| `--endpoint` | `unix://tmp/csi.sock` | CSI endpoint, must be a UNIX socket |
| `--drivername` | `rbd.csi.ceph.com` | Name of the driver (Kubernetes: `provisioner` field in StorageClass must correspond to this value) |
| `--nodeid` | _empty_ | This node's ID |
| `--type` | _empty_ | Driver type `[rbd | cephfs]` If the driver type is set to `rbd` it will act as a `rbd plugin` or if it's set to `cephfs` will act as a `cephfs plugin` |
| `--instanceid` | "default" | Unique ID distinguishing this instance of Ceph CSI among other instances, when sharing Ceph clusters across CSI instances for provisioning |
| `--metadatastorage` | _empty_ | Points to where legacy (1.0.0 or older plugin versions) metadata about provisioned volumes are kept, as file or in as k8s configmap (`node` or `k8s_configmap` respectively) |
| `--pidlimit` | _0_ | Configure the PID limit in cgroups. The container runtime can restrict the number of processes/tasks which can cause problems while provisioning (or deleting) a large number of volumes. A value of `-1` configures the limit to the maximum, `0` does not configure limits at all. |
| `--metricsport` | `8080` | TCP port for liveness/grpc metrics requests |
| `--metricspath` | `"/metrics"` | Path of prometheus endpoint where metrics will be available |
| `--enablegrpcmetrics` | `false` | Enable grpc metrics collection and start prometheus server |
| `--polltime` | `"60s"` | Time interval in between each poll |
| `--timeout` | `"3s"` | Probe timeout in seconds |
| `--histogramoption` | `0.5,2,6` | Histogram option for grpc metrics, should be comma separated value (ex:= "0.5,2,6" where start=0.5 factor=2, count=6) |
| `clusterID` | yes | String representing a Ceph cluster, must be unique across all Ceph clusters in use for provisioning, cannot be greater than 36 bytes in length, and should remain immutable for the lifetime of the Ceph cluster in use |
| `pool` | yes | Ceph pool into which the RBD image shall be created |
| `imageFeatures` | no | RBD image features. CSI RBD currently supports only `layering` feature. See [man pages](http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/man/8/rbd/#cmdoption-rbd-image-feature) |
| `csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name`, `csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-name` | yes (for Kubernetes) | name of the Kubernetes Secret object containing Ceph client credentials. Both parameters should have the same value |
| `csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace`, `csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespace` | yes (for Kubernetes) | namespaces of the above Secret objects |