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Copyright 2019 The Ceph-CSI Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package rbd
import (
func validateNonEmptyField(field, fieldName, structName string) error {
if field == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("value '%s' in '%s' structure cannot be empty", fieldName, structName)
return nil
func validateRbdSnap(rbdSnap *rbdSnapshot) error {
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdSnap.RequestName, "RequestName", "rbdSnapshot"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdSnap.Monitors, "Monitors", "rbdSnapshot"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdSnap.AdminID, "AdminID", "rbdSnapshot"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdSnap.Pool, "Pool", "rbdSnapshot"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdSnap.RbdImageName, "RbdImageName", "rbdSnapshot"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdSnap.ClusterID, "ClusterID", "rbdSnapshot"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func validateRbdVol(rbdVol *rbdVolume) error {
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdVol.RequestName, "RequestName", "rbdVolume"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdVol.Monitors, "Monitors", "rbdVolume"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdVol.AdminID, "AdminID", "rbdVolume"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdVol.Pool, "Pool", "rbdVolume"); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateNonEmptyField(rbdVol.ClusterID, "ClusterID", "rbdVolume"); err != nil {
return err
if rbdVol.VolSize == 0 {
return errors.New("value 'VolSize' in 'rbdVolume' structure cannot be 0")
return nil
checkSnapExists, and its counterpart checkVolExists, function as checks to determine if passed
in rbdSnapshot or rbdVolume exists on the backend.
**NOTE:** These functions manipulate the rados omaps that hold information regarding
volume names as requested by the CSI drivers. Hence, these need to be invoked only when the
respective CSI driver generated snapshot or volume name based locks are held, as otherwise racy
access to these omaps may end up leaving them in an inconsistent state.
These functions need enough information about cluster and pool (ie, Monitors, Pool, IDs filled in)
to operate. They further require that the RequestName element of the structure have a valid value
to operate on and determine if the said RequestName already exists on the backend.
These functions populate the snapshot or the image name, its attributes and the CSI snapshot/volume
ID for the same when succesful.
These functions also cleanup omap reservations that are stale. I.e when omap entries exist and
backing images or snapshots are missing, or one of the omaps exist and the next is missing. This is
because, the order of omap creation and deletion are inverse of each other, and protected by the
request name lock, and hence any stale omaps are leftovers from incomplete transactions and are
hence safe to garbage collect.
func checkSnapExists(rbdSnap *rbdSnapshot, credentials map[string]string) (found bool, err error) {
if err = validateRbdSnap(rbdSnap); err != nil {
return false, err
key, err := getKey(rbdSnap.AdminID, credentials)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// check if request name is already part of the snaps omap
snapUUID, err := util.GetOMapValue(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID,
key, rbdSnap.Pool, csiSnapsDirectory, csiSnapNameKeyPrefix+rbdSnap.RequestName)
if err != nil {
// error should specifically be not found, for image to be absent, any other error
// is not conclusive, and we should not proceed
if _, ok := err.(util.ErrKeyNotFound); ok {
return false, nil
return false, err
rbdSnap.RbdSnapName = rbdSnapNamePrefix + snapUUID
// TODO: use listomapvals to dump all keys instead of reading them one-by-one
// check if the snapshot image omap is present
savedSnapName, err := util.GetOMapValue(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID,
key, rbdSnap.Pool, rbdSnapOMapPrefix+snapUUID, rbdSnapCSISnapNameKey)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(util.ErrKeyNotFound); ok {
err = unreserveSnap(rbdSnap, credentials)
return false, err
// check if snapshot image omap points back to the request name
if savedSnapName != rbdSnap.RequestName {
// NOTE: This should never be possible, hence no cleanup, but log error
// and return, as cleanup may need to occur manually!
