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package storageversion

import (

	utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
	_ "k8s.io/component-base/metrics/prometheus/workqueue" // for workqueue metric registration

// ResourceInfo contains the information to register the resource to the
// storage version API.
type ResourceInfo struct {
	GroupResource schema.GroupResource

	EncodingVersion string
	// Used to calculate decodable versions. Can only be used after all
	// equivalent versions are registered by InstallREST.
	EquivalentResourceMapper runtime.EquivalentResourceRegistry

	// DirectlyDecodableVersions is a list of versions that the converter for REST storage knows how to convert.  This
	// contains items like apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 even if we don't serve that version.
	DirectlyDecodableVersions []schema.GroupVersion

	// ServedVersions holds a list of all versions of GroupResource that are served.  Note that a server may be able to
	// decode a particular version, but still not serve it.
	ServedVersions []string

// Manager records the resources whose StorageVersions need updates, and provides a method to update those StorageVersions.
type Manager interface {
	// AddResourceInfo records resources whose StorageVersions need updates
	AddResourceInfo(resources ...*ResourceInfo)
	// UpdateStorageVersions tries to update the StorageVersions of the recorded resources
	UpdateStorageVersions(kubeAPIServerClientConfig *rest.Config, apiserverID string)
	// PendingUpdate returns true if the StorageVersion of the given resource is still pending update.
	PendingUpdate(gr schema.GroupResource) bool
	// LastUpdateError returns the last error hit when updating the storage version of the given resource.
	LastUpdateError(gr schema.GroupResource) error
	// Completed returns true if updating StorageVersions of all recorded resources has completed.
	Completed() bool

var _ Manager = &defaultManager{}

// defaultManager indicates if an apiserver has completed reporting its storage versions.
type defaultManager struct {
	completed atomic.Bool

	mu sync.RWMutex
	// managedResourceInfos records the ResourceInfos whose StorageVersions will get updated in the next
	// UpdateStorageVersions call
	managedResourceInfos map[*ResourceInfo]struct{}
	// managedStatus records the update status of StorageVersion for each GroupResource. Since one
	// ResourceInfo may expand into multiple GroupResource (e.g. ingresses.networking.k8s.io and ingresses.extensions),
	// this map allows quick status lookup for a GroupResource, during API request handling.
	managedStatus map[schema.GroupResource]*updateStatus

type updateStatus struct {
	done    bool
	lastErr error

// NewDefaultManager creates a new defaultManager.
func NewDefaultManager() Manager {
	s := &defaultManager{}
	s.managedResourceInfos = make(map[*ResourceInfo]struct{})
	s.managedStatus = make(map[schema.GroupResource]*updateStatus)
	return s

// AddResourceInfo adds ResourceInfo to the manager.
func (s *defaultManager) AddResourceInfo(resources ...*ResourceInfo) {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	for _, r := range resources {
		s.managedResourceInfos[r] = struct{}{}

func (s *defaultManager) addPendingManagedStatusLocked(r *ResourceInfo) {
	gvrs := r.EquivalentResourceMapper.EquivalentResourcesFor(r.GroupResource.WithVersion(""), "")
	for _, gvr := range gvrs {
		gr := gvr.GroupResource()
		if _, ok := s.managedStatus[gr]; !ok {
			s.managedStatus[gr] = &updateStatus{}

// UpdateStorageVersions tries to update the StorageVersions of the recorded resources
func (s *defaultManager) UpdateStorageVersions(kubeAPIServerClientConfig *rest.Config, serverID string) {
	clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(kubeAPIServerClientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("failed to get clientset: %v", err))
	sc := clientset.InternalV1alpha1().StorageVersions()

	resources := []ResourceInfo{}
	for resource := range s.managedResourceInfos {
		resources = append(resources, *resource)
	hasFailure := false
	// Sorting the list to make sure we have a consistent dedup result, and
	// therefore avoid creating unnecessarily duplicated StorageVersion objects.
	// For example, extensions.ingresses and networking.k8s.io.ingresses share
	// the same underlying storage. Without sorting, in an HA cluster, one
	// apiserver may dedup and update StorageVersion for extensions.ingresses,
	// while another apiserver may dedup and update StorageVersion for
	// networking.k8s.io.ingresses. The storage migrator (which migrates objects
	// per GroupResource) will migrate these resources twice, since both
	// StorageVersion objects have CommonEncodingVersion (each with one server registered).
	for _, r := range dedupResourceInfos(resources) {
		decodableVersions := decodableVersions(r.DirectlyDecodableVersions, r.EquivalentResourceMapper, r.GroupResource)
		gr := r.GroupResource
		// Group must be a valid subdomain in DNS (RFC 1123)
		if len(gr.Group) == 0 {
			gr.Group = "core"

		servedVersions := r.ServedVersions

		if err := updateStorageVersionFor(sc, serverID, gr, r.EncodingVersion, decodableVersions, servedVersions); err != nil {
			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("failed to update storage version for %v: %v", r.GroupResource, err))
			s.recordStatusFailure(&r, err)
			hasFailure = true
		klog.V(2).Infof("successfully updated storage version for %v", r.GroupResource)
	if hasFailure {
	klog.V(2).Infof("storage version updates complete")

