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Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package prometheusextension
import (
dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go"
// WeightedHistogram generalizes Histogram: each observation has
// an associated _weight_. For a given `x` and `N`,
// `1` call on `ObserveWithWeight(x, N)` has the same meaning as
// `N` calls on `ObserveWithWeight(x, 1)`.
// The weighted sum might differ slightly due to the use of
// floating point, although the implementation takes some steps
// to mitigate that.
// If every weight were 1,
// this would be the same as the existing Histogram abstraction.
type WeightedHistogram interface {
// WeightedObserver generalizes the Observer interface.
type WeightedObserver interface {
// Set the variable to the given value with the given weight.
ObserveWithWeight(value float64, weight uint64)
// WeightedHistogramOpts is the same as for an ordinary Histogram
type WeightedHistogramOpts = prometheus.HistogramOpts
// NewWeightedHistogram creates a new WeightedHistogram
func NewWeightedHistogram(opts WeightedHistogramOpts) (WeightedHistogram, error) {
desc := prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(opts.Namespace, opts.Subsystem, opts.Name),
return newWeightedHistogram(desc, opts)
func wrapWeightedHelp(given string) string {
return "EXPERIMENTAL: " + given
func newWeightedHistogram(desc *prometheus.Desc, opts WeightedHistogramOpts, variableLabelValues ...string) (*weightedHistogram, error) {
if len(opts.Buckets) == 0 {
opts.Buckets = prometheus.DefBuckets
for i, upperBound := range opts.Buckets {
if i < len(opts.Buckets)-1 {
if upperBound >= opts.Buckets[i+1] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"histogram buckets must be in increasing order: %f >= %f",
upperBound, opts.Buckets[i+1],
} else {
if math.IsInf(upperBound, +1) {
// The +Inf bucket is implicit. Remove it here.
opts.Buckets = opts.Buckets[:i]
upperBounds := make([]float64, len(opts.Buckets))
copy(upperBounds, opts.Buckets)
return &weightedHistogram{
desc: desc,
variableLabelValues: variableLabelValues,
upperBounds: upperBounds,
buckets: make([]uint64, len(upperBounds)+1),
hotCount: initialHotCount,
}, nil
type weightedHistogram struct {
desc *prometheus.Desc
variableLabelValues []string
upperBounds []float64 // exclusive of +Inf
lock sync.Mutex // applies to all the following
// buckets is longer by one than upperBounds.
// For 0 <= idx < len(upperBounds), buckets[idx] holds the
// accumulated time.Duration that value has been <=
// upperBounds[idx] but not <= upperBounds[idx-1].
// buckets[len(upperBounds)] holds the accumulated
// time.Duration when value fit in no other bucket.
buckets []uint64
// sumHot + sumCold is the weighted sum of value.
// Rather than risk loss of precision in one
// float64, we do this sum hierarchically. Many successive
// increments are added into sumHot; once in a while
// the magnitude of sumHot is compared to the magnitude
// of sumCold and, if the ratio is high enough,
// sumHot is transferred into sumCold.
sumHot float64
sumCold float64
transferThreshold float64 // = math.Abs(sumCold) / 2^26 (that's about half of the bits of precision in a float64)
// hotCount is used to decide when to consider dumping sumHot into sumCold.
// hotCount counts upward from initialHotCount to zero.
hotCount int
// initialHotCount is the negative of the number of terms
// that are summed into sumHot before considering whether
// to transfer to sumCold. This only has to be big enough
// to make the extra floating point operations occur in a
// distinct minority of cases.
const initialHotCount = -15
var _ WeightedHistogram = &weightedHistogram{}
var _ prometheus.Metric = &weightedHistogram{}
var _ prometheus.Collector = &weightedHistogram{}
func (sh *weightedHistogram) ObserveWithWeight(value float64, weight uint64) {
idx := sort.SearchFloat64s(sh.upperBounds, value)
defer sh.lock.Unlock()
sh.updateLocked(idx, value, weight)
func (sh *weightedHistogram) observeWithWeightLocked(value float64, weight uint64) {
idx := sort.SearchFloat64s(sh.upperBounds, value)
sh.updateLocked(idx, value, weight)
func (sh *weightedHistogram) updateLocked(idx int, value float64, weight uint64) {
sh.buckets[idx] += weight
newSumHot := sh.sumHot + float64(weight)*value
if sh.hotCount >= 0 {
sh.hotCount = initialHotCount
if math.Abs(newSumHot) > sh.transferThreshold {
newSumCold := sh.sumCold + newSumHot
sh.sumCold = newSumCold
sh.transferThreshold = math.Abs(newSumCold / 67108864)
sh.sumHot = 0
sh.sumHot = newSumHot
func (sh *weightedHistogram) Desc() *prometheus.Desc {
return sh.desc
func (sh *weightedHistogram) Write(dest *dto.Metric) error {
count, sum, buckets := func() (uint64, float64, map[float64]uint64) {
defer sh.lock.Unlock()
nBounds := len(sh.upperBounds)
buckets := make(map[float64]uint64, nBounds)
var count uint64
for idx, upperBound := range sh.upperBounds {
count += sh.buckets[idx]
buckets[upperBound] = count
count += sh.buckets[nBounds]
return count, sh.sumHot + sh.sumCold, buckets
metric, err := prometheus.NewConstHistogram(sh.desc, count, sum, buckets, sh.variableLabelValues...)
if err != nil {
return err
return metric.Write(dest)
func (sh *weightedHistogram) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
ch <- sh.desc
func (sh *weightedHistogram) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
ch <- sh