rebase: vendor files required for kmip

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Rakshith R 2022-08-16 15:18:06 +05:30 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 0c33a33d5c
commit e72ed593be
186 changed files with 39195 additions and 203 deletions

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# Created by .ignore support plugin (
### JetBrains template
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion
## Directory-based project format:
# if you remove the above rule, at least ignore the following:
# User-specific stuff:
# .idea/workspace.xml
# .idea/tasks.xml
# .idea/dictionaries
# Sensitive or high-churn files:
# .idea/dataSources.ids
# .idea/dataSources.xml
# .idea/sqlDataSources.xml
# .idea/dynamic.xml
# .idea/uiDesigner.xml
# Gradle:
# .idea/gradle.xml
# .idea/libraries
# Mongo Explorer plugin:
# .idea/mongoSettings.xml
## File-based project format:
## Plugin-specific files:
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Russ Egan
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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# Expands to list this project's go packages, excluding the vendor folder
SHELL = bash
all: fmt build test lint v2
$(MAKE) -C v2
go build
golint -set_exit_status
rm -rf build
go fmt ./...
go test ./...
go test -count 1 ./...
@if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi
# runs go test and generate coverage report
go test -covermode=count -coverprofile=build/coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=build/coverage.out -o build/coverage.html
go test -bench ./...
go get -u
go get -u
.PHONY: all build lint clean fmt test coverage tools v2

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@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
merry [![Build](]( [![GoDoc](]( [![Go Report Card](](
Add context to errors, including automatic stack capture, cause chains, HTTP status code, user
messages, and arbitrary values.
The package is largely based on, with additional
inspiration from and
[]( now replaces v1. v1 will continue to be supported. v1 has been re-implemented
in terms of v2, and the two packages can be used together and interchangeably.
There are some small enhancements and changes to v1 with the introduction of v2:
- err.Error() now *always* just prints out the basic error message. It no longer prints out details,
user message, or cause. VerboseDefault() and SetVerboseDefault() no longer have any effect. To
print more detailed error information, you must use fmt:
// print err message and cause chain
fmt.Printf("%v", err) // %s works too
// print details, same as Details(err)
fmt.Printf("%v+", err)
- MaxStackDepth is no longer supported. Setting it has no effect. It has been replaced with
GetMaxStackDepth() and SetMaxStackDepth(), which delegate to corresponding v2 functions.
- New, Errorf, Wrap, and WrapSkipping now accept v2.Wrapper arguments, allowing a mixture of
v1's fluent API style and v2's option-func API style.
- Compatibility with other error wrapping libraries is improved. All functions which extract
a value from an error will now search the entire chain of errors, even if errors created by
other libraries are inserted in the middle of the chain, so long as those errors implement
go get
Merry errors work a lot like google's package.
Merry errors wrap normal errors with a context of key/value pairs.
Like contexts, merry errors are immutable: adding a key/value to an error
always creates a new error which wraps the original.
`merry` comes with built-in support for adding information to errors:
* stacktraces
* overriding the error message
* HTTP status codes
* End user error messages
You can also add your own additional information.
The stack capturing feature can be turned off for better performance, though it's pretty fast. Benchmarks
on an 2017 MacBook Pro, with go 1.10:
BenchmarkNew_withStackCapture-8 2000000 749 ns/op
BenchmarkNew_withoutStackCapture-8 20000000 64.1 ns/op
* Support for go 2's errors.Is and errors.As functions
* New errors have a stacktrace captured where they are created
* Add a stacktrace to existing errors (captured where they are wrapped)
err := lib.Read()
return merry.Wrap(err) // no-op if err is already merry
* Add a stacktrace to a sentinel error
var ParseError = merry.New("parse error")
func Parse() error {
// ...
return ParseError.Here() // captures a stacktrace here
* The golang idiom for testing errors against sentinel values or type checking them
doesn't work with merry errors, since they are wrapped. Use Is() for sentinel value
checks, or the new go 2 errors.As() function for testing error types.
err := Parse()
// sentinel value check
if merry.Is(err, ParseError) {
// ...
// type check
if serr, ok := merry.Unwrap(err).(*SyntaxError); ok {
// ...
// these only work in go1.13
// sentinel value check
if errors.Is(err, ParseError) {}
// type check
var serr *SyntaxError
if errors.As(err, &serr) {}
* Add to the message on an error.
err := merry.Prepend(ParseError, "reading config").Append("bad input")
fmt.Println(err.Error()) // reading config: parse error: bad input
* Hierarchies of errors
var ParseError = merry.New("Parse error")
var InvalidCharSet = merry.WithMessage(ParseError, "Invalid char set")
var InvalidSyntax = merry.WithMessage(ParseError, "Invalid syntax")
func Parse(s string) error {
// use chainable methods to add context
return InvalidCharSet.Here().WithMessagef("Invalid char set: %s", "UTF-8")
// or functions
// return merry.WithMessagef(merry.Here(InvalidCharSet), "Invalid char set: %s", "UTF-8")
func Check() {
err := Parse("fields")
merry.Is(err, ParseError) // yup
merry.Is(err, InvalidCharSet) // yup
merry.Is(err, InvalidSyntax) // nope
* Add an HTTP status code
merry.HTTPCode(errors.New("regular error")) // 500
merry.HTTPCode(merry.New("merry error").WithHTTPCode(404)) // 404
* Set an alternate error message for end users
e := merry.New("crash").WithUserMessage("nothing to see here")
merry.UserMessage(e) // returns "nothing to see here"
* Functions for printing error details
err := merry.New("boom")
m := merry.Stacktrace(err) // just the stacktrace
m = merry.Details(err) // error message and stacktrace
fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err) == merry.Details(err) // errors implement fmt.Formatter
* Add your own context info
err := merry.New("boom").WithValue("explosive", "black powder")
Basic Usage
The package contains functions for creating new errors with stacks, or adding a stack to `error`
instances. Functions with add context (e.g. `WithValue()`) work on any `error`, and will
automatically convert them to merry errors (with a stack) if necessary.
Capturing the stack can be globally disabled with `SetStackCaptureEnabled(false)`
Functions which get context values from errors also accept `error`, and will return default
values if the error is not merry, or doesn't have that key attached.
All the functions which create or attach context return concrete instances of `*Error`. `*Error`
implements methods to add context to the error (they mirror the functions and do
the same thing). They allow for a chainable syntax for adding context.
package main
import (
var InvalidInputs = errors.New("Input is invalid")
func main() {
// create a new error, with a stacktrace attached
err := merry.New("bad stuff happened")
// create a new error with format string, like fmt.Errorf
err = merry.Errorf("bad input: %v", os.Args)
// capture a fresh stacktrace from this callsite
err = merry.Here(InvalidInputs)
// Make err merry if it wasn't already. The stacktrace will be captured here if the
// error didn't already have one. Also useful to cast to *Error
err = merry.Wrap(err, 0)
// override the original error's message
err.WithMessagef("Input is invalid: %v", os.Args)
// Use Is to compare errors against values, which is a common golang idiom
merry.Is(err, InvalidInputs) // will be true
// associated an http code
perr := parser.Parse("blah")
err = Wrap(perr, 0)
// Get the original error back
merry.Unwrap(err) == perr // will be true
// Print the error to a string, with the stacktrace, if it has one
s := merry.Details(err)
// Just print the stacktrace (empty string if err is not a RichError)
s := merry.Stacktrace(err)
// Get the location of the error (the first line in the stacktrace)
file, line := merry.Location(err)
// Get an HTTP status code for an error. Defaults to 500 for non-nil errors, and 200 if err is nil.
code := merry.HTTPCode(err)
See inline docs for more details.
- Check out my HTTP client library: [](
- Check out my log library: [](
This package is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.MIT for details.

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
package merry
import (
v2 ""
// Error extends the standard golang `error` interface with functions
// for attachment additional data to the error
type Error interface {
Appendf(format string, args ...interface{}) Error
Append(msg string) Error
Prepend(msg string) Error
Prependf(format string, args ...interface{}) Error
WithMessage(msg string) Error
WithMessagef(format string, args ...interface{}) Error
WithUserMessage(msg string) Error
WithUserMessagef(format string, args ...interface{}) Error
WithValue(key, value interface{}) Error
Here() Error
WithStackSkipping(skip int) Error
WithHTTPCode(code int) Error
WithCause(err error) Error
Cause() error
// make sure errImpl implements Error
var _ Error = (*errImpl)(nil)
// WithValue is equivalent to WithValue(e, key, value).
func (e *errImpl) WithValue(key, value interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.WithValue(key, value))
// Here is equivalent to Here(e).
func (e *errImpl) Here() Error {
return HereSkipping(e, 1)
// WithStackSkipping is equivalent to HereSkipping(e, i).
func (e *errImpl) WithStackSkipping(skip int) Error {
return HereSkipping(e, skip+1)
// WithHTTPCode is equivalent to WithHTTPCode(e, code).
func (e *errImpl) WithHTTPCode(code int) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.WithHTTPCode(code))
// WithMessage is equivalent to WithMessage(e, msg).
func (e *errImpl) WithMessage(msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.WithMessage(msg))
// WithMessagef is equivalent to WithMessagef(e, format, args...).
func (e *errImpl) WithMessagef(format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.WithMessagef(format, args...))
// WithUserMessage is equivalent to WithUserMessage(e, msg).
func (e *errImpl) WithUserMessage(msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.WithUserMessage(msg))
// WithUserMessagef is equivalent to WithUserMessagef(e, format, args...).
func (e *errImpl) WithUserMessagef(format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.WithUserMessagef(format, args...))
// Append is equivalent to Append(err, msg).
func (e *errImpl) Append(msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.AppendMessage(msg))
// Appendf is equivalent to Appendf(err, format, msg).
func (e *errImpl) Appendf(format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.AppendMessagef(format, args...))
// Prepend is equivalent to Prepend(err, msg).
func (e *errImpl) Prepend(msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.PrependMessage(msg))
// Prependf is equivalent to Prependf(err, format, args...).
func (e *errImpl) Prependf(format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.PrependMessagef(format, args...))
// WithCause is equivalent to WithCause(e, err).
func (e *errImpl) WithCause(err error) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.WithCause(err))
// errImpl coerces an error to an Error
type errImpl struct {
err error
func coerce(err error) Error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if e, ok := err.(Error); ok {
return e
return &errImpl{err}
// Format implements fmt.Formatter.
func (e *errImpl) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
// the inner err should always be an err produced
// by v2
if f, ok := e.err.(fmt.Formatter); ok {
f.Format(s, verb)
// should never happen, but fall back on something
switch verb {
case 'v':
if s.Flag('+') {
_, _ = io.WriteString(s, Details(e))
case 's':
_, _ = io.WriteString(s, e.Error())
case 'q':
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(s, "%q", e.Error())
// Error implements the error interface.
func (e *errImpl) Error() string {
return e.err.Error()
// Unwrap returns the next wrapped error.
func (e *errImpl) Unwrap() error {
return e.err
// Cause implements Error.
func (e *errImpl) Cause() error {
return Cause(e.err)

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// Package merry provides enriched golang errors, with stacktraces
// merry creates errors with stacktraces, and can augment those errors with additional
// information.
// When you create a new merry error, or wrap an existing error in a merry error, merry attaches
// a stacktrace to the error:
// err := merry.New("an error occurred")
// err has a stacktrace attached. Alternately, you can wrap existing errors. merry will
// attach a stacktrace at the point of wrapping:
// _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
// if err != nil {
// return merry.Wrap(err)
// }
// Capturing the stack can be globally disabled with `SetStackCaptureEnabled(false)`. Wrapping
// is idempotent: Wrap will only attach a stacktrace if the error doesn't already have one.
// Wrap() is the simplest way to attach a stacktrace to an error, but other functions can be
// used instead, with both add a stacktrace, and augment or modify the error. For example,
// Prepend() modifies the error's message (and also attaches a stacktrace):
// _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
// if err != nil {
// return merry.Prepend(err, "reading from conn failed")
// // err.Error() would read something like "reading from conn failed: timeout"
// }
// See the other package functions for other ways to augment or modify errors, such as Append,
// WithUserMessage, WithHTTPCode, WithValue, etc. These functions all return a merry.Error interface, which
// has methods which mirror the package level functions, to allow simple chaining:
// return merry.New("object not found").WithHTTPCode(404)
// Here
// Wrap will not take a new stacktrace if an error already has one attached. Here will create
// a new error which replaces the stacktrace with a new one:
// var ErrOverflow = merry.New("overflowed")
// func Read() error {
// // ...
// return merry.Here(ErrOverflow)
// }
// Is
// The go idiom of exporting package-level error variables for comparison to errors returned
// by the package is broken by merry. For example:
// _, err := io.ReadAll(r)
// if err == io.EOF {
// // ...
// }
// If the error returned was a merry error, the equality comparison would always fail, because merry
// augments errors by wrapping them in layers. To compensate for this, merry has the Is() function.
// if merry.Is(err, io.EOF) {
// Is() will unwrap the err and compare each layer to the second argument.
// Cause
// You can add a cause to an error:
// if err == io.EOF {
// err = merry.New("reading failed"), err)
// fmt.Println(err.Error()) // reading failed: EOF
// }
// Cause(error) will return the cause of the argument. RootCause(error) returns the innermost cause.
// Is(err1, err2) is cause aware, and will return true if err2 is a cause (anywhere in the causal change)
// of err1.
// Formatting and printing
// To obtain an error's stacktrace, call Stack(). To get other information about the site
// of the error, or print the error's stacktrace, see Location(), SourceLine(), Stacktrace(), and Details().
// merry errors also implement the fmt.Formatter interface. errors support the following fmt flags:
// %+v print the equivalent of Details(err), which includes the user message, full stacktrace,
// and recursively prints the details of the cause chain.
package merry

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@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
package merry
// The merry package augments standard golang errors with stacktraces
// and other context information.
// You can add any context information to an error with `e = merry.WithValue(e, "code", 12345)`
// You can retrieve that value with `v, _ := merry.Value(e, "code").(int)`
// Any error augmented like this will automatically get a stacktrace attached, if it doesn't have one
// already. If you just want to add the stacktrace, use `Wrap(e)`
// It also providers a way to override an error's message:
// var InvalidInputs = errors.New("Bad inputs")
// `Here()` captures a new stacktrace, and WithMessagef() sets a new error message:
// return merry.Here(InvalidInputs).WithMessagef("Bad inputs: %v", inputs)
// Errors are immutable. All functions and methods which add context return new errors.
// But errors can still be compared to the originals with `Is()`
// if merry.Is(err, InvalidInputs) {
// Functions which add context to errors have equivalent methods on *Error, to allow
// convenient chaining:
// return merry.New("Invalid body").WithHTTPCode(400)
// merry.Errors also implement fmt.Formatter, similar to
// fmt.Sprintf("%+v", e) == merry.Details(e)
// pkg/errors Cause() interface is not implemented (yet).
import (
v2 ""
// MaxStackDepth is no longer used. It remains here for backward compatibility.
// deprecated: See Set/GetMaxStackDepth.
var MaxStackDepth = 50
// StackCaptureEnabled returns whether stack capturing is enabled
func StackCaptureEnabled() bool {
return v2.StackCaptureEnabled()
// SetStackCaptureEnabled sets stack capturing globally. Disabling stack capture can increase performance
func SetStackCaptureEnabled(enabled bool) {
// VerboseDefault no longer has any effect.
// deprecated: see SetVerboseDefault
func VerboseDefault() bool {
return false
// SetVerboseDefault used to control the behavior of the Error() function on errors
// processed by this package. Error() now always just returns the error's message.
// This setting no longer has any effect.
// deprecated: To print the details of an error, use Details(err), or format the
// error with the verbose flag: fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)
func SetVerboseDefault(bool) {
// GetMaxStackDepth returns the number of frames captured in stacks.
func GetMaxStackDepth() int {
return v2.MaxStackDepth()
// SetMaxStackDepth sets the MaxStackDepth.
func SetMaxStackDepth(depth int) {
// New creates a new error, with a stack attached. The equivalent of golang's errors.New().
// Accepts v2 wrappers to apply to the error.
func New(msg string, wrappers ...v2.Wrapper) Error {
return WrapSkipping(errors.New(msg), 1, wrappers...)
// Errorf creates a new error with a formatted message and a stack. The equivalent of golang's fmt.Errorf().
// args can be format args, or v2 wrappers which will be applied to the error.
func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
var wrappers []v2.Wrapper
// pull out the args which are wrappers
n := 0
for _, arg := range args {
if w, ok := arg.(v2.Wrapper); ok {
wrappers = append(wrappers, w)
} else {
args[n] = arg
args = args[:n]
return WrapSkipping(fmt.Errorf(format, args...), 1, wrappers...)
// UserError creates a new error with a message intended for display to an
// end user.
func UserError(msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(errors.New(msg), 1, v2.WithUserMessage(msg))
// UserErrorf is like UserError, but uses fmt.Sprintf()
func UserErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
return WrapSkipping(errors.New(msg), 1, v2.WithUserMessagef(msg))
// Wrap turns the argument into a merry.Error. If the argument already is a
// merry.Error, this is a no-op.
// If e == nil, return nil
func Wrap(err error, wrappers ...v2.Wrapper) Error {
return coerce(v2.WrapSkipping(err, 1, wrappers...))
// WrapSkipping turns the error arg into a merry.Error if the arg is not
// already a merry.Error.
// If e is nil, return nil.
// If a merry.Error is created by this call, the stack captured will skip
// `skip` frames (0 is the call site of `WrapSkipping()`)
func WrapSkipping(err error, skip int, wrappers ...v2.Wrapper) Error {
return coerce(v2.WrapSkipping(err, skip+1, wrappers...))
// WithValue adds a context an error. If the key was already set on e,
// the new value will take precedence.
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func WithValue(err error, key, value interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.WithValue(key, value))
// Value returns the value for key, or nil if not set.
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func Value(err error, key interface{}) interface{} {
return v2.Value(err, key)
// Values returns a map of all values attached to the error
// If a key has been attached multiple times, the map will
// contain the last value mapped
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func Values(err error) map[interface{}]interface{} {
return v2.Values(err)
// RegisteredDetails extracts details registered with RegisterDetailFunc from an error, and
// returns them as a map. Values may be nil.
// If err is nil or there are no registered details, nil is returned.
func RegisteredDetails(err error) map[string]interface{} {
return v2.RegisteredDetails(err)
// Here returns an error with a new stacktrace, at the call site of Here().
// Useful when returning copies of exported package errors.
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func Here(err error) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.CaptureStack(false))
// HereSkipping returns an error with a new stacktrace, at the call site
// of HereSkipping() - skip frames.
func HereSkipping(err error, skip int) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, skip+1, v2.CaptureStack(false))
// Message returns just returns err.Error(). It is here for
// historical reasons.
func Message(err error) string {
if err == nil {
return ""
return err.Error()
// Stack returns the stack attached to an error, or nil if one is not attached
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func Stack(err error) []uintptr {
return v2.Stack(err)
// WithHTTPCode returns an error with an http code attached.
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func WithHTTPCode(e error, code int) Error {
return WrapSkipping(e, 1, v2.WithHTTPCode(code))
// HTTPCode converts an error to an http status code. All errors
// map to 500, unless the error has an http code attached.
// If e is nil, returns 200.
func HTTPCode(err error) int {
return v2.HTTPCode(err)
// UserMessage returns the end-user safe message. Returns empty if not set.
// If e is nil, returns "".
func UserMessage(err error) string {
return v2.UserMessage(err)
// Cause returns the cause of the argument. If e is nil, or has no cause,
// nil is returned.
func Cause(err error) error {
return v2.Cause(err)
// RootCause returns the innermost cause of the argument (i.e. the last
// error in the cause chain)
func RootCause(err error) error {
for {
cause := Cause(err)
if cause == nil {
return err
err = cause
// WithCause returns an error based on the first argument, with the cause
// set to the second argument. If e is nil, returns nil.
func WithCause(err error, cause error) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.WithCause(cause))
// WithMessage returns an error with a new message.
// The resulting error's Error() method will return
// the new message.
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func WithMessage(err error, msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.WithMessage(msg))
// WithMessagef is the same as WithMessage(), using fmt.Sprintf().
func WithMessagef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.WithMessagef(format, args...))
// WithUserMessage adds a message which is suitable for end users to see.
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func WithUserMessage(err error, msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.WithUserMessage(msg))
// WithUserMessagef is the same as WithMessage(), using fmt.Sprintf()
func WithUserMessagef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.WithUserMessagef(format, args...))
// Append a message after the current error message, in the format "original: new".
// If e == nil, return nil.
func Append(err error, msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.AppendMessage(msg))
// Appendf is the same as Append, but uses fmt.Sprintf().
func Appendf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.AppendMessagef(format, args...))
// Prepend a message before the current error message, in the format "new: original".
// If e == nil, return nil.
func Prepend(err error, msg string) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.PrependMessage(msg))
// Prependf is the same as Prepend, but uses fmt.Sprintf()
func Prependf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, v2.PrependMessagef(format, args...))
// Is is equivalent to errors.Is, but tests against multiple targets.
// merry.Is(err1, err2, err3) == errors.Is(err1, err2) || errors.Is(err1, err3)
func Is(e error, originals ...error) bool {
for _, o := range originals {
if errors.Is(e, o) {
return true
return false
// Unwrap returns the innermost underlying error.
// This just calls errors.Unwrap() until if finds the deepest error.
// It isn't very useful, and only remains for historical purposes
// deprecated: use errors.Is() or errors.As() instead.
func Unwrap(e error) error {
for {
next := errors.Unwrap(e)
if next == nil {
return e
e = next

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package merry
import (
v2 ""
// RegisterDetail registers an error property key in a global registry, with a label.
// The registry is used by the Details() function. Registered error properties will
// be included in Details() output, if the value of that error property is not nil.
// For example:
// err := New("boom")
// err = err.WithValue(colorKey, "red")
// fmt.Println(Details(err))
// // Output:
// // boom
// //
// // <stacktrace>
// RegisterDetail("Color", colorKey)
// fmt.Println(Details(err))
// // Output:
// // boom
// // Color: red
// //
// // <stacktrace>
// Error property keys are typically not exported by the packages which define them.
// Packages instead export functions which let callers access that property.
// It's therefore up to the package
// to register those properties which would make sense to include in the Details() output.
// In other words, it's up to the author of the package which generates the errors
// to publish printable error details, not the callers of the package.
func RegisterDetail(label string, key interface{}) {
v2.RegisterDetail(label, key)
// Location returns zero values if e has no stacktrace
func Location(err error) (file string, line int) {
return v2.Location(err)
// SourceLine returns the string representation of
// Location's result or an empty string if there's
// no stracktrace.
func SourceLine(err error) string {
return v2.SourceLine(err)
// Stacktrace returns the error's stacktrace as a string formatted
// the same way as golangs runtime package.
// If e has no stacktrace, returns an empty string.
func Stacktrace(err error) string {
return v2.Stacktrace(err)
// Details returns e.Error(), e's stacktrace, and any additional details which have
// be registered with RegisterDetail. User message and HTTP code are already registered.
// The details of each error in e's cause chain will also be printed.
func Details(err error) string {
return v2.Details(err)

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Russ Egan
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Expands to list this project's go packages, excluding the vendor folder
SHELL = bash
all: fmt build test lint
go build
golint -set_exit_status ./...
rm -rf build
go fmt ./...
go test ./...
go test -count 1 ./...
@if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi
# runs go test and generate coverage report
go test -covermode=count -coverprofile=build/coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=build/coverage.out -o build/coverage.html
go test -bench ./...
go get -u
go get -u
.PHONY: all build lint clean fmt test coverage tools

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
merry [![Build](]( [![GoDoc](]( [![Go Report Card](](
Add context to errors, including automatic stack capture, cause chains, HTTP status code, user
messages, and arbitrary values.
The package is largely based on, with additional
inspiration from and
go get
Wrapped errors work a lot like google's package:
each wrapper error contains the inner error, a key, and a value.
Like contexts, errors are immutable: adding a key/value to an error
always creates a new error which wraps the original.
This package comes with built-in support for adding information to errors:
* stacktraces
* changing the error message
* HTTP status codes
* End user error messages
* causes
You can also add your own additional information.
The stack capturing feature can be turned off for better performance, though it's pretty fast. Benchmarks
on an 2017 MacBook Pro, with go 1.10:
BenchmarkNew_withStackCapture-8 2000000 749 ns/op
BenchmarkNew_withoutStackCapture-8 20000000 64.1 ns/op
Merry errors are fully compatible with errors.Is, As, and Unwrap.
To add a stacktrace, a user message, and an HTTP code to an error:
err = merry.Wrap(err, WithUserMessagef("Username %s not found.", username), WithHTTPCode(404))
To fetch context information from error:
userMsg := UserMessage(err)
statusCode := HTTPCode(err)
stacktrace := Stacktrace(err)
To print full details of the error:
log.Printf("%v+", err) // or log.Println(merry.Details(err))
v1 -> v2
v1 used a fluent API style which proved awkward in some cases. In general, fluent APIs
don't work that well in go, because they interfere with how interfaces are typically used to
compose with other packages. v2 uses a functional options API style which more easily
allows other packages to augment this one.
This also fixed bad smell with v1's APIs: they mostly returned a big, ugly `merry.Error` interface,
instead of plain `error` instances. v2 has a smaller, simpler API, which exclusively uses plain
v2 also implements a simpler and more robust integration with errors.Is/As/Unwrap. v2's functions will
work with error wrapper chains even if those chains contain errors not created with this package, so
long as those errors conform to the Unwrap() convention.
v2 allows more granular control over stacktraces: stack capture can be turned on or off on individual errors,
overriding the global setting. External stacktraces can be used as well.
v1 has been reimplemented in terms of v2, and the versions are completely compatible, and can be mixed.
- Check out my HTTP client library: [](
- Check out my log library: [](
This package is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.MIT for details.

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package merry
import (
var maxStackDepth = 50
var captureStacks = true
// StackCaptureEnabled returns whether stack capturing is enabled.
func StackCaptureEnabled() bool {
return captureStacks
// SetStackCaptureEnabled sets stack capturing globally. Disabling stack capture can increase performance.
// Capture can be forced or suppressed to override this global setting on a particular error.
func SetStackCaptureEnabled(enabled bool) {
captureStacks = enabled
// MaxStackDepth returns the number of frames captured in stacks.
func MaxStackDepth() int {
return maxStackDepth
// SetMaxStackDepth sets the MaxStackDepth.
func SetMaxStackDepth(depth int) {
maxStackDepth = depth
func init() {
RegisterDetail("User Message", errKeyUserMessage)
RegisterDetail("HTTP Code", errKeyHTTPCode)
var detailsLock sync.Mutex
var detailFields = map[string]func(err error) interface{}{}
// RegisterDetail registers an error property key in a global registry, with a label.
// See RegisterDetailFunc. This function just wraps a call to Value(key) and passes
// it to RegisterDetailFunc.
func RegisterDetail(label string, key interface{}) {
RegisterDetailFunc(label, func(err error) interface{} {
return Value(err, key)
// RegisterDetailFunc registers a label and a function for extracting a value from
// an error. When formatting errors produced by this package using the
// `%+v` placeholder, or when using Details(), these functions will be called
// on the error, and any non-nil values will be added to the text.
// For example:
// err := New("boom")
// err = err.WithValue(colorKey, "red")
// fmt.Println(Details(err))
// // Output:
// // boom
// //
// // <stacktrace>
// func Color(err) string {
// s, _ := Value(err, colorKey)
// return s
// }
// RegisterDetailFunc("color", Color)
// fmt.Println(Details(err))
// // Output:
// // boom
// // color: red
// //
// // <stacktrace>
// Error property keys are typically not exported by the packages which define them.
// Packages instead export functions which let callers access that property.
// It's therefore up to the package
// to register those properties which would make sense to include in the Details() output.
// In other words, it's up to the author of the package which generates the errors
// to publish printable error details, not the callers of the package.
func RegisterDetailFunc(label string, f func(err error) interface{}) {
defer detailsLock.Unlock()
detailFields[label] = f

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// Package merry adds context to errors, including automatic stack capture, cause chains, HTTP status code, user
// messages, and arbitrary values.
// Wrapped errors work a lot like google's package:
// each wrapper error contains the inner error, a key, and a value.
// Like contexts, errors are immutable: adding a key/value to an error
// always creates a new error which wraps the original.
// This package comes with built-in support for adding information to errors:
// * stacktraces
// * changing the error message
// * HTTP status codes
// * End user error messages
// * causes
// You can also add your own additional information.
// The stack capturing feature can be turned off for better performance, though it's pretty fast. Benchmarks
// on an 2017 MacBook Pro, with go 1.10:
// BenchmarkNew_withStackCapture-8 2000000 749 ns/op
// BenchmarkNew_withoutStackCapture-8 20000000 64.1 ns/op
// Usage
// This package contains functions for creating errors, or wrapping existing errors. To create:
// err := New("boom!")
// err := Errorf("error fetching %s", filename)
// Additional context information can be attached to errors using functional options, called Wrappers:
// err := New("record not found", WithHTTPCode(404))
// Errorf() also accepts wrappers, mixed in with the format args:
// err := Errorf("user %s not found", username, WithHTTPCode(404))
// Wrappers can be applied to existing errors with Wrap():
// err = Wrap(err, WithHTTPCode(404))
// Wrap() will add a stacktrace to any error which doesn't already have one attached. WrapSkipping()
// can be used to control where the stacktrace starts.
// This package contains wrappers for adding specific context information to errors, such as an
// HTTPCode. You can create your own wrappers using the primitive Value(), WithValue(), and Set()
// functions.
// Errors produced by this package implement fmt.Formatter, to print additional information about the
// error:
// fmt.Printf("%v", err) // print error message and causes
// fmt.Printf("%s", err) // same as %s
// fmt.Printf("%q", err) // same as fmt.Printf("%q", err.Error())
// fmt.Printf("%v+", err) // print Details(err)
// Details() prints the error message, all causes, the stacktrace, and additional error
// values configured with RegisterDetailFunc(). By default, it will show the HTTP status
// code and user message.
// Stacktraces
// By default, any error created by or wrapped by this package will automatically have
// a stacktrace captured and attached to the error. This capture only happens if the
// error doesn't already have a stack attached to it, so wrapping the error with additional
// context won't capture additional stacks.
// When and how stacks are captured can be customized. SetMaxStackDepth() can globally configure
// how many frames to capture. SetStackCaptureEnabled() can globally configure whether
// stacks are captured by default.
// Wrap(err, NoStackCapture()) can be used to selectively suppress stack capture for a particular
// error.
// Wrap(err, CaptureStack(false)) will capture a new stack at the Wrap call site, even if the err
// already had an earlier stack attached. The new stack overrides the older stack.
// Wrap(err, CaptureStack(true)) will force a stack capture at the call site even if stack
// capture is disabled globally.
// Finally, Wrappers are passed a depth argument so they know how deep they are in the call stack
// from the call site where this package's API was called. This allows Wrappers to implement their
// own stack capturing logic.
// The package contains functions for creating new errors with stacks, or adding a stack to `error`
// instances. Functions with add context (e.g. `WithValue()`) work on any `error`, and will
// automatically convert them to merry errors (with a stack) if necessary.
// Hooks
// AddHooks() can install wrappers which are applied to all errors processed by this package. Hooks
// are applied before any other wrappers or processing takes place. They can be used to integrate
// with errors from other packages, normalizing errors (such as applying standard status codes to
// application errors), localizing user messages, or replacing the stack capturing mechanism.
package merry