return false, fmt.Errorf("internal state inconsistent, omap snap"+
" names disagree, request name (%s) snap name (%s) image omap"+
" snap name (%s)", rbdSnap.RequestName, rbdSnap.RbdSnapName, savedSnapName)
// check if the snapshot source image omap is present
savedVolName, err := util.GetOMapValue(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID,
key, rbdSnap.Pool, rbdSnapOMapPrefix+snapUUID, rbdSnapSourceImageKey)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(util.ErrKeyNotFound); ok {
err = unreserveSnap(rbdSnap, credentials)
return false, err
// check if snapshot source image omap points back to the source volume passed in
if savedVolName != rbdSnap.RbdImageName {
// NOTE: This can happen if there is a snapname conflict, and we alerady have a snapshot
// with the same name pointing to a different RBD image as the source
err = fmt.Errorf("snapname points to different image, request name (%s)"+
" image name (%s) image omap"+" volume name (%s)",
rbdSnap.RequestName, rbdSnap.RbdImageName, savedVolName)
return false, ErrSnapNameConflict{rbdSnap.RequestName, err}
// Fetch on-disk image attributes
err = updateSnapWithImageInfo(rbdSnap, credentials)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrSnapNotFound); ok {
err = unreserveSnap(rbdSnap, credentials)
return false, err
return false, err
// found a snapshot already available, process and return its information
poolID, err := util.GetPoolID(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID, key, rbdSnap.Pool)
if err != nil {
return false, err
vi := util.CSIIdentifier{
PoolID: poolID,
EncodingVersion: volIDVersion,
ClusterID: rbdSnap.ClusterID,
ObjectUUID: snapUUID,
rbdSnap.SnapID, err = vi.ComposeCSIID()
if err != nil {
return false, err
klog.V(4).Infof("Found existing snap (%s) with snap name (%s) for request (%s)",
rbdSnap.SnapID, rbdSnap.RbdSnapName, rbdSnap.RequestName)
return true, nil
Check comment on checkSnapExists, to understand how this function behaves
**NOTE:** These functions manipulate the rados omaps that hold information regarding
volume names as requested by the CSI drivers. Hence, these need to be invoked only when the
respective CSI snapshot or volume name based locks are held, as otherwise racy access to these
omaps may end up leaving the omaps in an inconsistent state.
func checkVolExists(rbdVol *rbdVolume, credentials map[string]string) (found bool, err error) {
var vi util.CSIIdentifier
if err = validateRbdVol(rbdVol); err != nil {
return false, err
key, err := getKey(rbdVol.AdminID, credentials)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// check if request name is already part of the volumes omap
imageUUID, err := util.GetOMapValue(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID,
key, rbdVol.Pool, csiVolsDirectory, csiVolNameKeyPrefix+rbdVol.RequestName)
if err != nil {
// error should specifically be not found, for image to be absent, any other error
// is not conclusive, and we should not proceed
if _, ok := err.(util.ErrKeyNotFound); ok {
return false, nil
return false, err
rbdVol.RbdImageName = rbdImgNamePrefix + imageUUID
// check if the image omap is present
savedVolName, err := util.GetOMapValue(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID,
key, rbdVol.Pool, rbdImageOMapPrefix+imageUUID, rbdImageCSIVolNameKey)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(util.ErrKeyNotFound); ok {
err = unreserveVol(rbdVol, credentials)
return false, err
// check if image omap points back to the request name
if savedVolName != rbdVol.RequestName {
// NOTE: This should never be possible, hence no cleanup, but log error
// and return, as cleanup may need to occur manually!
return false, fmt.Errorf("internal state inconsistent, omap volume"+
" names disagree, request name (%s) image name (%s) image omap"+
" volume name (%s)", rbdVol.RequestName, rbdVol.RbdImageName, savedVolName)
// NOTE: Return volsize should be on-disk volsize, not request vol size, so
// save it for size checks before fetching image data
requestSize := rbdVol.VolSize
// Fetch on-disk image attributes and compare against request
err = updateVolWithImageInfo(rbdVol, credentials)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrImageNotFound); ok {
err = unreserveVol(rbdVol, credentials)
return false, err
return false, err
// size checks
if rbdVol.VolSize < requestSize {
err = fmt.Errorf("image with the same name (%s) but with different size already exists",
return false, ErrVolNameConflict{rbdVol.RbdImageName, err}
// TODO: We should also ensure image features and format is the same
// found a volume already available, process and return it!
poolID, err := util.GetPoolID(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID, key, rbdVol.Pool)
if err != nil {
return false, err
vi = util.CSIIdentifier{
PoolID: poolID,
EncodingVersion: volIDVersion,
ClusterID: rbdVol.ClusterID,
ObjectUUID: imageUUID,
rbdVol.VolID, err = vi.ComposeCSIID()
if err != nil {
return false, err
klog.V(4).Infof("Found existng volume (%s) with image name (%s) for request (%s)",
rbdVol.VolID, rbdVol.RbdImageName, rbdVol.RequestName)
return true, nil
unreserveSnap and unreserveVol remove omaps associated with the snapshot and the image name,
and also remove the corresponding request name key in the snaps or volumes omaps respectively.
