/* Copyright 2018 The Ceph-CSI Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package rbd import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "strings" csicommon "github.com/ceph/ceph-csi/pkg/csi-common" "github.com/ceph/ceph-csi/pkg/util" "github.com/container-storage-interface/spec/lib/go/csi" "google.golang.org/grpc/codes" "google.golang.org/grpc/status" "k8s.io/klog" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/mount" ) // NodeServer struct of ceph rbd driver with supported methods of CSI // node server spec type NodeServer struct { *csicommon.DefaultNodeServer mounter mount.Interface } // NodeStageVolume mounts the volume to a staging path on the node. // Implementation notes: // - stagingTargetPath is the directory passed in the request where the volume needs to be staged // - We stage the volume into a directory, named after the VolumeID inside stagingTargetPath if // it is a file system // - We stage the volume into a file, named after the VolumeID inside stagingTargetPath if it is // a block volume // - Order of operation execution: (useful for defer stacking and when Unstaging to ensure steps // are done in reverse, this is done in undoStagingTransaction) // - Stash image metadata under staging path // - Map the image (creates a device) // - Create the staging file/directory under staging path // - Stage the device (mount the device mapped for image) func (ns *NodeServer) NodeStageVolume(ctx context.Context, req *csi.NodeStageVolumeRequest) (*csi.NodeStageVolumeResponse, error) { if err := util.ValidateNodeStageVolumeRequest(req); err != nil { return nil, err } isBlock := req.GetVolumeCapability().GetBlock() != nil disableInUseChecks := false // MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER is supported by default for Block access type volumes if req.VolumeCapability.AccessMode.Mode == csi.VolumeCapability_AccessMode_MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER { if isBlock { disableInUseChecks = true } else { klog.Warningf(util.Log(ctx, "MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER currently only supported with volumes of access type `block`, invalid AccessMode for volume: %v"), req.GetVolumeId()) return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "rbd: RWX access mode request is only valid for volumes with access type `block`") } } volID := req.GetVolumeId() cr, err := util.NewUserCredentials(req.GetSecrets()) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } defer cr.DeleteCredentials() isLegacyVolume := false volName, err := getVolumeName(req.GetVolumeId()) if err != nil { // error ErrInvalidVolID may mean this is an 1.0.0 version volume, check for name // pattern match in addition to error to ensure this is a likely v1.0.0 volume if _, ok := err.(ErrInvalidVolID); !ok || !isLegacyVolumeID(req.GetVolumeId()) { return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error()) } volName, err = getLegacyVolumeName(req.GetStagingTargetPath()) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error()) } isLegacyVolume = true } stagingParentPath := req.GetStagingTargetPath() stagingTargetPath := stagingParentPath + "/" + req.GetVolumeId() idLk := nodeVolumeIDLocker.Lock(volID) defer nodeVolumeIDLocker.Unlock(idLk, volID) var isNotMnt bool // check if stagingPath is already mounted isNotMnt, err = mount.IsNotMountPoint(ns.mounter, stagingTargetPath) if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } if !isNotMnt { klog.Infof(util.Log(ctx, "rbd: volume %s is already mounted to %s, skipping"), req.GetVolumeId(), stagingTargetPath) return &csi.NodeStageVolumeResponse{}, nil } volOptions, err := genVolFromVolumeOptions(ctx, req.GetVolumeContext(), req.GetSecrets(), disableInUseChecks, isLegacyVolume) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } volOptions.RbdImageName = volName isMounted := false isStagePathCreated := false devicePath := "" // Stash image details prior to mapping the image (useful during Unstage as it has no // voloptions passed to the RPC as per the CSI spec) err = stashRBDImageMetadata(volOptions, stagingParentPath) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } defer func() { if err != nil { ns.undoStagingTransaction(ctx, stagingParentPath, devicePath, volID, isStagePathCreated, isMounted) } }() // Mapping RBD image devicePath, err = attachRBDImage(ctx, volOptions, cr) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } klog.V(4).Infof(util.Log(ctx, "rbd image: %s/%s was successfully mapped at %s\n"), req.GetVolumeId(), volOptions.Pool, devicePath) err = ns.createStageMountPoint(ctx, stagingTargetPath, isBlock) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } isStagePathCreated = true // nodeStage Path err = ns.mountVolumeToStagePath(ctx, req, stagingTargetPath, devicePath) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } isMounted = true err = os.Chmod(stagingTargetPath, 0777) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } klog.Infof(util.Log(ctx, "rbd: successfully mounted volume %s to stagingTargetPath %s"), req.GetVolumeId(), stagingTargetPath) return &csi.NodeStageVolumeResponse{}, nil } func (ns *NodeServer) undoStagingTransaction(ctx context.Context, stagingParentPath, devicePath, volID string, isStagePathCreated, isMounted bool) { var err error stagingTargetPath := stagingParentPath + "/" + volID if isMounted { err = ns.mounter.Unmount(stagingTargetPath) if err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to unmount stagingtargetPath: %s with error: %v"), stagingTargetPath, err) return } } // remove the file/directory created on staging path if isStagePathCreated { err = os.Remove(stagingTargetPath) if err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to remove stagingtargetPath: %s with error: %v"), stagingTargetPath, err) // continue on failure to unmap the image, as leaving stale images causes more issues than a stale file/directory } } // Unmapping rbd device if devicePath != "" { err = detachRBDDevice(ctx, devicePath) if err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to unmap rbd device: %s for volume %s with error: %v"), devicePath, volID, err) // continue on failure to delete the stash file, as kubernetes will fail to delete the staging path otherwise } } // Cleanup the stashed image metadata if err = cleanupRBDImageMetadataStash(stagingParentPath); err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to cleanup image metadata stash (%v)"), err) return } } func (ns *NodeServer) createStageMountPoint(ctx context.Context, mountPath string, isBlock bool) error { if isBlock { pathFile, err := os.OpenFile(mountPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0750) if err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to create mountPath:%s with error: %v"), mountPath, err) return status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } if err = pathFile.Close(); err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to close mountPath:%s with error: %v"), mountPath, err) return status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } return nil } err := os.Mkdir(mountPath, 0750) if err != nil { if !os.IsExist(err) { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to create mountPath:%s with error: %v"), mountPath, err) return status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } } return nil } // NodePublishVolume mounts the volume mounted to the device path to the target // path func (ns *NodeServer) NodePublishVolume(ctx context.Context, req *csi.NodePublishVolumeRequest) (*csi.NodePublishVolumeResponse, error) { err := util.ValidateNodePublishVolumeRequest(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } targetPath := req.GetTargetPath() isBlock := req.GetVolumeCapability().GetBlock() != nil stagingPath := req.GetStagingTargetPath() stagingPath += "/" + req.GetVolumeId() idLk := targetPathLocker.Lock(targetPath) defer targetPathLocker.Unlock(idLk, targetPath) // Check if that target path exists properly notMnt, err := ns.createTargetMountPath(ctx, targetPath, isBlock) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !notMnt { return &csi.NodePublishVolumeResponse{}, nil } // Publish Path err = ns.mountVolume(ctx, stagingPath, req) if err != nil { return nil, err } klog.Infof(util.Log(ctx, "rbd: successfully mounted stagingPath %s to targetPath %s"), stagingPath, targetPath) return &csi.NodePublishVolumeResponse{}, nil } func getVolumeName(volID string) (string, error) { var vi util.CSIIdentifier err := vi.DecomposeCSIID(volID) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("error decoding volume ID (%s) (%s)", err, volID) return "", ErrInvalidVolID{err} } return volJournal.NamingPrefix() + vi.ObjectUUID, nil } func getLegacyVolumeName(mountPath string) (string, error) { var volName string if strings.HasSuffix(mountPath, "/globalmount") { s := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(mountPath, "/globalmount"), "/") volName = s[len(s)-1] return volName, nil } if strings.HasSuffix(mountPath, "/mount") { s := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(mountPath, "/mount"), "/") volName = s[len(s)-1] return volName, nil } // get volume name for block volume s := strings.Split(mountPath, "/") if len(s) == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("rbd: malformed value of stage target path: %s", mountPath) } volName = s[len(s)-1] return volName, nil } func (ns *NodeServer) mountVolumeToStagePath(ctx context.Context, req *csi.NodeStageVolumeRequest, stagingPath, devicePath