mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 23:19:29 +00:00
rebase: update kubernetes and libraries to v1.22.0 version
Kubernetes v1.22 version has been released and this update ceph csi dependencies to use the same version. Signed-off-by: Humble Chirammal <hchiramm@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ require (
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210616213533-5ff15b29337e
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210616094352-59db8d763f22
google.golang.org/grpc v1.38.0
k8s.io/api v0.21.2
k8s.io/apimachinery v0.21.2
k8s.io/api v0.22.0
k8s.io/apimachinery v0.22.0
k8s.io/client-go v12.0.0+incompatible
k8s.io/cloud-provider v0.21.2
k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.8.0
k8s.io/kubernetes v1.21.2
k8s.io/mount-utils v0.21.2
k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20210527160623-6fdb442a123b
k8s.io/cloud-provider v1.22.0
k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.9.0
k8s.io/kubernetes v1.22.0
k8s.io/mount-utils v0.22.0
k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20210707171843-4b05e18ac7d9
sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime v0.9.2
@ -40,30 +40,31 @@ replace (
github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk => github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk v0.1.14-0.20201116234512-b4d4137dfe8b
github.com/portworx/sched-ops => github.com/portworx/sched-ops v0.20.4-openstorage-rc3
google.golang.org/grpc => google.golang.org/grpc v1.35.0
k8s.io/api => k8s.io/api v0.21.2
k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver => k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.21.2
k8s.io/apimachinery => k8s.io/apimachinery v0.21.2
k8s.io/apiserver => k8s.io/apiserver v0.21.2
k8s.io/cli-runtime => k8s.io/cli-runtime v0.21.2
k8s.io/client-go => k8s.io/client-go v0.21.2
k8s.io/cloud-provider => k8s.io/cloud-provider v0.21.2
k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap => k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap v0.21.2
k8s.io/code-generator => k8s.io/code-generator v0.21.2
k8s.io/component-base => k8s.io/component-base v0.21.2
k8s.io/component-helpers => k8s.io/component-helpers v0.21.2
k8s.io/controller-manager => k8s.io/controller-manager v0.21.2
k8s.io/cri-api => k8s.io/cri-api v0.21.2
k8s.io/csi-translation-lib => k8s.io/csi-translation-lib v0.21.2
k8s.io/kube-aggregator => k8s.io/kube-aggregator v0.21.2
k8s.io/kube-controller-manager => k8s.io/kube-controller-manager v0.21.2
k8s.io/kube-proxy => k8s.io/kube-proxy v0.21.2
k8s.io/kube-scheduler => k8s.io/kube-scheduler v0.21.2
k8s.io/kubectl => k8s.io/kubectl v0.21.2
k8s.io/kubelet => k8s.io/kubelet v0.21.2
k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers => k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers v0.21.2
k8s.io/metrics => k8s.io/metrics v0.21.2
k8s.io/mount-utils => k8s.io/mount-utils v0.21.2
k8s.io/sample-apiserver => k8s.io/sample-apiserver v0.21.2
k8s.io/api => k8s.io/api v0.22.0
k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver => k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.22.0
k8s.io/apimachinery => k8s.io/apimachinery v0.22.0
k8s.io/apiserver => k8s.io/apiserver v0.22.0
k8s.io/cli-runtime => k8s.io/cli-runtime v0.22.0
k8s.io/client-go => k8s.io/client-go v0.22.0
k8s.io/cloud-provider => k8s.io/cloud-provider v0.22.0
k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap => k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap v0.22.0
k8s.io/code-generator => k8s.io/code-generator v0.22.0
k8s.io/component-base => k8s.io/component-base v0.22.0
k8s.io/component-helpers => k8s.io/component-helpers v0.22.0
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k8s.io/cri-api => k8s.io/cri-api v0.22.0
k8s.io/csi-translation-lib => k8s.io/csi-translation-lib v0.22.0
k8s.io/kube-aggregator => k8s.io/kube-aggregator v0.22.0
k8s.io/kube-controller-manager => k8s.io/kube-controller-manager v0.22.0
k8s.io/kube-proxy => k8s.io/kube-proxy v0.22.0
k8s.io/kube-scheduler => k8s.io/kube-scheduler v0.22.0
k8s.io/kubectl => k8s.io/kubectl v0.22.0
k8s.io/kubelet => k8s.io/kubelet v0.22.0
k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers => k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers v0.22.0
k8s.io/metrics => k8s.io/metrics v0.22.0
k8s.io/mount-utils => k8s.io/mount-utils v0.22.0
k8s.io/pod-security-admission => k8s.io/pod-security-admission v0.22.0
k8s.io/sample-apiserver => k8s.io/sample-apiserver v0.22.0
// This tag doesn't exist, but is imported by github.com/portworx/sched-ops.
@ -41,16 +41,18 @@ dmitri.shuralyov.com/gpu/mtl v0.0.0-20190408044501-666a987793e9/go.mod h1:H6x//7
dmitri.shuralyov.com/gpu/mtl v0.0.0-20201218220906-28db891af037/go.mod h1:H6x//7gZCb22OMCxBHrMx7a5I7Hp++hsVxbQ4BYO7hU=
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k8s.io/mount-utils v0.22.0/go.mod h1:gUi5ht+05KHYc/vJ9q9wbvG3MCYBeOsB5FdTyM60Pzo=
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sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.0.19 h1:0jaDAAxtqIrrqas4vtTqxct4xS5kHfRNycTRLTyJmVM=
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sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime v0.9.2 h1:MnCAsopQno6+hI9SgJHKddzXpmv2wtouZz6931Eax+Q=
sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime v0.9.2/go.mod h1:TxzMCHyEUpaeuOiZx/bIdc2T81vfs/aKdvJt9wuu0zk=
sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api v0.8.8/go.mod h1:He1zoK0nk43Pc6NlV085xDXDXTNprtcyKZVm3swsdNY=
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sigs.k8s.io/testing_frameworks v0.1.1/go.mod h1:VVBKrHmJ6Ekkfz284YKhQePcdycOzNH9qL6ht1zEr/U=
sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.1.0/go.mod h1:UJmg0vDUVViEyp3mgSv9WPwZCDxu4rQW1olrI1uml+o=
sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.2.0 h1:kr/MCeFWJWTwyaHoR9c8EjH9OumOmoF9YGiZd7lFm/Q=
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Copyright (C) 2017 SUSE LLC. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
language: go
- 1.7.x
- 1.8.x
- tip
- linux
- osx
- go test -cover -v ./...
email: false
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Docker Inc & Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) 2017 SUSE LLC. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
## `filepath-securejoin` ##
An implementation of `SecureJoin`, a [candidate for inclusion in the Go
standard library][go#20126]. The purpose of this function is to be a "secure"
alternative to `filepath.Join`, and in particular it provides certain
guarantees that are not provided by `filepath.Join`.
This is the function prototype:
func SecureJoin(root, unsafePath string) (string, error)
This library **guarantees** the following:
* If no error is set, the resulting string **must** be a child path of
`SecureJoin` and will not contain any symlink path components (they will all
be expanded).
* When expanding symlinks, all symlink path components **must** be resolved
relative to the provided root. In particular, this can be considered a
userspace implementation of how `chroot(2)` operates on file paths. Note that
these symlinks will **not** be expanded lexically (`filepath.Clean` is not
called on the input before processing).
* Non-existant path components are unaffected by `SecureJoin` (similar to
`filepath.EvalSymlinks`'s semantics).
* The returned path will always be `filepath.Clean`ed and thus not contain any
`..` components.
A (trivial) implementation of this function on GNU/Linux systems could be done
with the following (note that this requires root privileges and is far more
opaque than the implementation in this library, and also requires that
`readlink` is inside the `root` path):
package securejoin
import (
func SecureJoin(root, unsafePath string) (string, error) {
unsafePath = string(filepath.Separator) + unsafePath
cmd := exec.Command("chroot", root,
"readlink", "--canonicalize-missing", "--no-newline", unsafePath)
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return "", err
expanded := string(output)
return filepath.Join(root, expanded), nil
[go#20126]: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20126
### License ###
The license of this project is the same as Go, which is a BSD 3-clause license
available in the `LICENSE` file.
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
// Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Docker Inc & Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2017 SUSE LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package securejoin is an implementation of the hopefully-soon-to-be-included
// SecureJoin helper that is meant to be part of the "path/filepath" package.
// The purpose of this project is to provide a PoC implementation to make the
// SecureJoin proposal (https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20126) more
// tangible.
package securejoin
import (
// ErrSymlinkLoop is returned by SecureJoinVFS when too many symlinks have been
// evaluated in attempting to securely join the two given paths.
var ErrSymlinkLoop = errors.Wrap(syscall.ELOOP, "secure join")
// IsNotExist tells you if err is an error that implies that either the path
// accessed does not exist (or path components don't exist). This is
// effectively a more broad version of os.IsNotExist.
func IsNotExist(err error) bool {
// If it's a bone-fide ENOENT just bail.
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
return true
// Check that it's not actually an ENOTDIR, which in some cases is a more
// convoluted case of ENOENT (usually involving weird paths).
var errno error
switch err := errors.Cause(err).(type) {
case *os.PathError:
errno = err.Err
case *os.LinkError:
errno = err.Err
case *os.SyscallError:
errno = err.Err
return errno == syscall.ENOTDIR || errno == syscall.ENOENT
// SecureJoinVFS joins the two given path components (similar to Join) except
// that the returned path is guaranteed to be scoped inside the provided root
// path (when evaluated). Any symbolic links in the path are evaluated with the
// given root treated as the root of the filesystem, similar to a chroot. The
// filesystem state is evaluated through the given VFS interface (if nil, the
// standard os.* family of functions are used).
// Note that the guarantees provided by this function only apply if the path
// components in the returned string are not modified (in other words are not
// replaced with symlinks on the filesystem) after this function has returned.
// Such a symlink race is necessarily out-of-scope of SecureJoin.
func SecureJoinVFS(root, unsafePath string, vfs VFS) (string, error) {
// Use the os.* VFS implementation if none was specified.
if vfs == nil {
vfs = osVFS{}
var path bytes.Buffer
n := 0
for unsafePath != "" {
if n > 255 {
return "", ErrSymlinkLoop
// Next path component, p.
i := strings.IndexRune(unsafePath, filepath.Separator)
var p string
if i == -1 {
p, unsafePath = unsafePath, ""
} else {
p, unsafePath = unsafePath[:i], unsafePath[i+1:]
// Create a cleaned path, using the lexical semantics of /../a, to
// create a "scoped" path component which can safely be joined to fullP
// for evaluation. At this point, path.String() doesn't contain any
// symlink components.
cleanP := filepath.Clean(string(filepath.Separator) + path.String() + p)
if cleanP == string(filepath.Separator) {
fullP := filepath.Clean(root + cleanP)
// Figure out whether the path is a symlink.
fi, err := vfs.Lstat(fullP)
if err != nil && !IsNotExist(err) {
return "", err
// Treat non-existent path components the same as non-symlinks (we
// can't do any better here).
if IsNotExist(err) || fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == 0 {
// Only increment when we actually dereference a link.
// It's a symlink, expand it by prepending it to the yet-unparsed path.
dest, err := vfs.Readlink(fullP)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Absolute symlinks reset any work we've already done.
if filepath.IsAbs(dest) {
unsafePath = dest + string(filepath.Separator) + unsafePath
// We have to clean path.String() here because it may contain '..'
// components that are entirely lexical, but would be misleading otherwise.
// And finally do a final clean to ensure that root is also lexically
// clean.
fullP := filepath.Clean(string(filepath.Separator) + path.String())
return filepath.Clean(root + fullP), nil
// SecureJoin is a wrapper around SecureJoinVFS that just uses the os.* library
// of functions as the VFS. If in doubt, use this function over SecureJoinVFS.
func SecureJoin(root, unsafePath string) (string, error) {
return SecureJoinVFS(root, unsafePath, nil)
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github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.0
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// Copyright (C) 2017 SUSE LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package securejoin
import "os"
// In future this should be moved into a separate package, because now there
// are several projects (umoci and go-mtree) that are using this sort of
// interface.
// VFS is the minimal interface necessary to use SecureJoinVFS. A nil VFS is
// equivalent to using the standard os.* family of functions. This is mainly
// used for the purposes of mock testing, but also can be used to otherwise use
// SecureJoin with VFS-like system.
type VFS interface {
// Lstat returns a FileInfo describing the named file. If the file is a
// symbolic link, the returned FileInfo describes the symbolic link. Lstat
// makes no attempt to follow the link. These semantics are identical to
// os.Lstat.
Lstat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)
// Readlink returns the destination of the named symbolic link. These
// semantics are identical to os.Readlink.
Readlink(name string) (string, error)
// osVFS is the "nil" VFS, in that it just passes everything through to the os
// module.
type osVFS struct{}
// Lstat returns a FileInfo describing the named file. If the file is a
// symbolic link, the returned FileInfo describes the symbolic link. Lstat
// makes no attempt to follow the link. These semantics are identical to
// os.Lstat.
func (o osVFS) Lstat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) { return os.Lstat(name) }
// Readlink returns the destination of the named symbolic link. These
// semantics are identical to os.Readlink.
func (o osVFS) Readlink(name string) (string, error) { return os.Readlink(name) }
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language: go
- 1.6
- 1.7
- 1.8
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Copyright (c) 2016 Felix Geisendörfer (felix@debuggable.com)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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.PHONY: ci generate clean
ci: clean generate
go test -v ./...
go generate .
rm -rf *_generated*.go
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# httpsnoop
Package httpsnoop provides an easy way to capture http related metrics (i.e.
response time, bytes written, and http status code) from your application's
Doing this requires non-trivial wrapping of the http.ResponseWriter interface,
which is also exposed for users interested in a more low-level API.
## Usage Example
// myH is your app's http handler, perhaps a http.ServeMux or similar.
var myH http.Handler
// wrappedH wraps myH in order to log every request.
wrappedH := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
m := httpsnoop.CaptureMetrics(myH, w, r)
"%s %s (code=%d dt=%s written=%d)",
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", wrappedH)
## Why this package exists
Instrumenting an application's http.Handler is surprisingly difficult.
However if you google for e.g. "capture ResponseWriter status code" you'll find
lots of advise and code examples that suggest it to be a fairly trivial
undertaking. Unfortunately everything I've seen so far has a high chance of
breaking your application.
The main problem is that a `http.ResponseWriter` often implements additional
interfaces such as `http.Flusher`, `http.CloseNotifier`, `http.Hijacker`, `http.Pusher`, and
`io.ReaderFrom`. So the naive approach of just wrapping `http.ResponseWriter`
in your own struct that also implements the `http.ResponseWriter` interface
will hide the additional interfaces mentioned above. This has a high change of
introducing subtle bugs into any non-trivial application.
Another approach I've seen people take is to return a struct that implements
all of the interfaces above. However, that's also problematic, because it's
difficult to fake some of these interfaces behaviors when the underlying
`http.ResponseWriter` doesn't have an implementation. It's also dangerous,
because an application may choose to operate differently, merely because it
detects the presence of these additional interfaces.
This package solves this problem by checking which additional interfaces a
`http.ResponseWriter` implements, returning a wrapped version implementing the
exact same set of interfaces.
Additionally this package properly handles edge cases such as `WriteHeader` not
being called, or called more than once, as well as concurrent calls to
`http.ResponseWriter` methods, and even calls happening after the wrapped
`ServeHTTP` has already returned.
Unfortunately this package is not perfect either. It's possible that it is
still missing some interfaces provided by the go core (let me know if you find
one), and it won't work for applications adding their own interfaces into the
However, hopefully the explanation above has sufficiently scared you of rolling
your own solution to this problem. httpsnoop may still break your application,
but at least it tries to avoid it as much as possible.
Anyway, the real problem here is that smuggling additional interfaces inside
`http.ResponseWriter` is a problematic design choice, but it probably goes as
deep as the Go language specification itself. But that's okay, I still prefer
Go over the alternatives ;).
## Performance
BenchmarkBaseline-8 20000 94912 ns/op
BenchmarkCaptureMetrics-8 20000 95461 ns/op
As you can see, using `CaptureMetrics` on a vanilla http.Handler introduces an
overhead of ~500 ns per http request on my machine. However, the margin of
error appears to be larger than that, therefor it should be reasonable to
assume that the overhead introduced by `CaptureMetrics` is absolutely
## License
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package httpsnoop
import (
// Metrics holds metrics captured from CaptureMetrics.
type Metrics struct {
// Code is the first http response code passed to the WriteHeader func of
// the ResponseWriter. If no such call is made, a default code of 200 is
// assumed instead.
Code int
// Duration is the time it took to execute the handler.
Duration time.Duration
// Written is the number of bytes successfully written by the Write or
// ReadFrom function of the ResponseWriter. ResponseWriters may also write
// data to their underlaying connection directly (e.g. headers), but those
// are not tracked. Therefor the number of Written bytes will usually match
// the size of the response body.
Written int64
// CaptureMetrics wraps the given hnd, executes it with the given w and r, and
// returns the metrics it captured from it.
func CaptureMetrics(hnd http.Handler, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) Metrics {
return CaptureMetricsFn(w, func(ww http.ResponseWriter) {
hnd.ServeHTTP(ww, r)
// CaptureMetricsFn wraps w and calls fn with the wrapped w and returns the
// resulting metrics. This is very similar to CaptureMetrics (which is just
// sugar on top of this func), but is a more usable interface if your
// application doesn't use the Go http.Handler interface.
func CaptureMetricsFn(w http.ResponseWriter, fn func(http.ResponseWriter)) Metrics {
var (
start = time.Now()
m = Metrics{Code: http.StatusOK}
headerWritten bool
lock sync.Mutex
hooks = Hooks{
WriteHeader: func(next WriteHeaderFunc) WriteHeaderFunc {
return func(code int) {
defer lock.Unlock()
if !headerWritten {
m.Code = code
headerWritten = true
Write: func(next WriteFunc) WriteFunc {
return func(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := next(p)
defer lock.Unlock()
m.Written += int64(n)
headerWritten = true
return n, err
ReadFrom: func(next ReadFromFunc) ReadFromFunc {
return func(src io.Reader) (int64, error) {
n, err := next(src)
defer lock.Unlock()
headerWritten = true
m.Written += n
return n, err
fn(Wrap(w, hooks))
m.Duration = time.Since(start)
return m
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// Package httpsnoop provides an easy way to capture http related metrics (i.e.
// response time, bytes written, and http status code) from your application's
// http.Handlers.
// Doing this requires non-trivial wrapping of the http.ResponseWriter
// interface, which is also exposed for users interested in a more low-level
// API.
package httpsnoop
//go:generate go run codegen/main.go
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module github.com/felixge/httpsnoop
go 1.13
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// +build go1.8
// Code generated by "httpsnoop/codegen"; DO NOT EDIT
package httpsnoop
import (
// HeaderFunc is part of the http.ResponseWriter interface.
type HeaderFunc func() http.Header
// WriteHeaderFunc is part of the http.ResponseWriter interface.
type WriteHeaderFunc func(code int)
// WriteFunc is part of the http.ResponseWriter interface.
type WriteFunc func(b []byte) (int, error)
// FlushFunc is part of the http.Flusher interface.
type FlushFunc func()
// CloseNotifyFunc is part of the http.CloseNotifier interface.
type CloseNotifyFunc func() <-chan bool
// HijackFunc is part of the http.Hijacker interface.
type HijackFunc func() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)
// ReadFromFunc is part of the io.ReaderFrom interface.
type ReadFromFunc func(src io.Reader) (int64, error)
// PushFunc is part of the http.Pusher interface.
type PushFunc func(target string, opts *http.PushOptions) error
// Hooks defines a set of method interceptors for methods included in
// http.ResponseWriter as well as some others. You can think of them as
// middleware for the function calls they target. See Wrap for more details.
type Hooks struct {
Header func(HeaderFunc) HeaderFunc
WriteHeader func(WriteHeaderFunc) WriteHeaderFunc
Write func(WriteFunc) WriteFunc
Flush func(FlushFunc) FlushFunc
CloseNotify func(CloseNotifyFunc) CloseNotifyFunc
Hijack func(HijackFunc) HijackFunc
ReadFrom func(ReadFromFunc) ReadFromFunc
Push func(PushFunc) PushFunc
// Wrap returns a wrapped version of w that provides the exact same interface
// as w. Specifically if w implements any combination of:
// - http.Flusher
// - http.CloseNotifier
// - http.Hijacker
// - io.ReaderFrom
// - http.Pusher
// The wrapped version will implement the exact same combination. If no hooks
// are set, the wrapped version also behaves exactly as w. Hooks targeting
// methods not supported by w are ignored. Any other hooks will intercept the
// method they target and may modify the call's arguments and/or return values.
// The CaptureMetrics implementation serves as a working example for how the
// hooks can be used.
func Wrap(w http.ResponseWriter, hooks Hooks) http.ResponseWriter {
rw := &rw{w: w, h: hooks}
_, i0 := w.(http.Flusher)
_, i1 := w.(http.CloseNotifier)
_, i2 := w.(http.Hijacker)
_, i3 := w.(io.ReaderFrom)
_, i4 := w.(http.Pusher)
switch {
// combination 1/32
case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
return struct {
// combination 2/32
case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 3/32
case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 4/32
case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 5/32
case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 6/32
case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 7/32
case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 8/32
case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 9/32
case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 10/32
case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 11/32
case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 12/32
case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 13/32
case !i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 14/32
case !i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 15/32
case !i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 16/32
case !i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 17/32
case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 18/32
case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 19/32
case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 20/32
case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 21/32
case i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 22/32
case i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 23/32
case i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 24/32
case i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 25/32
case i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 26/32
case i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 27/32
case i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 28/32
case i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 29/32
case i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 30/32
case i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 31/32
case i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && !i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 32/32
case i0 && i1 && i2 && i3 && i4:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw, rw, rw}
type rw struct {
w http.ResponseWriter
h Hooks
func (w *rw) Header() http.Header {
f := w.w.(http.ResponseWriter).Header
if w.h.Header != nil {
f = w.h.Header(f)
return f()
func (w *rw) WriteHeader(code int) {
f := w.w.(http.ResponseWriter).WriteHeader
if w.h.WriteHeader != nil {
f = w.h.WriteHeader(f)
func (w *rw) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
f := w.w.(http.ResponseWriter).Write
if w.h.Write != nil {
f = w.h.Write(f)
return f(b)
func (w *rw) Flush() {
f := w.w.(http.Flusher).Flush
if w.h.Flush != nil {
f = w.h.Flush(f)
func (w *rw) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
f := w.w.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify
if w.h.CloseNotify != nil {
f = w.h.CloseNotify(f)
return f()
func (w *rw) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
f := w.w.(http.Hijacker).Hijack
if w.h.Hijack != nil {
f = w.h.Hijack(f)
return f()
func (w *rw) ReadFrom(src io.Reader) (int64, error) {
f := w.w.(io.ReaderFrom).ReadFrom
if w.h.ReadFrom != nil {
f = w.h.ReadFrom(f)
return f(src)
func (w *rw) Push(target string, opts *http.PushOptions) error {
f := w.w.(http.Pusher).Push
if w.h.Push != nil {
f = w.h.Push(f)
return f(target, opts)
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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
// +build !go1.8
// Code generated by "httpsnoop/codegen"; DO NOT EDIT
package httpsnoop
import (
// HeaderFunc is part of the http.ResponseWriter interface.
type HeaderFunc func() http.Header
// WriteHeaderFunc is part of the http.ResponseWriter interface.
type WriteHeaderFunc func(code int)
// WriteFunc is part of the http.ResponseWriter interface.
type WriteFunc func(b []byte) (int, error)
// FlushFunc is part of the http.Flusher interface.
type FlushFunc func()
// CloseNotifyFunc is part of the http.CloseNotifier interface.
type CloseNotifyFunc func() <-chan bool
// HijackFunc is part of the http.Hijacker interface.
type HijackFunc func() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)
// ReadFromFunc is part of the io.ReaderFrom interface.
type ReadFromFunc func(src io.Reader) (int64, error)
// Hooks defines a set of method interceptors for methods included in
// http.ResponseWriter as well as some others. You can think of them as
// middleware for the function calls they target. See Wrap for more details.
type Hooks struct {
Header func(HeaderFunc) HeaderFunc
WriteHeader func(WriteHeaderFunc) WriteHeaderFunc
Write func(WriteFunc) WriteFunc
Flush func(FlushFunc) FlushFunc
CloseNotify func(CloseNotifyFunc) CloseNotifyFunc
Hijack func(HijackFunc) HijackFunc
ReadFrom func(ReadFromFunc) ReadFromFunc
// Wrap returns a wrapped version of w that provides the exact same interface
// as w. Specifically if w implements any combination of:
// - http.Flusher
// - http.CloseNotifier
// - http.Hijacker
// - io.ReaderFrom
// The wrapped version will implement the exact same combination. If no hooks
// are set, the wrapped version also behaves exactly as w. Hooks targeting
// methods not supported by w are ignored. Any other hooks will intercept the
// method they target and may modify the call's arguments and/or return values.
// The CaptureMetrics implementation serves as a working example for how the
// hooks can be used.
func Wrap(w http.ResponseWriter, hooks Hooks) http.ResponseWriter {
rw := &rw{w: w, h: hooks}
_, i0 := w.(http.Flusher)
_, i1 := w.(http.CloseNotifier)
_, i2 := w.(http.Hijacker)
_, i3 := w.(io.ReaderFrom)
switch {
// combination 1/16
case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3:
return struct {
// combination 2/16
case !i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 3/16
case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 4/16
case !i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 5/16
case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 6/16
case !i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 7/16
case !i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 8/16
case !i0 && i1 && i2 && i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 9/16
case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && !i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw}
// combination 10/16
case i0 && !i1 && !i2 && i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 11/16
case i0 && !i1 && i2 && !i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 12/16
case i0 && !i1 && i2 && i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 13/16
case i0 && i1 && !i2 && !i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw}
// combination 14/16
case i0 && i1 && !i2 && i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 15/16
case i0 && i1 && i2 && !i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw}
// combination 16/16
case i0 && i1 && i2 && i3:
return struct {
}{rw, rw, rw, rw, rw}
type rw struct {
w http.ResponseWriter
h Hooks
func (w *rw) Header() http.Header {
f := w.w.(http.ResponseWriter).Header
if w.h.Header != nil {
f = w.h.Header(f)
return f()
func (w *rw) WriteHeader(code int) {
f := w.w.(http.ResponseWriter).WriteHeader
if w.h.WriteHeader != nil {
f = w.h.WriteHeader(f)
func (w *rw) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
f := w.w.(http.ResponseWriter).Write
if w.h.Write != nil {
f = w.h.Write(f)
return f(b)
func (w *rw) Flush() {
f := w.w.(http.Flusher).Flush
if w.h.Flush != nil {
f = w.h.Flush(f)
func (w *rw) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
f := w.w.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify
if w.h.CloseNotify != nil {
f = w.h.CloseNotify(f)
return f()
func (w *rw) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
f := w.w.(http.Hijacker).Hijack
if w.h.Hijack != nil {
f = w.h.Hijack(f)
return f()
func (w *rw) ReadFrom(src io.Reader) (int64, error) {
f := w.w.(io.ReaderFrom).ReadFrom
if w.h.ReadFrom != nil {
f = w.h.ReadFrom(f)
return f(src)
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@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jsonpb
import (
protoV2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
const wrapJSONUnmarshalV2 = false
// UnmarshalNext unmarshals the next JSON object from d into m.
func UnmarshalNext(d *json.Decoder, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).UnmarshalNext(d, m)
// Unmarshal unmarshals a JSON object from r into m.
func Unmarshal(r io.Reader, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).Unmarshal(r, m)
// UnmarshalString unmarshals a JSON object from s into m.
func UnmarshalString(s string, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(s), m)
// Unmarshaler is a configurable object for converting from a JSON
// representation to a protocol buffer object.
type Unmarshaler struct {
// AllowUnknownFields specifies whether to allow messages to contain
// unknown JSON fields, as opposed to failing to unmarshal.
AllowUnknownFields bool
// AnyResolver is used to resolve the google.protobuf.Any well-known type.
// If unset, the global registry is used by default.
AnyResolver AnyResolver
// JSONPBUnmarshaler is implemented by protobuf messages that customize the way
// they are unmarshaled from JSON. Messages that implement this should also
// implement JSONPBMarshaler so that the custom format can be produced.
// The JSON unmarshaling must follow the JSON to proto specification:
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json
// Deprecated: Custom types should implement protobuf reflection instead.
type JSONPBUnmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalJSONPB(*Unmarshaler, []byte) error
// Unmarshal unmarshals a JSON object from r into m.
func (u *Unmarshaler) Unmarshal(r io.Reader, m proto.Message) error {
return u.UnmarshalNext(json.NewDecoder(r), m)
// UnmarshalNext unmarshals the next JSON object from d into m.
func (u *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalNext(d *json.Decoder, m proto.Message) error {
if m == nil {
return errors.New("invalid nil message")
// Parse the next JSON object from the stream.
raw := json.RawMessage{}
if err := d.Decode(&raw); err != nil {
return err
// Check for custom unmarshalers first since they may not properly
// implement protobuf reflection that the logic below relies on.
if jsu, ok := m.(JSONPBUnmarshaler); ok {
return jsu.UnmarshalJSONPB(u, raw)
mr := proto.MessageReflect(m)
// NOTE: For historical reasons, a top-level null is treated as a noop.
// This is incorrect, but kept for compatibility.
if string(raw) == "null" && mr.Descriptor().FullName() != "google.protobuf.Value" {
return nil
if wrapJSONUnmarshalV2 {
// NOTE: If input message is non-empty, we need to preserve merge semantics
// of the old jsonpb implementation. These semantics are not supported by
// the protobuf JSON specification.
isEmpty := true
mr.Range(func(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value) bool {
isEmpty = false // at least one iteration implies non-empty
return false
if !isEmpty {
// Perform unmarshaling into a newly allocated, empty message.
mr = mr.New()
// Use a defer to copy all unmarshaled fields into the original message.
dst := proto.MessageReflect(m)
defer mr.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
dst.Set(fd, v)
return true
// Unmarshal using the v2 JSON unmarshaler.
opts := protojson.UnmarshalOptions{
DiscardUnknown: u.AllowUnknownFields,
if u.AnyResolver != nil {
opts.Resolver = anyResolver{u.AnyResolver}
return opts.Unmarshal(raw, mr.Interface())
} else {
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(mr, raw); err != nil {
return err
return protoV2.CheckInitialized(mr.Interface())
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalMessage(m protoreflect.Message, in []byte) error {
md := m.Descriptor()
fds := md.Fields()
if string(in) == "null" && md.FullName() != "google.protobuf.Value" {
return nil
if jsu, ok := proto.MessageV1(m.Interface()).(JSONPBUnmarshaler); ok {
return jsu.UnmarshalJSONPB(u, in)
switch wellKnownType(md.FullName()) {
case "Any":
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return err
rawTypeURL, ok := jsonObject["@type"]
if !ok {
return errors.New("Any JSON doesn't have '@type'")
typeURL, err := unquoteString(string(rawTypeURL))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any's '@type': %q", rawTypeURL)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfString(typeURL))
var m2 protoreflect.Message
if u.AnyResolver != nil {
mi, err := u.AnyResolver.Resolve(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = proto.MessageReflect(mi)
} else {
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(typeURL)
if err != nil {
if err == protoregistry.NotFound {
return fmt.Errorf("could not resolve Any message type: %v", typeURL)
return err
m2 = mt.New()
if wellKnownType(m2.Descriptor().FullName()) != "" {
rawValue, ok := jsonObject["value"]
if !ok {
return errors.New("Any JSON doesn't have 'value'")
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(m2, rawValue); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any nested proto %v: %v", typeURL, err)
} else {
delete(jsonObject, "@type")
rawJSON, err := json.Marshal(jsonObject)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't generate JSON for Any's nested proto to be unmarshaled: %v", err)
if err = u.unmarshalMessage(m2, rawJSON); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any nested proto %v: %v", typeURL, err)
rawWire, err := protoV2.Marshal(m2.Interface())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't marshal proto %v into Any.Value: %v", typeURL, err)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(rawWire))
return nil
case "BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue":
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(m.NewField(fd), in, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
return nil
case "Duration":
v, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return err
d, err := time.ParseDuration(v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Duration: %v", err)
sec := d.Nanoseconds() / 1e9
nsec := d.Nanoseconds() % 1e9
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(sec)))
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(nsec)))
return nil
case "Timestamp":
v, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return err
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Timestamp: %v", err)
sec := t.Unix()
nsec := t.Nanosecond()
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(sec)))
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(nsec)))
return nil
case "Value":
switch {
case string(in) == "null":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(0))
case string(in) == "true":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(4), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true))
case string(in) == "false":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(4), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(false))
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('"', in, '"'):
s, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type for Value %q", in)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(3), protoreflect.ValueOfString(s))
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('[', in, ']'):
v := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(6))
return u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('{', in, '}'):
v := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(5))
return u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(in), 0)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type for Value %q", in)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(f))
return nil
case "ListValue":
var jsonArray []json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonArray); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad ListValue: %v", err)
lv := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(1)).List()
for _, raw := range jsonArray {
ve := lv.NewElement()
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(ve.Message(), raw); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case "Struct":
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad StructValue: %v", err)
mv := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(1)).Map()
for key, raw := range jsonObject {
kv := protoreflect.ValueOf(key).MapKey()
vv := mv.NewValue()
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(vv.Message(), raw); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad value in StructValue for key %q: %v", key, err)
mv.Set(kv, vv)
return nil
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return err
// Handle known fields.
for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); i++ {
fd := fds.Get(i)
if fd.IsWeak() && fd.Message().IsPlaceholder() {
continue // weak reference is not linked in
// Search for any raw JSON value associated with this field.
var raw json.RawMessage
name := string(fd.Name())
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind {
name = string(fd.Message().Name())
if v, ok := jsonObject[name]; ok {
delete(jsonObject, name)
raw = v
name = string(fd.JSONName())
if v, ok := jsonObject[name]; ok {
delete(jsonObject, name)
raw = v
// Unmarshal the field value.
if raw == nil || (string(raw) == "null" && !isSingularWellKnownValue(fd)) {
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(m.NewField(fd), raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
// Handle extension fields.
for name, raw := range jsonObject {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "[") || !strings.HasSuffix(name, "]") {
// Resolve the extension field by name.
xname := protoreflect.FullName(name[len("[") : len(name)-len("]")])
xt, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(xname)
if xt == nil && isMessageSet(md) {
xt, _ = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(xname.Append("message_set_extension"))
if xt == nil {
delete(jsonObject, name)
fd := xt.TypeDescriptor()
if fd.ContainingMessage().FullName() != m.Descriptor().FullName() {
return fmt.Errorf("extension field %q does not extend message %q", xname, m.Descriptor().FullName())
// Unmarshal the field value.
if raw == nil || (string(raw) == "null" && !isSingularWellKnownValue(fd)) {
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(m.NewField(fd), raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
if !u.AllowUnknownFields && len(jsonObject) > 0 {
for name := range jsonObject {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown field %q in %v", name, md.FullName())
return nil
func isSingularWellKnownValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool {
if md := fd.Message(); md != nil {
return md.FullName() == "google.protobuf.Value" && fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated
return false
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalValue(v protoreflect.Value, in []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
switch {
case fd.IsList():
var jsonArray []json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonArray); err != nil {
return v, err
lv := v.List()
for _, raw := range jsonArray {
ve, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(lv.NewElement(), raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
return v, nil
case fd.IsMap():
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return v, err
kfd := fd.MapKey()
vfd := fd.MapValue()
mv := v.Map()
for key, raw := range jsonObject {
var kv protoreflect.MapKey
if kfd.Kind() == protoreflect.StringKind {
kv = protoreflect.ValueOf(key).MapKey()
} else {
v, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(kfd.Default(), []byte(key), kfd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
kv = v.MapKey()
vv, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(mv.NewValue(), raw, vfd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
mv.Set(kv, vv)
return v, nil
return u.unmarshalSingularValue(v, in, fd)
var nonFinite = map[string]float64{
`"NaN"`: math.NaN(),
`"Infinity"`: math.Inf(+1),
`"-Infinity"`: math.Inf(-1),
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalSingularValue(v protoreflect.Value, in []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
switch fd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new(bool))
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(int32))
case protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(int64))
case protoreflect.Uint32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(uint32))
case protoreflect.Uint64Kind, protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(uint64))
case protoreflect.FloatKind:
if f, ok := nonFinite[string(in)]; ok {
return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(float32(f)), nil
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(float32))
case protoreflect.DoubleKind:
if f, ok := nonFinite[string(in)]; ok {
return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(float64(f)), nil
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(float64))
case protoreflect.StringKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new(string))
case protoreflect.BytesKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new([]byte))
case protoreflect.EnumKind:
if hasPrefixAndSuffix('"', in, '"') {
vd := fd.Enum().Values().ByName(protoreflect.Name(trimQuote(in)))
if vd == nil {
return v, fmt.Errorf("unknown value %q for enum %s", in, fd.Enum().FullName())
return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(vd.Number()), nil
return unmarshalValue(in, new(protoreflect.EnumNumber))
case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
err := u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
return v, err
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid kind %v", fd.Kind()))
func unmarshalValue(in []byte, v interface{}) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
err := json.Unmarshal(in, v)
return protoreflect.ValueOf(reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Interface()), err
func unquoteString(in string) (out string, err error) {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &out)
return out, err
func hasPrefixAndSuffix(prefix byte, in []byte, suffix byte) bool {
if len(in) >= 2 && in[0] == prefix && in[len(in)-1] == suffix {
return true
return false
// trimQuote is like unquoteString but simply strips surrounding quotes.
