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Copyright 2023 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package validatingadmissionpolicy
import (
plugincel "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/admission/plugin/cel"
apiservercel "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/cel"
const maxTypesToCheck = 10
type TypeChecker struct {
SchemaResolver resolver.SchemaResolver
RestMapper meta.RESTMapper
// TypeCheckingContext holds information about the policy being type-checked.
// The struct is opaque to the caller.
type TypeCheckingContext struct {
gvks []schema.GroupVersionKind
declTypes []*apiservercel.DeclType
paramGVK schema.GroupVersionKind
paramDeclType *apiservercel.DeclType
type typeOverwrite struct {
object *apiservercel.DeclType
params *apiservercel.DeclType
// TypeCheckingResult holds the issues found during type checking, any returned
// error, and the gvk that the type checking is performed against.
type TypeCheckingResult struct {
// GVK is the associated GVK
GVK schema.GroupVersionKind
// Issues contain machine-readable information about the typechecking result.
Issues *cel.Issues
// Err is the possible error that was encounter during type checking.
Err error
// TypeCheckingResults is a collection of TypeCheckingResult
type TypeCheckingResults []*TypeCheckingResult
func (rs TypeCheckingResults) String() string {
var messages []string
for _, r := range rs {
message := r.String()
if message != "" {
messages = append(messages, message)
return strings.Join(messages, "\n")
// String converts the result to human-readable form as a string.
func (r *TypeCheckingResult) String() string {
if r.Issues == nil && r.Err == nil {
return ""
if r.Err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v: type checking error: %v\n", r.GVK, r.Err)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s\n", r.GVK, r.Issues)
// Check preforms the type check against the given policy, and format the result
// as []ExpressionWarning that is ready to be set in policy.Status
// The result is nil if type checking returns no warning.
// The policy object is NOT mutated. The caller should update Status accordingly
func (c *TypeChecker) Check(policy *v1beta1.ValidatingAdmissionPolicy) []v1beta1.ExpressionWarning {
ctx := c.CreateContext(policy)
// warnings to return, note that the capacity is optimistically set to zero
var warnings []v1beta1.ExpressionWarning // intentionally not setting capacity
// check main validation expressions and their message expressions, located in spec.validations[*]
fieldRef := field.NewPath("spec", "validations")
for i, v := range policy.Spec.Validations {
results := c.CheckExpression(ctx, v.Expression)
if len(results) != 0 {
warnings = append(warnings, v1beta1.ExpressionWarning{
FieldRef: fieldRef.Index(i).Child("expression").String(),
Warning: results.String(),
// Note that MessageExpression is optional
if v.MessageExpression == "" {
results = c.CheckExpression(ctx, v.MessageExpression)
if len(results) != 0 {
warnings = append(warnings, v1beta1.ExpressionWarning{
FieldRef: fieldRef.Index(i).Child("messageExpression").String(),
Warning: results.String(),
return warnings
// CreateContext resolves all types and their schemas from a policy definition and creates the context.
func (c *TypeChecker) CreateContext(policy *v1beta1.ValidatingAdmissionPolicy) *TypeCheckingContext {
ctx := new(TypeCheckingContext)
allGvks := c.typesToCheck(policy)
gvks := make([]schema.GroupVersionKind, 0, len(allGvks))
declTypes := make([]*apiservercel.DeclType, 0, len(allGvks))
for _, gvk := range allGvks {
declType, err := c.declType(gvk)
if err != nil {
// type checking errors MUST NOT alter the behavior of the policy
// even if an error occurs.
if !errors.Is(err, resolver.ErrSchemaNotFound) {
// Anything except ErrSchemaNotFound is an internal error
klog.V(2).ErrorS(err, "internal error: schema resolution failure", "gvk", gvk)
// skip for not found or internal error
gvks = append(gvks, gvk)
declTypes = append(declTypes, declType)
ctx.gvks = gvks
ctx.declTypes = declTypes
paramsGVK := c.paramsGVK(policy) // maybe empty, correctly handled
paramsDeclType, err := c.declType(paramsGVK)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, resolver.ErrSchemaNotFound) {
klog.V(2).ErrorS(err, "internal error: cannot resolve schema for params", "gvk", paramsGVK)
paramsDeclType = nil
ctx.paramGVK = paramsGVK
ctx.paramDeclType = paramsDeclType
return ctx
// CheckExpression type checks a single expression, given the context
func (c *TypeChecker) CheckExpression(ctx *TypeCheckingContext, expression string) TypeCheckingResults {
var results TypeCheckingResults
for i, gvk := range ctx.gvks {
declType := ctx.declTypes[i]
// TODO(jiahuif) hasAuthorizer always true for now, will change after expending type checking to all fields.
issues, err := c.checkExpression(expression, ctx.paramDeclType != nil, true, typeOverwrite{
object: declType,
params: ctx.paramDeclType,
if issues != nil || err != nil {
results = append(results, &TypeCheckingResult{Issues: issues, Err: err, GVK: gvk})
return results
func generateUniqueTypeName(kind string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", kind, time.Now().Nanosecond())
func (c *TypeChecker) declType(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) (*apiservercel.DeclType, error) {
if gvk.Empty() {
return nil, nil
s, err := c.SchemaResolver.ResolveSchema(gvk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return common.SchemaDeclType(&openapi.Schema{Schema: s}, true).MaybeAssignTypeName(generateUniqueTypeName(gvk.Kind)), nil
func (c *TypeChecker) paramsGVK(policy *v1beta1.ValidatingAdmissionPolicy) schema.GroupVersionKind {
if policy.Spec.ParamKind == nil {
return schema.GroupVersionKind{}
gv, err := schema.ParseGroupVersion(policy.Spec.ParamKind.APIVersion)
if err != nil {
return schema.GroupVersionKind{}
return gv.WithKind(policy.Spec.ParamKind.Kind)
func (c *TypeChecker) checkExpression(expression string, hasParams, hasAuthorizer bool, types typeOverwrite) (*cel.Issues, error) {
env, err := buildEnv(hasParams, hasAuthorizer, types)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We cannot reuse an AST that is parsed by another env, so reparse it here.
