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Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package client
import (
// Tunnel provides ability to dial a connection through a tunnel.
type Tunnel interface {
// Dial connects to the address on the named network, similar to
// what net.Dial does. The only supported protocol is tcp.
DialContext(requestCtx context.Context, protocol, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// Done returns a channel that is closed when the tunnel is no longer serving any connections,
// and can no longer be used.
Done() <-chan struct{}
type dialResult struct {
err *dialFailure
connid int64
type pendingDial struct {
// resultCh is the channel to send the dial result to
resultCh chan<- dialResult
// cancelCh is the channel closed when resultCh no longer has a receiver
cancelCh <-chan struct{}
// TODO: Replace with a generic implementation once it is safe to assume the client is built with go1.18+
type pendingDialManager struct {
pendingDials map[int64]pendingDial
mutex sync.RWMutex
func (p *pendingDialManager) add(dialID int64, pd pendingDial) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
p.pendingDials[dialID] = pd
func (p *pendingDialManager) remove(dialID int64) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
delete(p.pendingDials, dialID)
func (p *pendingDialManager) get(dialID int64) (pendingDial, bool) {
defer p.mutex.RUnlock()
pd, ok := p.pendingDials[dialID]
return pd, ok
// TODO: Replace with a generic implementation once it is safe to assume the client is built with go1.18+
type connectionManager struct {
conns map[int64]*conn
mutex sync.RWMutex
func (cm *connectionManager) add(connID int64, c *conn) {
defer cm.mutex.Unlock()
cm.conns[connID] = c
func (cm *connectionManager) remove(connID int64) {
defer cm.mutex.Unlock()
delete(cm.conns, connID)
func (cm *connectionManager) get(connID int64) (*conn, bool) {
defer cm.mutex.RUnlock()
c, ok := cm.conns[connID]
return c, ok
func (cm *connectionManager) closeAll() {
defer cm.mutex.Unlock()
for _, conn := range cm.conns {
// grpcTunnel implements Tunnel
type grpcTunnel struct {
stream client.ProxyService_ProxyClient
clientConn clientConn
pendingDial pendingDialManager
conns connectionManager
// The tunnel will be closed if the caller fails to read via conn.Read()
// more than readTimeoutSeconds after a packet has been received.
readTimeoutSeconds int
// The done channel is closed after the tunnel has cleaned up all connections and is no longer
// serving.
done chan struct{}
// closing is an atomic bool represented as a 0 or 1, and set to true when the tunnel is being closed.
// closing should only be accessed through atomic methods.
// TODO: switch this to an atomic.Bool once the client is exclusively buit with go1.19+
closing uint32
type clientConn interface {
Close() error
var _ clientConn = &grpc.ClientConn{}
// CreateSingleUseGrpcTunnel creates a Tunnel to dial to a remote server through a
// gRPC based proxy service.
// Currently, a single tunnel supports a single connection, and the tunnel is closed when the connection is terminated
// The Dial() method of the returned tunnel should only be called once
// Deprecated 2022-06-07: use CreateSingleUseGrpcTunnelWithContext
func CreateSingleUseGrpcTunnel(tunnelCtx context.Context, address string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) (Tunnel, error) {
return CreateSingleUseGrpcTunnelWithContext(context.TODO(), tunnelCtx, address, opts...)
// CreateSingleUseGrpcTunnelWithContext creates a Tunnel to dial to a remote server through a
// gRPC based proxy service.
// Currently, a single tunnel supports a single connection.
// The tunnel is normally closed when the connection is terminated.
// If createCtx is cancelled before tunnel creation, an error will be returned.
// If tunnelCtx is cancelled while the tunnel is still in use, the tunnel (and any in flight connections) will be closed.