// This is incorrect, but is behavior done by the legacy implementation.
func trimQuote(in []byte) []byte {
if len(in) >= 2 && in[0] == '"' && in[len(in)-1] == '"' {
in = in[1 : len(in)-1]
return in
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jsonpb
import (
protoV2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
const wrapJSONMarshalV2 = false
// Marshaler is a configurable object for marshaling protocol buffer messages
// to the specified JSON representation.
type Marshaler struct {
// OrigName specifies whether to use the original protobuf name for fields.
OrigName bool
// EnumsAsInts specifies whether to render enum values as integers,
// as opposed to string values.
EnumsAsInts bool
// EmitDefaults specifies whether to render fields with zero values.
EmitDefaults bool
// Indent controls whether the output is compact or not.
// If empty, the output is compact JSON. Otherwise, every JSON object
// entry and JSON array value will be on its own line.
// Each line will be preceded by repeated copies of Indent, where the
// number of copies is the current indentation depth.
Indent string
// AnyResolver is used to resolve the google.protobuf.Any well-known type.
// If unset, the global registry is used by default.
AnyResolver AnyResolver
// JSONPBMarshaler is implemented by protobuf messages that customize the
// way they are marshaled to JSON. Messages that implement this should also
// implement JSONPBUnmarshaler so that the custom format can be parsed.
// The JSON marshaling must follow the proto to JSON specification:
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json
// Deprecated: Custom types should implement protobuf reflection instead.
type JSONPBMarshaler interface {
MarshalJSONPB(*Marshaler) ([]byte, error)
// Marshal serializes a protobuf message as JSON into w.
func (jm *Marshaler) Marshal(w io.Writer, m proto.Message) error {
b, err := jm.marshal(m)
if len(b) > 0 {
if _, err := w.Write(b); err != nil {
return err
return err
// MarshalToString serializes a protobuf message as JSON in string form.
func (jm *Marshaler) MarshalToString(m proto.Message) (string, error) {
b, err := jm.marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(b), nil
func (jm *Marshaler) marshal(m proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
if m == nil || (v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil()) {
return nil, errors.New("Marshal called with nil")
// Check for custom marshalers first since they may not properly
// implement protobuf reflection that the logic below relies on.
if jsm, ok := m.(JSONPBMarshaler); ok {
return jsm.MarshalJSONPB(jm)
if wrapJSONMarshalV2 {
opts := protojson.MarshalOptions{
UseProtoNames: jm.OrigName,
UseEnumNumbers: jm.EnumsAsInts,
EmitUnpopulated: jm.EmitDefaults,
Indent: jm.Indent,
if jm.AnyResolver != nil {
opts.Resolver = anyResolver{jm.AnyResolver}
return opts.Marshal(proto.MessageReflect(m).Interface())
} else {
// Check for unpopulated required fields first.
m2 := proto.MessageReflect(m)
if err := protoV2.CheckInitialized(m2.Interface()); err != nil {
return nil, err
w := jsonWriter{Marshaler: jm}
err := w.marshalMessage(m2, "", "")
return w.buf, err
type jsonWriter struct {
buf []byte
func (w *jsonWriter) write(s string) {
w.buf = append(w.buf, s...)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalMessage(m protoreflect.Message, indent, typeURL string) error {
if jsm, ok := proto.MessageV1(m.Interface()).(JSONPBMarshaler); ok {
b, err := jsm.MarshalJSONPB(w.Marshaler)
if err != nil {
return err
if typeURL != "" {
// we are marshaling this object to an Any type
var js map[string]*json.RawMessage
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &js); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("type %T produced invalid JSON: %v", m.Interface(), err)
turl, err := json.Marshal(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal type URL %q to JSON: %v", typeURL, err)
js["@type"] = (*json.RawMessage)(&turl)
if b, err = json.Marshal(js); err != nil {
return err
return nil
md := m.Descriptor()
fds := md.Fields()
// Handle well-known types.
const secondInNanos = int64(time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
switch wellKnownType(md.FullName()) {
case "Any":
return w.marshalAny(m, indent)
case "BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue":
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
case "Duration":
const maxSecondsInDuration = 315576000000
// "Generated output always contains 0, 3, 6, or 9 fractional digits,
// depending on required precision."
s := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(1)).Int()
ns := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(2)).Int()
if s < -maxSecondsInDuration || s > maxSecondsInDuration {
return fmt.Errorf("seconds out of range %v", s)
if ns <= -secondInNanos || ns >= secondInNanos {
return fmt.Errorf("ns out of range (%v, %v)", -secondInNanos, secondInNanos)
if (s > 0 && ns < 0) || (s < 0 && ns > 0) {
return errors.New("signs of seconds and nanos do not match")
var sign string
if s < 0 || ns < 0 {
sign, s, ns = "-", -1*s, -1*ns
x := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d.%09d", sign, s, ns)
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, ".000")
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%vs"`, x))
return nil
case "Timestamp":
// "RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized
// and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits."
s := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(1)).Int()
ns := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(2)).Int()
if ns < 0 || ns >= secondInNanos {
return fmt.Errorf("ns out of range [0, %v)", secondInNanos)
t := time.Unix(s, ns).UTC()
// time.RFC3339Nano isn't exactly right (we need to get 3/6/9 fractional digits).
x := t.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, ".000")
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%vZ"`, x))
return nil
case "Value":
// JSON value; which is a null, number, string, bool, object, or array.
od := md.Oneofs().Get(0)
fd := m.WhichOneof(od)
if fd == nil {
return errors.New("nil Value")
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
case "Struct", "ListValue":
// JSON object or array.
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
if w.Indent != "" {
firstField := true
if typeURL != "" {
if err := w.marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); {
fd := fds.Get(i)
if od := fd.ContainingOneof(); od != nil {
fd = m.WhichOneof(od)
i += od.Fields().Len()
if fd == nil {
} else {
v := m.Get(fd)
if !m.Has(fd) {
if !w.EmitDefaults || fd.ContainingOneof() != nil {
if fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated && (fd.Message() != nil || fd.Syntax() == protoreflect.Proto2) {
v = protoreflect.Value{} // use "null" for singular messages or proto2 scalars
if !firstField {
if err := w.marshalField(fd, v, indent); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
// Handle proto2 extensions.
if md.ExtensionRanges().Len() > 0 {
// Collect a sorted list of all extension descriptor and values.
type ext struct {
desc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor
val protoreflect.Value
var exts []ext
m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
if fd.IsExtension() {
exts = append(exts, ext{fd, v})
return true
sort.Slice(exts, func(i, j int) bool {
return exts[i].desc.Number() < exts[j].desc.Number()
for _, ext := range exts {
if !firstField {
if err := w.marshalField(ext.desc, ext.val, indent); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
func (w *jsonWriter) writeComma() {
if w.Indent != "" {
} else {
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalAny(m protoreflect.Message, indent string) error {
// "If the Any contains a value that has a special JSON mapping,
// it will be converted as follows: {"@type": xxx, "value": yyy}.
// Otherwise, the value will be converted into a JSON object,
// and the "@type" field will be inserted to indicate the actual data type."
md := m.Descriptor()
typeURL := m.Get(md.Fields().ByNumber(1)).String()
rawVal := m.Get(md.Fields().ByNumber(2)).Bytes()
var m2 protoreflect.Message
if w.AnyResolver != nil {
mi, err := w.AnyResolver.Resolve(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = proto.MessageReflect(mi)
} else {
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = mt.New()
if err := protoV2.Unmarshal(rawVal, m2.Interface()); err != nil {
return err
if wellKnownType(m2.Descriptor().FullName()) == "" {
return w.marshalMessage(m2, indent, typeURL)
if w.Indent != "" {
if err := w.marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL); err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(`"value": `)
} else {
if err := w.marshalMessage(m2, indent+w.Indent, ""); err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL string) error {
if w.Indent != "" {
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(" ")
b, err := json.Marshal(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// marshalField writes field description and value to the Writer.
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalField(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
if w.Indent != "" {
switch {
case fd.IsExtension():
// For message set, use the fname of the message as the extension name.
name := string(fd.FullName())
if isMessageSet(fd.ContainingMessage()) {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".message_set_extension")
w.write("[" + name + "]")
case w.OrigName:
name := string(fd.Name())
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind {
name = string(fd.Message().Name())
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(" ")
return w.marshalValue(fd, v, indent)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
switch {
case fd.IsList():
comma := ""
lv := v.List()
for i := 0; i < lv.Len(); i++ {
if w.Indent != "" {
if err := w.marshalSingularValue(fd, lv.Get(i), indent+w.Indent); err != nil {
return err
comma = ","
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
case fd.IsMap():
kfd := fd.MapKey()
vfd := fd.MapValue()
mv := v.Map()
// Collect a sorted list of all map keys and values.
type entry struct{ key, val protoreflect.Value }
var entries []entry
mv.Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
entries = append(entries, entry{k.Value(), v})
return true
sort.Slice(entries, func(i, j int) bool {
switch kfd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
return !entries[i].key.Bool() && entries[j].key.Bool()
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind, protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
return entries[i].key.Int() < entries[j].key.Int()
case protoreflect.Uint32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind, protoreflect.Uint64Kind, protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:
return entries[i].key.Uint() < entries[j].key.Uint()
case protoreflect.StringKind:
return entries[i].key.String() < entries[j].key.String()
panic("invalid kind")
comma := ""
for _, entry := range entries {
if w.Indent != "" {
s := fmt.Sprint(entry.key.Interface())
b, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(` `)
if err := w.marshalSingularValue(vfd, entry.val, indent+w.Indent); err != nil {
return err
comma = ","
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
return w.marshalSingularValue(fd, v, indent)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalSingularValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
switch {
case !v.IsValid():
return nil
case fd.Message() != nil:
return w.marshalMessage(v.Message(), indent+w.Indent, "")
case fd.Enum() != nil:
if fd.Enum().FullName() == "google.protobuf.NullValue" {
return nil
vd := fd.Enum().Values().ByNumber(v.Enum())
if vd == nil || w.EnumsAsInts {
} else {
w.write(`"` + string(vd.Name()) + `"`)
return nil
switch v.Interface().(type) {
case float32, float64:
switch {
case math.IsInf(v.Float(), +1):
return nil
case math.IsInf(v.Float(), -1):
return nil
case math.IsNaN(v.Float()):
return nil
case int64, uint64:
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%d"`, v.Interface()))
return nil
b, err := json.Marshal(v.Interface())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package jsonpb provides functionality to marshal and unmarshal between a
// protocol buffer message and JSON. It follows the specification at
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json.
// Do not rely on the default behavior of the standard encoding/json package
// when called on generated message types as it does not operate correctly.
// Deprecated: Use the "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protojson"
// package instead.
package jsonpb
import (
// AnyResolver takes a type URL, present in an Any message,
// and resolves it into an instance of the associated message.
type AnyResolver interface {
Resolve(typeURL string) (proto.Message, error)
type anyResolver struct{ AnyResolver }
func (r anyResolver) FindMessageByName(message protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) {
return r.FindMessageByURL(string(message))
func (r anyResolver) FindMessageByURL(url string) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) {
m, err := r.Resolve(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return protoimpl.X.MessageTypeOf(m), nil
func (r anyResolver) FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
return protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(field)
func (r anyResolver) FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
return protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByNumber(message, field)
func wellKnownType(s protoreflect.FullName) string {
if s.Parent() == "google.protobuf" {
switch s.Name() {
case "Empty", "Any",
"BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue",
"Duration", "Timestamp",
"NullValue", "Struct", "Value", "ListValue":
return string(s.Name())
return ""
func isMessageSet(md protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) bool {
ms, ok := md.(interface{ IsMessageSet() bool })
return ok && ms.IsMessageSet()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Copyright (c) 2015, Gengo, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Gengo, Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
software without specific prior written permission.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:def.bzl", "go_proto_library")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "internal_proto",
srcs = ["errors.proto"],
deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto"],
name = "internal_go_proto",
importpath = "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/internal",
proto = ":internal_proto",
name = "go_default_library",
embed = [":internal_go_proto"],
importpath = "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/internal",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: internal/errors.proto
package internal
import (
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
any "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any"
math "math"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// Error is the generic error returned from unary RPCs.
type Error struct {
Error string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=error,proto3" json:"error,omitempty"`
// This is to make the error more compatible with users that expect errors to be Status objects:
// https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/proto/grpc/status/status.proto
// It should be the exact same message as the Error field.
Code int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=code,proto3" json:"code,omitempty"`
Message string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"`
Details []*any.Any `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep,name=details,proto3" json:"details,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
func (m *Error) Reset() { *m = Error{} }
func (m *Error) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*Error) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*Error) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_9b093362ca6d1e03, []int{0}
func (m *Error) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_Error.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *Error) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_Error.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *Error) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_Error.Merge(m, src)
func (m *Error) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_Error.Size(m)
func (m *Error) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_Error proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *Error) GetError() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Error
return ""
func (m *Error) GetCode() int32 {
if m != nil {
return m.Code
return 0
func (m *Error) GetMessage() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Message
return ""
func (m *Error) GetDetails() []*any.Any {
if m != nil {
return m.Details
return nil
// StreamError is a response type which is returned when
// streaming rpc returns an error.
type StreamError struct {
GrpcCode int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=grpc_code,json=grpcCode,proto3" json:"grpc_code,omitempty"`
HttpCode int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=http_code,json=httpCode,proto3" json:"http_code,omitempty"`
Message string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"`
HttpStatus string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=http_status,json=httpStatus,proto3" json:"http_status,omitempty"`
Details []*any.Any `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=details,proto3" json:"details,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
func (m *StreamError) Reset() { *m = StreamError{} }
func (m *StreamError) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*StreamError) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*StreamError) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_9b093362ca6d1e03, []int{1}
func (m *StreamError) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_StreamError.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *StreamError) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_StreamError.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *StreamError) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_StreamError.Merge(m, src)
func (m *StreamError) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_StreamError.Size(m)
func (m *StreamError) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_StreamError proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *StreamError) GetGrpcCode() int32 {
if m != nil {
return m.GrpcCode
return 0
func (m *StreamError) GetHttpCode() int32 {
if m != nil {
return m.HttpCode
return 0
func (m *StreamError) GetMessage() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Message
return ""
func (m *StreamError) GetHttpStatus() string {
if m != nil {
return m.HttpStatus
return ""
func (m *StreamError) GetDetails() []*any.Any {
if m != nil {
return m.Details
return nil
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*Error)(nil), "grpc.gateway.runtime.Error")
proto.RegisterType((*StreamError)(nil), "grpc.gateway.runtime.StreamError")
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("internal/errors.proto", fileDescriptor_9b093362ca6d1e03) }
var fileDescriptor_9b093362ca6d1e03 = []byte{
// 252 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0x8c, 0x90, 0xc1, 0x4a, 0xc4, 0x30,
0x10, 0x86, 0x89, 0xbb, 0x75, 0xdb, 0xe9, 0x2d, 0x54, 0x88, 0xee, 0xc1, 0xb2, 0xa7, 0x9e, 0x52,
0xd0, 0x27, 0xd0, 0xc5, 0x17, 0xe8, 0xde, 0xbc, 0x2c, 0xd9, 0xdd, 0x31, 0x16, 0xda, 0xa4, 0x24,
0x53, 0xa4, 0xf8, 0x56, 0x3e, 0xa1, 0x24, 0xa5, 0xb0, 0x27, 0xf1, 0xd6, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0xcf, 0x7c,
0x1f, 0x81, 0xbb, 0xd6, 0x10, 0x3a, 0xa3, 0xba, 0x1a, 0x9d, 0xb3, 0xce, 0xcb, 0xc1, 0x59, 0xb2,
0xbc, 0xd0, 0x6e, 0x38, 0x4b, 0xad, 0x08, 0xbf, 0xd4, 0x24, 0xdd, 0x68, 0xa8, 0xed, 0xf1, 0xe1,
0x5e, 0x5b, 0xab, 0x3b, 0xac, 0x63, 0xe7, 0x34, 0x7e, 0xd4, 0xca, 0x4c, 0xf3, 0xc2, 0xee, 0x1b,
0x92, 0xb7, 0x70, 0x80, 0x17, 0x90, 0xc4, 0x4b, 0x82, 0x95, 0xac, 0xca, 0x9a, 0x79, 0xe0, 0x1c,
0xd6, 0x67, 0x7b, 0x41, 0x71, 0x53, 0xb2, 0x2a, 0x69, 0xe2, 0x37, 0x17, 0xb0, 0xe9, 0xd1, 0x7b,
0xa5, 0x51, 0xac, 0x62, 0x77, 0x19, 0xb9, 0x84, 0xcd, 0x05, 0x49, 0xb5, 0x9d, 0x17, 0xeb, 0x72,
0x55, 0xe5, 0x4f, 0x85, 0x9c, 0xc9, 0x72, 0x21, 0xcb, 0x17, 0x33, 0x35, 0x4b, 0x69, 0xf7, 0xc3,
0x20, 0x3f, 0x90, 0x43, 0xd5, 0xcf, 0x0e, 0x5b, 0xc8, 0x82, 0xff, 0x31, 0x22, 0x59, 0x44, 0xa6,
0x21, 0xd8, 0x07, 0xec, 0x16, 0xb2, 0x4f, 0xa2, 0xe1, 0x78, 0xe5, 0x93, 0x86, 0x60, 0xff, 0xb7,
0xd3, 0x23, 0xe4, 0x71, 0xcd, 0x93, 0xa2, 0x31, 0x78, 0x85, 0xbf, 0x10, 0xa2, 0x43, 0x4c, 0xae,
0xa5, 0x93, 0x7f, 0x48, 0xbf, 0xc2, 0x7b, 0xba, 0xbc, 0xfd, 0xe9, 0x36, 0x56, 0x9e, 0x7f, 0x03,
0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xde, 0x72, 0x6b, 0x83, 0x8e, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package grpc.gateway.runtime;
option go_package = "internal";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
// Error is the generic error returned from unary RPCs.
message Error {
string error = 1;
// This is to make the error more compatible with users that expect errors to be Status objects:
// https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/proto/grpc/status/status.proto
// It should be the exact same message as the Error field.
int32 code = 2;
string message = 3;
repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 4;
// StreamError is a response type which is returned when
// streaming rpc returns an error.
message StreamError {
int32 grpc_code = 1;
int32 http_code = 2;
string message = 3;
string http_status = 4;
repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 5;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "go_default_library",
srcs = [
importpath = "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/runtime",
deps = [
name = "go_default_test",
size = "small",
srcs = [
embed = [":go_default_library"],
deps = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
package runtime
import (
// MetadataHeaderPrefix is the http prefix that represents custom metadata
// parameters to or from a gRPC call.
const MetadataHeaderPrefix = "Grpc-Metadata-"
// MetadataPrefix is prepended to permanent HTTP header keys (as specified
// by the IANA) when added to the gRPC context.
const MetadataPrefix = "grpcgateway-"
// MetadataTrailerPrefix is prepended to gRPC metadata as it is converted to
// HTTP headers in a response handled by grpc-gateway
const MetadataTrailerPrefix = "Grpc-Trailer-"
const metadataGrpcTimeout = "Grpc-Timeout"
const metadataHeaderBinarySuffix = "-Bin"
const xForwardedFor = "X-Forwarded-For"
const xForwardedHost = "X-Forwarded-Host"
var (
// DefaultContextTimeout is used for gRPC call context.WithTimeout whenever a Grpc-Timeout inbound
// header isn't present. If the value is 0 the sent `context` will not have a timeout.
DefaultContextTimeout = 0 * time.Second
func decodeBinHeader(v string) ([]byte, error) {
if len(v)%4 == 0 {
// Input was padded, or padding was not necessary.
return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(v)
return base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(v)
AnnotateContext adds context information such as metadata from the request.
At a minimum, the RemoteAddr is included in the fashion of "X-Forwarded-For",
except that the forwarded destination is not another HTTP service but rather
a gRPC service.
func AnnotateContext(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, req *http.Request) (context.Context, error) {
ctx, md, err := annotateContext(ctx, mux, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if md == nil {
return ctx, nil
return metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md), nil
// AnnotateIncomingContext adds context information such as metadata from the request.
// Attach metadata as incoming context.
func AnnotateIncomingContext(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, req *http.Request) (context.Context, error) {
ctx, md, err := annotateContext(ctx, mux, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if md == nil {
return ctx, nil
return metadata.NewIncomingContext(ctx, md), nil
func annotateContext(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, req *http.Request) (context.Context, metadata.MD, error) {
var pairs []string
timeout := DefaultContextTimeout
if tm := req.Header.Get(metadataGrpcTimeout); tm != "" {
var err error
timeout, err = timeoutDecode(tm)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid grpc-timeout: %s", tm)
for key, vals := range req.Header {
key = textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(key)
for _, val := range vals {
// For backwards-compatibility, pass through 'authorization' header with no prefix.
if key == "Authorization" {
pairs = append(pairs, "authorization", val)
if h, ok := mux.incomingHeaderMatcher(key); ok {
// Handles "-bin" metadata in grpc, since grpc will do another base64
// encode before sending to server, we need to decode it first.
if strings.HasSuffix(key, metadataHeaderBinarySuffix) {
b, err := decodeBinHeader(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid binary header %s: %s", key, err)
val = string(b)
pairs = append(pairs, h, val)
if host := req.Header.Get(xForwardedHost); host != "" {
pairs = append(pairs, strings.ToLower(xForwardedHost), host)
} else if req.Host != "" {
pairs = append(pairs, strings.ToLower(xForwardedHost), req.Host)
if addr := req.RemoteAddr; addr != "" {
if remoteIP, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr); err == nil {
if fwd := req.Header.Get(xForwardedFor); fwd == "" {
pairs = append(pairs, strings.ToLower(xForwardedFor), remoteIP)
} else {
pairs = append(pairs, strings.ToLower(xForwardedFor), fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", fwd, remoteIP))
if timeout != 0 {
ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
if len(pairs) == 0 {
return ctx, nil, nil
md := metadata.Pairs(pairs...)
for _, mda := range mux.metadataAnnotators {
md = metadata.Join(md, mda(ctx, req))
return ctx, md, nil
// ServerMetadata consists of metadata sent from gRPC server.
type ServerMetadata struct {
HeaderMD metadata.MD
TrailerMD metadata.MD
type serverMetadataKey struct{}
// NewServerMetadataContext creates a new context with ServerMetadata
func NewServerMetadataContext(ctx context.Context, md ServerMetadata) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, serverMetadataKey{}, md)
// ServerMetadataFromContext returns the ServerMetadata in ctx
func ServerMetadataFromContext(ctx context.Context) (md ServerMetadata, ok bool) {
md, ok = ctx.Value(serverMetadataKey{}).(ServerMetadata)
// ServerTransportStream implements grpc.ServerTransportStream.
// It should only be used by the generated files to support grpc.SendHeader
// outside of gRPC server use.
type ServerTransportStream struct {
mu sync.Mutex
header metadata.MD
trailer metadata.MD
// Method returns the method for the stream.
func (s *ServerTransportStream) Method() string {
return ""
// Header returns the header metadata of the stream.
func (s *ServerTransportStream) Header() metadata.MD {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.header.Copy()
// SetHeader sets the header metadata.
func (s *ServerTransportStream) SetHeader(md metadata.MD) error {
if md.Len() == 0 {
return nil
s.header = metadata.Join(s.header, md)
return nil
// SendHeader sets the header metadata.
func (s *ServerTransportStream) SendHeader(md metadata.MD) error {
return s.SetHeader(md)
// Trailer returns the cached trailer metadata.
func (s *ServerTransportStream) Trailer() metadata.MD {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.trailer.Copy()
// SetTrailer sets the trailer metadata.
func (s *ServerTransportStream) SetTrailer(md metadata.MD) error {
if md.Len() == 0 {
return nil
s.trailer = metadata.Join(s.trailer, md)
return nil
func timeoutDecode(s string) (time.Duration, error) {
size := len(s)
if size < 2 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("timeout string is too short: %q", s)
d, ok := timeoutUnitToDuration(s[size-1])
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("timeout unit is not recognized: %q", s)
t, err := strconv.ParseInt(s[:size-1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return d * time.Duration(t), nil
func timeoutUnitToDuration(u uint8) (d time.Duration, ok bool) {
switch u {
case 'H':
return time.Hour, true
case 'M':
return time.Minute, true
case 'S':
return time.Second, true
case 'm':
return time.Millisecond, true
case 'u':
return time.Microsecond, true
case 'n':
return time.Nanosecond, true
// isPermanentHTTPHeader checks whether hdr belongs to the list of
// permanent request headers maintained by IANA.
// http://www.iana.org/assignments/message-headers/message-headers.xml
func isPermanentHTTPHeader(hdr string) bool {
switch hdr {
return true
return false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
package runtime
import (
// String just returns the given string.
// It is just for compatibility to other types.
func String(val string) (string, error) {
return val, nil
// StringSlice converts 'val' where individual strings are separated by
// 'sep' into a string slice.
func StringSlice(val, sep string) ([]string, error) {
return strings.Split(val, sep), nil
// Bool converts the given string representation of a boolean value into bool.
func Bool(val string) (bool, error) {
return strconv.ParseBool(val)
// BoolSlice converts 'val' where individual booleans are separated by
// 'sep' into a bool slice.
func BoolSlice(val, sep string) ([]bool, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([]bool, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Bool(v)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
// Float64 converts the given string representation into representation of a floating point number into float64.
func Float64(val string) (float64, error) {
return strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
// Float64Slice converts 'val' where individual floating point numbers are separated by
// 'sep' into a float64 slice.
func Float64Slice(val, sep string) ([]float64, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([]float64, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Float64(v)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
// Float32 converts the given string representation of a floating point number into float32.
func Float32(val string) (float32, error) {
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 32)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return float32(f), nil
// Float32Slice converts 'val' where individual floating point numbers are separated by
// 'sep' into a float32 slice.
func Float32Slice(val, sep string) ([]float32, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([]float32, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Float32(v)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
// Int64 converts the given string representation of an integer into int64.
func Int64(val string) (int64, error) {
return strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64)
// Int64Slice converts 'val' where individual integers are separated by
// 'sep' into a int64 slice.
func Int64Slice(val, sep string) ([]int64, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([]int64, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Int64(v)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
// Int32 converts the given string representation of an integer into int32.
func Int32(val string) (int32, error) {
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return int32(i), nil
// Int32Slice converts 'val' where individual integers are separated by
// 'sep' into a int32 slice.
func Int32Slice(val, sep string) ([]int32, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([]int32, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Int32(v)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
// Uint64 converts the given string representation of an integer into uint64.
func Uint64(val string) (uint64, error) {
return strconv.ParseUint(val, 0, 64)
// Uint64Slice converts 'val' where individual integers are separated by
// 'sep' into a uint64 slice.
func Uint64Slice(val, sep string) ([]uint64, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([]uint64, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Uint64(v)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
// Uint32 converts the given string representation of an integer into uint32.
func Uint32(val string) (uint32, error) {
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return uint32(i), nil
// Uint32Slice converts 'val' where individual integers are separated by
// 'sep' into a uint32 slice.
func Uint32Slice(val, sep string) ([]uint32, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([]uint32, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Uint32(v)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
// Bytes converts the given string representation of a byte sequence into a slice of bytes
// A bytes sequence is encoded in URL-safe base64 without padding
func Bytes(val string) ([]byte, error) {
b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val)
if err != nil {
b, err = base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
// BytesSlice converts 'val' where individual bytes sequences, encoded in URL-safe
// base64 without padding, are separated by 'sep' into a slice of bytes slices slice.
func BytesSlice(val, sep string) ([][]byte, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([][]byte, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Bytes(v)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
// Timestamp converts the given RFC3339 formatted string into a timestamp.Timestamp.
func Timestamp(val string) (*timestamp.Timestamp, error) {
var r timestamp.Timestamp
err := jsonpb.UnmarshalString(val, &r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
// Duration converts the given string into a timestamp.Duration.
func Duration(val string) (*duration.Duration, error) {
var r duration.Duration
err := jsonpb.UnmarshalString(val, &r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
// Enum converts the given string into an int32 that should be type casted into the
// correct enum proto type.
func Enum(val string, enumValMap map[string]int32) (int32, error) {
e, ok := enumValMap[val]
if ok {
return e, nil
i, err := Int32(val)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is not valid", val)
for _, v := range enumValMap {
if v == i {
return i, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is not valid", val)
// EnumSlice converts 'val' where individual enums are separated by 'sep'
// into a int32 slice. Each individual int32 should be type casted into the
// correct enum proto type.
func EnumSlice(val, sep string, enumValMap map[string]int32) ([]int32, error) {
s := strings.Split(val, sep)
values := make([]int32, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
value, err := Enum(v, enumValMap)
if err != nil {
return values, err
values[i] = value
return values, nil
Support fot google.protobuf.wrappers on top of primitive types
// StringValue well-known type support as wrapper around string type
func StringValue(val string) (*wrappers.StringValue, error) {
return &wrappers.StringValue{Value: val}, nil
// FloatValue well-known type support as wrapper around float32 type
func FloatValue(val string) (*wrappers.FloatValue, error) {
parsedVal, err := Float32(val)
return &wrappers.FloatValue{Value: parsedVal}, err
// DoubleValue well-known type support as wrapper around float64 type
func DoubleValue(val string) (*wrappers.DoubleValue, error) {
parsedVal, err := Float64(val)
return &wrappers.DoubleValue{Value: parsedVal}, err
// BoolValue well-known type support as wrapper around bool type
func BoolValue(val string) (*wrappers.BoolValue, error) {
parsedVal, err := Bool(val)
return &wrappers.BoolValue{Value: parsedVal}, err
// Int32Value well-known type support as wrapper around int32 type
func Int32Value(val string) (*wrappers.Int32Value, error) {
parsedVal, err := Int32(val)
return &wrappers.Int32Value{Value: parsedVal}, err
// UInt32Value well-known type support as wrapper around uint32 type
func UInt32Value(val string) (*wrappers.UInt32Value, error) {
parsedVal, err := Uint32(val)
return &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: parsedVal}, err
// Int64Value well-known type support as wrapper around int64 type
func Int64Value(val string) (*wrappers.Int64Value, error) {
parsedVal, err := Int64(val)
return &wrappers.Int64Value{Value: parsedVal}, err
// UInt64Value well-known type support as wrapper around uint64 type
func UInt64Value(val string) (*wrappers.UInt64Value, error) {
parsedVal, err := Uint64(val)
return &wrappers.UInt64Value{Value: parsedVal}, err
// BytesValue well-known type support as wrapper around bytes[] type
func BytesValue(val string) (*wrappers.BytesValue, error) {
parsedVal, err := Bytes(val)
return &wrappers.BytesValue{Value: parsedVal}, err
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Package runtime contains runtime helper functions used by
servers which protoc-gen-grpc-gateway generates.
package runtime
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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
package runtime
import (
// HTTPStatusFromCode converts a gRPC error code into the corresponding HTTP response status.