// Compile = Parse + Check, we especially want the results of Check.
// Paradoxically, we discard the type-checked result and let the admission
// controller use the dynamic typed program.
// This is a compromise that is defined in the KEP. We can revisit this
// decision and expect a change with limited size.
_, issues := env.Compile(expression)
return issues, nil
// typesToCheck extracts a list of GVKs that needs type checking from the policy
// the result is sorted in the order of Group, Version, and Kind
func (c *TypeChecker) typesToCheck(p *v1beta1.ValidatingAdmissionPolicy) []schema.GroupVersionKind {
gvks := sets.New[schema.GroupVersionKind]()
if p.Spec.MatchConstraints == nil || len(p.Spec.MatchConstraints.ResourceRules) == 0 {
return nil
for _, rule := range p.Spec.MatchConstraints.ResourceRules {
groups := extractGroups(&rule.Rule)
if len(groups) == 0 {
versions := extractVersions(&rule.Rule)
if len(versions) == 0 {
resources := extractResources(&rule.Rule)
if len(resources) == 0 {
// sort GVRs so that the loop below provides
// consistent results.
count := 0
for _, group := range groups {
for _, version := range versions {
for _, resource := range resources {
gvr := schema.GroupVersionResource{
Group: group,
Version: version,
Resource: resource,
resolved, err := c.RestMapper.KindsFor(gvr)
if err != nil {
for _, r := range resolved {
if !r.Empty() {
// early return if maximum number of types are already
// collected
if count == maxTypesToCheck {
if gvks.Len() == 0 {
return nil
return sortGVKList(gvks.UnsortedList())
if gvks.Len() == 0 {
return nil
return sortGVKList(gvks.UnsortedList())
func extractGroups(rule *v1beta1.Rule) []string {
groups := make([]string, 0, len(rule.APIGroups))
for _, group := range rule.APIGroups {
// give up if wildcard
if strings.ContainsAny(group, "*") {
return nil
groups = append(groups, group)
return groups
func extractVersions(rule *v1beta1.Rule) []string {
versions := make([]string, 0, len(rule.APIVersions))
for _, version := range rule.APIVersions {
if strings.ContainsAny(version, "*") {
return nil
versions = append(versions, version)
return versions
func extractResources(rule *v1beta1.Rule) []string {
resources := make([]string, 0, len(rule.Resources))
for _, resource := range rule.Resources {
// skip wildcard and subresources
if strings.ContainsAny(resource, "*/") {
resources = append(resources, resource)
return resources
// sortGVKList sorts the list by Group, Version, and Kind
// returns the list itself.
func sortGVKList(list []schema.GroupVersionKind) []schema.GroupVersionKind {
sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
if g := strings.Compare(list[i].Group, list[j].Group); g != 0 {
return g < 0
if v := strings.Compare(list[i].Version, list[j].Version); v != 0 {
return v < 0
return strings.Compare(list[i].Kind, list[j].Kind) < 0
return list
func buildEnv(hasParams bool, hasAuthorizer bool, types typeOverwrite) (*cel.Env, error) {
baseEnv := environment.MustBaseEnvSet(environment.DefaultCompatibilityVersion())
requestType := plugincel.BuildRequestType()
namespaceType := plugincel.BuildNamespaceType()
var varOpts []cel.EnvOption
var declTypes []*apiservercel.DeclType
// namespace, hand-crafted type
declTypes = append(declTypes, namespaceType)
varOpts = append(varOpts, createVariableOpts(namespaceType, plugincel.NamespaceVarName)...)
// request, hand-crafted type
declTypes = append(declTypes, requestType)
varOpts = append(varOpts, createVariableOpts(requestType, plugincel.RequestVarName)...)
// object and oldObject, same type, type(s) resolved from constraints
declTypes = append(declTypes, types.object)
varOpts = append(varOpts, createVariableOpts(types.object, plugincel.ObjectVarName, plugincel.OldObjectVarName)...)
// params, defined by ParamKind
if hasParams && types.params != nil {
declTypes = append(declTypes, types.params)
varOpts = append(varOpts, createVariableOpts(types.params, plugincel.ParamsVarName)...)
// authorizer, implicitly available to all expressions of a policy
if hasAuthorizer {
// we only need its structure but not the variable itself
varOpts = append(varOpts, cel.Variable("authorizer", library.AuthorizerType))
env, err := baseEnv.Extend(
// Feature epoch was actually 1.26, but we artificially set it to 1.0 because these
// options should always be present.
IntroducedVersion: version.MajorMinor(1, 0),
EnvOptions: varOpts,
DeclTypes: declTypes,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return env.Env(environment.StoredExpressions)
// createVariableOpts creates a slice of EnvOption
// that can be used for creating a CEL env containing variables of declType.
// declType can be nil, in which case the variables will be of DynType.
func createVariableOpts(declType *apiservercel.DeclType, variables ...string) []cel.EnvOption {
opts := make([]cel.EnvOption, 0, len(variables))
t := cel.DynType
if declType != nil {
t = declType.CelType()
for _, v := range variables {
opts = append(opts, cel.Variable(v, t))
return opts