This is performed within the request name lock, to ensure that requests with the same name do not
manipulate the omap entries concurrently.
func unreserveSnap(rbdSnap *rbdSnapshot, credentials map[string]string) error {
key, err := getKey(rbdSnap.AdminID, credentials)
if err != nil {
return err
// delete snap image omap (first, inverse of create order)
snapUUID := strings.TrimPrefix(rbdSnap.RbdSnapName, rbdSnapNamePrefix)
err = util.RemoveObject(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID, key, rbdSnap.Pool, rbdSnapOMapPrefix+snapUUID)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(util.ErrObjectNotFound); !ok {
klog.Errorf("failed removing oMap %s (%s)", rbdSnapOMapPrefix+snapUUID, err)
return err
// delete the request name omap key (last, inverse of create order)
err = util.RemoveOMapKey(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID, key, rbdSnap.Pool,
csiSnapsDirectory, csiSnapNameKeyPrefix+rbdSnap.RequestName)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("failed removing oMap key %s (%s)", csiSnapNameKeyPrefix+rbdSnap.RequestName, err)
return err
return nil
func unreserveVol(rbdVol *rbdVolume, credentials map[string]string) error {
key, err := getKey(rbdVol.AdminID, credentials)
if err != nil {
return err
// delete image omap (first, inverse of create order)
imageUUID := strings.TrimPrefix(rbdVol.RbdImageName, rbdImgNamePrefix)
err = util.RemoveObject(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID, key, rbdVol.Pool, rbdImageOMapPrefix+imageUUID)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(util.ErrObjectNotFound); !ok {
klog.Errorf("failed removing oMap %s (%s)", rbdImageOMapPrefix+imageUUID, err)
return err
// delete the request name omap key (last, inverse of create order)
err = util.RemoveOMapKey(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID, key, rbdVol.Pool,
csiVolsDirectory, csiVolNameKeyPrefix+rbdVol.RequestName)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("failed removing oMap key %s (%s)", csiVolNameKeyPrefix+rbdVol.RequestName, err)
return err
return nil
// reserveOMapName creates an omap with passed in oMapNamePrefix and a generated <uuid>.
// It ensures generated omap name does not already exist and if conflicts are detected, a set
// number of retires with newer uuids are attempted before returning an error
func reserveOMapName(monitors, adminID, key, poolName, oMapNamePrefix string) (string, error) {
var iterUUID string
maxAttempts := 5
attempt := 1
for attempt <= maxAttempts {
// generate a uuid for the image name
iterUUID = uuid.NewUUID().String()
err := util.CreateObject(monitors, adminID, key, poolName, oMapNamePrefix+iterUUID)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(util.ErrObjectExists); ok {
// try again with a different uuid, for maxAttempts tries
klog.V(4).Infof("uuid (%s) conflict detected, retrying (attempt %d of %d)",
iterUUID, attempt, maxAttempts)
return "", err
if attempt > maxAttempts {
return "", errors.New("uuid conflicts exceeds retry threshold")
return iterUUID, nil
reserveSnap and reserveVol add respective entries to the volumes and snapshots omaps, post
generating a target snapshot or image name for use. Further, these functions create the snapshot or
image name omaps, to store back pointers to the CSI generated request names.
