This commit:
- modifies GetMonsAndClusterID() to take clusterID instead of options.
- moves out validation of clusterID is set or not out of GetMonsAndClusterID().
- defines ErrClusterIDNotSet new error for reusability.
- add GetClusterID() to obtain clusterID from options.
Signed-off-by: Rakshith R <>
This commit adds capability to genVolFromVolumeOptions() to fetch
mapped clusted-id & mon ips for mirrored PVC on secondary cluster
which may have different cluster-id.
This is required for NodeStageVolume().
We also don't need to check for mapping during volume create requests,
so it can be disabled by passing a bool checkClusterIDMapping as false.
GetMonsAndClusterID() is modified to accept bool checkClusterIDMapping
based on which clustermapping is checked to fetch mapped cluster-id and
Signed-off-by: Rakshith R <>
Thanks to the random unmap failure on my local machine:
I0901 17:08:37.841890 2617035 cephcmds.go:55] ID: 11 Req-ID:
an error (exit status 22) occurred while running rbd args: [unmap
rbd-pool/csi-vol-024983f3-0b47-11ec-8fcb-e671f0b9f58e --device-type nbd
--options try-netlink --options reattach-timeout=300 --options
Noticed the map args are also getting passed to/as unmap args, which is not
correct. We have separate things for mapOptions and unmapOptions. This PR
makes sure that the map args are not passed at the time of unmap.
Signed-off-by: Prasanna Kumar Kalever <>
When NewK8sClient() detects and error, it used to call FatalLogMsg()
which causes a panic. There are additional features that can be used on
Kubernetes clusters, but these are not a requirement for most
functionalities of the driver.
Instead of causing a panic, returning an error should suffice. This
allows using the driver on non-Kubernetes clusters again.
Fixes: #2452
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
This commit moves getMappedID() from rbd to util
package since it is not rbd specific and exports
it from there.
Signed-off-by: Rakshith R <>
By placing the NewK8sClient() function in its own package, the KMS API
can be split from the "internal/util" package. Some of the KMS providers
use the NewK8sClient() function, and this causes circular dependencies
between "internal/utils" -> "internal/kms" -> "internal/utils", which
are not alowed in Go.
Updates: #852
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
Moving the log functions into its own internal/util/log package makes it
possible to split out the humongous internal/util packages in further
smaller pieces. This reduces the inter-dependencies between utility
functions and components, preventing circular dependencies which are not
allowed in Go.
Updates: #852
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
- Update the meta stash with logDir details
- Use the same to remove logfile on unstage/unmap to be space efficient
Signed-off-by: Prasanna Kumar Kalever <>
- One logfile per device/volume
- Add ability to customize the logdir, default: /var/log/ceph
Note: if user customizes the hostpath to something else other than default
/var/log/ceph, then it is his responsibility to update the `cephLogDir`
in storageclass to reflect the same with daemon:
cephLogDir: "/var/log/mynewpath"
Signed-off-by: Prasanna Kumar Kalever <>
Whenever Ceph-CSI receives a CSI/Replication
request it will first decode the
volumeHandle and try to get the required
OMAP details if it is not able to
retrieve, receives a `Not Found` error
message and Ceph-CSI will check for the
clusterID mapping. If the old volumeID
contains the `site1-storage` as the clusterID,
now Ceph-CSI will look for the corresponding
clusterID `site2-storage` from the above configmap.
If the clusterID mapping is found now Ceph-CSI
will look for the poolID mapping ie mapping between
`1` and `2`. Example:- pool with name exists on
both the clusters with different ID's Replicapool
with ID `1` on site1 and Replicapool with ID `2`
on site2. After getting the required mapping Ceph-CSI
has the required information to get more details
from the rados OMAP. If we have multiple clusterID mapping
it will loop through all the mapping and checks the
corresponding pool to get the OMAP data. If the clusterID
mapping does not exist Ceph-CSI will return an `Not Found`
error message to the caller.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Currently we have a bug that we are not using rados
namespace when adding ceph manager command to
remove the image from the trash. This commit
adds the missing rados namespace when adding
ceph manager task.
without fix the image will be moved to trash
and no task will be added to remove from the
trash. it will become ceph responsibility to
remove the image from trash when it will cleanup
the trash.
workaroud: manually purge the trash
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
The new MigrateMetadata() function can be used to get the metadata of an
image with a deprecated and new key. Renaming metadata keys can be done
easily this way.
