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421 lines
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package jmespath
import (
type token struct {
tokenType tokType
value string
position int
length int
type tokType int
const eof = -1
// Lexer contains information about the expression being tokenized.
type Lexer struct {
expression string // The expression provided by the user.
currentPos int // The current position in the string.
lastWidth int // The width of the current rune. This
buf bytes.Buffer // Internal buffer used for building up values.
// SyntaxError is the main error used whenever a lexing or parsing error occurs.
type SyntaxError struct {
msg string // Error message displayed to user
Expression string // Expression that generated a SyntaxError
Offset int // The location in the string where the error occurred
func (e SyntaxError) Error() string {
// In the future, it would be good to underline the specific
// location where the error occurred.
return "SyntaxError: " + e.msg
// HighlightLocation will show where the syntax error occurred.
// It will place a "^" character on a line below the expression
// at the point where the syntax error occurred.
func (e SyntaxError) HighlightLocation() string {
return e.Expression + "\n" + strings.Repeat(" ", e.Offset) + "^"
//go:generate stringer -type=tokType
const (
tUnknown tokType = iota
var basicTokens = map[rune]tokType{
'.': tDot,
'*': tStar,
',': tComma,
':': tColon,
'{': tLbrace,
'}': tRbrace,
']': tRbracket, // tLbracket not included because it could be "[]"
'(': tLparen,
')': tRparen,
'@': tCurrent,
// Bit mask for [a-zA-Z_] shifted down 64 bits to fit in a single uint64.
// When using this bitmask just be sure to shift the rune down 64 bits
// before checking against identifierStartBits.
const identifierStartBits uint64 = 576460745995190270
// Bit mask for [a-zA-Z0-9], 128 bits -> 2 uint64s.
var identifierTrailingBits = [2]uint64{287948901175001088, 576460745995190270}
var whiteSpace = map[rune]bool{
' ': true, '\t': true, '\n': true, '\r': true,
func (t token) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Token{%+v, %s, %d, %d}",
t.tokenType, t.value, t.position, t.length)
// NewLexer creates a new JMESPath lexer.
func NewLexer() *Lexer {
lexer := Lexer{}
return &lexer
func (lexer *Lexer) next() rune {
if lexer.currentPos >= len(lexer.expression) {
lexer.lastWidth = 0
return eof
r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(lexer.expression[lexer.currentPos:])
lexer.lastWidth = w
lexer.currentPos += w
return r
func (lexer *Lexer) back() {
lexer.currentPos -= lexer.lastWidth
func (lexer *Lexer) peek() rune {
t := lexer.next()
return t
// tokenize takes an expression and returns corresponding tokens.
func (lexer *Lexer) tokenize(expression string) ([]token, error) {
var tokens []token
lexer.expression = expression
lexer.currentPos = 0
lexer.lastWidth = 0
for {
r := lexer.next()
if identifierStartBits&(1<<(uint64(r)-64)) > 0 {
t := lexer.consumeUnquotedIdentifier()
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if val, ok := basicTokens[r]; ok {
// Basic single char token.
t := token{
tokenType: val,
value: string(r),
position: lexer.currentPos - lexer.lastWidth,
length: 1,
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '-' || (r >= '0' && r <= '9') {
t := lexer.consumeNumber()
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '[' {
t := lexer.consumeLBracket()
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '"' {
t, err := lexer.consumeQuotedIdentifier()
if err != nil {
return tokens, err
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '\'' {
t, err := lexer.consumeRawStringLiteral()
if err != nil {
return tokens, err
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '`' {
t, err := lexer.consumeLiteral()
if err != nil {
return tokens, err
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '|' {
t := lexer.matchOrElse(r, '|', tOr, tPipe)
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '<' {
t := lexer.matchOrElse(r, '=', tLTE, tLT)
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '>' {
t := lexer.matchOrElse(r, '=', tGTE, tGT)
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '!' {
t := lexer.matchOrElse(r, '=', tNE, tNot)
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '=' {
t := lexer.matchOrElse(r, '=', tEQ, tUnknown)
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == '&' {
t := lexer.matchOrElse(r, '&', tAnd, tExpref)
tokens = append(tokens, t)
} else if r == eof {
break loop
} else if _, ok := whiteSpace[r]; ok {
// Ignore whitespace
} else {
return tokens, lexer.syntaxError(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown char: %s", strconv.QuoteRuneToASCII(r)))
tokens = append(tokens, token{tEOF, "", len(lexer.expression), 0})
return tokens, nil
// Consume characters until the ending rune "r" is reached.
// If the end of the expression is reached before seeing the
// terminating rune "r", then an error is returned.