// See: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/rpc/code.proto
func HTTPStatusFromCode(code codes.Code) int {
switch code {
case codes.OK:
return http.StatusOK
case codes.Canceled:
return http.StatusRequestTimeout
case codes.Unknown:
return http.StatusInternalServerError
case codes.InvalidArgument:
return http.StatusBadRequest
case codes.DeadlineExceeded:
return http.StatusGatewayTimeout
case codes.NotFound:
return http.StatusNotFound
case codes.AlreadyExists:
return http.StatusConflict
case codes.PermissionDenied:
return http.StatusForbidden
case codes.Unauthenticated:
return http.StatusUnauthorized
case codes.ResourceExhausted:
return http.StatusTooManyRequests
case codes.FailedPrecondition:
// Note, this deliberately doesn't translate to the similarly named '412 Precondition Failed' HTTP response status.
return http.StatusBadRequest
case codes.Aborted:
return http.StatusConflict
case codes.OutOfRange:
return http.StatusBadRequest
case codes.Unimplemented:
return http.StatusNotImplemented
case codes.Internal:
return http.StatusInternalServerError
case codes.Unavailable:
return http.StatusServiceUnavailable
case codes.DataLoss:
return http.StatusInternalServerError
grpclog.Infof("Unknown gRPC error code: %v", code)
return http.StatusInternalServerError
var (
// HTTPError replies to the request with an error.
// HTTPError is called:
// - From generated per-endpoint gateway handler code, when calling the backend results in an error.
// - From gateway runtime code, when forwarding the response message results in an error.
// The default value for HTTPError calls the custom error handler configured on the ServeMux via the
// WithProtoErrorHandler serve option if that option was used, calling GlobalHTTPErrorHandler otherwise.
// To customize the error handling of a particular ServeMux instance, use the WithProtoErrorHandler
// serve option.
// To customize the error format for all ServeMux instances not using the WithProtoErrorHandler serve
// option, set GlobalHTTPErrorHandler to a custom function.
// Setting this variable directly to customize error format is deprecated.
HTTPError = MuxOrGlobalHTTPError
// GlobalHTTPErrorHandler is the HTTPError handler for all ServeMux instances not using the
// WithProtoErrorHandler serve option.
// You can set a custom function to this variable to customize error format.
GlobalHTTPErrorHandler = DefaultHTTPError
// OtherErrorHandler handles gateway errors from parsing and routing client requests for all
// ServeMux instances not using the WithProtoErrorHandler serve option.
// It returns the following error codes: StatusMethodNotAllowed StatusNotFound StatusBadRequest
// To customize parsing and routing error handling of a particular ServeMux instance, use the
// WithProtoErrorHandler serve option.
// To customize parsing and routing error handling of all ServeMux instances not using the
// WithProtoErrorHandler serve option, set a custom function to this variable.
OtherErrorHandler = DefaultOtherErrorHandler
// MuxOrGlobalHTTPError uses the mux-configured error handler, falling back to GlobalErrorHandler.
func MuxOrGlobalHTTPError(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, marshaler Marshaler, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
if mux.protoErrorHandler != nil {
mux.protoErrorHandler(ctx, mux, marshaler, w, r, err)
} else {
GlobalHTTPErrorHandler(ctx, mux, marshaler, w, r, err)
// DefaultHTTPError is the default implementation of HTTPError.
// If "err" is an error from gRPC system, the function replies with the status code mapped by HTTPStatusFromCode.
// If otherwise, it replies with http.StatusInternalServerError.
// The response body returned by this function is a JSON object,
// which contains a member whose key is "error" and whose value is err.Error().
func DefaultHTTPError(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, marshaler Marshaler, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
const fallback = `{"error": "failed to marshal error message"}`
s, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
s = status.New(codes.Unknown, err.Error())
contentType := marshaler.ContentType()
// Check marshaler on run time in order to keep backwards compatibility
// An interface param needs to be added to the ContentType() function on
// the Marshal interface to be able to remove this check
if typeMarshaler, ok := marshaler.(contentTypeMarshaler); ok {
pb := s.Proto()
contentType = typeMarshaler.ContentTypeFromMessage(pb)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", contentType)
body := &internal.Error{
Error: s.Message(),
Message: s.Message(),
Code: int32(s.Code()),
Details: s.Proto().GetDetails(),
buf, merr := marshaler.Marshal(body)
if merr != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to marshal error message %q: %v", body, merr)
if _, err := io.WriteString(w, fallback); err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to write response: %v", err)
md, ok := ServerMetadataFromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to extract ServerMetadata from context")
handleForwardResponseServerMetadata(w, mux, md)
// RFC 7230 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-4.1.2
// Unless the request includes a TE header field indicating "trailers"
// is acceptable, as described in Section 4.3, a server SHOULD NOT
// generate trailer fields that it believes are necessary for the user
// agent to receive.
var wantsTrailers bool
if te := r.Header.Get("TE"); strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(te), "trailers") {
wantsTrailers = true
handleForwardResponseTrailerHeader(w, md)
w.Header().Set("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")
st := HTTPStatusFromCode(s.Code())
if _, err := w.Write(buf); err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to write response: %v", err)
if wantsTrailers {
handleForwardResponseTrailer(w, md)
// DefaultOtherErrorHandler is the default implementation of OtherErrorHandler.
// It simply writes a string representation of the given error into "w".
func DefaultOtherErrorHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, msg string, code int) {
http.Error(w, msg, code)
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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package runtime
import (
descriptor2 "github.com/golang/protobuf/descriptor"
func translateName(name string, md *descriptor.DescriptorProto) (string, *descriptor.DescriptorProto) {
// TODO - should really gate this with a test that the marshaller has used json names
if md != nil {
for _, f := range md.Field {
if f.JsonName != nil && f.Name != nil && *f.JsonName == name {
var subType *descriptor.DescriptorProto
// If the field has a TypeName then we retrieve the nested type for translating the embedded message names.
if f.TypeName != nil {
typeSplit := strings.Split(*f.TypeName, ".")
typeName := typeSplit[len(typeSplit)-1]
for _, t := range md.NestedType {
if typeName == *t.Name {
subType = t
return *f.Name, subType
return name, nil
// FieldMaskFromRequestBody creates a FieldMask printing all complete paths from the JSON body.
func FieldMaskFromRequestBody(r io.Reader, md *descriptor.DescriptorProto) (*field_mask.FieldMask, error) {
fm := &field_mask.FieldMask{}
var root interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&root); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return fm, nil
return nil, err
queue := []fieldMaskPathItem{{node: root, md: md}}
for len(queue) > 0 {
// dequeue an item
item := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
if m, ok := item.node.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
// if the item is an object, then enqueue all of its children
for k, v := range m {
protoName, subMd := translateName(k, item.md)
if subMsg, ok := v.(descriptor2.Message); ok {
_, subMd = descriptor2.ForMessage(subMsg)
var path string
if item.path == "" {
path = protoName
} else {
path = item.path + "." + protoName
queue = append(queue, fieldMaskPathItem{path: path, node: v, md: subMd})
} else if len(item.path) > 0 {
// otherwise, it's a leaf node so print its path
fm.Paths = append(fm.Paths, item.path)
return fm, nil
// fieldMaskPathItem stores a in-progress deconstruction of a path for a fieldmask
type fieldMaskPathItem struct {
// the list of prior fields leading up to node connected by dots
path string
// a generic decoded json object the current item to inspect for further path extraction
node interface{}
// descriptor for parent message
md *descriptor.DescriptorProto
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
package runtime
import (
var errEmptyResponse = errors.New("empty response")
// ForwardResponseStream forwards the stream from gRPC server to REST client.
func ForwardResponseStream(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, marshaler Marshaler, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, recv func() (proto.Message, error), opts ...func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, proto.Message) error) {
f, ok := w.(http.Flusher)
if !ok {
grpclog.Infof("Flush not supported in %T", w)
http.Error(w, "unexpected type of web server", http.StatusInternalServerError)
md, ok := ServerMetadataFromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to extract ServerMetadata from context")
http.Error(w, "unexpected error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
handleForwardResponseServerMetadata(w, mux, md)
w.Header().Set("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", marshaler.ContentType())
if err := handleForwardResponseOptions(ctx, w, nil, opts); err != nil {
HTTPError(ctx, mux, marshaler, w, req, err)
var delimiter []byte
if d, ok := marshaler.(Delimited); ok {
delimiter = d.Delimiter()
} else {
delimiter = []byte("\n")
var wroteHeader bool
for {
resp, err := recv()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
handleForwardResponseStreamError(ctx, wroteHeader, marshaler, w, req, mux, err)
if err := handleForwardResponseOptions(ctx, w, resp, opts); err != nil {
handleForwardResponseStreamError(ctx, wroteHeader, marshaler, w, req, mux, err)
var buf []byte
switch {
case resp == nil:
buf, err = marshaler.Marshal(errorChunk(streamError(ctx, mux.streamErrorHandler, errEmptyResponse)))
result := map[string]interface{}{"result": resp}
if rb, ok := resp.(responseBody); ok {
result["result"] = rb.XXX_ResponseBody()
buf, err = marshaler.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to marshal response chunk: %v", err)
handleForwardResponseStreamError(ctx, wroteHeader, marshaler, w, req, mux, err)
if _, err = w.Write(buf); err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to send response chunk: %v", err)
wroteHeader = true
if _, err = w.Write(delimiter); err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to send delimiter chunk: %v", err)
func handleForwardResponseServerMetadata(w http.ResponseWriter, mux *ServeMux, md ServerMetadata) {
for k, vs := range md.HeaderMD {
if h, ok := mux.outgoingHeaderMatcher(k); ok {
for _, v := range vs {
w.Header().Add(h, v)
func handleForwardResponseTrailerHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, md ServerMetadata) {
for k := range md.TrailerMD {
tKey := textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", MetadataTrailerPrefix, k))
w.Header().Add("Trailer", tKey)
func handleForwardResponseTrailer(w http.ResponseWriter, md ServerMetadata) {
for k, vs := range md.TrailerMD {
tKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", MetadataTrailerPrefix, k)
for _, v := range vs {
w.Header().Add(tKey, v)
// responseBody interface contains method for getting field for marshaling to the response body
// this method is generated for response struct from the value of `response_body` in the `google.api.HttpRule`
type responseBody interface {
XXX_ResponseBody() interface{}
// ForwardResponseMessage forwards the message "resp" from gRPC server to REST client.
func ForwardResponseMessage(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, marshaler Marshaler, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, resp proto.Message, opts ...func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, proto.Message) error) {
md, ok := ServerMetadataFromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to extract ServerMetadata from context")
handleForwardResponseServerMetadata(w, mux, md)
handleForwardResponseTrailerHeader(w, md)
contentType := marshaler.ContentType()
// Check marshaler on run time in order to keep backwards compatibility
// An interface param needs to be added to the ContentType() function on
// the Marshal interface to be able to remove this check
if typeMarshaler, ok := marshaler.(contentTypeMarshaler); ok {
contentType = typeMarshaler.ContentTypeFromMessage(resp)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", contentType)
if err := handleForwardResponseOptions(ctx, w, resp, opts); err != nil {
HTTPError(ctx, mux, marshaler, w, req, err)
var buf []byte
var err error
if rb, ok := resp.(responseBody); ok {
buf, err = marshaler.Marshal(rb.XXX_ResponseBody())
} else {
buf, err = marshaler.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Marshal error: %v", err)
HTTPError(ctx, mux, marshaler, w, req, err)
if _, err = w.Write(buf); err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to write response: %v", err)
handleForwardResponseTrailer(w, md)
func handleForwardResponseOptions(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, resp proto.Message, opts []func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, proto.Message) error) error {
if len(opts) == 0 {
return nil
for _, opt := range opts {
if err := opt(ctx, w, resp); err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Error handling ForwardResponseOptions: %v", err)
return err
return nil
func handleForwardResponseStreamError(ctx context.Context, wroteHeader bool, marshaler Marshaler, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, mux *ServeMux, err error) {
serr := streamError(ctx, mux.streamErrorHandler, err)
if !wroteHeader {
buf, merr := marshaler.Marshal(errorChunk(serr))
if merr != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to marshal an error: %v", merr)
if _, werr := w.Write(buf); werr != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to notify error to client: %v", werr)
// streamError returns the payload for the final message in a response stream
// that represents the given err.
func streamError(ctx context.Context, errHandler StreamErrorHandlerFunc, err error) *StreamError {
serr := errHandler(ctx, err)
if serr != nil {
return serr
// TODO: log about misbehaving stream error handler?
return DefaultHTTPStreamErrorHandler(ctx, err)
func errorChunk(err *StreamError) map[string]proto.Message {
return map[string]proto.Message{"error": (*internal.StreamError)(err)}
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package runtime
import (
// SetHTTPBodyMarshaler overwrite the default marshaler with the HTTPBodyMarshaler
func SetHTTPBodyMarshaler(serveMux *ServeMux) {
serveMux.marshalers.mimeMap[MIMEWildcard] = &HTTPBodyMarshaler{
Marshaler: &JSONPb{OrigName: true},
// HTTPBodyMarshaler is a Marshaler which supports marshaling of a
// google.api.HttpBody message as the full response body if it is
// the actual message used as the response. If not, then this will
// simply fallback to the Marshaler specified as its default Marshaler.
type HTTPBodyMarshaler struct {
// ContentType implementation to keep backwards compatibility with marshal interface
func (h *HTTPBodyMarshaler) ContentType() string {
return h.ContentTypeFromMessage(nil)
// ContentTypeFromMessage in case v is a google.api.HttpBody message it returns
// its specified content type otherwise fall back to the default Marshaler.
func (h *HTTPBodyMarshaler) ContentTypeFromMessage(v interface{}) string {
if httpBody, ok := v.(*httpbody.HttpBody); ok {
return httpBody.GetContentType()
return h.Marshaler.ContentType()
// Marshal marshals "v" by returning the body bytes if v is a
// google.api.HttpBody message, otherwise it falls back to the default Marshaler.
func (h *HTTPBodyMarshaler) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
if httpBody, ok := v.(*httpbody.HttpBody); ok {
return httpBody.Data, nil
return h.Marshaler.Marshal(v)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package runtime
import (
// JSONBuiltin is a Marshaler which marshals/unmarshals into/from JSON
// with the standard "encoding/json" package of Golang.
// Although it is generally faster for simple proto messages than JSONPb,
// it does not support advanced features of protobuf, e.g. map, oneof, ....
// The NewEncoder and NewDecoder types return *json.Encoder and
// *json.Decoder respectively.
type JSONBuiltin struct{}
// ContentType always Returns "application/json".
func (*JSONBuiltin) ContentType() string {
return "application/json"
// Marshal marshals "v" into JSON
func (j *JSONBuiltin) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v)
// Unmarshal unmarshals JSON data into "v".
func (j *JSONBuiltin) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
return json.Unmarshal(data, v)
// NewDecoder returns a Decoder which reads JSON stream from "r".
func (j *JSONBuiltin) NewDecoder(r io.Reader) Decoder {
return json.NewDecoder(r)
// NewEncoder returns an Encoder which writes JSON stream into "w".
func (j *JSONBuiltin) NewEncoder(w io.Writer) Encoder {
return json.NewEncoder(w)
// Delimiter for newline encoded JSON streams.
func (j *JSONBuiltin) Delimiter() []byte {
return []byte("\n")
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
package runtime
import (
// JSONPb is a Marshaler which marshals/unmarshals into/from JSON
// with the "github.com/golang/protobuf/jsonpb".
// It supports fully functionality of protobuf unlike JSONBuiltin.
// The NewDecoder method returns a DecoderWrapper, so the underlying
// *json.Decoder methods can be used.
type JSONPb jsonpb.Marshaler
// ContentType always returns "application/json".
func (*JSONPb) ContentType() string {
return "application/json"
// Marshal marshals "v" into JSON.
func (j *JSONPb) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
if _, ok := v.(proto.Message); !ok {
return j.marshalNonProtoField(v)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := j.marshalTo(&buf, v); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (j *JSONPb) marshalTo(w io.Writer, v interface{}) error {
p, ok := v.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
buf, err := j.marshalNonProtoField(v)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write(buf)
return err
return (*jsonpb.Marshaler)(j).Marshal(w, p)
var (
// protoMessageType is stored to prevent constant lookup of the same type at runtime.
protoMessageType = reflect.TypeOf((*proto.Message)(nil)).Elem()
// marshalNonProto marshals a non-message field of a protobuf message.
// This function does not correctly marshals arbitrary data structure into JSON,
// but it is only capable of marshaling non-message field values of protobuf,
// i.e. primitive types, enums; pointers to primitives or enums; maps from
// integer/string types to primitives/enums/pointers to messages.
func (j *JSONPb) marshalNonProtoField(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
if v == nil {
return []byte("null"), nil
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
for rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if rv.IsNil() {
return []byte("null"), nil
rv = rv.Elem()
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
if rv.IsNil() {
if j.EmitDefaults {
return []byte("[]"), nil
return []byte("null"), nil
if rv.Type().Elem().Implements(protoMessageType) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := buf.WriteByte('[')
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
if i != 0 {
err = buf.WriteByte(',')
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = (*jsonpb.Marshaler)(j).Marshal(&buf, rv.Index(i).Interface().(proto.Message)); err != nil {
return nil, err
err = buf.WriteByte(']')
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Map {
m := make(map[string]*json.RawMessage)
for _, k := range rv.MapKeys() {
buf, err := j.Marshal(rv.MapIndex(k).Interface())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m[fmt.Sprintf("%v", k.Interface())] = (*json.RawMessage)(&buf)
if j.Indent != "" {
return json.MarshalIndent(m, "", j.Indent)
return json.Marshal(m)
if enum, ok := rv.Interface().(protoEnum); ok && !j.EnumsAsInts {
return json.Marshal(enum.String())
return json.Marshal(rv.Interface())
// Unmarshal unmarshals JSON "data" into "v"
func (j *JSONPb) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
return unmarshalJSONPb(data, v)
// NewDecoder returns a Decoder which reads JSON stream from "r".
func (j *JSONPb) NewDecoder(r io.Reader) Decoder {
d := json.NewDecoder(r)
return DecoderWrapper{Decoder: d}
// DecoderWrapper is a wrapper around a *json.Decoder that adds
// support for protos to the Decode method.
type DecoderWrapper struct {
// Decode wraps the embedded decoder's Decode method to support
// protos using a jsonpb.Unmarshaler.
func (d DecoderWrapper) Decode(v interface{}) error {
return decodeJSONPb(d.Decoder, v)
// NewEncoder returns an Encoder which writes JSON stream into "w".
func (j *JSONPb) NewEncoder(w io.Writer) Encoder {
return EncoderFunc(func(v interface{}) error {
if err := j.marshalTo(w, v); err != nil {
return err
// mimic json.Encoder by adding a newline (makes output
// easier to read when it contains multiple encoded items)
_, err := w.Write(j.Delimiter())
return err
func unmarshalJSONPb(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
d := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
return decodeJSONPb(d, v)
func decodeJSONPb(d *json.Decoder, v interface{}) error {
p, ok := v.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return decodeNonProtoField(d, v)
unmarshaler := &jsonpb.Unmarshaler{AllowUnknownFields: allowUnknownFields}
return unmarshaler.UnmarshalNext(d, p)
func decodeNonProtoField(d *json.Decoder, v interface{}) error {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Errorf("%T is not a pointer", v)
for rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if rv.IsNil() {
if rv.Type().ConvertibleTo(typeProtoMessage) {
unmarshaler := &jsonpb.Unmarshaler{AllowUnknownFields: allowUnknownFields}
return unmarshaler.UnmarshalNext(d, rv.Interface().(proto.Message))
rv = rv.Elem()
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Map {
if rv.IsNil() {
conv, ok := convFromType[rv.Type().Key().Kind()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type of map field key: %v", rv.Type().Key())
m := make(map[string]*json.RawMessage)
if err := d.Decode(&m); err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range m {
result := conv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(k)})
if err := result[1].Interface(); err != nil {
return err.(error)
bk := result[0]
bv := reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem())
if err := unmarshalJSONPb([]byte(*v), bv.Interface()); err != nil {
return err
rv.SetMapIndex(bk, bv.Elem())
return nil
if _, ok := rv.Interface().(protoEnum); ok {
var repr interface{}
if err := d.Decode(&repr); err != nil {
return err
switch repr.(type) {
case string:
// TODO(yugui) Should use proto.StructProperties?
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling of symbolic enum %q not supported: %T", repr, rv.Interface())
case float64:
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %#v into Go type %T", repr, rv.Interface())
return d.Decode(v)
type protoEnum interface {
EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)
var typeProtoMessage = reflect.TypeOf((*proto.Message)(nil)).Elem()
// Delimiter for newline encoded JSON streams.
func (j *JSONPb) Delimiter() []byte {
return []byte("\n")
// allowUnknownFields helps not to return an error when the destination
// is a struct and the input contains object keys which do not match any
// non-ignored, exported fields in the destination.
var allowUnknownFields = true
// DisallowUnknownFields enables option in decoder (unmarshaller) to
// return an error when it finds an unknown field. This function must be
// called before using the JSON marshaller.
func DisallowUnknownFields() {
allowUnknownFields = false
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package runtime
import (
// ProtoMarshaller is a Marshaller which marshals/unmarshals into/from serialize proto bytes
type ProtoMarshaller struct{}
// ContentType always returns "application/octet-stream".
func (*ProtoMarshaller) ContentType() string {
return "application/octet-stream"
// Marshal marshals "value" into Proto
func (*ProtoMarshaller) Marshal(value interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
message, ok := value.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("unable to marshal non proto field")
return proto.Marshal(message)
// Unmarshal unmarshals proto "data" into "value"
func (*ProtoMarshaller) Unmarshal(data []byte, value interface{}) error {
message, ok := value.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return errors.New("unable to unmarshal non proto field")
return proto.Unmarshal(data, message)
// NewDecoder returns a Decoder which reads proto stream from "reader".
func (marshaller *ProtoMarshaller) NewDecoder(reader io.Reader) Decoder {
return DecoderFunc(func(value interface{}) error {
buffer, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
return err
return marshaller.Unmarshal(buffer, value)
// NewEncoder returns an Encoder which writes proto stream into "writer".
func (marshaller *ProtoMarshaller) NewEncoder(writer io.Writer) Encoder {
return EncoderFunc(func(value interface{}) error {
buffer, err := marshaller.Marshal(value)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = writer.Write(buffer)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package runtime
import (
// Marshaler defines a conversion between byte sequence and gRPC payloads / fields.
type Marshaler interface {
// Marshal marshals "v" into byte sequence.
Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
// Unmarshal unmarshals "data" into "v".
// "v" must be a pointer value.
Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error
// NewDecoder returns a Decoder which reads byte sequence from "r".
NewDecoder(r io.Reader) Decoder
// NewEncoder returns an Encoder which writes bytes sequence into "w".
NewEncoder(w io.Writer) Encoder
// ContentType returns the Content-Type which this marshaler is responsible for.
ContentType() string
// Marshalers that implement contentTypeMarshaler will have their ContentTypeFromMessage method called
// to set the Content-Type header on the response
type contentTypeMarshaler interface {
// ContentTypeFromMessage returns the Content-Type this marshaler produces from the provided message
ContentTypeFromMessage(v interface{}) string
// Decoder decodes a byte sequence
type Decoder interface {
Decode(v interface{}) error
// Encoder encodes gRPC payloads / fields into byte sequence.
type Encoder interface {
Encode(v interface{}) error
// DecoderFunc adapts an decoder function into Decoder.
type DecoderFunc func(v interface{}) error
// Decode delegates invocations to the underlying function itself.
func (f DecoderFunc) Decode(v interface{}) error { return f(v) }
// EncoderFunc adapts an encoder function into Encoder
type EncoderFunc func(v interface{}) error
// Encode delegates invocations to the underlying function itself.
func (f EncoderFunc) Encode(v interface{}) error { return f(v) }
// Delimited defines the streaming delimiter.
type Delimited interface {
// Delimiter returns the record separator for the stream.
Delimiter() []byte
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package runtime
import (
// MIMEWildcard is the fallback MIME type used for requests which do not match
// a registered MIME type.
const MIMEWildcard = "*"
var (
acceptHeader = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Accept")
contentTypeHeader = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Content-Type")
defaultMarshaler = &JSONPb{OrigName: true}
// MarshalerForRequest returns the inbound/outbound marshalers for this request.
// It checks the registry on the ServeMux for the MIME type set by the Content-Type header.
// If it isn't set (or the request Content-Type is empty), checks for "*".
// If there are multiple Content-Type headers set, choose the first one that it can
// exactly match in the registry.
// Otherwise, it follows the above logic for "*"/InboundMarshaler/OutboundMarshaler.
func MarshalerForRequest(mux *ServeMux, r *http.Request) (inbound Marshaler, outbound Marshaler) {
for _, acceptVal := range r.Header[acceptHeader] {
if m, ok := mux.marshalers.mimeMap[acceptVal]; ok {
outbound = m
for _, contentTypeVal := range r.Header[contentTypeHeader] {
contentType, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(contentTypeVal)
if err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to parse Content-Type %s: %v", contentTypeVal, err)
if m, ok := mux.marshalers.mimeMap[contentType]; ok {
inbound = m
if inbound == nil {
inbound = mux.marshalers.mimeMap[MIMEWildcard]
if outbound == nil {
outbound = inbound
return inbound, outbound
// marshalerRegistry is a mapping from MIME types to Marshalers.
type marshalerRegistry struct {
mimeMap map[string]Marshaler
// add adds a marshaler for a case-sensitive MIME type string ("*" to match any
// MIME type).
func (m marshalerRegistry) add(mime string, marshaler Marshaler) error {
if len(mime) == 0 {
return errors.New("empty MIME type")
m.mimeMap[mime] = marshaler
return nil
// makeMarshalerMIMERegistry returns a new registry of marshalers.
// It allows for a mapping of case-sensitive Content-Type MIME type string to runtime.Marshaler interfaces.
// For example, you could allow the client to specify the use of the runtime.JSONPb marshaler
// with a "application/jsonpb" Content-Type and the use of the runtime.JSONBuiltin marshaler
// with a "application/json" Content-Type.
// "*" can be used to match any Content-Type.
// This can be attached to a ServerMux with the marshaler option.
func makeMarshalerMIMERegistry() marshalerRegistry {
return marshalerRegistry{
mimeMap: map[string]Marshaler{
MIMEWildcard: defaultMarshaler,
// WithMarshalerOption returns a ServeMuxOption which associates inbound and outbound
// Marshalers to a MIME type in mux.
func WithMarshalerOption(mime string, marshaler Marshaler) ServeMuxOption {
return func(mux *ServeMux) {
if err := mux.marshalers.add(mime, marshaler); err != nil {
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
package runtime
import (
// A HandlerFunc handles a specific pair of path pattern and HTTP method.
type HandlerFunc func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, pathParams map[string]string)
// ErrUnknownURI is the error supplied to a custom ProtoErrorHandlerFunc when
// a request is received with a URI path that does not match any registered
// service method.
// Since gRPC servers return an "Unimplemented" code for requests with an
// unrecognized URI path, this error also has a gRPC "Unimplemented" code.
var ErrUnknownURI = status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
// ServeMux is a request multiplexer for grpc-gateway.
// It matches http requests to patterns and invokes the corresponding handler.
type ServeMux struct {
// handlers maps HTTP method to a list of handlers.
handlers map[string][]handler
forwardResponseOptions []func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, proto.Message) error
marshalers marshalerRegistry
incomingHeaderMatcher HeaderMatcherFunc
outgoingHeaderMatcher HeaderMatcherFunc
metadataAnnotators []func(context.Context, *http.Request) metadata.MD
streamErrorHandler StreamErrorHandlerFunc
protoErrorHandler ProtoErrorHandlerFunc
disablePathLengthFallback bool
lastMatchWins bool
// ServeMuxOption is an option that can be given to a ServeMux on construction.
type ServeMuxOption func(*ServeMux)
// WithForwardResponseOption returns a ServeMuxOption representing the forwardResponseOption.
// forwardResponseOption is an option that will be called on the relevant context.Context,
// http.ResponseWriter, and proto.Message before every forwarded response.
// The message may be nil in the case where just a header is being sent.
func WithForwardResponseOption(forwardResponseOption func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, proto.Message) error) ServeMuxOption {
return func(serveMux *ServeMux) {
serveMux.forwardResponseOptions = append(serveMux.forwardResponseOptions, forwardResponseOption)
// SetQueryParameterParser sets the query parameter parser, used to populate message from query parameters.
// Configuring this will mean the generated swagger output is no longer correct, and it should be
// done with careful consideration.
func SetQueryParameterParser(queryParameterParser QueryParameterParser) ServeMuxOption {
return func(serveMux *ServeMux) {
currentQueryParser = queryParameterParser
// HeaderMatcherFunc checks whether a header key should be forwarded to/from gRPC context.
type HeaderMatcherFunc func(string) (string, bool)
// DefaultHeaderMatcher is used to pass http request headers to/from gRPC context. This adds permanent HTTP header
// keys (as specified by the IANA) to gRPC context with grpcgateway- prefix. HTTP headers that start with
// 'Grpc-Metadata-' are mapped to gRPC metadata after removing prefix 'Grpc-Metadata-'.
func DefaultHeaderMatcher(key string) (string, bool) {
key = textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(key)
if isPermanentHTTPHeader(key) {
return MetadataPrefix + key, true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(key, MetadataHeaderPrefix) {
return key[len(MetadataHeaderPrefix):], true
return "", false
// WithIncomingHeaderMatcher returns a ServeMuxOption representing a headerMatcher for incoming request to gateway.
// This matcher will be called with each header in http.Request. If matcher returns true, that header will be
// passed to gRPC context. To transform the header before passing to gRPC context, matcher should return modified header.
func WithIncomingHeaderMatcher(fn HeaderMatcherFunc) ServeMuxOption {
return func(mux *ServeMux) {
mux.incomingHeaderMatcher = fn
// WithOutgoingHeaderMatcher returns a ServeMuxOption representing a headerMatcher for outgoing response from gateway.
// This matcher will be called with each header in response header metadata. If matcher returns true, that header will be
// passed to http response returned from gateway. To transform the header before passing to response,
// matcher should return modified header.
func WithOutgoingHeaderMatcher(fn HeaderMatcherFunc) ServeMuxOption {
return func(mux *ServeMux) {
mux.outgoingHeaderMatcher = fn
// WithMetadata returns a ServeMuxOption for passing metadata to a gRPC context.
// This can be used by services that need to read from http.Request and modify gRPC context. A common use case
// is reading token from cookie and adding it in gRPC context.
func WithMetadata(annotator func(context.Context, *http.Request) metadata.MD) ServeMuxOption {
return func(serveMux *ServeMux) {
serveMux.metadataAnnotators = append(serveMux.metadataAnnotators, annotator)
// WithProtoErrorHandler returns a ServeMuxOption for configuring a custom error handler.
// This can be used to handle an error as general proto message defined by gRPC.
// When this option is used, the mux uses the configured error handler instead of HTTPError and
// OtherErrorHandler.
func WithProtoErrorHandler(fn ProtoErrorHandlerFunc) ServeMuxOption {
return func(serveMux *ServeMux) {
serveMux.protoErrorHandler = fn
// WithDisablePathLengthFallback returns a ServeMuxOption for disable path length fallback.
func WithDisablePathLengthFallback() ServeMuxOption {
return func(serveMux *ServeMux) {
serveMux.disablePathLengthFallback = true
// WithStreamErrorHandler returns a ServeMuxOption that will use the given custom stream
// error handler, which allows for customizing the error trailer for server-streaming
// calls.
// For stream errors that occur before any response has been written, the mux's
// ProtoErrorHandler will be invoked. However, once data has been written, the errors must
// be handled differently: they must be included in the response body. The response body's
// final message will include the error details returned by the stream error handler.
func WithStreamErrorHandler(fn StreamErrorHandlerFunc) ServeMuxOption {
return func(serveMux *ServeMux) {
serveMux.streamErrorHandler = fn
// WithLastMatchWins returns a ServeMuxOption that will enable "last
// match wins" behavior, where if multiple path patterns match a
// request path, the last one defined in the .proto file will be used.
func WithLastMatchWins() ServeMuxOption {
return func(serveMux *ServeMux) {
serveMux.lastMatchWins = true
// NewServeMux returns a new ServeMux whose internal mapping is empty.
func NewServeMux(opts ...ServeMuxOption) *ServeMux {
serveMux := &ServeMux{
handlers: make(map[string][]handler),
forwardResponseOptions: make([]func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, proto.Message) error, 0),
marshalers: makeMarshalerMIMERegistry(),
streamErrorHandler: DefaultHTTPStreamErrorHandler,
for _, opt := range opts {
if serveMux.incomingHeaderMatcher == nil {
serveMux.incomingHeaderMatcher = DefaultHeaderMatcher
if serveMux.outgoingHeaderMatcher == nil {
serveMux.outgoingHeaderMatcher = func(key string) (string, bool) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", MetadataHeaderPrefix, key), true
return serveMux
// Handle associates "h" to the pair of HTTP method and path pattern.
func (s *ServeMux) Handle(meth string, pat Pattern, h HandlerFunc) {
if s.lastMatchWins {
s.handlers[meth] = append([]handler{handler{pat: pat, h: h}}, s.handlers[meth]...)