// dedupResourceInfos dedups ResourceInfos with the same underlying storage.
// ResourceInfos from the same Group with different Versions share the same underlying storage.
// ResourceInfos from different Groups may share the same underlying storage, e.g.
// networking.k8s.io ingresses and extensions ingresses. The StorageVersion manager
// only needs to update one StorageVersion for the equivalent Groups.
func dedupResourceInfos(infos []ResourceInfo) []ResourceInfo {
	var ret []ResourceInfo
	seen := make(map[schema.GroupResource]struct{})
	for _, info := range infos {
		gr := info.GroupResource
		if _, ok := seen[gr]; ok {
		gvrs := info.EquivalentResourceMapper.EquivalentResourcesFor(gr.WithVersion(""), "")
		for _, gvr := range gvrs {
			seen[gvr.GroupResource()] = struct{}{}
		ret = append(ret, info)
	return ret

func sortResourceInfosByGroupResource(infos []ResourceInfo) {

type byGroupResource []ResourceInfo

func (s byGroupResource) Len() int { return len(s) }

func (s byGroupResource) Less(i, j int) bool {
	if s[i].GroupResource.Group == s[j].GroupResource.Group {
		return s[i].GroupResource.Resource < s[j].GroupResource.Resource
	return s[i].GroupResource.Group < s[j].GroupResource.Group

func (s byGroupResource) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }

// recordStatusSuccess marks updated ResourceInfo as completed.
func (s *defaultManager) recordStatusSuccess(r *ResourceInfo) {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()

func (s *defaultManager) recordStatusSuccessLocked(r *ResourceInfo) {
	gvrs := r.EquivalentResourceMapper.EquivalentResourcesFor(r.GroupResource.WithVersion(""), "")
	for _, gvr := range gvrs {

func (s *defaultManager) recordSuccessGroupResourceLocked(gr schema.GroupResource) {
	if _, ok := s.managedStatus[gr]; !ok {
	s.managedStatus[gr].done = true
	s.managedStatus[gr].lastErr = nil

// recordStatusFailure records latest error updating ResourceInfo.
func (s *defaultManager) recordStatusFailure(r *ResourceInfo, err error) {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	s.recordStatusFailureLocked(r, err)

func (s *defaultManager) recordStatusFailureLocked(r *ResourceInfo, err error) {
	gvrs := r.EquivalentResourceMapper.EquivalentResourcesFor(r.GroupResource.WithVersion(""), "")
	for _, gvr := range gvrs {
		s.recordErrorGroupResourceLocked(gvr.GroupResource(), err)

func (s *defaultManager) recordErrorGroupResourceLocked(gr schema.GroupResource, err error) {
	if _, ok := s.managedStatus[gr]; !ok {
	s.managedStatus[gr].lastErr = err

// PendingUpdate returns if the StorageVersion of a resource is still wait to be updated.
func (s *defaultManager) PendingUpdate(gr schema.GroupResource) bool {
	defer s.mu.RUnlock()
	if _, ok := s.managedStatus[gr]; !ok {
		return false
	return !s.managedStatus[gr].done

// LastUpdateError returns the last error hit when updating the storage version of the given resource.
func (s *defaultManager) LastUpdateError(gr schema.GroupResource) error {
	defer s.mu.RUnlock()
	if _, ok := s.managedStatus[gr]; !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't find managed status for %v", gr)
	return s.managedStatus[gr].lastErr

// setComplete marks the completion of updating StorageVersions. No write requests need to be blocked anymore.
func (s *defaultManager) setComplete() {

// Completed returns if updating StorageVersions has completed.
func (s *defaultManager) Completed() bool {
	return s.completed.Load()

func decodableVersions(directlyDecodableVersions []schema.GroupVersion, e runtime.EquivalentResourceRegistry, gr schema.GroupResource) []string {
	var versions []string
	for _, decodableVersions := range directlyDecodableVersions {
		versions = append(versions, decodableVersions.String())

	decodingGVRs := e.EquivalentResourcesFor(gr.WithVersion(""), "")
	for _, v := range decodingGVRs {
		found := false
		for _, existingVersion := range versions {
			if existingVersion == v.GroupVersion().String() {
				found = true
		if found {
		versions = append(versions, v.GroupVersion().String())
	return versions