"github.com/pkg/errors" does not offer more functionlity than that we
need from the standard "errors" package. With Golang v1.13 errors can be
wrapped with `fmt.Errorf("... %w", err)`. `errors.Is()` and
`errors.As()` are available as well.
See-also: https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.13#error_wrapping
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
Go 1.13 contains support for error wrapping. To support wrapping,
fmt.Errorf now has a %w verb for creating wrapped errors, and three
new functions in the errors package ( errors.Unwrap, errors.Is and
errors.As) simplify unwrapping and inspecting wrapped errors.
With this change, If we currently compare errors using ==, we have to
use errors.Is instead. Example:
if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)
Signed-off-by: Humble Chirammal <hchiramm@redhat.com>
The internal/ directory in Go has a special meaning, and indicates that
those packages are not meant for external consumption. Ceph-CSI does
provide public APIs for other projects to consume. There is no plan to
keep the API of the internally used packages stable.
Closes: #903
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>