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@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
package merry
import (
// New creates a new error, with a stack attached. The equivalent of golang's errors.New()
func New(msg string, wrappers ...Wrapper) error {
return WrapSkipping(errors.New(msg), 1, wrappers...)
// Errorf creates a new error with a formatted message and a stack. The equivalent of golang's fmt.Errorf().
// args may contain either arguments to format, or Wrapper options, which will be applied to the error.
func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
fmtArgs, wrappers := splitWrappers(args)
return WrapSkipping(fmt.Errorf(format, fmtArgs...), 1, wrappers...)
// Sentinel creates an error without running hooks or capturing a stack. It is intended
// to create sentinel errors, which will be wrapped with a stack later from where the
// error is returned. At that time, a stack will be captured and hooks will be run.
// var ErrNotFound = merry.Sentinel("not found", merry.WithHTTPCode(404))
// func FindUser(name string) (*User, error) {
// // some db code which fails to find a user
// return nil, merry.Wrap(ErrNotFound)
// }
// func main() {
// _, err := FindUser("bob")
// fmt.Println(errors.Is(err, ErrNotFound) // "true"
// fmt.Println(merry.Details(err)) // stacktrace will start at the return statement
// // in FindUser()
// }
func Sentinel(msg string, wrappers ...Wrapper) error {
return ApplySkipping(errors.New(msg), 1, wrappers...)
// Sentinelf is like Sentinel, but takes a formatted message. args can be a mix of
// format arguments and Wrappers.
func Sentinelf(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
fmtArgs, wrappers := splitWrappers(args)
return ApplySkipping(fmt.Errorf(format, fmtArgs...), 1, wrappers...)
func splitWrappers(args []interface{}) ([]interface{}, []Wrapper) {
var wrappers []Wrapper
// pull out the args which are wrappers
n := 0
for _, arg := range args {
if w, ok := arg.(Wrapper); ok {
wrappers = append(wrappers, w)
} else {
args[n] = arg
args = args[:n]
return args, wrappers
// Wrap adds context to errors by applying Wrappers. See WithXXX() functions for Wrappers supplied
// by this package.
// If StackCaptureEnabled is true, a stack starting at the caller will be automatically captured
// and attached to the error. This behavior can be overridden with wrappers which either capture
// their own stacks, or suppress auto capture.
// If err is nil, returns nil.
func Wrap(err error, wrappers ...Wrapper) error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, wrappers...)
// WrapSkipping is like Wrap, but the captured stacks will start `skip` frames
// further up the call stack. If skip is 0, it behaves the same as Wrap.
func WrapSkipping(err error, skip int, wrappers ...Wrapper) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if len(onceHooks) > 0 {
if _, ok := Lookup(err, errKeyHooked); !ok {
err = ApplySkipping(err, skip+1, onceHooks...)
err = ApplySkipping(err, skip+1, WithValue(errKeyHooked, err))
err = ApplySkipping(err, skip+1, hooks...)
err = ApplySkipping(err, skip+1, wrappers...)
return captureStack(err, skip+1, false)
// Apply is like Wrap, but does not execute hooks or do automatic stack capture. It just
// applies the wrappers to the error.
func Apply(err error, wrappers ...Wrapper) error {
return ApplySkipping(err, 1, wrappers...)
// ApplySkipping is like WrapSkipping, but does not execute hooks or do automatic stack capture. It just
// applies the wrappers to the error. It is useful in Wrapper implementations which
// // want to apply other Wrappers without starting an infinite recursion.
func ApplySkipping(err error, skip int, wrappers ...Wrapper) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
for _, w := range wrappers {
err = w.Wrap(err, skip+1)
return err
// Prepend is a convenience function for the PrependMessage wrapper. It eases migration
// from merry v1. It accepts a varargs of additional Wrappers.
func Prepend(err error, msg string, wrappers ...Wrapper) error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, append(wrappers, PrependMessage(msg))...)
// Prependf is a convenience function for the PrependMessagef wrapper. It eases migration
// from merry v1. The args can be format arguments mixed with Wrappers.
func Prependf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
fmtArgs, wrappers := splitWrappers(args)
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, append(wrappers, PrependMessagef(format, fmtArgs...))...)
// Append is a convenience function for the AppendMessage wrapper. It eases migration
// from merry v1. It accepts a varargs of additional Wrappers.
func Append(err error, msg string, wrappers ...Wrapper) error {
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, append(wrappers, AppendMessage(msg))...)
// Appendf is a convenience function for the AppendMessagef wrapper. It eases migration
// from merry v1. The args can be format arguments mixed with Wrappers.
func Appendf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
fmtArgs, wrappers := splitWrappers(args)
return WrapSkipping(err, 1, append(wrappers, AppendMessagef(format, fmtArgs...))...)
// Value returns the value for key, or nil if not set.
// If e is nil, returns nil. Will not search causes.
func Value(err error, key interface{}) interface{} {
v, _ := Lookup(err, key)
return v
// Lookup returns the value for the key, and a boolean indicating
// whether the value was set. Will not search causes.
// if err is nil, returns nil and false.
func Lookup(err error, key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
var merr interface {
// I've tried implementing this logic a few different ways. It's tricky:
// - Lookup should only search the current error, but not causes. errWithCause's
// Unwrap() will eventually unwrap to the cause, so we don't want to just
// search the entire stream of errors returned by Unwrap.
// - We need to handle cases where error implementations created outside
// this package are in the middle of the chain. We need to use Unwrap
// in these cases to traverse those errors and dig down to the next
// merry error.
// - Some error packages, including our own, do funky stuff with Unwrap(),
// returning shim types to control the unwrapping order, rather than
// the actual, raw wrapped error. Typically, these shims implement
// Is/As to delegate to the raw error they encapsulate, but implement
// Unwrap by encapsulating the raw error in another shim. So if we're looking
// for a raw error type, we can't just use Unwrap() and do type assertions
// against the result. We have to use errors.As(), to allow the shims to delegate
// the type assertion to the raw error correctly.
// Based on all these constraints, we use errors.As() with an internal interface
// that can only be implemented by our internal error types. When one is found,
// we handle each of our internal types as a special case. For errWithCause, we
// traverse to the wrapped error, ignoring the cause and the funky Unwrap logic.
// We could have just used errors.As(err, *errWithValue), but that would have
// traversed into the causes.
for {
switch t := err.(type) {
case *errWithValue:
if t.key == key {
return t.value, true
err = t.err
case *errWithCause:
err = t.err
if errors.As(err, &merr) {
err = merr
} else {
return nil, false
// Values returns a map of all values attached to the error
// If a key has been attached multiple times, the map will
// contain the last value mapped
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func Values(err error) map[interface{}]interface{} {
var values map[interface{}]interface{}
for err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*errWithValue); ok {
if _, ok := values[e.key]; !ok {
if values == nil {
values = map[interface{}]interface{}{}
values[e.key] = e.value
err = errors.Unwrap(err)
return values
// Stack returns the stack attached to an error, or nil if one is not attached
// If e is nil, returns nil.
func Stack(err error) []uintptr {
stack, _ := Value(err, errKeyStack).([]uintptr)
return stack
// HTTPCode converts an error to an http status code. All errors
// map to 500, unless the error has an http code attached.
// If e is nil, returns 200.
func HTTPCode(err error) int {
if err == nil {
return 200
code, _ := Value(err, errKeyHTTPCode).(int)
if code == 0 {
return 500
return code
// UserMessage returns the end-user safe message. Returns empty if not set.
// If e is nil, returns "".
func UserMessage(err error) string {
msg, _ := Value(err, errKeyUserMessage).(string)
return msg
// Cause returns the cause of the argument. If e is nil, or has no cause,
// nil is returned.
func Cause(err error) error {
var causer *errWithCause
if errors.As(err, &causer) {
return causer.cause
return nil
// RegisteredDetails extracts details registered with RegisterDetailFunc from an error, and
// returns them as a map. Values may be nil.
// If err is nil or there are no registered details, nil is returned.
func RegisteredDetails(err error) map[string]interface{} {
defer detailsLock.Unlock()
if len(detailFields) == 0 || err == nil {
return nil
dets := map[string]interface{}{}
for label, f := range detailFields {
dets[label] = f(err)
return dets
// captureStack: return an error with a stack attached. Stack will skip
// specified frames. skip = 0 will start at caller.
// If the err already has a stack, to auto-stack-capture is disabled globally,
// this is a no-op. Use force to override and force a stack capture
// in all cases.
func captureStack(err error, skip int, force bool) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
var c interface {
Callers() []uintptr
switch {
case force:
// always capture
case HasStack(err):
return err
case errors.As(err, &c):
// if the go-errors already captured a stack
// reuse it
if stack := c.Callers(); len(stack) > 0 {
return Set(err, errKeyStack, stack)
case !captureStacks:
return err
s := make([]uintptr, MaxStackDepth())
length := runtime.Callers(2+skip, s[:])
return Set(err, errKeyStack, s[:length])
// HasStack returns true if a stack is already attached to the err.
// If err == nil, returns false.
// If a stack capture was suppressed with NoCaptureStack(), this will
// still return true, indicating that stack capture processing has already
// occurred on this error.
func HasStack(err error) bool {
_, ok := Lookup(err, errKeyStack)
return ok

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package merry
var hooks []Wrapper
var onceHooks []Wrapper
// AddHooks installs a global set of Wrappers which are applied to every error processed
// by this package. They are applied before any other Wrappers or stack capturing are
// applied. Hooks can add additional wrappers to errors, or translate annotations added
// by other error libraries into merry annotations.
// Note that these hooks will be applied each time an err is passed to Wrap/Apply. If you
// only want your hook to run once per error, see AddOnceHooks.
// This function is not thread safe, and should only be called very early in program
// initialization.
func AddHooks(hook ...Wrapper) {
hooks = append(hooks, hook...)
// AddOnceHooks is like AddHooks, but these hooks will only be applied once per error.
// Once hooks are applied to an error, the error is marked, and future Wrap/Apply calls
// on the error will not apply these hooks again.
// This function is not thread safe, and should only be called very early in program
// initialization.
func AddOnceHooks(hook ...Wrapper) {
onceHooks = append(onceHooks, hook...)
// ClearHooks removes all installed hooks.
// This function is not thread safe, and should only be called very early in program
// initialization.
func ClearHooks() {
hooks = nil
onceHooks = nil

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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
package merry
import (
type errKey int
const (
errKeyNone errKey = iota
func (e errKey) String() string {
switch e {
case errKeyNone:
return "none"
case errKeyStack:
return "stack"
case errKeyMessage:
return "message"
case errKeyHTTPCode:
return "http status code"
case errKeyUserMessage:
return "user message"
case errKeyForceCapture:
return "force stack capture"
return ""
type errWithValue struct {
err error
key, value interface{}
// Format implements fmt.Formatter
func (e *errWithValue) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
Format(s, verb, e)
// Error implements golang's error interface
// returns the message value if set, otherwise
// delegates to inner error
func (e *errWithValue) Error() string {
if e.key == errKeyMessage {
if s, ok := e.value.(string); ok {
return s
return e.err.Error()
// String implements fmt.Stringer
func (e *errWithValue) String() string {
return e.Error()
// Unwrap returns the next wrapped error.
func (e *errWithValue) Unwrap() error {
return e.err
// isMerryError is a marker method for identifying error types implemented by this package.
func (e *errWithValue) isMerryError() {}
type errWithCause struct {
err error
cause error
func (e *errWithCause) Unwrap() error {
// skip through any directly nested errWithCauses.
// our implementation of Is/As already recursed through them,
// so we want to dig down to the first non-errWithCause.
nextErr := e.err
for {
if e, ok := nextErr.(*errWithCause); ok {
nextErr = e.err
} else {
// errWithCause.Is/As() also already checked nextErr, so we want to
// unwrap it and get to the next error down.
nextErr = errors.Unwrap(nextErr)
// we've reached the end of this wrapper chain. Return the cause.
if nextErr == nil {
return e.cause
// return a new errWithCause wrapper, wrapping next error, but bundling
// it will our cause, ignoring the causes of the errWithCauses we skip
// over above. This is how we carry the latest cause along as we unwrap
// the chain. When we get to the end of the chain, we'll return this latest
// cause.
return &errWithCause{err: nextErr, cause: e.cause}
func (e *errWithCause) String() string {
return e.Error()
func (e *errWithCause) Error() string {
return e.err.Error()
func (e *errWithCause) Format(f fmt.State, verb rune) {
Format(f, verb, e)
// errWithCause needs to provide custome implementations of Is and As.
// errors.Is() doesn't work on errWithCause because error.Is() uses errors.Unwrap() to traverse the error
// chain. But errWithCause.Unwrap() doesn't return the next error in the chain. Instead,
// it wraps the next error in a shim. The standard Is/As tests would compare the shim to the target.
// We need to override Is/As to compare the target to the error inside the shim.
func (e *errWithCause) Is(target error) bool {
// This does most of what errors.Is() does, by delegating
// to the nested error. But it does not use Unwrap to recurse
// any further. This just compares target with next error in the stack.
isComparable := reflect.TypeOf(target).Comparable()
if isComparable && e.err == target {
return true
// since errWithCause implements Is(), this will effectively recurse through
// any directly nested errWithCauses.
if x, ok := e.err.(interface{ Is(error) bool }); ok && x.Is(target) {
return true
return false
func (e *errWithCause) As(target interface{}) bool {
// This does most of what errors.As() does, by delegating
// to the nested error. But it does not use Unwrap to recurse
// any further. This just compares target with next error in the stack.
val := reflect.ValueOf(target)
typ := val.Type()
targetType := typ.Elem()
if reflect.TypeOf(e.err).AssignableTo(targetType) {
return true
// since errWithCause implements As(), this will effectively recurse through
// any directly nested errWithCauses.
if x, ok := e.err.(interface{ As(interface{}) bool }); ok && x.As(target) {
return true
return false
// isMerryError is a marker method for identifying error types implemented by this package.
func (e *errWithCause) isMerryError() {}

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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
package merry
import (
// Location returns zero values if e has no stacktrace
func Location(err error) (file string, line int) {
s := Stack(err)
if len(s) > 0 {
fnc, _ := runtime.CallersFrames(s[:1]).Next()
return fnc.File, fnc.Line
return "", 0
// SourceLine returns the string representation of
// Location's result or an empty string if there's
// no stracktrace.
func SourceLine(err error) string {
s := Stack(err)
if len(s) > 0 {
fnc, _ := runtime.CallersFrames(s[:1]).Next()
_, f := path.Split(fnc.File)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s:%d)", fnc.Function, f, fnc.Line)
return ""
// FormattedStack returns the stack attached to an error, formatted as a slice of strings.
// Each string represents a frame in the stack, newest first. The strings may
// have internal newlines.
// Returns nil if no formatted stack and no stack is associated, or err is nil.
func FormattedStack(err error) []string {
formattedStack, _ := Value(err, errKeyStack).([]string)
if len(formattedStack) > 0 {
return formattedStack
s := Stack(err)
if len(s) > 0 {
lines := make([]string, 0, len(s))
frames := runtime.CallersFrames(s)
for {
frame, more := frames.Next()
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\t%s:%d", frame.Function, frame.File, frame.Line))
if !more {
return lines
return nil
// Stacktrace returns the error's stacktrace as a string formatted.
// If e has no stacktrace, returns an empty string.
func Stacktrace(err error) string {
return strings.Join(FormattedStack(err), "\n")
// Details returns e.Error(), e's stacktrace, and any additional details which have
// be registered with RegisterDetail. User message and HTTP code are already registered.
// The details of each error in e's cause chain will also be printed.
func Details(e error) string {
if e == nil {
return ""
msg := e.Error()
var dets []string
for label, f := range detailFields {
v := f(e)
if v != nil {
dets = append(dets, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", label, v))
if len(dets) > 0 {
// sort so output is predictable
msg += "\n" + strings.Join(dets, "\n")
s := Stacktrace(e)
if s != "" {
msg += "\n\n" + s
if c := Cause(e); c != nil {
msg += "\n\nCaused By: " + Details(c)
return msg
// Format adapts errors to fmt.Formatter interface. It's intended to be used
// help error impls implement fmt.Formatter, e.g.:
// func (e *myErr) Format(f fmt.State, verb rune) {
// Format(f, verb, e)
// }
func Format(s fmt.State, verb rune, err error) {
switch verb {
case 'v':
if s.Flag('+') {
io.WriteString(s, Details(err))
case 's':
io.WriteString(s, msgWithCauses(err))
case 'q':
fmt.Fprintf(s, "%q", err.Error())
func msgWithCauses(err error) string {
messages := make([]string, 0, 5)
for err != nil {
if ce := err.Error(); ce != "" {
messages = append(messages, ce)
err = Cause(err)
return strings.Join(messages, ": ")

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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
package merry
import "fmt"
// Wrapper knows how to wrap errors with context information.
type Wrapper interface {
// Wrap returns a new error, wrapping the argument, and typically adding some context information.
// skipCallers is how many callers to skip when capturing a stack to skip to the caller of the merry
// API surface. It's intended to make it possible to write wrappers which capture stacktraces. e.g.
// func CaptureStack() Wrapper {
// return WrapperFunc(func(err error, skipCallers int) error {
// s := make([]uintptr, 50)
// // Callers
// l := runtime.Callers(2+skipCallers, s[:])
// return WithStack(s[:l]).Wrap(err, skipCallers + 1)
// })
// }
Wrap(err error, skipCallers int) error
// WrapperFunc implements Wrapper.
type WrapperFunc func(error, int) error
// Wrap implements the Wrapper interface.
func (w WrapperFunc) Wrap(err error, callerDepth int) error {
return w(err, callerDepth+1)
// WithValue associates a key/value pair with an error.
func WithValue(key, value interface{}) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, _ int) error {
return Set(err, key, value)
// WithMessage overrides the value returned by err.Error().
func WithMessage(msg string) Wrapper {
return WithValue(errKeyMessage, msg)
// WithMessagef overrides the value returned by err.Error().
func WithMessagef(format string, args ...interface{}) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, _ int) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return Set(err, errKeyMessage, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// WithUserMessage associates an end-user message with an error.
func WithUserMessage(msg string) Wrapper {
return WithValue(errKeyUserMessage, msg)
// WithUserMessagef associates a formatted end-user message with an error.
func WithUserMessagef(format string, args ...interface{}) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, _ int) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return Set(err, errKeyUserMessage, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// AppendMessage a message after the current error message, in the format "original: new".
func AppendMessage(msg string) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, _ int) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return Set(err, errKeyMessage, err.Error()+": "+msg)
// AppendMessagef is the same as AppendMessage, but with a formatted message.
func AppendMessagef(format string, args ...interface{}) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, _ int) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return Set(err, errKeyMessage, err.Error()+": "+fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// PrependMessage a message before the current error message, in the format "new: original".
func PrependMessage(msg string) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, _ int) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return Set(err, errKeyMessage, msg+": "+err.Error())
// PrependMessagef is the same as PrependMessage, but with a formatted message.
func PrependMessagef(format string, args ...interface{}) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, _ int) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return Set(err, errKeyMessage, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)+": "+err.Error())
// WithHTTPCode associates an HTTP status code with an error.
func WithHTTPCode(statusCode int) Wrapper {
return WithValue(errKeyHTTPCode, statusCode)
// WithStack associates a stack of caller frames with an error. Generally, this package
// will automatically capture and associate a stack with errors which are created or
// wrapped by this package. But this allows the caller to associate an externally
// generated stack.
func WithStack(stack []uintptr) Wrapper {
return WithValue(errKeyStack, stack)
// WithFormattedStack associates a stack of pre-formatted strings describing frames of a
// stacktrace. Generally, a formatted stack is generated from the raw []uintptr stack
// associated with the error, but a pre-formatted stack can be associated with the error
// instead, and takes precedence over the raw stack. This is useful if pre-formatted
// stack information is coming from some other source.
func WithFormattedStack(stack []string) Wrapper {
return WithValue(errKeyStack, stack)
// NoCaptureStack will suppress capturing a stack, even if StackCaptureEnabled() == true.
func NoCaptureStack() Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, _ int) error {
// if this err already has a stack set, there is no need to set the
// stack property again, and we don't want to override the prior the stack
if HasStack(err) {
return err
return Set(err, errKeyStack, nil)
// CaptureStack will override an earlier stack with a stack captured from the current
// call site. If StackCaptureEnabled() == false, this is a no-op.
// If force is set, StackCaptureEnabled() will be ignored: a stack will always be captured.
func CaptureStack(force bool) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(err error, callerDepth int) error {
return captureStack(err, callerDepth+1, force || StackCaptureEnabled())
// WithCause sets one error as the cause of another error. This is useful for associating errors
// from lower API levels with sentinel errors in higher API levels. errors.Is() and errors.As()
// will traverse both the main chain of error wrappers, as well as down the chain of causes.
func WithCause(err error) Wrapper {
return WrapperFunc(func(nerr error, _ int) error {
if nerr == nil {
return nil
return &errWithCause{err: nerr, cause: err}
// Set wraps an error with a key/value pair. This is the simplest form of associating
// a value with an error. It does not capture a stacktrace, invoke hooks, or do any
// other processing. It is mainly intended as a primitive for writing Wrapper implementations.
// if err is nil, returns nil.
// Keeping this private for now. If it proves useful, it may be made public later, but
// for now, external packages can get the same behavor with this:
// WithValue(key, value).Wrap(err)
func Set(err error, key, value interface{}) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
return &errWithValue{
err: err,
key: key,
value: value,

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# This file contains all available configuration options
# with their default values.
# options for analysis running
# default concurrency is a available CPU number
# concurrency: 4
# timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m
# deadline: 1m
# exit code when at least one issue was found, default is 1
# issues-exit-code: 1
# include test files or not, default is true
tests: true
# list of build tags, all linters use it. Default is empty list.
# build-tags:
# - mytag
# which dirs to skip: they won't be analyzed;
# can use regexp here: generated.*, regexp is applied on full path;
# default value is empty list, but next dirs are always skipped independently
# from this option's value:
# vendor$, third_party$, testdata$, examples$, Godeps$, builtin$
# skip-dirs:
# - src/external_libs
# - autogenerated_by_my_lib
# which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them
# won't be reported. Default value is empty list, but there is
# no need to include all autogenerated files, we confidently recognize
# autogenerated files. If it's not please let us know.
# skip-files:
# - ".*\\.my\\.go$"
# - lib/bad.go
# by default isn't set. If set we pass it to "go list -mod={option}". From "go help modules":
# If invoked with -mod=readonly, the go command is disallowed from the implicit
# automatic updating of go.mod described above. Instead, it fails when any changes
# to go.mod are needed. This setting is most useful to check that go.mod does
# not need updates, such as in a continuous integration and testing system.
# If invoked with -mod=vendor, the go command assumes that the vendor
# directory holds the correct copies of dependencies and ignores
# the dependency descriptions in go.mod.
# modules-download-mode:
# output configuration options
# colored-line-number|line-number|json|tab|checkstyle|code-climate, default is "colored-line-number"
format: colored-line-number
# print lines of code with issue, default is true
print-issued-lines: true
# print linter name in the end of issue text, default is true
print-linter-name: true
# all available settings of specific linters
# report about not checking of errors in type assetions: `a := b.(MyStruct)`;
# default is false: such cases aren't reported by default.
# check-type-assertions: false
# report about assignment of errors to blank identifier: `num, _ := strconv.Atoi(numStr)`;
# default is false: such cases aren't reported by default.
# check-blank: false
# [deprecated] comma-separated list of pairs of the form pkg:regex
# the regex is used to ignore names within pkg. (default "fmt:.*").
# see for details
# ignore: fmt:.*,io/ioutil:^Read.*
# path to a file containing a list of functions to exclude from checking
# see for details
# exclude: /path/to/file.txt
# report about shadowed variables
check-shadowing: false
# settings per analyzer
# settings:
# printf: # analyzer name, run `go tool vet help` to see all analyzers
# funcs: # run `go tool vet help printf` to see available settings for `printf` analyzer
# - (
# - (
# - (
# - (
# simplify code: gofmt with `-s` option, true by default
# simplify: true
# put imports beginning with prefix after 3rd-party packages;
# it's a comma-separated list of prefixes
# local-prefixes:
# minimal code complexity to report, 30 by default (but we recommend 10-20)
min-complexity: 10
# print struct with more effective memory layout or not, false by default
suggest-new: true
# tokens count to trigger issue, 150 by default
threshold: 100
# minimal length of string constant, 3 by default
min-len: 3
# minimal occurrences count to trigger, 3 by default
min-occurrences: 3
list-type: blacklist
include-go-root: false
reason: "testify is the test assertion framework we use"
# Correct spellings using locale preferences for US or UK.
# Default is to use a neutral variety of English.
# Setting locale to US will correct the British spelling of 'colour' to 'color'.
locale: US
# ignore-words:
# - someword
# max line length, lines longer will be reported. Default is 120.
# '\t' is counted as 1 character by default, and can be changed with the tab-width option
# line-length: 120
# tab width in spaces. Default to 1.
# tab-width: 1
# treat code as a program (not a library) and report unused exported identifiers; default is false.
# XXX: if you enable this setting, unused will report a lot of false-positives in text editors:
# if it's called for subdir of a project it can't find funcs usages. All text editor integrations
# with golangci-lint call it on a directory with the changed file.
check-exported: false
# Inspect exported functions, default is false. Set to true if no external program/library imports your code.
# XXX: if you enable this setting, unparam will report a lot of false-positives in text editors:
# if it's called for subdir of a project it can't find external interfaces. All text editor integrations
# with golangci-lint call it on a directory with the changed file.
check-exported: false
# make an issue if func has more lines of code than this setting and it has naked returns; default is 30
# max-func-lines: 30
# XXX: we don't recommend using this linter before doing performance profiling.
# For most programs usage of prealloc will be a premature optimization.
# Report preallocation suggestions only on simple loops that have no returns/breaks/continues/gotos in them.
# True by default.
simple: true
range-loops: true # Report preallocation suggestions on range loops, true by default
for-loops: false # Report preallocation suggestions on for loops, false by default
# Which checks should be enabled; can't be combined with 'disabled-checks';
# See
# To check which checks are enabled run `GL_DEBUG=gocritic golangci-lint run`
# By default list of stable checks is used.
# enabled-checks:
# - rangeValCopy
# Which checks should be disabled; can't be combined with 'enabled-checks'; default is empty
# disabled-checks:
# - regexpMust
# Enable multiple checks by tags, run `GL_DEBUG=gocritic golangci-lint` run to see all tags and checks.
# Empty list by default. See -> section "Tags".
# enabled-tags:
# - performance
# settings: # settings passed to gocritic
# captLocal: # must be valid enabled check name
# paramsOnly: true
# rangeValCopy:
# sizeThreshold: 32
# to try out individual linters: golangci-lint run -E gocyclo,gosimple
- staticcheck
- deadcode
- errcheck
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- structcheck
## - typecheck # redundant? compiler does this
- unused
- varcheck
## - bodyclose # its all false positives with requester and sling, which both close the body already
- depguard
## - dogsled # checks for too many blank identifiers. don't care
- dupl
- errorlint
# - exhaustive
# - exhaustivestruct
- exportloopref
## - funlen # checks function length. don't care
# - gci
## - gochecknoglobals # too common
- gochecknoinits
- gocognit
- goconst
- gocritic
## - gocyclo # checks cyclomatic complexity. don't care
# - godot
## - godox # checks for TODO comments. not standardized
- goerr113
## - gofmt # checks code is formatted, handled by make prep
# - gofumpt
# - goheader
## - goimports # checks import order. We're not using goimports
- revive
# - gomnd
- gomodguard
- goprintffuncname
- gosec
## - lll # checks line length. not enforced
## - maligned # optimizies struct field order, but structs are usually ordered for legibility
- misspell
- nakedret
- nestif
# - nlreturn # don't really like how this looks in all cases. wsl covers similar ground anyway.
- noctx
- nolintlint
# - prealloc # slice optimizations, but promotes too much premature optimization
- rowserrcheck
- exportloopref
- stylecheck
# - testpackage
- tparallel
- unconvert
## - unparam # too many false positives
## - whitespace # not enforced
disable-all: true
# presets:
# - bugs
# - unused
# fast: false
# List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default.
# But independently from this option we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`. To list all
# excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`
- Error return value of .(.*\.Write). is not checked
# we use merry errors a lot, and goerr113 doesn't recognize it as a valid sentinel error
- use wrapped static errors instead
# Excluding configuration per-path, per-linter, per-text and per-source
# Exclude some linters from running on tests files.
- path: _test\.go
- gocyclo
- errcheck
- dupl
- gosec
- scopelint
- gochecknoinits
- gochecknoglobals
- wsl
- goconst
- path: cmd
# init() functions are pretty common in main packages
- gochecknoinits
- gochecknoglobals
# exclude requiring comments on all exported stuff
- linters:
- revive
text: "exported:"
# Exclude known linters from partially hard-vendored code,
# which is impossible to exclude via "nolint" comments.
# - path: internal/hmac/
# text: "weak cryptographic primitive"
# linters:
# - gosec
# Exclude some staticcheck messages
# - linters:
# - staticcheck
# text: "SA9003:"
# Exclude lll issues for long lines with go:generate
- linters:
- lll
source: "^//go:generate "
# Independently from option `exclude` we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by this option. To list all
# excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`.
# Default value for this option is true.
# exclude-use-default: false
# Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 50.
# max-issues-per-linter: 0
# Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 3.
# max-same-issues: 0
# Show only new issues: if there are unstaged changes or untracked files,
# only those changes are analyzed, else only changes in HEAD~ are analyzed.
# It's a super-useful option for integration of golangci-lint into existing
# large codebase. It's not practical to fix all existing issues at the moment
# of integration: much better don't allow issues in new code.
# Default is false.
new: false
# Show only new issues created after git revision `REV`
# new-from-rev: REV
# Show only new issues created in git patch with set file path.
# new-from-patch: path/to/patch/file

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
FROM golang:1.14-alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add make bash fish build-base
WORKDIR /flume
COPY ./Makefile ./go.mod ./go.sum /flume/
RUN make tools
COPY ./ /flume
CMD make all

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Russ Egan
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
SHELL = bash
all: fmt build lint test
go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./...
mkdir -p -m 0777 build
golangci-lint run
rm -rf build/*
go fmt ./...
go test -race $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(TEST_FLAGS) ./...
# creates a test coverage report, and produces json test output. useful for ci.
cover: builddir
go test $(TEST_FLAGS) -v -covermode=count -coverprofile=build/coverage.out -json ./...
go tool cover -html=build/coverage.out -o build/coverage.html
docker-compose build --pull builder
docker: builder
docker-compose run --rm builder make all cover
fish: builder
docker-compose run --rm builder fish
go mod tidy
go get -u ./...
go mod tidy
# installs tools used during build
go get -u
sh -c "$$(wget -O - -q || echo exit 2)" -- -b $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin $(GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION)
.PHONY: all build builddir run artifacts vet lint clean fmt test testall testreport up down pull builder runc ci bash fish image prep vendor.update vendor.ensure tools buildtools migratetool db.migrate

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@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
flume [![GoDoc](]( [![Go Report Card](]( [![Build](](
flume is a logging package, build on top of [zap]( It's structured and leveled logs, like zap/logrus/etc.
It adds a global registry of all loggers, allowing global re-configuration at runtime. Instantiating
new loggers automatically registers them: even loggers created in init() functions, package variable
initializers, or 3rd party code, can all be managed from the central registry.
- Structured: Log entries have key/value attributes.
- Leveled:
- Error: Something that would be reported up to an error reporting service
- Info: High priority, low volume messages. Appropriate for production runtime use. Used for coarse-grained
- Debug: Slow, verbose logging, not appropriate for long-term production use
Flume is a little opinionated about having only a few logs levels. Warns should either be errors
or infos, trace should just be debug, and a log package shouldn't be responsible for panics or exits.
- Named: Loggers have a name. Levels can be configured for each named logger. For example, a common usage
pattern is to create a unique logger for each go package, then selectively turn on debug logging for
specific packages.
- Built on top of zap, which is super fast.
- Supports JSON, LTSV, and colorized console output formats.
- Optional call site logging (file and line number of log call)
- Output can be directed to any writer, defaults to stdout
- Helpers for managing application logs during tests
- Supports creating child loggers with pre-set context: `Logger.With()`
- Levels can be configured via a single string, which is convenient for configuration via env var, see `LevelsString()`
- All loggers can be reconfigured dynamically at runtime.
- Thoughtful handling of multi-line log output: Multi-line output is collapsed to a single line, or encoded,
depending on the encoder. The terminal encoders, which are optimized for human viewing, retain multi-line
- By default, all logs are discarded. Flume is completely silent unless explicitly configured otherwise.
This is ideal for logging inside libraries, where the log level and output will be managed by
the code importing the library.
This package does not offer package level log functions, so you need to create a logger instance first:
A common pattern is to create a single, package-wide logger, named after the package:
var log = flume.New("mypkg")
Then, write some logs:
log.Debug("created user", "username", "frank", "role", "admin")
Logs have a message, then matched pairs of key/value properties. Child loggers can be created
and pre-seeded with a set of properties:
reqLogger := log.With("remoteAddr", req.RemoteAddr)
Expensive log events can be avoid by explicitly checking level:
if log.IsDebug() {
log.Debug("created resource", "resource", resource.ExpensiveToString())
Loggers can be bound to context.Context, which is convenient for carrying
per-transaction loggers (pre-seeded with transaction specific context) through layers of request
processing code:
ctx = flume.WithLogger(ctx, log.With("transactionID", tid))
// ...later...
flume.FromContext(ctx).Info("Request handled.")
By default, all these messages will simply be discard. To enable output, flume needs to
be configured. Only entry-point code, like main() or test setup, should configure flume.
To configure logging settings from environment variables, call the configuration function from main():
Other configuration methods are available: see `ConfigString()`, `LevelString()`, and `Configure()`.
This reads the log configuration from the environment variable "FLUME" (the default, which can be
overridden). The value is JSON, e.g.:
The properties of the config string:
- "level": ERR, INF, or DBG. The default level for all loggers.
- "levels": A string configuring log levels for specific loggers, overriding the default level.
See note below for syntax.
- "development": true or false. In development mode, the defaults for the other
settings change to be more suitable for developers at a terminal (colorized, multiline, human
readable, etc). See note below for exact defaults.
- "addCaller": true or false. Adds call site information to log entries (file and line).
- "encoding": json, ltsv, term, or term-color. Configures how log entries are encoded in the output.
"term" and "term-color" are multi-line, human-friendly
formats, intended for terminal output.
- "encoderConfig": a JSON object which configures advanced encoding settings, like how timestamps
are formatted. See docs for
- "messageKey": the label of the message property of the log entry. If empty, message is omitted.
- "levelKey": the label of the level property of the log entry. If empty, level is omitted.
- "timeKey": the label of the timestamp of the log entry. If empty, timestamp is omitted.
- "nameKey": the label of the logger name in the log entry. If empty, logger name is omitted.
- "callerKey": the label of the logger name in the log entry. If empty, logger name is omitted.
- "stacktraceKey": the label of the stacktrace in the log entry. If empty, stacktrace is omitted.
- "lineEnding": the end of each log output line.
- "levelEncoder": capital, capitalColor, color, lower, or abbr. Controls how the log entry level
is rendered. "abbr" renders 3-letter abbreviations, like ERR and INF.
- "timeEncoder": iso8601, millis, nanos, unix, or justtime. Controls how timestamps are rendered.
"millis", "nanos", and "unix" are since UNIX epoch. "unix" is in floating point seconds.
"justtime" omits the date, and just prints the time in the format "15:04:05.000".
- "durationEncoder": string, nanos, or seconds. Controls how time.Duration values are rendered.
- "callerEncoder": full or short. Controls how the call site is rendered.
"full" includes the entire package path, "short" only includes the last folder of the package.
If "encoderConfig" is omitted, it defaults to:
These defaults are only applied if one of the configuration functions is called, like ConfigFromEnv(), ConfigString(),
Configure(), or LevelsString(). Initially, all loggers are configured to discard everything, following
flume's opinion that log packages should be silent unless spoken too. Ancillary to this: library packages
should *not* call these functions, or configure logging levels or output in anyway. Only program entry points,
like main() or test code, should configure logging. Libraries should just create loggers and log to them.
Development mode: if "development"=true, the defaults for the rest of the settings change, equivalent to:
"encodingConfig": {
The "levels" value is a list of key=value pairs, configuring the level of individual named loggers.
If the key is "*", it sets the default level. If "level" and "levels" both configure the default
level, "levels" wins.
* // set the default level to ALL, equivalent to {"level"="ALL"}
*=INF // same, but set default level to INF
*,sql=WRN // set default to ALL, set "sql" logger to WRN
*=INF,http=ALL // set default to INF, set "http" to ALL
*=INF,http // same as above. If name has no level, level is set to ALL
*=INF,-http // set default to INF, set "http" to OFF
http=INF // leave default setting unchanged.
Examples of log output:
11:42:08.126 INF | Hello World! @:root@flume.git/example_test.go:15
11:42:08.127 INF | This entry has properties color:red @:root@flume.git/example_test.go:16
11:42:08.127 DBG | This is a debug message @:root@flume.git/example_test.go:17
11:42:08.127 ERR | This is an error message @:root@flume.git/example_test.go:18
11:42:08.127 INF | This message has a multiline value essay:
Four score and seven years ago
our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation,
conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
![term-color sample](sample.png)
{"level":"INF","time":"15:06:28.422","name":"root","caller":"flume.git/example_test.go:15","msg":"Hello World!"}
{"level":"INF","time":"15:06:28.423","name":"root","caller":"flume.git/example_test.go:16","msg":"This entry has properties","color":"red"}
{"level":"DBG","time":"15:06:28.423","name":"root","caller":"flume.git/example_test.go:17","msg":"This is a debug message"}
{"level":"ERR","time":"15:06:28.423","name":"root","caller":"flume.git/example_test.go:18","msg":"This is an error message"}
{"level":"INF","time":"15:06:28.423","name":"root","caller":"flume.git/example_test.go:19","msg":"This message has a multiline value","essay":"Four score and seven years ago\nour fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, \nconceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."}
level:INF time:15:06:55.325 msg:Hello World! name:root caller:flume.git/example_test.go:15
level:INF time:15:06:55.325 msg:This entry has properties name:root caller:flume.git/example_test.go:16 color:red
level:DBG time:15:06:55.325 msg:This is a debug message name:root caller:flume.git/example_test.go:17
level:ERR time:15:06:55.325 msg:This is an error message name:root caller:flume.git/example_test.go:18
level:INF time:15:06:55.325 msg:This message has a multiline value name:root caller:flume.git/example_test.go:19 essay:Four score and seven years ago\nour fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, \nconceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
The implementation is a wrapper around zap. zap does levels, structured logs, and is very fast.
zap doesn't do centralized, global configuration, so this package
adds that by maintaining an internal registry of all loggers, and using the sync.atomic stuff to swap out
levels and writers in a thread safe way.
To build, be sure to have a recent go SDK, and make. Run `make tools` to install other dependencies. Then run `make`.
There is also a dockerized build, which only requires make and docker-compose: `make docker`. You can also
do `make fish` or `make bash` to shell into the docker build container.
Merge requests are welcome! Before submitting, please run `make` and make sure all tests pass and there are
no linter findings.