A default value will be set in the image metadata when it is missing
completely. But if the deprecated key was set, the data is stored under
the new key and the deprecated key is removed.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
nlreturn linter requires a new line before return
and branch statements except when the return is alone
inside a statement group (such as an if statement) to
increase code clarity. This commit addresses such issues.
Updates: #1586
Signed-off-by: Rakshith R <>
This commit resolves errorlint issues
which checks for the code that will cause
problems with the error wrapping scheme.
Updates: #1586
Signed-off-by: Yati Padia <>
As part of stage transaction if the mounter is of type nbd, then capture
device path after a successful rbd-nbd map.
Signed-off-by: Prasanna Kumar Kalever <>
setting metadata in isThickProvisioned method
helps us to avoid checking thick metakey and
deprecated metakey for both thick and thin
provisioned images and also this will easily
help us to migrated the deprecated key to new key.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
isThickProvisioned is already method of the rbdImage
to keep similar thick provisioner related functions
common making isThickProvisioned as method of rbdImage.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
As image metadata key starting with '.rbd' will not
be copied when we do clone or mirroring, deprecating
the old key for the same reason use
'' to set image metadata.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Mirror-snapshots can also be automatically created on a
periodic basis if mirror-snapshot schedules are defined.
The mirror-snapshot can be scheduled globally, per-pool,
or per-image levels. Multiple mirror-snapshot schedules
can be defined at any level.
To create a mirror-snapshot schedule with rbd, specify
the mirror snapshot schedule add command along with an
optional pool or image name; interval; and optional start time:
The interval can be specified in days, hours, or minutes
using d, h, m suffix respectively. The optional start-time
can be specified using the ISO 8601 time format. For example:
$ rbd --cluster site-a mirror snapshot schedule
add --pool image-pool --image image1 24h 14:00:00-05:00
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
We have many declarations and invocations..etc with long lines which are
very difficult to follow while doing code reading. This address the issues
in below files, and restrict the line length to 120 chars.
Signed-off-by: Humble Chirammal <>
Added helper func isNotMountPoint to check mountPoint,
validate error and reduce complexity of NodeStageVolume.
Signed-off-by: Rakshith R <>
This commit adds checks for missing `imageFeatures` parameter
in createvolumerequest and nodestagerequest(only for static PVs).
Missing `imageFeatures` parameter is ignored in case of non-static
PVs to ensure backwards compatibility with older versions which
did not have `imageFeatures` as required parameter.
Signed-off-by: Rakshith R <>
RbdSnapName holds the actual RBD image name which
got created during the CreateSnapshot operation.
RbdImageName holds the name of the parent from
which the snapshot is created. and the parent
is independent of snapshot and it can be deleted
any time for the same reason using the RbdSnapName
to check the rbd image details.
generate a temporary volume from the snapshot which
replaces the rbdImageName with RbdSnapName and use
it to check the image metadata.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
added validation to allow only Restore of Thick PVC
snapshot to a thick clone and creation of thick clone
from thick PVC.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
isThickProvisioned can be used for both snapshot
and clone validation if isThickProvisioned is method
of common rbdImage structure.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Not all Linux kernels support the deep-flatten feature. Disabling the
feature makes it possible to map RBD images on older kernels (like what
minikube uses).
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
To create a full-allocated RBD image from a snapshot/clone DeepCopy()
can be used. This is needed when the parent of the new volume is
thick-provisioner, so that the new volume is independent of the parent
and thick-provisioned as well.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
isCompatibleEncryption is used to validate the
requested volume and the existing volume and
the destination volume name wont be generated yet
and logging the destination volume prints the empty
image name with pool name.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
actual error will be present in the stdErr not the error
when we try to add a task to flatten the rbd image. This
commits corrects the error checking when the image does
not have a parent.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
While traversing image chain, the parent
image can be present in a different pool
that the one child is in. So, updating
pool name in the next itteration to
that of the Parent.
Co-authored-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Signed-off-by: Yug <>
if the parent and child clones are in
different namespaces we need to open a new
ioctx for pools.
Co-authored-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Signed-off-by: Yug <>
when clones are created in different pool,we
need to retrieve the parent pool to get the
information of the parent image.
Co-authored-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Signed-off-by: Yug <>
added support to create image in different pool.
if the snapshot/rbd image exists in one pool we
can create a clone the clone of the rbd image to
a different pool.