} else {
s.handlers[meth] = append(s.handlers[meth], handler{pat: pat, h: h})
// ServeHTTP dispatches the request to the first handler whose pattern matches to r.Method and r.Path.
func (s *ServeMux) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
path := r.URL.Path
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
if s.protoErrorHandler != nil {
_, outboundMarshaler := MarshalerForRequest(s, r)
sterr := status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest))
s.protoErrorHandler(ctx, s, outboundMarshaler, w, r, sterr)
} else {
OtherErrorHandler(w, r, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest), http.StatusBadRequest)
components := strings.Split(path[1:], "/")
l := len(components)
var verb string
if idx := strings.LastIndex(components[l-1], ":"); idx == 0 {
if s.protoErrorHandler != nil {
_, outboundMarshaler := MarshalerForRequest(s, r)
s.protoErrorHandler(ctx, s, outboundMarshaler, w, r, ErrUnknownURI)
} else {
OtherErrorHandler(w, r, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
} else if idx > 0 {
c := components[l-1]
components[l-1], verb = c[:idx], c[idx+1:]
if override := r.Header.Get("X-HTTP-Method-Override"); override != "" && s.isPathLengthFallback(r) {
r.Method = strings.ToUpper(override)
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
if s.protoErrorHandler != nil {
_, outboundMarshaler := MarshalerForRequest(s, r)
sterr := status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
s.protoErrorHandler(ctx, s, outboundMarshaler, w, r, sterr)
} else {
OtherErrorHandler(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
for _, h := range s.handlers[r.Method] {
pathParams, err := h.pat.Match(components, verb)
if err != nil {
h.h(w, r, pathParams)
// lookup other methods to handle fallback from GET to POST and
// to determine if it is MethodNotAllowed or NotFound.
for m, handlers := range s.handlers {
if m == r.Method {
for _, h := range handlers {
pathParams, err := h.pat.Match(components, verb)
if err != nil {
// X-HTTP-Method-Override is optional. Always allow fallback to POST.
if s.isPathLengthFallback(r) {
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
if s.protoErrorHandler != nil {
_, outboundMarshaler := MarshalerForRequest(s, r)
sterr := status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
s.protoErrorHandler(ctx, s, outboundMarshaler, w, r, sterr)
} else {
OtherErrorHandler(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
h.h(w, r, pathParams)
if s.protoErrorHandler != nil {
_, outboundMarshaler := MarshalerForRequest(s, r)
s.protoErrorHandler(ctx, s, outboundMarshaler, w, r, ErrUnknownURI)
} else {
OtherErrorHandler(w, r, http.StatusText(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
if s.protoErrorHandler != nil {
_, outboundMarshaler := MarshalerForRequest(s, r)
s.protoErrorHandler(ctx, s, outboundMarshaler, w, r, ErrUnknownURI)
} else {
OtherErrorHandler(w, r, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
// GetForwardResponseOptions returns the ForwardResponseOptions associated with this ServeMux.
func (s *ServeMux) GetForwardResponseOptions() []func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, proto.Message) error {
return s.forwardResponseOptions
func (s *ServeMux) isPathLengthFallback(r *http.Request) bool {
return !s.disablePathLengthFallback && r.Method == "POST" && r.Header.Get("Content-Type") == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
type handler struct {
pat Pattern
h HandlerFunc
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@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
package runtime
import (
var (
// ErrNotMatch indicates that the given HTTP request path does not match to the pattern.
ErrNotMatch = errors.New("not match to the path pattern")
// ErrInvalidPattern indicates that the given definition of Pattern is not valid.
ErrInvalidPattern = errors.New("invalid pattern")
type op struct {
code utilities.OpCode
operand int
// Pattern is a template pattern of http request paths defined in github.com/googleapis/googleapis/google/api/http.proto.
type Pattern struct {
// ops is a list of operations
ops []op
// pool is a constant pool indexed by the operands or vars.
pool []string
// vars is a list of variables names to be bound by this pattern
vars []string
// stacksize is the max depth of the stack
stacksize int
// tailLen is the length of the fixed-size segments after a deep wildcard
tailLen int
// verb is the VERB part of the path pattern. It is empty if the pattern does not have VERB part.
verb string
// assumeColonVerb indicates whether a path suffix after a final
// colon may only be interpreted as a verb.
assumeColonVerb bool
type patternOptions struct {
assumeColonVerb bool
// PatternOpt is an option for creating Patterns.
type PatternOpt func(*patternOptions)
// NewPattern returns a new Pattern from the given definition values.
// "ops" is a sequence of op codes. "pool" is a constant pool.
// "verb" is the verb part of the pattern. It is empty if the pattern does not have the part.
// "version" must be 1 for now.
// It returns an error if the given definition is invalid.
func NewPattern(version int, ops []int, pool []string, verb string, opts ...PatternOpt) (Pattern, error) {
options := patternOptions{
assumeColonVerb: true,
for _, o := range opts {
if version != 1 {
grpclog.Infof("unsupported version: %d", version)
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
l := len(ops)
if l%2 != 0 {
grpclog.Infof("odd number of ops codes: %d", l)
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
var (
typedOps []op
stack, maxstack int
tailLen int
pushMSeen bool
vars []string
for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 {
op := op{code: utilities.OpCode(ops[i]), operand: ops[i+1]}
switch op.code {
case utilities.OpNop:
case utilities.OpPush:
if pushMSeen {
case utilities.OpPushM:
if pushMSeen {
grpclog.Infof("pushM appears twice")
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
pushMSeen = true
case utilities.OpLitPush:
if op.operand < 0 || len(pool) <= op.operand {
grpclog.Infof("negative literal index: %d", op.operand)
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
if pushMSeen {
case utilities.OpConcatN:
if op.operand <= 0 {
grpclog.Infof("negative concat size: %d", op.operand)
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
stack -= op.operand
if stack < 0 {
grpclog.Print("stack underflow")
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
case utilities.OpCapture:
if op.operand < 0 || len(pool) <= op.operand {
grpclog.Infof("variable name index out of bound: %d", op.operand)
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
v := pool[op.operand]
op.operand = len(vars)
vars = append(vars, v)
if stack < 0 {
grpclog.Infof("stack underflow")
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
grpclog.Infof("invalid opcode: %d", op.code)
return Pattern{}, ErrInvalidPattern
if maxstack < stack {
maxstack = stack
typedOps = append(typedOps, op)
return Pattern{
ops: typedOps,
pool: pool,
vars: vars,
stacksize: maxstack,
tailLen: tailLen,
verb: verb,
assumeColonVerb: options.assumeColonVerb,
}, nil
// MustPattern is a helper function which makes it easier to call NewPattern in variable initialization.
func MustPattern(p Pattern, err error) Pattern {
if err != nil {
grpclog.Fatalf("Pattern initialization failed: %v", err)
return p
// Match examines components if it matches to the Pattern.
// If it matches, the function returns a mapping from field paths to their captured values.
// If otherwise, the function returns an error.
func (p Pattern) Match(components []string, verb string) (map[string]string, error) {
if p.verb != verb {
if p.assumeColonVerb || p.verb != "" {
return nil, ErrNotMatch
if len(components) == 0 {
components = []string{":" + verb}
} else {
components = append([]string{}, components...)
components[len(components)-1] += ":" + verb
verb = ""
var pos int
stack := make([]string, 0, p.stacksize)
captured := make([]string, len(p.vars))
l := len(components)
for _, op := range p.ops {
switch op.code {
case utilities.OpNop:
case utilities.OpPush, utilities.OpLitPush:
if pos >= l {
return nil, ErrNotMatch
c := components[pos]
if op.code == utilities.OpLitPush {
if lit := p.pool[op.operand]; c != lit {
return nil, ErrNotMatch
stack = append(stack, c)
case utilities.OpPushM:
end := len(components)
if end < pos+p.tailLen {
return nil, ErrNotMatch
end -= p.tailLen
stack = append(stack, strings.Join(components[pos:end], "/"))
pos = end
case utilities.OpConcatN:
n := op.operand
l := len(stack) - n
stack = append(stack[:l], strings.Join(stack[l:], "/"))
case utilities.OpCapture:
n := len(stack) - 1
captured[op.operand] = stack[n]
stack = stack[:n]
if pos < l {
return nil, ErrNotMatch
bindings := make(map[string]string)
for i, val := range captured {
bindings[p.vars[i]] = val
return bindings, nil
// Verb returns the verb part of the Pattern.
func (p Pattern) Verb() string { return p.verb }
func (p Pattern) String() string {
var stack []string
for _, op := range p.ops {
switch op.code {
case utilities.OpNop:
case utilities.OpPush:
stack = append(stack, "*")
case utilities.OpLitPush:
stack = append(stack, p.pool[op.operand])
case utilities.OpPushM:
stack = append(stack, "**")
case utilities.OpConcatN:
n := op.operand
l := len(stack) - n
stack = append(stack[:l], strings.Join(stack[l:], "/"))
case utilities.OpCapture:
n := len(stack) - 1
stack[n] = fmt.Sprintf("{%s=%s}", p.vars[op.operand], stack[n])
segs := strings.Join(stack, "/")
if p.verb != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s:%s", segs, p.verb)
return "/" + segs
// AssumeColonVerbOpt indicates whether a path suffix after a final
// colon may only be interpreted as a verb.
func AssumeColonVerbOpt(val bool) PatternOpt {
return PatternOpt(func(o *patternOptions) {
o.assumeColonVerb = val
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package runtime
import (
// StringP returns a pointer to a string whose pointee is same as the given string value.
func StringP(val string) (*string, error) {
return proto.String(val), nil
// BoolP parses the given string representation of a boolean value,
// and returns a pointer to a bool whose value is same as the parsed value.
func BoolP(val string) (*bool, error) {
b, err := Bool(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.Bool(b), nil
// Float64P parses the given string representation of a floating point number,
// and returns a pointer to a float64 whose value is same as the parsed number.
func Float64P(val string) (*float64, error) {
f, err := Float64(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.Float64(f), nil
// Float32P parses the given string representation of a floating point number,
// and returns a pointer to a float32 whose value is same as the parsed number.
func Float32P(val string) (*float32, error) {
f, err := Float32(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.Float32(f), nil
// Int64P parses the given string representation of an integer
// and returns a pointer to a int64 whose value is same as the parsed integer.
func Int64P(val string) (*int64, error) {
i, err := Int64(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.Int64(i), nil
// Int32P parses the given string representation of an integer
// and returns a pointer to a int32 whose value is same as the parsed integer.
func Int32P(val string) (*int32, error) {
i, err := Int32(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.Int32(i), err
// Uint64P parses the given string representation of an integer
// and returns a pointer to a uint64 whose value is same as the parsed integer.
func Uint64P(val string) (*uint64, error) {
i, err := Uint64(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.Uint64(i), err
// Uint32P parses the given string representation of an integer
// and returns a pointer to a uint32 whose value is same as the parsed integer.
func Uint32P(val string) (*uint32, error) {
i, err := Uint32(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.Uint32(i), err
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package runtime
import (
// StreamErrorHandlerFunc accepts an error as a gRPC error generated via status package and translates it into a
// a proto struct used to represent error at the end of a stream.
type StreamErrorHandlerFunc func(context.Context, error) *StreamError
// StreamError is the payload for the final message in a server stream in the event that the server returns an
// error after a response message has already been sent.
type StreamError internal.StreamError
// ProtoErrorHandlerFunc handles the error as a gRPC error generated via status package and replies to the request.
type ProtoErrorHandlerFunc func(context.Context, *ServeMux, Marshaler, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error)
var _ ProtoErrorHandlerFunc = DefaultHTTPProtoErrorHandler
// DefaultHTTPProtoErrorHandler is an implementation of HTTPError.
// If "err" is an error from gRPC system, the function replies with the status code mapped by HTTPStatusFromCode.
// If otherwise, it replies with http.StatusInternalServerError.
// The response body returned by this function is a Status message marshaled by a Marshaler.
// Do not set this function to HTTPError variable directly, use WithProtoErrorHandler option instead.
func DefaultHTTPProtoErrorHandler(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, marshaler Marshaler, w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, err error) {
// return Internal when Marshal failed
const fallback = `{"code": 13, "message": "failed to marshal error message"}`
s, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
s = status.New(codes.Unknown, err.Error())
contentType := marshaler.ContentType()
// Check marshaler on run time in order to keep backwards compatibility
// An interface param needs to be added to the ContentType() function on
// the Marshal interface to be able to remove this check
if typeMarshaler, ok := marshaler.(contentTypeMarshaler); ok {
pb := s.Proto()
contentType = typeMarshaler.ContentTypeFromMessage(pb)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", contentType)
buf, merr := marshaler.Marshal(s.Proto())
if merr != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to marshal error message %q: %v", s.Proto(), merr)
if _, err := io.WriteString(w, fallback); err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to write response: %v", err)
md, ok := ServerMetadataFromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to extract ServerMetadata from context")
handleForwardResponseServerMetadata(w, mux, md)
handleForwardResponseTrailerHeader(w, md)
st := HTTPStatusFromCode(s.Code())
if _, err := w.Write(buf); err != nil {
grpclog.Infof("Failed to write response: %v", err)
handleForwardResponseTrailer(w, md)
// DefaultHTTPStreamErrorHandler converts the given err into a *StreamError via
// default logic.
// It extracts the gRPC status from err if possible. The fields of the status are
// used to populate the returned StreamError, and the HTTP status code is derived
// from the gRPC code via HTTPStatusFromCode. If the given err does not contain a
// gRPC status, an "Unknown" gRPC code is used and "Internal Server Error" HTTP code.
func DefaultHTTPStreamErrorHandler(_ context.Context, err error) *StreamError {
grpcCode := codes.Unknown
grpcMessage := err.Error()
var grpcDetails []*any.Any
if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
grpcCode = s.Code()
grpcMessage = s.Message()
grpcDetails = s.Proto().GetDetails()
httpCode := HTTPStatusFromCode(grpcCode)
return &StreamError{
GrpcCode: int32(grpcCode),
HttpCode: int32(httpCode),
Message: grpcMessage,
HttpStatus: http.StatusText(httpCode),
Details: grpcDetails,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
package runtime
import (
var valuesKeyRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^(.*)\\[(.*)\\]$")
var currentQueryParser QueryParameterParser = &defaultQueryParser{}
// QueryParameterParser defines interface for all query parameter parsers
type QueryParameterParser interface {
Parse(msg proto.Message, values url.Values, filter *utilities.DoubleArray) error
// PopulateQueryParameters parses query parameters
// into "msg" using current query parser
func PopulateQueryParameters(msg proto.Message, values url.Values, filter *utilities.DoubleArray) error {
return currentQueryParser.Parse(msg, values, filter)
type defaultQueryParser struct{}
// Parse populates "values" into "msg".
// A value is ignored if its key starts with one of the elements in "filter".
func (*defaultQueryParser) Parse(msg proto.Message, values url.Values, filter *utilities.DoubleArray) error {
for key, values := range values {
match := valuesKeyRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(key)
if len(match) == 3 {
key = match[1]
values = append([]string{match[2]}, values...)
fieldPath := strings.Split(key, ".")
if filter.HasCommonPrefix(fieldPath) {
if err := populateFieldValueFromPath(msg, fieldPath, values); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// PopulateFieldFromPath sets a value in a nested Protobuf structure.
// It instantiates missing protobuf fields as it goes.
func PopulateFieldFromPath(msg proto.Message, fieldPathString string, value string) error {
fieldPath := strings.Split(fieldPathString, ".")
return populateFieldValueFromPath(msg, fieldPath, []string{value})
func populateFieldValueFromPath(msg proto.Message, fieldPath []string, values []string) error {
m := reflect.ValueOf(msg)
if m.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T: %v", msg, msg)
var props *proto.Properties
m = m.Elem()
for i, fieldName := range fieldPath {
isLast := i == len(fieldPath)-1
if !isLast && m.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return fmt.Errorf("non-aggregate type in the mid of path: %s", strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
var f reflect.Value
var err error
f, props, err = fieldByProtoName(m, fieldName)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if !f.IsValid() {
grpclog.Infof("field not found in %T: %s", msg, strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
return nil
switch f.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.String, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if !isLast {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nested field %s in %s", fieldPath[i+1], strings.Join(fieldPath[:i+1], "."))
m = f
case reflect.Slice:
if !isLast {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected repeated field in %s", strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
// Handle []byte
if f.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
m = f
return populateRepeatedField(f, values, props)
case reflect.Ptr:
if f.IsNil() {
m = reflect.New(f.Type().Elem())
m = f.Elem()
case reflect.Struct:
m = f
case reflect.Map:
if !isLast {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nested field %s in %s", fieldPath[i+1], strings.Join(fieldPath[:i+1], "."))
return populateMapField(f, values, props)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %s in %T", f.Type(), msg)
switch len(values) {
case 0:
return fmt.Errorf("no value of field: %s", strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
case 1:
grpclog.Infof("too many field values: %s", strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
return populateField(m, values[0], props)
// fieldByProtoName looks up a field whose corresponding protobuf field name is "name".
// "m" must be a struct value. It returns zero reflect.Value if no such field found.
func fieldByProtoName(m reflect.Value, name string) (reflect.Value, *proto.Properties, error) {
props := proto.GetProperties(m.Type())
// look up field name in oneof map
for _, op := range props.OneofTypes {
if name == op.Prop.OrigName || name == op.Prop.JSONName {
v := reflect.New(op.Type.Elem())
field := m.Field(op.Field)
if !field.IsNil() {
return reflect.Value{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("field already set for %s oneof", props.Prop[op.Field].OrigName)
return v.Elem().Field(0), op.Prop, nil
for _, p := range props.Prop {
if p.OrigName == name {
return m.FieldByName(p.Name), p, nil
if p.JSONName == name {
return m.FieldByName(p.Name), p, nil
return reflect.Value{}, nil, nil
func populateMapField(f reflect.Value, values []string, props *proto.Properties) error {
if len(values) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("more than one value provided for key %s in map %s", values[0], props.Name)
key, value := values[0], values[1]
keyType := f.Type().Key()
valueType := f.Type().Elem()
if f.IsNil() {
keyConv, ok := convFromType[keyType.Kind()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported key type %s in map %s", keyType, props.Name)
valueConv, ok := convFromType[valueType.Kind()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported value type %s in map %s", valueType, props.Name)
keyV := keyConv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(key)})
if err := keyV[1].Interface(); err != nil {
return err.(error)
valueV := valueConv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(value)})
if err := valueV[1].Interface(); err != nil {
return err.(error)
f.SetMapIndex(keyV[0].Convert(keyType), valueV[0].Convert(valueType))
return nil
func populateRepeatedField(f reflect.Value, values []string, props *proto.Properties) error {
elemType := f.Type().Elem()
// is the destination field a slice of an enumeration type?
if enumValMap := proto.EnumValueMap(props.Enum); enumValMap != nil {
return populateFieldEnumRepeated(f, values, enumValMap)
conv, ok := convFromType[elemType.Kind()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported field type %s", elemType)
f.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(f.Type(), len(values), len(values)).Convert(f.Type()))
for i, v := range values {
result := conv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(v)})
if err := result[1].Interface(); err != nil {
return err.(error)
return nil
func populateField(f reflect.Value, value string, props *proto.Properties) error {
i := f.Addr().Interface()
// Handle protobuf well known types
var name string
switch m := i.(type) {
case interface{ XXX_WellKnownType() string }:
name = m.XXX_WellKnownType()
case proto.Message:
const wktPrefix = "google.protobuf."
if fullName := proto.MessageName(m); strings.HasPrefix(fullName, wktPrefix) {
name = fullName[len(wktPrefix):]
switch name {
case "Timestamp":
if value == "null" {
return nil
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Timestamp: %v", err)
return nil
case "Duration":
if value == "null" {
return nil
d, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Duration: %v", err)
ns := d.Nanoseconds()
s := ns / 1e9
ns %= 1e9
return nil
case "DoubleValue":
case "FloatValue":
float64Val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad DoubleValue: %s", value)
return nil
case "Int64Value":
case "Int32Value":
int64Val, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad DoubleValue: %s", value)
return nil
case "UInt64Value":
case "UInt32Value":
uint64Val, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad DoubleValue: %s", value)
return nil
case "BoolValue":
if value == "true" {
} else if value == "false" {
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("bad BoolValue: %s", value)
return nil
case "StringValue":
return nil
case "BytesValue":
bytesVal, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad BytesValue: %s", value)
return nil
case "FieldMask":
p := f.FieldByName("Paths")
for _, v := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
if v != "" {
p.Set(reflect.Append(p, reflect.ValueOf(v)))
return nil
// Handle Time and Duration stdlib types
switch t := i.(type) {
case *time.Time:
pt, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Timestamp: %v", err)
*t = pt
return nil
case *time.Duration:
d, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Duration: %v", err)
*t = d
return nil
// is the destination field an enumeration type?
if enumValMap := proto.EnumValueMap(props.Enum); enumValMap != nil {
return populateFieldEnum(f, value, enumValMap)
conv, ok := convFromType[f.Kind()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("field type %T is not supported in query parameters", i)
result := conv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(value)})
if err := result[1].Interface(); err != nil {
return err.(error)
return nil
func convertEnum(value string, t reflect.Type, enumValMap map[string]int32) (reflect.Value, error) {
// see if it's an enumeration string
if enumVal, ok := enumValMap[value]; ok {
return reflect.ValueOf(enumVal).Convert(t), nil
// check for an integer that matches an enumeration value
eVal, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
return reflect.Value{}, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid %s", value, t)
for _, v := range enumValMap {
if v == int32(eVal) {
return reflect.ValueOf(eVal).Convert(t), nil
return reflect.Value{}, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid %s", value, t)
func populateFieldEnum(f reflect.Value, value string, enumValMap map[string]int32) error {
cval, err := convertEnum(value, f.Type(), enumValMap)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func populateFieldEnumRepeated(f reflect.Value, values []string, enumValMap map[string]int32) error {
elemType := f.Type().Elem()
f.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(f.Type(), len(values), len(values)).Convert(f.Type()))
for i, v := range values {
result, err := convertEnum(v, elemType, enumValMap)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var (
convFromType = map[reflect.Kind]reflect.Value{
reflect.String: reflect.ValueOf(String),
reflect.Bool: reflect.ValueOf(Bool),
reflect.Float64: reflect.ValueOf(Float64),
reflect.Float32: reflect.ValueOf(Float32),
reflect.Int64: reflect.ValueOf(Int64),
reflect.Int32: reflect.ValueOf(Int32),
reflect.Uint64: reflect.ValueOf(Uint64),
reflect.Uint32: reflect.ValueOf(Uint32),
reflect.Slice: reflect.ValueOf(Bytes),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "go_default_library",
srcs = [
importpath = "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/utilities",
name = "go_default_test",
size = "small",
srcs = ["trie_test.go"],
embed = [":go_default_library"],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
// Package utilities provides members for internal use in grpc-gateway.
package utilities
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package utilities
// An OpCode is a opcode of compiled path patterns.
type OpCode int
// These constants are the valid values of OpCode.
const (
// OpNop does nothing
OpNop = OpCode(iota)
// OpPush pushes a component to stack
// OpLitPush pushes a component to stack if it matches to the literal
// OpPushM concatenates the remaining components and pushes it to stack
// OpConcatN pops N items from stack, concatenates them and pushes it back to stack
// OpCapture pops an item and binds it to the variable
// OpEnd is the least positive invalid opcode.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package utilities
import (
// IOReaderFactory takes in an io.Reader and returns a function that will allow you to create a new reader that begins
// at the start of the stream
func IOReaderFactory(r io.Reader) (func() io.Reader, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func() io.Reader {
return bytes.NewReader(b)
}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
package utilities
import (
// DoubleArray is a Double Array implementation of trie on sequences of strings.
type DoubleArray struct {
// Encoding keeps an encoding from string to int
Encoding map[string]int
// Base is the base array of Double Array
Base []int
// Check is the check array of Double Array
Check []int
// NewDoubleArray builds a DoubleArray from a set of sequences of strings.
func NewDoubleArray(seqs [][]string) *DoubleArray {
da := &DoubleArray{Encoding: make(map[string]int)}
if len(seqs) == 0 {
return da
encoded := registerTokens(da, seqs)
root := node{row: -1, col: -1, left: 0, right: len(encoded)}
addSeqs(da, encoded, 0, root)
for i := len(da.Base); i > 0; i-- {
if da.Check[i-1] != 0 {
da.Base = da.Base[:i]
da.Check = da.Check[:i]
return da
func registerTokens(da *DoubleArray, seqs [][]string) [][]int {
var result [][]int
for _, seq := range seqs {
var encoded []int
for _, token := range seq {
if _, ok := da.Encoding[token]; !ok {
da.Encoding[token] = len(da.Encoding)
encoded = append(encoded, da.Encoding[token])
result = append(result, encoded)
for i := range result {
result[i] = append(result[i], len(da.Encoding))
return result
type node struct {
row, col int
left, right int
func (n node) value(seqs [][]int) int {
return seqs[n.row][n.col]
func (n node) children(seqs [][]int) []*node {
var result []*node
lastVal := int(-1)
last := new(node)
for i := n.left; i < n.right; i++ {
if lastVal == seqs[i][n.col+1] {
last.right = i
last = &node{
row: i,
col: n.col + 1,
left: i,
result = append(result, last)
last.right = n.right
return result
func addSeqs(da *DoubleArray, seqs [][]int, pos int, n node) {
ensureSize(da, pos)
children := n.children(seqs)
var i int
for i = 1; ; i++ {
ok := func() bool {
for _, child := range children {
code := child.value(seqs)
j := i + code
ensureSize(da, j)
if da.Check[j] != 0 {
return false
return true
if ok {
da.Base[pos] = i
for _, child := range children {
code := child.value(seqs)
j := i + code
da.Check[j] = pos + 1
terminator := len(da.Encoding)
for _, child := range children {
code := child.value(seqs)
if code == terminator {
j := i + code
addSeqs(da, seqs, j, *child)
func ensureSize(da *DoubleArray, i int) {
for i >= len(da.Base) {
da.Base = append(da.Base, make([]int, len(da.Base)+1)...)
da.Check = append(da.Check, make([]int, len(da.Check)+1)...)
type byLex [][]int
func (l byLex) Len() int { return len(l) }
func (l byLex) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
func (l byLex) Less(i, j int) bool {
si := l[i]
sj := l[j]
var k int
for k = 0; k < len(si) && k < len(sj); k++ {
if si[k] < sj[k] {
return true
if si[k] > sj[k] {
return false
if k < len(sj) {
return true
return false
// HasCommonPrefix determines if any sequence in the DoubleArray is a prefix of the given sequence.
func (da *DoubleArray) HasCommonPrefix(seq []string) bool {
if len(da.Base) == 0 {
return false
var i int
for _, t := range seq {
code, ok := da.Encoding[t]
if !ok {
j := da.Base[i] + code
if len(da.Check) <= j || da.Check[j] != i+1 {
i = j
j := da.Base[i] + len(da.Encoding)
if len(da.Check) <= j || da.Check[j] != i+1 {
return false
return true
@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
package lru
import (
const (
// Default2QRecentRatio is the ratio of the 2Q cache dedicated
// to recently added entries that have only been accessed once.
Default2QRecentRatio = 0.25
// Default2QGhostEntries is the default ratio of ghost
// entries kept to track entries recently evicted
Default2QGhostEntries = 0.50
// TwoQueueCache is a thread-safe fixed size 2Q cache.
// 2Q is an enhancement over the standard LRU cache
// in that it tracks both frequently and recently used
// entries separately. This avoids a burst in access to new
// entries from evicting frequently used entries. It adds some
// additional tracking overhead to the standard LRU cache, and is
// computationally about 2x the cost, and adds some metadata over
// head. The ARCCache is similar, but does not require setting any
// parameters.
type TwoQueueCache struct {
size int
recentSize int
recent simplelru.LRUCache
frequent simplelru.LRUCache
recentEvict simplelru.LRUCache
lock sync.RWMutex
// New2Q creates a new TwoQueueCache using the default
// values for the parameters.
func New2Q(size int) (*TwoQueueCache, error) {
return New2QParams(size, Default2QRecentRatio, Default2QGhostEntries)
// New2QParams creates a new TwoQueueCache using the provided
// parameter values.
func New2QParams(size int, recentRatio float64, ghostRatio float64) (*TwoQueueCache, error) {
if size <= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid size")
if recentRatio < 0.0 || recentRatio > 1.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid recent ratio")
if ghostRatio < 0.0 || ghostRatio > 1.0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ghost ratio")
// Determine the sub-sizes
recentSize := int(float64(size) * recentRatio)
evictSize := int(float64(size) * ghostRatio)
// Allocate the LRUs
recent, err := simplelru.NewLRU(size, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
frequent, err := simplelru.NewLRU(size, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
recentEvict, err := simplelru.NewLRU(evictSize, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Initialize the cache
c := &TwoQueueCache{
size: size,
recentSize: recentSize,
recent: recent,
frequent: frequent,
recentEvict: recentEvict,
return c, nil
// Get looks up a key's value from the cache.
func (c *TwoQueueCache) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
// Check if this is a frequent value
if val, ok := c.frequent.Get(key); ok {
return val, ok
// If the value is contained in recent, then we
// promote it to frequent
if val, ok := c.recent.Peek(key); ok {
c.frequent.Add(key, val)
return val, ok
// No hit
return nil, false
// Add adds a value to the cache.
func (c *TwoQueueCache) Add(key, value interface{}) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
// Check if the value is frequently used already,
// and just update the value
if c.frequent.Contains(key) {
c.frequent.Add(key, value)
// Check if the value is recently used, and promote
// the value into the frequent list
if c.recent.Contains(key) {
c.frequent.Add(key, value)
// If the value was recently evicted, add it to the
// frequently used list
if c.recentEvict.Contains(key) {
c.frequent.Add(key, value)
// Add to the recently seen list
c.recent.Add(key, value)
// ensureSpace is used to ensure we have space in the cache
func (c *TwoQueueCache) ensureSpace(recentEvict bool) {
// If we have space, nothing to do
recentLen := c.recent.Len()
freqLen := c.frequent.Len()
if recentLen+freqLen < c.size {
// If the recent buffer is larger than
// the target, evict from there
if recentLen > 0 && (recentLen > c.recentSize || (recentLen == c.recentSize && !recentEvict)) {
k, _, _ := c.recent.RemoveOldest()
c.recentEvict.Add(k, nil)
// Remove from the frequent list otherwise
// Len returns the number of items in the cache.
func (c *TwoQueueCache) Len() int {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
return c.recent.Len() + c.frequent.Len()
// Keys returns a slice of the keys in the cache.
// The frequently used keys are first in the returned slice.
func (c *TwoQueueCache) Keys() []interface{} {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
k1 := c.frequent.Keys()
k2 := c.recent.Keys()
return append(k1, k2...)
// Remove removes the provided key from the cache.
func (c *TwoQueueCache) Remove(key interface{}) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if c.frequent.Remove(key) {
if c.recent.Remove(key) {
if c.recentEvict.Remove(key) {
// Purge is used to completely clear the cache.
func (c *TwoQueueCache) Purge() {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
// Contains is used to check if the cache contains a key
// without updating recency or frequency.
func (c *TwoQueueCache) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
return c.frequent.Contains(key) || c.recent.Contains(key)
// Peek is used to inspect the cache value of a key
// without updating recency or frequency.
func (c *TwoQueueCache) Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
if val, ok := c.frequent.Peek(key); ok {
return val, ok
return c.recent.Peek(key)
@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
1. Definitions
1.1. "Contributor"
means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the
creation of, or owns Covered Software.
1.2. "Contributor Version"
means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used by a
Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
1.3. "Contribution"
means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
1.4. "Covered Software"
means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached the
notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code Form, and
Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case including portions
1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
a. that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described in
Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
b. that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the terms of
a Secondary License.
1.6. "Executable Form"
means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
1.7. "Larger Work"
means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in a
separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
1.8. "License"
means this document.
1.9. "Licensable"
means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether
at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and all of the
rights conveyed by this License.
1.10. "Modifications"
means any of the following:
a. any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered Software; or
b. any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered Software.
1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the License,
by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having made, import,
or transfer of either its Contributions or its Contributor Version.
1.12. "Secondary License"
means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU Lesser
General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General Public
License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those licenses.
1.13. "Source Code Form"
means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
1.14. "You" (or "Your")
means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this
definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause
the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
2. License Grants and Conditions
2.1. Grants
Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
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a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
as part of a Larger Work; and
b. under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer for
sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
Contributions or its Contributor Version.
2.2. Effective Date
The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
distributes such Contribution.
2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
a. for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; or
b. for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
Version); or
c. under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
its Contributions.
This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
2.4. Subsequent Licenses
No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
2.5. Representation
Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights to
grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
2.6. Fair Use
This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
2.7. Conditions
Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted in
Section 2.1.
3. Responsibilities
3.1. Distribution of Source Form
All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form,
as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the
Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by
reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost
of distribution to the recipient; and
b. You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the
recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
3.4. Notices
You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, or
limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of the
Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to the
extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
3.5. Application of Additional Terms
You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to statute,
judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of
this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the
limitations and the code they affect. Such description must be placed in a
text file included with all distributions of the Covered Software under
this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute or regulation,
such description must be sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary
skill to be able to understand it.
5. Termination
5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically if You
fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become compliant,
then the rights granted under this License from a particular Contributor
are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such Contributor
explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an ongoing
basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the non-compliance by
some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have come back into
compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular Contributor are
reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor notifies You of the
non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the first time You have
received notice of non-compliance with this License from such
Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after Your receipt
of the notice.
5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
2.1 of this License shall terminate.
5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all end user
license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been
validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License prior to
termination shall survive termination.
6. Disclaimer of Warranty
Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" basis,
without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory,
including, without limitation, warranties that the Covered Software is free
of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing.
The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Covered Software
is with You. Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect,
You (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing,
repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential
part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is authorized under
this License except under this disclaimer.
7. Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including
negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who
distributes Covered Software as permitted above, be liable to You for any
direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
character including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of
goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been
informed of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability
shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury resulting from
such party's negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such
limitation. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may
not apply to You.
8. Litigation
Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the courts
of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal place of
business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. Nothing
in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring cross-claims or
9. Miscellaneous
This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides that
the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not
be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
10. Versions of the License
10.1. New Versions
Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
distinguishing version number.
10.2. Effect of New Versions
You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
10.3. Modified Versions
If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
such modified license differs from this License).
10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
Licenses If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is
Incompatible With Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of
the License, the notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be
Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
This Source Code Form is subject to the
terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.
2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at
If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file,
then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a
relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a
You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
This Source Code Form is "Incompatible
With Secondary Licenses", as defined by
the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
This provides the `lru` package which implements a fixed-size
thread safe LRU cache. It is based on the cache in Groupcache.
Full docs are available on [Godoc](http://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru)
Using the LRU is very simple:
l, _ := New(128)
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
l.Add(i, nil)
if l.Len() != 128 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad len: %v", l.Len()))
@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
package lru
import (
// ARCCache is a thread-safe fixed size Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC).