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package flume
import ""
var bufPool = buffer.NewPool()

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@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
package flume
import (
// DefaultConfigEnvVars is a list of the environment variables
// that ConfigFromEnv will search by default.
var DefaultConfigEnvVars = []string{"FLUME"}
// ConfigFromEnv configures flume from environment variables.
// It should be called from main():
// func main() {
// flume.ConfigFromEnv()
// ...
// }
// It searches envvars for the first environment
// variable that is set, and attempts to parse the value.
// If no environment variable is set, it silently does nothing.
// If an environment variable with a value is found, but parsing
// fails, an error is printed to stdout, and the error is returned.
// If envvars is empty, it defaults to DefaultConfigEnvVars.
func ConfigFromEnv(envvars ...string) error {
if len(envvars) == 0 {
envvars = DefaultConfigEnvVars
var configString string
for _, v := range envvars {
configString = os.Getenv(v)
if configString != "" {
err := ConfigString(configString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error parsing log config from env var " + v + ": " + err.Error())
return err
return nil
// Config offers a declarative way to configure a Factory.
// The same things can be done by calling Factory methods, but
// Configs can be unmarshaled from JSON, making it a convenient
// way to configure most logging options from env vars or files, i.e.:
// err := flume.ConfigString(os.Getenv("flume"))
// Configs can be created and applied programmatically:
// err := flume.Configure(flume.Config{})
// Defaults are appropriate for a JSON encoded production logger:
// - LTSV encoder
// - full timestamps
// - default log level set to INFO
// - call sites are not logged
// An alternate set of defaults, more appropriate for development environments,
// can be configured with `Config{Development:true}`:
// err := flume.Configure(flume.Config{Development:true})
// - colorized terminal encoder
// - short timestamps
// - call sites are logged
// err := flume.Configure(flume.Config{Development:true})
// Any of the other configuration options can be specified to override
// the defaults.
// Note: If configuring the EncoderConfig setting, if any of the *Key properties
// are omitted, that entire field will be omitted.
type Config struct {
// DefaultLevel is the default log level for all loggers not
// otherwise configured by Levels. Defaults to Info.
DefaultLevel Level `json:"level" yaml:"level"`
// Levels configures log levels for particular named loggers. See
// LevelsString for format.
Levels string `json:"levels" yaml:"levels"`
// AddCaller annotates logs with the calling function's file
// name and line number. Defaults to true when the Development
// flag is set, false otherwise.
AddCaller *bool `json:"addCaller" yaml:"addCaller"`
// Encoding sets the logger's encoding. Valid values are "json",
// "console", "ltsv", "term", and "term-color".
// Defaults to "term-color" if development is true, else
// "ltsv"
Encoding string `json:"encoding" yaml:"encoding"`
// Development toggles the defaults used for the other
// settings. Defaults to false.
Development bool `json:"development" yaml:"development"`
// EncoderConfig sets options for the chosen encoder. See
// EncoderConfig for details. Defaults to NewEncoderConfig() if
// Development is false, otherwise defaults to NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig().
EncoderConfig *EncoderConfig `json:"encoderConfig" yaml:"encoderConfig"`
// SetAddCaller sets the Config's AddCaller flag.
func (c *Config) SetAddCaller(b bool) {
c.AddCaller = &b
// UnsetAddCaller unsets the Config's AddCaller flag (reverting to defaults).
func (c *Config) UnsetAddCaller() {
c.AddCaller = nil
// EncoderConfig captures the options for encoders.
// Type alias to avoid exporting zap.
type EncoderConfig zapcore.EncoderConfig
type privEncCfg struct {
EncodeLevel string `json:"levelEncoder" yaml:"levelEncoder"`
EncodeTime string `json:"timeEncoder" yaml:"timeEncoder"`
// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler
func (enc *EncoderConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var zapCfg zapcore.EncoderConfig
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &zapCfg)
if err != nil {
return err
var pc privEncCfg
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &pc)
if err == nil {
switch pc.EncodeLevel {
case "", "abbr":
zapCfg.EncodeLevel = AbbrLevelEncoder
switch pc.EncodeTime {
case "":
zapCfg.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
case "justtime":
zapCfg.EncodeTime = JustTimeEncoder
*enc = EncoderConfig(zapCfg)
return nil
// NewEncoderConfig returns an EncoderConfig with default settings.
func NewEncoderConfig() *EncoderConfig {
return &EncoderConfig{
MessageKey: "msg",
TimeKey: "time",
LevelKey: "level",
NameKey: "name",
CallerKey: "caller",
StacktraceKey: "stacktrace",
EncodeTime: zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder,
EncodeDuration: zapcore.SecondsDurationEncoder,
EncodeLevel: AbbrLevelEncoder,
EncodeCaller: zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder,
// NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig returns an EncoderConfig which is intended
// for local development.
func NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig() *EncoderConfig {
cfg := NewEncoderConfig()
cfg.EncodeTime = JustTimeEncoder
cfg.EncodeDuration = zapcore.StringDurationEncoder
return cfg
// JustTimeEncoder is a timestamp encoder function which encodes time
// as a simple time of day, without a date. Intended for development and testing.
// Not good in a production system, where you probably need to know the date.
// encConfig := flume.EncoderConfig{}
// encConfig.EncodeTime = flume.JustTimeEncoder
func JustTimeEncoder(t time.Time, enc zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
// AbbrLevelEncoder encodes logging levels to the strings in the log entries.
// Encodes levels as 3-char abbreviations in upper case.
// encConfig := flume.EncoderConfig{}
// encConfig.EncodeTime = flume.AbbrLevelEncoder
func AbbrLevelEncoder(l zapcore.Level, enc zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
switch l {
case zapcore.DebugLevel:
case zapcore.InfoLevel:
case zapcore.WarnLevel:
case zapcore.ErrorLevel:
case zapcore.PanicLevel, zapcore.FatalLevel, zapcore.DPanicLevel:
s := l.String()
if len(s) > 3 {
s = s[:3]

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@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
package flume
import (
func init() {
_ = zap.RegisterEncoder("term", func(cfg zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error) {
return NewConsoleEncoder((*EncoderConfig)(&cfg)), nil
_ = zap.RegisterEncoder("term-color", func(cfg zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error) {
return NewColorizedConsoleEncoder((*EncoderConfig)(&cfg), nil), nil
// Colorizer returns ansi escape sequences for the colors for each log level.
// See Colors for a default implementation.
type Colorizer interface {
Level(l Level) string
// Colors is an implementation of the Colorizer interface, which assigns colors
// to the default log levels.
type Colors struct {
Debug, Info, Warn, Error string
// Level implements Colorizer
func (c *Colors) Level(l Level) string {
if l < DebugLevel {
return Dim
switch l {
case DebugLevel:
return c.Debug
case InfoLevel:
return c.Info
case Level(zapcore.WarnLevel):
return c.Warn
return c.Error
// DefaultColors is the default instance of Colors, used as the default colors if
// a nil Colorizer is passed to NewColorizedConsoleEncoder.
var DefaultColors = Colors{
Debug: ansi.ColorCode("cyan"),
Info: ansi.ColorCode("green+h"),
Warn: ansi.ColorCode("yellow+bh"),
Error: ansi.ColorCode("red+bh"),
type consoleEncoder struct {
colorizer Colorizer
// NewConsoleEncoder creates an encoder whose output is designed for human -
// rather than machine - consumption. It serializes the core log entry data
// (message, level, timestamp, etc.) in a plain-text format. The context is
// encoded in LTSV.
// Note that although the console encoder doesn't use the keys specified in the
// encoder configuration, it will omit any element whose key is set to the empty
// string.
func NewConsoleEncoder(cfg *EncoderConfig) Encoder {
ltsvEncoder := NewLTSVEncoder(cfg).(*ltsvEncoder)
ltsvEncoder.allowNewLines = true
ltsvEncoder.allowTabs = true
ltsvEncoder.blankKey = "value"
ltsvEncoder.binaryEncoder = hex.Dump
return &consoleEncoder{ltsvEncoder: ltsvEncoder}
// NewColorizedConsoleEncoder creates a console encoder, like NewConsoleEncoder, but
// colors the text with ansi escape codes. `colorize` configures which colors to
// use for each level.
// If `colorizer` is nil, it will default to DefaultColors.
// `` is a convenient package for getting color codes, e.g.:
// ansi.ColorCode("red")
func NewColorizedConsoleEncoder(cfg *EncoderConfig, colorizer Colorizer) Encoder {
e := NewConsoleEncoder(cfg).(*consoleEncoder)
e.colorizer = colorizer
if e.colorizer == nil {
e.colorizer = &DefaultColors
return e
// Clone implements the Encoder interface
func (c *consoleEncoder) Clone() zapcore.Encoder {
return &consoleEncoder{
ltsvEncoder: c.ltsvEncoder.Clone().(*ltsvEncoder),
colorizer: c.colorizer,
// Dim is the color used for context keys, time, and caller information
var Dim = ansi.ColorCode("240")
// Bright is the color used for the message
var Bright = ansi.ColorCode("default+b")
// EncodeEntry implements the Encoder interface
func (c *consoleEncoder) EncodeEntry(ent zapcore.Entry, fields []zapcore.Field) (*buffer.Buffer, error) {
final := *c.ltsvEncoder
context := final.buf
final.buf = bufPool.Get()
origLen := final.buf.Len()
if c.TimeKey != "" {
final.skipNextElementSeparator = true
c.EncodeTime(ent.Time, &final)
if c.LevelKey != "" {
c.colorLevel(final.buf, ent.Level)
if final.buf.Len() > origLen {
final.buf.AppendByte(' ')
final.skipNextElementSeparator = true
c.EncodeLevel(ent.Level, &final)
if final.buf.Len() > origLen {
final.buf.AppendString(" | ")
} else {
// Add the message itself.
if c.MessageKey != "" {
// c.colorBright(&final)
final.safeAddString(ent.Message, false)
// ensure a minimum of 2 spaces between the message and the fields,
// to improve readability
final.buf.AppendString(" ")
// Add fields.
for _, f := range fields {
// Add context
if context.Len() > 0 {
_, _ = final.buf.Write(context.Bytes())
// Add callsite
c.writeCallSite(&final, ent.LoggerName, ent.Caller)
// If there's no stacktrace key, honor that; this allows users to force
// single-line output.
if ent.Stack != "" && c.StacktraceKey != "" {
return final.buf, nil
func (c *consoleEncoder) writeCallSite(final *ltsvEncoder, name string, caller zapcore.EntryCaller) {
shouldWriteName := name != "" && c.NameKey != ""
shouldWriteCaller := caller.Defined && c.CallerKey != ""
if !shouldWriteName && !shouldWriteCaller {
if shouldWriteName {
if shouldWriteCaller {
if shouldWriteCaller {
final.skipNextElementSeparator = true
final.EncodeCaller(caller, final)
func (c *consoleEncoder) colorDim(buf *buffer.Buffer) {
c.applyColor(buf, Dim)
func (c *consoleEncoder) colorLevel(buf *buffer.Buffer, level zapcore.Level) {
if c.colorizer != nil {
c.applyColor(buf, c.colorizer.Level(Level(level)))
func (c *consoleEncoder) applyColor(buf *buffer.Buffer, s string) {
if c.colorizer != nil {
if s != "" {
func (c *consoleEncoder) colorReset(buf *buffer.Buffer) {
c.applyColor(buf, "")

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package flume
import (
// DefaultLogger is returned by FromContext if no other logger has been
// injected into the context.
var DefaultLogger = New("")
type ctxKey struct{}
var loggerKey = &ctxKey{}
// WithLogger returns a new context with the specified logger injected into it.
func WithLogger(ctx context.Context, l Logger) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, loggerKey, l)
// FromContext returns a logger from the context. If the context
// doesn't contain a logger, the DefaultLogger will be returned.
func FromContext(ctx context.Context) Logger {
if l, ok := ctx.Value(loggerKey).(Logger); ok {
return l
return DefaultLogger

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@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
package flume
import (
var _ Logger = (*Core)(nil)
type atomicInnerCore struct {
innerLoggerPtr atomic.Value
func (af *atomicInnerCore) get() *innerCore {
return af.innerLoggerPtr.Load().(*innerCore)
func (af *atomicInnerCore) set(ic *innerCore) {
// innerCore holds state which can be reconfigured at the factory level.
// if these settings are changed in the factory, the factory builds new
// innerCore instances, and atomically injects them into all existing loggers.
type innerCore struct {
name string
addCaller bool
errorOutput zapcore.WriteSyncer
hooks []HookFunc
// Core is the concrete implementation of Logger. It has some additional
// lower-level methods which can be used by other logging packages which wrap
// flume, to build alternate logging interfaces.
type Core struct {
context []zap.Field
callerSkip int
// these are logger-scoped hooks, which only hook into this particular logger
hooks []HookFunc
// Log is the core logging method, used by the convenience methods Debug(), Info(), and Error().
// Returns true if the log was actually logged.
// AddCaller option will report the caller of this method. If wrapping this, be sure to
// use the AddCallerSkip option.
func (l *Core) Log(lvl Level, template string, fmtArgs, context []interface{}) bool {
// call another method, just to add a caller to the call stack, so the
// add caller option resolves the right caller in the stack
return l.log(lvl, template, fmtArgs, context)
// log must be called directly from one of the public methods to make the addcaller
// resolution resolve the caller of the public method.
func (l *Core) log(lvl Level, template string, fmtArgs, context []interface{}) bool {
c := l.get()
if !c.Enabled(zapcore.Level(lvl)) {
return false
msg := template
if msg == "" && len(fmtArgs) > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprint(fmtArgs...)
} else if msg != "" && len(fmtArgs) > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf(template, fmtArgs...)
// check must always be called directly by a method in the Logger interface
// (e.g., Log, Info, Debug).
const callerSkipOffset = 2
// Create basic checked entry thru the core; this will be non-nil if the
// log message will actually be written somewhere.
ent := zapcore.Entry{
Time: time.Now(),
Level: zapcore.Level(lvl),
Message: msg,
ce := c.Check(ent, nil)
if ce == nil {
return false
// Thread the error output through to the CheckedEntry.
ce.ErrorOutput = c.errorOutput
if c.addCaller {
ce.Entry.Caller = zapcore.NewEntryCaller(runtime.Caller(l.callerSkip + callerSkipOffset))
if !ce.Entry.Caller.Defined {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(c.errorOutput, "%v Logger.check error: failed to get caller\n", time.Now().UTC())
_ = ce.ErrorOutput.Sync()
fields := append(l.context, l.sweetenFields(context)...) //nolint:gocritic
// execute global hooks, which might modify the fields
for i := range c.hooks {
if f := c.hooks[i](ce, fields); f != nil {
fields = f
// execute logger hooks
for i := range l.hooks {
if f := l.hooks[i](ce, fields); f != nil {
fields = f
return true
// IsEnabled returns true if the specified level is enabled.
func (l *Core) IsEnabled(lvl Level) bool {
return l.get().Enabled(zapcore.Level(lvl))
const (
_oddNumberErrMsg = "Ignored key without a value."
_nonStringKeyErrMsg = "Ignored key-value pairs with non-string keys."
func (l *Core) sweetenFields(args []interface{}) []zap.Field {
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil
// Allocate enough space for the worst case; if users pass only structured
// fields, we shouldn't penalize them with extra allocations.
fields := make([]zap.Field, 0, len(args))
var invalid invalidPairs
for i := 0; i < len(args); {
// This is a strongly-typed field. Consume it and move on.
if f, ok := args[i].(zap.Field); ok {
fields = append(fields, f)
if len(args) == 1 {
// passed a bare arg with no key. We'll handle this
// as a special case
if err, ok := args[0].(error); ok {
return append(fields, zap.Error(err))
return append(fields, zap.Any("", args[0]))
// Make sure this element isn't a dangling key.
if i == len(args)-1 {
l.Error(_oddNumberErrMsg, zap.Any("ignored", args[i]))
// Consume this value and the next, treating them as a key-value pair. If the
// key isn't a string, add this pair to the slice of invalid pairs.
key, val := args[i], args[i+1]
if keyStr, ok := key.(string); !ok {
// Subsequent errors are likely, so allocate once up front.
if cap(invalid) == 0 {
invalid = make(invalidPairs, 0, len(args)/2)
invalid = append(invalid, invalidPair{i, key, val})
} else {
fields = append(fields, zap.Any(keyStr, val))
i += 2
// If we encountered any invalid key-value pairs, log an error.
if len(invalid) > 0 {
l.Error(_nonStringKeyErrMsg, zap.Array("invalid", invalid))
return fields
type invalidPair struct {
position int
key, value interface{}
func (p invalidPair) MarshalLogObject(enc zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
enc.AddInt64("position", int64(p.position))
zap.Any("key", p.key).AddTo(enc)
zap.Any("value", p.value).AddTo(enc)
return nil
type invalidPairs []invalidPair
func (ps invalidPairs) MarshalLogArray(enc zapcore.ArrayEncoder) error {
var err error
for i := range ps {
err = multierr.Append(err, enc.AppendObject(ps[i]))
return err
// Debug logs at DBG level. args should be alternative keys and values. keys should be strings.
func (l *Core) Debug(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
l.log(DebugLevel, msg, nil, args)
// Info logs at INF level. args should be alternative keys and values. keys should be strings.
func (l *Core) Info(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
l.log(InfoLevel, msg, nil, args)
// Error logs at ERR level. args should be alternative keys and values. keys should be strings.
func (l *Core) Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
l.log(ErrorLevel, msg, nil, args)
// IsDebug returns true if DBG level is enabled.
func (l *Core) IsDebug() bool {
return l.IsEnabled(DebugLevel)
// IsDebug returns true if INF level is enabled
func (l *Core) IsInfo() bool {
return l.IsEnabled(InfoLevel)
// With returns a new Logger with some context baked in. All entries
// logged with the new logger will include this context.
// args should be alternative keys and values. keys should be strings.
// reqLogger := l.With("requestID", reqID)
func (l *Core) With(args ...interface{}) Logger {
return l.WithArgs(args...)
// WithArgs is the same as With() but returns the concrete type. Useful
// for other logging packages which wrap this one.
func (l *Core) WithArgs(args ...interface{}) *Core {
l2 := l.clone()
switch len(args) {
case 0:
l2.context = append(l2.context, l.sweetenFields(args)...)
return l2
func (l *Core) clone() *Core {
l2 := *l
l2.context = nil
if len(l.context) > 0 {
l2.context = append(l2.context, l.context...)
return &l2

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@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
// Package flume is a logging package, build on top of zap. It's structured and leveled logs, like zap/logrus/etc.
// It adds global, runtime re-configuration of all loggers, via an internal logger registry.
// There are two interaction points with flume: code that generates logs, and code that configures logging output.
// Code which generates logs needs to create named logger instances, and call log functions on it, like Info()
// and Debug(). But by default, all these logs will be silently discarded. Flume does not output
// log entries unless explicitly told to do so. This ensures libraries can freely use flume internally, without
// polluting the stdout of the programs importing the library.
// The Logger type is a small interface. Libraries should allow replacement of their Logger instances so
// importers can entirely replace flume if they wish. Alternately, importers can use flume to configure
// the library's log output, and/or redirect it into the overall program's log stream.
// Logging
// This package does not offer package level log functions, so you need to create a logger instance first:
// A common pattern is to create a single, package-wide logger, named after the package:
// var log = flume.New("mypkg")
// Then, write some logs:
// log.Debug("created user", "username", "frank", "role", "admin")
// Logs have a message, then matched pairs of key/value properties. Child loggers can be created
// and pre-seeded with a set of properties:
// reqLogger := log.With("remoteAddr", req.RemoteAddr)
// Expensive log events can be avoid by explicitly checking level:
// if log.IsDebug() {
// log.Debug("created resource", "resource", resource.ExpensiveToString())
// }
// Loggers can be bound to context.Context, which is convenient for carrying
// per-transaction loggers (pre-seeded with transaction specific context) through layers of request
// processing code:
// ctx = flume.WithLogger(ctx, log.With("transactionID", tid))
// // ...later...
// flume.FromContext(ctx).Info("Request handled.")
// The standard Logger interface only supports 3 levels of log, DBG, INF, and ERR. This is inspired by
// this article: However, you can create
// instances of DeprecatedLogger instead, which support more levels.
// Configuration
// There are several package level functions which reconfigure logging output. They control which
// levels are discarded, which fields are included in each log entry, and how those fields are rendered,
// and how the overall log entry is rendered (JSON, LTSV, colorized, etc).
// To configure logging settings from environment variables, call the configuration function from main():
// flume.ConfigFromEnv()
// This reads the log configuration from the environment variable "FLUME" (the default, which can be
// overridden). The value is JSON, e.g.:
// {"level":"INF","levels":"http=DBG","development"="true"}
// The properties of the config string:
// - "level": ERR, INF, or DBG. The default level for all loggers.
// - "levels": A string configuring log levels for specific loggers, overriding the default level.
// See note below for syntax.
// - "development": true or false. In development mode, the defaults for the other
// settings change to be more suitable for developers at a terminal (colorized, multiline, human
// readable, etc). See note below for exact defaults.
// - "addCaller": true or false. Adds call site information to log entries (file and line).
// - "encoding": json, ltsv, term, or term-color. Configures how log entries are encoded in the output.
// "term" and "term-color" are multi-line, human-friendly
// formats, intended for terminal output.
// - "encoderConfig": a JSON object which configures advanced encoding settings, like how timestamps
// are formatted. See docs for
// - "messageKey": the label of the message property of the log entry. If empty, message is omitted.
// - "levelKey": the label of the level property of the log entry. If empty, level is omitted.
// - "timeKey": the label of the timestamp of the log entry. If empty, timestamp is omitted.
// - "nameKey": the label of the logger name in the log entry. If empty, logger name is omitted.
// - "callerKey": the label of the logger name in the log entry. If empty, logger name is omitted.
// - "lineEnding": the end of each log output line.
// - "levelEncoder": capital, capitalColor, color, lower, or abbr. Controls how the log entry level
// is rendered. "abbr" renders 3-letter abbreviations, like ERR and INF.
// - "timeEncoder": iso8601, millis, nanos, unix, or justtime. Controls how timestamps are rendered.
// "millis", "nanos", and "unix" are since UNIX epoch. "unix" is in floating point seconds.
// "justtime" omits the date, and just prints the time in the format "15:04:05.000".
// - "durationEncoder": string, nanos, or seconds. Controls how time.Duration values are rendered.
// - "callerEncoder": full or short. Controls how the call site is rendered.
// "full" includes the entire package path, "short" only includes the last folder of the package.
// Defaults:
// {
// "level":"INF",
// "levels":"",
// "development":false,
// "addCaller":false,
// "encoding":"term-color",
// "encoderConfig":{
// "messageKey":"msg",
// "levelKey":"level",
// "timeKey":"time",
// "nameKey":"name",
// "callerKey":"caller",
// "lineEnding":"\n",
// "levelEncoder":"abbr",
// "timeEncoder":"iso8601",
// "durationEncoder":"seconds",
// "callerEncoder":"short",
// }
// }
// These defaults are only applied if one of the configuration functions is called, like ConfigFromEnv(), ConfigString(),
// Configure(), or LevelsString(). Initially, all loggers are configured to discard everything, following
// flume's opinion that log packages should be silent unless spoken too. Ancillary to this: library packages
// should *not* call these functions, or configure logging levels or output in anyway. Only program entry points,
// like main() or test code, should configure logging. Libraries should just create loggers and log to them.
// Development mode: if "development"=true, the defaults for the rest of the settings change, equivalent to:
// {
// "addCaller":true,
// "encoding":"term-color",
// "encodingConfig": {
// "timeEncoder":"justtime",
// "durationEncoder":"string",
// }
// }
// The "levels" value is a list of key=value pairs, configuring the level of individual named loggers.
// If the key is "*", it sets the default level. If "level" and "levels" both configure the default
// level, "levels" wins.
// Examples:
// * // set the default level to ALL, equivalent to {"level"="ALL"}
// *=INF // same, but set default level to INF
// *,sql=WRN // set default to ALL, set "sql" logger to WRN
// *=INF,http=ALL // set default to INF, set "http" to ALL
// *=INF,http // same as above. If name has no level, level is set to ALL
// *=INF,-http // set default to INF, set "http" to OFF
// http=INF // leave default setting unchanged.
// Factories
// Most usages of flume will use its package functions. The package functions delegate to an internal
// instance of Factory, which a the logger registry. You can create and manage your own instance of
// Factory, which will be an isolated set of Loggers.
// tl;dr
// The implementation is a wrapper around zap. zap does levels, structured logs, and is very fast.
// zap doesn't do centralized, global configuration, so this package
// adds that by maintaining an internal registry of all loggers, and using the sync.atomic stuff to swap out
// levels and writers in a thread safe way.
package flume

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version: '3'
context: .
- ./build:/flume/build

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@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
package flume
import (
type loggerInfo struct {
levelEnabler zapcore.LevelEnabler
atomicInnerCore atomicInnerCore
// Factory is a log management core. It spawns loggers. The Factory has
// methods for dynamically reconfiguring all the loggers spawned from Factory.
// The flume package has mirrors of most of the functions which delegate to a
// default, package-level factory.
type Factory struct {
defaultLevel zap.AtomicLevel
encoder zapcore.Encoder
out io.Writer
loggers map[string]*loggerInfo
addCaller bool
hooks []HookFunc
// Encoder serializes log entries. Re-exported from zap for now to avoid exporting zap.
type Encoder zapcore.Encoder
// NewFactory returns a factory. The default level is set to OFF (all logs disabled)
func NewFactory() *Factory {
f := Factory{
defaultLevel: zap.NewAtomicLevel(),
loggers: map[string]*loggerInfo{},
return &f
func (r *Factory) getEncoder() zapcore.Encoder {
if r.encoder == nil {
return NewLTSVEncoder(NewEncoderConfig())
return r.encoder
// SetEncoder sets the encoder for all loggers created by (in the past or future) this factory.
func (r *Factory) SetEncoder(e Encoder) {
defer r.Unlock()
r.encoder = e
// SetOut sets the output writer for all logs produced by this factory.
// Returns a function which sets the output writer back to the prior setting.
func (r *Factory) SetOut(w io.Writer) func() {
defer r.Unlock()
prior := r.out
r.out = w
return func() {
// SetAddCaller enables adding the logging callsite (file and line number) to the log entries.
func (r *Factory) SetAddCaller(b bool) {
defer r.Unlock()
r.addCaller = b
func (r *Factory) getOut() io.Writer {
if r.out == nil {
return os.Stdout
return r.out
func (r *Factory) refreshLoggers() {
for name, info := range r.loggers {
info.atomicInnerCore.set(r.newInnerCore(name, info))
func (r *Factory) getLoggerInfo(name string) *loggerInfo {
info, found := r.loggers[name]
if !found {
info = &loggerInfo{}
r.loggers[name] = info
info.atomicInnerCore.set(r.newInnerCore(name, info))
return info
func (r *Factory) newInnerCore(name string, info *loggerInfo) *innerCore {
var l zapcore.LevelEnabler
switch {
case info.levelEnabler != nil:
l = info.levelEnabler
l = r.defaultLevel
zc := zapcore.NewCore(
return &innerCore{
name: name,
Core: zc,
addCaller: r.addCaller,
errorOutput: zapcore.AddSync(os.Stderr),
hooks: r.hooks,
// NewLogger returns a new Logger
func (r *Factory) NewLogger(name string) Logger {
return r.NewCore(name)
// NewCore returns a new Core.
func (r *Factory) NewCore(name string, options ...CoreOption) *Core {
defer r.Unlock()
info := r.getLoggerInfo(name)
core := &Core{
atomicInnerCore: &info.atomicInnerCore,
for _, opt := range options {
return core
func (r *Factory) setLevel(name string, l Level) {
info := r.getLoggerInfo(name)
info.levelEnabler = zapcore.Level(l)
// SetLevel sets the log level for a particular named logger. All loggers with this same
// are affected, in the past or future.
func (r *Factory) SetLevel(name string, l Level) {
defer r.Unlock()
r.setLevel(name, l)
// SetDefaultLevel sets the default log level for all loggers which don't have a specific level
// assigned to them
func (r *Factory) SetDefaultLevel(l Level) {
type Entry = zapcore.Entry
type CheckedEntry = zapcore.CheckedEntry
type Field = zapcore.Field
// HookFunc adapts a single function to the Hook interface.
type HookFunc func(*CheckedEntry, []Field) []Field
// Hooks adds functions which are called before a log entry is encoded. The hook function
// is given the entry and the total set of fields to be logged. The set of fields which are
// returned are then logged. Hook functions can return a modified set of fields, or just return
// the unaltered fields.
// The Entry is not modified. It is purely informational.
// If a hook returns an error, that error is logged, but the in-flight log entry
// will proceed with the original set of fields.
// These global hooks will be injected into all loggers owned by this factory. They will
// execute before any hooks installed in individual loggers.
func (r *Factory) Hooks(hooks ...HookFunc) {
defer r.Unlock()
r.hooks = append(r.hooks, hooks...)
// ClearHooks removes all hooks.
func (r *Factory) ClearHooks() {
defer r.Unlock()
r.hooks = nil
func parseConfigString(s string) map[string]interface{} {
if s == "" {
return nil
items := strings.Split(s, ",")
m := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, setting := range items {
parts := strings.Split(setting, "=")
switch len(parts) {
case 1:
name := parts[0]
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "-") {
m[name[1:]] = false
} else {
m[name] = true
case 2:
m[parts[0]] = parts[1]
return m
// LevelsString reconfigures the log level for all loggers. Calling it with
// an empty string will reset the default level to info, and reset all loggers
// to use the default level.
// The string can contain a list of directives, separated by commas. Directives
// can set the default log level, and can explicitly set the log level for individual
// loggers.
// Directives
// - Default level: Use the `*` directive to set the default log level. Examples:
// * // set the default log level to debug
// -* // set the default log level to off
// If the `*` directive is omitted, the default log level will be set to info.
// - Logger level: Use the name of the logger to set the log level for a specific
// logger. Examples:
// http // set the http logger to debug
// -http // set the http logger to off
// http=INF // set the http logger to info
// Multiple directives can be included, separated by commas. Examples:
// http // set http logger to debug
// http,sql // set http and sql logger to debug
// *,-http,sql=INF // set the default level to debug, disable the http logger,
// // and set the sql logger to info
func (r *Factory) LevelsString(s string) error {
m := parseConfigString(s)
levelMap := map[string]Level{}
var errMsgs []string
for key, val := range m {
switch t := val.(type) {
case bool:
if t {
levelMap[key] = DebugLevel
} else {
levelMap[key] = OffLevel
case string:
l, err := levelForAbbr(t)
levelMap[key] = l
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
// first, check default setting
if defaultLevel, found := levelMap["*"]; found {
delete(levelMap, "*")
} else {
defer r.Unlock()
// iterate through the current level map first.
// Any existing loggers which aren't in the levels map
// get reset to the default level.
for name, info := range r.loggers {
if _, found := levelMap[name]; !found {
info.levelEnabler = r.defaultLevel
// iterate through the levels map and set the specific levels
for name, level := range levelMap {
r.setLevel(name, level)
if len(errMsgs) > 0 {
return merry.New("errors parsing config string: " + strings.Join(errMsgs, ", "))
return nil
// Configure uses a serializable struct to configure most of the options.
// This is useful when fully configuring the logging from an env var or file.
// The zero value for Config will set defaults for a standard, production logger:
// See the Config docs for details on settings.
func (r *Factory) Configure(cfg Config) error {
var encCfg *EncoderConfig
if cfg.EncoderConfig != nil {
encCfg = cfg.EncoderConfig
} else {
if cfg.Development {
encCfg = NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig()
} else {
encCfg = NewEncoderConfig()
// These *Caller properties *must* be set or errors
// will occur
if encCfg.EncodeCaller == nil {
encCfg.EncodeCaller = zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder
if encCfg.EncodeLevel == nil {
encCfg.EncodeLevel = AbbrLevelEncoder
var encoder zapcore.Encoder
switch cfg.Encoding {
case "json":
encoder = NewJSONEncoder(encCfg)
case "ltsv":
encoder = NewLTSVEncoder(encCfg)
case "term":
encoder = NewConsoleEncoder(encCfg)
case "term-color":
encoder = NewColorizedConsoleEncoder(encCfg, nil)
case "console":
encoder = zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder((zapcore.EncoderConfig)(*encCfg))
case "":
if cfg.Development {
encoder = NewColorizedConsoleEncoder(encCfg, nil)
} else {
encoder = NewJSONEncoder(encCfg)
return merry.Errorf("%s is not a valid encoding, must be one of: json, ltsv, term, or term-color", cfg.Encoding)
var addCaller bool
if cfg.AddCaller != nil {
addCaller = *cfg.AddCaller
} else {
addCaller = cfg.Development
if cfg.Levels != "" {
if err := r.LevelsString(cfg.Levels); err != nil {
return err
defer r.Unlock()
r.encoder = encoder
r.addCaller = addCaller
return nil
func levelForAbbr(abbr string) (Level, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(abbr) {
case "off":
return OffLevel, nil
case "dbg", "debug", "", "all":
return DebugLevel, nil
case "inf", "info":
return InfoLevel, nil
case "err", "error":
return ErrorLevel, nil
return InfoLevel, fmt.Errorf("%s not recognized level, defaulting to info", abbr)