Co-authored-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Signed-off-by: Yug <>
In golang world, if you split an empty string that does not contain
the seperator, you get an array with one empty string. This results
in volumes failing to mount with "invalid feature " (note extra space
because it's trying to check if 'empty string' is a valid feature).
This patch checks if the string is empty, and if so, it just decides
to skip the entire validation and returning nothing.
Signed-off-by: Mohammed Naser <>
CreateVolume will fail in below cases
* If the snapshot is encrypted and requested volume
is not encrypted
* If the snapshot is not encrypted and requested
volume is encrypted
* If the parent volume is encrypted and requested volume
is not encrypted
* If the parent volume is not encrypted and requested
volume is encrypted
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
This commit removes calling of .String() when logging
since `%s`,`%v` or `%q` will call an existing .String() function
Fixes: #2051
Signed-off-by: Rakshith R <>
For flatten we call checkImageChainHasFeature
which internally calls to getImageInfo returns
the parent name even if the parent is in the trash,
when we try to open the parent image to get its
information it fails as the image not found.
we should treat error as nil if the parent is not found.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Before RBD map operation, we do check the
watchers on the RBD image. In the case of
RWO volume. cephcsi makes sure only one
client is using the RBD image. If the rbd
image is mirrored, by default mirroring
daemon will add a watcher on the image
and as we are using go-ceph a watcher will
be added as we have opened the image So
we will have two watchers on an image if
mirroring is enabled. This holds when the
rbd mirror daemon is running, In case if
the mirror daemon is not running there will
be only one watcher on the rbd image
(which is placed by go-ceph image open)
we should not block the map operation if
the mirroring daemon is not running as
its Async mirroring. This commit adds a
check to make sure no more than 2 watchers
if the image is mirrored or no more than 1
watcher if it is not mirrored image.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Since rbdImage is a common struct for
rbdVolume and rbdSnapshot, it description
was matching to only snapshot.
This commit makes the comments generic for
both volumes and snapshots.
Signed-off-by: Yug <>
If the pool or few keys are missing in the omap.
GetImageAttributes function returns nil error message and few
empty items in imageAttributes struct. if the image is not
found and the entiries are missing use
the volumeId present on the PV annotation for further operations.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
When a source volume is encrypted, the passphrase needs to be copied and
stored for the newly cloned volume.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
The ControllerServer should not need to care about support for
encryption, ideally it is transparantly handled by the rbdVolume type
and its internal API.
Deleting the DEK was one of the last remainders that was explicitly done
inside the ControllerServer.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
In the case of the Async DR, the volumeID will
not be the same if the clusterID or the PoolID
is different, With Earlier implementation, it
is expected that the new volumeID mapping is
stored in the rados omap pool. In the case of the
ControllerExpand or the DeleteVolume Request,
the only volumeID will be sent it's not possible
to find the corresponding poolID in the new cluster.
With This Change, it works as below
The csi-rbdplugin-controller will watch for the PV
objects, when there are any PV objects created it
will check the omap already exists, If the omap doesn't
exist it will generate the new volumeID and it checks for
the volumeID mapping entry in the PV annotation, if the
mapping does not exist, it will add the new entry
to the PV annotation.
The cephcsi will check for the PV annotations if the
omap does not exist if the mapping exists in the PV
annotation, it will use the new volumeID for further
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Current rbd plugin only supports the layering feature
for rbd image. Add exclusive-lock and journaling image
features for the rbd.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Signed-off-by: woohhan <>
rbdVolumes can have several resources that get allocated during its
usage. Only destroying the IOContext may not be suffiecient and can
cause resource leaks.
Use rbdVolume.Destroy() when the rbdVolume is not used anymore.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
Connections are reference counted, so just assigning the connection to
an other object for re-use is not correct. This can cause connections to
be garbage collected while something else is still using it.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
Because rbdVolume and rbdSnapshot are very similar, they can be based
off a common struct rbdImage that contains the common attributes and
This makes it possible to re-use functions for snapshots, and prevents
further duplication or code.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
The rbdSnapshot and rbdVolume structs have many common attributes. In
order to combine these into an rbdImage struct that implements shared
functionality, having the same attribute for the ID makes things much
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
NewVolumeEncryption() will return an indication that an alternative
DEKStore needs to be configured in case the KMS does not support it.
setKMS() will also set the DEKStore if needed, so renaming it to
configureEncryption() makes things clearer.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
Prepare for grouping encryption related functions together. The main
rbdVolume object should not be cluttered with KMS or DEK procedures.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
It seems that writing more than 1 GiB per WriteSame() operation causes
an EINVAL (22) "Invalid argument" error. Splitting the writes in blocks
of maximum 1 GiB should prevent that from happening.