// ARC is an enhancement over the standard LRU cache in that tracks both
// frequency and recency of use. This avoids a burst in access to new
// entries from evicting the frequently used older entries. It adds some
// additional tracking overhead to a standard LRU cache, computationally
// it is roughly 2x the cost, and the extra memory overhead is linear
// with the size of the cache. ARC has been patented by IBM, but is
// similar to the TwoQueueCache (2Q) which requires setting parameters.
type ARCCache struct {
size int // Size is the total capacity of the cache
p int // P is the dynamic preference towards T1 or T2
t1 simplelru.LRUCache // T1 is the LRU for recently accessed items
b1 simplelru.LRUCache // B1 is the LRU for evictions from t1
t2 simplelru.LRUCache // T2 is the LRU for frequently accessed items
b2 simplelru.LRUCache // B2 is the LRU for evictions from t2
lock sync.RWMutex
// NewARC creates an ARC of the given size
func NewARC(size int) (*ARCCache, error) {
// Create the sub LRUs
b1, err := simplelru.NewLRU(size, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b2, err := simplelru.NewLRU(size, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t1, err := simplelru.NewLRU(size, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t2, err := simplelru.NewLRU(size, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Initialize the ARC
c := &ARCCache{
size: size,
p: 0,
t1: t1,
b1: b1,
t2: t2,
b2: b2,
return c, nil
// Get looks up a key's value from the cache.
func (c *ARCCache) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
// If the value is contained in T1 (recent), then
// promote it to T2 (frequent)
if val, ok := c.t1.Peek(key); ok {
c.t2.Add(key, val)
return val, ok
// Check if the value is contained in T2 (frequent)
if val, ok := c.t2.Get(key); ok {
return val, ok
// No hit
return nil, false
// Add adds a value to the cache.
func (c *ARCCache) Add(key, value interface{}) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
// Check if the value is contained in T1 (recent), and potentially
// promote it to frequent T2
if c.t1.Contains(key) {
c.t2.Add(key, value)
// Check if the value is already in T2 (frequent) and update it
if c.t2.Contains(key) {
c.t2.Add(key, value)
// Check if this value was recently evicted as part of the
// recently used list
if c.b1.Contains(key) {
// T1 set is too small, increase P appropriately
delta := 1
b1Len := c.b1.Len()
b2Len := c.b2.Len()
if b2Len > b1Len {
delta = b2Len / b1Len
if c.p+delta >= c.size {
c.p = c.size
} else {
c.p += delta
// Potentially need to make room in the cache
if c.t1.Len()+c.t2.Len() >= c.size {
// Remove from B1
// Add the key to the frequently used list
c.t2.Add(key, value)
// Check if this value was recently evicted as part of the
// frequently used list
if c.b2.Contains(key) {
// T2 set is too small, decrease P appropriately
delta := 1
b1Len := c.b1.Len()
b2Len := c.b2.Len()
if b1Len > b2Len {
delta = b1Len / b2Len
if delta >= c.p {
c.p = 0
} else {
c.p -= delta
// Potentially need to make room in the cache
if c.t1.Len()+c.t2.Len() >= c.size {
// Remove from B2
// Add the key to the frequently used list
c.t2.Add(key, value)
// Potentially need to make room in the cache
if c.t1.Len()+c.t2.Len() >= c.size {
// Keep the size of the ghost buffers trim
if c.b1.Len() > c.size-c.p {
if c.b2.Len() > c.p {
// Add to the recently seen list
c.t1.Add(key, value)
// replace is used to adaptively evict from either T1 or T2
// based on the current learned value of P
func (c *ARCCache) replace(b2ContainsKey bool) {
t1Len := c.t1.Len()
if t1Len > 0 && (t1Len > c.p || (t1Len == c.p && b2ContainsKey)) {
k, _, ok := c.t1.RemoveOldest()
if ok {
c.b1.Add(k, nil)
} else {
k, _, ok := c.t2.RemoveOldest()
if ok {
c.b2.Add(k, nil)
// Len returns the number of cached entries
func (c *ARCCache) Len() int {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
return c.t1.Len() + c.t2.Len()
// Keys returns all the cached keys
func (c *ARCCache) Keys() []interface{} {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
k1 := c.t1.Keys()
k2 := c.t2.Keys()
return append(k1, k2...)
// Remove is used to purge a key from the cache
func (c *ARCCache) Remove(key interface{}) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if c.t1.Remove(key) {
if c.t2.Remove(key) {
if c.b1.Remove(key) {
if c.b2.Remove(key) {
// Purge is used to clear the cache
func (c *ARCCache) Purge() {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
// Contains is used to check if the cache contains a key
// without updating recency or frequency.
func (c *ARCCache) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
return c.t1.Contains(key) || c.t2.Contains(key)
// Peek is used to inspect the cache value of a key
// without updating recency or frequency.
func (c *ARCCache) Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
defer c.lock.RUnlock()
if val, ok := c.t1.Peek(key); ok {
return val, ok
return c.t2.Peek(key)
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// Package lru provides three different LRU caches of varying sophistication.
// Cache is a simple LRU cache. It is based on the
// LRU implementation in groupcache:
// https://github.com/golang/groupcache/tree/master/lru
// TwoQueueCache tracks frequently used and recently used entries separately.
// This avoids a burst of accesses from taking out frequently used entries,
// at the cost of about 2x computational overhead and some extra bookkeeping.
// ARCCache is an adaptive replacement cache. It tracks recent evictions as
// well as recent usage in both the frequent and recent caches. Its
// computational overhead is comparable to TwoQueueCache, but the memory
// overhead is linear with the size of the cache.
// ARC has been patented by IBM, so do not use it if that is problematic for
// your program.
// All caches in this package take locks while operating, and are therefore
// thread-safe for consumers.
package lru
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
module github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru
go 1.12
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
package lru
import (
// Cache is a thread-safe fixed size LRU cache.
type Cache struct {
lru simplelru.LRUCache
lock sync.RWMutex
// New creates an LRU of the given size.
func New(size int) (*Cache, error) {
return NewWithEvict(size, nil)
// NewWithEvict constructs a fixed size cache with the given eviction
// callback.
func NewWithEvict(size int, onEvicted func(key interface{}, value interface{})) (*Cache, error) {
lru, err := simplelru.NewLRU(size, simplelru.EvictCallback(onEvicted))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &Cache{
lru: lru,
return c, nil
// Purge is used to completely clear the cache.
func (c *Cache) Purge() {
// Add adds a value to the cache. Returns true if an eviction occurred.
func (c *Cache) Add(key, value interface{}) (evicted bool) {
evicted = c.lru.Add(key, value)
return evicted
// Get looks up a key's value from the cache.
func (c *Cache) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
value, ok = c.lru.Get(key)
return value, ok
// Contains checks if a key is in the cache, without updating the
// recent-ness or deleting it for being stale.
func (c *Cache) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
containKey := c.lru.Contains(key)
return containKey
// Peek returns the key value (or undefined if not found) without updating
// the "recently used"-ness of the key.
func (c *Cache) Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
value, ok = c.lru.Peek(key)
return value, ok
// ContainsOrAdd checks if a key is in the cache without updating the
// recent-ness or deleting it for being stale, and if not, adds the value.
// Returns whether found and whether an eviction occurred.
func (c *Cache) ContainsOrAdd(key, value interface{}) (ok, evicted bool) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if c.lru.Contains(key) {
return true, false
evicted = c.lru.Add(key, value)
return false, evicted
// PeekOrAdd checks if a key is in the cache without updating the
// recent-ness or deleting it for being stale, and if not, adds the value.
// Returns whether found and whether an eviction occurred.
func (c *Cache) PeekOrAdd(key, value interface{}) (previous interface{}, ok, evicted bool) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
previous, ok = c.lru.Peek(key)
if ok {
return previous, true, false
evicted = c.lru.Add(key, value)
return nil, false, evicted
// Remove removes the provided key from the cache.
func (c *Cache) Remove(key interface{}) (present bool) {
present = c.lru.Remove(key)
// Resize changes the cache size.
func (c *Cache) Resize(size int) (evicted int) {
evicted = c.lru.Resize(size)
return evicted
// RemoveOldest removes the oldest item from the cache.
func (c *Cache) RemoveOldest() (key interface{}, value interface{}, ok bool) {
key, value, ok = c.lru.RemoveOldest()
// GetOldest returns the oldest entry
func (c *Cache) GetOldest() (key interface{}, value interface{}, ok bool) {
key, value, ok = c.lru.GetOldest()
// Keys returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest.
func (c *Cache) Keys() []interface{} {
keys := c.lru.Keys()
return keys
// Len returns the number of items in the cache.
func (c *Cache) Len() int {
length := c.lru.Len()
return length
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
package simplelru
import (
// EvictCallback is used to get a callback when a cache entry is evicted
type EvictCallback func(key interface{}, value interface{})
// LRU implements a non-thread safe fixed size LRU cache
type LRU struct {
size int
evictList *list.List
items map[interface{}]*list.Element
onEvict EvictCallback
// entry is used to hold a value in the evictList
type entry struct {
key interface{}
value interface{}
// NewLRU constructs an LRU of the given size
func NewLRU(size int, onEvict EvictCallback) (*LRU, error) {
if size <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Must provide a positive size")
c := &LRU{
size: size,
evictList: list.New(),
items: make(map[interface{}]*list.Element),
onEvict: onEvict,
return c, nil
// Purge is used to completely clear the cache.
func (c *LRU) Purge() {
for k, v := range c.items {
if c.onEvict != nil {
c.onEvict(k, v.Value.(*entry).value)
delete(c.items, k)
// Add adds a value to the cache. Returns true if an eviction occurred.
func (c *LRU) Add(key, value interface{}) (evicted bool) {
// Check for existing item
if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
ent.Value.(*entry).value = value
return false
// Add new item
ent := &entry{key, value}
entry := c.evictList.PushFront(ent)
c.items[key] = entry
evict := c.evictList.Len() > c.size
// Verify size not exceeded
if evict {
return evict
// Get looks up a key's value from the cache.
func (c *LRU) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
if ent.Value.(*entry) == nil {
return nil, false
return ent.Value.(*entry).value, true
// Contains checks if a key is in the cache, without updating the recent-ness
// or deleting it for being stale.
func (c *LRU) Contains(key interface{}) (ok bool) {
_, ok = c.items[key]
return ok
// Peek returns the key value (or undefined if not found) without updating
// the "recently used"-ness of the key.
func (c *LRU) Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
var ent *list.Element
if ent, ok = c.items[key]; ok {
return ent.Value.(*entry).value, true
return nil, ok
// Remove removes the provided key from the cache, returning if the
// key was contained.
func (c *LRU) Remove(key interface{}) (present bool) {
if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
return true
return false
// RemoveOldest removes the oldest item from the cache.
func (c *LRU) RemoveOldest() (key interface{}, value interface{}, ok bool) {
ent := c.evictList.Back()
if ent != nil {
kv := ent.Value.(*entry)
return kv.key, kv.value, true
return nil, nil, false
// GetOldest returns the oldest entry
func (c *LRU) GetOldest() (key interface{}, value interface{}, ok bool) {
ent := c.evictList.Back()
if ent != nil {
kv := ent.Value.(*entry)
return kv.key, kv.value, true
return nil, nil, false
// Keys returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest.
func (c *LRU) Keys() []interface{} {
keys := make([]interface{}, len(c.items))
i := 0
for ent := c.evictList.Back(); ent != nil; ent = ent.Prev() {
keys[i] = ent.Value.(*entry).key
return keys
// Len returns the number of items in the cache.
func (c *LRU) Len() int {
return c.evictList.Len()
// Resize changes the cache size.
func (c *LRU) Resize(size int) (evicted int) {
diff := c.Len() - size
if diff < 0 {
diff = 0
for i := 0; i < diff; i++ {
c.size = size
return diff
// removeOldest removes the oldest item from the cache.
func (c *LRU) removeOldest() {
ent := c.evictList.Back()
if ent != nil {
// removeElement is used to remove a given list element from the cache
func (c *LRU) removeElement(e *list.Element) {
kv := e.Value.(*entry)
delete(c.items, kv.key)
if c.onEvict != nil {
c.onEvict(kv.key, kv.value)
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package simplelru
// LRUCache is the interface for simple LRU cache.
type LRUCache interface {
// Adds a value to the cache, returns true if an eviction occurred and
// updates the "recently used"-ness of the key.
Add(key, value interface{}) bool
// Returns key's value from the cache and
// updates the "recently used"-ness of the key. #value, isFound
Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
// Checks if a key exists in cache without updating the recent-ness.
Contains(key interface{}) (ok bool)
// Returns key's value without updating the "recently used"-ness of the key.
Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
// Removes a key from the cache.
Remove(key interface{}) bool
// Removes the oldest entry from cache.
RemoveOldest() (interface{}, interface{}, bool)
// Returns the oldest entry from the cache. #key, value, isFound
GetOldest() (interface{}, interface{}, bool)
// Returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest.
Keys() []interface{}
// Returns the number of items in the cache.
Len() int
// Clears all cache entries.
// Resizes cache, returning number evicted
Resize(int) int
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Copyright 2014 Alan Shreve
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# mousetrap
mousetrap is a tiny library that answers a single question.
On a Windows machine, was the process invoked by someone double clicking on
the executable file while browsing in explorer?
### Motivation
Windows developers unfamiliar with command line tools will often "double-click"
the executable for a tool. Because most CLI tools print the help and then exit
when invoked without arguments, this is often very frustrating for those users.
mousetrap provides a way to detect these invocations so that you can provide
more helpful behavior and instructions on how to run the CLI tool. To see what
this looks like, both from an organizational and a technical perspective, see
### The interface
The library exposes a single interface:
func StartedByExplorer() (bool)
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// +build !windows
package mousetrap
// StartedByExplorer returns true if the program was invoked by the user
// double-clicking on the executable from explorer.exe
// It is conservative and returns false if any of the internal calls fail.
// It does not guarantee that the program was run from a terminal. It only can tell you
// whether it was launched from explorer.exe
// On non-Windows platforms, it always returns false.
func StartedByExplorer() bool {
return false
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// +build windows
// +build !go1.4
package mousetrap
import (
const (
// defined by the Win32 API
th32cs_snapprocess uintptr = 0x2
var (
kernel = syscall.MustLoadDLL("kernel32.dll")
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot = kernel.MustFindProc("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot")
Process32First = kernel.MustFindProc("Process32FirstW")
Process32Next = kernel.MustFindProc("Process32NextW")
// ProcessEntry32 structure defined by the Win32 API
type processEntry32 struct {
dwSize uint32
cntUsage uint32
th32ProcessID uint32
th32DefaultHeapID int
th32ModuleID uint32
cntThreads uint32
th32ParentProcessID uint32
pcPriClassBase int32
dwFlags uint32
szExeFile [syscall.MAX_PATH]uint16
func getProcessEntry(pid int) (pe *processEntry32, err error) {
snapshot, _, e1 := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.Call(th32cs_snapprocess, uintptr(0))
if snapshot == uintptr(syscall.InvalidHandle) {
err = fmt.Errorf("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot: %v", e1)
defer syscall.CloseHandle(syscall.Handle(snapshot))
var processEntry processEntry32
processEntry.dwSize = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(processEntry))
ok, _, e1 := Process32First.Call(snapshot, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&processEntry)))
if ok == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("Process32First: %v", e1)
for {
if processEntry.th32ProcessID == uint32(pid) {
pe = &processEntry
ok, _, e1 = Process32Next.Call(snapshot, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&processEntry)))
if ok == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("Process32Next: %v", e1)
func getppid() (pid int, err error) {
pe, err := getProcessEntry(os.Getpid())
if err != nil {
pid = int(pe.th32ParentProcessID)
// StartedByExplorer returns true if the program was invoked by the user double-clicking
// on the executable from explorer.exe
// It is conservative and returns false if any of the internal calls fail.
// It does not guarantee that the program was run from a terminal. It only can tell you
// whether it was launched from explorer.exe
func StartedByExplorer() bool {
ppid, err := getppid()
if err != nil {
return false
pe, err := getProcessEntry(ppid)
if err != nil {
return false
name := syscall.UTF16ToString(pe.szExeFile[:])
return name == "explorer.exe"
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// +build windows
// +build go1.4
package mousetrap
import (
func getProcessEntry(pid int) (*syscall.ProcessEntry32, error) {
snapshot, err := syscall.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(syscall.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer syscall.CloseHandle(snapshot)
var procEntry syscall.ProcessEntry32
procEntry.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(procEntry))
if err = syscall.Process32First(snapshot, &procEntry); err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
if procEntry.ProcessID == uint32(pid) {
return &procEntry, nil
err = syscall.Process32Next(snapshot, &procEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// StartedByExplorer returns true if the program was invoked by the user double-clicking
// on the executable from explorer.exe
// It is conservative and returns false if any of the internal calls fail.
// It does not guarantee that the program was run from a terminal. It only can tell you
// whether it was launched from explorer.exe
func StartedByExplorer() bool {
pe, err := getProcessEntry(os.Getppid())
if err != nil {
return false
return "explorer.exe" == syscall.UTF16ToString(pe.ExeFile[:])
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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
Copyright 2014 Docker, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Copyright 2012-2015 Docker, Inc.
This product includes software developed at Docker, Inc. (http://www.docker.com).
The following is courtesy of our legal counsel:
Use and transfer of Docker may be subject to certain restrictions by the
United States and other governments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your use and/or transfer does not
violate applicable laws.
For more information, please see http://www.bis.doc.gov
See also http://www.apache.org/dev/crypto.html and/or seek legal counsel.
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package apparmor
import "errors"
var (
// IsEnabled returns true if apparmor is enabled for the host.
IsEnabled = isEnabled
// ApplyProfile will apply the profile with the specified name to the process after
// the next exec. It is only supported on Linux and produces an ErrApparmorNotEnabled
// on other platforms.
ApplyProfile = applyProfile
// ErrApparmorNotEnabled indicates that AppArmor is not enabled or not supported.
ErrApparmorNotEnabled = errors.New("apparmor: config provided but apparmor not supported")
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package apparmor
import (
var (
appArmorEnabled bool
checkAppArmor sync.Once
// isEnabled returns true if apparmor is enabled for the host.
func isEnabled() bool {
checkAppArmor.Do(func() {
if _, err := os.Stat("/sys/kernel/security/apparmor"); err == nil {
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled")
appArmorEnabled = err == nil && len(buf) > 1 && buf[0] == 'Y'
return appArmorEnabled
func setProcAttr(attr, value string) error {
// Under AppArmor you can only change your own attr, so use /proc/self/
// instead of /proc/<tid>/ like libapparmor does
attrPath := "/proc/self/attr/apparmor/" + attr
if _, err := os.Stat(attrPath); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
// fall back to the old convention
attrPath = "/proc/self/attr/" + attr
f, err := os.OpenFile(attrPath, os.O_WRONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
if err := utils.EnsureProcHandle(f); err != nil {
return err
_, err = f.WriteString(value)
return err
// changeOnExec reimplements aa_change_onexec from libapparmor in Go
func changeOnExec(name string) error {
if err := setProcAttr("exec", "exec "+name); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("apparmor failed to apply profile: %s", err)
return nil
// applyProfile will apply the profile with the specified name to the process after
// the next exec. It is only supported on Linux and produces an error on other
// platforms.
func applyProfile(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return nil
return changeOnExec(name)
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// +build !linux
package apparmor
func isEnabled() bool {
return false
func applyProfile(name string) error {
if name != "" {
return ErrApparmorNotEnabled
return nil
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// +build linux
package utils
* Copyright 2016, 2017 SUSE LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import (
// MaxSendfdLen is the maximum length of the name of a file descriptor being
// sent using SendFd. The name of the file handle returned by RecvFd will never
// be larger than this value.
const MaxNameLen = 4096
// oobSpace is the size of the oob slice required to store a single FD. Note
// that unix.UnixRights appears to make the assumption that fd is always int32,
// so sizeof(fd) = 4.
var oobSpace = unix.CmsgSpace(4)
// RecvFd waits for a file descriptor to be sent over the given AF_UNIX
// socket. The file name of the remote file descriptor will be recreated
// locally (it is sent as non-auxiliary data in the same payload).
func RecvFd(socket *os.File) (*os.File, error) {
// For some reason, unix.Recvmsg uses the length rather than the capacity
// when passing the msg_controllen and other attributes to recvmsg. So we
// have to actually set the length.
name := make([]byte, MaxNameLen)
oob := make([]byte, oobSpace)
sockfd := socket.Fd()
n, oobn, _, _, err := unix.Recvmsg(int(sockfd), name, oob, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n >= MaxNameLen || oobn != oobSpace {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("recvfd: incorrect number of bytes read (n=%d oobn=%d)", n, oobn)
// Truncate.
name = name[:n]
oob = oob[:oobn]
scms, err := unix.ParseSocketControlMessage(oob)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(scms) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("recvfd: number of SCMs is not 1: %d", len(scms))
scm := scms[0]
fds, err := unix.ParseUnixRights(&scm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(fds) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("recvfd: number of fds is not 1: %d", len(fds))
fd := uintptr(fds[0])
return os.NewFile(fd, string(name)), nil
// SendFd sends a file descriptor over the given AF_UNIX socket. In
// addition, the file.Name() of the given file will also be sent as
// non-auxiliary data in the same payload (allowing to send contextual
// information for a file descriptor).
func SendFd(socket *os.File, name string, fd uintptr) error {
if len(name) >= MaxNameLen {
return fmt.Errorf("sendfd: filename too long: %s", name)
oob := unix.UnixRights(int(fd))
return unix.Sendmsg(int(socket.Fd()), []byte(name), oob, nil, 0)
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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
package utils
import (
const (
exitSignalOffset = 128
// NativeEndian is the native byte order of the host system.
var NativeEndian binary.ByteOrder
func init() {
// Copied from <golang.org/x/net/internal/socket/sys.go>.
i := uint32(1)
b := (*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
if b[0] == 1 {
NativeEndian = binary.LittleEndian
} else {
NativeEndian = binary.BigEndian
// ResolveRootfs ensures that the current working directory is
// not a symlink and returns the absolute path to the rootfs
func ResolveRootfs(uncleanRootfs string) (string, error) {
rootfs, err := filepath.Abs(uncleanRootfs)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.EvalSymlinks(rootfs)
// ExitStatus returns the correct exit status for a process based on if it
// was signaled or exited cleanly
func ExitStatus(status unix.WaitStatus) int {
if status.Signaled() {
return exitSignalOffset + int(status.Signal())
return status.ExitStatus()
// WriteJSON writes the provided struct v to w using standard json marshaling
func WriteJSON(w io.Writer, v interface{}) error {
data, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write(data)
return err
// CleanPath makes a path safe for use with filepath.Join. This is done by not
// only cleaning the path, but also (if the path is relative) adding a leading
// '/' and cleaning it (then removing the leading '/'). This ensures that a
// path resulting from prepending another path will always resolve to lexically
// be a subdirectory of the prefixed path. This is all done lexically, so paths
// that include symlinks won't be safe as a result of using CleanPath.
func CleanPath(path string) string {
// Deal with empty strings nicely.
if path == "" {
return ""
// Ensure that all paths are cleaned (especially problematic ones like
// "/../../../../../" which can cause lots of issues).
path = filepath.Clean(path)
// If the path isn't absolute, we need to do more processing to fix paths
// such as "../../../../<etc>/some/path". We also shouldn't convert absolute
// paths to relative ones.
if !filepath.IsAbs(path) {
path = filepath.Clean(string(os.PathSeparator) + path)
// This can't fail, as (by definition) all paths are relative to root.
path, _ = filepath.Rel(string(os.PathSeparator), path)
// Clean the path again for good measure.
return filepath.Clean(path)
// stripRoot returns the passed path, stripping the root path if it was
// (lexicially) inside it. Note that both passed paths will always be treated
// as absolute, and the returned path will also always be absolute. In
// addition, the paths are cleaned before stripping the root.
func stripRoot(root, path string) string {
// Make the paths clean and absolute.
root, path = CleanPath("/"+root), CleanPath("/"+path)
switch {
case path == root:
path = "/"
case root == "/":
// do nothing
case strings.HasPrefix(path, root+"/"):
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, root+"/")
return CleanPath("/" + path)
// WithProcfd runs the passed closure with a procfd path (/proc/self/fd/...)
// corresponding to the unsafePath resolved within the root. Before passing the
// fd, this path is verified to have been inside the root -- so operating on it
// through the passed fdpath should be safe. Do not access this path through
// the original path strings, and do not attempt to use the pathname outside of
// the passed closure (the file handle will be freed once the closure returns).
func WithProcfd(root, unsafePath string, fn func(procfd string) error) error {
// Remove the root then forcefully resolve inside the root.
unsafePath = stripRoot(root, unsafePath)
path, err := securejoin.SecureJoin(root, unsafePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("resolving path inside rootfs failed: %v", err)
// Open the target path.
fh, err := os.OpenFile(path, unix.O_PATH|unix.O_CLOEXEC, 0)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open o_path procfd: %w", err)
defer fh.Close()
// Double-check the path is the one we expected.
procfd := "/proc/self/fd/" + strconv.Itoa(int(fh.Fd()))
if realpath, err := os.Readlink(procfd); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("procfd verification failed: %w", err)
} else if realpath != path {
return fmt.Errorf("possibly malicious path detected -- refusing to operate on %s", realpath)
// Run the closure.
return fn(procfd)
// SearchLabels searches a list of key-value pairs for the provided key and
// returns the corresponding value. The pairs must be separated with '='.
func SearchLabels(labels []string, query string) string {
for _, l := range labels {
parts := strings.SplitN(l, "=", 2)
if len(parts) < 2 {
if parts[0] == query {
return parts[1]
return ""
// Annotations returns the bundle path and user defined annotations from the
// libcontainer state. We need to remove the bundle because that is a label
// added by libcontainer.
func Annotations(labels []string) (bundle string, userAnnotations map[string]string) {
userAnnotations = make(map[string]string)
for _, l := range labels {
parts := strings.SplitN(l, "=", 2)
if len(parts) < 2 {
if parts[0] == "bundle" {
bundle = parts[1]
} else {
userAnnotations[parts[0]] = parts[1]
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// +build !windows
package utils
import (
// EnsureProcHandle returns whether or not the given file handle is on procfs.
func EnsureProcHandle(fh *os.File) error {
var buf unix.Statfs_t
if err := unix.Fstatfs(int(fh.Fd()), &buf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ensure %s is on procfs: %v", fh.Name(), err)
if buf.Type != unix.PROC_SUPER_MAGIC {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not on procfs", fh.Name())
return nil
// CloseExecFrom applies O_CLOEXEC to all file descriptors currently open for
// the process (except for those below the given fd value).
func CloseExecFrom(minFd int) error {
fdDir, err := os.Open("/proc/self/fd")
if err != nil {
return err
defer fdDir.Close()
if err := EnsureProcHandle(fdDir); err != nil {
return err
fdList, err := fdDir.Readdirnames(-1)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, fdStr := range fdList {
fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fdStr)
// Ignore non-numeric file names.
if err != nil {
// Ignore descriptors lower than our specified minimum.
if fd < minFd {
// Intentionally ignore errors from unix.CloseOnExec -- the cases where
// this might fail are basically file descriptors that have already
// been closed (including and especially the one that was created when
// ioutil.ReadDir did the "opendir" syscall).
return nil
// NewSockPair returns a new unix socket pair
func NewSockPair(name string) (parent *os.File, child *os.File, err error) {
fds, err := unix.Socketpair(unix.AF_LOCAL, unix.SOCK_STREAM|unix.SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return os.NewFile(uintptr(fds[1]), name+"-p"), os.NewFile(uintptr(fds[0]), name+"-c"), nil
@ -19,5 +19,21 @@ _cgo_export.*
# Vim files https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/Vim.gitignore
# swap
# session
# temporary
# auto-generated tag files
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
deadline: 5m
disable-all: true
#- bodyclose
- deadcode
#- depguard
#- dogsled
#- dupl
- errcheck
#- exhaustive
#- funlen
- gas
#- gochecknoinits
- goconst
#- gocritic
#- gocyclo
#- gofmt
- goimports
- golint
#- gomnd
#- goprintffuncname
#- gosec
#- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- interfacer
#- lll
- maligned
- megacheck
#- misspell
#- nakedret
#- noctx
#- nolintlint
#- rowserrcheck
#- scopelint
#- staticcheck
- structcheck
#- stylecheck
#- typecheck
- unconvert
#- unparam
#- unused
- varcheck
#- whitespace
fast: false
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Steve Francia <steve.francia@gmail.com>
Bjørn Erik Pedersen <bjorn.erik.pedersen@gmail.com>
Fabiano Franz <ffranz@redhat.com> <contact@fabianofranz.com>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
language: go
- test
- build
- 1.12.x
- 1.13.x
- tip
env: GO111MODULE=on
- go get -u github.com/kyoh86/richgo
- go get -u github.com/mitchellh/gox
- curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin latest
- go: tip
- stage: build
go: 1.13.x
script: make cobra_generator
- make test
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Cobra Changelog
## v1.1.3
* **Fix:** release-branch.cobra1.1 only: Revert "Deprecate Go < 1.14" to maintain backward compatibility
## v1.1.2
### Notable Changes
* Bump license year to 2021 in golden files (#1309) @Bowbaq
* Enhance PowerShell completion with custom comp (#1208) @Luap99
* Update gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to v2.4.0: The previous breaking change in yaml.v2 v2.3.0 has been reverted, see go-yaml/yaml#670
* Documentation readability improvements (#1228 etc.) @zaataylor etc.
* Use golangci-lint: Repair warnings and errors resulting from linting (#1044) @umarcor
## v1.1.1
* **Fix:** yaml.v2 2.3.0 contained a unintended breaking change. This release reverts to yaml.v2 v2.2.8 which has recent critical CVE fixes, but does not have the breaking changes. See https://github.com/spf13/cobra/pull/1259 for context.
* **Fix:** correct internal formatting for go-md2man v2 (which caused man page generation to be broken). See https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/1049 for context.
## v1.1.0
### Notable Changes
* Extend Go completions and revamp zsh comp (#1070)
* Fix man page doc generation - no auto generated tag when `cmd.DisableAutoGenTag = true` (#1104) @jpmcb
* Add completion for help command (#1136)
* Complete subcommands when TraverseChildren is set (#1171)
* Fix stderr printing functions (#894)
* fix: fish output redirection (#1247)
## v1.0.0
Announcing v1.0.0 of Cobra. 🎉
### Notable Changes
* Fish completion (including support for Go custom completion) @marckhouzam
* API (urgent): Rename BashCompDirectives to ShellCompDirectives @marckhouzam
* Remove/replace SetOutput on Command - deprecated @jpmcb
* add support for autolabel stale PR @xchapter7x
* Add Labeler Actions @xchapter7x
* Custom completions coded in Go (instead of Bash) @marckhouzam
* Partial Revert of #922 @jharshman
* Add Makefile to project @jharshman
* Correct documentation for InOrStdin @desponda
* Apply formatting to templates @jharshman
* Revert change so help is printed on stdout again @marckhouzam
* Update md2man to v2.0.0 @pdf
* update viper to v1.4.0 @umarcor
* Update cmd/root.go example in README.md @jharshman
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
## Cobra User Contract
### Versioning
Cobra will follow a steady release cadence. Non breaking changes will be released as minor versions quarterly. Patch bug releases are at the discretion of the maintainers. Users can expect security patch fixes to be released within relatively short order of a CVE becoming known. For more information on security patch fixes see the CVE section below. Releases will follow [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/). Users tracking the Master branch should expect unpredictable breaking changes as the project continues to move forward. For stability, it is highly recommended to use a release.
### Backward Compatibility
We will maintain two major releases in a moving window. The N-1 release will only receive bug fixes and security updates and will be dropped once N+1 is released.
### Deprecation
Deprecation of Go versions or dependent packages will only occur in major releases. To reduce the change of this taking users by surprise, any large deprecation will be preceded by an announcement in the [#cobra slack channel](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CD3LP1199) and an Issue on Github.
### CVE
Maintainers will make every effort to release security patches in the case of a medium to high severity CVE directly impacting the library. The speed in which these patches reach a release is up to the discretion of the maintainers. A low severity CVE may be a lower priority than a high severity one.
### Communication
Cobra maintainers will use GitHub issues and the [#cobra slack channel](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CD3LP1199) as the primary means of communication with the community. This is to foster open communication with all users and contributors.
### Breaking Changes
Breaking changes are generally allowed in the master branch, as this is the branch used to develop the next release of Cobra.
There may be times, however, when master is closed for breaking changes. This is likely to happen as we near the release of a new version.
Breaking changes are not allowed in release branches, as these represent minor versions that have already been released. These version have consumers who expect the APIs, behaviors, etc, to remain stable during the lifetime of the patch stream for the minor release.
Examples of breaking changes include:
- Removing or renaming exported constant, variable, type, or function.
- Updating the version of critical libraries such as `spf13/pflag`, `spf13/viper` etc...
- Some version updates may be acceptable for picking up bug fixes, but maintainers must exercise caution when reviewing.
There may, at times, need to be exceptions where breaking changes are allowed in release branches. These are at the discretion of the project's maintainers, and must be carefully considered before merging.
### CI Testing
Maintainers will ensure the Cobra test suite utilizes the current supported versions of Golang.
### Disclaimer
Changes to this document and the contents therein are at the discretion of the maintainers.
None of the contents of this document are legally binding in any way to the maintainers or the users.
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Contributing to Cobra
Thank you so much for contributing to Cobra. We appreciate your time and help.
Here are some guidelines to help you get started.
## Code of Conduct
Be kind and respectful to the members of the community. Take time to educate
others who are seeking help. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
## Questions
If you have questions regarding Cobra, feel free to ask it in the community
[#cobra Slack channel][cobra-slack]
## Filing a bug or feature
1. Before filing an issue, please check the existing issues to see if a
similar one was already opened. If there is one already opened, feel free
to comment on it.
1. If you believe you've found a bug, please provide detailed steps of
reproduction, the version of Cobra and anything else you believe will be
useful to help troubleshoot it (e.g. OS environment, environment variables,
etc...). Also state the current behavior vs. the expected behavior.
1. If you'd like to see a feature or an enhancement please open an issue with
a clear title and description of what the feature is and why it would be
beneficial to the project and its users.
