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// +build !luminous,!mimic
package admin
// this is the internal type used to create JSON for ceph.
// See SubVolumeOptions for the type that users of the library
// interact with.
// note that the ceph json takes mode as a string.
type subVolumeFields struct {
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
Format string `json:"format"`
VolName string `json:"vol_name"`
GroupName string `json:"group_name,omitempty"`
SubName string `json:"sub_name"`
Size ByteCount `json:"size,omitempty"`
Uid int `json:"uid,omitempty"`
Gid int `json:"gid,omitempty"`
Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
PoolLayout string `json:"pool_layout,omitempty"`
NamespaceIsolated bool `json:"namespace_isolated"`
// SubVolumeOptions are used to specify optional, non-identifying, values
// to be used when creating a new subvolume.
type SubVolumeOptions struct {
Size ByteCount
Uid int
Gid int
Mode int
PoolLayout string
NamespaceIsolated bool
func (s *SubVolumeOptions) toFields(v, g, n string) *subVolumeFields {
return &subVolumeFields{
Prefix: "fs subvolume create",
Format: "json",
VolName: v,
GroupName: g,
SubName: n,
Size: s.Size,
Uid: s.Uid,
Gid: s.Gid,
Mode: modeString(s.Mode, false),
PoolLayout: s.PoolLayout,
NamespaceIsolated: s.NamespaceIsolated,
// NoGroup should be used when an optional subvolume group name is not
// specified.
const NoGroup = ""
// CreateSubVolume sends a request to create a CephFS subvolume in a volume,
// belonging to an optional subvolume group.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume create <volume> --group-name=<group> <name> ...
func (fsa *FSAdmin) CreateSubVolume(volume, group, name string, o *SubVolumeOptions) error {
if o == nil {
o = &SubVolumeOptions{}
f := o.toFields(volume, group, name)
return fsa.marshalMgrCommand(f).noData().End()
// ListSubVolumes returns a list of subvolumes belonging to the volume and
// optional subvolume group.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume ls <volume> --group-name=<group>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) ListSubVolumes(volume, group string) ([]string, error) {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume ls",
"vol_name": volume,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return parseListNames(fsa.marshalMgrCommand(m))
// RemoveSubVolume will delete a CephFS subvolume in a volume and optional
// subvolume group.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume rm <volume> --group-name=<group> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) RemoveSubVolume(volume, group, name string) error {
return fsa.rmSubVolume(volume, group, name, rmFlags{})
// ForceRemoveSubVolume will delete a CephFS subvolume in a volume and optional
// subvolume group.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume rm <volume> --group-name=<group> <name> --force
func (fsa *FSAdmin) ForceRemoveSubVolume(volume, group, name string) error {
return fsa.rmSubVolume(volume, group, name, rmFlags{force: true})
func (fsa *FSAdmin) rmSubVolume(volume, group, name string, o rmFlags) error {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume rm",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": name,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return fsa.marshalMgrCommand(o.Update(m)).noData().End()
type subVolumeResizeFields struct {
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
Format string `json:"format"`
VolName string `json:"vol_name"`
GroupName string `json:"group_name,omitempty"`
SubName string `json:"sub_name"`
NewSize string `json:"new_size"`
NoShrink bool `json:"no_shrink"`
// SubVolumeResizeResult reports the size values returned by the
// ResizeSubVolume function, as reported by Ceph.
type SubVolumeResizeResult struct {
BytesUsed ByteCount `json:"bytes_used"`
BytesQuota ByteCount `json:"bytes_quota"`
BytesPercent string `json:"bytes_pcent"`
// ResizeSubVolume will resize a CephFS subvolume. The newSize value may be a
// ByteCount or the special Infinite constant. Setting noShrink to true will
// prevent reducing the size of the volume below the current used size.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume resize <volume> --group-name=<group> <name> ...
func (fsa *FSAdmin) ResizeSubVolume(
volume, group, name string,
newSize QuotaSize, noShrink bool) (*SubVolumeResizeResult, error) {
f := &subVolumeResizeFields{
Prefix: "fs subvolume resize",
Format: "json",
VolName: volume,
GroupName: group,
SubName: name,
NewSize: newSize.resizeValue(),
NoShrink: noShrink,
var result []*SubVolumeResizeResult
res := fsa.marshalMgrCommand(f)
if err := res.noStatus().unmarshal(&result).End(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result[0], nil
// SubVolumePath returns the path to the subvolume from the root of the file system.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume getpath <volume> --group-name=<group> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) SubVolumePath(volume, group, name string) (string, error) {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume getpath",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": name,
// ceph doesn't respond in json for this cmd (even if you ask)
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return parsePathResponse(fsa.marshalMgrCommand(m))
// Feature is used to define constant values for optional features on
// subvolumes.
type Feature string
const (
// SnapshotCloneFeature indicates a subvolume supports cloning.
SnapshotCloneFeature = Feature("snapshot-clone")
// SnapshotAutoprotectFeature indicates a subvolume does not require
// manually protecting a subvolume before cloning.
SnapshotAutoprotectFeature = Feature("snapshot-autoprotect")
// SnapshotRetentionFeature indicates a subvolume supports retaining
// snapshots on subvolume removal.
