Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package clock

import (

// PassiveClock allows for injecting fake or real clocks into code
// that needs to read the current time but does not support scheduling
// activity in the future.
type PassiveClock interface {
	Now() time.Time
	Since(time.Time) time.Duration

// Clock allows for injecting fake or real clocks into code that
// needs to do arbitrary things based on time.
type Clock interface {
	After(time.Duration) <-chan time.Time
	NewTimer(time.Duration) Timer
	NewTicker(time.Duration) Ticker

// RealClock really calls time.Now()
type RealClock struct{}

// Now returns the current time.
func (RealClock) Now() time.Time {
	return time.Now()

// Since returns time since the specified timestamp.
func (RealClock) Since(ts time.Time) time.Duration {
	return time.Since(ts)

// After is the same as time.After(d).
func (RealClock) After(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
	return time.After(d)

// NewTimer returns a new Timer.
func (RealClock) NewTimer(d time.Duration) Timer {
	return &realTimer{
		timer: time.NewTimer(d),

// NewTicker returns a new Ticker.
func (RealClock) NewTicker(d time.Duration) Ticker {
	return &realTicker{
		ticker: time.NewTicker(d),

// Sleep pauses the RealClock for duration d.
func (RealClock) Sleep(d time.Duration) {

// FakePassiveClock implements PassiveClock, but returns an arbitrary time.
type FakePassiveClock struct {
	lock sync.RWMutex
	time time.Time

// FakeClock implements Clock, but returns an arbitrary time.
type FakeClock struct {

	// waiters are waiting for the fake time to pass their specified time
	waiters []fakeClockWaiter

type fakeClockWaiter struct {
	targetTime    time.Time
	stepInterval  time.Duration
	skipIfBlocked bool
	destChan      chan time.Time

// NewFakePassiveClock returns a new FakePassiveClock.
func NewFakePassiveClock(t time.Time) *FakePassiveClock {
	return &FakePassiveClock{
		time: t,

// NewFakeClock returns a new FakeClock
func NewFakeClock(t time.Time) *FakeClock {
	return &FakeClock{
		FakePassiveClock: *NewFakePassiveClock(t),

// Now returns f's time.
func (f *FakePassiveClock) Now() time.Time {
	defer f.lock.RUnlock()
	return f.time

// Since returns time since the time in f.
func (f *FakePassiveClock) Since(ts time.Time) time.Duration {
	defer f.lock.RUnlock()
	return f.time.Sub(ts)

// SetTime sets the time on the FakePassiveClock.
func (f *FakePassiveClock) SetTime(t time.Time) {
	defer f.lock.Unlock()
	f.time = t

// After is the Fake version of time.After(d).
func (f *FakeClock) After(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
	defer f.lock.Unlock()
	stopTime := f.time.Add(d)
	ch := make(chan time.Time, 1) // Don't block!
	f.waiters = append(f.waiters, fakeClockWaiter{
		targetTime: stopTime,
		destChan:   ch,
	return ch

// NewTimer is the Fake version of time.NewTimer(d).
func (f *FakeClock) NewTimer(d time.Duration) Timer {
	defer f.lock.Unlock()
	stopTime := f.time.Add(d)
	ch := make(chan time.Time, 1) // Don't block!
	timer := &fakeTimer{
		fakeClock: f,
		waiter: fakeClockWaiter{
			targetTime: stopTime,
			destChan:   ch,
	f.waiters = append(f.waiters, timer.waiter)
	return timer

// NewTicker returns a new Ticker.
func (f *FakeClock) NewTicker(d time.Duration) Ticker {
	defer f.lock.Unlock()
	tickTime := f.time.Add(d)
	ch := make(chan time.Time, 1) // hold one tick
	f.waiters = append(f.waiters, fakeClockWaiter{
		targetTime:    tickTime,
		stepInterval:  d,
		skipIfBlocked: true,
		destChan:      ch,

	return &fakeTicker{
		c: ch,

// Step moves clock by Duration, notifies anyone that's called After, Tick, or NewTimer
func (f *FakeClock) Step(d time.Duration) {
	defer f.lock.Unlock()

// SetTime sets the time on a FakeClock.
func (f *FakeClock) SetTime(t time.Time) {
	defer f.lock.Unlock()

// Actually changes the time and checks any waiters. f must be write-locked.
func (f *FakeClock) setTimeLocked(t time.Time) {
	f.time = t
	newWaiters := make([]fakeClockWaiter, 0, len(f.waiters))
	for i := range f.waiters {
		w := &f.waiters[i]
		if !w.targetTime.After(t) {

			if w.skipIfBlocked {
				select {
				case w.destChan <- t:
			} else {
				w.destChan <- t

			if w.stepInterval > 0 {
				for !w.targetTime.After(t) {
					w.targetTime = w.targetTime.Add(w.stepInterval)
				newWaiters = append(newWaiters, *w)