## Submitting changes
1. CLA: Upon submitting a Pull Request (PR), contributors will be prompted to
sign a CLA. Please sign the CLA :slightly_smiling_face:
1. Tests: If you are submitting code, please ensure you have adequate tests
for the feature. Tests can be run via `go test ./...` or `make test`.
1. Since this is golang project, ensure the new code is properly formatted to
ensure code consistency. Run `make all`.
### Quick steps to contribute
1. Fork the project.
1. Download your fork to your PC (`git clone https://github.com/your_username/cobra && cd cobra`)
1. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
1. Make changes and run tests (`make test`)
1. Add them to staging (`git add .`)
1. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add some feature'`)
1. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
1. Create new pull request
<!-- Links -->
[cobra-slack]: https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CD3LP1199
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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
SRC=$(shell find . -name "*.go")
ifeq (, $(shell which golangci-lint))
$(warning "could not find golangci-lint in $(PATH), run: curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | sh")
ifeq (, $(shell which richgo))
$(warning "could not find richgo in $(PATH), run: go get github.com/kyoh86/richgo")
.PHONY: fmt lint test cobra_generator install_deps clean
default: all
all: fmt test cobra_generator
$(info ******************** checking formatting ********************)
@test -z $(shell gofmt -l $(SRC)) || (gofmt -d $(SRC); exit 1)
$(info ******************** running lint tools ********************)
golangci-lint run -v
test: install_deps lint
$(info ******************** running tests ********************)
richgo test -v ./...
cobra_generator: install_deps
$(info ******************** building generator ********************)
mkdir -p $(BIN)
make -C cobra all
$(info ******************** downloading dependencies ********************)
go get -v ./...
rm -rf $(BIN)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,760 @@

Cobra is both a library for creating powerful modern CLI applications as well as a program to generate applications and command files.
Cobra is used in many Go projects such as [Kubernetes](http://kubernetes.io/),
[Hugo](https://gohugo.io), and [Github CLI](https://github.com/cli/cli) to
name a few. [This list](./projects_using_cobra.md) contains a more extensive list of projects using Cobra.
# Table of Contents
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Concepts](#concepts)
* [Commands](#commands)
* [Flags](#flags)
- [Installing](#installing)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Using the Cobra Generator](#using-the-cobra-generator)
* [Using the Cobra Library](#using-the-cobra-library)
* [Working with Flags](#working-with-flags)
* [Positional and Custom Arguments](#positional-and-custom-arguments)
* [Example](#example)
* [Help Command](#help-command)
* [Usage Message](#usage-message)
* [PreRun and PostRun Hooks](#prerun-and-postrun-hooks)
* [Suggestions when "unknown command" happens](#suggestions-when-unknown-command-happens)
* [Generating documentation for your command](#generating-documentation-for-your-command)
* [Generating shell completions](#generating-shell-completions)
- [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md)
- [License](#license)
# Overview
Cobra is a library providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI
interfaces similar to git & go tools.
Cobra is also an application that will generate your application scaffolding to rapidly
develop a Cobra-based application.
Cobra provides:
* Easy subcommand-based CLIs: `app server`, `app fetch`, etc.
* Fully POSIX-compliant flags (including short & long versions)
* Nested subcommands
* Global, local and cascading flags
* Easy generation of applications & commands with `cobra init appname` & `cobra add cmdname`
* Intelligent suggestions (`app srver`... did you mean `app server`?)
* Automatic help generation for commands and flags
* Automatic help flag recognition of `-h`, `--help`, etc.
* Automatically generated shell autocomplete for your application (bash, zsh, fish, powershell)
* Automatically generated man pages for your application
* Command aliases so you can change things without breaking them
* The flexibility to define your own help, usage, etc.
* Optional tight integration with [viper](http://github.com/spf13/viper) for 12-factor apps
# Concepts
Cobra is built on a structure of commands, arguments & flags.
**Commands** represent actions, **Args** are things and **Flags** are modifiers for those actions.
The best applications read like sentences when used, and as a result, users
intuitively know how to interact with them.
The pattern to follow is
A few good real world examples may better illustrate this point.
In the following example, 'server' is a command, and 'port' is a flag:
hugo server --port=1313
In this command we are telling Git to clone the url bare.
git clone URL --bare
## Commands
Command is the central point of the application. Each interaction that
the application supports will be contained in a Command. A command can
have children commands and optionally run an action.
In the example above, 'server' is the command.
[More about cobra.Command](https://godoc.org/github.com/spf13/cobra#Command)
## Flags
A flag is a way to modify the behavior of a command. Cobra supports
fully POSIX-compliant flags as well as the Go [flag package](https://golang.org/pkg/flag/).
A Cobra command can define flags that persist through to children commands
and flags that are only available to that command.
In the example above, 'port' is the flag.
Flag functionality is provided by the [pflag
library](https://github.com/spf13/pflag), a fork of the flag standard library
which maintains the same interface while adding POSIX compliance.
# Installing
Using Cobra is easy. First, use `go get` to install the latest version
of the library. This command will install the `cobra` generator executable
along with the library and its dependencies:
go get -u github.com/spf13/cobra
Next, include Cobra in your application:
import "github.com/spf13/cobra"
# Getting Started
While you are welcome to provide your own organization, typically a Cobra-based
application will follow the following organizational structure:
▾ appName/
▾ cmd/
In a Cobra app, typically the main.go file is very bare. It serves one purpose: initializing Cobra.
package main
import (
func main() {
## Using the Cobra Generator
Cobra provides its own program that will create your application and add any
commands you want. It's the easiest way to incorporate Cobra into your application.
[Here](https://github.com/spf13/cobra/blob/master/cobra/README.md) you can find more information about it.
## Using the Cobra Library
To manually implement Cobra you need to create a bare main.go file and a rootCmd file.
You will optionally provide additional commands as you see fit.
### Create rootCmd
Cobra doesn't require any special constructors. Simply create your commands.
Ideally you place this in app/cmd/root.go:
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "hugo",
Short: "Hugo is a very fast static site generator",
Long: `A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with
love by spf13 and friends in Go.
Complete documentation is available at http://hugo.spf13.com`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Do Stuff Here
func Execute() {
if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
You will additionally define flags and handle configuration in your init() function.
For example cmd/root.go:
package cmd
import (
homedir "github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir"
var (
// Used for flags.
cfgFile string
userLicense string
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "cobra",
Short: "A generator for Cobra based Applications",
Long: `Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications.
This application is a tool to generate the needed files
to quickly create a Cobra application.`,
// Execute executes the root command.
func Execute() error {
return rootCmd.Execute()
func init() {
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml)")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("author", "a", "YOUR NAME", "author name for copyright attribution")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&userLicense, "license", "l", "", "name of license for the project")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("viper", true, "use Viper for configuration")
viper.BindPFlag("author", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("author"))
viper.BindPFlag("useViper", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("viper"))
viper.SetDefault("author", "NAME HERE <EMAIL ADDRESS>")
viper.SetDefault("license", "apache")
func initConfig() {
if cfgFile != "" {
// Use config file from the flag.
} else {
// Find home directory.
home, err := homedir.Dir()
// Search config in home directory with name ".cobra" (without extension).
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil {
fmt.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed())
### Create your main.go
With the root command you need to have your main function execute it.
Execute should be run on the root for clarity, though it can be called on any command.
In a Cobra app, typically the main.go file is very bare. It serves one purpose: to initialize Cobra.
package main
import (
func main() {
### Create additional commands
Additional commands can be defined and typically are each given their own file
inside of the cmd/ directory.
If you wanted to create a version command you would create cmd/version.go and
populate it with the following:
package cmd
import (
func init() {
var versionCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "version",
Short: "Print the version number of Hugo",
Long: `All software has versions. This is Hugo's`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Println("Hugo Static Site Generator v0.9 -- HEAD")
### Returning and handling errors
If you wish to return an error to the caller of a command, `RunE` can be used.
package cmd
import (
func init() {
var tryCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "try",
Short: "Try and possibly fail at something",
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if err := someFunc(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
The error can then be caught at the execute function call.
## Working with Flags
Flags provide modifiers to control how the action command operates.
### Assign flags to a command
Since the flags are defined and used in different locations, we need to
define a variable outside with the correct scope to assign the flag to
work with.
var Verbose bool
var Source string
There are two different approaches to assign a flag.
### Persistent Flags
A flag can be 'persistent', meaning that this flag will be available to the
command it's assigned to as well as every command under that command. For
global flags, assign a flag as a persistent flag on the root.
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&Verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output")
### Local Flags
A flag can also be assigned locally, which will only apply to that specific command.
localCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Source, "source", "s", "", "Source directory to read from")
### Local Flag on Parent Commands
By default, Cobra only parses local flags on the target command, and any local flags on
parent commands are ignored. By enabling `Command.TraverseChildren`, Cobra will
parse local flags on each command before executing the target command.
command := cobra.Command{
Use: "print [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS]",
TraverseChildren: true,
### Bind Flags with Config
You can also bind your flags with [viper](https://github.com/spf13/viper):
var author string
func init() {
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&author, "author", "YOUR NAME", "Author name for copyright attribution")
viper.BindPFlag("author", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("author"))
In this example, the persistent flag `author` is bound with `viper`.
**Note**: the variable `author` will not be set to the value from config,
when the `--author` flag is not provided by user.
More in [viper documentation](https://github.com/spf13/viper#working-with-flags).
### Required flags
Flags are optional by default. If instead you wish your command to report an error
when a flag has not been set, mark it as required:
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Region, "region", "r", "", "AWS region (required)")
Or, for persistent flags:
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&Region, "region", "r", "", "AWS region (required)")
## Positional and Custom Arguments
Validation of positional arguments can be specified using the `Args` field
of `Command`.
The following validators are built in:
- `NoArgs` - the command will report an error if there are any positional args.
- `ArbitraryArgs` - the command will accept any args.
- `OnlyValidArgs` - the command will report an error if there are any positional args that are not in the `ValidArgs` field of `Command`.
- `MinimumNArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not at least N positional args.
- `MaximumNArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are more than N positional args.
- `ExactArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not exactly N positional args.
- `ExactValidArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not exactly N positional args OR if there are any positional args that are not in the `ValidArgs` field of `Command`
- `RangeArgs(min, max)` - the command will report an error if the number of args is not between the minimum and maximum number of expected args.
An example of setting the custom validator:
var cmd = &cobra.Command{
Short: "hello",
Args: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
return errors.New("requires a color argument")
if myapp.IsValidColor(args[0]) {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("invalid color specified: %s", args[0])
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
## Example
In the example below, we have defined three commands. Two are at the top level
and one (cmdTimes) is a child of one of the top commands. In this case the root
is not executable, meaning that a subcommand is required. This is accomplished
by not providing a 'Run' for the 'rootCmd'.
We have only defined one flag for a single command.
More documentation about flags is available at https://github.com/spf13/pflag
package main
import (
func main() {
var echoTimes int
var cmdPrint = &cobra.Command{
Use: "print [string to print]",
Short: "Print anything to the screen",
Long: `print is for printing anything back to the screen.
For many years people have printed back to the screen.`,
Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Println("Print: " + strings.Join(args, " "))
var cmdEcho = &cobra.Command{
Use: "echo [string to echo]",
Short: "Echo anything to the screen",
Long: `echo is for echoing anything back.
Echo works a lot like print, except it has a child command.`,
Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Println("Echo: " + strings.Join(args, " "))
var cmdTimes = &cobra.Command{
Use: "times [string to echo]",
Short: "Echo anything to the screen more times",
Long: `echo things multiple times back to the user by providing
a count and a string.`,
Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
for i := 0; i < echoTimes; i++ {
fmt.Println("Echo: " + strings.Join(args, " "))
cmdTimes.Flags().IntVarP(&echoTimes, "times", "t", 1, "times to echo the input")
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{Use: "app"}
rootCmd.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho)
For a more complete example of a larger application, please checkout [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/).
## Help Command
Cobra automatically adds a help command to your application when you have subcommands.
This will be called when a user runs 'app help'. Additionally, help will also
support all other commands as input. Say, for instance, you have a command called
'create' without any additional configuration; Cobra will work when 'app help
create' is called. Every command will automatically have the '--help' flag added.
### Example
The following output is automatically generated by Cobra. Nothing beyond the
command and flag definitions are needed.
$ cobra help
Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications.
This application is a tool to generate the needed files
to quickly create a Cobra application.
cobra [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a command to a Cobra Application
help Help about any command
init Initialize a Cobra Application
-a, --author string author name for copyright attribution (default "YOUR NAME")
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml)
-h, --help help for cobra
-l, --license string name of license for the project
--viper use Viper for configuration (default true)
Use "cobra [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Help is just a command like any other. There is no special logic or behavior
around it. In fact, you can provide your own if you want.
### Defining your own help
You can provide your own Help command or your own template for the default command to use
with following functions:
cmd.SetHelpCommand(cmd *Command)
cmd.SetHelpFunc(f func(*Command, []string))
cmd.SetHelpTemplate(s string)
The latter two will also apply to any children commands.
## Usage Message
When the user provides an invalid flag or invalid command, Cobra responds by
showing the user the 'usage'.
### Example
You may recognize this from the help above. That's because the default help
embeds the usage as part of its output.
$ cobra --invalid
Error: unknown flag: --invalid
cobra [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a command to a Cobra Application
help Help about any command
init Initialize a Cobra Application
-a, --author string author name for copyright attribution (default "YOUR NAME")
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml)
-h, --help help for cobra
-l, --license string name of license for the project
--viper use Viper for configuration (default true)
Use "cobra [command] --help" for more information about a command.
### Defining your own usage
You can provide your own usage function or template for Cobra to use.
Like help, the function and template are overridable through public methods:
cmd.SetUsageFunc(f func(*Command) error)
cmd.SetUsageTemplate(s string)
## Version Flag
Cobra adds a top-level '--version' flag if the Version field is set on the root command.
Running an application with the '--version' flag will print the version to stdout using
the version template. The template can be customized using the
`cmd.SetVersionTemplate(s string)` function.
## PreRun and PostRun Hooks
It is possible to run functions before or after the main `Run` function of your command. The `PersistentPreRun` and `PreRun` functions will be executed before `Run`. `PersistentPostRun` and `PostRun` will be executed after `Run`. The `Persistent*Run` functions will be inherited by children if they do not declare their own. These functions are run in the following order:
- `PersistentPreRun`
- `PreRun`
- `Run`
- `PostRun`
- `PersistentPostRun`
An example of two commands which use all of these features is below. When the subcommand is executed, it will run the root command's `PersistentPreRun` but not the root command's `PersistentPostRun`:
package main
import (
func main() {
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "root [sub]",
Short: "My root command",
PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: %v\n", args)
PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PreRun with args: %v\n", args)
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd Run with args: %v\n", args)
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PostRun with args: %v\n", args)
PersistentPostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PersistentPostRun with args: %v\n", args)
var subCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "sub [no options!]",
Short: "My subcommand",
PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PreRun with args: %v\n", args)
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd Run with args: %v\n", args)
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PostRun with args: %v\n", args)
PersistentPostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PersistentPostRun with args: %v\n", args)
rootCmd.SetArgs([]string{"sub", "arg1", "arg2"})
Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: []
Inside rootCmd PreRun with args: []
Inside rootCmd Run with args: []
Inside rootCmd PostRun with args: []
Inside rootCmd PersistentPostRun with args: []
Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: [arg1 arg2]
Inside subCmd PreRun with args: [arg1 arg2]
Inside subCmd Run with args: [arg1 arg2]
Inside subCmd PostRun with args: [arg1 arg2]
Inside subCmd PersistentPostRun with args: [arg1 arg2]
## Suggestions when "unknown command" happens
Cobra will print automatic suggestions when "unknown command" errors happen. This allows Cobra to behave similarly to the `git` command when a typo happens. For example:
$ hugo srever
Error: unknown command "srever" for "hugo"
Did you mean this?
Run 'hugo --help' for usage.
Suggestions are automatic based on every subcommand registered and use an implementation of [Levenshtein distance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance). Every registered command that matches a minimum distance of 2 (ignoring case) will be displayed as a suggestion.
If you need to disable suggestions or tweak the string distance in your command, use:
command.DisableSuggestions = true
command.SuggestionsMinimumDistance = 1
You can also explicitly set names for which a given command will be suggested using the `SuggestFor` attribute. This allows suggestions for strings that are not close in terms of string distance, but makes sense in your set of commands and for some which you don't want aliases. Example:
$ kubectl remove
Error: unknown command "remove" for "kubectl"
Did you mean this?
Run 'kubectl help' for usage.
## Generating documentation for your command
Cobra can generate documentation based on subcommands, flags, etc. Read more about it in the [docs generation documentation](doc/README.md).
## Generating shell completions
Cobra can generate a shell-completion file for the following shells: bash, zsh, fish, PowerShell. If you add more information to your commands, these completions can be amazingly powerful and flexible. Read more about it in [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md).
# License
Cobra is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See [LICENSE.txt](https://github.com/spf13/cobra/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package cobra
import (
type PositionalArgs func(cmd *Command, args []string) error
// Legacy arg validation has the following behaviour:
// - root commands with no subcommands can take arbitrary arguments
// - root commands with subcommands will do subcommand validity checking
// - subcommands will always accept arbitrary arguments
func legacyArgs(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
// no subcommand, always take args
if !cmd.HasSubCommands() {
return nil
// root command with subcommands, do subcommand checking.
if !cmd.HasParent() && len(args) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown command %q for %q%s", args[0], cmd.CommandPath(), cmd.findSuggestions(args[0]))
return nil
// NoArgs returns an error if any args are included.
func NoArgs(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown command %q for %q", args[0], cmd.CommandPath())
return nil
// OnlyValidArgs returns an error if any args are not in the list of ValidArgs.
func OnlyValidArgs(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
if len(cmd.ValidArgs) > 0 {
// Remove any description that may be included in ValidArgs.
// A description is following a tab character.
var validArgs []string
for _, v := range cmd.ValidArgs {
validArgs = append(validArgs, strings.Split(v, "\t")[0])
for _, v := range args {
if !stringInSlice(v, validArgs) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument %q for %q%s", v, cmd.CommandPath(), cmd.findSuggestions(args[0]))
return nil
// ArbitraryArgs never returns an error.
func ArbitraryArgs(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
return nil
// MinimumNArgs returns an error if there is not at least N args.
func MinimumNArgs(n int) PositionalArgs {
return func(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < n {
return fmt.Errorf("requires at least %d arg(s), only received %d", n, len(args))
return nil
// MaximumNArgs returns an error if there are more than N args.
func MaximumNArgs(n int) PositionalArgs {
return func(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) > n {
return fmt.Errorf("accepts at most %d arg(s), received %d", n, len(args))
return nil
// ExactArgs returns an error if there are not exactly n args.
func ExactArgs(n int) PositionalArgs {
return func(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) != n {
return fmt.Errorf("accepts %d arg(s), received %d", n, len(args))
return nil
// ExactValidArgs returns an error if
// there are not exactly N positional args OR
// there are any positional args that are not in the `ValidArgs` field of `Command`
func ExactValidArgs(n int) PositionalArgs {
return func(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
if err := ExactArgs(n)(cmd, args); err != nil {
return err
return OnlyValidArgs(cmd, args)
// RangeArgs returns an error if the number of args is not within the expected range.
func RangeArgs(min int, max int) PositionalArgs {
return func(cmd *Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < min || len(args) > max {
return fmt.Errorf("accepts between %d and %d arg(s), received %d", min, max, len(args))
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
package cobra
import (
// Annotations for Bash completion.
const (
BashCompFilenameExt = "cobra_annotation_bash_completion_filename_extensions"
BashCompCustom = "cobra_annotation_bash_completion_custom"
BashCompOneRequiredFlag = "cobra_annotation_bash_completion_one_required_flag"
BashCompSubdirsInDir = "cobra_annotation_bash_completion_subdirs_in_dir"
func writePreamble(buf io.StringWriter, name string) {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("# bash completion for %-36s -*- shell-script -*-\n", name))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`
if [[ -n ${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE} ]]; then
echo "$*" >> "${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE}"
# Homebrew on Macs have version 1.3 of bash-completion which doesn't include
# _init_completion. This is a very minimal version of that function.
_get_comp_words_by_ref "$@" cur prev words cword
local w word=$1
for w in "$@"; do
[[ $w = "$word" ]] && return
local w word=$1; shift
for w in "$@"; do
[[ $w = "$word" ]] && return
return 1
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: cur is ${cur}, words[*] is ${words[*]}, #words[@] is ${#words[@]}"
local shellCompDirectiveError=%[3]d
local shellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[4]d
local shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[5]d
local shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[6]d
local shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[7]d
local out requestComp lastParam lastChar comp directive args
# Prepare the command to request completions for the program.
# Calling ${words[0]} instead of directly %[1]s allows to handle aliases
requestComp="${words[0]} %[2]s ${args[*]}"
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: lastParam ${lastParam}, lastChar ${lastChar}"
if [ -z "${cur}" ] && [ "${lastChar}" != "=" ]; then
# If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it)
# We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go method.
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Adding extra empty parameter"
requestComp="${requestComp} \"\""
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: calling ${requestComp}"
# Use eval to handle any environment variables and such
out=$(eval "${requestComp}" 2>/dev/null)
# Extract the directive integer at the very end of the output following a colon (:)
# Remove the directive
if [ "${directive}" = "${out}" ]; then
# There is not directive specified
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: the completion directive is: ${directive}"
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: the completions are: ${out[*]}"
if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveError)) -ne 0 ]; then
# Error code. No completion.
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: received error from custom completion go code"
if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoSpace)) -ne 0 ]; then
if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: activating no space"
compopt -o nospace
if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) -ne 0 ]; then
if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: activating no file completion"
compopt +o default
if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt)) -ne 0 ]; then
# File extension filtering
local fullFilter filter filteringCmd
# Do not use quotes around the $out variable or else newline
# characters will be kept.
for filter in ${out[*]}; do
filteringCmd="_filedir $fullFilter"
__%[1]s_debug "File filtering command: $filteringCmd"
elif [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) -ne 0 ]; then
# File completion for directories only
local subDir
# Use printf to strip any trailing newline
subdir=$(printf "%%s" "${out[0]}")
if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then
__%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in $subdir"
__%[1]s_handle_subdirs_in_dir_flag "$subdir"
__%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in ."
_filedir -d
while IFS='' read -r comp; do
done < <(compgen -W "${out[*]}" -- "$cur")
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
local comp
case $cur in
if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then
compopt -o nospace
local allflags
if [ ${#must_have_one_flag[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
allflags=("${flags[*]} ${two_word_flags[*]}")
while IFS='' read -r comp; do
done < <(compgen -W "${allflags[*]}" -- "$cur")
if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then
[[ "${COMPREPLY[0]}" == *= ]] || compopt +o nospace
# complete after --flag=abc
if [[ $cur == *=* ]]; then
if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then
compopt +o nospace
local index flag
__%[1]s_index_of_word "${flag}" "${flags_with_completion[@]}"
if [[ ${index} -ge 0 ]]; then
if [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION}" ]; then
# zsh completion needs --flag= prefix
eval "COMPREPLY=( \"\${COMPREPLY[@]/#/${flag}=}\" )"
return 0;
# check if we are handling a flag with special work handling
local index
__%[1]s_index_of_word "${prev}" "${flags_with_completion[@]}"
if [[ ${index} -ge 0 ]]; then
# we are parsing a flag and don't have a special handler, no completion
if [[ ${cur} != "${words[cword]}" ]]; then
local completions
if [[ ${#must_have_one_noun[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
elif [[ -n "${has_completion_function}" ]]; then
# if a go completion function is provided, defer to that function
if [[ ${#must_have_one_flag[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
while IFS='' read -r comp; do
done < <(compgen -W "${completions[*]}" -- "$cur")
if [[ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 0 && ${#noun_aliases[@]} -gt 0 && ${#must_have_one_noun[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
while IFS='' read -r comp; do
done < <(compgen -W "${noun_aliases[*]}" -- "$cur")
if [[ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
if declare -F __%[1]s_custom_func >/dev/null; then
# try command name qualified custom func
# otherwise fall back to unqualified for compatibility
declare -F __custom_func >/dev/null && __custom_func
# available in bash-completion >= 2, not always present on macOS
if declare -F __ltrim_colon_completions >/dev/null; then
__ltrim_colon_completions "$cur"
# If there is only 1 completion and it is a flag with an = it will be completed
# but we don't want a space after the =
if [[ "${#COMPREPLY[@]}" -eq "1" ]] && [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]] && [[ "${COMPREPLY[0]}" == --*= ]]; then
compopt -o nospace
# The arguments should be in the form "ext1|ext2|extn"
local ext="$1"
_filedir "@(${ext})"
local dir="$1"
pushd "${dir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && _filedir -d && popd >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: c is $c words[c] is ${words[c]}"
# if a command required a flag, and we found it, unset must_have_one_flag()
local flagname=${words[c]}
local flagvalue
# if the word contained an =
if [[ ${words[c]} == *"="* ]]; then
flagvalue=${flagname#*=} # take in as flagvalue after the =
flagname=${flagname%%=*} # strip everything after the =
flagname="${flagname}=" # but put the = back
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: looking for ${flagname}"
if __%[1]s_contains_word "${flagname}" "${must_have_one_flag[@]}"; then
# if you set a flag which only applies to this command, don't show subcommands
if __%[1]s_contains_word "${flagname}" "${local_nonpersistent_flags[@]}"; then
# keep flag value with flagname as flaghash
# flaghash variable is an associative array which is only supported in bash > 3.
if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" || "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -gt 3 ]]; then
if [ -n "${flagvalue}" ] ; then
elif [ -n "${words[ $((c+1)) ]}" ] ; then
flaghash[${flagname}]=${words[ $((c+1)) ]}
flaghash[${flagname}]="true" # pad "true" for bool flag
# skip the argument to a two word flag
if [[ ${words[c]} != *"="* ]] && __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${two_word_flags[@]}"; then
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: found a flag ${words[c]}, skip the next argument"
# if we are looking for a flags value, don't show commands
if [[ $c -eq $cword ]]; then
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: c is $c words[c] is ${words[c]}"
if __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${must_have_one_noun[@]}"; then
elif __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${noun_aliases[@]}"; then
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: c is $c words[c] is ${words[c]}"
local next_command
if [[ -n ${last_command} ]]; then
if [[ $c -eq 0 ]]; then
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: looking for ${next_command}"
declare -F "$next_command" >/dev/null && $next_command
if [[ $c -ge $cword ]]; then
__%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: c is $c words[c] is ${words[c]}"
if [[ "${words[c]}" == -* ]]; then
elif __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${commands[@]}"; then
elif [[ $c -eq 0 ]]; then
elif __%[1]s_contains_word "${words[c]}" "${command_aliases[@]}"; then
# aliashash variable is an associative array which is only supported in bash > 3.
if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" || "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -gt 3 ]]; then
`, name, ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd,
ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp,
ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs))
func writePostscript(buf io.StringWriter, name string) {
name = strings.Replace(name, ":", "__", -1)
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("__start_%s()\n", name))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`{
local cur prev words cword
declare -A flaghash 2>/dev/null || :
declare -A aliashash 2>/dev/null || :
if declare -F _init_completion >/dev/null 2>&1; then
_init_completion -s || return
__%[1]s_init_completion -n "=" || return
local c=0
local flags=()
local two_word_flags=()
local local_nonpersistent_flags=()
local flags_with_completion=()
local flags_completion=()
local commands=("%[1]s")
local must_have_one_flag=()
local must_have_one_noun=()
local has_completion_function
local last_command
local nouns=()
`, name))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then
complete -o default -F __start_%s %s
complete -o default -o nospace -F __start_%s %s
`, name, name, name, name))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh\n")
func writeCommands(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " commands=()\n")
for _, c := range cmd.Commands() {
if !c.IsAvailableCommand() && c != cmd.helpCommand {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" commands+=(%q)\n", c.Name()))
writeCmdAliases(buf, c)
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n")
func writeFlagHandler(buf io.StringWriter, name string, annotations map[string][]string, cmd *Command) {
for key, value := range annotations {
switch key {
case BashCompFilenameExt:
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name))
var ext string
if len(value) > 0 {
ext = fmt.Sprintf("__%s_handle_filename_extension_flag ", cmd.Root().Name()) + strings.Join(value, "|")
} else {
ext = "_filedir"
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", ext))
case BashCompCustom:
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name))
if len(value) > 0 {
handlers := strings.Join(value, "; ")
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", handlers))
} else {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " flags_completion+=(:)\n")
case BashCompSubdirsInDir:
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name))
var ext string
if len(value) == 1 {
ext = fmt.Sprintf("__%s_handle_subdirs_in_dir_flag ", cmd.Root().Name()) + value[0]
} else {
ext = "_filedir -d"
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", ext))
const cbn = "\")\n"
func writeShortFlag(buf io.StringWriter, flag *pflag.Flag, cmd *Command) {
name := flag.Shorthand
format := " "
if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 {
format += "two_word_"
format += "flags+=(\"-%s" + cbn
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, name))
writeFlagHandler(buf, "-"+name, flag.Annotations, cmd)
func writeFlag(buf io.StringWriter, flag *pflag.Flag, cmd *Command) {
name := flag.Name
format := " flags+=(\"--%s"
if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 {
format += "="
format += cbn
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, name))
if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 {
format = " two_word_flags+=(\"--%s" + cbn
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, name))
writeFlagHandler(buf, "--"+name, flag.Annotations, cmd)
func writeLocalNonPersistentFlag(buf io.StringWriter, flag *pflag.Flag) {
name := flag.Name
format := " local_nonpersistent_flags+=(\"--%[1]s" + cbn
if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 {
format += " local_nonpersistent_flags+=(\"--%[1]s=" + cbn
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, name))
if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" local_nonpersistent_flags+=(\"-%s\")\n", flag.Shorthand))
// Setup annotations for go completions for registered flags
func prepareCustomAnnotationsForFlags(cmd *Command) {
for flag := range flagCompletionFunctions {
// Make sure the completion script calls the __*_go_custom_completion function for
// every registered flag. We need to do this here (and not when the flag was registered
// for completion) so that we can know the root command name for the prefix
// of __<prefix>_go_custom_completion
if flag.Annotations == nil {
flag.Annotations = map[string][]string{}
flag.Annotations[BashCompCustom] = []string{fmt.Sprintf("__%[1]s_handle_go_custom_completion", cmd.Root().Name())}
func writeFlags(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, ` flags=()
localNonPersistentFlags := cmd.LocalNonPersistentFlags()
cmd.NonInheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
if nonCompletableFlag(flag) {
writeFlag(buf, flag, cmd)
if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 {
writeShortFlag(buf, flag, cmd)
// localNonPersistentFlags are used to stop the completion of subcommands when one is set
// if TraverseChildren is true we should allow to complete subcommands
if localNonPersistentFlags.Lookup(flag.Name) != nil && !cmd.Root().TraverseChildren {
writeLocalNonPersistentFlag(buf, flag)
cmd.InheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
if nonCompletableFlag(flag) {
writeFlag(buf, flag, cmd)
if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 {
writeShortFlag(buf, flag, cmd)
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n")
func writeRequiredFlag(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " must_have_one_flag=()\n")
flags := cmd.NonInheritedFlags()
flags.VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
if nonCompletableFlag(flag) {
for key := range flag.Annotations {
switch key {
case BashCompOneRequiredFlag:
format := " must_have_one_flag+=(\"--%s"
if flag.Value.Type() != "bool" {
format += "="
format += cbn
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, flag.Name))
if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" must_have_one_flag+=(\"-%s"+cbn, flag.Shorthand))
func writeRequiredNouns(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " must_have_one_noun=()\n")
for _, value := range cmd.ValidArgs {
// Remove any description that may be included following a tab character.
// Descriptions are not supported by bash completion.
value = strings.Split(value, "\t")[0]
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" must_have_one_noun+=(%q)\n", value))
if cmd.ValidArgsFunction != nil {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " has_completion_function=1\n")
func writeCmdAliases(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) {
if len(cmd.Aliases) == 0 {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprint(` if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" || "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -gt 3 ]]; then`, "\n"))
for _, value := range cmd.Aliases {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" command_aliases+=(%q)\n", value))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" aliashash[%q]=%q\n", value, cmd.Name()))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, ` fi`)
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n")
func writeArgAliases(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " noun_aliases=()\n")
for _, value := range cmd.ArgAliases {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" noun_aliases+=(%q)\n", value))
func gen(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) {
for _, c := range cmd.Commands() {
if !c.IsAvailableCommand() && c != cmd.helpCommand {
gen(buf, c)
commandName := cmd.CommandPath()
commandName = strings.Replace(commandName, " ", "_", -1)
commandName = strings.Replace(commandName, ":", "__", -1)
if cmd.Root() == cmd {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("_%s_root_command()\n{\n", commandName))
} else {
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("_%s()\n{\n", commandName))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" last_command=%q\n", commandName))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n")
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " command_aliases=()\n")
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n")
writeCommands(buf, cmd)
writeFlags(buf, cmd)
writeRequiredFlag(buf, cmd)
writeRequiredNouns(buf, cmd)
writeArgAliases(buf, cmd)
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "}\n\n")
// GenBashCompletion generates bash completion file and writes to the passed writer.
func (c *Command) GenBashCompletion(w io.Writer) error {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
writePreamble(buf, c.Name())
if len(c.BashCompletionFunction) > 0 {
buf.WriteString(c.BashCompletionFunction + "\n")
gen(buf, c)
writePostscript(buf, c.Name())
_, err := buf.WriteTo(w)
return err
func nonCompletableFlag(flag *pflag.Flag) bool {
return flag.Hidden || len(flag.Deprecated) > 0
// GenBashCompletionFile generates bash completion file.
func (c *Command) GenBashCompletionFile(filename string) error {
outFile, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer outFile.Close()
return c.GenBashCompletion(outFile)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Generating Bash Completions For Your cobra.Command
Please refer to [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md) for details.
## Bash legacy dynamic completions
For backward compatibility, Cobra still supports its legacy dynamic completion solution (described below). Unlike the `ValidArgsFunction` solution, the legacy solution will only work for Bash shell-completion and not for other shells. This legacy solution can be used along-side `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`, as long as both solutions are not used for the same command. This provides a path to gradually migrate from the legacy solution to the new solution.
