  # Make output more digestible with quickfix in vim/emacs/etc.
  sort-results: true
  print-issued-lines: false

  # We'll track the golangci-lint default linters manually
  # instead of letting them change without our control.
  disable-all: true
    # golangci-lint defaults:
    - errcheck
    - gosimple
    - govet
    - ineffassign
    - staticcheck
    - unused

    # Our own extras:
    - gofmt
    - nolintlint # lints nolint directives
    - revive

    # These govet checks are disabled by default, but they're useful.
      - niliness
      - reflectvaluecompare
      - sortslice
      - unusedwrite

      # These methods can not fail.
      # They operate on an in-memory buffer.
      - (*go.uber.org/zap/buffer.Buffer).Write
      - (*go.uber.org/zap/buffer.Buffer).WriteByte
      - (*go.uber.org/zap/buffer.Buffer).WriteString

      - (*go.uber.org/zap/zapio.Writer).Close
      - (*go.uber.org/zap/zapio.Writer).Sync
      - (*go.uber.org/zap/zapio.Writer).Write
      # Write to zapio.Writer cannot fail,
      # so io.WriteString on it cannot fail.
      - io.WriteString(*go.uber.org/zap/zapio.Writer)

      # Writing a plain string to a fmt.State cannot fail.
      - io.WriteString(fmt.State)

  # Print all issues reported by all linters.
  max-issues-per-linter: 0
  max-same-issues: 0

  # Don't ignore some of the issues that golangci-lint considers okay.
  # This includes documenting all exported entities.
  exclude-use-default: false

    # Don't warn on unused parameters.
    # Parameter names are useful; replacing them with '_' is undesirable.
    - linters: [revive]
      text: 'unused-parameter: parameter \S+ seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _'

    # staticcheck already has smarter checks for empty blocks.
    # revive's empty-block linter has false positives.
    # For example, as of writing this, the following is not allowed.
    #   for foo() { }
    - linters: [revive]
      text: 'empty-block: this block is empty, you can remove it'

    # Ignore logger.Sync() errcheck failures in example_test.go
    # since those are intended to be uncomplicated examples.
    - linters: [errcheck]
      path: example_test.go
      text: 'Error return value of `logger.Sync` is not checked'