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package flume
import ""
// NewJSONEncoder just hides the zap json encoder, to avoid exporting zap
func NewJSONEncoder(cfg *EncoderConfig) Encoder {
if cfg == nil {
cfg = &EncoderConfig{}
return zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(zapcore.EncoderConfig(*cfg))

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
package flume
import (
type (
// Logger is the basic logging interface. Construct instances of Logger with a Factory,
// or with the package functions (which use a package level Factory).
Logger interface {
Debug(msg string, args ...interface{})
Info(msg string, args ...interface{})
Error(msg string, args ...interface{})
IsDebug() bool
IsInfo() bool
// With creates a new Logger with some context already attached. All
// entries logged with the child logger will include this context.
With(args ...interface{}) Logger
// Level is a log level
Level zapcore.Level
const (
// OffLevel disables all logs
OffLevel = Level(127)
// DebugLevel should be used for low-level, non-production logs. Typically intended only for developers.
DebugLevel = Level(zapcore.DebugLevel)
// InfoLevel should be used for production level logs. Typically intended for end-users and developers.
InfoLevel = Level(zapcore.InfoLevel)
// ErrorLevel should be used for errors. Generally, this should be reserved for events which truly
// need to be looked at by an admin, and might be reported to an error-tracking system.
ErrorLevel = Level(zapcore.ErrorLevel)
var pkgFactory = NewFactory()
// New creates a new Logger
func New(name string) Logger {
return pkgFactory.NewLogger(name)
// NewCore returns a new Core
func NewCore(name string, options ...CoreOption) *Core {
return pkgFactory.NewCore(name, options...)
// ConfigString configures the package level Factory. The
// string can either be a JSON-serialized Config object, or
// just a LevelsString (see Factory.LevelsString for format).
// Note: this will reconfigure the logging levels for all
// loggers.
func ConfigString(s string) error {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(s), "{") {
// it's json, treat it like a full config string
cfg := Config{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
return Configure(cfg)
return pkgFactory.LevelsString(s)
// Configure configures the package level Factory from
// the settings in the Config object. See Config for
// details.
// Note: this will reconfigure the logging levels for all
// loggers.
func Configure(cfg Config) error {
return pkgFactory.Configure(cfg)
// SetOut sets the output writer for all logs produced by the default factory.
// Returns a function which sets the output writer back to the prior setting.
func SetOut(w io.Writer) func() {
return pkgFactory.SetOut(w)
// SetDefaultLevel sets the default log level on the package-level Factory.
func SetDefaultLevel(l Level) {
// SetLevel sets a log level for a named logger on the package-level Factory.
func SetLevel(name string, l Level) {
pkgFactory.SetLevel(name, l)
// SetAddCaller enables/disables call site logging on the package-level Factory
func SetAddCaller(b bool) {
// SetEncoder sets the encoder for the package-level Factory
func SetEncoder(e Encoder) {
// Hooks adds hooks to the package-level Factory.
func Hooks(hooks ...HookFunc) {
// ClearHooks clears all hooks from the package-level Factory.
func ClearHooks() {
// SetDevelopmentDefaults sets useful default settings on the package-level Factory
// which are appropriate for a development setting. Default log level is
// set to INF, all loggers are reset to the default level, call site information
// is logged, and the encoder is a colorized, multi-line friendly console
// encoder with a simplified time stamp format.
func SetDevelopmentDefaults() error {
return Configure(Config{
Development: true,
// String implements stringer and a few other interfaces.
func (l Level) String() string {
switch l {
case DebugLevel:
return "DBG"
case InfoLevel:
return "INF"
case ErrorLevel:
return "ERR"
case OffLevel:
return "OFF"
return fmt.Sprintf("Level(%d)", l)
// MarshalText implements encoding.TextMarshaler
func (l Level) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(l.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler
func (l *Level) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
if l == nil {
return merry.New("can't unmarshal a nil *Level")
if !l.unmarshalText(text) {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized level: %q", text)
return nil
func (l *Level) unmarshalText(text []byte) bool {
text = bytes.ToLower(text)
switch string(text) {
case "debug", "dbg", "all":
*l = DebugLevel
case "info", "inf", "": // make the zero value useful
*l = InfoLevel
case "error", "err":
*l = ErrorLevel
case "off":
*l = OffLevel
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(string(text)); err != nil {
if i >= -127 && i <= 127 {
*l = Level(i)
} else {
return false
return false
return true
// Set implements flags.Value
func (l *Level) Set(s string) error {
return l.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))
// Get implements flag.Getter
func (l *Level) Get() interface{} {
return *l

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package flume
import (
// LogFuncWriter is a writer which writes to a logging function signature
// like that of testing.T.Log() and fmt/log.Println().
// It can be used to redirect flumes *output* to some other logger.
// SetOut(LogFuncWriter(fmt.Println, true))
// SetOut(LogFuncWriter(t.Log, true))
func LogFuncWriter(l func(args ...interface{}), trimSpace bool) io.Writer {
return &logWriter{lf: l, trimSpace: trimSpace}
// LoggerFuncWriter is a writer which writes lines to a logging function with
// a signature like that of flume.Logger's functions, like Info(), Debug(), and Error().
// http.Server{
// ErrorLog: log.New(LoggerFuncWriter(flume.New("http").Error), "", 0),
// }
func LoggerFuncWriter(l func(msg string, kvpairs ...interface{})) io.Writer {
return &loggerWriter{lf: l}
type logWriter struct {
lf func(args ...interface{})
trimSpace bool
// Write implements io.Writer
func (t *logWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
s := string(p)
if t.trimSpace {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
return len(p), nil
type loggerWriter struct {
lf func(msg string, kvpairs ...interface{})
// Write implements io.Writer
func (t *loggerWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return len(p), nil

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@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
package flume
// Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import (
func init() {
_ = zap.RegisterEncoder("ltsv", func(cfg zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error) {
return NewLTSVEncoder((*EncoderConfig)(&cfg)), nil
type ltsvEncoder struct {
buf *buffer.Buffer
allowTabs bool
allowNewLines bool
skipNextElementSeparator bool
lastElementWasMultiline bool
fieldNamePrefix string
nestingLevel int
blankKey string
binaryEncoder func([]byte) string
// NewLTSVEncoder creates a fast, low-allocation LTSV encoder.
func NewLTSVEncoder(cfg *EncoderConfig) Encoder {
return &ltsvEncoder{
EncoderConfig: cfg,
buf: bufPool.Get(),
blankKey: "_",
binaryEncoder: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString,
// AddBinary implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddBinary(key string, value []byte) {
enc.AddString(key, enc.binaryEncoder(value))
// AddArray implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddArray(key string, arr zapcore.ArrayMarshaler) error {
return enc.AppendArray(arr)
// AddObject implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddObject(key string, obj zapcore.ObjectMarshaler) error {
return enc.AppendObject(obj)
// AddBool implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddBool(key string, val bool) {
// AddComplex128 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddComplex128(key string, val complex128) {
// AddDuration implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddDuration(key string, val time.Duration) {
// AddFloat64 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddFloat64(key string, val float64) {
// AddInt64 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddInt64(key string, val int64) {
// AddReflected implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddReflected(key string, obj interface{}) error {
return enc.AppendReflected(obj)
// OpenNamespace implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) OpenNamespace(key string) {
switch len(enc.fieldNamePrefix) {
case 0:
enc.fieldNamePrefix = key
enc.fieldNamePrefix = enc.fieldNamePrefix + "." + key
// AddString implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddString(key, val string) {
// AddByteString implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddByteString(key string, value []byte) {
// AddTime implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddTime(key string, val time.Time) {
// AddUint64 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddUint64(key string, val uint64) {
// AppendArray implements zapcore.ArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendArray(arr zapcore.ArrayMarshaler) error {
enc.skipNextElementSeparator = true
err := arr.MarshalLogArray(enc)
enc.skipNextElementSeparator = false
return err
// AppendObject implements zapcore.ArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendObject(obj zapcore.ObjectMarshaler) error {
enc.skipNextElementSeparator = true
err := obj.MarshalLogObject(enc)
enc.skipNextElementSeparator = false
return err
// AppendBool implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendBool(val bool) {
// AppendComplex128 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendComplex128(val complex128) {
// Cast to a platform-independent, fixed-size type.
r, i := real(val), imag(val)
// Because we're always in a quoted string, we can use strconv without
// special-casing NaN and +/-Inf.
enc.buf.AppendFloat(r, 64)
enc.buf.AppendFloat(i, 64)
// AppendDuration implements zapcore.ArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendDuration(val time.Duration) {
enc.EncodeDuration(val, enc)
// AppendInt64 implements zapcore.ArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendInt64(val int64) {
// AppendReflected implements zapcore.ArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendReflected(val interface{}) error {
enc.AppendString(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", val))
return nil
// AppendString implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendString(val string) {
if enc.allowNewLines && strings.Contains(val, "\n") {
enc.safeAddString("\n", false)
enc.safeAddString(val, false)
// AppendByteString implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendByteString(val []byte) {
if enc.allowNewLines && bytes.Contains(val, []byte("\n")) {
enc.safeAddString("\n", false)
enc.safeAddByteString(val, false)
panic("implement me")
// AppendTime implements zapcore.ArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendTime(val time.Time) {
enc.EncodeTime(val, enc)
// AppendUint64 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendUint64(val uint64) {
// AddComplex64 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddComplex64(k string, v complex64) { enc.AddComplex128(k, complex128(v)) }
// AddFloat32 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddFloat32(k string, v float32) { enc.AddFloat64(k, float64(v)) }
// AddInt implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddInt(k string, v int) { enc.AddInt64(k, int64(v)) }
// AddInt32 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddInt32(k string, v int32) { enc.AddInt64(k, int64(v)) }
// AddInt16 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddInt16(k string, v int16) { enc.AddInt64(k, int64(v)) }
// AddInt8 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddInt8(k string, v int8) { enc.AddInt64(k, int64(v)) }
// AddUint implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddUint(k string, v uint) { enc.AddUint64(k, uint64(v)) }
// AddUint32 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddUint32(k string, v uint32) { enc.AddUint64(k, uint64(v)) }
// AddUint16 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddUint16(k string, v uint16) { enc.AddUint64(k, uint64(v)) }
// AddUint8 implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddUint8(k string, v uint8) { enc.AddUint64(k, uint64(v)) }
// AddUintptr implements zapcore.ObjectEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AddUintptr(k string, v uintptr) { enc.AddUint64(k, uint64(v)) }
// AppendComplex64 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendComplex64(v complex64) { enc.AppendComplex128(complex128(v)) }
// AppendFloat64 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendFloat64(v float64) { enc.appendFloat(v, 64) }
// AppendFloat32 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendFloat32(v float32) { enc.appendFloat(float64(v), 32) }
// AppendInt implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendInt(v int) { enc.AppendInt64(int64(v)) }
// AppendInt32 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendInt32(v int32) { enc.AppendInt64(int64(v)) }
// AppendInt16 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendInt16(v int16) { enc.AppendInt64(int64(v)) }
// AppendInt8 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendInt8(v int8) { enc.AppendInt64(int64(v)) }
// AppendUint implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendUint(v uint) { enc.AppendUint64(uint64(v)) }
// AppendUint32 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendUint32(v uint32) { enc.AppendUint64(uint64(v)) }
// AppendUint16 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendUint16(v uint16) { enc.AppendUint64(uint64(v)) }
// AppendUint8 implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendUint8(v uint8) { enc.AppendUint64(uint64(v)) }
// AppendUintptr implements zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) AppendUintptr(v uintptr) { enc.AppendUint64(uint64(v)) }
// Clone implements zapcore.Encoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) Clone() zapcore.Encoder {
clone := *enc
clone.buf = bufPool.Get()
_, _ = clone.buf.Write(enc.buf.Bytes())
return &clone
// EncodeEntry implements zapcore.Encoder
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) EncodeEntry(ent zapcore.Entry, fields []zapcore.Field) (*buffer.Buffer, error) {
final := *enc
final.buf = bufPool.Get()
if final.LevelKey != "" {
final.EncodeLevel(ent.Level, &final)
if final.TimeKey != "" {
final.AddTime(final.TimeKey, ent.Time)
if final.MessageKey != "" {
if ent.LoggerName != "" && final.NameKey != "" {
if ent.Caller.Defined && final.CallerKey != "" {
final.EncodeCaller(ent.Caller, &final)
if final.buf.Len() > 0 {
_, _ = final.buf.Write(enc.buf.Bytes())
for i := range fields {
if ent.Stack != "" && final.StacktraceKey != "" {
final.AddString(final.StacktraceKey, ent.Stack)
return final.buf, nil
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) addKey(key string) {
switch {
case key == "" && enc.blankKey == "":
case key == "" && enc.blankKey != "":
key = enc.blankKey
if len(enc.fieldNamePrefix) > 0 {
enc.safeAddString(enc.fieldNamePrefix, true)
enc.safeAddString(key, true)
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) addFieldSeparator() {
last := enc.buf.Len() - 1
if last < 0 {
enc.skipNextElementSeparator = true
if enc.nestingLevel > 0 {
enc.skipNextElementSeparator = true
lastByte := enc.buf.Bytes()[last]
if enc.lastElementWasMultiline {
if lastByte != '\n' && lastByte != '\r' {
// make sure the last line terminated with a newline
enc.lastElementWasMultiline = false
} else if lastByte != '\t' {
enc.skipNextElementSeparator = true
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) addElementSeparator() {
if !enc.skipNextElementSeparator && enc.buf.Len() != 0 {
enc.skipNextElementSeparator = false
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) appendFloat(val float64, bitSize int) {
switch {
case math.IsNaN(val):
case math.IsInf(val, 1):
case math.IsInf(val, -1):
enc.buf.AppendFloat(val, bitSize)
// safeAddString appends a string to the internal buffer.
// If `key`, colons are replaced with underscores, and newlines and tabs are escaped
// If not `key`, only newlines and tabs are escaped, unless configured otherwise
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) safeAddString(s string, key bool) {
for i := 0; i < len(s); {
if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
switch {
case key && b == ':':
case b == '\n':
if !enc.allowNewLines || key {
} else {
enc.lastElementWasMultiline = true
case b == '\r':
if !enc.allowNewLines || key {
} else {
enc.lastElementWasMultiline = true
case (!enc.allowTabs || key) && b == '\t':
c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
enc.buf.AppendString(s[i : i+size])
i += size
// safeAddByteString is no-alloc equivalent of safeAddString(string(s)) for s []byte.
func (enc *ltsvEncoder) safeAddByteString(s []byte, key bool) {
for i := 0; i < len(s); {
if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
switch {
case key && b == ':':
case b == '\n':
if !enc.allowNewLines || key {
} else {
enc.lastElementWasMultiline = true
case b == '\r':
if !enc.allowNewLines || key {
} else {
enc.lastElementWasMultiline = true
case (!enc.allowTabs || key) && b == '\t':
c, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s[i:])
if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
_, _ = enc.buf.Write(s[i : i+size])
i += size

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package flume
// An CoreOption configures a Core.
type CoreOption interface {
// coreOptionFunc wraps a func so it satisfies the CoreOption interface.
type coreOptionFunc func(*Core)
func (f coreOptionFunc) apply(c *Core) {
// AddCallerSkip increases the number of callers skipped by caller annotation
// (as enabled by the AddCaller option). When building wrappers around a
// Core, supplying this CoreOption prevents Core from always
// reporting the wrapper code as the caller.
func AddCallerSkip(skip int) CoreOption {
return coreOptionFunc(func(c *Core) {
c.callerSkip += skip
// AddHooks adds hooks to this logger core. These will only execute on this
// logger, after the global hooks.
func AddHooks(hooks ...HookFunc) CoreOption {
return coreOptionFunc(func(core *Core) {
core.hooks = append(core.hooks, hooks...)

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
# This file contains all available configuration options
# with their default values.
# options for analysis running
tests: true
- requests.go
# output configuration options
# colored-line-number|line-number|json|tab|checkstyle|code-climate, default is "colored-line-number"
format: colored-line-number
# print lines of code with issue, default is true
print-issued-lines: true
# print linter name in the end of issue text, default is true
print-linter-name: true
# all available settings of specific linters
# report about shadowed variables
check-shadowing: false
# tokens count to trigger issue, 150 by default
threshold: 100
default-signifies-exhaustive: true
# minimal length of string constant, 3 by default
min-len: 3
# minimal occurrences count to trigger, 3 by default
min-occurrences: 3
list-type: blacklist
include-go-root: false
- #replace with
# Correct spellings using locale preferences for US or UK.
# Default is to use a neutral variety of English.
# Setting locale to US will correct the British spelling of 'colour' to 'color'.
locale: US
# treat code as a program (not a library) and report unused exported identifiers; default is false.
# XXX: if you enable this setting, unused will report a lot of false-positives in text editors:
# if it's called for subdir of a project it can't find funcs usages. All text editor integrations
# with golangci-lint call it on a directory with the changed file.
check-exported: false
# Which checks should be disabled; can't be combined with 'enabled-checks'; default is empty
- commentFormatting
ignore-generated-header: true
allow-cuddle-declarations: true
allow-separated-leading-comment: true
allow-assign-and-anything: true
# to try out individual linters: golangci-lint run -E gocyclo,gosimple
# default linters
- staticcheck
- deadcode
- errcheck
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- structcheck
- unused
- varcheck
# additional linters
- asciicheck
- bidichk
## - bodyclose # its all false positives with requester and sling, which both close the body already
- containedctx
- contextcheck
# - cyclop # need to analyze findings
- decorder
- depguard
## - dogsled # checks for too many blank identifiers. don't care
- dupl
- durationcheck
- errchkjson
- errname
- errorlint
- exhaustive
- exportloopref
- forbidigo
- forcetypeassert
## - funlen # checks function length. don't care
# - gci # not sure why this is complaining
## - gochecknoglobals # too common
- gochecknoinits
# - gocognit # too many findings, will take time to evaluate
- goconst
- gocritic
## - gocyclo # checks cyclomatic complexity. don't care
# - godot # too many false positives
# - godox # doesn't allow TODO comments. We allow those to be committed.
# - goerr113 # good practice, but it doesn't recognize that we're already wrapping errors with merry
## - gofmt # checks code is formatted, handled by make prep
- gofumpt
- goheader
## - goimports # checks import order. We're not using goimports
# - gomnd # too aggressive
- gomoddirectives
# - gomodguard
- goprintffuncname
- gosec
- grouper
- ifshort
- importas
# - ireturn # there are valid use cases for this pattern. too strict.
## - lll # checks line length. not enforced
# - maintidx # look at this later
- makezero
## - maligned # optimizies struct field order, but structs are usually ordered for legibility
- misspell
- nakedret
# - nestif # need to evaluate the findings
- nilerr
- nilnil
# - nlreturn # a little too aggressive. wsl covers the same ground.
- noctx
- nolintlint
# - paralleltest # look at this later
# - prealloc # slice optimizations, but promotes too much premature optimization
- predeclared
- promlinter
- revive
- rowserrcheck
- sqlclosecheck
- stylecheck
- tagliatelle
- thelper
- tparallel
- unconvert
- unparam
# - varnamelen # take a look later
- wastedassign
- whitespace
# - wrapcheck # way too aggressive
- wsl
## - unparam # too many false positives
## - whitespace # not enforced
disable-all: true
# presets:
# - bugs
# - unused
# fast: false
# List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default.
# But independently from this option we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`. To list all
# excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`
# exclude:
# - abcdef
# Excluding configuration per-path, per-linter, per-text and per-source
# Explicitly exclude the typecheck plugin. There is some bug in golangci which is
# enabling this checker, even though it isn't listed above.
# Exclude some linters from running on tests files.
- path: _test\.go
- gocyclo
- errcheck
- dupl
- gosec
- exportloopref
- gochecknoinits
- gochecknoglobals
- wsl
- nlreturn
- errchkjson
- forcetypeassert
- path: cmd
# init(), globals, and prints are pretty common in main packages
- gochecknoinits
- gochecknoglobals
- forbidigo
# Exclude known linters from partially hard-vendored code,
# which is impossible to exclude via "nolint" comments.
# - path: internal/hmac/
# text: "weak cryptographic primitive"
# linters:
# - gosec
# Exclude some staticcheck messages
# - linters:
# - staticcheck
# text: "SA9003:"
# Independently from option `exclude` we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by this option. To list all
# excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`.
# Default value for this option is true.
# exclude-use-default: false
# Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 50.
# max-issues-per-linter: 0
# Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 3.
# max-same-issues: 0
# Show only new issues: if there are unstaged changes or untracked files,
# only those changes are analyzed, else only changes in HEAD~ are analyzed.
# It's a super-useful option for integration of golangci-lint into existing
# large codebase. It's not practical to fix all existing issues at the moment
# of integration: much better don't allow issues in new code.
# Default is false.
new: false
# Show only new issues created after git revision `REV`
# new-from-rev: REV
# Show only new issues created in git patch with set file path.
# new-from-patch: path/to/patch/file

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
FROM golang:alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add make git curl bash fish
WORKDIR /project
COPY ./ /project
RUN make tools
CMD make

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Gemalto OSS
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
SHELL = bash
COMPOSE ?= docker-compose
all: fmt build up test lint
go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./...
mkdir -p -m 0777 build
go install ./cmd/ppkmip
go install ./cmd/kmipgen
ppkmip: builddir
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/ppkmip-macos ./cmd/ppkmip
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/ppkmip-windows.exe ./cmd/ppkmip
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/ppkmip-linux ./cmd/ppkmip
go install ./cmd/kmipgen
golangci-lint run
rm -rf build/*
gofumpt -w -l .
# generates go code structures representing all the enums, mask, and tags defined
# in the KMIP spec. The source specifications are stored in kmip14/kmip_1_4.json
# and ttls/kmip20/kmip_2_0_additions.json. The generated .go files are named *_generated.go
# the kmipgen tool (defined in cmd/kmipgen) is used to generate the source. This tool can
# be used independently to generate source for future specs or vendor extensions.
# this target only needs to be run if the json files are changed. The generated
# go files should be committed to source control.
go generate ./...
go test $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(TEST_FLAGS) ./...
# creates a test coverage report, and produces json test output. useful for ci.
cover: builddir
go test $(TEST_FLAGS) -v -covermode=count -coverprofile=build/coverage.out -json ./...
go tool cover -html=build/coverage.out -o build/coverage.html
# brings up the projects dependencies in a compose stack
$(COMPOSE) build --pull pykmip-server
$(COMPOSE) run --rm dependencies
# brings down the projects dependencies
$(COMPOSE) down -v --remove-orphans
# runs the build inside a docker container. useful for ci to completely encapsulate the
# build environment.
$(COMPOSE) build --pull builder
$(COMPOSE) run --rm builder make all cover
# opens a shell into the build environment container. Useful for troubleshooting the
# containerized build.
$(COMPOSE) build --pull builder
$(COMPOSE) run --rm builder bash
# opens a shell into the build environment container. Useful for troubleshooting the
# containerized build.
$(COMPOSE) build --pull builder
$(COMPOSE) run --rm builder fish
go mod tidy
# use go mod to update all dependencies
go get -u ./...
go mod tidy
# install tools used by the build. typically only needs to be run once
# to initialize a workspace.
tools: kmipgen
go install
go install
sh -c "$$(wget -O - -q || echo exit 2)" -- -b $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin $(GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION)
pykmip-server: up
$(COMPOSE) exec pykmip-server tail -f server.log
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout pykmip-server/server.key -out pykmip-server/server.cert -days 3650 -nodes -subj '/CN=localhost'
.PHONY: all build builddir run artifacts vet lint clean fmt test testall testreport up down pull builder runc ci bash fish image prep vendor.update vendor.ensure tools buildtools migratetool db.migrate

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
kmip-go [![GoDoc](]( [![Go Report Card](]( [![Build](](
kmip-go is a go implemenation of KMIP protocol primitives. It supports marshaling data in TTLV, XML, or JSON
encodings to and from go values and structs. It can be used to implement KMIP clients or servers.
go get
Or, to just install the `ppkmip` pretty printing tool:
go install
The `ttlv` package implements the core encoder and decoder logic.
The `kmip14` package contains constants for all the tags, types, enumerations and bitmasks defined in the KMIP 1.4
specification. It also contains mappings from these values to the normalized names used in the JSON and XML
encodings, and the canonical names used in Attribute structures.
The `kmip14` definitions are all automatically registered with `ttlv.DefaultRegistry`.
The `kmip20` package adds additional enumeration values from the 2.0 specification. It is meant to be registered
on top of the 1.4 definitions.
The root package defines golang structures for some of the significant Structure definitions in the 1.4
specification, like Attributes, Request, Response, etc. It is incomplete, but can be used as an example
for defining other structures. It also contains an example of a client and server.
`cmd/kmipgen` is a code generation tool which generates the tag and enum constants from a JSON specification
input. It can also be used independently in your own code to generate additional tags and constants. `make install`
to build and install the tool. See `kmip14/kmip_1_4.go` for an example of using the tool.
`cmd/kmipgen` is a tool for pretty printing kmip values. It can accept KMIP input from stdin or files, encoded
in TTLV, XML, or JSON, and output in a variety of formats. `make install` to intall the tool, and
`ppkmip --help` to see usage.
To build, be sure to have a recent go SDK, and make. Run `make tools` to install other dependencies.
There is also a dockerized build, which only requires make and docker-compose: `make docker`. You can also
do `make fish` or `make bash` to shell into the docker build container.
Merge requests are welcome! Before submitting, please run `make` and make sure all tests pass and there are
no linter findings.

