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# Ceph CSI
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
## Overview
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
Ceph CSI plugins implement an interface between CSI enabled Container
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
Orchestrator and CEPH cluster. It allows dynamically provision CEPH
volumes and attach it to workloads.
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
Current implementation of Ceph CSI plugins was tested in Kubernetes environment (requires Kubernetes 1.10+),
but the code does not rely on any Kubernetes specific calls (WIP to make it k8s agnostic)
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
and should be able to run with any CSI enabled CO (Containers Orchestration).
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
[Container Storage Interface (CSI)](https://github.com/container-storage-interface/) driver, provisioner, and attacher for Ceph RBD and CephFS
## RBD Plugin
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
An RBD CSI plugin is available to help simplify storage management.
Once user creates PVC with the reference to a RBD storage class, rbd image and
corresponding PV object gets dynamically created and becomes ready to be used by
### Configuration Requirements
* Secret object with the authentication key for ceph cluster
* StorageClass with rbdplugin (default CSI RBD plugin name) as a provisioner name
and information about ceph cluster (monitors, pool, etc)
* Service Accounts with required RBAC permissions
### Feature Status
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
### 1.9: Alpha
**Important:** `CSIPersistentVolume` and `MountPropagation`
[feature gates must be enabled starting in 1.9](#enabling-the-alpha-feature-gates).
Also API server must run with running config set to: `storage.k8s.io/v1alpha1`
### Compiling
CSI RBD plugin can be compiled in a form of a binary file or in a form of a container. When compiled
as a binary file, it gets stored in \_output folder with the name rbdplugin. When compiled as a container,
the resulting image is stored in a local docker's image store.
To compile just a binary file:
$ make rbdplugin
To build a container:
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
$ make container-rbdplugin
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
By running:
$ docker images | grep rbdplugin
You should see the following line in the output:
quay.io/cephcsi/rbdplugin v0.2.0 76369a8f8528 15 minutes ago 372.5 MB
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
### Testing
#### Prerequisite
##### Enable Mount Propagation in Docker
Comment out `MountFlags=slave` in docker systemd service then restart docker service.
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart docker
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
##### Enable Kubernetes Feature Gates
Enable features `MountPropagation=true,CSIPersistentVolume=true` and runtime config `storage.k8s.io/v1alpha1=true`
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 1: Create Secret
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/rbd/kubernetes/rbd-secrets.yaml
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
**Important:** rbd-secrets.yaml, must be customized to match your ceph environment.
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 2: Create StorageClass
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/rbd/kubernetes/rbd-storage-class.yaml
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
2018-02-06 20:58:33 +00:00
**Important:** rbd-storage-class.yaml, must be customized to match your ceph environment.
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 3: Start CSI CEPH RBD plugin
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/rbd/kubernetes/rbdplugin.yaml
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 4: Start CSI External Attacher
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/rbd/kubernetes/csi-attacher.yaml
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 5: Start CSI External Provisioner
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/rbd/kubernetes/csi-provisioner.yaml
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
**Important:** Deployment yaml files includes required Service Account definitions and
required RBAC rules.
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 6: Check status of CSI RBD plugin
$ kubectl get pods | grep csi
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
The following output should be displayed:
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
default csi-attacher-0 1/1 Running 0 1d
2018-03-06 22:33:57 +00:00
default csi-rbdplugin-qxqtl 2/2 Running 0 1d
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
default csi-provisioner-0 1/1 Running 0 1d
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 7: Create PVC
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/rbd/kubernetes/pvc.yaml
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 8: Check status of provisioner PV
$ kubectl get pv
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
The following output should be displayed:
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-1b19ddf1-0047-11e8-85ab-760f2eed12ea 5Gi RWO Delete Bound default/csi-pvc rbdv2 10s
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
$ kubectl describe pv kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-1b19ddf1-0047-11e8-85ab-760f2eed12ea
Name: kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-1b19ddf1-0047-11e8-85ab-760f2eed12ea
Annotations: csi.volume.kubernetes.io/volume-attributes={"monitors":"","pool":"kubernetes"}
csiProvisionerIdentity=1516716490787-8081-rbdplugin <------ !!!
StorageClass: rbdv2 <------ !!!
Status: Bound <------ !!!
Claim: default/csi-pvc <------ !!!
Reclaim Policy: Delete
Access Modes: RWO
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Capacity: 5Gi
Type: CSI <------ !!!
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
#### Step 9: Create a test pod
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
# kubectl create -f ./deploy/rbd/pod.yaml
2018-02-06 20:58:33 +00:00
## CephFS plugin
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
A CephFS CSI plugin is available to help simplify storage management.
Once user creates PVC with the reference to a CephFS CSI storage class, corresponding
PV object gets dynamically created and becomes ready to be used by workloads.