The legacy solution allows you to inject bash functions into the bash completion script. Those bash functions are responsible for providing the completion choices for your own completions.
Some code that works in kubernetes:
const (
bash_completion_func = `__kubectl_parse_get()
local kubectl_output out
if kubectl_output=$(kubectl get --no-headers "$1" 2>/dev/null); then
out=($(echo "${kubectl_output}" | awk '{print $1}'))
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${out[*]}" -- "$cur" ) )
if [[ ${#nouns[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
return 1
__kubectl_parse_get ${nouns[${#nouns[@]} -1]}
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
return 0
__kubectl_custom_func() {
case ${last_command} in
kubectl_get | kubectl_describe | kubectl_delete | kubectl_stop)
And then I set that in my command definition:
cmds := &cobra.Command{
Use: "kubectl",
Short: "kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager",
Long: `kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager.
Find more information at https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes.`,
Run: runHelp,
BashCompletionFunction: bash_completion_func,
The `BashCompletionFunction` option is really only valid/useful on the root command. Doing the above will cause `__kubectl_custom_func()` (`__<command-use>_custom_func()`) to be called when the built in processor was unable to find a solution. In the case of kubernetes a valid command might look something like `kubectl get pod [mypod]`. If you type `kubectl get pod [tab][tab]` the `__kubectl_customc_func()` will run because the cobra.Command only understood "kubectl" and "get." `__kubectl_custom_func()` will see that the cobra.Command is "kubectl_get" and will thus call another helper `__kubectl_get_resource()`. `__kubectl_get_resource` will look at the 'nouns' collected. In our example the only noun will be `pod`. So it will call `__kubectl_parse_get pod`. `__kubectl_parse_get` will actually call out to kubernetes and get any pods. It will then set `COMPREPLY` to valid pods!
Similarly, for flags:
annotation := make(map[string][]string)
annotation[cobra.BashCompCustom] = []string{"__kubectl_get_namespaces"}
flag := &pflag.Flag{
Name: "namespace",
Usage: usage,
Annotations: annotation,
In addition add the `__kubectl_get_namespaces` implementation in the `BashCompletionFunction`
value, e.g.:
local template
template="{{ range .items }}{{ .metadata.name }} {{ end }}"
local kubectl_out
if kubectl_out=$(kubectl get -o template --template="${template}" namespace 2>/dev/null); then
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${kubectl_out}[*]" -- "$cur" ) )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
// Copyright © 2013 Steve Francia <spf@spf13.com>.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Commands similar to git, go tools and other modern CLI tools
// inspired by go, go-Commander, gh and subcommand
package cobra
import (
var templateFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"trim": strings.TrimSpace,
"trimRightSpace": trimRightSpace,
"trimTrailingWhitespaces": trimRightSpace,
"appendIfNotPresent": appendIfNotPresent,
"rpad": rpad,
"gt": Gt,
"eq": Eq,
var initializers []func()
// EnablePrefixMatching allows to set automatic prefix matching. Automatic prefix matching can be a dangerous thing
// to automatically enable in CLI tools.
// Set this to true to enable it.
var EnablePrefixMatching = false
// EnableCommandSorting controls sorting of the slice of commands, which is turned on by default.
// To disable sorting, set it to false.
var EnableCommandSorting = true
// MousetrapHelpText enables an information splash screen on Windows
// if the CLI is started from explorer.exe.
// To disable the mousetrap, just set this variable to blank string ("").
// Works only on Microsoft Windows.
var MousetrapHelpText = `This is a command line tool.
You need to open cmd.exe and run it from there.
// MousetrapDisplayDuration controls how long the MousetrapHelpText message is displayed on Windows
// if the CLI is started from explorer.exe. Set to 0 to wait for the return key to be pressed.
// To disable the mousetrap, just set MousetrapHelpText to blank string ("").
// Works only on Microsoft Windows.
var MousetrapDisplayDuration = 5 * time.Second
// AddTemplateFunc adds a template function that's available to Usage and Help
// template generation.
func AddTemplateFunc(name string, tmplFunc interface{}) {
templateFuncs[name] = tmplFunc
// AddTemplateFuncs adds multiple template functions that are available to Usage and
// Help template generation.
func AddTemplateFuncs(tmplFuncs template.FuncMap) {
for k, v := range tmplFuncs {
templateFuncs[k] = v
// OnInitialize sets the passed functions to be run when each command's
// Execute method is called.
func OnInitialize(y ...func()) {
initializers = append(initializers, y...)
// FIXME Gt is unused by cobra and should be removed in a version 2. It exists only for compatibility with users of cobra.
// Gt takes two types and checks whether the first type is greater than the second. In case of types Arrays, Chans,
// Maps and Slices, Gt will compare their lengths. Ints are compared directly while strings are first parsed as
// ints and then compared.
func Gt(a interface{}, b interface{}) bool {
var left, right int64
av := reflect.ValueOf(a)
switch av.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
left = int64(av.Len())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
left = av.Int()
case reflect.String:
left, _ = strconv.ParseInt(av.String(), 10, 64)
bv := reflect.ValueOf(b)
switch bv.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
right = int64(bv.Len())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
right = bv.Int()
case reflect.String:
right, _ = strconv.ParseInt(bv.String(), 10, 64)
return left > right
// FIXME Eq is unused by cobra and should be removed in a version 2. It exists only for compatibility with users of cobra.
// Eq takes two types and checks whether they are equal. Supported types are int and string. Unsupported types will panic.
func Eq(a interface{}, b interface{}) bool {
av := reflect.ValueOf(a)
bv := reflect.ValueOf(b)
switch av.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
panic("Eq called on unsupported type")
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return av.Int() == bv.Int()
case reflect.String:
return av.String() == bv.String()
return false
func trimRightSpace(s string) string {
return strings.TrimRightFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace)
// FIXME appendIfNotPresent is unused by cobra and should be removed in a version 2. It exists only for compatibility with users of cobra.
// appendIfNotPresent will append stringToAppend to the end of s, but only if it's not yet present in s.
func appendIfNotPresent(s, stringToAppend string) string {
if strings.Contains(s, stringToAppend) {
return s
return s + " " + stringToAppend
// rpad adds padding to the right of a string.
func rpad(s string, padding int) string {
template := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", padding)
return fmt.Sprintf(template, s)
// tmpl executes the given template text on data, writing the result to w.
func tmpl(w io.Writer, text string, data interface{}) error {
t := template.New("top")
return t.Execute(w, data)
// ld compares two strings and returns the levenshtein distance between them.
func ld(s, t string, ignoreCase bool) int {
if ignoreCase {
s = strings.ToLower(s)
t = strings.ToLower(t)
d := make([][]int, len(s)+1)
for i := range d {
d[i] = make([]int, len(t)+1)
for i := range d {
d[i][0] = i
for j := range d[0] {
d[0][j] = j
for j := 1; j <= len(t); j++ {
for i := 1; i <= len(s); i++ {
if s[i-1] == t[j-1] {
d[i][j] = d[i-1][j-1]
} else {
min := d[i-1][j]
if d[i][j-1] < min {
min = d[i][j-1]
if d[i-1][j-1] < min {
min = d[i-1][j-1]
d[i][j] = min + 1
return d[len(s)][len(t)]
func stringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool {
for _, b := range list {
if b == a {
return true
return false
// CheckErr prints the msg with the prefix 'Error:' and exits with error code 1. If the msg is nil, it does nothing.
func CheckErr(msg interface{}) {
if msg != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error:", msg)
// WriteStringAndCheck writes a string into a buffer, and checks if the error is not nil.
func WriteStringAndCheck(b io.StringWriter, s string) {
_, err := b.WriteString(s)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// +build !windows
package cobra
var preExecHookFn func(*Command)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// +build windows
package cobra
import (
var preExecHookFn = preExecHook
func preExecHook(c *Command) {
if MousetrapHelpText != "" && mousetrap.StartedByExplorer() {
if MousetrapDisplayDuration > 0 {
} else {
c.Println("Press return to continue...")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
package cobra
import (
const (
// ShellCompRequestCmd is the name of the hidden command that is used to request
// completion results from the program. It is used by the shell completion scripts.
ShellCompRequestCmd = "__complete"
// ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd is the name of the hidden command that is used to request
// completion results without their description. It is used by the shell completion scripts.
ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd = "__completeNoDesc"
// Global map of flag completion functions.
var flagCompletionFunctions = map[*pflag.Flag]func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective){}
// ShellCompDirective is a bit map representing the different behaviors the shell
// can be instructed to have once completions have been provided.
type ShellCompDirective int
const (
// ShellCompDirectiveError indicates an error occurred and completions should be ignored.
ShellCompDirectiveError ShellCompDirective = 1 << iota
// ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace indicates that the shell should not add a space
// after the completion even if there is a single completion provided.
// ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp indicates that the shell should not provide
// file completion even when no completion is provided.
// This currently does not work for zsh or bash < 4
// ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt indicates that the provided completions
// should be used as file extension filters.
// For flags, using Command.MarkFlagFilename() and Command.MarkPersistentFlagFilename()
// is a shortcut to using this directive explicitly. The BashCompFilenameExt
// annotation can also be used to obtain the same behavior for flags.
// ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs indicates that only directory names should
// be provided in file completion. To request directory names within another
// directory, the returned completions should specify the directory within
// which to search. The BashCompSubdirsInDir annotation can be used to
// obtain the same behavior but only for flags.
// ===========================================================================
// All directives using iota should be above this one.
// For internal use.
// ShellCompDirectiveDefault indicates to let the shell perform its default
// behavior after completions have been provided.
// This one must be last to avoid messing up the iota count.
ShellCompDirectiveDefault ShellCompDirective = 0
// RegisterFlagCompletionFunc should be called to register a function to provide completion for a flag.
func (c *Command) RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName string, f func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective)) error {
flag := c.Flag(flagName)
if flag == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("RegisterFlagCompletionFunc: flag '%s' does not exist", flagName)
if _, exists := flagCompletionFunctions[flag]; exists {
return fmt.Errorf("RegisterFlagCompletionFunc: flag '%s' already registered", flagName)
flagCompletionFunctions[flag] = f
return nil
// Returns a string listing the different directive enabled in the specified parameter
func (d ShellCompDirective) string() string {
var directives []string
if d&ShellCompDirectiveError != 0 {
directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveError")
if d&ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace != 0 {
directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace")
if d&ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp != 0 {
directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp")
if d&ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt != 0 {
directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt")
if d&ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs != 0 {
directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs")
if len(directives) == 0 {
directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveDefault")
if d >= shellCompDirectiveMaxValue {
return fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: unexpected ShellCompDirective value: %d", d)
return strings.Join(directives, ", ")
// Adds a special hidden command that can be used to request custom completions.
func (c *Command) initCompleteCmd(args []string) {
completeCmd := &Command{
Use: fmt.Sprintf("%s [command-line]", ShellCompRequestCmd),
Aliases: []string{ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd},
DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
Hidden: true,
DisableFlagParsing: true,
Args: MinimumNArgs(1),
Short: "Request shell completion choices for the specified command-line",
Long: fmt.Sprintf("%[2]s is a special command that is used by the shell completion logic\n%[1]s",
"to request completion choices for the specified command-line.", ShellCompRequestCmd),
Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) {
finalCmd, completions, directive, err := cmd.getCompletions(args)
if err != nil {
// Keep going for multiple reasons:
// 1- There could be some valid completions even though there was an error
// 2- Even without completions, we need to print the directive
noDescriptions := (cmd.CalledAs() == ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd)
for _, comp := range completions {
if noDescriptions {
// Remove any description that may be included following a tab character.
comp = strings.Split(comp, "\t")[0]
// Make sure we only write the first line to the output.
// This is needed if a description contains a linebreak.
// Otherwise the shell scripts will interpret the other lines as new flags
// and could therefore provide a wrong completion.
comp = strings.Split(comp, "\n")[0]
// Finally trim the completion. This is especially important to get rid
// of a trailing tab when there are no description following it.
// For example, a sub-command without a description should not be completed
// with a tab at the end (or else zsh will show a -- following it
// although there is no description).
comp = strings.TrimSpace(comp)
// Print each possible completion to stdout for the completion script to consume.
fmt.Fprintln(finalCmd.OutOrStdout(), comp)
if directive >= shellCompDirectiveMaxValue {
directive = ShellCompDirectiveDefault
// As the last printout, print the completion directive for the completion script to parse.
// The directive integer must be that last character following a single colon (:).
// The completion script expects :<directive>
fmt.Fprintf(finalCmd.OutOrStdout(), ":%d\n", directive)
// Print some helpful info to stderr for the user to understand.
// Output from stderr must be ignored by the completion script.
fmt.Fprintf(finalCmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Completion ended with directive: %s\n", directive.string())
subCmd, _, err := c.Find(args)
if err != nil || subCmd.Name() != ShellCompRequestCmd {
// Only create this special command if it is actually being called.
// This reduces possible side-effects of creating such a command;
// for example, having this command would cause problems to a
// cobra program that only consists of the root command, since this
// command would cause the root command to suddenly have a subcommand.
func (c *Command) getCompletions(args []string) (*Command, []string, ShellCompDirective, error) {
// The last argument, which is not completely typed by the user,
// should not be part of the list of arguments
toComplete := args[len(args)-1]
trimmedArgs := args[:len(args)-1]
var finalCmd *Command
var finalArgs []string
var err error
// Find the real command for which completion must be performed
// check if we need to traverse here to parse local flags on parent commands
if c.Root().TraverseChildren {
finalCmd, finalArgs, err = c.Root().Traverse(trimmedArgs)
} else {
finalCmd, finalArgs, err = c.Root().Find(trimmedArgs)
if err != nil {
// Unable to find the real command. E.g., <program> someInvalidCmd <TAB>
return c, []string{}, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find a command for arguments: %v", trimmedArgs)
// Check if we are doing flag value completion before parsing the flags.
// This is important because if we are completing a flag value, we need to also
// remove the flag name argument from the list of finalArgs or else the parsing
// could fail due to an invalid value (incomplete) for the flag.
flag, finalArgs, toComplete, err := checkIfFlagCompletion(finalCmd, finalArgs, toComplete)
if err != nil {
// Error while attempting to parse flags
return finalCmd, []string{}, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, err
// Parse the flags early so we can check if required flags are set
if err = finalCmd.ParseFlags(finalArgs); err != nil {
return finalCmd, []string{}, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, fmt.Errorf("Error while parsing flags from args %v: %s", finalArgs, err.Error())
if flag != nil {
// Check if we are completing a flag value subject to annotations
if validExts, present := flag.Annotations[BashCompFilenameExt]; present {
if len(validExts) != 0 {
// File completion filtered by extensions
return finalCmd, validExts, ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, nil
// The annotation requests simple file completion. There is no reason to do
// that since it is the default behavior anyway. Let's ignore this annotation
// in case the program also registered a completion function for this flag.
// Even though it is a mistake on the program's side, let's be nice when we can.
if subDir, present := flag.Annotations[BashCompSubdirsInDir]; present {
if len(subDir) == 1 {
// Directory completion from within a directory
return finalCmd, subDir, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs, nil
// Directory completion
return finalCmd, []string{}, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs, nil
// When doing completion of a flag name, as soon as an argument starts with
// a '-' we know it is a flag. We cannot use isFlagArg() here as it requires
// the flag name to be complete
if flag == nil && len(toComplete) > 0 && toComplete[0] == '-' && !strings.Contains(toComplete, "=") {
var completions []string
// First check for required flags
completions = completeRequireFlags(finalCmd, toComplete)
// If we have not found any required flags, only then can we show regular flags
if len(completions) == 0 {
doCompleteFlags := func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
if !flag.Changed ||
strings.Contains(flag.Value.Type(), "Slice") ||
strings.Contains(flag.Value.Type(), "Array") {
// If the flag is not already present, or if it can be specified multiple times (Array or Slice)
// we suggest it as a completion
completions = append(completions, getFlagNameCompletions(flag, toComplete)...)
// We cannot use finalCmd.Flags() because we may not have called ParsedFlags() for commands
// that have set DisableFlagParsing; it is ParseFlags() that merges the inherited and
// non-inherited flags.
finalCmd.InheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
finalCmd.NonInheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
directive := ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp
if len(completions) == 1 && strings.HasSuffix(completions[0], "=") {
// If there is a single completion, the shell usually adds a space
// after the completion. We don't want that if the flag ends with an =
directive = ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace
return finalCmd, completions, directive, nil
// We only remove the flags from the arguments if DisableFlagParsing is not set.
// This is important for commands which have requested to do their own flag completion.
if !finalCmd.DisableFlagParsing {
finalArgs = finalCmd.Flags().Args()
var completions []string
directive := ShellCompDirectiveDefault
if flag == nil {
foundLocalNonPersistentFlag := false
// If TraverseChildren is true on the root command we don't check for
// local flags because we can use a local flag on a parent command
if !finalCmd.Root().TraverseChildren {
// Check if there are any local, non-persistent flags on the command-line
localNonPersistentFlags := finalCmd.LocalNonPersistentFlags()
finalCmd.NonInheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
if localNonPersistentFlags.Lookup(flag.Name) != nil && flag.Changed {
foundLocalNonPersistentFlag = true
// Complete subcommand names, including the help command
if len(finalArgs) == 0 && !foundLocalNonPersistentFlag {
// We only complete sub-commands if:
// - there are no arguments on the command-line and
// - there are no local, non-peristent flag on the command-line or TraverseChildren is true
for _, subCmd := range finalCmd.Commands() {
if subCmd.IsAvailableCommand() || subCmd == finalCmd.helpCommand {
if strings.HasPrefix(subCmd.Name(), toComplete) {
completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", subCmd.Name(), subCmd.Short))
directive = ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp
// Complete required flags even without the '-' prefix
completions = append(completions, completeRequireFlags(finalCmd, toComplete)...)
// Always complete ValidArgs, even if we are completing a subcommand name.
// This is for commands that have both subcommands and ValidArgs.
if len(finalCmd.ValidArgs) > 0 {
if len(finalArgs) == 0 {
// ValidArgs are only for the first argument
for _, validArg := range finalCmd.ValidArgs {
if strings.HasPrefix(validArg, toComplete) {
completions = append(completions, validArg)
directive = ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp
// If no completions were found within commands or ValidArgs,
// see if there are any ArgAliases that should be completed.
if len(completions) == 0 {
for _, argAlias := range finalCmd.ArgAliases {
if strings.HasPrefix(argAlias, toComplete) {
completions = append(completions, argAlias)
// If there are ValidArgs specified (even if they don't match), we stop completion.
// Only one of ValidArgs or ValidArgsFunction can be used for a single command.
return finalCmd, completions, directive, nil
// Let the logic continue so as to add any ValidArgsFunction completions,
// even if we already found sub-commands.
// This is for commands that have subcommands but also specify a ValidArgsFunction.
// Find the completion function for the flag or command
var completionFn func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective)
if flag != nil {
completionFn = flagCompletionFunctions[flag]
} else {
completionFn = finalCmd.ValidArgsFunction
if completionFn != nil {
// Go custom completion defined for this flag or command.
// Call the registered completion function to get the completions.
var comps []string
comps, directive = completionFn(finalCmd, finalArgs, toComplete)
completions = append(completions, comps...)
return finalCmd, completions, directive, nil
func getFlagNameCompletions(flag *pflag.Flag, toComplete string) []string {
if nonCompletableFlag(flag) {
return []string{}
var completions []string
flagName := "--" + flag.Name
if strings.HasPrefix(flagName, toComplete) {
// Flag without the =
completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage))
// Why suggest both long forms: --flag and --flag= ?
// This forces the user to *always* have to type either an = or a space after the flag name.
// Let's be nice and avoid making users have to do that.
// Since boolean flags and shortname flags don't show the = form, let's go that route and never show it.
// The = form will still work, we just won't suggest it.
// This also makes the list of suggested flags shorter as we avoid all the = forms.
// if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 {
// // Flag requires a value, so it can be suffixed with =
// flagName += "="
// completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage))
// }
flagName = "-" + flag.Shorthand
if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(flagName, toComplete) {
completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage))
return completions
func completeRequireFlags(finalCmd *Command, toComplete string) []string {
var completions []string
doCompleteRequiredFlags := func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
if _, present := flag.Annotations[BashCompOneRequiredFlag]; present {
if !flag.Changed {
// If the flag is not already present, we suggest it as a completion
completions = append(completions, getFlagNameCompletions(flag, toComplete)...)
// We cannot use finalCmd.Flags() because we may not have called ParsedFlags() for commands
// that have set DisableFlagParsing; it is ParseFlags() that merges the inherited and
// non-inherited flags.
finalCmd.InheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
finalCmd.NonInheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
return completions
func checkIfFlagCompletion(finalCmd *Command, args []string, lastArg string) (*pflag.Flag, []string, string, error) {
if finalCmd.DisableFlagParsing {
// We only do flag completion if we are allowed to parse flags
// This is important for commands which have requested to do their own flag completion.
return nil, args, lastArg, nil
var flagName string
trimmedArgs := args
flagWithEqual := false
// When doing completion of a flag name, as soon as an argument starts with
// a '-' we know it is a flag. We cannot use isFlagArg() here as that function
// requires the flag name to be complete
if len(lastArg) > 0 && lastArg[0] == '-' {
if index := strings.Index(lastArg, "="); index >= 0 {
// Flag with an =
flagName = strings.TrimLeft(lastArg[:index], "-")
lastArg = lastArg[index+1:]
flagWithEqual = true
} else {
// Normal flag completion
return nil, args, lastArg, nil
if len(flagName) == 0 {
if len(args) > 0 {
prevArg := args[len(args)-1]
if isFlagArg(prevArg) {
// Only consider the case where the flag does not contain an =.
// If the flag contains an = it means it has already been fully processed,
// so we don't need to deal with it here.
if index := strings.Index(prevArg, "="); index < 0 {
flagName = strings.TrimLeft(prevArg, "-")
// Remove the uncompleted flag or else there could be an error created
// for an invalid value for that flag
trimmedArgs = args[:len(args)-1]
if len(flagName) == 0 {
// Not doing flag completion
return nil, trimmedArgs, lastArg, nil
flag := findFlag(finalCmd, flagName)
if flag == nil {
// Flag not supported by this command, nothing to complete
err := fmt.Errorf("Subcommand '%s' does not support flag '%s'", finalCmd.Name(), flagName)
return nil, nil, "", err
if !flagWithEqual {
if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) != 0 {
// We had assumed dealing with a two-word flag but the flag is a boolean flag.
// In that case, there is no value following it, so we are not really doing flag completion.
// Reset everything to do noun completion.
trimmedArgs = args
flag = nil
return flag, trimmedArgs, lastArg, nil
func findFlag(cmd *Command, name string) *pflag.Flag {
flagSet := cmd.Flags()
if len(name) == 1 {
// First convert the short flag into a long flag
// as the cmd.Flag() search only accepts long flags
if short := flagSet.ShorthandLookup(name); short != nil {
name = short.Name
} else {
set := cmd.InheritedFlags()
if short = set.ShorthandLookup(name); short != nil {
name = short.Name
} else {
return nil
return cmd.Flag(name)
// CompDebug prints the specified string to the same file as where the
// completion script prints its logs.
// Note that completion printouts should never be on stdout as they would
// be wrongly interpreted as actual completion choices by the completion script.
func CompDebug(msg string, printToStdErr bool) {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("[Debug] %s", msg)
// Such logs are only printed when the user has set the environment
// variable BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE to the path of some file to be used.
if path := os.Getenv("BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE"); path != "" {
f, err := os.OpenFile(path,
os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err == nil {
defer f.Close()
WriteStringAndCheck(f, msg)
if printToStdErr {
// Must print to stderr for this not to be read by the completion script.
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, msg)
// CompDebugln prints the specified string with a newline at the end
// to the same file as where the completion script prints its logs.
// Such logs are only printed when the user has set the environment
// variable BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE to the path of some file to be used.
func CompDebugln(msg string, printToStdErr bool) {
CompDebug(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", msg), printToStdErr)
// CompError prints the specified completion message to stderr.
func CompError(msg string) {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("[Error] %s", msg)
CompDebug(msg, true)
// CompErrorln prints the specified completion message to stderr with a newline at the end.
func CompErrorln(msg string) {
CompError(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", msg))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
package cobra
import (
func genFishComp(buf io.StringWriter, name string, includeDesc bool) {
// Variables should not contain a '-' or ':' character
nameForVar := name
nameForVar = strings.Replace(nameForVar, "-", "_", -1)
nameForVar = strings.Replace(nameForVar, ":", "_", -1)
compCmd := ShellCompRequestCmd
if !includeDesc {
compCmd = ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("# fish completion for %-36s -*- shell-script -*-\n", name))
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`
function __%[1]s_debug
if test -n "$file"
echo "$argv" >> $file
function __%[1]s_perform_completion
__%[1]s_debug "Starting __%[1]s_perform_completion with: $argv"
set args (string split -- " " "$argv")
set lastArg "$args[-1]"
__%[1]s_debug "args: $args"
__%[1]s_debug "last arg: $lastArg"
set emptyArg ""
if test -z "$lastArg"
__%[1]s_debug "Setting emptyArg"
set emptyArg \"\"
__%[1]s_debug "emptyArg: $emptyArg"
if not type -q "$args[1]"
# This can happen when "complete --do-complete %[2]s" is called when running this script.
__%[1]s_debug "Cannot find $args[1]. No completions."
set requestComp "$args[1] %[3]s $args[2..-1] $emptyArg"
__%[1]s_debug "Calling $requestComp"
set results (eval $requestComp 2> /dev/null)
set comps $results[1..-2]
set directiveLine $results[-1]
# For Fish, when completing a flag with an = (e.g., <program> -n=<TAB>)
# completions must be prefixed with the flag
set flagPrefix (string match -r -- '-.*=' "$lastArg")
__%[1]s_debug "Comps: $comps"
__%[1]s_debug "DirectiveLine: $directiveLine"
__%[1]s_debug "flagPrefix: $flagPrefix"
for comp in $comps
printf "%%s%%s\n" "$flagPrefix" "$comp"
printf "%%s\n" "$directiveLine"
# This function does three things:
# 1- Obtain the completions and store them in the global __%[1]s_comp_results
# 2- Set the __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp flag if file completion should be performed
# and unset it otherwise
# 3- Return true if the completion results are not empty
function __%[1]s_prepare_completions
# Start fresh
set --erase __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp
set --erase __%[1]s_comp_results
# Check if the command-line is already provided. This is useful for testing.
if not set --query __%[1]s_comp_commandLine
# Use the -c flag to allow for completion in the middle of the line
set __%[1]s_comp_commandLine (commandline -c)
__%[1]s_debug "commandLine is: $__%[1]s_comp_commandLine"
set results (__%[1]s_perform_completion "$__%[1]s_comp_commandLine")
set --erase __%[1]s_comp_commandLine
__%[1]s_debug "Completion results: $results"
if test -z "$results"
__%[1]s_debug "No completion, probably due to a failure"
# Might as well do file completion, in case it helps
set --global __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp 1
return 1
set directive (string sub --start 2 $results[-1])
set --global __%[1]s_comp_results $results[1..-2]
__%[1]s_debug "Completions are: $__%[1]s_comp_results"
__%[1]s_debug "Directive is: $directive"
set shellCompDirectiveError %[4]d
set shellCompDirectiveNoSpace %[5]d
set shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp %[6]d
set shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt %[7]d
set shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs %[8]d
if test -z "$directive"
set directive 0
set compErr (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveError) %% 2)
if test $compErr -eq 1
__%[1]s_debug "Received error directive: aborting."
# Might as well do file completion, in case it helps
set --global __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp 1
return 1
set filefilter (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt) %% 2)
set dirfilter (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs) %% 2)
if test $filefilter -eq 1; or test $dirfilter -eq 1
__%[1]s_debug "File extension filtering or directory filtering not supported"
# Do full file completion instead
set --global __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp 1
return 1
set nospace (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveNoSpace) %% 2)
set nofiles (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp) %% 2)
__%[1]s_debug "nospace: $nospace, nofiles: $nofiles"
# Important not to quote the variable for count to work
set numComps (count $__%[1]s_comp_results)
__%[1]s_debug "numComps: $numComps"
if test $numComps -eq 1; and test $nospace -ne 0
# To support the "nospace" directive we trick the shell
# by outputting an extra, longer completion.
__%[1]s_debug "Adding second completion to perform nospace directive"
set --append __%[1]s_comp_results $__%[1]s_comp_results[1].
if test $numComps -eq 0; and test $nofiles -eq 0
__%[1]s_debug "Requesting file completion"
set --global __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp 1
# If we don't want file completion, we must return true even if there
# are no completions found. This is because fish will perform the last
# completion command, even if its condition is false, if no other
# completion command was triggered
return (not set --query __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp)
# Since Fish completions are only loaded once the user triggers them, we trigger them ourselves
# so we can properly delete any completions provided by another script.
# The space after the the program name is essential to trigger completion for the program
# and not completion of the program name itself.
complete --do-complete "%[2]s " > /dev/null 2>&1
# Using '> /dev/null 2>&1' since '&>' is not supported in older versions of fish.
# Remove any pre-existing completions for the program since we will be handling all of them.
complete -c %[2]s -e
# The order in which the below two lines are defined is very important so that __%[1]s_prepare_completions
# is called first. It is __%[1]s_prepare_completions that sets up the __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp variable.
# This completion will be run second as complete commands are added FILO.
# It triggers file completion choices when __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp is set.
complete -c %[2]s -n 'set --query __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp'
# This completion will be run first as complete commands are added FILO.
# The call to __%[1]s_prepare_completions will setup both __%[1]s_comp_results and __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp.