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package kmip
import (
// 3
// Name 3.2 Table 57
// The Name attribute is a structure (see Table 57) used to identify and locate an object.
// This attribute is assigned by the client, and the Name Value is intended to be in a form that
// humans are able to interpret. The key management system MAY specify rules by which the client
// creates valid names. Clients are informed of such rules by a mechanism that is not specified by
// this standard. Names SHALL be unique within a given key management domain,
// but are NOT REQUIRED to be globally unique.
type Name struct {
NameValue string
NameType kmip14.NameType
// Cryptographic Parameters 3.6 Table 65
// The Cryptographic Parameters attribute is a structure (see Table 65) that contains a set of OPTIONAL
// fields that describe certain cryptographic parameters to be used when performing cryptographic operations
// using the object. Specific fields MAY pertain only to certain types of Managed Cryptographic Objects. The
// Cryptographic Parameters attribute of a Certificate object identifies the cryptographic parameters of the
// public key contained within the Certificate.
// The Cryptographic Algorithm is also used to specify the parameters for cryptographic operations. For operations
// involving digital signatures, either the Digital Signature Algorithm can be specified or the Cryptographic
// Algorithm and Hashing Algorithm combination can be specified.
// Random IV can be used to request that the KMIP server generate an appropriate IV for a
// cryptographic operation that uses an IV. The generated Random IV is returned in the response
// to the cryptographic operation.
// IV Length is the length of the Initialization Vector in bits. This parameter SHALL be provided when the
// specified Block Cipher Mode supports variable IV lengths such as CTR or GCM.
// Tag Length is the length of the authentication tag in bytes. This parameter SHALL be provided when the
// Block Cipher Mode is GCM or CCM.
// The IV used with counter modes of operation (e.g., CTR and GCM) cannot repeat for a given cryptographic key.
// To prevent an IV/key reuse, the IV is often constructed of three parts: a fixed field, an invocation field,
// and a counter as described in [SP800-38A] and [SP800-38D]. The Fixed Field Length is the length of the fixed
// field portion of the IV in bits. The Invocation Field Length is the length of the invocation field portion of
// the IV in bits. The Counter Length is the length of the counter portion of the IV in bits.
// Initial Counter Value is the starting counter value for CTR mode (for [RFC3686] it is 1).
type CryptographicParameters struct {
BlockCipherMode kmip14.BlockCipherMode `ttlv:",omitempty"`
PaddingMethod kmip14.PaddingMethod `ttlv:",omitempty"`
HashingAlgorithm kmip14.HashingAlgorithm `ttlv:",omitempty"`
KeyRoleType kmip14.KeyRoleType `ttlv:",omitempty"`
DigitalSignatureAlgorithm kmip14.DigitalSignatureAlgorithm `ttlv:",omitempty"`
CryptographicAlgorithm kmip14.CryptographicAlgorithm `ttlv:",omitempty"`
RandomIV bool `ttlv:",omitempty"`
IVLength int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
TagLength int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
FixedFieldLength int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
InvocationFieldLength int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
CounterLength int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
InitialCounterValue int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
SaltLength int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
MaskGenerator kmip14.MaskGenerator `ttlv:",omitempty" default:"1"` // defaults to MGF1
MaskGeneratorHashingAlgorithm kmip14.HashingAlgorithm `ttlv:",omitempty" default:"4"` // defaults to SHA-1
PSource []byte `ttlv:",omitempty"`
TrailerField int `ttlv:",omitempty"`

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@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
package kmip
import (
// 2.1 Base Objects
// These objects are used within the messages of the protocol, but are not objects managed by the key
// management system. They are components of Managed Objects.
// Attribute 2.1.1 Table 2
// An Attribute object is a structure (see Table 2) used for sending and receiving Managed Object attributes.
// The Attribute Name is a text-string that is used to identify the attribute. The Attribute Index is an index
// number assigned by the key management server. The Attribute Index is used to identify the particular instance.
// Attribute Indices SHALL start with 0. The Attribute Index of an attribute SHALL NOT change when other instances
// are added or deleted. Single-instance Attributes (attributes which an object MAY only have at most one instance
// thereof) SHALL have an Attribute Index of 0. The Attribute Value is either a primitive data type or structured
// object, depending on the attribute.
// When an Attribute structure is used to specify or return a particular instance of an Attribute and the Attribute
// Index is not specified it SHALL be assumed to be 0.
type Attribute struct {
// AttributeName should contain the canonical name of a tag, e.g. "Cryptographic Algorithm"
AttributeName string
// AttributeIndex is typically 0 when clients use this struct to create objects or add attributes. Clients
// only need to set this if modifying or deleting an existing attribute.
AttributeIndex int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
AttributeValue interface{}
func NewAttributeFromTag(tag ttlv.Tag, idx int, val interface{}) Attribute {
return Attribute{
AttributeName: tag.CanonicalName(),
AttributeIndex: idx,
AttributeValue: val,
// Credential 2.1.2 Table 3
// A Credential is a structure (see Table 3) used for client identification purposes and is not managed by the
// key management system (e.g., user id/password pairs, Kerberos tokens, etc.). It MAY be used for authentication
// purposes as indicated in [KMIP-Prof].
// TODO: add an unmarshal impl to Credential to handle decoding the right kind
// of credential based on the credential type value
type Credential struct {
CredentialType kmip14.CredentialType
CredentialValue interface{}
// UsernameAndPasswordCredentialValue 2.1.2 Table 4
// If the Credential Type in the Credential is Username and Password, then Credential Value is a
// structure as shown in Table 4. The Username field identifies the client, and the Password field
// is a secret that authenticates the client.
type UsernameAndPasswordCredentialValue struct {
Username string
Password string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
// DeviceCredentialValue 2.1.2 Table 5
// If the Credential Type in the Credential is Device, then Credential Value is a structure as shown in
// Table 5. One or a combination of the Device Serial Number, Network Identifier, Machine Identifier,
// and Media Identifier SHALL be unique. Server implementations MAY enforce policies on uniqueness for
// individual fields. A shared secret or password MAY also be used to authenticate the client.
// The client SHALL provide at least one field.
type DeviceCredentialValue struct {
DeviceSerialNumber string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
Password string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
DeviceIdentifier string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
NetworkIdentifier string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
MachineIdentifier string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
MediaIdentifier string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
// AttestationCredentialValue 2.1.2 Table 6
// If the Credential Type in the Credential is Attestation, then Credential Value is a structure
// as shown in Table 6. The Nonce Value is obtained from the key management server in a Nonce Object.
// The Attestation Credential Object can contain a measurement from the client or an assertion from a
// third party if the server is not capable or willing to verify the attestation data from the client.
// Neither type of attestation data (Attestation Measurement or Attestation Assertion) is necessary to
// allow the server to accept either. However, the client SHALL provide attestation data in either the
// Attestation Measurement or Attestation Assertion fields.
type AttestationCredentialValue struct {
Nonce Nonce
AttestationType kmip14.AttestationType
AttestationMeasurement []byte `ttlv:",omitempty"`
AttestationAssertion []byte `ttlv:",omitempty"`
// KeyBlock 2.1.3 Table 7
// A Key Block object is a structure (see Table 7) used to encapsulate all of the information that is
// closely associated with a cryptographic key. It contains a Key Value of one of the following Key Format Types:
// · Raw This is a key that contains only cryptographic key material, encoded as a string of bytes.
// · Opaque This is an encoded key for which the encoding is unknown to the key management system.
// It is encoded as a string of bytes.
// · PKCS1 This is an encoded private key, expressed as a DER-encoded ASN.1 PKCS#1 object.
// · PKCS8 This is an encoded private key, expressed as a DER-encoded ASN.1 PKCS#8 object, supporting both
// the RSAPrivateKey syntax and EncryptedPrivateKey.
// · X.509 This is an encoded object, expressed as a DER-encoded ASN.1 X.509 object.
// · ECPrivateKey This is an ASN.1 encoded elliptic curve private key.
// · Several Transparent Key types These are algorithm-specific structures containing defined values
// for the various key types, as defined in Section 2.1.7.
// · Extensions These are vendor-specific extensions to allow for proprietary or legacy key formats.
// The Key Block MAY contain the Key Compression Type, which indicates the format of the elliptic curve public
// key. By default, the public key is uncompressed.
// The Key Block also has the Cryptographic Algorithm and the Cryptographic Length of the key contained
// in the Key Value field. Some example values are:
// · RSA keys are typically 1024, 2048 or 3072 bits in length.
// · 3DES keys are typically from 112 to 192 bits (depending upon key length and the presence of parity bits).
// · AES keys are 128, 192 or 256 bits in length.
// The Key Block SHALL contain a Key Wrapping Data structure if the key in the Key Value field is
// wrapped (i.e., encrypted, or MACed/signed, or both).
type KeyBlock struct {
KeyFormatType kmip14.KeyFormatType
KeyCompressionType kmip14.KeyCompressionType `ttlv:",omitempty"`
KeyValue *KeyValue `ttlv:",omitempty"`
CryptographicAlgorithm kmip14.CryptographicAlgorithm `ttlv:",omitempty"`
CryptographicLength int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
KeyWrappingData *KeyWrappingData
// KeyValue 2.1.4 Table 8
// The Key Value is used only inside a Key Block and is either a Byte String or a structure (see Table 8):
// · The Key Value structure contains the key material, either as a byte string or as a Transparent Key
// structure (see Section 2.1.7), and OPTIONAL attribute information that is associated and encapsulated
// with the key material. This attribute information differs from the attributes associated with Managed
// Objects, and is obtained via the Get Attributes operation, only by the fact that it is encapsulated with
// (and possibly wrapped with) the key material itself.
// · The Key Value Byte String is either the wrapped TTLV-encoded (see Section 9.1) Key Value structure, or
// the wrapped un-encoded value of the Byte String Key Material field.
// TODO: Unmarshaler impl which unmarshals correct KeyMaterial type.
type KeyValue struct {
// KeyMaterial should be []byte, one of the Transparent*Key structs, or a custom struct if KeyFormatType is
// an extension.
KeyMaterial interface{}
Attribute []Attribute
// KeyWrappingData 2.1.5 Table 9
// The Key Block MAY also supply OPTIONAL information about a cryptographic key wrapping mechanism used
// to wrap the Key Value. This consists of a Key Wrapping Data structure (see Table 9). It is only used
// inside a Key Block.
// This structure contains fields for:
// · A Wrapping Method, which indicates the method used to wrap the Key Value.
// · Encryption Key Information, which contains the Unique Identifier (see 3.1) value of the encryption key
// and associated cryptographic parameters.
// · MAC/Signature Key Information, which contains the Unique Identifier value of the MAC/signature key
// and associated cryptographic parameters.
// · A MAC/Signature, which contains a MAC or signature of the Key Value.
// · An IV/Counter/Nonce, if REQUIRED by the wrapping method.
// · An Encoding Option, specifying the encoding of the Key Material within the Key Value structure of the
// Key Block that has been wrapped. If No Encoding is specified, then the Key Value structure SHALL NOT contain
// any attributes.
// If wrapping is used, then the whole Key Value structure is wrapped unless otherwise specified by the
// Wrapping Method. The algorithms used for wrapping are given by the Cryptographic Algorithm attributes of
// the encryption key and/or MAC/signature key; the block-cipher mode, padding method, and hashing algorithm used
// for wrapping are given by the Cryptographic Parameters in the Encryption Key Information and/or MAC/Signature
// Key Information, or, if not present, from the Cryptographic Parameters attribute of the respective key(s).
// Either the Encryption Key Information or the MAC/Signature Key Information (or both) in the Key Wrapping Data
// structure SHALL be specified.
// The following wrapping methods are currently defined:
// · Encrypt only (i.e., encryption using a symmetric key or public key, or authenticated encryption algorithms that use a single key).
// · MAC/sign only (i.e., either MACing the Key Value with a symmetric key, or signing the Key Value with a private key).
// · Encrypt then MAC/sign.
// · MAC/sign then encrypt.
// · TR-31.
// · Extensions.
// The following encoding options are currently defined:
// · No Encoding (i.e., the wrapped un-encoded value of the Byte String Key Material field in the Key Value structure).
// · TTLV Encoding (i.e., the wrapped TTLV-encoded Key Value structure).
type KeyWrappingData struct {
WrappingMethod kmip14.WrappingMethod
EncryptionKeyInformation *EncryptionKeyInformation
MACSignatureKeyInformation *MACSignatureKeyInformation
MACSignature []byte
IVCounterNonce []byte
EncodingOption kmip14.EncodingOption `ttlv:",omitempty" default:"TTLVEncoding"`
// EncryptionKeyInformation 2.1.5 Table 10
type EncryptionKeyInformation struct {
UniqueIdentifier string
CryptographicParameters *CryptographicParameters
// MACSignatureKeyInformation 2.1.5 Table 11
type MACSignatureKeyInformation struct {
UniqueIdentifier string
CryptographicParameters *CryptographicParameters
// TransparentSymmetricKey Table 14
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent Symmetric Key, then Key Material is a
// structure as shown in Table 14.
type TransparentSymmetricKey struct {
Key []byte `validate:"required"`
// TransparentDSAPrivateKey Table 15
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent DSA Private Key, then Key Material is a structure as
// shown in Table 15.
type TransparentDSAPrivateKey struct {
// TODO: should these be pointers? big package deals entirely with pointers, but these are not optional values.
P *big.Int `validate:"required"`
Q *big.Int `validate:"required"`
G *big.Int `validate:"required"`
X *big.Int `validate:"required"`
// TransparentDSAPublicKey Table 16
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent DSA Public Key, then Key Material is a structure as
// shown in Table 16.
type TransparentDSAPublicKey struct {
P *big.Int `validate:"required"`
Q *big.Int `validate:"required"`
G *big.Int `validate:"required"`
Y *big.Int `validate:"required"`
// TransparentRSAPrivateKey Table 17
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent RSA Private Key, then Key Material is a structure
// as shown in Table 17.
// One of the following SHALL be present (refer to [PKCS#1]):
// · Private Exponent,
// · P and Q (the first two prime factors of Modulus), or
// · Prime Exponent P and Prime Exponent Q.
type TransparentRSAPrivateKey struct {
Modulus *big.Int `validate:"required"`
PrivateExponent, PublicExponent *big.Int
P, Q *big.Int
PrimeExponentP, PrimeExponentQ *big.Int
CRTCoefficient *big.Int
// TransparentRSAPublicKey Table 18
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent RSA Public Key, then Key Material is a structure
// as shown in Table 18.
type TransparentRSAPublicKey struct {
Modulus *big.Int `validate:"required"`
PublicExponent *big.Int `validate:"required"`
// TransparentDHPrivateKey Table 19
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent DH Private Key, then Key Material is a structure as shown
// in Table 19.
type TransparentDHPrivateKey struct {
P *big.Int `validate:"required"`
Q *big.Int
G *big.Int `validate:"required"`
J *big.Int
X *big.Int `validate:"required"`
// TransparentDHPublicKey Table 20
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent DH Public Key, then Key Material is a structure as
// shown in Table 20.
// P, G, and Y are required.
type TransparentDHPublicKey struct {
P *big.Int `validate:"required"`
Q *big.Int
G *big.Int `validate:"required"`
J *big.Int
Y *big.Int `validate:"required"`
// TransparentECDSAPrivateKey Table 21
// The Transparent ECDSA Private Key structure is deprecated as of version 1.3 of this
// specification and MAY be removed from subsequent versions of the specification. The
// Transparent EC Private Key structure SHOULD be used as a replacement.
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent ECDSA Private Key, then Key Material is a
// structure as shown in Table 21.
type TransparentECDSAPrivateKey struct {
RecommendedCurve kmip14.RecommendedCurve
D *big.Int `validate:"required"`
// TransparentECDSAPublicKey Table 22
// The Transparent ECDSA Public Key structure is deprecated as of version 1.3 of this specification and
// MAY be removed from subsequent versions of the specification. The Transparent EC Public Key structure
// SHOULD be used as a replacement.
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent ECDSA Public Key, then Key Material is a
// structure as shown in Table 22.
type TransparentECDSAPublicKey struct {
RecommendedCurve kmip14.RecommendedCurve
QString []byte `validate:"required"`
// TransparentECDHPrivateKey Table 23
// The Transparent ECDH Private Key structure is deprecated as of version 1.3 of this specification and
// MAY be removed from subsequent versions of the specification. The Transparent EC Private Key structure
// SHOULD be used as a replacement.
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent ECDH Private Key, then Key Material is a structure
// as shown in Table 23.
type TransparentECDHPrivateKey TransparentECPrivateKey
// TransparentECDHPublicKey Table 24
// The Transparent ECDH Public Key structure is deprecated as of version 1.3 of this specification and MAY
// be removed from subsequent versions of the specification. The Transparent EC Public Key structure SHOULD
// be used as a replacement.
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent ECDH Public Key, then Key Material is a structure as
// shown in Table 24.
type TransparentECDHPublicKey TransparentECPublicKey
// TransparentECMQVPrivateKey Table 25
// The Transparent ECMQV Private Key structure is deprecated as of version 1.3 of this specification and MAY
// be removed from subsequent versions of the specification. The Transparent EC Private Key structure SHOULD
// be used as a replacement.
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent ECMQV Private Key, then Key Material is a structure
// as shown in Table 25.
type TransparentECMQVPrivateKey TransparentECPrivateKey
// TransparentECMQVPublicKey Table 26
// The Transparent ECMQV Public Key structure is deprecated as of version 1.3 of this specification and MAY be
// removed from subsequent versions of the specification. The Transparent EC Public Key structure SHOULD be used as
// a replacement.
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent ECMQV Public Key, then Key Material is a structure as shown
// in Table 26.
type TransparentECMQVPublicKey TransparentECPublicKey
// TransparentECPrivateKey Table 27
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent EC Private Key, then Key Material is a structure as shown
// in Table 27.
type TransparentECPrivateKey struct {
RecommendedCurve kmip14.RecommendedCurve
D *big.Int `validate:"required"`
// TransparentECPublicKey Table 28
// If the Key Format Type in the Key Block is Transparent EC Public Key, then Key Material is a structure as
// shown in Table 28.
type TransparentECPublicKey struct {
RecommendedCurve kmip14.RecommendedCurve
QString []byte `validate:"required"`
// TemplateAttribute 2.1.8 Table 29
// The Template Managed Object is deprecated as of version 1.3 of this specification and MAY be removed from
// subsequent versions of the specification. Individual Attributes SHOULD be used in operations which currently
// support use of a Name within a Template-Attribute to reference a Template.
// These structures are used in various operations to provide the desired attribute values and/or template
// names in the request and to return the actual attribute values in the response.
// The Template-Attribute, Common Template-Attribute, Private Key Template-Attribute, and Public Key
// Template-Attribute structures are defined identically as follows:
// type TemplateAttribute struct {
// Attribute []Attribute
// }
type TemplateAttribute struct {
Name []Name
Attribute []Attribute
// Get returns a reference to the first Attribute in the list matching the name.
// Returns nil if not found.
func (t *TemplateAttribute) Get(s string) *Attribute {
if t == nil {
return nil
for i := range t.Attribute {
if t.Attribute[i].AttributeName == s {
return &t.Attribute[i]
return nil
// GetIdx returns a reference to the Attribute in the list matching the name and index.
// Returns nil if not found.
func (t *TemplateAttribute) GetIdx(s string, idx int) *Attribute {
if t == nil {
return nil
for i := range t.Attribute {
if t.Attribute[i].AttributeName == s && t.Attribute[i].AttributeIndex == idx {
return &t.Attribute[i]
return nil
// GetTag returns a reference to the first Attribute in the list matching the tag.
// Returns nil if not found.
func (t *TemplateAttribute) GetTag(tag ttlv.Tag) *Attribute {
return t.Get(tag.String())
// GetTagIdx returns a reference to the first Attribute in the list matching the tag and index.
// Returns nil if not found.
func (t *TemplateAttribute) GetTagIdx(tag ttlv.Tag, idx int) *Attribute {
return t.GetIdx(tag.String(), idx)
func (t *TemplateAttribute) GetAll(s string) []Attribute {
if t == nil {
return nil
var ret []Attribute
for i := range t.Attribute {
if t.Attribute[i].AttributeName == s {
ret = append(ret, t.Attribute[i])
return ret
func (t *TemplateAttribute) Append(tag ttlv.Tag, value interface{}) {
t.Attribute = append(t.Attribute, NewAttributeFromTag(tag, 0, value))
func (t *TemplateAttribute) GetAllTag(tag ttlv.Tag) []Attribute {
return t.GetAll(tag.String())

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
version: '3'
context: .
- ./build:/project/build
image: waisbrot/wait
TARGETS: pykmip-server:5696
- pykmip-server
context: pykmip-server
- 5696:5696

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// Package kmip is a general purpose KMIP library for implementing KMIP services and clients.
// The ttlv sub package contains the core logic for parsing the KMIP TTLV encoding formats,
// and marshaling them to and from golang structs.
// This package defines structs for many of the structures defined in the KMIP Spec, such as
// the different types of managed objects, request and response bodies, etc. Not all Structures
// are represented here yet, but the ones that are can be used as examples.
// There is also a partial implementation of a server, and an example of a client. There is
// currently no Client type for KMIP, but it is simple to open a socket overwhich you send
// and receive raw KMIP requests and responses.
package kmip

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package kmip
import (
func Details(err error) string {
return merry.Details(err)
var ErrInvalidTag = errors.New("invalid tag")
type errKey int
const (
errorKeyResultReason errKey = iota
func init() {
merry.RegisterDetail("Result Reason", errorKeyResultReason)
func WithResultReason(err error, rr kmip14.ResultReason) error {
return merry.WithValue(err, errorKeyResultReason, rr)
func GetResultReason(err error) kmip14.ResultReason {
v := merry.Value(err, errorKeyResultReason)
switch t := v.(type) {
case nil:
return kmip14.ResultReason(0)
case kmip14.ResultReason:
return t
panic(fmt.Sprintf("err result reason attribute's value was wrong type, expected ResultReason, got %T", v))

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package kmiputil
import (
var ErrInvalidHexString = merry.New("invalid hex string")
func DecodeUint32(b []byte) uint32 {
// pad to 4 bytes with leading zeros
return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(pad(b, 4))
func DecodeUint64(b []byte) uint64 {
// pad to 8 bytes with leading zeros
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(pad(b, 8))
func pad(b []byte, l int) []byte {
if len(b) < l {
b2 := make([]byte, l)
copy(b2[l-len(b):], b)
b = b2
return b
// ParseHexValue attempts to parse a string formatted as a hex value
// as described in the KMIP Profiles spec, in the "Hex representations" section.
// If the string doesn't start with the required prefix "0x", it is assumed the string
// is not a hex representation, and nil, nil is returned.
// An ErrInvalidHexString is returned if the hex parsing fails.
// If the max argument is >0, ErrInvalidHexString is returned if the number of bytes parsed
// is greater than max, ignoring leading zeros. All bytes parsed are returned (including
// leading zeros).
func ParseHexValue(s string, max int) ([]byte, error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "0x") {
return nil, nil
b, err := hex.DecodeString(s[2:])
if err != nil {
return nil, merry.WithCause(ErrInvalidHexString, err).Append(err.Error())
if max > 0 {
l := len(b)
// minus leading zeros
for i := 0; i < len(b) && b[i] == 0; i++ {
if l > max {
return nil, merry.Appendf(ErrInvalidHexString, "must be %v bytes", max)
return b, nil

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package kmiputil
import (
var (
nonWordAtWordBoundary = regexp.MustCompile(`(\W)([a-zA-Z][a-z])`)
startingDigits = regexp.MustCompile(`^([\d]+)(.*)`)
// NormalizeName converts a string into the CamelCase format required for the XML and JSON encoding
// of KMIP values. It should be used for tag names, type names, and enumeration value names.
// Implementation of and from the KMIP Profiles specification.
func NormalizeName(s string) string {
// 1. Replace round brackets (, ) with spaces
s = strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch r {
case '(', ')':
return ' '
return r
}, s)
// 2. If a non-word char (not alpha, digit or underscore) is followed by a letter (either upper or lower case) then a lower case letter, replace the non-word char with space
s = nonWordAtWordBoundary.ReplaceAllString(s, " $2")
// 3. Replace remaining non-word chars (except whitespace) with underscore.
s = strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch {
case r >= 'a' && r <= 'z':
case r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z':
case r >= '0' && r <= '9':
case r == '_':
case r == ' ':
return '_'
return r
}, s)
words := strings.Split(s, " ")
for i, w := range words {
if i == 0 {
// 4. If the first word begins with a digit, move all digits at start of first word to end of first word
w = startingDigits.ReplaceAllString(w, `$2$1`)
// 5. Capitalize the first letter of each word
words[i] = cases.Title(language.AmericanEnglish, cases.NoLower).String(w)
// 6. Concatenate all words with spaces removed
return strings.Join(words, "")

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
//go:generate go run ../cmd/kmipgen/main.go -o kmip_1_4_generated.go -i kmip_1_4.json -p kmip14
// Package kmip14 contains tag and enumeration value definitions from the 1.4 specification.
// These definitions will be registered automatically into the DefaultRegistry.
// Each tag is stored in a package constant, named Tag<normalized KMIP name>.
// Bitmask and Enumeration values are each represented by a type, named
// after the normalized name of the values set from the spec, e.g.
package kmip14
import (
// nolint:gochecknoinits
func init() {
// Register registers the 1.4 enumeration values with the registry.
func Register(registry *ttlv.Registry) {

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package kmip
import (
// 2.2
// 2.2.1
type Certificate struct {
CertificateType kmip14.CertificateType
CertificateValue []byte
// 2.2.2
type SymmetricKey struct {
KeyBlock KeyBlock
// 2.2.3
type PublicKey struct {
KeyBlock KeyBlock
// 2.2.4
type PrivateKey struct {
KeyBlock KeyBlock
// 2.2.5
type SplitKey struct {
SplitKeyParts int
KeyPartIdentifier int
SplitKeyThreshold int
SplitKeyMethod kmip14.SplitKeyMethod
PrimeFieldSize *big.Int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
KeyBlock KeyBlock
// 2.2.6
type Template struct {
Attribute []Attribute
// 2.2.7
type SecretData struct {
SecretDataType kmip14.SecretDataType
KeyBlock KeyBlock
// 2.2.8
type OpaqueObject struct {
OpaqueDataType kmip14.OpaqueDataType
OpaqueDataValue []byte
// 2.2.9
type PGPKey struct {
PGPKeyVersion int
KeyBlock KeyBlock

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package kmip
import (
// TODO: should request and response payloads implement validation?
// Sort of makes sense to run validation over the request at this level, at least for spec
// compliance, though perhaps handlers may want to be more relaxed with validation.
// Should the response object run through validation? What is a valid response may change as
// the spec changes. Maybe this should just be handled by spec compliance tests.
// 4.1
// This operation requests the server to generate a new symmetric key as a Managed Cryptographic Object.
// This operation is not used to create a Template object (see Register operation, Section 4.3).
// The request contains information about the type of object being created, and some of the attributes to be
// assigned to the object (e.g., Cryptographic Algorithm, Cryptographic Length, etc.). This information MAY be
// specified by the names of Template objects that already exist.
// The response contains the Unique Identifier of the created object. The server SHALL copy the Unique Identifier
// returned by this operation into the ID Placeholder variable.
// CreateRequestPayload 4.1 Table 163
// TemplateAttribute MUST include CryptographicAlgorithm (3.4) and CryptographicUsageMask (3.19).
type CreateRequestPayload struct {
ObjectType kmip14.ObjectType
TemplateAttribute TemplateAttribute
// CreateResponsePayload 4.1 Table 164
type CreateResponsePayload struct {
ObjectType kmip14.ObjectType
UniqueIdentifier string
TemplateAttribute *TemplateAttribute
type CreateHandler struct {
Create func(ctx context.Context, payload *CreateRequestPayload) (*CreateResponsePayload, error)
func (h *CreateHandler) HandleItem(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (*ResponseBatchItem, error) {
var payload CreateRequestPayload
err := req.DecodePayload(&payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
respPayload, err := h.Create(ctx, &payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ok bool
idAttr := respPayload.TemplateAttribute.GetTag(kmip14.TagUniqueIdentifier)
req.IDPlaceholder, ok = idAttr.AttributeValue.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, merry.Errorf("invalid response returned by CreateHandler: unique identifier tag in attributes should have been a string, was %t", idAttr.AttributeValue)
return &ResponseBatchItem{
ResponsePayload: respPayload,
}, nil

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package kmip
// CreateKeyPairRequestPayload
// 4.2 Create Key Pair
// This operation requests the server to generate a new public/private key pair
// and register the two corresponding new Managed Cryptographic Objects.
// The request contains attributes to be assigned to the objects (e.g.,
// Cryptographic Algorithm, Cryptographic Length, etc.). Attributes and Template
// Names MAY be specified for both keys at the same time by specifying a Common
// Template-Attribute object in the request. Attributes not common to both keys
// (e.g., Name, Cryptographic Usage Mask) MAY be specified using the Private Key
// Template-Attribute and Public Key Template-Attribute objects in the request,
// which take precedence over the Common Template-Attribute object.
// The Template Managed Object is deprecated as of version 1.3 of this
// specification and MAY be removed from subsequent versions of the
// specification. Individual Attributes SHOULD be used in operations which
// currently support use of a Name within a Template-Attribute to reference a
// Template.
// For the Private Key, the server SHALL create a Link attribute of Link Type
// Public Key pointing to the Public Key. For the Public Key, the server SHALL
// create a Link attribute of Link Type Private Key pointing to the Private Key.
// The response contains the Unique Identifiers of both created objects. The ID
// Placeholder value SHALL be set to the Unique Identifier of the Private Key.
type CreateKeyPairRequestPayload struct {
CommonTemplateAttribute *TemplateAttribute
PrivateKeyTemplateAttribute *TemplateAttribute
PublicKeyTemplateAttribute *TemplateAttribute
type CreateKeyPairResponsePayload struct {
PrivateKeyUniqueIdentifier string
PublicKeyUniqueIdentifier string
PrivateKeyTemplateAttribute *TemplateAttribute
PublicKeyTemplateAttribute *TemplateAttribute

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package kmip
import (
// DestroyRequestPayload ////////////////////////////////////////
type DestroyRequestPayload struct {
UniqueIdentifier string
// DestroyResponsePayload
type DestroyResponsePayload struct {
UniqueIdentifier string
type DestroyHandler struct {
Destroy func(ctx context.Context, payload *DestroyRequestPayload) (*DestroyResponsePayload, error)
func (h *DestroyHandler) HandleItem(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (*ResponseBatchItem, error) {
var payload DestroyRequestPayload
err := req.DecodePayload(&payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
respPayload, err := h.Destroy(ctx, &payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// req.Key = respPayload.Key
return &ResponseBatchItem{
ResponsePayload: respPayload,
}, nil

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package kmip
import (
// 4.26
type DiscoverVersionsRequestPayload struct {
ProtocolVersion []ProtocolVersion
type DiscoverVersionsResponsePayload struct {
ProtocolVersion []ProtocolVersion
type DiscoverVersionsHandler struct {
SupportedVersions []ProtocolVersion
func (h *DiscoverVersionsHandler) HandleItem(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (item *ResponseBatchItem, err error) {
var payload DiscoverVersionsRequestPayload
err = req.DecodePayload(&payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var respPayload DiscoverVersionsResponsePayload
if len(payload.ProtocolVersion) == 0 {
respPayload.ProtocolVersion = h.SupportedVersions
} else {
for _, v := range h.SupportedVersions {
for _, cv := range payload.ProtocolVersion {
if cv == v {
respPayload.ProtocolVersion = append(respPayload.ProtocolVersion, v)
return &ResponseBatchItem{
ResponsePayload: respPayload,
}, nil

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package kmip
import (
// GetRequestPayload ////////////////////////////////////////
type GetRequestPayload struct {
UniqueIdentifier string
// GetResponsePayload
type GetResponsePayload struct {
ObjectType kmip14.ObjectType
UniqueIdentifier string
Certificate *Certificate
SymmetricKey *SymmetricKey
PrivateKey *PrivateKey
PublicKey *PublicKey
SplitKey *SplitKey
Template *Template
SecretData *SecretData
OpaqueObject *OpaqueObject
type GetHandler struct {
Get func(ctx context.Context, payload *GetRequestPayload) (*GetResponsePayload, error)
func (h *GetHandler) HandleItem(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (*ResponseBatchItem, error) {
var payload GetRequestPayload
err := req.DecodePayload(&payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
respPayload, err := h.Get(ctx, &payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// req.Key = respPayload.Key
return &ResponseBatchItem{
ResponsePayload: respPayload,
}, nil

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package kmip
import (
// 4.3
// Table 169
type RegisterRequestPayload struct {
ObjectType kmip14.ObjectType
TemplateAttribute TemplateAttribute
Certificate *Certificate
SymmetricKey *SymmetricKey
PrivateKey *PrivateKey
PublicKey *PublicKey
SplitKey *SplitKey
Template *Template
SecretData *SecretData
OpaqueObject *OpaqueObject
// Table 170
type RegisterResponsePayload struct {
UniqueIdentifier string
TemplateAttribute TemplateAttribute
type RegisterHandler struct {
SkipValidation bool
RegisterFunc func(context.Context, *RegisterRequestPayload) (*RegisterResponsePayload, error)
func (h *RegisterHandler) HandleItem(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (item *ResponseBatchItem, err error) {
var payload RegisterRequestPayload
err = req.DecodePayload(&payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, merry.Prepend(err, "decoding request")
if !h.SkipValidation {
var payloadPresent bool
switch payload.ObjectType {
return nil, WithResultReason(merry.UserError("Object Type is not recognized"), kmip14.ResultReasonInvalidField)
case kmip14.ObjectTypeCertificate:
payloadPresent = payload.Certificate != nil
case kmip14.ObjectTypeSymmetricKey:
payloadPresent = payload.SymmetricKey != nil
case kmip14.ObjectTypePrivateKey:
payloadPresent = payload.PrivateKey != nil
case kmip14.ObjectTypePublicKey:
payloadPresent = payload.PublicKey != nil
case kmip14.ObjectTypeSplitKey:
payloadPresent = payload.SplitKey != nil
case kmip14.ObjectTypeTemplate:
payloadPresent = payload.Template != nil
case kmip14.ObjectTypeSecretData:
payloadPresent = payload.SecretData != nil
case kmip14.ObjectTypeOpaqueObject:
payloadPresent = payload.OpaqueObject != nil
if !payloadPresent {
return nil, WithResultReason(merry.UserErrorf("Object Type %s does not match type of cryptographic object provided", payload.ObjectType.String()), kmip14.ResultReasonInvalidField)
respPayload, err := h.RegisterFunc(ctx, &payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.IDPlaceholder = respPayload.UniqueIdentifier
return &ResponseBatchItem{
ResponsePayload: respPayload,
}, nil