// The Dial() method of the returned tunnel should only be called once
func CreateSingleUseGrpcTunnelWithContext(createCtx, tunnelCtx context.Context, address string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) (Tunnel, error) {
c, err := grpc.DialContext(createCtx, address, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
grpcClient := client.NewProxyServiceClient(c)
stream, err := grpcClient.Proxy(tunnelCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tunnel := newUnstartedTunnel(stream, c)
go tunnel.serve(tunnelCtx)
return tunnel, nil
func newUnstartedTunnel(stream client.ProxyService_ProxyClient, c clientConn) *grpcTunnel {
return &grpcTunnel{
stream: stream,
clientConn: c,
pendingDial: pendingDialManager{pendingDials: make(map[int64]pendingDial)},
conns: connectionManager{conns: make(map[int64]*conn)},
readTimeoutSeconds: 10,
done: make(chan struct{}),
func (t *grpcTunnel) serve(tunnelCtx context.Context) {
defer func() {
// A connection in t.conns after serve() returns means
// we never received a CLOSE_RSP for it, so we need to
// close any channels remaining for these connections.
for {
pkt, err := t.stream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF || t.isClosing() {
if err != nil || pkt == nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "stream read failure")
klog.V(5).InfoS("[tracing] recv packet", "type", pkt.Type)
switch pkt.Type {
case client.PacketType_DIAL_RSP:
resp := pkt.GetDialResponse()
pendingDial, ok := t.pendingDial.get(resp.Random)
if !ok {
// If the DIAL_RSP does not match a pending dial, it means one of two things:
// 1. There was a second DIAL_RSP for the connection request (this is very unlikely but possible)
// 2. grpcTunnel.DialContext() returned early due to a dial timeout or the client canceling the context
// In either scenario, we should return here and close the tunnel as it is no longer needed.
klog.V(1).InfoS("DialResp not recognized; dropped", "connectionID", resp.ConnectID, "dialID", resp.Random)
result := dialResult{connid: resp.ConnectID}
if resp.Error != "" {
result.err = &dialFailure{resp.Error, DialFailureEndpoint}
select {
// try to send to the result channel
case pendingDial.resultCh <- result:
// unblock if the cancel channel is closed
case <-pendingDial.cancelCh:
// Note: this condition can only be hit by a race condition where the
// DialContext() returns early (timeout) after the pendingDial is already
// fetched here, but before the result is sent.
klog.V(1).InfoS("Pending dial has been cancelled; dropped", "connectionID", resp.ConnectID, "dialID", resp.Random)
case <-tunnelCtx.Done():
klog.V(1).InfoS("Tunnel has been closed; dropped", "connectionID", resp.ConnectID, "dialID", resp.Random)
if resp.Error != "" {
// On dial error, avoid leaking serve goroutine.
case client.PacketType_DIAL_CLS:
resp := pkt.GetCloseDial()
pendingDial, ok := t.pendingDial.get(resp.Random)
if !ok {
// If the DIAL_CLS does not match a pending dial, it means one of two things:
// 1. There was a DIAL_CLS receieved after a DIAL_RSP (unlikely but possible)
// 2. grpcTunnel.DialContext() returned early due to a dial timeout or the client canceling the context
// In either scenario, we should return here and close the tunnel as it is no longer needed.
klog.V(1).InfoS("DIAL_CLS after dial finished", "dialID", resp.Random)
} else {
result := dialResult{
err: &dialFailure{"dial closed", DialFailureDialClosed},
select {
case pendingDial.resultCh <- result:
case <-pendingDial.cancelCh:
// Note: this condition can only be hit by a race condition where the
// DialContext() returns early (timeout) after the pendingDial is already
// fetched here, but before the result is sent.
case <-tunnelCtx.Done():
return // Stop serving & close the tunnel.
case client.PacketType_DATA:
resp := pkt.GetData()
// TODO: flow control
conn, ok := t.conns.get(resp.ConnectID)
if !ok {
klog.V(1).InfoS("Connection not recognized", "connectionID", resp.ConnectID)
timer := time.NewTimer((time.Duration)(t.readTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second)
select {
case conn.readCh <- resp.Data:
case <-timer.C:
klog.ErrorS(fmt.Errorf("timeout"), "readTimeout has been reached, the grpc connection to the proxy server will be closed", "connectionID", conn.connID, "readTimeoutSeconds", t.readTimeoutSeconds)
case <-tunnelCtx.Done():
klog.V(1).InfoS("Tunnel has been closed, the grpc connection to the proxy server will be closed", "connectionID", conn.connID)
case client.PacketType_CLOSE_RSP:
resp := pkt.GetCloseResponse()
conn, ok := t.conns.get(resp.ConnectID)
if !ok {
klog.V(1).InfoS("Connection not recognized", "connectionID", resp.ConnectID)
conn.closeCh <- resp.Error
// Dial connects to the address on the named network, similar to
// what net.Dial does. The only supported protocol is tcp.