SnapshotRetentionFeature = Feature("snapshot-retention")
// SubVolumeInfo reports various informational values about a subvolume.
type SubVolumeInfo struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Uid int `json:"uid"`
Gid int `json:"gid"`
Mode int `json:"mode"`
BytesPercent string `json:"bytes_pcent"`
BytesUsed ByteCount `json:"bytes_used"`
BytesQuota QuotaSize `json:"-"`
DataPool string `json:"data_pool"`
PoolNamespace string `json:"pool_namespace"`
Atime TimeStamp `json:"atime"`
Mtime TimeStamp `json:"mtime"`
Ctime TimeStamp `json:"ctime"`
CreatedAt TimeStamp `json:"created_at"`
Features []Feature `json:"features"`
type subVolumeInfoWrapper struct {
VBytesQuota *quotaSizePlaceholder `json:"bytes_quota"`
func parseSubVolumeInfo(res response) (*SubVolumeInfo, error) {
var info subVolumeInfoWrapper
if err := res.noStatus().unmarshal(&info).End(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if info.VBytesQuota != nil {
info.BytesQuota = info.VBytesQuota.Value
return &info.SubVolumeInfo, nil
// SubVolumeInfo returns information about the specified subvolume.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume info <volume> --group-name=<group> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) SubVolumeInfo(volume, group, name string) (*SubVolumeInfo, error) {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume info",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": name,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return parseSubVolumeInfo(fsa.marshalMgrCommand(m))
// CreateSubVolumeSnapshot creates a new snapshot from the source subvolume.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume snapshot create <volume> --group-name=<group> <source> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) CreateSubVolumeSnapshot(volume, group, source, name string) error {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume snapshot create",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": source,
"snap_name": name,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return fsa.marshalMgrCommand(m).noData().End()
// RemoveSubVolumeSnapshot removes the specified snapshot from the subvolume.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume snapshot rm <volume> --group-name=<group> <subvolume> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) RemoveSubVolumeSnapshot(volume, group, subvolume, name string) error {
return fsa.rmSubVolumeSnapshot(volume, group, subvolume, name, rmFlags{})
// ForceRemoveSubVolumeSnapshot removes the specified snapshot from the subvolume.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume snapshot rm <volume> --group-name=<group> <subvolume> <name> --force
func (fsa *FSAdmin) ForceRemoveSubVolumeSnapshot(volume, group, subvolume, name string) error {
return fsa.rmSubVolumeSnapshot(volume, group, subvolume, name, rmFlags{force: true})
func (fsa *FSAdmin) rmSubVolumeSnapshot(volume, group, subvolume, name string, o rmFlags) error {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume snapshot rm",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": subvolume,
"snap_name": name,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return fsa.marshalMgrCommand(o.Update(m)).noData().End()
// ListSubVolumeSnapshots returns a listing of snapshots for a given subvolume.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume snapshot ls <volume> --group-name=<group> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) ListSubVolumeSnapshots(volume, group, name string) ([]string, error) {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume snapshot ls",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": name,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return parseListNames(fsa.marshalMgrCommand(m))
// SubVolumeSnapshotInfo reports various informational values about a subvolume.
type SubVolumeSnapshotInfo struct {
CreatedAt TimeStamp `json:"created_at"`
DataPool string `json:"data_pool"`
HasPendingClones string `json:"has_pending_clones"`
Protected string `json:"protected"`
Size ByteCount `json:"size"`
func parseSubVolumeSnapshotInfo(res response) (*SubVolumeSnapshotInfo, error) {
var info SubVolumeSnapshotInfo
if err := res.noStatus().unmarshal(&info).End(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &info, nil
// SubVolumeSnapshotInfo returns information about the specified subvolume snapshot.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume snapshot info <volume> --group-name=<group> <subvolume> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) SubVolumeSnapshotInfo(volume, group, subvolume, name string) (*SubVolumeSnapshotInfo, error) {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume snapshot info",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": subvolume,
"snap_name": name,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return parseSubVolumeSnapshotInfo(fsa.marshalMgrCommand(m))
// ProtectSubVolumeSnapshot protects the specified snapshot.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume snapshot protect <volume> --group-name=<group> <subvolume> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) ProtectSubVolumeSnapshot(volume, group, subvolume, name string) error {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume snapshot protect",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": subvolume,
"snap_name": name,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return fsa.marshalMgrCommand(m).filterDeprecated().noData().End()
// UnprotectSubVolumeSnapshot removes protection from the specified snapshot.
// Similar To:
// ceph fs subvolume snapshot unprotect <volume> --group-name=<group> <subvolume> <name>
func (fsa *FSAdmin) UnprotectSubVolumeSnapshot(volume, group, subvolume, name string) error {
m := map[string]string{
"prefix": "fs subvolume snapshot unprotect",
"vol_name": volume,
"sub_name": subvolume,
"snap_name": name,
"format": "json",
if group != NoGroup {
m["group_name"] = group
return fsa.marshalMgrCommand(m).filterDeprecated().noData().End()