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@ -0,0 +1,902 @@
package kmip
// This is a WIP implementation of a KMIP server. The code is mostly based on the http server in
// the golang standard library. It is functional, but not all of the features of the http server
// have been ported over yet, and some of the stuff in here still refers to http stuff.
// The responsibility of handling a request is broken up into 3 layers of handlers: ProtocolHandler, MessageHandler,
// and ItemHandler. Each of these handlers delegates details to the next layer. Using the http
// package as an analogy, ProtocolHandler is similar to the wire-level HTTP protocol handling in
// http.Server and http.Transport. MessageHandler parses KMIP TTLV bytes into golang request and response structs.
// ItemHandler is a bit like http.ServeMux, routing particular KMIP operations to registered handlers.
import (
var serverLog = flume.New("kmip_server")
// Server serves KMIP protocol connections from a net.Listener. Because KMIP is a connection-oriented
// protocol, unlike HTTP, each connection ends up being serviced by a dedicated goroutine (rather than
// each request). For each KMIP connection, requests are processed serially. The handling
// of the request is delegated to the ProtocolHandler.
// Limitations:
// This implementation is functional (it can respond to KMIP requests), but incomplete. Some of the
// connection management features of the http package haven't been ported over, and also, there is
// currently no connection-context in which to store things like an authentication or session management.
// Since HTTP is an intrinsically stateless model, it makes sense for the http package to delegate session
// management to third party packages, but for KMIP, it would makes sense for there to be some first
// class support for a connection context.
// This package also only handles the binary TTLV encoding for now. It may make sense for this
// server to detect or support the XML and JSON encodings as well. It may also makes sense to support
// KMIP requests over HTTP, perhaps by adapting ProtocolHandler to an http.Handler or something.
type Server struct {
Handler ProtocolHandler
mu sync.Mutex
listeners map[*net.Listener]struct{}
inShutdown int32 // accessed atomically (non-zero means we're in Shutdown)
// ErrServerClosed is returned by the Server's Serve, ServeTLS, ListenAndServe,
// and ListenAndServeTLS methods after a call to Shutdown or Close.
var ErrServerClosed = errors.New("http: Server closed")
// Serve accepts incoming connections on the Listener l, creating a
// new service goroutine for each. The service goroutines read requests and
// then call srv.MessageHandler to reply to them.
// Serve always returns a non-nil error and closes l.
// After Shutdown or Close, the returned error is ErrServerClosed.
func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener) error {
//if fn := testHookServerServe; fn != nil {
// fn(srv, l) // call hook with unwrapped listener
l = &onceCloseListener{Listener: l}
defer l.Close()
if !srv.trackListener(&l, true) {
return ErrServerClosed
defer srv.trackListener(&l, false)
var tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure
baseCtx := context.Background() // base is always background, per Issue 16220
ctx := baseCtx
// ctx := context.WithValue(baseCtx, ServerContextKey, srv)
for {
rw, e := l.Accept()
if e != nil {
if srv.shuttingDown() {
return ErrServerClosed
if ne, ok := e.(net.Error); ok && ne.Temporary() {
if tempDelay == 0 {
tempDelay = 5 * time.Millisecond
} else {
tempDelay *= 2
if max := 1 * time.Second; tempDelay > max {
tempDelay = max
// srv.logf("http: Accept error: %v; retrying in %v", e, tempDelay)
return e
tempDelay = 0
c := &conn{server: srv, rwc: rw}
// c.setState(c.rwc, StateNew) // before Serve can return
go c.serve(ctx)
// Close immediately closes all active net.Listeners and any
// connections in state StateNew, StateActive, or StateIdle. For a
// graceful shutdown, use Shutdown.
// Close does not attempt to close (and does not even know about)
// any hijacked connections, such as WebSockets.
// Close returns any error returned from closing the Server's
// underlying Listener(s).
func (srv *Server) Close() error {
atomic.StoreInt32(&srv.inShutdown, 1)
// srv.closeDoneChanLocked()
err := srv.closeListenersLocked()
//for c := range srv.activeConn {
// c.rwc.Close()
// delete(srv.activeConn, c)
return err
// shutdownPollInterval is how often we poll for quiescence
// during Server.Shutdown. This is lower during tests, to
// speed up tests.
// Ideally we could find a solution that doesn't involve polling,
// but which also doesn't have a high runtime cost (and doesn't
// involve any contentious mutexes), but that is left as an
// exercise for the reader.
var shutdownPollInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
// Shutdown gracefully shuts down the server without interrupting any
// active connections. Shutdown works by first closing all open
// listeners, then closing all idle connections, and then waiting
// indefinitely for connections to return to idle and then shut down.
// If the provided context expires before the shutdown is complete,
// Shutdown returns the context's error, otherwise it returns any
// error returned from closing the Server's underlying Listener(s).
// When Shutdown is called, Serve, ListenAndServe, and
// ListenAndServeTLS immediately return ErrServerClosed. Make sure the
// program doesn't exit and waits instead for Shutdown to return.
// Shutdown does not attempt to close nor wait for hijacked
// connections such as WebSockets. The caller of Shutdown should
// separately notify such long-lived connections of shutdown and wait
// for them to close, if desired. See RegisterOnShutdown for a way to
// register shutdown notification functions.
// Once Shutdown has been called on a server, it may not be reused;
// future calls to methods such as Serve will return ErrServerClosed.
func (srv *Server) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
atomic.StoreInt32(&srv.inShutdown, 1)
lnerr := srv.closeListenersLocked()
//for _, f := range srv.onShutdown {
// go f()
ticker := time.NewTicker(shutdownPollInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
return lnerr
//for {
// if srv.closeIdleConns() {
// return lnerr
// }
// select {
// case <-ctx.Done():
// return ctx.Err()
// case <-ticker.C:
// }
func (srv *Server) closeListenersLocked() error {
var err error
for ln := range srv.listeners {
if cerr := (*ln).Close(); cerr != nil && err == nil {
err = cerr
delete(srv.listeners, ln)
return err
// trackListener adds or removes a net.Listener to the set of tracked
// listeners.
// We store a pointer to interface in the map set, in case the
// net.Listener is not comparable. This is safe because we only call
// trackListener via Serve and can track+defer untrack the same
// pointer to local variable there. We never need to compare a
// Listener from another caller.
// It reports whether the server is still up (not Shutdown or Closed).
func (srv *Server) trackListener(ln *net.Listener, add bool) bool {
if srv.listeners == nil {
srv.listeners = make(map[*net.Listener]struct{})
if add {
if srv.shuttingDown() {
return false
srv.listeners[ln] = struct{}{}
} else {
delete(srv.listeners, ln)
return true
func (srv *Server) shuttingDown() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&srv.inShutdown) != 0
type conn struct {
rwc net.Conn
remoteAddr string
localAddr string
tlsState *tls.ConnectionState
// cancelCtx cancels the connection-level context.
cancelCtx context.CancelFunc
// bufr reads from rwc.
bufr *bufio.Reader
dec *ttlv.Decoder
server *Server
func (c *conn) close() {
// TODO: http package has a buffered writer on the conn too, which is flushed here
_ = c.rwc.Close()
// Serve a new connection.
func (c *conn) serve(ctx context.Context) {
ctx = flume.WithLogger(ctx, serverLog)
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(ctx)
c.cancelCtx = cancelCtx
c.remoteAddr = c.rwc.RemoteAddr().String()
c.localAddr = c.rwc.LocalAddr().String()
// ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, LocalAddrContextKey, c.rwc.LocalAddr())
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
// TODO: logging support
// if err := recover(); err != nil && err != ErrAbortHandler {
const size = 64 << 10
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
if e, ok := err.(error); ok {
fmt.Printf("kmip: panic serving %v: %v\n%s", c.remoteAddr, Details(e), buf)
} else {
fmt.Printf("kmip: panic serving %v: %v\n%s", c.remoteAddr, err, buf)
// c.server.logf("http: panic serving %v: %v\n%s", c.remoteAddr, err, buf)
// if !c.hijacked() {
// c.setState(c.rwc, StateClosed)
if tlsConn, ok := c.rwc.(*tls.Conn); ok {
//if d := c.server.ReadTimeout; d != 0 {
// c.rwc.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(d))
//if d := c.server.WriteTimeout; d != 0 {
// c.rwc.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(d))
if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
// TODO: logging support
fmt.Printf("kmip: TLS handshake error from %s: %v", c.rwc.RemoteAddr(), err)
// c.server.logf("http: TLS handshake error from %s: %v", c.rwc.RemoteAddr(), err)
c.tlsState = new(tls.ConnectionState)
*c.tlsState = tlsConn.ConnectionState()
//if proto := c.tlsState.NegotiatedProtocol; validNPN(proto) {
// if fn := c.server.TLSNextProto[proto]; fn != nil {
// h := initNPNRequest{tlsConn, serverHandler{c.server}}
// fn(c.server, tlsConn, h)
// }
// return
// TODO: do we really need instance pooling here? We expect KMIP connections to be long lasting
c.dec = ttlv.NewDecoder(c.rwc)
c.bufr = bufio.NewReader(c.rwc)
// c.bufw = newBufioWriterSize(checkConnErrorWriter{c}, 4<<10)
for {
w, err := c.readRequest(ctx)
//if c.r.remain != c.server.initialReadLimitSize() {
// If we read any bytes off the wire, we're active.
//c.setState(c.rwc, StateActive)
if err != nil {
if merry.Is(err, io.EOF) {
fmt.Println("client closed connection")
// TODO: do something with this error
//const errorHeaders= "\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"
//if err == errTooLarge {
// // Their HTTP client may or may not be
// // able to read this if we're
// // responding to them and hanging up
// // while they're still writing their
// // request. Undefined behavior.
// const publicErr= "431 Request Header Fields Too Large"
// fmt.Fprintf(c.rwc, "HTTP/1.1 "+publicErr+errorHeaders+publicErr)
// c.closeWriteAndWait()
// return
//if isCommonNetReadError(err) {
// return // don't reply
//publicErr := "400 Bad Request"
//if v, ok := err.(badRequestError); ok {
// publicErr = publicErr + ": " + string(v)
//fmt.Fprintf(c.rwc, "HTTP/1.1 "+publicErr+errorHeaders+publicErr)
// Expect 100 Continue support
//req := w.req
//if req.expectsContinue() {
// if req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) && req.ContentLength != 0 {
// // Wrap the Body reader with one that replies on the connection
// req.Body = &expectContinueReader{readCloser: req.Body, resp: w}
// }
//} else if req.Header.get("Expect") != "" {
// w.sendExpectationFailed()
// return
// c.curReq.Store(w)
//if requestBodyRemains(req.Body) {
// registerOnHitEOF(req.Body, w.conn.r.startBackgroundRead)
//} else {
// w.conn.r.startBackgroundRead()
// HTTP cannot have multiple simultaneous active requests.[*]
// Until the server replies to this request, it can't read another,
// so we might as well run the handler in this goroutine.
// [*] Not strictly true: HTTP pipelining. We could let them all process
// in parallel even if their responses need to be serialized.
// But we're not going to implement HTTP pipelining because it
// was never deployed in the wild and the answer is HTTP/2.
h := c.server.Handler
if h == nil {
h = DefaultProtocolHandler
// var resp ResponseMessage
// err = c.server.MessageHandler.Handle(ctx, w, &resp)
// TODO: this cancelCtx() was created at the connection level, not the request level. Need to
// figure out how to handle connection vs request timeouts and cancels.
// cancelCtx()
// TODO: use recycled buffered writer
writer := bufio.NewWriter(c.rwc)
h.ServeKMIP(ctx, w, writer)
err = writer.Flush()
if err != nil {
// TODO: handle error
//serverHandler{c.server}.ServeHTTP(w, w.req)
//if c.hijacked() {
// return
//if !w.shouldReuseConnection() {
// if w.requestBodyLimitHit || w.closedRequestBodyEarly() {
// c.closeWriteAndWait()
// }
// return
//c.setState(c.rwc, StateIdle)
//if !w.conn.server.doKeepAlives() {
// // We're in shutdown mode. We might've replied
// // to the user without "Connection: close" and
// // they might think they can send another
// // request, but such is life with HTTP/1.1.
// return
//if d := c.server.idleTimeout(); d != 0 {
// c.rwc.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(d))
// if _, err := c.bufr.Peek(4); err != nil {
// return
// }
// Read next request from connection.
func (c *conn) readRequest(ctx context.Context) (w *Request, err error) {
//if c.hijacked() {
// return nil, ErrHijacked
//var (
// wholeReqDeadline time.Time // or zero if none
// hdrDeadline time.Time // or zero if none
//t0 := time.Now()
//if d := c.server.readHeaderTimeout(); d != 0 {
// hdrDeadline = t0.Add(d)
//if d := c.server.ReadTimeout; d != 0 {
// wholeReqDeadline = t0.Add(d)
//if d := c.server.WriteTimeout; d != 0 {
// defer func() {
// c.rwc.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(d))
// }()
//if c.lastMethod == "POST" {
// RFC 7230 section 3 tolerance for old buggy clients.
//peek, _ := c.bufr.Peek(4) // ReadRequest will get err below
ttlvVal, err := c.dec.NextTTLV()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//if err != nil {
//if c.r.hitReadLimit() {
// return nil, errTooLarge
// TODO: use pooling to recycle requests?
req := &Request{
TTLV: ttlvVal,
RemoteAddr: c.remoteAddr,
LocalAddr: c.localAddr,
TLS: c.tlsState,
// c.r.setInfiniteReadLimit()
// Adjust the read deadline if necessary.
//if !hdrDeadline.Equal(wholeReqDeadline) {
// c.rwc.SetReadDeadline(wholeReqDeadline)
return req, nil
// Request represents a KMIP request.
type Request struct {
// TTLV will hold the entire body of the request.
Message *RequestMessage
CurrentItem *RequestBatchItem
DisallowExtraValues bool
// TLS holds the TLS state of the connection this request was received on.
TLS *tls.ConnectionState
RemoteAddr string
LocalAddr string
IDPlaceholder string
decoder *ttlv.Decoder
// coerceToTTLV attempts to coerce an interface value to TTLV.
// In most production scenarios, this is intended to be used in
// places where the value is already a TTLV, and just needs to be
// type cast. If v is not TTLV, it will be marshaled. This latter
// behavior is slow, so it should be used only in tests.
func coerceToTTLV(v interface{}) (ttlv.TTLV, error) {
switch t := v.(type) {
case nil:
return nil, nil
case ttlv.TTLV:
return t, nil
return ttlv.Marshal(v)
// Unmarshal unmarshals ttlv into structures. Handlers should prefer this
// method over than their own Decoders or Unmarshal(). This method
// enforces rules about whether extra fields are allowed, and reuses
// buffers for efficiency.
func (r *Request) Unmarshal(ttlv ttlv.TTLV, into interface{}) error {
if len(ttlv) == 0 {
return nil
return r.decoder.Decode(into)
func (r *Request) DecodePayload(v interface{}) error {
if r.CurrentItem == nil {
return nil
ttlvVal, err := coerceToTTLV(r.CurrentItem.RequestPayload)
if err != nil {
return err
return r.Unmarshal(ttlvVal, v)
// onceCloseListener wraps a net.Listener, protecting it from
// multiple Close calls.
type onceCloseListener struct {
once sync.Once
closeErr error
func (oc *onceCloseListener) Close() error {
return oc.closeErr
func (oc *onceCloseListener) close() { oc.closeErr = oc.Listener.Close() }
type ResponseWriter interface {
// ProtocolHandler is responsible for handling raw requests read off the wire. The
// *Request object will only have TTLV field populated. The response should
// be written directly to the ResponseWriter.
// The default implemention of ProtocolHandler is StandardProtocolHandler.
type ProtocolHandler interface {
ServeKMIP(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp ResponseWriter)
// MessageHandler handles KMIP requests which have already be decoded. The *Request
// object's Message field will be populated from the decoded TTLV. The *Response
// object will always be non-nil, and its ResponseHeader will be populated. The
// MessageHandler usually shouldn't modify the ResponseHeader: the ProtocolHandler
// is responsible for the header. The MessageHandler just needs to populate
// the response batch items.
// The default implementation of MessageHandler is OperationMux.
type MessageHandler interface {
HandleMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response)
// ItemHandler handles a single batch item in a KMIP request. The *Request
// object's CurrentItem field will be populated with item to be handled.
type ItemHandler interface {
HandleItem(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (item *ResponseBatchItem, err error)
type ProtocolHandlerFunc func(context.Context, *Request, ResponseWriter)
func (f ProtocolHandlerFunc) ServeKMIP(ctx context.Context, r *Request, w ResponseWriter) {
f(ctx, r, w)
type MessageHandlerFunc func(context.Context, *Request, *Response)
func (f MessageHandlerFunc) HandleMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) {
f(ctx, req, resp)
type ItemHandlerFunc func(context.Context, *Request) (*ResponseBatchItem, error)
func (f ItemHandlerFunc) HandleItem(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (item *ResponseBatchItem, err error) {
return f(ctx, req)
var DefaultProtocolHandler = &StandardProtocolHandler{
MessageHandler: DefaultOperationMux,
ProtocolVersion: ProtocolVersion{
ProtocolVersionMajor: 1,
ProtocolVersionMinor: 4,
var DefaultOperationMux = &OperationMux{}
// StandardProtocolHandler is the default ProtocolHandler implementation. It
// handles decoding the request and encoding the response, as well as protocol
// level tasks like version negotiation and correlation values.
// It delegates handling of the request to a MessageHandler.
type StandardProtocolHandler struct {
ProtocolVersion ProtocolVersion
MessageHandler MessageHandler
LogTraffic bool
func (h *StandardProtocolHandler) parseMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request) error {
ttlvV := req.TTLV
if err := ttlvV.Valid(); err != nil {
return merry.Prepend(err, "invalid ttlv")
if ttlvV.Tag() != kmip14.TagRequestMessage {
return merry.Errorf("invalid tag: expected RequestMessage, was %s", ttlvV.Tag().String())
var message RequestMessage
err := ttlv.Unmarshal(ttlvV, &message)
if err != nil {
return merry.Prepend(err, "failed to parse message")
req.Message = &message
return nil
var responsePool = sync.Pool{}
type Response struct {
buf bytes.Buffer
enc *ttlv.Encoder
func newResponse() *Response {
v := responsePool.Get()
if v != nil {
r := v.(*Response)
return r
r := Response{}
r.enc = ttlv.NewEncoder(&r.buf)
return &r
func releaseResponse(r *Response) {
func (r *Response) reset() {
r.BatchItem = nil
r.ResponseMessage = ResponseMessage{}
func (r *Response) Bytes() []byte {
err := r.enc.Encode(&r.ResponseMessage)
if err != nil {
return r.buf.Bytes()
func (r *Response) errorResponse(reason kmip14.ResultReason, msg string) {
r.BatchItem = []ResponseBatchItem{
ResultStatus: kmip14.ResultStatusOperationFailed,
ResultReason: reason,
ResultMessage: msg,
func (h *StandardProtocolHandler) handleRequest(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) (logger flume.Logger) {
// create a server correlation value, which is like a unique transaction ID
scv := uuid.New().String()
// create a logger for the transaction, seeded with the scv
logger = flume.FromContext(ctx).With("scv", scv)
// attach the logger to the context, so it is available to the handling chain
ctx = flume.WithLogger(ctx, logger)
// TODO: it's unclear how the full protocol negogiation is supposed to work
// should server be pinned to a particular version? Or should we try and negogiate a common version?
resp.ResponseHeader.ProtocolVersion = h.ProtocolVersion
resp.ResponseHeader.TimeStamp = time.Now()
resp.ResponseHeader.BatchCount = len(resp.BatchItem)
resp.ResponseHeader.ServerCorrelationValue = scv
if err := h.parseMessage(ctx, req); err != nil {
resp.errorResponse(kmip14.ResultReasonInvalidMessage, err.Error())
ccv := req.Message.RequestHeader.ClientCorrelationValue
// add the client correlation value to the logging context. This value uniquely
// identifies the client, and is supposed to be included in server logs
logger = logger.With("ccv", ccv)
ctx = flume.WithLogger(ctx, logger)
resp.ResponseHeader.ClientCorrelationValue = req.Message.RequestHeader.ClientCorrelationValue
clientMajorVersion := req.Message.RequestHeader.ProtocolVersion.ProtocolVersionMajor
if clientMajorVersion != h.ProtocolVersion.ProtocolVersionMajor {
fmt.Sprintf("mismatched protocol versions, client: %d, server: %d", clientMajorVersion, h.ProtocolVersion.ProtocolVersionMajor))
// set a flag hinting to handlers that extra fields should not be tolerated when
// unmarshaling payloads. According to spec, if server and client protocol version
// minor versions match, then extra fields should cause an error. Not sure how to enforce
// this in this higher level handler, since we (the protocol/message handlers) don't unmarshal the payload.
// That's done by a particular item handler.
req.DisallowExtraValues = req.Message.RequestHeader.ProtocolVersion.ProtocolVersionMinor == h.ProtocolVersion.ProtocolVersionMinor
req.decoder = ttlv.NewDecoder(nil)
req.decoder.DisallowExtraValues = req.DisallowExtraValues
h.MessageHandler.HandleMessage(ctx, req, resp)
resp.ResponseHeader.BatchCount = len(resp.BatchItem)
respTTLV := resp.Bytes()
if req.Message.RequestHeader.MaximumResponseSize > 0 && len(respTTLV) > req.Message.RequestHeader.MaximumResponseSize {
// new error resp
resp.errorResponse(kmip14.ResultReasonResponseTooLarge, "")
respTTLV = resp.Bytes()
func (h *StandardProtocolHandler) ServeKMIP(ctx context.Context, req *Request, writer ResponseWriter) {
// we precreate the response object and pass it down to handlers, because due
// the guidance in the spec on the Maximum Response Size, it will be necessary
// for handlers to recalculate the response size after each batch item, which
// requires re-encoding the entire response. Seems inefficient.
resp := newResponse()
logger := h.handleRequest(ctx, req, resp)
var err error
if h.LogTraffic {
ttlvV := resp.Bytes()
logger.Debug("traffic log", "request", req.TTLV.String(), "response", ttlv.TTLV(ttlvV).String())
_, err = writer.Write(ttlvV)
} else {
_, err = resp.buf.WriteTo(writer)
if err != nil {
func (r *ResponseMessage) addFailure(reason kmip14.ResultReason, msg string) {
if msg == "" {
msg = reason.String()
r.BatchItem = append(r.BatchItem, ResponseBatchItem{
ResultStatus: kmip14.ResultStatusOperationFailed,
ResultReason: reason,
ResultMessage: msg,
// OperationMux is an implementation of MessageHandler which handles each batch item in the request
// by routing the operation to an ItemHandler. The ItemHandler performs the operation, and returns
// either a *ResponseBatchItem, or an error. If it returns an error, the error is passed to
// ErrorHandler, which converts it into a error *ResponseBatchItem. OperationMux handles correlating
// items in the request to items in the response.
type OperationMux struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
handlers map[kmip14.Operation]ItemHandler
// ErrorHandler defaults to the DefaultErrorHandler.
ErrorHandler ErrorHandler
// ErrorHandler converts a golang error into a *ResponseBatchItem (which should hold information
// about the error to convey back to the client).
type ErrorHandler interface {
HandleError(err error) *ResponseBatchItem
type ErrorHandlerFunc func(err error) *ResponseBatchItem
func (f ErrorHandlerFunc) HandleError(err error) *ResponseBatchItem {
return f(err)
// DefaultErrorHandler tries to map errors to ResultReasons.
var DefaultErrorHandler = ErrorHandlerFunc(func(err error) *ResponseBatchItem {
reason := GetResultReason(err)
if reason == kmip14.ResultReason(0) {
// error not handled
return nil
// prefer user message, but fall back on message
msg := merry.UserMessage(err)
if msg == "" {
msg = merry.Message(err)
return newFailedResponseBatchItem(reason, msg)
func newFailedResponseBatchItem(reason kmip14.ResultReason, msg string) *ResponseBatchItem {
return &ResponseBatchItem{
ResultStatus: kmip14.ResultStatusOperationFailed,
ResultReason: reason,
ResultMessage: msg,
func (m *OperationMux) bi(ctx context.Context, req *Request, reqItem *RequestBatchItem) *ResponseBatchItem {
req.CurrentItem = reqItem
h := m.handlerForOp(reqItem.Operation)
if h == nil {
return newFailedResponseBatchItem(kmip14.ResultReasonOperationNotSupported, "")
resp, err := h.HandleItem(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
eh := m.ErrorHandler
if eh == nil {
eh = DefaultErrorHandler
resp = eh.HandleError(err)
if resp == nil {
// errors which don't convert just panic
return resp
func (m *OperationMux) HandleMessage(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) {
for i := range req.Message.BatchItem {
reqItem := &req.Message.BatchItem[i]
respItem :=, req, reqItem)
respItem.Operation = reqItem.Operation
respItem.UniqueBatchItemID = reqItem.UniqueBatchItemID
resp.BatchItem = append(resp.BatchItem, *respItem)
func (m *OperationMux) Handle(op kmip14.Operation, handler ItemHandler) {
if m.handlers == nil {
m.handlers = map[kmip14.Operation]ItemHandler{}
m.handlers[op] = handler
func (m *OperationMux) handlerForOp(op kmip14.Operation) ItemHandler {
return m.handlers[op]
func (m *OperationMux) missingHandler(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *ResponseMessage) error {
resp.addFailure(kmip14.ResultReasonOperationNotSupported, "")
return nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
package ttlv
import (
var ErrUnexpectedValue = errors.New("no field was found to unmarshal value into")
// Unmarshal parses TTLV encoded data and stores the result
// in the value pointed to by v.
// An error will be returned if v is nil or not a point, or
// if b is not valid TTLV.
// Unmarshal will allocate values to store the result in, similar to the
// json.Marshal. Generally, the destination value can be a pointer or
// or a direct value. Currently, Unmarshal does not support anonymous fields.
// They will be ignored. Private fields are ignored.
// Unmarshal maps TTLV values to golang values according to the following
// rules:
// 1. If the destination value is interface{}, it will be set to the result
// of TTLV.Value()
// 2. If the destination implements Unmarshaler, that will be called.
// 3. If the destination is a slice (except for []byte), append the
// unmarshalled value to the slice
// 4. Structure unmarshals into a struct. See rules
// below for matching struct fields to the values in the Structure.
// 5. Interval unmarshals into an int64
// 6. DateTime and DateTimeExtended ummarshal into time.Time
// 7. ByteString unmarshals to a []byte
// 8. TextString unmarshals into a string
// 9. Boolean unmarshals into a bool
// 10. Enumeration can unmarshal into an int, int8, int16, int32, or their
// uint counterparts. If the KMIP value overflows the destination, a
// *UnmarshalerError with cause ErrIntOverflow is returned.
// 11. Integer can unmarshal to the same types as Enumeration, with the
// same overflow check.
// 12. LongInteger unmarshals to int64 or uint64
// 13. BitInteger unmarshals to big.Int.
// If the destination value is not a supported type, an *UnmarshalerError with
// cause ErrUnsupportedTypeError is returned. If the source value's type is not recognized,
// *UnmarshalerError with cause ErrInvalidType is returned.
// Unmarshaling Structure
// Unmarshal will try to match the values in the Structure with the fields in the
// destination struct. Structure is an array of values, while a struct is more like
// a map, so not all Structure values can be accurately represented by a golang struct.
// In particular, a Structure can hold the same tag multiple times, e.g. 3 TagComment values
// in a row.
// For each field in the struct, Unmarshal infers a KMIP Tag by examining both the name
// and type of the field. It uses the following rules, in order:
// 1. If the type of a field is a struct, and the struct contains a field named "TTLVTag", and the field
// has a "ttlv" struct tag, the value of the struct tag will be parsed using ParseTag(). If
// parsing fails, an error is returned. The type and value of the TTLVTag field is ignored.
// In this example, the F field will map to TagDeactivationDate:
// type Bar struct {
// F Foo
// }
// type Foo struct {
// TTLVTag struct{} `ttlv:"DeactivationDate"`
// }
// If Bar uses a struct tag on F indicating a different tag, it is an error:
// type Bar struct {
// F Foo `ttlv:"DerivationData"` // this will cause an ErrTagConflict
// // because conflict Bar's field tag
// // conflicts with Foo's intrinsic tag
// F2 Foo `ttlv:"0x420034"` // the value can also be hex
// }
// 2. If the type of the field is a struct, and the struct contains a field named "TTLVTag",
// and that field is of type ttlv.Tag and is not empty, the value of the field will be the
// inferred Tag. For example:
// type Foo struct {
// TTLVTag ttlv.Tag
// }
// f := Foo{TTLVTag: ttlv.TagState}
// This allows you to dynamically set the KMIP tag that a value will marshal to.
// 3. The "ttlv" struct tag can be used to indicate the tag for a field. The value will
// be parsed with ParseTag()
// type Bar struct {
// F Foo `ttlv:"DerivationData"`
// }
// 4. The name of the field is parsed with ParseTag():
// type Bar struct {
// DerivationData int
// }
// 5. The name of the field's type is parsed with ParseTab():
// type DerivationData int
// type Bar struct {
// dd DerivationData
// }
// If no tag value can be inferred, the field is ignored. Multiple fields
// *cannot* map to the same KMIP tag. If they do, an ErrTagConflict will
// be returned.
// Each value in the Structure will be matched against the first field
// in the struct with the same inferred tag.
// If the value cannot be matched with a field, Unmarshal will look for
// the first field with the "any" struct flag set and unmarshal into that:
// type Foo struct {
// Comment string // the Comment will unmarshal into this
// EverythingElse []interface{} `,any` // all other values will unmarshal into this
// AnotherAny []interface{} `,any` // allowed, but ignored. first any field will always match
// NotLegal []interface{} `TagComment,any` // you cannot specify a tag and the any flag.
// // will return error
// }
// If after applying these rules no destination field is found, the KMIP value is ignored.
func Unmarshal(ttlv TTLV, v interface{}) error {
return NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(ttlv)).Decode(v)
// Unmarshaler knows how to unmarshal a ttlv value into itself.
// The decoder argument may be used to decode the ttlv value into
// intermediary values if needed.
type Unmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalTTLV(d *Decoder, ttlv TTLV) error
// Decoder reads KMIP values from a stream, and decodes them into golang values.
// It currently only decodes TTLV encoded KMIP values.
// TODO: support decoding XML and JSON, so their decoding can be configured
// If DisallowExtraValues is true, the decoder will return an error when decoding
// Structures into structs and a matching field can't get found for every value.
type Decoder struct {
r io.Reader
bufr *bufio.Reader
DisallowExtraValues bool
currStruct reflect.Type
currField string
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
return &Decoder{
r: r,
bufr: bufio.NewReader(r),
// Reset resets the internal state of the decoder for reuse.
func (dec *Decoder) Reset(r io.Reader) {
*dec = Decoder{
r: r,
bufr: dec.bufr,
// Decode the first KMIP value from the reader into v.
// See Unmarshal for decoding rules.
func (dec *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
ttlv, err := dec.NextTTLV()
if err != nil {
return err
return dec.DecodeValue(v, ttlv)
// DecodeValue decodes a ttlv value into v. This doesn't read anything
// from the Decoder's reader.
// See Unmarshal for decoding rules.
func (dec *Decoder) DecodeValue(v interface{}, ttlv TTLV) error {
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return merry.New("non-pointer passed to Decode")
return dec.unmarshal(val, ttlv)
func (dec *Decoder) unmarshal(val reflect.Value, ttlv TTLV) error {
if len(ttlv) == 0 {
return nil
// Load value from interface, but only if the result will be
// usefully addressable.
if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !val.IsNil() {
e := val.Elem()
if e.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !e.IsNil() {
val = e
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if val.IsNil() {
val = val.Elem()
if val.Type().Implements(unmarshalerType) {
return val.Interface().(Unmarshaler).UnmarshalTTLV(dec, ttlv) //nolint:forcetypeassert
if val.CanAddr() {
valAddr := val.Addr()
if valAddr.CanInterface() && valAddr.Type().Implements(unmarshalerType) {
return valAddr.Interface().(Unmarshaler).UnmarshalTTLV(dec, ttlv) //nolint:forcetypeassert
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Interface:
if ttlv.Type() == TypeStructure {
// if the value is a structure, set the whole TTLV
// as the value.
} else {
// set blank interface equal to the TTLV.Value()
return nil
case reflect.Slice:
typ := val.Type()
if typ.Elem() == byteType {
// []byte
// Slice of element values.
// Grow slice.
n := val.Len()
val.Set(reflect.Append(val, reflect.Zero(val.Type().Elem())))
// Recur to read element into slice.
if err := dec.unmarshal(val.Index(n), ttlv); err != nil {
return err
return nil
typeMismatchErr := func() error {
e := &UnmarshalerError{
Struct: dec.currStruct,
Field: dec.currField,
Tag: ttlv.Tag(),
Type: ttlv.Type(),
Val: val.Type(),
err := merry.WrapSkipping(e, 1).WithCause(ErrUnsupportedTypeError)
return err
switch ttlv.Type() {
case TypeStructure:
if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return typeMismatchErr()
// stash currStruct
currStruct := dec.currStruct
err := dec.unmarshalStructure(ttlv, val)
// restore currStruct
dec.currStruct = currStruct
return err
case TypeInterval:
if val.Kind() != reflect.Int64 {
return typeMismatchErr()
case TypeDateTime, TypeDateTimeExtended:
if val.Type() != timeType {
return typeMismatchErr()
case TypeByteString:
if val.Kind() != reflect.Slice && val.Type().Elem() != byteType {
return typeMismatchErr()
case TypeTextString:
if val.Kind() != reflect.String {
return typeMismatchErr()
case TypeBoolean:
if val.Kind() != reflect.Bool {
return typeMismatchErr()
// nolint:dupl
case TypeEnumeration:
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32:
i := int64(ttlv.ValueEnumeration())
if val.OverflowInt(i) {
return dec.newUnmarshalerError(ttlv, val.Type(), ErrIntOverflow)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32:
i := uint64(ttlv.ValueEnumeration())
if val.OverflowUint(i) {
return dec.newUnmarshalerError(ttlv, val.Type(), ErrIntOverflow)
return typeMismatchErr()
// nolint:dupl
case TypeInteger:
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32:
i := int64(ttlv.ValueInteger())
if val.OverflowInt(i) {
return dec.newUnmarshalerError(ttlv, val.Type(), ErrIntOverflow)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32:
i := uint64(ttlv.ValueInteger())
if val.OverflowUint(i) {
return dec.newUnmarshalerError(ttlv, val.Type(), ErrIntOverflow)
return typeMismatchErr()
case TypeLongInteger:
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Uint64:
return typeMismatchErr()
case TypeBigInteger:
if val.Type() != bigIntType {
return typeMismatchErr()
return dec.newUnmarshalerError(ttlv, val.Type(), ErrInvalidType)
return nil
func (dec *Decoder) unmarshalStructure(ttlv TTLV, val reflect.Value) error {
ti, err := getTypeInfo(val.Type())
if err != nil {
return dec.newUnmarshalerError(ttlv, val.Type(), err)
if ti.tagField != nil && ti.tagField.ti.typ == tagType {
fields := ti.valueFields
// push currStruct (caller will pop)
dec.currStruct = val.Type()
for n := ttlv.ValueStructure(); n != nil; n = n.Next() {
fldIdx := -1
for i := range fields {
if fields[i].flags.any() {
// if this is the first any field found, keep track
// of it as the current candidate match, but
// keep looking for a tag match
if fldIdx == -1 {
fldIdx = i
} else if fields[i].tag == n.Tag() {
// tag match found
// we can stop looking
fldIdx = i
if fldIdx > -1 {
// push currField
currField := dec.currField
dec.currField = fields[fldIdx].name
err := dec.unmarshal(val.FieldByIndex(fields[fldIdx].index), n)
// restore currField
dec.currField = currField
if err != nil {
return err
} else if dec.DisallowExtraValues {
return dec.newUnmarshalerError(ttlv, val.Type(), ErrUnexpectedValue)
return nil
// NextTTLV reads the next, full KMIP value off the reader.
func (dec *Decoder) NextTTLV() (TTLV, error) {
// first, read the header
header, err := dec.bufr.Peek(8)
if err != nil {
return nil, merry.Wrap(err)
if err := TTLV(header).ValidHeader(); err != nil {
// bad header, abort
return TTLV(header), merry.Prependf(err, "invalid header: %v", TTLV(header))
// allocate a buffer large enough for the entire message
fullLen := TTLV(header).FullLen()
buf := make([]byte, fullLen)
var totRead int
for {
n, err := dec.bufr.Read(buf[totRead:])
if err != nil {
return TTLV(buf), merry.Wrap(err)
totRead += n
if totRead >= fullLen {
// we've read off a single full message
return buf, nil
} // else keep reading
func (dec *Decoder) newUnmarshalerError(ttlv TTLV, valType reflect.Type, cause error) merry.Error {
e := &UnmarshalerError{
Struct: dec.currStruct,
Field: dec.currField,
Tag: ttlv.Tag(),
Type: ttlv.Type(),
Val: valType,
return merry.WrapSkipping(e, 1).WithCause(cause)
type UnmarshalerError struct {
// Val is the type of the destination value
Val reflect.Type
// Struct is the type of the containing struct if the value is a field
Struct reflect.Type
// Field is the name of the value field
Field string
Tag Tag
Type Type
func (e *UnmarshalerError) Error() string {
msg := "kmip: error unmarshaling " + e.Tag.String() + " with type " + e.Type.String() + " into value of type " + e.Val.Name()
if e.Struct != nil {
msg += " in struct field " + e.Struct.Name() + "." + e.Field
return msg