func (t *grpcTunnel) DialContext(requestCtx context.Context, protocol, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
select {
case <-t.done:
return nil, errors.New("tunnel is closed")
default: // Tunnel is open, carry on.
if protocol != "tcp" {
return nil, errors.New("protocol not supported")
random := rand.Int63() /* #nosec G404 */
// This channel is closed once we're returning and no longer waiting on resultCh
cancelCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(cancelCh)
// This channel MUST NOT be buffered. The sender needs to know when we are not receiving things, so they can abort.
resCh := make(chan dialResult)
t.pendingDial.add(random, pendingDial{resultCh: resCh, cancelCh: cancelCh})
defer t.pendingDial.remove(random)
req := &client.Packet{
Type: client.PacketType_DIAL_REQ,
Payload: &client.Packet_DialRequest{
DialRequest: &client.DialRequest{
Protocol: protocol,
Address: address,
Random: random,
klog.V(5).InfoS("[tracing] send packet", "type", req.Type)
err := t.stream.Send(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
klog.V(5).Infoln("DIAL_REQ sent to proxy server")
c := &conn{
stream: t.stream,
random: random,
closeTunnel: t.closeTunnel,
select {
case res := <-resCh:
if res.err != nil {
return nil, res.err
c.connID = res.connid
c.readCh = make(chan []byte, 10)
c.closeCh = make(chan string, 1)
t.conns.add(res.connid, c)
case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
klog.V(5).InfoS("Timed out waiting for DialResp", "dialID", random)
go t.closeDial(random)
return nil, &dialFailure{"dial timeout, backstop", DialFailureTimeout}
case <-requestCtx.Done():
klog.V(5).InfoS("Context canceled waiting for DialResp", "ctxErr", requestCtx.Err(), "dialID", random)
go t.closeDial(random)
return nil, &dialFailure{"dial timeout, context", DialFailureContext}
case <-t.done:
klog.V(5).InfoS("Tunnel closed while waiting for DialResp", "dialID", random)
return nil, &dialFailure{"tunnel closed", DialFailureTunnelClosed}
return c, nil
func (t *grpcTunnel) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return t.done
// Send a best-effort DIAL_CLS request for the given dial ID.
func (t *grpcTunnel) closeDial(dialID int64) {
req := &client.Packet{
Type: client.PacketType_DIAL_CLS,
Payload: &client.Packet_CloseDial{
CloseDial: &client.CloseDial{
Random: dialID,
if err := t.stream.Send(req); err != nil {
klog.V(5).InfoS("Failed to send DIAL_CLS", "err", err, "dialID", dialID)
func (t *grpcTunnel) closeTunnel() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&t.closing, 1)
func (t *grpcTunnel) isClosing() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&t.closing) != 0
func GetDialFailureReason(err error) (isDialFailure bool, reason DialFailureReason) {
var df *dialFailure
if errors.As(err, &df) {
return true, df.reason
return false, DialFailureUnknown
type dialFailure struct {
msg string
reason DialFailureReason
func (df *dialFailure) Error() string {
return df.msg
type DialFailureReason string
const (
DialFailureUnknown DialFailureReason = "unknown"
// DialFailureTimeout indicates the hard 30 second timeout was hit.
DialFailureTimeout DialFailureReason = "timeout"
// DialFailureContext indicates that the context was cancelled or reached it's deadline before
// the dial response was returned.
DialFailureContext DialFailureReason = "context"
// DialFailureEndpoint indicates that the konnectivity-agent was unable to reach the backend endpoint.
DialFailureEndpoint DialFailureReason = "endpoint"
// DialFailureDialClosed indicates that the client received a CloseDial response, indicating the
// connection was closed before the dial could complete.
DialFailureDialClosed DialFailureReason = "dialclosed"
// DialFailureTunnelClosed indicates that the client connection was closed before the dial could
// complete.
DialFailureTunnelClosed DialFailureReason = "tunnelclosed"