Not all volumes are of a size that is the multiple of the stripe-size.
WriteSame() needs to write full blocks of data, so in case there is a
small left-over, it will be filled with WriteAt().
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
Introduce initKMS() as a function of rbdVolume. KMS functionality does
not need to pollute general RBD image functions. Encryption functions
are now in internal/rbd.encryption.go, so move initKMS() there as well.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
When and RBD image is expanded, the additional extents need to get
allocated when the image was thick-provisioned.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
When images get resized/expanded, the additional space needs to be
allocated if the image was initially thick-provisioned. By marking the
image with a "thick-provisioned" key in the metadata, future operations
can check the need.
A missing "thick-provisioned" key indicates that the image has not been
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
Write blocks of stripe-size to allocate RBD images when
Thick-Provisioning is enabled in the StorageClass.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
Add an option to the StorageClass to support creating fully allocated
(thick provisioned) RBD images
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
This adds internal/rbd/encryption.go which will be used to include other
encryption functionality to support additional KMS related functions. It
will work together with the shared API from internal/util/kms.go.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
It seems that calls to addRbdManagerTask() do not include the
rados-namespace in the image location. Functions calling
addRbdManagerTask() construct the image location themselves, but should
use rbdVolume.String() to include all the attributes.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
Add a new method to the EncryptionKMS interface so that resources can be
freed when EncryptionKMS instances get freed.
With the move to using the libopenstorage API, a temporary file needs to
store the optional CA certificate. The Destroy() method of the
vaultConnection type now removes this file.
The rbdVolume uses the EncryptionKMS type now, so call the new Destroy()
method from withing rbdVolume.Destroy().
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
The Owner of an RBD image (Kubernetes Namespace, tenant) can be used to
identify additional configuration options. This will be used for
fetching the right Vault Token when encrypting/decrypting volumes.
Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <>
earlier if the depth check fails the
complete vol struct was getting logged,
this commits logs only the pool and image
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
In the case of Disaster Recovery failover, the
user expected to create the static PVC's. We have
planned not to go with the PVC name and namespace
for many reasons (as in kubernetes it's planned to
support PVC transfer to a new namespace with a
different name and with new features coming in
like data populator etc). For now, we are
planning to go with static PVC's to support
async mirroring.
During Async mirroring only the RBD images are
mirrored to the secondary site, and when the
user creates the static PVC's on the failover
we need to regenerate the omap data. The
volumeHandler in PV spec is an encoded string
which contains clusterID and poolID and image UUID,
The clusterID and poolID won't remain same on both
the clusters, for that cephcsi need to generate the
new volume handler and its to create a mapping
between new volume handler and old volume handler
with that whenever cephcsi gets csi requests it
check if the mapping exists it will pull the new
volume handler and continues other operations.
The new controller watches for the PVs created,
It checks if the omap exists if it doesn't it
will regenerate the entire omap data.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
in case of mirrored image, if the image is
primary a watcher will be added by the rbd
mirror deamon on the rbd image.
we have to consider 2 watcher to check image
is in use.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
The error check condition in genVolFromID() is always false as far as
code reading/workflow goes. Removing it for the same reason.
Signed-off-by: Humble Chirammal <>
cephcsi uses cli for fetching snap list as well as to check the
snapshot namespace, replaced that with go-ceph calls.
Signed-off-by: Mudit Agarwal <>
updateVolWithImageInfo() is currently executing an rbd command
to get details about an RBD image. Replaced it with the
required go-ceph functions.
Signed-off-by: Mudit Agarwal <>
if the image is created without flattening image-feature
the image will get few image-features by default, deep-flatten
is one of them. if the image doesnot have any parent
the rbd image flattening will fail, This commit discards
error message if the image doesnt have any parent.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
merging of
broken the cephcsi building. This commits fixes
the build issue.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Make sure to operate within the namespace if any given
when dealing with rbd images and snapshots and their journals.
Signed-off-by: Mehdy Khoshnoody <>
if we are not able to fetch the cluster-ID from
the createSnapshot request and also if we are
not able to get the monitor information from
the cluster-ID return error instead of using
the parent image information.
Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <>
Replaced command execution with go-ceph Resize() function.
Volsize is being updated before waiting for resize() to return,
fixed it to get updated only after resize() is successful.
Signed-off-by: Mudit Agarwal <>