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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// Package ttlv encodes and decodes the 3 wire formats defined in the KMIP specification:
// 1. TTLV (the default, binary wire format)
// 2. JSON
// 3. XML
// The core representation of KMIP values is the ttlv.TTLV type, which is
// a []byte encoded in the TTLV binary format. The ttlv.TTLV type knows how to marshal/
// unmarshal to and from the JSON and XML encoding formats.
// This package also knows how to marshal and unmarshal ttlv.TTLV values to golang structs,
// in a way similar to the json or xml packages.
// See Marshal() and Unmarshal() for the rules about how golang values map to KMIP TTLVs.
// Encoder and Decoder can be used to process streams of KMIP values.
// This package holds a registry of type, tag, and enum value names, which are used to transcode
// strings into these values. KMIP 1.4 names will be automatically loaded into the
// DefaultRegistry. See the kmip20 package to add definitions for 2.0 names.
// Print() and PrettyPrintHex() can be used to debug TTLV values.
package ttlv

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package ttlv
import (
const structFieldTag = "ttlv"
var (
ErrIntOverflow = fmt.Errorf("value exceeds max int value %d", math.MaxInt32)
ErrUnsupportedEnumTypeError = errors.New("unsupported type for enums, must be string, or int types")
ErrUnsupportedTypeError = errors.New("marshaling/unmarshaling is not supported for this type")
ErrNoTag = errors.New("unable to determine tag for field")
ErrTagConflict = errors.New("tag conflict")
// Marshal encodes a golang value into a KMIP value.
// An error will be returned if v is an invalid pointer.
// Currently, Marshal does not support anonymous fields.
// Private fields are ignored.
// Marshal maps the golang value to a KMIP tag, type, and value
// encoding. To determine the KMIP tag, Marshal uses the same rules
// as Unmarshal.
// The appropriate type and encoding are inferred from the golang type
// and from the inferred KMIP tag, according to these rules:
// 1. If the value is a TTLV, it is copied byte for byte
// 2. If the value implements Marshaler, call that
// 3. If the struct field has an "omitempty" flag, and the value is
// zero, skip the field:
// type Foo struct {
// Comment string `ttlv:,omitempty`
// }
// 4. If the value is a slice (except []byte) or array, marshal all
// values concatenated
// 5. If a tag has not been inferred at this point, return *MarshalerError with
// cause ErrNoTag
// 6. If the Tag is registered as an enum, or has the "enum" struct tag flag, attempt
// to marshal as an Enumeration. int, int8, int16, int32, and their uint counterparts
// can be marshaled as an Enumeration. A string can be marshaled to an Enumeration
// if the string contains a number, a 4 byte (8 char) hex string with the prefix "0x",
// or the normalized name of an enum value registered to this tag. Examples:
// type Foo struct {
// CancellationResult string // will encode as an Enumeration because
// // the tag CancellationResult is registered
// // as an enum.
// C int `ttlv:"Comment,enum" // The tag Comment is not registered as an enum
// // but the enum flag will force this to encode
// // as an enumeration.
// }
// If the string can't be interpreted as an enum value, it will be encoded as a TextString. If
// the "enum" struct flag is set, the value *must* successfully encode to an Enumeration using
// above rules, or an error is returned.
// 7. If the Tag is registered as a bitmask, or has the "bitmask" struct tag flag, attempt
// to marshal to an Integer, following the same rules as for Enumerations. The ParseInt()
// function is used to parse string values.
// 9. time.Time marshals to DateTime. If the field has the "datetimeextended" struct flag,
// marshal as DateTimeExtended. Example:
// type Foo struct {
// ActivationDate time.Time `ttlv:",datetimeextended"`
// }
// 10. big.Int marshals to BigInteger
// 11. time.Duration marshals to Interval
// 12. string marshals to TextString
// 13. []byte marshals to ByteString
// 14. all int and uint variants except int64 and uint64 marshal to Integer. If the golang
// value overflows the KMIP value, *MarshalerError with cause ErrIntOverflow is returned
// 15. int64 and uint64 marshal to LongInteger
// 16. bool marshals to Boolean
// 17. structs marshal to Structure. Each field of the struct will be marshaled into the
// values of the Structure according to the above rules.
// Any other golang type will return *MarshalerError with cause ErrUnsupportedTypeError.
func Marshal(v interface{}) (TTLV, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err := NewEncoder(buf).Encode(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// Marshaler knows how to encode itself to TTLV.
// The implementation should use the primitive methods of the encoder,
// such as EncodeInteger(), etc.
// The tag inferred by the Encoder from the field or type information is
// passed as an argument, but the implementation can choose to ignore it.
type Marshaler interface {
MarshalTTLV(e *Encoder, tag Tag) error
func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
return &Encoder{w: w}
// Encode a single value and flush to the writer. The tag will be inferred from
// the value. If no tag can be inferred, an error is returned.
// See Marshal for encoding rules.
func (e *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
return e.EncodeValue(TagNone, v)
// EncodeValue encodes a single value with the given tag and flushes it
// to the writer.
// See Marshal for encoding rules.
func (e *Encoder) EncodeValue(tag Tag, v interface{}) error {
err := e.encode(tag, reflect.ValueOf(v), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return e.Flush()
// EncodeStructure encodes a Structure with the given tag to the writer.
// The function argument should encode the enclosed values inside the Structure.
// Call Flush() to write the data to the writer.
func (e *Encoder) EncodeStructure(tag Tag, f func(e *Encoder) error) error {
i := e.encBuf.begin(tag, TypeStructure)
err := f(e)
return err
// EncodeEnumeration, along with the other Encode<Type> methods, encodes a
// single KMIP value with the given tag to an internal buffer. These methods
// do not flush the data to the writer: call Flush() to flush the buffer.
func (e *Encoder) EncodeEnumeration(tag Tag, v uint32) {
e.encBuf.encodeEnum(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeInteger(tag Tag, v int32) {
e.encBuf.encodeInt(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeLongInteger(tag Tag, v int64) {
e.encBuf.encodeLongInt(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeInterval(tag Tag, v time.Duration) {
e.encBuf.encodeInterval(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeDateTime(tag Tag, v time.Time) {
e.encBuf.encodeDateTime(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeDateTimeExtended(tag Tag, v time.Time) {
e.encBuf.encodeDateTimeExtended(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeBigInteger(tag Tag, v *big.Int) {
e.encBuf.encodeBigInt(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeBoolean(tag Tag, v bool) {
e.encBuf.encodeBool(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeTextString(tag Tag, v string) {
e.encBuf.encodeTextString(tag, v)
func (e *Encoder) EncodeByteString(tag Tag, v []byte) {
e.encBuf.encodeByteString(tag, v)
// Flush flushes the internal encoding buffer to the writer.
func (e *Encoder) Flush() error {
if e.encodeDepth > 0 {
return nil
_, err := e.encBuf.WriteTo(e.w)
return err
type MarshalerError struct {
// Type is the golang type of the value being marshaled
Type reflect.Type
// Struct is the name of the enclosing struct if the marshaled value is a field.
Struct string
// Field is the name of the field being marshaled
Field string
Tag Tag
func (e *MarshalerError) Error() string {
msg := "kmip: error marshaling value"
if e.Type != nil {
msg += " of type " + e.Type.String()
if e.Struct != "" {
msg += " in struct field " + e.Struct + "." + e.Field
return msg
func (e *Encoder) marshalingError(tag Tag, t reflect.Type, cause error) merry.Error {
err := &MarshalerError{
Type: t,
Struct: e.currStruct,
Field: e.currField,
Tag: tag,
return merry.WrapSkipping(err, 1).WithCause(cause)
var (
byteType = reflect.TypeOf(byte(0))
marshalerType = reflect.TypeOf((*Marshaler)(nil)).Elem()
unmarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf((*Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
timeType = reflect.TypeOf((*time.Time)(nil)).Elem()
bigIntPtrType = reflect.TypeOf((*big.Int)(nil))
bigIntType = bigIntPtrType.Elem()
durationType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Nanosecond)
ttlvType = reflect.TypeOf((*TTLV)(nil)).Elem()
tagType = reflect.TypeOf(Tag(0))
var invalidValue = reflect.Value{}
// indirect dives into interfaces values, and one level deep into pointers
// returns an invalid value if the resolved value is nil or invalid.
func indirect(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
if !v.IsValid() {
return v
if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
v = v.Elem()
if !v.IsValid() {
return v
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
v = v.Elem()
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Func, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Chan, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
if v.IsNil() {
return invalidValue
return v
var zeroBigInt = big.Int{}
func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value) bool {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
return v.Len() == 0
case reflect.Bool:
return !v.Bool()
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return v.Int() == 0
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return v.Uint() == 0
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return v.Float() == 0
case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
return v.IsNil()
switch v.Type() {
case timeType:
return v.Interface().(time.Time).IsZero() //nolint:forcetypeassert
case bigIntType:
i := v.Interface().(big.Int) //nolint:forcetypeassert
return zeroBigInt.Cmp(&i) == 0
return false
func (e *Encoder) encode(tag Tag, v reflect.Value, fi *fieldInfo) error {
// if pointer or interface
v = indirect(v)
if !v.IsValid() {
return nil
typ := v.Type()
if typ == ttlvType {
// fast path: if the value is TTLV, we write it directly to the output buffer
_, err := e.encBuf.Write(v.Bytes())
return err
typeInfo, err := getTypeInfo(typ)
if err != nil {
return err
if tag == TagNone {
tag = tagForMarshal(v, typeInfo, fi)
var flags fieldFlags
if fi != nil {
flags = fi.flags
// check for Marshaler
switch {
case typ.Implements(marshalerType):
if flags.omitEmpty() && isEmptyValue(v) {
return nil
return v.Interface().(Marshaler).MarshalTTLV(e, tag) //nolint:forcetypeassert
case v.CanAddr():
pv := v.Addr()
pvtyp := pv.Type()
if pvtyp.Implements(marshalerType) {
if flags.omitEmpty() && isEmptyValue(v) {
return nil
return pv.Interface().(Marshaler).MarshalTTLV(e, tag) //nolint:forcetypeassert
// If the type doesn't implement Marshaler, then validate the value is a supported kind
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Map, reflect.Func, reflect.Ptr, reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.Float32,
return e.marshalingError(tag, v.Type(), ErrUnsupportedTypeError)
// skip if value is empty and tags include omitempty
if flags.omitEmpty() && isEmptyValue(v) {
return nil
// recurse to handle slices of values
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
if typ.Elem() == byteType {
// special case, encode as a ByteString, handled below
case reflect.Array:
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
// turn off the omit empty flag. applies at the field level,
// not to each member of the slice
// TODO: is this true?
var fi2 *fieldInfo
if fi != nil {
fi2 = &fieldInfo{}
// make a copy.
*fi2 = *fi
fi2.flags &^= fOmitEmpty
err := e.encode(tag, v.Index(i), fi2)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if tag == TagNone {
return e.marshalingError(tag, v.Type(), ErrNoTag)
// handle enums and bitmasks
// If the field has the "enum" or "bitmask" flag, or the tag is registered as an enum or bitmask,
// attempt to interpret the go value as such.
// If the field is explicitly flag, return an error if the value can't be interpreted. Otherwise
// ignore errors and let processing fallthrough to the type-based encoding.
enumMap := DefaultRegistry.EnumForTag(tag)
if flags.enum() || flags.bitmask() || enumMap != nil {
switch typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32:
i := v.Int()
if flags.bitmask() || (enumMap != nil && enumMap.Bitmask()) {
e.encBuf.encodeInt(tag, int32(i))
} else {
e.encBuf.encodeEnum(tag, uint32(i))
return nil
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32:
i := v.Uint()
if flags.bitmask() || (enumMap != nil && enumMap.Bitmask()) {
e.encBuf.encodeInt(tag, int32(i))
} else {
e.encBuf.encodeEnum(tag, uint32(i))
return nil
case reflect.String:
s := v.String()
if flags.bitmask() || (enumMap != nil && enumMap.Bitmask()) {
i, err := ParseInt(s, enumMap)
if err == nil {
e.encBuf.encodeInt(tag, i)
return nil
// only throw an error if the field is explicitly marked as a bitmask
// otherwise just ignore it, and let it encode as a string later on.
if flags.bitmask() {
// if we couldn't parse the string as an enum value
return e.marshalingError(tag, typ, err)
} else {
i, err := ParseEnum(s, enumMap)
if err == nil {
e.encBuf.encodeEnum(tag, i)
return nil
// only throw an error if the field is explicitly marked as an enum
// otherwise just ignore it, and let it encode as a string later on.
if flags.enum() {
// if we couldn't parse the string as an enum value
return e.marshalingError(tag, typ, err)
if flags.enum() || flags.bitmask() {
return e.marshalingError(tag, typ, ErrUnsupportedEnumTypeError).Append(typ.String())
// handle special types
switch typ {
case timeType:
if flags.dateTimeExt() {
e.encBuf.encodeDateTimeExtended(tag, v.Interface().(time.Time)) //nolint:forcetypeassert
} else {
e.encBuf.encodeDateTime(tag, v.Interface().(time.Time)) //nolint:forcetypeassert
return nil
case bigIntType:
bi := v.Interface().(big.Int) //nolint:forcetypeassert
e.encBuf.encodeBigInt(tag, &bi)
return nil
case bigIntPtrType:
e.encBuf.encodeBigInt(tag, v.Interface().(*big.Int)) //nolint:forcetypeassert
return nil
case durationType:
e.encBuf.encodeInterval(tag, time.Duration(v.Int()))
return nil
// handle the rest of the kinds
switch typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
// push current struct onto stack
currStruct := e.currStruct
e.currStruct = typ.Name()
err = e.EncodeStructure(tag, func(e *Encoder) error {
for _, field := range typeInfo.valueFields {
fv := v.FieldByIndex(field.index)
// note: we're staying in reflection world here instead of
// converting back to an interface{} value and going through
// the non-reflection path again. Calling Interface()
// on the reflect value would make a potentially addressable value
// into an unaddressable value, reducing the chances we can coerce
// the value into a Marshalable.
// tl;dr
// Consider a type which implements Marshaler with
// a pointer receiver, and a struct with a non-pointer field of that type:
// type Wheel struct{}
// func (*Wheel) MarshalTTLV(...)
// type Car struct{
// Wheel Wheel
// }
// When traversing the Car struct, should the encoder invoke Wheel's
// Marshaler method, or not? Technically, the type `Wheel`
// doesn't implement the Marshaler interface. Only the type `*Wheel`
// implements it. However, the other encoders in the SDK, like JSON
// and XML, will try, if possible, to get a pointer to field values like this, in
// order to invoke the Marshaler interface anyway.
// Encoders can only get a pointer to field values if the field
// value is `addressable`. Addressability is explained in the docs for reflect.Value#CanAddr().
// Using reflection to turn a reflect.Value() back into an interface{}
// can make a potentially addressable value (like the field of an addressable struct)
// into an unaddressable value (reflect.Value#Interface{} always returns an unaddressable
// copy).
// push the currField
currField := e.currField
e.currField =
err := e.encode(TagNone, fv, &field) //nolint:gosec,scopelint
// pop the currField
e.currField = currField
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// pop current struct
e.currStruct = currStruct
return err
case reflect.String:
e.encBuf.encodeTextString(tag, v.String())
case reflect.Slice:
// special case, encode as a ByteString
// all slices which aren't []byte should have been handled above
// the call to v.Bytes() will panic if this assumption is wrong
e.encBuf.encodeByteString(tag, v.Bytes())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32:
i := v.Int()
if i > math.MaxInt32 {
return e.marshalingError(tag, typ, ErrIntOverflow)
e.encBuf.encodeInt(tag, int32(i))
return nil
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32:
u := v.Uint()
if u > math.MaxInt32 {
return e.marshalingError(tag, typ, ErrIntOverflow)
e.encBuf.encodeInt(tag, int32(u))
return nil
case reflect.Uint64:
u := v.Uint()
e.encBuf.encodeLongInt(tag, int64(u))
return nil
case reflect.Int64:
e.encBuf.encodeLongInt(tag, v.Int())
return nil
case reflect.Bool:
e.encBuf.encodeBool(tag, v.Bool())
// all kinds should have been handled by now
panic(errors.New("should never get here"))
return nil
func tagForMarshal(v reflect.Value, ti typeInfo, fi *fieldInfo) Tag {
// the tag on the TTLVTag field
if ti.tagField != nil && ti.tagField.explicitTag != TagNone {
return ti.tagField.explicitTag
// the value of the TTLVTag field of type Tag
if v.IsValid() && ti.tagField != nil && ti.tagField.ti.typ == tagType {
tag := v.FieldByIndex(ti.tagField.index).Interface().(Tag) //nolint:forcetypeassert
if tag != TagNone {
return tag
// if value is in a struct field, infer the tag from the field
// else infer from the value's type name
if fi != nil {
return fi.tag
return ti.inferredTag
// encBuf encodes basic KMIP types into TTLV.
type encBuf struct {
func (h *encBuf) begin(tag Tag, typ Type) int {
_ = h.WriteByte(byte(tag >> 16))
_ = h.WriteByte(byte(tag >> 8))
_ = h.WriteByte(byte(tag))
_ = h.WriteByte(byte(typ))
_, _ = h.Write(zeros[:4])
return h.Len()
func (h *encBuf) end(i int) {
n := h.Len() - i
if m := n % 8; m > 0 {
_, _ = h.Write(zeros[:8-m])
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(h.Bytes()[i-4:], uint32(n))
func (h *encBuf) writeLongIntVal(tag Tag, typ Type, i int64) {
s := h.begin(tag, typ)
ll := h.Len()
_, _ = h.Write(zeros[:8])
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(h.Bytes()[ll:], uint64(i))
func (h *encBuf) writeIntVal(tag Tag, typ Type, val uint32) {
s := h.begin(tag, typ)
ll := h.Len()
_, _ = h.Write(zeros[:4])
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(h.Bytes()[ll:], val)
var (
ones = [8]byte{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}
zeros = [8]byte{}
func (h *encBuf) encodeBigInt(tag Tag, i *big.Int) {
if i == nil {
ii := h.begin(tag, TypeBigInteger)
switch i.Sign() {
case 0:
_, _ = h.Write(zeros[:8])
case 1:
b := i.Bytes()
l := len(b)
// if n is positive, but the first bit is a 1, it will look like
// a negative in 2's complement, so prepend zeroes in front
if b[0]&0x80 > 0 {
_ = h.WriteByte(byte(0))
// pad front with zeros to multiple of 8
if m := l % 8; m > 0 {
_, _ = h.Write(zeros[:8-m])
_, _ = h.Write(b)
case -1:
length := uint(i.BitLen()/8+1) * 8
j := new(big.Int).Lsh(one, length)
b := j.Add(i, j).Bytes()
// When the most significant bit is on a byte
// boundary, we can get some extra significant
// bits, so strip them off when that happens.
if len(b) >= 2 && b[0] == 0xff && b[1]&0x80 != 0 {
b = b[1:]
l := len(b)
// pad front with ones to multiple of 8
if m := l % 8; m > 0 {
_, _ = h.Write(ones[:8-m])
_, _ = h.Write(b)
func (h *encBuf) encodeInt(tag Tag, i int32) {
h.writeIntVal(tag, TypeInteger, uint32(i))
func (h *encBuf) encodeBool(tag Tag, b bool) {
if b {
h.writeLongIntVal(tag, TypeBoolean, 1)
} else {
h.writeLongIntVal(tag, TypeBoolean, 0)
func (h *encBuf) encodeLongInt(tag Tag, i int64) {
h.writeLongIntVal(tag, TypeLongInteger, i)
func (h *encBuf) encodeDateTime(tag Tag, t time.Time) {
h.writeLongIntVal(tag, TypeDateTime, t.Unix())
func (h *encBuf) encodeDateTimeExtended(tag Tag, t time.Time) {
// take unix seconds, times a million, to get microseconds, then
// add nanoseconds remainder/1000
// this gives us a larger ranger of possible values than just t.UnixNano() / 1000.
// see UnixNano() docs for its limits.
// this is limited to max(int64) *microseconds* from epoch, rather than
// max(int64) nanoseconds like UnixNano().
m := (t.Unix() * 1000000) + int64(t.Nanosecond()/1000)
h.writeLongIntVal(tag, TypeDateTimeExtended, m)
func (h *encBuf) encodeInterval(tag Tag, d time.Duration) {
h.writeIntVal(tag, TypeInterval, uint32(d/time.Second))
func (h *encBuf) encodeEnum(tag Tag, i uint32) {
h.writeIntVal(tag, TypeEnumeration, i)
func (h *encBuf) encodeTextString(tag Tag, s string) {
i := h.begin(tag, TypeTextString)
_, _ = h.WriteString(s)
func (h *encBuf) encodeByteString(tag Tag, b []byte) {
if b == nil {
i := h.begin(tag, TypeByteString)
_, _ = h.Write(b)
func getTypeInfo(typ reflect.Type) (ti typeInfo, err error) {
ti.inferredTag, _ = DefaultRegistry.ParseTag(typ.Name())
ti.typ = typ
err = ti.getFieldsInfo()
return ti, err
var errSkip = errors.New("skip")
func getFieldInfo(typ reflect.Type, sf reflect.StructField) (fieldInfo, error) {
var fi fieldInfo
// skip anonymous and unexported fields
if sf.Anonymous || /*unexported:*/ sf.PkgPath != "" {
return fi, errSkip
} = sf.Name
fi.structType = typ
fi.index = sf.Index
var anyField bool
// handle field tags
parts := strings.Split(sf.Tag.Get(structFieldTag), ",")
for i, value := range parts {
if i == 0 {
switch value {
case "-":
// skip
return fi, errSkip
case "":
var err error
fi.explicitTag, err = DefaultRegistry.ParseTag(value)
if err != nil {
return fi, err
} else {
switch strings.ToLower(value) {
case "enum":
fi.flags |= fEnum
case "omitempty":
fi.flags |= fOmitEmpty
case "datetimeextended":
fi.flags |= fDateTimeExtended
case "bitmask":
fi.flags |= fBitBask
case "any":
anyField = true
fi.flags |= fAny
if anyField && fi.explicitTag != TagNone {
return fi, merry.Here(ErrTagConflict).Appendf(`field %s.%s may not specify a TTLV tag and the "any" flag`, fi.structType.Name(),
// extract type info for the field. The KMIP tag
// for this field is derived from either the field name,
// the field tags, or the field type.
var err error
fi.ti, err = getTypeInfo(sf.Type)
if err != nil {
return fi, err
if fi.ti.tagField != nil && fi.ti.tagField.explicitTag != TagNone {
fi.tag = fi.ti.tagField.explicitTag
if fi.explicitTag != TagNone && fi.explicitTag != fi.tag {
// if there was a tag on the struct field containing this value, it must
// agree with the value's intrinsic tag
return fi, merry.Here(ErrTagConflict).Appendf(`TTLV tag "%s" in tag of %s.%s conflicts with TTLV tag "%s" in %s.%s`, fi.explicitTag, fi.structType.Name(),, fi.ti.tagField.explicitTag, fi.ti.typ.Name(),
// pre-calculate the tag for this field. This intentional duplicates
// some of tagForMarshaling(). The value is primarily used in unmarshaling
// where the dynamic value of the field is not needed.
if fi.tag == TagNone {
fi.tag = fi.explicitTag
if fi.tag == TagNone {
fi.tag, _ = DefaultRegistry.ParseTag(
return fi, nil
func (ti *typeInfo) getFieldsInfo() error {
if ti.typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil
for i := 0; i < ti.typ.NumField(); i++ {
fi, err := getFieldInfo(ti.typ, ti.typ.Field(i))
switch {
case err == errSkip: //nolint:errorlint
// skip
case err != nil:
return err
case == "TTLVTag":
ti.tagField = &fi
ti.valueFields = append(ti.valueFields, fi)
// verify that multiple fields don't have the same tag
names := map[Tag]string{}
for _, f := range ti.valueFields {
if f.flags.any() {
// ignore any fields
tag := f.tag
if tag != TagNone {
if fname, ok := names[tag]; ok {
return merry.Here(ErrTagConflict).Appendf("field resolves to the same tag (%s) as other field (%s)", tag, fname)
names[tag] =
return nil
type typeInfo struct {
typ reflect.Type
inferredTag Tag
tagField *fieldInfo
valueFields []fieldInfo
const (
fOmitEmpty fieldFlags = 1 << iota
type fieldFlags int
func (f fieldFlags) omitEmpty() bool {
return f&fOmitEmpty != 0
func (f fieldFlags) any() bool {
return f&fAny != 0
func (f fieldFlags) dateTimeExt() bool {
return f&fDateTimeExtended != 0
func (f fieldFlags) enum() bool {
return f&fEnum != 0
func (f fieldFlags) bitmask() bool {
return f&fBitBask != 0
type fieldInfo struct {
structType reflect.Type
explicitTag, tag Tag
name string
index []int
flags fieldFlags
ti typeInfo

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package ttlv
import ""
// Details prints details from the error, including a stacktrace when available.
func Details(err error) string {
return merry.Details(err)

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@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
package ttlv
import (
// FormatType formats a byte as a KMIP Type string,
// as described in the KMIP Profiles spec. If the value is registered,
// the normalized name of the value will be returned.
// Otherwise, a 1 byte hex string is returned, but this is not
// technically a valid encoding for types in the JSON and XML encoding
// specs. Hex values Should only be used for debugging. Examples:
// - Integer
// - 0x42
func FormatType(b byte, enumMap EnumMap) string {
if enumMap != nil {
if s, ok := enumMap.Name(uint32(b)); ok {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("%#02x", b)
// FormatTag formats an uint32 as a KMIP Tag string,
// as described in the KMIP Profiles spec. If the value is registered,
// the normalized name of the value will be returned. Otherwise, a
// 3 byte hex string is returned. Examples:
// - ActivationDate
// - 0x420001
func FormatTag(v uint32, enumMap EnumMap) string {
if enumMap != nil {
if s, ok := enumMap.Name(v); ok {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("%#06x", v)
// FormatTagCanonical formats an uint32 as a canonical Tag name
// from the KMIP spec. If the value is registered,
// the canonical name of the value will be returned. Otherwise, a
// 3 byte hex string is returned. Examples:
// - Activation Date
// - 0x420001
// Canonical tag names are used in the AttributeName of Attribute structs.
func FormatTagCanonical(v uint32, enumMap EnumMap) string {
if enumMap != nil {
if s, ok := enumMap.CanonicalName(v); ok {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("%#06x", v)
// FormatEnum formats an uint32 as a KMIP Enumeration string,
// as described in the KMIP Profiles spec. If the value is registered,
// the normalized name of the value will be returned. Otherwise, a
// four byte hex string is returned. Examples:
// - SymmetricKey
// - 0x00000002
func FormatEnum(v uint32, enumMap EnumMap) string {
if enumMap != nil {
if s, ok := enumMap.Name(v); ok {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("%#08x", v)
// FormatInt formats an integer as a KMIP bitmask string, as
// described in the KMIP Profiles spec for JSON under
// the "Special case for Masks" section. Examples:
// - 0x0000100c
// - Encrypt|Decrypt|CertificateSign
// - CertificateSign|0x00000004|0x0000008
// - CertificateSign|0x0000000c
func FormatInt(i int32, enumMap EnumMap) string {
if enumMap == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#08x", i)
values := enumMap.Values()
if len(values) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#08x", i)
v := uint32(i)
// bitmask
// decompose mask into the names of set flags, concatenated by pipe
// if remaining value (minus registered flags) is not zero, append
// the remaining value as hex.
var sb strings.Builder
for _, v1 := range values {
if v1&v == v1 {
if name, ok := enumMap.Name(v1); ok {
if sb.Len() > 0 {
v ^= v1
if v == 0 {
if v != 0 {
if sb.Len() > 0 {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%#08x", v)
return sb.String()
// ParseEnum parses a string into a uint32 according to the rules
// in the KMIP Profiles regarding encoding enumeration values.
// See FormatEnum for examples of the formats which can be parsed.
// It will also parse numeric strings. Examples:
// ParseEnum("UnableToCancel", registry.EnumForTag(TagCancellationResult))
// ParseEnum("0x00000002")
// ParseEnum("2")
// Returns ErrInvalidHexString if the string is invalid hex, or
// if the hex value is less than 1 byte or more than 4 bytes (ignoring
// leading zeroes).
// Returns ErrUnregisteredEnumName if string value is not a
// registered enum value name.
func ParseEnum(s string, enumMap EnumMap) (uint32, error) {
u, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 32)
if err == nil {
// it was a raw number
return uint32(u), nil
v, err := parseHexOrName(s, 4, enumMap)
if err != nil {
return 0, merry.Here(err)
return v, nil
// ParseInt parses a string into an int32 according the rules
// in the KMIP Profiles regarding encoding integers, including
// the special rules for bitmasks. See FormatInt for examples
// of the formats which can be parsed.
// Returns ErrInvalidHexString if the string is invalid hex, or
// if the hex value is less than 1 byte or more than 4 bytes (ignoring
// leading zeroes).
// Returns ErrUnregisteredEnumName if string value is not a
// registered enum value name.
func ParseInt(s string, enumMap EnumMap) (int32, error) {
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32)
if err == nil {
// it was a raw number
return int32(i), nil
if !strings.ContainsAny(s, "| ") {
v, err := parseHexOrName(s, 4, enumMap)
if err != nil {
return 0, merry.Here(err)
return int32(v), nil
// split values, look up each, and recombine
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "|", " ")
parts := strings.Split(s, " ")
var v uint32
for _, part := range parts {
if len(part) == 0 {
i, err := parseHexOrName(part, 4, enumMap)
if err != nil {
return 0, merry.Here(err)
v |= i
return int32(v), nil
func parseHexOrName(s string, max int, enumMap EnumMap) (uint32, error) {
b, err := kmiputil.ParseHexValue(s, max)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if b != nil {
return kmiputil.DecodeUint32(b), nil
if enumMap != nil {
if v, ok := enumMap.Value(s); ok {
return v, nil
return 0, merry.Append(ErrUnregisteredEnumName, s)
// ParseTag parses a string into Tag according the rules
// in the KMIP Profiles regarding encoding tag values.
// See FormatTag for examples of the formats which can be parsed.
// Returns ErrInvalidHexString if the string is invalid hex, or
// if the hex value is less than 1 byte or more than 3 bytes (ignoring
// leading zeroes).
// Returns ErrUnregisteredEnumName if string value is not a
// registered enum value name.
func ParseTag(s string, enumMap EnumMap) (Tag, error) {
v, err := parseHexOrName(s, 3, enumMap)
if err != nil {
return 0, merry.Here(err)
return Tag(v), nil
// ParseType parses a string into Type according the rules
// in the KMIP Profiles regarding encoding type values.
// See FormatType for examples of the formats which can be parsed.
// This also supports parsing a hex string type (e.g. "0x01"), though
// this is not technically a valid encoding of a type in the spec.
// Returns ErrInvalidHexString if the string is invalid hex, or
// if the hex value is less than 1 byte or more than 3 bytes (ignoring
// leading zeroes).
// Returns ErrUnregisteredEnumName if string value is not a
// registered enum value name.
func ParseType(s string, enumMap EnumMap) (Type, error) {
b, err := kmiputil.ParseHexValue(s, 1)
if err != nil {
return 0, merry.Here(err)
if b != nil {
return Type(b[0]), nil
if enumMap != nil {
if v, ok := enumMap.Value(s); ok {
return Type(v), nil
return 0, merry.Here(ErrUnregisteredEnumName).Append(s)
// EnumMap defines a set of named enumeration values. Canonical names should
// be the name from the spec. Names should be in the normalized format
// described in the KMIP spec (see NormalizeName()).
// Value enumerations are used for encoding and decoding KMIP Enumeration values,
// KMIP Integer bitmask values, Types, and Tags.
type EnumMap interface {
// Name returns the normalized name for a value, e.g. AttributeName.
// If the name is not registered, it returns "", false.
Name(v uint32) (string, bool)
// CanonicalName returns the canonical name for the value from the spec,
// e.g. Attribute Name.
// If the name is not registered, it returns "", false
CanonicalName(v uint32) (string, bool)
// Value returns the value registered for the name argument. If there is
// no name registered for this value, it returns 0, false.
// The name argument may be the canonical name (e.g. "Cryptographic Algorithm") or
// the normalized name (e.g. "CryptographicAlgorithm").
Value(name string) (uint32, bool)
// Values returns the complete set of registered values. The order
// they are returned in will be the order they are encoded in when
// encoding bitmasks as strings.
Values() []uint32
// Bitmask returns true if this is an enumeration of bitmask flags.
Bitmask() bool