		} else {
			newWaiters = append(newWaiters, f.waiters[i])
	f.waiters = newWaiters

// HasWaiters returns true if After has been called on f but not yet satisfied (so you can
// write race-free tests).
func (f *FakeClock) HasWaiters() bool {
	defer f.lock.RUnlock()
	return len(f.waiters) > 0

// Sleep pauses the FakeClock for duration d.
func (f *FakeClock) Sleep(d time.Duration) {

// IntervalClock implements Clock, but each invocation of Now steps the clock forward the specified duration
type IntervalClock struct {
	Time     time.Time
	Duration time.Duration

// Now returns i's time.
func (i *IntervalClock) Now() time.Time {
	i.Time = i.Time.Add(i.Duration)
	return i.Time

// Since returns time since the time in i.
func (i *IntervalClock) Since(ts time.Time) time.Duration {
	return i.Time.Sub(ts)

// After is currently unimplemented, will panic.
// TODO: make interval clock use FakeClock so this can be implemented.
func (*IntervalClock) After(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
	panic("IntervalClock doesn't implement After")

// NewTimer is currently unimplemented, will panic.
// TODO: make interval clock use FakeClock so this can be implemented.
func (*IntervalClock) NewTimer(d time.Duration) Timer {
	panic("IntervalClock doesn't implement NewTimer")

// NewTicker is currently unimplemented, will panic.
// TODO: make interval clock use FakeClock so this can be implemented.
func (*IntervalClock) NewTicker(d time.Duration) Ticker {
	panic("IntervalClock doesn't implement NewTicker")

// Sleep is currently unimplemented; will panic.
func (*IntervalClock) Sleep(d time.Duration) {
	panic("IntervalClock doesn't implement Sleep")

// Timer allows for injecting fake or real timers into code that
// needs to do arbitrary things based on time.
type Timer interface {
	C() <-chan time.Time
	Stop() bool
	Reset(d time.Duration) bool

// realTimer is backed by an actual time.Timer.
type realTimer struct {
	timer *time.Timer

// C returns the underlying timer's channel.
func (r *realTimer) C() <-chan time.Time {
	return r.timer.C

// Stop calls Stop() on the underlying timer.
func (r *realTimer) Stop() bool {
	return r.timer.Stop()

// Reset calls Reset() on the underlying timer.
func (r *realTimer) Reset(d time.Duration) bool {
	return r.timer.Reset(d)

// fakeTimer implements Timer based on a FakeClock.
type fakeTimer struct {
	fakeClock *FakeClock
	waiter    fakeClockWaiter

// C returns the channel that notifies when this timer has fired.
func (f *fakeTimer) C() <-chan time.Time {
	return f.waiter.destChan

// Stop conditionally stops the timer.  If the timer has neither fired
// nor been stopped then this call stops the timer and returns true,
// otherwise this call returns false.  This is like time.Timer::Stop.
func (f *fakeTimer) Stop() bool {
	defer f.fakeClock.lock.Unlock()
	// The timer has already fired or been stopped, unless it is found
	// among the clock's waiters.
	stopped := false
	oldWaiters := f.fakeClock.waiters
	newWaiters := make([]fakeClockWaiter, 0, len(oldWaiters))
	seekChan := f.waiter.destChan
	for i := range oldWaiters {
		// Identify the timer's fakeClockWaiter by the identity of the
		// destination channel, nothing else is necessarily unique and
		// constant since the timer's creation.
		if oldWaiters[i].destChan == seekChan {
			stopped = true
		} else {
			newWaiters = append(newWaiters, oldWaiters[i])

	f.fakeClock.waiters = newWaiters

	return stopped

// Reset conditionally updates the firing time of the timer.  If the
// timer has neither fired nor been stopped then this call resets the
// timer to the fake clock's "now" + d and returns true, otherwise
// this call returns false.  This is like time.Timer::Reset.
func (f *fakeTimer) Reset(d time.Duration) bool {
	defer f.fakeClock.lock.Unlock()
	waiters := f.fakeClock.waiters
	seekChan := f.waiter.destChan
	for i := range waiters {
		if waiters[i].destChan == seekChan {
			waiters[i].targetTime = f.fakeClock.time.Add(d)
			return true
	return false

// Ticker defines the Ticker interface
type Ticker interface {
	C() <-chan time.Time

type realTicker struct {
	ticker *time.Ticker

func (t *realTicker) C() <-chan time.Time {
	return t.ticker.C

func (t *realTicker) Stop() {

type fakeTicker struct {
	c <-chan time.Time

func (t *fakeTicker) C() <-chan time.Time {
	return t.c

func (t *fakeTicker) Stop() {