// If no error occurs then the matching substring is returned.
// The returned string will not include the ending rune.
func (lexer *Lexer) consumeUntil(end rune) (string, error) {
start := lexer.currentPos
current := lexer.next()
for current != end && current != eof {
if current == '\\' && lexer.peek() != eof {
current = lexer.next()
if lexer.lastWidth == 0 {
// Then we hit an EOF so we never reached the closing
// delimiter.
return "", SyntaxError{
msg: "Unclosed delimiter: " + string(end),
Expression: lexer.expression,
Offset: len(lexer.expression),
return lexer.expression[start : lexer.currentPos-lexer.lastWidth], nil
func (lexer *Lexer) consumeLiteral() (token, error) {
start := lexer.currentPos
value, err := lexer.consumeUntil('`')
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
value = strings.Replace(value, "\\`", "`", -1)
return token{
tokenType: tJSONLiteral,
value: value,
position: start,
length: len(value),
}, nil
func (lexer *Lexer) consumeRawStringLiteral() (token, error) {
start := lexer.currentPos
currentIndex := start
current := lexer.next()
for current != '\'' && lexer.peek() != eof {
if current == '\\' && lexer.peek() == '\'' {
chunk := lexer.expression[currentIndex : lexer.currentPos-1]
currentIndex = lexer.currentPos
current = lexer.next()
if lexer.lastWidth == 0 {
// Then we hit an EOF so we never reached the closing
// delimiter.
return token{}, SyntaxError{
msg: "Unclosed delimiter: '",
Expression: lexer.expression,
Offset: len(lexer.expression),
if currentIndex < lexer.currentPos {
lexer.buf.WriteString(lexer.expression[currentIndex : lexer.currentPos-1])
value := lexer.buf.String()
// Reset the buffer so it can reused again.
return token{
tokenType: tStringLiteral,
value: value,
position: start,
length: len(value),
}, nil
func (lexer *Lexer) syntaxError(msg string) SyntaxError {
return SyntaxError{
msg: msg,
Expression: lexer.expression,
Offset: lexer.currentPos - 1,
// Checks for a two char token, otherwise matches a single character
// token. This is used whenever a two char token overlaps a single
// char token, e.g. "||" -> tPipe, "|" -> tOr.
func (lexer *Lexer) matchOrElse(first rune, second rune, matchedType tokType, singleCharType tokType) token {
start := lexer.currentPos - lexer.lastWidth
nextRune := lexer.next()
var t token
if nextRune == second {
t = token{
tokenType: matchedType,
value: string(first) + string(second),
position: start,
length: 2,
} else {
t = token{
tokenType: singleCharType,
value: string(first),
position: start,
length: 1,
return t
func (lexer *Lexer) consumeLBracket() token {
// There's three options here:
// 1. A filter expression "[?"
// 2. A flatten operator "[]"
// 3. A bare rbracket "["
start := lexer.currentPos - lexer.lastWidth
nextRune := lexer.next()
var t token
if nextRune == '?' {
t = token{
tokenType: tFilter,
value: "[?",
position: start,
length: 2,
} else if nextRune == ']' {
t = token{
tokenType: tFlatten,
value: "[]",
position: start,
length: 2,
} else {
t = token{
tokenType: tLbracket,
value: "[",
position: start,
length: 1,
return t
func (lexer *Lexer) consumeQuotedIdentifier() (token, error) {
start := lexer.currentPos
value, err := lexer.consumeUntil('"')
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
var decoded string
asJSON := []byte("\"" + value + "\"")
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(asJSON), &decoded); err != nil {
return token{}, err
return token{
tokenType: tQuotedIdentifier,
value: decoded,
position: start - 1,
length: len(decoded),
}, nil
func (lexer *Lexer) consumeUnquotedIdentifier() token {
// Consume runes until we reach the end of an unquoted
// identifier.
start := lexer.currentPos - lexer.lastWidth
for {
r := lexer.next()
if r < 0 || r > 128 || identifierTrailingBits[uint64(r)/64]&(1<<(uint64(r)%64)) == 0 {
value := lexer.expression[start:lexer.currentPos]
return token{
tokenType: tUnquotedIdentifier,
value: value,
position: start,
length: lexer.currentPos - start,
func (lexer *Lexer) consumeNumber() token {
// Consume runes until we reach something that's not a number.
start := lexer.currentPos - lexer.lastWidth
for {
r := lexer.next()
if r < '0' || r > '9' {
value := lexer.expression[start:lexer.currentPos]
return token{
tokenType: tNumber,
value: value,
position: start,
length: lexer.currentPos - start,