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@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
package ttlv
import (
// DefaultRegistry holds the default mappings of types, tags, enums, and bitmasks
// to canonical names and normalized names from the KMIP spec. It is pre-populated with the 1.4 spec's
// values. It can be replaced, or additional values can be registered with it.
// It is not currently concurrent-safe, so replace or configure it early in your
// program.
var DefaultRegistry Registry
// nolint:gochecknoinits
func init() {
var (
ErrInvalidHexString = kmiputil.ErrInvalidHexString
ErrUnregisteredEnumName = merry.New("unregistered enum name")
// NormalizeName tranforms KMIP names from the spec into the
// normalized form of the name. Typically, this means removing spaces,
// and replacing some special characters. The normalized form of the name
// is used in the JSON and XML encodings from the KMIP Profiles.
// The spec describes the normalization process in and
func NormalizeName(s string) string {
return kmiputil.NormalizeName(s)
// Enum represents an enumeration of KMIP values (as uint32), and maps them
// to the canonical string names and the normalized string names of the
// value as declared in the KMIP specs.
// Enum is used to transpose values from strings to byte values, as required
// by the JSON and XML encodings defined in the KMIP Profiles spec.
// These mappings are also used to pretty print KMIP values, and to marshal
// and unmarshal enum and bitmask values to golang string values.
// Enum currently uses plain maps, so it is not thread safe to register new values
// concurrently. You should register all values at the start of your program before
// using this package concurrently.
// Enums are used in the KMIP spec for two purposes: for defining the possible values
// for values encoded as the KMIP Enumeration type, and for bitmask values. Bitmask
// values are encoded as Integers, but are really enum values bitwise-OR'd together.
// Enums are registered with a Registry. The code to register enums is typically
// generated by the kmipgen tool.
type Enum struct {
valuesToName map[uint32]string
valuesToCanonicalName map[uint32]string
nameToValue map[string]uint32
canonicalNamesToValue map[string]uint32
bitMask bool
func NewEnum() Enum {
return Enum{}
func NewBitmask() Enum {
return Enum{
bitMask: true,
// RegisterValue adds a mapping of a uint32 value to a name. The name will be
// processed by NormalizeName to produce the normalized enum value name as described
// in the KMIP spec.
func (e *Enum) RegisterValue(v uint32, name string) {
nn := NormalizeName(name)
if e.valuesToName == nil {
e.valuesToName = map[uint32]string{}
e.nameToValue = map[string]uint32{}
e.valuesToCanonicalName = map[uint32]string{}
e.canonicalNamesToValue = map[string]uint32{}
e.valuesToName[v] = nn
e.nameToValue[nn] = v
e.valuesToCanonicalName[v] = name
e.canonicalNamesToValue[name] = v
func (e *Enum) Name(v uint32) (string, bool) {
if e == nil {
return "", false
name, ok := e.valuesToName[v]
return name, ok
func (e *Enum) CanonicalName(v uint32) (string, bool) {
if e == nil {
return "", false
name, ok := e.valuesToCanonicalName[v]
return name, ok
func (e *Enum) Value(name string) (uint32, bool) {
if e == nil {
return 0, false
v, ok := e.nameToValue[name]
if !ok {
v, ok = e.canonicalNamesToValue[name]
return v, ok
func (e *Enum) Values() []uint32 {
values := make([]uint32, 0, len(e.valuesToName))
for v := range e.valuesToName {
values = append(values, v)
// Always list them in order of value so output is stable.
return values
func (e *Enum) Bitmask() bool {
if e == nil {
return false
return e.bitMask
// Registry holds all the known tags, types, enums and bitmaps declared in
// a KMIP spec. It's used throughout the package to map values their canonical
// and normalized names.
type Registry struct {
enums map[Tag]EnumMap
tags Enum
types Enum
func (r *Registry) RegisterType(t Type, name string) {
r.types.RegisterValue(uint32(t), name)
func (r *Registry) RegisterTag(t Tag, name string) {
r.tags.RegisterValue(uint32(t), name)
func (r *Registry) RegisterEnum(t Tag, def EnumMap) {
if r.enums == nil {
r.enums = map[Tag]EnumMap{}
r.enums[t] = def
// EnumForTag returns the enum map registered for a tag. Returns
// nil if no map is registered for this tag.
func (r *Registry) EnumForTag(t Tag) EnumMap {
if r.enums == nil {
return nil
return r.enums[t]
func (r *Registry) IsBitmask(t Tag) bool {
if e := r.EnumForTag(t); e != nil {
return e.Bitmask()
return false
func (r *Registry) IsEnum(t Tag) bool {
if e := r.EnumForTag(t); e != nil {
return !e.Bitmask()
return false
func (r *Registry) Tags() EnumMap {
return &r.tags
func (r *Registry) Types() EnumMap {
return &r.types
func (r *Registry) FormatEnum(t Tag, v uint32) string {
return FormatEnum(v, r.EnumForTag(t))
func (r *Registry) FormatInt(t Tag, v int32) string {
return FormatInt(v, r.EnumForTag(t))
func (r *Registry) FormatTag(t Tag) string {
return FormatTag(uint32(t), &r.tags)
func (r *Registry) FormatTagCanonical(t Tag) string {
return FormatTagCanonical(uint32(t), &r.tags)
func (r *Registry) FormatType(t Type) string {
return FormatType(byte(t), &r.types)
func (r *Registry) ParseEnum(t Tag, s string) (uint32, error) {
return ParseEnum(s, r.EnumForTag(t))
func (r *Registry) ParseInt(t Tag, s string) (int32, error) {
return ParseInt(s, r.EnumForTag(t))
// ParseTag parses a string into Tag according the rules
// in the KMIP Profiles regarding encoding tag values.
// Returns TagNone if not found.
// Returns error if s is a malformed hex string, or a hex string of incorrect length
func (r *Registry) ParseTag(s string) (Tag, error) {
return ParseTag(s, &r.tags)
func (r *Registry) ParseType(s string) (Type, error) {
return ParseType(s, &r.types)
// uint32Slice attaches the methods of Interface to []int, sorting in increasing order.
type uint32Slice []uint32
func (p uint32Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p uint32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p uint32Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package ttlv
const (
TagNone = Tag(0)
tagAttributeName Tag = 0x42000a
tagAttributeValue Tag = 0x42000b
// Tag
type Tag uint32
// String returns the normalized name of the tag.
func (t Tag) String() string {
return DefaultRegistry.FormatTag(t)
// CanonicalName returns the canonical name of the tag.
func (t Tag) CanonicalName() string {
return DefaultRegistry.FormatTagCanonical(t)
func (t Tag) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (t *Tag) UnmarshalText(text []byte) (err error) {
*t, err = DefaultRegistry.ParseTag(string(text))
const (
minStandardTag uint32 = 0x00420000
maxStandardTag uint32 = 0x00430000
minCustomTag uint32 = 0x00540000
maxCustomTag uint32 = 0x00550000
// Valid checks whether the tag's numeric value is valid according to
// the ranges in the spec.
func (t Tag) Valid() bool {
switch {
case uint32(t) >= minStandardTag && uint32(t) < maxStandardTag:
return true
case uint32(t) >= minCustomTag && uint32(t) < maxCustomTag:
return true
return false

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
package ttlv
import (
func RegisterTypes(r *Registry) {
m := map[string]Type{
"BigInteger": TypeBigInteger,
"Boolean": TypeBoolean,
"ByteString": TypeByteString,
"DateTime": TypeDateTime,
"Enumeration": TypeEnumeration,
"Integer": TypeInteger,
"Interval": TypeInterval,
"LongInteger": TypeLongInteger,
"Structure": TypeStructure,
"TextString": TypeTextString,
"DateTimeExtended": TypeDateTimeExtended,
for name, v := range m {
r.RegisterType(v, name)
// Type describes the type of a KMIP TTLV.
// 2 and
type Type byte
const (
TypeStructure Type = 0x01
TypeInteger Type = 0x02
TypeLongInteger Type = 0x03
TypeBigInteger Type = 0x04
TypeEnumeration Type = 0x05
TypeBoolean Type = 0x06
TypeTextString Type = 0x07
TypeByteString Type = 0x08
TypeDateTime Type = 0x09
TypeInterval Type = 0x0A
TypeDateTimeExtended Type = 0x0B
// String returns the normalized name of the type. If the type
// name isn't registered, it returns the hex value of the type,
// e.g. "0x01" (TypeStructure). The value of String() is suitable
// for use in the JSON or XML encoding of TTLV.
func (t Type) String() string {
return DefaultRegistry.FormatType(t)
func (t Type) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (t *Type) UnmarshalText(text []byte) (err error) {
*t, err = DefaultRegistry.ParseType(string(text))
// DateTimeExtended is a time wrapper which always marshals to a DateTimeExtended.
type DateTimeExtended struct {
func (t *DateTimeExtended) UnmarshalTTLV(d *Decoder, ttlv TTLV) error {
if len(ttlv) == 0 {
return nil
if t == nil {
*t = DateTimeExtended{}
err := d.DecodeValue(&t.Time, ttlv)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t DateTimeExtended) MarshalTTLV(e *Encoder, tag Tag) error {
e.EncodeDateTimeExtended(tag, t.Time)
return nil
// Value is a go-typed mapping for a TTLV value. It holds a tag, and the value in
// the form of a native go type.
// Value supports marshaling and unmarshaling, allowing a mapping between encoded TTLV
// bytes and native go types. It's useful in tests, or where you want to construct
// an arbitrary TTLV structure in code without declaring a bespoke type, e.g.:
// v := ttlv.Value{Tag: TagBatchCount, Value: Values{
// Value{Tag: TagComment, Value: "red"},
// Value{Tag: TagComment, Value: "blue"},
// Value{Tag: TagComment, Value: "green"},
// }
// t, err := ttlv.Marshal(v)
// KMIP Structure types are mapped to the Values go type. When marshaling, if the Value
// field is set to a Values{}, the resulting TTLV will be TypeStructure. When unmarshaling
// a TTLV with TypeStructure, the Value field will be set to a Values{}.
type Value struct {
Tag Tag
Value interface{}
// UnmarshalTTLV implements Unmarshaler
func (t *Value) UnmarshalTTLV(d *Decoder, ttlv TTLV) error {
t.Tag = ttlv.Tag()
switch ttlv.Type() {
case TypeStructure:
var v Values
ttlv = ttlv.ValueStructure()
for ttlv.Valid() == nil {
err := d.DecodeValue(&v, ttlv)
if err != nil {
return err
ttlv = ttlv.Next()
t.Value = v
t.Value = ttlv.Value()
return nil
// MarshalTTLV implements Marshaler
func (t Value) MarshalTTLV(e *Encoder, tag Tag) error {
// if tag is set, override the suggested tag
if t.Tag != TagNone {
tag = t.Tag
if tvs, ok := t.Value.(Values); ok {
return e.EncodeStructure(tag, func(e *Encoder) error {
for _, v := range tvs {
if err := e.Encode(v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return e.EncodeValue(tag, t.Value)
// Values is a slice of Value objects. It represents the body of a TTLV with a type of Structure.
type Values []Value
// NewValue creates a new tagged value.
func NewValue(tag Tag, val interface{}) Value {
return Value{
Tag: tag,
Value: val,
// NewStruct creates a new tagged value which is of type struct.
func NewStruct(tag Tag, vals ...Value) Value {
return Value{
Tag: tag,
Value: Values(vals),
type Encoder struct {
encodeDepth int
w io.Writer
encBuf encBuf
// these fields store where the encoder is when marshaling a nested struct. its
// used to construct error messages.
currStruct string
currField string
// EnumValue is a uint32 wrapper which always encodes as an enumeration.
type EnumValue uint32
func (v EnumValue) MarshalTTLV(e *Encoder, tag Tag) error {
e.EncodeEnumeration(tag, uint32(v))
return nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package kmip
type Authentication struct {
Credential []Credential
type Nonce struct {
NonceID []byte
NonceValue []byte
type ProtocolVersion struct {
ProtocolVersionMajor int
ProtocolVersionMinor int
type MessageExtension struct {
VendorIdentification string
CriticalityIndicator bool
VendorExtension interface{}
type Attributes struct {
Attributes []Attribute

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package kmip
import (
// 7.1
type RequestMessage struct {
RequestHeader RequestHeader
BatchItem []RequestBatchItem
type ResponseMessage struct {
ResponseHeader ResponseHeader
BatchItem []ResponseBatchItem
// 7.2
type RequestHeader struct {
ProtocolVersion ProtocolVersion
MaximumResponseSize int `ttlv:",omitempty"`
ClientCorrelationValue string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
ServerCorrelationValue string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
AsynchronousIndicator bool `ttlv:",omitempty"`
AttestationCapableIndicator bool `ttlv:",omitempty"`
AttestationType []kmip14.AttestationType
Authentication *Authentication
BatchErrorContinuationOption kmip14.BatchErrorContinuationOption `ttlv:",omitempty"`
BatchOrderOption bool `ttlv:",omitempty"`
TimeStamp *time.Time
BatchCount int
type RequestBatchItem struct {
Operation kmip14.Operation
UniqueBatchItemID []byte `ttlv:",omitempty"`
RequestPayload interface{}
MessageExtension *MessageExtension `ttlv:",omitempty"`
type ResponseHeader struct {
ProtocolVersion ProtocolVersion
TimeStamp time.Time
Nonce *Nonce
AttestationType []kmip14.AttestationType
ClientCorrelationValue string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
ServerCorrelationValue string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
BatchCount int
type ResponseBatchItem struct {
Operation kmip14.Operation `ttlv:",omitempty"`
UniqueBatchItemID []byte `ttlv:",omitempty"`
ResultStatus kmip14.ResultStatus
ResultReason kmip14.ResultReason `ttlv:",omitempty"`
ResultMessage string `ttlv:",omitempty"`
AsynchronousCorrelationValue []byte `ttlv:",omitempty"`
ResponsePayload interface{} `ttlv:",omitempty"`
MessageExtension *MessageExtension

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
language: go
sudo: false
- 1.13.x
- tip
- go get -t -v ./...
- ./
- bash <(curl -s

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# go-colorable # go-colorable
[![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](](
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View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
//go:build appengine
// +build appengine // +build appengine
package colorable package colorable

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// +build !windows //go:build !windows && !appengine
// +build !appengine // +build !windows,!appengine
package colorable package colorable

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// +build windows //go:build windows && !appengine
// +build !appengine // +build windows,!appengine
package colorable package colorable
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
"os" "os"
"strconv" "strconv"
"strings" "strings"
"syscall" "syscall"
"unsafe" "unsafe"
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ const (
backgroundRed = 0x40 backgroundRed = 0x40
backgroundIntensity = 0x80 backgroundIntensity = 0x80
backgroundMask = (backgroundRed | backgroundBlue | backgroundGreen | backgroundIntensity) backgroundMask = (backgroundRed | backgroundBlue | backgroundGreen | backgroundIntensity)
commonLvbUnderscore = 0x8000
) )
@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ type Writer struct {
oldattr word oldattr word
oldpos coord oldpos coord
rest bytes.Buffer rest bytes.Buffer
mutex sync.Mutex
} }
// NewColorable returns new instance of Writer which handles escape sequence from File. // NewColorable returns new instance of Writer which handles escape sequence from File.
@ -432,6 +435,8 @@ func atoiWithDefault(s string, def int) (int, error) {
// Write writes data on console // Write writes data on console
func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) { func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer w.mutex.Unlock()
var csbi consoleScreenBufferInfo var csbi consoleScreenBufferInfo
procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi)))
@ -447,18 +452,22 @@ func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
} else { } else {
er = bytes.NewReader(data) er = bytes.NewReader(data)
} }
var bw [1]byte var plaintext bytes.Buffer
loop: loop:
for { for {
c1, err := er.ReadByte() c1, err := er.ReadByte()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
break loop break loop
} }
if c1 != 0x1b { if c1 != 0x1b {
bw[0] = c1 plaintext.WriteByte(c1)
continue continue
} }
_, err = plaintext.WriteTo(w.out)
if err != nil {
break loop
c2, err := er.ReadByte() c2, err := er.ReadByte()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
break loop break loop
@ -683,14 +692,19 @@ loop:
switch { switch {
case n == 0 || n == 100: case n == 0 || n == 100:
attr = w.oldattr attr = w.oldattr
case 1 <= n && n <= 5: case n == 4:
attr |= commonLvbUnderscore
case (1 <= n && n <= 3) || n == 5:
attr |= foregroundIntensity attr |= foregroundIntensity
case n == 7: case n == 7 || n == 27:
attr = ((attr & foregroundMask) << 4) | ((attr & backgroundMask) >> 4) attr =
case n == 22 || n == 25: (attr &^ (foregroundMask | backgroundMask)) |
attr |= foregroundIntensity ((attr & foregroundMask) << 4) |
case n == 27: ((attr & backgroundMask) >> 4)
attr = ((attr & foregroundMask) << 4) | ((attr & backgroundMask) >> 4) case n == 22:
attr &^= foregroundIntensity
case n == 24:
attr &^= commonLvbUnderscore
case 30 <= n && n <= 37: case 30 <= n && n <= 37:
attr &= backgroundMask attr &= backgroundMask
if (n-30)&1 != 0 { if (n-30)&1 != 0 {
@ -709,7 +723,7 @@ loop:
n256setup() n256setup()
} }
attr &= backgroundMask attr &= backgroundMask
attr |= n256foreAttr[n256] attr |= n256foreAttr[n256%len(n256foreAttr)]
i += 2 i += 2
} }
} else if len(token) == 5 && token[i+1] == "2" { } else if len(token) == 5 && token[i+1] == "2" {
@ -751,7 +765,7 @@ loop:
n256setup() n256setup()
} }
attr &= foregroundMask attr &= foregroundMask
attr |= n256backAttr[n256] attr |= n256backAttr[n256%len(n256backAttr)]
i += 2 i += 2
} }
} else if len(token) == 5 && token[i+1] == "2" { } else if len(token) == 5 && token[i+1] == "2" {

View File

@ -18,18 +18,22 @@ func NewNonColorable(w io.Writer) io.Writer {
// Write writes data on console // Write writes data on console
func (w *NonColorable) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) { func (w *NonColorable) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
er := bytes.NewReader(data) er := bytes.NewReader(data)
var bw [1]byte var plaintext bytes.Buffer
loop: loop:
for { for {
c1, err := er.ReadByte() c1, err := er.ReadByte()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
break loop break loop
} }
if c1 != 0x1b { if c1 != 0x1b {
bw[0] = c1 plaintext.WriteByte(c1)
continue continue
} }
_, err = plaintext.WriteTo(w.out)
if err != nil {
break loop
c2, err := er.ReadByte() c2, err := er.ReadByte()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
break loop break loop
@ -38,7 +42,6 @@ loop:
continue continue
} }
var buf bytes.Buffer
for { for {
c, err := er.ReadByte() c, err := er.ReadByte()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -47,7 +50,6 @@ loop:
if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || c == '@' { if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || c == '@' {
break break
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
language: go
sudo: false
- 1.13.x
- tip
- go get -t -v ./...
- ./
- bash <(curl -s

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
//go:build (darwin || freebsd || openbsd || netbsd || dragonfly) && !appengine
// +build darwin freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly // +build darwin freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly
// +build !appengine // +build !appengine

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// +build appengine js nacl //go:build appengine || js || nacl || wasm
// +build appengine js nacl wasm
package isatty package isatty

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
//go:build plan9
// +build plan9 // +build plan9
package isatty package isatty

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// +build solaris //go:build solaris && !appengine
// +build !appengine // +build solaris,!appengine
package isatty package isatty
@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ import (
) )
// IsTerminal returns true if the given file descriptor is a terminal. // IsTerminal returns true if the given file descriptor is a terminal.
// see: // see:
func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool {
var termio unix.Termio _, err := unix.IoctlGetTermio(int(fd), unix.TCGETA)
err := unix.IoctlSetTermio(int(fd), unix.TCGETA, &termio)
return err == nil return err == nil
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// +build linux aix //go:build (linux || aix || zos) && !appengine
// +build linux aix zos
// +build !appengine // +build !appengine
package isatty package isatty

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// +build windows //go:build windows && !appengine
// +build !appengine // +build windows,!appengine
package isatty package isatty
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func isCygwinPipeName(name string) bool {
} }
// getFileNameByHandle use the undocomented ntdll NtQueryObject to get file full name from file handler // getFileNameByHandle use the undocomented ntdll NtQueryObject to get file full name from file handler
// since GetFileInformationByHandleEx is not avilable under windows Vista and still some old fashion // since GetFileInformationByHandleEx is not available under windows Vista and still some old fashion
// guys are using Windows XP, this is a workaround for those guys, it will also work on system from // guys are using Windows XP, this is a workaround for those guys, it will also work on system from
// Windows vista to 10 // Windows vista to 10
// see for details // see for details

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"extends": [
"postUpdateOptions": [

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013 Mario L. Gutierrez
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# ansi
Package ansi is a small, fast library to create ANSI colored strings and codes.
## Install
Get it
go get -u
## Example
import ""
// colorize a string, SLOW
msg := ansi.Color("foo", "red+b:white")
// create a FAST closure function to avoid computation of ANSI code
phosphorize := ansi.ColorFunc("green+h:black")
msg = phosphorize("Bring back the 80s!")
msg2 := phospohorize("Look, I'm a CRT!")
// cache escape codes and build strings manually
lime := ansi.ColorCode("green+h:black")
reset := ansi.ColorCode("reset")
fmt.Println(lime, "Bring back the 80s!", reset)
Other examples
Color(s, "red") // red
Color(s, "red+d") // red dim
Color(s, "red+b") // red bold
Color(s, "red+B") // red blinking
Color(s, "red+u") // red underline
Color(s, "red+bh") // red bold bright
Color(s, "red:white") // red on white
Color(s, "red+b:white+h") // red bold on white bright
Color(s, "red+B:white+h") // red blink on white bright
Color(s, "off") // turn off ansi codes
To view color combinations, from project directory in terminal.
go test
## Style format
* black
* red
* green
* yellow
* blue
* magenta
* cyan
* white
* 0...255 (256 colors)
Foreground Attributes
* B = Blink
* b = bold
* h = high intensity (bright)
* d = dim
* i = inverse
* s = strikethrough
* u = underline
Background Attributes
* h = high intensity (bright)
## Constants
* ansi.Reset
* ansi.DefaultBG
* ansi.DefaultFG
* ansi.Black
* ansi.Red
* ansi.Green
* ansi.Yellow
* ansi.Blue
* ansi.Magenta
* ansi.Cyan
* ansi.White
* ansi.LightBlack
* ansi.LightRed
* ansi.LightGreen
* ansi.LightYellow
* ansi.LightBlue
* ansi.LightMagenta
* ansi.LightCyan
* ansi.LightWhite
## References
Wikipedia ANSI escape codes [Colors](
General [tips and formatting](
What about support on Windows? Use [colorable by mattn](
Ansi and colorable are used by [logxi]( to support logging in
color on Windows.
## MIT License
Copyright (c) 2013 Mario Gutierrez
See the file LICENSE for copying permission.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
package ansi
import (
const (
black = iota
defaultt = 9
normalIntensityFG = 30
highIntensityFG = 90
normalIntensityBG = 40
highIntensityBG = 100
start = "\033["
normal = "0;"
bold = "1;"
dim = "2;"
underline = "4;"
blink = "5;"
inverse = "7;"
strikethrough = "9;"
// Reset is the ANSI reset escape sequence
Reset = "\033[0m"
// DefaultBG is the default background
DefaultBG = "\033[49m"
// DefaultFG is the default foreground
DefaultFG = "\033[39m"
// Black FG
var Black string
// Red FG
var Red string
// Green FG
var Green string
// Yellow FG
var Yellow string
// Blue FG
var Blue string
// Magenta FG
var Magenta string
// Cyan FG
var Cyan string
// White FG
var White string
// LightBlack FG
var LightBlack string
// LightRed FG
var LightRed string
// LightGreen FG
var LightGreen string
// LightYellow FG
var LightYellow string
// LightBlue FG
var LightBlue string
// LightMagenta FG
var LightMagenta string
// LightCyan FG
var LightCyan string
// LightWhite FG
var LightWhite string
var (
plain = false
// Colors maps common color names to their ANSI color code.
Colors = map[string]int{
"black": black,
"red": red,
"green": green,
"yellow": yellow,
"blue": blue,
"magenta": magenta,
"cyan": cyan,
"white": white,
"default": defaultt,
func init() {
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
Colors[strconv.Itoa(i)] = i
Black = ColorCode("black")
Red = ColorCode("red")
Green = ColorCode("green")
Yellow = ColorCode("yellow")
Blue = ColorCode("blue")
Magenta = ColorCode("magenta")
Cyan = ColorCode("cyan")
White = ColorCode("white")
LightBlack = ColorCode("black+h")
LightRed = ColorCode("red+h")
LightGreen = ColorCode("green+h")
LightYellow = ColorCode("yellow+h")
LightBlue = ColorCode("blue+h")
LightMagenta = ColorCode("magenta+h")
LightCyan = ColorCode("cyan+h")
LightWhite = ColorCode("white+h")
// ColorCode returns the ANSI color color code for style.
func ColorCode(style string) string {
return colorCode(style).String()
// Gets the ANSI color code for a style.
func colorCode(style string) *bytes.Buffer {
buf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
if plain || style == "" {
return buf
if style == "reset" {
return buf
} else if style == "off" {
return buf
foregroundBackground := strings.Split(style, ":")
foreground := strings.Split(foregroundBackground[0], "+")
fgKey := foreground[0]
fg := Colors[fgKey]
fgStyle := ""
if len(foreground) > 1 {
fgStyle = foreground[1]
bg, bgStyle := "", ""
if len(foregroundBackground) > 1 {
background := strings.Split(foregroundBackground[1], "+")
bg = background[0]
if len(background) > 1 {
bgStyle = background[1]
base := normalIntensityFG
buf.WriteString(normal) // reset any previous style
if len(fgStyle) > 0 {
if strings.Contains(fgStyle, "b") {
if strings.Contains(fgStyle, "d") {
if strings.Contains(fgStyle, "B") {
if strings.Contains(fgStyle, "u") {
if strings.Contains(fgStyle, "i") {
if strings.Contains(fgStyle, "s") {
if strings.Contains(fgStyle, "h") {
base = highIntensityFG
// if 256-color
n, err := strconv.Atoi(fgKey)
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "38;5;%d;", n)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%d;", base+fg)
base = normalIntensityBG
if len(bg) > 0 {
if strings.Contains(bgStyle, "h") {
base = highIntensityBG
// if 256-color
n, err := strconv.Atoi(bg)
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "48;5;%d;", n)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%d;", base+Colors[bg])
// remove last ";"
buf.Truncate(buf.Len() - 1)
return buf
// Color colors a string based on the ANSI color code for style.
func Color(s, style string) string {
if plain || len(style) < 1 {
return s
buf := colorCode(style)
return buf.String()
// ColorFunc creates a closure to avoid computation ANSI color code.
func ColorFunc(style string) func(string) string {
if style == "" {
return func(s string) string {
return s
color := ColorCode(style)
return func(s string) string {
if plain || s == "" {
return s
buf := bytes.NewBufferString(color)
result := buf.String()
return result
// DisableColors disables ANSI color codes. The default is false (colors are on).
func DisableColors(disable bool) {
plain = disable
if plain {
Black = ""
Red = ""
Green = ""
Yellow = ""
Blue = ""
Magenta = ""
Cyan = ""
White = ""
LightBlack = ""
LightRed = ""
LightGreen = ""
LightYellow = ""
LightBlue = ""
LightMagenta = ""
LightCyan = ""
LightWhite = ""
} else {
Black = ColorCode("black")
Red = ColorCode("red")
Green = ColorCode("green")
Yellow = ColorCode("yellow")
Blue = ColorCode("blue")
Magenta = ColorCode("magenta")
Cyan = ColorCode("cyan")
White = ColorCode("white")
LightBlack = ColorCode("black+h")
LightRed = ColorCode("red+h")
LightGreen = ColorCode("green+h")
LightYellow = ColorCode("yellow+h")
LightBlue = ColorCode("blue+h")
LightMagenta = ColorCode("magenta+h")
LightCyan = ColorCode("cyan+h")
LightWhite = ColorCode("white+h")

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Package ansi is a small, fast library to create ANSI colored strings and codes.
# this installs the color viewer and the package
go get -u
// colorize a string, SLOW
msg := ansi.Color("foo", "red+b:white")
// create a closure to avoid recalculating ANSI code compilation
phosphorize := ansi.ColorFunc("green+h:black")
msg = phosphorize("Bring back the 80s!")
msg2 := phospohorize("Look, I'm a CRT!")
// cache escape codes and build strings manually
lime := ansi.ColorCode("green+h:black")
reset := ansi.ColorCode("reset")
fmt.Println(lime, "Bring back the 80s!", reset)
Other examples
Color(s, "red") // red
Color(s, "red+b") // red bold
Color(s, "red+B") // red blinking
Color(s, "red+u") // red underline
Color(s, "red+bh") // red bold bright
Color(s, "red:white") // red on white
Color(s, "red+b:white+h") // red bold on white bright
Color(s, "red+B:white+h") // red blink on white bright
To view color combinations, from terminal
Style format
b = bold foreground
B = Blink foreground
u = underline foreground
h = high intensity (bright) foreground, background
d = dim foreground
i = inverse
Wikipedia ANSI escape codes [Colors](
package ansi

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package ansi
import (
colorable ""
// PrintStyles prints all style combinations to the terminal.
func PrintStyles() {
// for compatibility with Windows, not needed for *nix
stdout := colorable.NewColorableStdout()
bgColors := []string{
keys := make([]string, 0, len(Colors))
for k := range Colors {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, fg := range keys {
for _, bg := range bgColors {
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, padColor(fg, []string{"" + bg, "+b" + bg, "+bh" + bg, "+u" + bg}))
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, padColor(fg, []string{"+s" + bg, "+i" + bg}))
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, padColor(fg, []string{"+uh" + bg, "+B" + bg, "+Bb" + bg /* backgrounds */, "" + bg + "+h"}))
fmt.Fprintln(stdout, padColor(fg, []string{"+b" + bg + "+h", "+bh" + bg + "+h", "+u" + bg + "+h", "+uh" + bg + "+h"}))
func pad(s string, length int) string {
for len(s) < length {
s += " "
return s
func padColor(color string, styles []string) string {
buffer := ""
for _, style := range styles {
buffer += Color(pad(color+style, 20), color+style)
return buffer

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
range: 80..100
round: down
precision: 2
project: # measuring the overall project coverage
default: # context, you can create multiple ones with custom titles
enabled: yes # must be yes|true to enable this status
target: 100 # specify the target coverage for each commit status
# option: "auto" (must increase from parent commit or pull request base)
# option: "X%" a static target percentage to hit
if_not_found: success # if parent is not found report status as success, error, or failure
if_ci_failed: error # if ci fails report status as success, error, or failure

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
v1.8.0 (2022-02-28)
- `Combine`: perform zero allocations when there are no errors.
v1.7.0 (2021-05-06)
- Add `AppendInvoke` to append into errors from `defer` blocks.
v1.6.0 (2020-09-14)
- Actually drop library dependency on development-time tooling.
v1.5.0 (2020-02-24)
- Drop library dependency on development-time tooling.
v1.4.0 (2019-11-04)
- Add `AppendInto` function to more ergonomically build errors inside a
v1.3.0 (2019-10-29)
- Switch to Go modules.
v1.2.0 (2019-09-26)
- Support extracting and matching against wrapped errors with `errors.As`
and `errors.Is`.
v1.1.0 (2017-06-30)
- Added an `Errors(error) []error` function to extract the underlying list of
errors for a multierr error.
v1.0.0 (2017-05-31)
No changes since v0.2.0. This release is committing to making no breaking
changes to the current API in the 1.X series.
v0.2.0 (2017-04-11)
- Repeatedly appending to the same error is now faster due to fewer
v0.1.0 (2017-31-03)
- Initial release

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Uber Technologies, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Directory to put `go install`ed binaries in.
export GOBIN ?= $(shell pwd)/bin
GO_FILES := $(shell \
find . '(' -path '*/.*' -o -path './vendor' ')' -prune \
-o -name '*.go' -print | cut -b3-)
.PHONY: build
go build ./...
.PHONY: test
go test -race ./...
.PHONY: gofmt
$(eval FMT_LOG := $(shell mktemp -t gofmt.XXXXX))
@gofmt -e -s -l $(GO_FILES) > $(FMT_LOG) || true
@[ ! -s "$(FMT_LOG)" ] || (echo "gofmt failed:" | cat - $(FMT_LOG) && false)
.PHONY: golint
@cd tools && go install
@$(GOBIN)/golint ./...
.PHONY: staticcheck
@cd tools && go install
@$(GOBIN)/staticcheck ./...
.PHONY: lint
lint: gofmt golint staticcheck
.PHONY: cover
go test -race -coverprofile=cover.out -coverpkg=./... -v ./...
go tool cover -html=cover.out -o cover.html

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# multierr [![GoDoc][doc-img]][doc] [![Build Status][ci-img]][ci] [![Coverage Status][cov-img]][cov]
`multierr` allows combining one or more Go `error`s together.
## Installation
go get -u
## Status
Stable: No breaking changes will be made before 2.0.
Released under the [MIT License].
[MIT License]: LICENSE.txt

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