// items is the list of groups for discovery. The groups are listed in priority order.
// APIResourceDiscovery provides information about an API resource for discovery.
// resource is the plural name of the resource. This is used in the URL path and is the unique identifier
// for this resource across all versions in the API group.
// Resources with non-empty groups are located at /apis/<APIGroupDiscovery.objectMeta.name>/<APIVersionDiscovery.version>/<APIResourceDiscovery.Resource>
// Resources with empty groups are located at /api/v1/<APIResourceDiscovery.Resource>
// responseKind describes the group, version, and kind of the serialization schema for the object type this endpoint typically returns.
// APIs may return other objects types at their discretion, such as error conditions, requests for alternate representations, or other operation specific behavior.
// scope indicates the scope of a resource, either Cluster or Namespaced
// singularResource is the singular name of the resource. This allows clients to handle plural and singular opaquely.
// For many clients the singular form of the resource will be more understandable to users reading messages and should be used when integrating the name of the resource into a sentence.
// The command line tool kubectl, for example, allows use of the singular resource name in place of plurals.
// The singular form of a resource should always be an optional element - when in doubt use the canonical resource name.
// verbs is a list of supported API operation types (this includes
// but is not limited to get, list, watch, create, update, patch,
// delete, deletecollection, and proxy).
// +listType=set
// shortNames is a list of suggested short names of the resource.
// +listType=set
// categories is a list of the grouped resources this resource belongs to (e.g. 'all').
// Clients may use this to simplify acting on multiple resource types at once.
// +listType=set
// subresources is a list of subresources provided by this resource. Subresources are located at /apis/<APIGroupDiscovery.objectMeta.name>/<APIVersionDiscovery.version>/<APIResourceDiscovery.Resource>/name-of-instance/<APIResourceDiscovery.subresources[i].subresource>
// +listType=map
// +listMapKey=subresource
// APISubresourceDiscovery provides information about an API subresource for discovery.
// subresource is the name of the subresource. This is used in the URL path and is the unique identifier
// for this resource across all versions.
// responseKind describes the group, version, and kind of the serialization schema for the object type this endpoint typically returns.