# It provides the program's completion choices.
complete -c %[2]s -n '__%[1]s_prepare_completions' -f -a '$__%[1]s_comp_results'
`, nameForVar, name, compCmd,
ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp,
ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs))
// GenFishCompletion generates fish completion file and writes to the passed writer.
func (c *Command) GenFishCompletion(w io.Writer, includeDesc bool) error {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
genFishComp(buf, c.Name(), includeDesc)
_, err := buf.WriteTo(w)
return err
// GenFishCompletionFile generates fish completion file.
func (c *Command) GenFishCompletionFile(filename string, includeDesc bool) error {
outFile, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer outFile.Close()
return c.GenFishCompletion(outFile, includeDesc)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
## Generating Fish Completions For Your cobra.Command
Please refer to [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md) for details.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module github.com/spf13/cobra
go 1.12
require (
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github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5
github.com/spf13/viper v1.7.0
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
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google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190801165951-fa694d86fc64/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc=
google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190819201941-24fa4b261c55/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc=
google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190911173649-1774047e7e51/go.mod h1:IbNlFCBrqXvoKpeg0TB2l7cyZUmoaFKYIwrEpbDKLA8=
google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20191108220845-16a3f7862a1a/go.mod h1:n3cpQtvxv34hfy77yVDNjmbRyujviMdxYliBSkLhpCc=
google.golang.org/grpc v1.19.0/go.mod h1:mqu4LbDTu4XGKhr4mRzUsmM4RtVoemTSY81AxZiDr8c=
google.golang.org/grpc v1.20.1/go.mod h1:10oTOabMzJvdu6/UiuZezV6QK5dSlG84ov/aaiqXj38=
google.golang.org/grpc v1.21.1/go.mod h1:oYelfM1adQP15Ek0mdvEgi9Df8B9CZIaU1084ijfRaM=
gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6/go.mod h1:FMv+mEhP44yOT+4EoQTLFTRgOQ1FBLkstjWtayDeSgw=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127 h1:qIbj1fsPNlZgppZ+VLlY7N33q108Sa+fhmuc+sWQYwY=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/errgo.v2 v2.1.0/go.mod h1:hNsd1EY+bozCKY1Ytp96fpM3vjJbqLJn88ws8XvfDNI=
gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.51.0 h1:AQvPpx3LzTDM0AjnIRlVFwFFGC+npRopjZxLJj6gdno=
gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.51.0/go.mod h1:pNLf8WUiyNEtQjuu5G5vTm06TEv9tsIgeAvK8hOrP4k=
gopkg.in/resty.v1 v1.12.0/go.mod h1:mDo4pnntr5jdWRML875a/NmxYqAlA73dVijT2AXvQQo=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.0.0-20170812160011-eb3733d160e7/go.mod h1:JAlM8MvJe8wmxCU4Bli9HhUf9+ttbYbLASfIpnQbh74=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.4/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 h1:D8xgwECY7CYvx+Y2n4sBz93Jn9JRvxdiyyo8CTfuKaY=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:RDklbk79AGWmwhnvt/jBztapEOGDOx6ZbXqjP6csGnQ=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190106161140-3f1c8253044a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190418001031-e561f6794a2a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2019.2.3/go.mod h1:a3bituU0lyd329TUQxRnasdCoJDkEUEAqEt0JzvZhAg=
rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
// The generated scripts require PowerShell v5.0+ (which comes Windows 10, but
// can be downloaded separately for windows 7 or 8.1).
package cobra
import (
func genPowerShellComp(buf io.StringWriter, name string, includeDesc bool) {
compCmd := ShellCompRequestCmd
if !includeDesc {
compCmd = ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`# powershell completion for %-36[1]s -*- shell-script -*-
function __%[1]s_debug {
"$args" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "$env:BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE"
filter __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars {
`+" $_ -replace '\\s|#|@|\\$|;|,|''|\\{|\\}|\\(|\\)|\"|`|\\||<|>|&','`$&'"+`
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName '%[1]s' -ScriptBlock {
# Get the current command line and convert into a string
$Command = $CommandAst.CommandElements
$Command = "$Command"
__%[1]s_debug ""
__%[1]s_debug "========= starting completion logic =========="
__%[1]s_debug "WordToComplete: $WordToComplete Command: $Command CursorPosition: $CursorPosition"
# The user could have moved the cursor backwards on the command-line.
# We need to trigger completion from the $CursorPosition location, so we need
# to truncate the command-line ($Command) up to the $CursorPosition location.
# Make sure the $Command is longer then the $CursorPosition before we truncate.
# This happens because the $Command does not include the last space.
if ($Command.Length -gt $CursorPosition) {
__%[1]s_debug "Truncated command: $Command"
# Prepare the command to request completions for the program.
# Split the command at the first space to separate the program and arguments.
$Program,$Arguments = $Command.Split(" ",2)
$RequestComp="$Program %[2]s $Arguments"
__%[1]s_debug "RequestComp: $RequestComp"
# we cannot use $WordToComplete because it
# has the wrong values if the cursor was moved
# so use the last argument
if ($WordToComplete -ne "" ) {
$WordToComplete = $Arguments.Split(" ")[-1]
__%[1]s_debug "New WordToComplete: $WordToComplete"
# Check for flag with equal sign
$IsEqualFlag = ($WordToComplete -Like "--*=*" )
if ( $IsEqualFlag ) {
__%[1]s_debug "Completing equal sign flag"
# Remove the flag part
$Flag,$WordToComplete = $WordToComplete.Split("=",2)
if ( $WordToComplete -eq "" -And ( -Not $IsEqualFlag )) {
# If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it)
# We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go method.
__%[1]s_debug "Adding extra empty parameter"
`+" # We need to use `\"`\" to pass an empty argument a \"\" or '' does not work!!!"+`
`+" $RequestComp=\"$RequestComp\" + ' `\"`\"' "+`
__%[1]s_debug "Calling $RequestComp"
#call the command store the output in $out and redirect stderr and stdout to null
# $Out is an array contains each line per element
Invoke-Expression -OutVariable out "$RequestComp" 2>&1 | Out-Null
# get directive from last line
[int]$Directive = $Out[-1].TrimStart(':')
if ($Directive -eq "") {
# There is no directive specified
$Directive = 0
__%[1]s_debug "The completion directive is: $Directive"
# remove directive (last element) from out
$Out = $Out | Where-Object { $_ -ne $Out[-1] }
__%[1]s_debug "The completions are: $Out"
if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveError) -ne 0 ) {
# Error code. No completion.
__%[1]s_debug "Received error from custom completion go code"
$Longest = 0
$Values = $Out | ForEach-Object {
#Split the output in name and description
`+" $Name, $Description = $_.Split(\"`t\",2)"+`
__%[1]s_debug "Name: $Name Description: $Description"
# Look for the longest completion so that we can format things nicely
if ($Longest -lt $Name.Length) {
$Longest = $Name.Length
# Set the description to a one space string if there is none set.
# This is needed because the CompletionResult does not accept an empty string as argument
if (-Not $Description) {
$Description = " "
$Space = " "
if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace) -ne 0 ) {
# remove the space here
__%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace is called"
$Space = ""
if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp) -ne 0 ) {
__%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp is called"
if ($Values.Length -eq 0) {
# Just print an empty string here so the
# shell does not start to complete paths.
# We cannot use CompletionResult here because
# it does not accept an empty string as argument.
if ((($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt) -ne 0 ) -or
(($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs) -ne 0 )) {
__%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs are not supported"
# return here to prevent the completion of the extensions
$Values = $Values | Where-Object {
# filter the result
$_.Name -like "$WordToComplete*"
# Join the flag back if we have a equal sign flag
if ( $IsEqualFlag ) {
__%[1]s_debug "Join the equal sign flag back to the completion value"
$_.Name = $Flag + "=" + $_.Name
# Get the current mode
$Mode = (Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "Tab" }).Function
__%[1]s_debug "Mode: $Mode"
$Values | ForEach-Object {
# store temporay because switch will overwrite $_
$comp = $_
# PowerShell supports three different completion modes
# - TabCompleteNext (default windows style - on each key press the next option is displayed)
# - Complete (works like bash)
# - MenuComplete (works like zsh)
# You set the mode with Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function <mode>
# CompletionResult Arguments:
# 1) CompletionText text to be used as the auto completion result
# 2) ListItemText text to be displayed in the suggestion list
# 3) ResultType type of completion result
# 4) ToolTip text for the tooltip with details about the object
switch ($Mode) {
# bash like
"Complete" {
if ($Values.Length -eq 1) {
__%[1]s_debug "Only one completion left"
# insert space after value
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars) + $Space, "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)")
} else {
# Add the proper number of spaces to align the descriptions
while($comp.Name.Length -lt $Longest) {
$comp.Name = $comp.Name + " "
# Check for empty description and only add parentheses if needed
if ($($comp.Description) -eq " " ) {
$Description = ""
} else {
$Description = " ($($comp.Description))"
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new("$($comp.Name)$Description", "$($comp.Name)$Description", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)")
# zsh like
"MenuComplete" {
# insert space after value
# MenuComplete will automatically show the ToolTip of
# the highlighted value at the bottom of the suggestions.
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars) + $Space, "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)")
# TabCompleteNext and in case we get something unknown
Default {
# Like MenuComplete but we don't want to add a space here because
# the user need to press space anyway to get the completion.
# Description will not be shown because thats not possible with TabCompleteNext
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars), "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)")
`, name, compCmd,
ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp,
ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs))
func (c *Command) genPowerShellCompletion(w io.Writer, includeDesc bool) error {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
genPowerShellComp(buf, c.Name(), includeDesc)
_, err := buf.WriteTo(w)
return err
func (c *Command) genPowerShellCompletionFile(filename string, includeDesc bool) error {
outFile, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer outFile.Close()
return c.genPowerShellCompletion(outFile, includeDesc)
// GenPowerShellCompletionFile generates powershell completion file without descriptions.
func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletionFile(filename string) error {
return c.genPowerShellCompletionFile(filename, false)
// GenPowerShellCompletion generates powershell completion file without descriptions
// and writes it to the passed writer.
func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletion(w io.Writer) error {
return c.genPowerShellCompletion(w, false)
// GenPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc generates powershell completion file with descriptions.
func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc(filename string) error {
return c.genPowerShellCompletionFile(filename, true)
// GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc generates powershell completion file with descriptions
// and writes it to the passed writer.
func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc(w io.Writer) error {
return c.genPowerShellCompletion(w, true)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Generating PowerShell Completions For Your Own cobra.Command
Please refer to [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md#powershell-completions) for details.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
## Projects using Cobra
- [Arduino CLI](https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli)
- [Bleve](http://www.blevesearch.com/)
- [CockroachDB](http://www.cockroachlabs.com/)
- [Cosmos SDK](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk)
- [Delve](https://github.com/derekparker/delve)
- [Docker (distribution)](https://github.com/docker/distribution)
- [Etcd](https://etcd.io/)
- [Gardener](https://github.com/gardener/gardenctl)
- [Giant Swarm's gsctl](https://github.com/giantswarm/gsctl)
- [Git Bump](https://github.com/erdaltsksn/git-bump)
- [Github CLI](https://github.com/cli/cli)
- [GitHub Labeler](https://github.com/erdaltsksn/gh-label)
- [Golangci-lint](https://golangci-lint.run)
- [GopherJS](http://www.gopherjs.org/)
- [Helm](https://helm.sh)
- [Hugo](https://gohugo.io)
- [Istio](https://istio.io)
- [Kool](https://github.com/kool-dev/kool)
- [Kubernetes](http://kubernetes.io/)
- [Linkerd](https://linkerd.io/)
- [Mattermost-server](https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server)
- [Metal Stack CLI](https://github.com/metal-stack/metalctl)
- [Moby (former Docker)](https://github.com/moby/moby)
- [Nanobox](https://github.com/nanobox-io/nanobox)/[Nanopack](https://github.com/nanopack)
- [OpenShift](https://www.openshift.com/)
- [Ory Hydra](https://github.com/ory/hydra)
- [Ory Kratos](https://github.com/ory/kratos)
- [Pouch](https://github.com/alibaba/pouch)
- [ProjectAtomic (enterprise)](http://www.projectatomic.io/)
- [Prototool](https://github.com/uber/prototool)
- [Random](https://github.com/erdaltsksn/random)
- [Rclone](https://rclone.org/)
- [Skaffold](https://skaffold.dev/)
- [Tendermint](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint)
- [Twitch CLI](https://github.com/twitchdev/twitch-cli)
- [Werf](https://werf.io/)
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package cobra
import (
// MarkFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to
// prioritize the named flag when performing completion,
// and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag.
func (c *Command) MarkFlagRequired(name string) error {
return MarkFlagRequired(c.Flags(), name)
// MarkPersistentFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to
// prioritize the named persistent flag when performing completion,
// and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag.
func (c *Command) MarkPersistentFlagRequired(name string) error {
return MarkFlagRequired(c.PersistentFlags(), name)
// MarkFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to
// prioritize the named flag when performing completion,
// and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag.
func MarkFlagRequired(flags *pflag.FlagSet, name string) error {
return flags.SetAnnotation(name, BashCompOneRequiredFlag, []string{"true"})
// MarkFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion implementations to
// limit completions for the named flag to the specified file extensions.
func (c *Command) MarkFlagFilename(name string, extensions ...string) error {
return MarkFlagFilename(c.Flags(), name, extensions...)
// MarkFlagCustom adds the BashCompCustom annotation to the named flag, if it exists.
// The bash completion script will call the bash function f for the flag.
// This will only work for bash completion.
// It is recommended to instead use c.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(...) which allows
// to register a Go function which will work across all shells.
func (c *Command) MarkFlagCustom(name string, f string) error {
return MarkFlagCustom(c.Flags(), name, f)
// MarkPersistentFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion
// implementations to limit completions for the named persistent flag to the
// specified file extensions.
func (c *Command) MarkPersistentFlagFilename(name string, extensions ...string) error {
return MarkFlagFilename(c.PersistentFlags(), name, extensions...)
// MarkFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion implementations to
// limit completions for the named flag to the specified file extensions.
func MarkFlagFilename(flags *pflag.FlagSet, name string, extensions ...string) error {
return flags.SetAnnotation(name, BashCompFilenameExt, extensions)
// MarkFlagCustom adds the BashCompCustom annotation to the named flag, if it exists.
// The bash completion script will call the bash function f for the flag.
// This will only work for bash completion.
// It is recommended to instead use c.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(...) which allows
// to register a Go function which will work across all shells.
func MarkFlagCustom(flags *pflag.FlagSet, name string, f string) error {
return flags.SetAnnotation(name, BashCompCustom, []string{f})
// MarkFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion implementations to
// limit completions for the named flag to directory names.
func (c *Command) MarkFlagDirname(name string) error {
return MarkFlagDirname(c.Flags(), name)
// MarkPersistentFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion
// implementations to limit completions for the named persistent flag to
// directory names.
func (c *Command) MarkPersistentFlagDirname(name string) error {
return MarkFlagDirname(c.PersistentFlags(), name)
// MarkFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion implementations to
// limit completions for the named flag to directory names.
func MarkFlagDirname(flags *pflag.FlagSet, name string) error {
return flags.SetAnnotation(name, BashCompSubdirsInDir, []string{})
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@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
# Generating shell completions
Cobra can generate shell completions for multiple shells.
The currently supported shells are:
- Bash
- Zsh
- fish
- PowerShell
If you are using the generator, you can create a completion command by running
cobra add completion
and then modifying the generated `cmd/completion.go` file to look something like this
(writing the shell script to stdout allows the most flexible use):
var completionCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell]",
Short: "Generate completion script",
Long: `To load completions:
$ source <(yourprogram completion bash)
# To load completions for each session, execute once:
# Linux:
$ yourprogram completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/yourprogram
# macOS:
$ yourprogram completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/yourprogram
# If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment,
# you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:
$ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
# To load completions for each session, execute once:
$ yourprogram completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_yourprogram"
# You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
$ yourprogram completion fish | source
# To load completions for each session, execute once:
$ yourprogram completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/yourprogram.fish
PS> yourprogram completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
# To load completions for every new session, run:
PS> yourprogram completion powershell > yourprogram.ps1
# and source this file from your PowerShell profile.
DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
ValidArgs: []string{"bash", "zsh", "fish", "powershell"},
Args: cobra.ExactValidArgs(1),
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
switch args[0] {
case "bash":
case "zsh":
case "fish":
cmd.Root().GenFishCompletion(os.Stdout, true)
case "powershell":
**Note:** The cobra generator may include messages printed to stdout, for example, if the config file is loaded; this will break the auto-completion script so must be removed.
# Customizing completions
The generated completion scripts will automatically handle completing commands and flags. However, you can make your completions much more powerful by providing information to complete your program's nouns and flag values.
## Completion of nouns
### Static completion of nouns
Cobra allows you to provide a pre-defined list of completion choices for your nouns using the `ValidArgs` field.
For example, if you want `kubectl get [tab][tab]` to show a list of valid "nouns" you have to set them.
Some simplified code from `kubectl get` looks like:
validArgs []string = { "pod", "node", "service", "replicationcontroller" }
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "get [(-o|--output=)json|yaml|template|...] (RESOURCE [NAME] | RESOURCE/NAME ...)",
Short: "Display one or many resources",
Long: get_long,
Example: get_example,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
cobra.CheckErr(RunGet(f, out, cmd, args))
ValidArgs: validArgs,
Notice we put the `ValidArgs` field on the `get` sub-command. Doing so will give results like:
$ kubectl get [tab][tab]
node pod replicationcontroller service
#### Aliases for nouns
If your nouns have aliases, you can define them alongside `ValidArgs` using `ArgAliases`:
argAliases []string = { "pods", "nodes", "services", "svc", "replicationcontrollers", "rc" }
cmd := &cobra.Command{
ValidArgs: validArgs,
ArgAliases: argAliases
The aliases are not shown to the user on tab completion, but they are accepted as valid nouns by
the completion algorithm if entered manually, e.g. in:
$ kubectl get rc [tab][tab]
backend frontend database
Note that without declaring `rc` as an alias, the completion algorithm would not know to show the list of
replication controllers following `rc`.
### Dynamic completion of nouns
In some cases it is not possible to provide a list of completions in advance. Instead, the list of completions must be determined at execution-time. In a similar fashion as for static completions, you can use the `ValidArgsFunction` field to provide a Go function that Cobra will execute when it needs the list of completion choices for the nouns of a command. Note that either `ValidArgs` or `ValidArgsFunction` can be used for a single cobra command, but not both.
Simplified code from `helm status` looks like:
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "status RELEASE_NAME",
Short: "Display the status of the named release",
Long: status_long,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
ValidArgsFunction: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
if len(args) != 0 {
return nil, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp
return getReleasesFromCluster(toComplete), cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp
Where `getReleasesFromCluster()` is a Go function that obtains the list of current Helm releases running on the Kubernetes cluster.
Notice we put the `ValidArgsFunction` on the `status` sub-command. Let's assume the Helm releases on the cluster are: `harbor`, `notary`, `rook` and `thanos` then this dynamic completion will give results like:
$ helm status [tab][tab]
harbor notary rook thanos
You may have noticed the use of `cobra.ShellCompDirective`. These directives are bit fields allowing to control some shell completion behaviors for your particular completion. You can combine them with the bit-or operator such as `cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace | cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp`
// Indicates that the shell will perform its default behavior after completions
// have been provided (this implies none of the other directives).
// Indicates an error occurred and completions should be ignored.
// Indicates that the shell should not add a space after the completion,
// even if there is a single completion provided.
// Indicates that the shell should not provide file completion even when
// no completion is provided.
// Indicates that the returned completions should be used as file extension filters.
// For example, to complete only files of the form *.json or *.yaml:
// return []string{"yaml", "json"}, ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt
// For flags, using MarkFlagFilename() and MarkPersistentFlagFilename()
// is a shortcut to using this directive explicitly.
// Indicates that only directory names should be provided in file completion.
// For example:
// return nil, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs
// For flags, using MarkFlagDirname() is a shortcut to using this directive explicitly.
// To request directory names within another directory, the returned completions
// should specify a single directory name within which to search. For example,
// to complete directories within "themes/":
// return []string{"themes"}, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs
***Note***: When using the `ValidArgsFunction`, Cobra will call your registered function after having parsed all flags and arguments provided in the command-line. You therefore don't need to do this parsing yourself. For example, when a user calls `helm status --namespace my-rook-ns [tab][tab]`, Cobra will call your registered `ValidArgsFunction` after having parsed the `--namespace` flag, as it would have done when calling the `RunE` function.
#### Debugging
Cobra achieves dynamic completion through the use of a hidden command called by the completion script. To debug your Go completion code, you can call this hidden command directly:
$ helm __complete status har<ENTER>
Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr
***Important:*** If the noun to complete is empty (when the user has not yet typed any letters of that noun), you must pass an empty parameter to the `__complete` command:
$ helm __complete status ""<ENTER>
Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr
Calling the `__complete` command directly allows you to run the Go debugger to troubleshoot your code. You can also add printouts to your code; Cobra provides the following functions to use for printouts in Go completion code:
// Prints to the completion script debug file (if BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE
// is set to a file path) and optionally prints to stderr.
cobra.CompDebug(msg string, printToStdErr bool) {
cobra.CompDebugln(msg string, printToStdErr bool)
// Prints to the completion script debug file (if BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE
// is set to a file path) and to stderr.
cobra.CompError(msg string)
cobra.CompErrorln(msg string)
***Important:*** You should **not** leave traces that print directly to stdout in your completion code as they will be interpreted as completion choices by the completion script. Instead, use the cobra-provided debugging traces functions mentioned above.
## Completions for flags
### Mark flags as required
Most of the time completions will only show sub-commands. But if a flag is required to make a sub-command work, you probably want it to show up when the user types [tab][tab]. You can mark a flag as 'Required' like so:
and you'll get something like
$ kubectl exec [tab][tab]
-c --container= -p --pod=
### Specify dynamic flag completion
As for nouns, Cobra provides a way of defining dynamic completion of flags. To provide a Go function that Cobra will execute when it needs the list of completion choices for a flag, you must register the function using the `command.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` function.
flagName := "output"
cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
return []string{"json", "table", "yaml"}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveDefault
Notice that calling `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` is done through the `command` with which the flag is associated. In our example this dynamic completion will give results like so:
$ helm status --output [tab][tab]
json table yaml
#### Debugging
You can also easily debug your Go completion code for flags:
$ helm __complete status --output ""
Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr
***Important:*** You should **not** leave traces that print to stdout in your completion code as they will be interpreted as completion choices by the completion script. Instead, use the cobra-provided debugging traces functions mentioned further above.
### Specify valid filename extensions for flags that take a filename
To limit completions of flag values to file names with certain extensions you can either use the different `MarkFlagFilename()` functions or a combination of `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` and `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt`, like so:
flagName := "output"
cmd.MarkFlagFilename(flagName, "yaml", "json")
flagName := "output"
cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
return []string{"yaml", "json"}, ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt})
### Limit flag completions to directory names
To limit completions of flag values to directory names you can either use the `MarkFlagDirname()` functions or a combination of `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` and `ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs`, like so:
flagName := "output"
flagName := "output"
cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
return nil, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs
To limit completions of flag values to directory names *within another directory* you can use a combination of `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` and `ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs` like so:
flagName := "output"
cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
return []string{"themes"}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs
### Descriptions for completions
`zsh`, `fish` and `powershell` allow for descriptions to annotate completion choices. For commands and flags, Cobra will provide the descriptions automatically, based on usage information. For example, using zsh:
$ helm s[tab]
search -- search for a keyword in charts
show -- show information of a chart
status -- displays the status of the named release
while using fish:
$ helm s[tab]
search (search for a keyword in charts) show (show information of a chart) status (displays the status of the named release)
Cobra allows you to add annotations to your own completions. Simply add the annotation text after each completion, following a `\t` separator. This technique applies to completions returned by `ValidArgs`, `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`. For example:
ValidArgsFunction: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
return []string{"harbor\tAn image registry", "thanos\tLong-term metrics"}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp
ValidArgs: []string{"bash\tCompletions for bash", "zsh\tCompletions for zsh"}
## Bash completions
### Dependencies
The bash completion script generated by Cobra requires the `bash_completion` package. You should update the help text of your completion command to show how to install the `bash_completion` package ([Kubectl docs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#enabling-shell-autocompletion))
### Aliases
You can also configure `bash` aliases for your program and they will also support completions.
alias aliasname=origcommand
complete -o default -F __start_origcommand aliasname
# and now when you run `aliasname` completion will make
# suggestions as it did for `origcommand`.
$ aliasname <tab><tab>
completion firstcommand secondcommand
### Bash legacy dynamic completions
For backward compatibility, Cobra still supports its bash legacy dynamic completion solution.
Please refer to [Bash Completions](bash_completions.md) for details.
## Zsh completions
Cobra supports native zsh completion generated from the root `cobra.Command`.
The generated completion script should be put somewhere in your `$fpath` and be named
`_<yourProgram>`. You will need to start a new shell for the completions to become available.
Zsh supports descriptions for completions. Cobra will provide the description automatically,
based on usage information. Cobra provides a way to completely disable such descriptions by
using `GenZshCompletionNoDesc()` or `GenZshCompletionFileNoDesc()`. You can choose to make
this a configurable option to your users.
# With descriptions
$ helm s[tab]
search -- search for a keyword in charts
show -- show information of a chart
status -- displays the status of the named release
# Without descriptions
$ helm s[tab]
search show status
*Note*: Because of backward-compatibility requirements, we were forced to have a different API to disable completion descriptions between `zsh` and `fish`.
### Limitations
* Custom completions implemented in Bash scripting (legacy) are not supported and will be ignored for `zsh` (including the use of the `BashCompCustom` flag annotation).
* You should instead use `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` which are portable to the different shells (`bash`, `zsh`, `fish`, `powershell`).
* The function `MarkFlagCustom()` is not supported and will be ignored for `zsh`.
* You should instead use `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`.
### Zsh completions standardization
Cobra 1.1 standardized its zsh completion support to align it with its other shell completions. Although the API was kept backward-compatible, some small changes in behavior were introduced.
Please refer to [Zsh Completions](zsh_completions.md) for details.
## fish completions
Cobra supports native fish completions generated from the root `cobra.Command`. You can use the `command.GenFishCompletion()` or `command.GenFishCompletionFile()` functions. You must provide these functions with a parameter indicating if the completions should be annotated with a description; Cobra will provide the description automatically based on usage information. You can choose to make this option configurable by your users.
# With descriptions
$ helm s[tab]
search (search for a keyword in charts) show (show information of a chart) status (displays the status of the named release)
# Without descriptions
$ helm s[tab]
search show status
*Note*: Because of backward-compatibility requirements, we were forced to have a different API to disable completion descriptions between `zsh` and `fish`.
### Limitations
* Custom completions implemented in bash scripting (legacy) are not supported and will be ignored for `fish` (including the use of the `BashCompCustom` flag annotation).
* You should instead use `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` which are portable to the different shells (`bash`, `zsh`, `fish`, `powershell`).
* The function `MarkFlagCustom()` is not supported and will be ignored for `fish`.
* You should instead use `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`.
* The following flag completion annotations are not supported and will be ignored for `fish`:
* `BashCompFilenameExt` (filtering by file extension)
* `BashCompSubdirsInDir` (filtering by directory)
* The functions corresponding to the above annotations are consequently not supported and will be ignored for `fish`:
* `MarkFlagFilename()` and `MarkPersistentFlagFilename()` (filtering by file extension)
* `MarkFlagDirname()` and `MarkPersistentFlagDirname()` (filtering by directory)
* Similarly, the following completion directives are not supported and will be ignored for `fish`:
* `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt` (filtering by file extension)
* `ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs` (filtering by directory)
## PowerShell completions
Cobra supports native PowerShell completions generated from the root `cobra.Command`. You can use the `command.GenPowerShellCompletion()` or `command.GenPowerShellCompletionFile()` functions. To include descriptions use `command.GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc()` and `command.GenPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc()`. Cobra will provide the description automatically based on usage information. You can choose to make this option configurable by your users.
The script is designed to support all three PowerShell completion modes:
* TabCompleteNext (default windows style - on each key press the next option is displayed)
* Complete (works like bash)
* MenuComplete (works like zsh)
You set the mode with `Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function <mode>`. Descriptions are only displayed when using the `Complete` or `MenuComplete` mode.
Users need PowerShell version 5.0 or above, which comes with Windows 10 and can be downloaded separately for Windows 7 or 8.1. They can then write the completions to a file and source this file from their PowerShell profile, which is referenced by the `$Profile` environment variable. See `Get-Help about_Profiles` for more info about PowerShell profiles.
# With descriptions and Mode 'Complete'
$ helm s[tab]
search (search for a keyword in charts) show (show information of a chart) status (displays the status of the named release)
# With descriptions and Mode 'MenuComplete' The description of the current selected value will be displayed below the suggestions.
$ helm s[tab]
search show status
search for a keyword in charts
# Without descriptions
$ helm s[tab]
search show status
### Limitations
* Custom completions implemented in bash scripting (legacy) are not supported and will be ignored for `powershell` (including the use of the `BashCompCustom` flag annotation).
* You should instead use `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` which are portable to the different shells (`bash`, `zsh`, `fish`, `powershell`).
* The function `MarkFlagCustom()` is not supported and will be ignored for `powershell`.
* You should instead use `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`.
* The following flag completion annotations are not supported and will be ignored for `powershell`:
* `BashCompFilenameExt` (filtering by file extension)
* `BashCompSubdirsInDir` (filtering by directory)
* The functions corresponding to the above annotations are consequently not supported and will be ignored for `powershell`:
* `MarkFlagFilename()` and `MarkPersistentFlagFilename()` (filtering by file extension)
* `MarkFlagDirname()` and `MarkPersistentFlagDirname()` (filtering by directory)
* Similarly, the following completion directives are not supported and will be ignored for `powershell`:
* `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt` (filtering by file extension)
* `ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs` (filtering by directory)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
package cobra
import (
// GenZshCompletionFile generates zsh completion file including descriptions.
func (c *Command) GenZshCompletionFile(filename string) error {
return c.genZshCompletionFile(filename, true)
// GenZshCompletion generates zsh completion file including descriptions
// and writes it to the passed writer.
func (c *Command) GenZshCompletion(w io.Writer) error {
return c.genZshCompletion(w, true)
// GenZshCompletionFileNoDesc generates zsh completion file without descriptions.
func (c *Command) GenZshCompletionFileNoDesc(filename string) error {
return c.genZshCompletionFile(filename, false)
// GenZshCompletionNoDesc generates zsh completion file without descriptions
// and writes it to the passed writer.
func (c *Command) GenZshCompletionNoDesc(w io.Writer) error {
return c.genZshCompletion(w, false)
// MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile only worked for zsh and its behavior was
// not consistent with Bash completion. It has therefore been disabled.
// Instead, when no other completion is specified, file completion is done by
// default for every argument. One can disable file completion on a per-argument
// basis by using ValidArgsFunction and ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp.
// To achieve file extension filtering, one can use ValidArgsFunction and
// ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt.
// Deprecated
func (c *Command) MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(argPosition int, patterns ...string) error {
return nil
// MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords only worked for zsh. It has therefore
// been disabled.
// To achieve the same behavior across all shells, one can use
// ValidArgs (for the first argument only) or ValidArgsFunction for
// any argument (can include the first one also).
// Deprecated
func (c *Command) MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords(argPosition int, words ...string) error {
return nil
func (c *Command) genZshCompletionFile(filename string, includeDesc bool) error {
outFile, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer outFile.Close()
return c.genZshCompletion(outFile, includeDesc)
func (c *Command) genZshCompletion(w io.Writer, includeDesc bool) error {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
genZshComp(buf, c.Name(), includeDesc)
_, err := buf.WriteTo(w)
return err
func genZshComp(buf io.StringWriter, name string, includeDesc bool) {
compCmd := ShellCompRequestCmd
if !includeDesc {
compCmd = ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd
WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`#compdef _%[1]s %[1]s
# zsh completion for %-36[1]s -*- shell-script -*-
local file="$BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE"
if [[ -n ${file} ]]; then
echo "$*" >> "${file}"
local shellCompDirectiveError=%[3]d
local shellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[4]d
local shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[5]d
local shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[6]d
local shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[7]d
local lastParam lastChar flagPrefix requestComp out directive compCount comp lastComp
local -a completions
__%[1]s_debug "\n========= starting completion logic =========="
__%[1]s_debug "CURRENT: ${CURRENT}, words[*]: ${words[*]}"
# The user could have moved the cursor backwards on the command-line.
# We need to trigger completion from the $CURRENT location, so we need
# to truncate the command-line ($words) up to the $CURRENT location.
# (We cannot use $CURSOR as its value does not work when a command is an alias.)
__%[1]s_debug "Truncated words[*]: ${words[*]},"
__%[1]s_debug "lastParam: ${lastParam}, lastChar: ${lastChar}"
# For zsh, when completing a flag with an = (e.g., %[1]s -n=<TAB>)
# completions must be prefixed with the flag
setopt local_options BASH_REMATCH
if [[ "${lastParam}" =~ '-.*=' ]]; then
# We are dealing with a flag with an =
flagPrefix="-P ${BASH_REMATCH}"
# Prepare the command to obtain completions
requestComp="${words[1]} %[2]s ${words[2,-1]}"
if [ "${lastChar}" = "" ]; then
# If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it)
# We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go completion code.
__%[1]s_debug "Adding extra empty parameter"
requestComp="${requestComp} \"\""
__%[1]s_debug "About to call: eval ${requestComp}"
# Use eval to handle any environment variables and such
out=$(eval ${requestComp} 2>/dev/null)
__%[1]s_debug "completion output: ${out}"
# Extract the directive integer following a : from the last line
local lastLine
while IFS='\n' read -r line; do
done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${out[@]}")
__%[1]s_debug "last line: ${lastLine}"
if [ "${lastLine[1]}" = : ]; then
# Remove the directive including the : and the newline
local suffix
(( suffix=${#lastLine}+2))
# There is no directive specified. Leave $out as is.
__%[1]s_debug "No directive found. Setting do default"
__%[1]s_debug "directive: ${directive}"
__%[1]s_debug "completions: ${out}"
__%[1]s_debug "flagPrefix: ${flagPrefix}"
if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveError)) -ne 0 ]; then
__%[1]s_debug "Completion received error. Ignoring completions."
while IFS='\n' read -r comp; do
if [ -n "$comp" ]; then
# If requested, completions are returned with a description.
# The description is preceded by a TAB character.
# For zsh's _describe, we need to use a : instead of a TAB.
# We first need to escape any : as part of the completion itself.
local tab=$(printf '\t')
__%[1]s_debug "Adding completion: ${comp}"
done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${out[@]}")
if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt)) -ne 0 ]; then
# File extension filtering
local filteringCmd
for filter in ${completions[@]}; do
if [ ${filter[1]} != '*' ]; then
# zsh requires a glob pattern to do file filtering
filteringCmd+=" -g $filter"
filteringCmd+=" ${flagPrefix}"
__%[1]s_debug "File filtering command: $filteringCmd"
_arguments '*:filename:'"$filteringCmd"
elif [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) -ne 0 ]; then
# File completion for directories only
local subDir
if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then
__%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in $subdir"
pushd "${subdir}" >/dev/null 2>&1
__%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in ."
_arguments '*:dirname:_files -/'" ${flagPrefix}"
if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then
popd >/dev/null 2>&1
elif [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoSpace)) -ne 0 ] && [ ${compCount} -eq 1 ]; then
__%[1]s_debug "Activating nospace."
# We can use compadd here as there is no description when
# there is only one completion.
compadd -S '' "${lastComp}"
elif [ ${compCount} -eq 0 ]; then
if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) -ne 0 ]; then
__%[1]s_debug "deactivating file completion"
# Perform file completion
__%[1]s_debug "activating file completion"
_arguments '*:filename:_files'" ${flagPrefix}"
_describe "completions" completions $(echo $flagPrefix)
# don't run the completion function when being source-ed or eval-ed
if [ "$funcstack[1]" = "_%[1]s" ]; then
`, name, compCmd,
ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp,
ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
## Generating Zsh Completion For Your cobra.Command
Please refer to [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md) for details.
## Zsh completions standardization
Cobra 1.1 standardized its zsh completion support to align it with its other shell completions. Although the API was kept backwards-compatible, some small changes in behavior were introduced.
### Deprecation summary
See further below for more details on these deprecations.
* `cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(pos, []string{})` is no longer needed. It is therefore **deprecated** and silently ignored.
* `cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(pos, glob[])` is **deprecated** and silently ignored.
* Instead use `ValidArgsFunction` with `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt`.
* `cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords()` is **deprecated** and silently ignored.
* Instead use `ValidArgsFunction`.
### Behavioral changes
**Noun completion**
|Old behavior|New behavior|
|No file completion by default (opposite of bash)|File completion by default; use `ValidArgsFunction` with `ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp` to turn off file completion on a per-argument basis|
|Completion of flag names without the `-` prefix having been typed|Flag names are only completed if the user has typed the first `-`|
`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(pos, []string{})` used to turn on file completion on a per-argument position basis|File completion for all arguments by default; `cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile()` is **deprecated** and silently ignored|
|`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(pos, glob[])` used to turn on file completion **with glob filtering** on a per-argument position basis (zsh-specific)|`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile()` is **deprecated** and silently ignored; use `ValidArgsFunction` with `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt` for file **extension** filtering (not full glob filtering)|
|`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords(pos, words[])` used to provide completion choices on a per-argument position basis (zsh-specific)|`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords()` is **deprecated** and silently ignored; use `ValidArgsFunction` to achieve the same behavior|
**Flag-value completion**
|Old behavior|New behavior|
|No file completion by default (opposite of bash)|File completion by default; use `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` with `ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp` to turn off file completion|
|`cmd.MarkFlagFilename(flag, []string{})` and similar used to turn on file completion|File completion by default; `cmd.MarkFlagFilename(flag, []string{})` no longer needed in this context and silently ignored|
|`cmd.MarkFlagFilename(flag, glob[])` used to turn on file completion **with glob filtering** (syntax of `[]string{"*.yaml", "*.yml"}` incompatible with bash)|Will continue to work, however, support for bash syntax is added and should be used instead so as to work for all shells (`[]string{"yaml", "yml"}`)|
|`cmd.MarkFlagDirname(flag)` only completes directories (zsh-specific)|Has been added for all shells|
|Completion of a flag name does not repeat, unless flag is of type `*Array` or `*Slice` (not supported by bash)|Retained for `zsh` and added to `fish`|
|Completion of a flag name does not provide the `=` form (unlike bash)|Retained for `zsh` and added to `fish`|
* Custom completion support (`ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`)
* File completion by default if no other completions found
* Handling of required flags
* File extension filtering no longer mutually exclusive with bash usage
* Completion of directory names *within* another directory
* Support for `=` form of flags
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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Block a user