# gnostic-analyze This directory contains a `gnostic` plugin that analyzes an OpenAPI description for factors that might influence code generation and other API automation. The plugin can be invoked like this: gnostic bookstore.json --analyze_out=. This will write analysis results to a file in the current directory. Results are written to a file named `summary.json`. The plugin can be applied to a directory of descriptions using a command like the following: find APIs -name "swagger.yaml" -exec gnostic --analyze_out=analysis {} \; This finds all `swagger.yaml` files in a directory named `APIs` and its subdirectories and writes corresponding `summary.json` files into a directory named `analysis`. Results of multiple analysis runs can be gathered together and summarized using the `summarize` program, which is in the `summarize` subdirectory. Just run `summarize` in the same location as the `find` command shown above.