### Configuration Requirements
2018-04-13 14:00:49 +00:00
* Secret object with the authentication user ID `userID` and key `userKey` for ceph cluster
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
* StorageClass with csi-cephfsplugin (default CSI CephFS plugin name) as a provisioner name
2018-04-13 14:00:49 +00:00
and information about ceph cluster (monitors, pool, rootPath, ...)
* Service Accounts with required RBAC permissions
Mounter options: specifies whether to use FUSE or ceph kernel client for mounting. By default, the plugin will probe for `ceph-fuse`. If this fails, the kernel client will be used instead. Command line argument `--volumemounter=[fuse|kernel]` overrides this behaviour.
StorageClass options:
* `provisionVolume: "bool"`: if set to true, the plugin will provision and mount a new volume. Admin credentials `adminID` and `adminKey` are required in the secret object, since this also creates a dedicated RADOS user used for mounting the volume.
* `rootPath: /path-in-cephfs`: required field if `provisionVolume=true`. CephFS is mounted from the specified path. User credentials `userID` and `userKey` are required in the secret object.
* `mounter: "kernel" or "fuse"`: (optional) per-StorageClass mounter configuration. Overrides the default mounter.
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
### Feature Status
### 1.10: Alpha
**Important:** `CSIPersistentVolume` and `MountPropagation`
[feature gates must be enabled starting in 1.9](#enabling-the-alpha-feature-gates).
Also API server must run with running config set to: `storage.k8s.io/v1alpha1`
2018-03-27 12:19:11 +00:00
* `kube-apiserver` must be launched with `--feature-gates=CSIPersistentVolume=true,MountPropagation=true`
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
and `--runtime-config=storage.k8s.io/v1alpha1=true`
2018-03-27 12:19:11 +00:00
* `kube-controller-manager` must be launched with `--feature-gates=CSIPersistentVolume=true`
* `kubelet` must be launched with `--feature-gates=CSIPersistentVolume=true,MountPropagation=true`
2018-03-26 13:02:34 +00:00
### Compiling
CSI CephFS plugin can be compiled in a form of a binary file or in a form of a container. When compiled
as a binary file, it gets stored in \_output folder with the name cephfsplugin. When compiled as a container,
the resulting image is stored in a local docker's image store.
To compile just a binary file:
$ make cephfsplugin
To build a container:
$ make cephfsplugin-container
By running:
$ docker images | grep cephfsplugin
You should see the following line in the output:
quay.io/cephcsi/cephfsplugin v0.2.0 79482e644593 4 minutes ago 305MB
### Testing
#### Prerequisite
##### Enable Mount Propagation in Docker
Comment out `MountFlags=slave` in docker systemd service then restart docker service.
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart docker
##### Enable Kubernetes Feature Gates
Enable features `MountPropagation=true,CSIPersistentVolume=true` and runtime config `storage.k8s.io/v1alpha1=true`
#### Step 1: Create Secret
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/cephfs/kubernetes/secret.yaml
**Important:** secret.yaml, must be customized to match your ceph environment.
#### Step 2: Create StorageClass
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/cephfs/kubernetes/cephfs-storage-class.yaml
**Important:** cephfs-storage-class.yaml, must be customized to match your ceph environment.
#### Step 3: Start CSI CEPH CephFS plugin
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/cephfs/kubernetes/cephfsplugin.yaml
#### Step 4: Start CSI External Attacher
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/cephfs/kubernetes/csi-attacher.yaml
#### Step 5: Start CSI External Provisioner
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/cephfs/kubernetes/csi-provisioner.yaml
**Important:** Deployment yaml files includes required Service Account definitions and
required RBAC rules.
#### Step 6: Check status of CSI CephFS plugin
$ kubectl get pods | grep csi
csi-attacher-0 1/1 Running 0 6m
csi-cephfsplugin-hmqpk 2/2 Running 0 6m
csi-provisioner-0 1/1 Running 0 6m
#### Step 7: Create PVC
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/cephfs/kubernetes/pvc.yaml
#### Step 8: Check status of provisioner PV
$ kubectl get pv
kubernetes-dynamic-pv-715cef0b30d811e8 5Gi RWX Delete Bound default/csi-cephfs-pvc csi-cephfs 5s
$ kubectl describe pv kubernetes-dynamic-pv-715cef0b30d811e8
Name: kubernetes-dynamic-pv-715cef0b30d811e8
Labels: <none>
Annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by=csi-cephfsplugin
StorageClass: csi-cephfs
Status: Bound
Claim: default/csi-cephfs-pvc
Reclaim Policy: Delete
Access Modes: RWX
Capacity: 5Gi
Type: CSI (a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume source)
Driver: ReadOnly: %v
VolumeHandle: csi-cephfsplugin
%!(EXTRA string=csi-cephfs-7182b779-30d8-11e8-bf01-5254007d7491, bool=false)Events: <none>
#### Step 9: Create a test pod
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/cephfs/kubernetes/pod.yaml
2018-01-20 20:04:38 +00:00
## Troubleshooting
Please submit an issue at:[Issues](https://github.com/ceph/ceph-csi/issues)