This is performed within the request name lock, to ensure that requests with the same name do not
manipulate the omap entries concurrently.
func reserveSnap(rbdSnap *rbdSnapshot, credentials map[string]string) error {
var vi util.CSIIdentifier
key, err := getKey(rbdSnap.AdminID, credentials)
if err != nil {
return err
poolID, err := util.GetPoolID(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID, key,
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the snapUUID based omap first, to reserve the same and avoid conflicts
// NOTE: If any service loss occurs post creation of the snap omap, and before
// setting the omap key (rbdSnapCSISnapNameKey) to point back to the snaps omap, the
// snap omap key will leak
snapUUID, err := reserveOMapName(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID, key, rbdSnap.Pool,
if err != nil {
return err
// Create request snapUUID key in csi snaps omap and store the uuid based
// snap name into it
err = util.SetOMapKeyValue(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID, key,
rbdSnap.Pool, csiSnapsDirectory, csiSnapNameKeyPrefix+rbdSnap.RequestName, snapUUID)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("reservation failed for volume: %s", rbdSnap.RequestName)
errDefer := unreserveSnap(rbdSnap, credentials)
if errDefer != nil {
klog.Warningf("failed undoing reservation of snapshot: %s (%v)",
rbdSnap.RequestName, errDefer)
// Create snap name based omap and store CSI request name key and source information
err = util.SetOMapKeyValue(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID, key, rbdSnap.Pool,
rbdSnapOMapPrefix+snapUUID, rbdSnapCSISnapNameKey, rbdSnap.RequestName)
if err != nil {
return err
err = util.SetOMapKeyValue(rbdSnap.Monitors, rbdSnap.AdminID, key, rbdSnap.Pool,
rbdSnapOMapPrefix+snapUUID, rbdSnapSourceImageKey, rbdSnap.RbdImageName)
if err != nil {
return err
// generate the volume ID to return to the CO system
vi = util.CSIIdentifier{
PoolID: poolID,
EncodingVersion: volIDVersion,
ClusterID: rbdSnap.ClusterID,
ObjectUUID: snapUUID,
rbdSnap.SnapID, err = vi.ComposeCSIID()
if err != nil {
return err
rbdSnap.RbdSnapName = rbdSnapNamePrefix + snapUUID
klog.V(4).Infof("Generated Volume ID (%s) and image name (%s) for request name (%s)",
rbdSnap.SnapID, rbdSnap.RbdImageName, rbdSnap.RequestName)
return nil
func reserveVol(rbdVol *rbdVolume, credentials map[string]string) error {
var vi util.CSIIdentifier
key, err := getKey(rbdVol.AdminID, credentials)
if err != nil {
return err
poolID, err := util.GetPoolID(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID, key,
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the imageUUID based omap first, to reserve the same and avoid conflicts
// NOTE: If any service loss occurs post creation of the image omap, and before
// setting the omap key (rbdImageCSIVolNameKey) to point back to the volumes omap,
// the image omap key will leak
imageUUID, err := reserveOMapName(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID, key, rbdVol.Pool, rbdImageOMapPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
// Create request volName key in csi volumes omap and store the uuid based
// image name into it
err = util.SetOMapKeyValue(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID, key,
rbdVol.Pool, csiVolsDirectory, csiVolNameKeyPrefix+rbdVol.RequestName, imageUUID)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("reservation failed for volume: %s", rbdVol.RequestName)
errDefer := unreserveVol(rbdVol, credentials)
if errDefer != nil {
klog.Warningf("failed undoing reservation of volume: %s (%v)",
rbdVol.RequestName, errDefer)
// Create image name based omap and store CSI request volume name key and data
err = util.SetOMapKeyValue(rbdVol.Monitors, rbdVol.AdminID, key, rbdVol.Pool,
rbdImageOMapPrefix+imageUUID, rbdImageCSIVolNameKey, rbdVol.RequestName)
if err != nil {
return err
// generate the volume ID to return to the CO system
vi = util.CSIIdentifier{
PoolID: poolID,
EncodingVersion: volIDVersion,
ClusterID: rbdVol.ClusterID,
ObjectUUID: imageUUID,
rbdVol.VolID, err = vi.ComposeCSIID()
if err != nil {
return err
rbdVol.RbdImageName = rbdImgNamePrefix + imageUUID
klog.V(4).Infof("Generated Volume ID (%s) and image name (%s) for request name (%s)",
rbdVol.VolID, rbdVol.RbdImageName, rbdVol.RequestName)
return nil