-so-much-fun-4375c1246e81#.gv7tdlghs)
that is executed either on the gRPC Server before the request is passed onto the user's application logic, or on the gRPC client either around the user call. It is a perfect way to implement
common patterns: auth, logging, message, validation, retries or monitoring.
These are generic building blocks that make it easy to build multiple microservices easily.
The purpose of this repository is to act as a go-to point for such reusable functionality. It contains
some of them itself, but also will link to useful external repos.
`grpc_middleware` itself provides support for chaining interceptors, here's an example:
* [`grpc_prometheus`⚡](https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus) - Prometheus client-side and server-side monitoring middleware
* [`otgrpc`⚡](https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-opentracing/tree/master/go/otgrpc) - [OpenTracing](http://opentracing.io/) client-side and server-side interceptors
* [`grpc_opentracing`](tracing/opentracing) - [OpenTracing](http://opentracing.io/) client-side and server-side interceptors with support for streaming and handler-returned tags