#!/bin/bash # shellcheck source=scripts/build_step.inc.sh source "$(dirname "${0}")/scripts/build_step.inc.sh" source "$(dirname "${0}")/build.env" push_helm_charts() { PACKAGE=$1 CHARTDIR=$2 VERSION=${CSI_IMAGE_VERSION//v/} # Set version (without v prefix) # update information in Chart.yaml if the branch is not devel if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "devel" ]; then # Replace appVersion: canary and version: *-canary with the actual version sed -i "s/\(\s.*canary\)/ $VERSION/" "charts/ceph-csi-$PACKAGE/Chart.yaml" if [[ "$VERSION" == *"canary"* ]]; then # Replace devel with the version branch sed -i "s/devel/$TRAVIS_BRANCH/" "charts/ceph-csi-$PACKAGE/Chart.yaml" else # This is not a canary release, replace devel with the tagged branch sed -i "s/devel/v$VERSION/" "charts/ceph-csi-$PACKAGE/templates/NOTES.txt" sed -i "s/devel/v$VERSION/" "charts/ceph-csi-$PACKAGE/Chart.yaml" fi fi mkdir -p "$CHARTDIR/csi-charts/docs/$PACKAGE" cp -R "./charts/ceph-csi-$PACKAGE" "$CHARTDIR/csi-charts/docs/$PACKAGE" pushd "$CHARTDIR/csi-charts/docs/$PACKAGE" >/dev/null helm init --client-only helm package "ceph-csi-$PACKAGE" popd >/dev/null pushd "$CHARTDIR/csi-charts/docs" >/dev/null helm repo index . git add --all :/ && git commit -m "Update for helm charts $PACKAGE-$VERSION" git push https://"$GITHUB_TOKEN"@github.com/ceph/csi-charts popd >/dev/null } # Build and push images. Steps as below: # 1. get base image from ./build.env (BASE_IMAGE=ceph/ceph:v14.2) # 2. parse manifest to get image digest per arch (sha256:XXX, sha256:YYY) # 3. patch Dockerfile with amd64 base image (FROM ceph/ceph:v14.2@sha256:XXX) # 4. build and push amd64 image # 5. patch Dockerfile with arm64 base image (FROM ceph/ceph:v14.2@sha256:YYY) # 6. build and push arm64 image build_push_images() { # "docker manifest" requires experimental feature enabled export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled build_env="build.env" baseimg=$(awk -F = '/^BASE_IMAGE=/ {print $NF}' "${build_env}") # get image digest per architecture # { # "arch": "amd64", # "digest": "sha256:XXX" # } # { # "arch": "arm64", # "digest": "sha256:YYY" # } manifests=$(docker manifest inspect "${baseimg}" | jq '.manifests[] | {arch: .platform.architecture, digest: .digest}') # qemu-user-static is to enable an execution of different multi-architecture containers by QEMU # more info at https://github.com/multiarch/qemu-user-static build_step "docker run multiarch/qemu-user-static container" docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes # build and push per arch images for ARCH in amd64 arm64; do ifs=$IFS IFS= digest=$(awk -v ARCH=${ARCH} '{if (archfound) {print $NF; exit 0}}; {archfound=($0 ~ "arch.*"ARCH)}' <<<"${manifests}") IFS=$ifs base_image=${baseimg}@${digest} build_step "make push-image-cephcsi for ${ARCH}" GOARCH=${ARCH} BASE_IMAGE=${base_image} make push-image-cephcsi build_step_log "done: make push-image-cephcsi for ${ARCH} (ret=${?})" GOARCH=${ARCH} make create-manifest done make push-manifest } if [ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" != 'devel' ]; then echo "!!! Branch ${TRAVIS_BRANCH} is not a deployable branch; exiting" exit 0 # Exiting 0 so that this isn't marked as failing fi if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" == "false" ]; then build_step "log in to quay.io as user ${QUAY_IO_USERNAME}" # This is a workaround to fix docker permission denied issue during manifest create in Travis CI. # `docker manifest create` fails due to permission denied on `/etc/docker/certs.d/quay.io` # (https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/396). sudo chmod o+x /etc/docker "${CONTAINER_CMD:-docker}" login -u "${QUAY_IO_USERNAME}" -p "${QUAY_IO_PASSWORD}" quay.io set -xe build_push_images CSI_CHARTS_DIR=$(mktemp -d) pushd "$CSI_CHARTS_DIR" >/dev/null curl -L https://git.io/get_helm.sh | bash build_step "cloning ceph/csi-charts repository" git clone https://github.com/ceph/csi-charts mkdir -p csi-charts/docs popd >/dev/null build_step "pushing RBD helm charts" push_helm_charts rbd "$CSI_CHARTS_DIR" build_step "pushing CephFS helm charts" push_helm_charts cephfs "$CSI_CHARTS_DIR" build_step_log "finished deployment!" [ -n "${CSI_CHARTS_DIR}" ] && rm -rf "${CSI_CHARTS_DIR}" fi