string) error { // Publish Path fsType := req.GetVolumeCapability().GetMount().GetFsType() diskMounter := &mount.SafeFormatAndMount{Interface: ns.mounter, Exec: mount.NewOsExec()} opt := []string{} isBlock := req.GetVolumeCapability().GetBlock() != nil var err error if isBlock { opt = append(opt, "bind") err = diskMounter.Mount(devicePath, stagingPath, fsType, opt) } else { err = diskMounter.FormatAndMount(devicePath, stagingPath, fsType, opt) } if err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to mount device path (%s) to staging path (%s) for volume (%s) error %s"), devicePath, stagingPath, req.GetVolumeId(), err) } return err } func (ns *NodeServer) mountVolume(ctx context.Context, stagingPath string, req *csi.NodePublishVolumeRequest) error { // Publish Path fsType := req.GetVolumeCapability().GetMount().GetFsType() readOnly := req.GetReadonly() mountFlags := req.GetVolumeCapability().GetMount().GetMountFlags() isBlock := req.GetVolumeCapability().GetBlock() != nil targetPath := req.GetTargetPath() klog.V(4).Infof(util.Log(ctx, "target %v\nisBlock %v\nfstype %v\nstagingPath %v\nreadonly %v\nmountflags %v\n"), targetPath, isBlock, fsType, stagingPath, readOnly, mountFlags) mountFlags = append(mountFlags, "bind") if readOnly { mountFlags = append(mountFlags, "ro") } if err := util.Mount(stagingPath, targetPath, fsType, mountFlags); err != nil { return status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } return nil } func (ns *NodeServer) createTargetMountPath(ctx context.Context, mountPath string, isBlock bool) (bool, error) { // Check if that mount path exists properly notMnt, err := mount.IsNotMountPoint(ns.mounter, mountPath) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { if isBlock { // #nosec pathFile, e := os.OpenFile(mountPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0750) if e != nil { klog.V(4).Infof(util.Log(ctx, "Failed to create mountPath:%s with error: %v"), mountPath, err) return notMnt, status.Error(codes.Internal, e.Error()) } if err = pathFile.Close(); err != nil { klog.V(4).Infof(util.Log(ctx, "Failed to close mountPath:%s with error: %v"), mountPath, err) return notMnt, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } } else { // Create a directory if err = util.CreateMountPoint(mountPath); err != nil { return notMnt, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } } notMnt = true } else { return false, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } } return notMnt, err } // NodeUnpublishVolume unmounts the volume from the target path func (ns *NodeServer) NodeUnpublishVolume(ctx context.Context, req *csi.NodeUnpublishVolumeRequest) (*csi.NodeUnpublishVolumeResponse, error) { err := util.ValidateNodeUnpublishVolumeRequest(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } targetPath := req.GetTargetPath() notMnt, err := mount.IsNotMountPoint(ns.mounter, targetPath) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { // targetPath has already been deleted klog.V(4).Infof(util.Log(ctx, "targetPath: %s has already been deleted"), targetPath) return &csi.NodeUnpublishVolumeResponse{}, nil } return nil, status.Error(codes.NotFound, err.Error()) } if notMnt { if err = os.RemoveAll(targetPath); err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } return &csi.NodeUnpublishVolumeResponse{}, nil } if err = ns.mounter.Unmount(targetPath); err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } if err = os.RemoveAll(targetPath); err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } klog.Infof(util.Log(ctx, "rbd: successfully unbound volume %s from %s"), req.GetVolumeId(), targetPath) return &csi.NodeUnpublishVolumeResponse{}, nil } // NodeUnstageVolume unstages the volume from the staging path func (ns *NodeServer) NodeUnstageVolume(ctx context.Context, req *csi.NodeUnstageVolumeRequest) (*csi.NodeUnstageVolumeResponse, error) { var err error if err = util.ValidateNodeUnstageVolumeRequest(req); err != nil { return nil, err } stagingParentPath := req.GetStagingTargetPath() stagingTargetPath := stagingParentPath + "/" + req.GetVolumeId() notMnt, err := mount.IsNotMountPoint(ns.mounter, stagingTargetPath) if err != nil { if !os.IsNotExist(err) { return nil, status.Error(codes.NotFound, err.Error()) } // Continue on ENOENT errors as we may still have the image mapped notMnt = true } if !notMnt { // Unmounting the image err = ns.mounter.Unmount(stagingTargetPath) if err != nil { klog.V(3).Infof(util.Log(ctx, "failed to unmount targetPath: %s with error: %v"), stagingTargetPath, err) return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } } if err = os.Remove(stagingTargetPath); err != nil { // Any error is critical as Staging path is expected to be empty by Kubernetes, it otherwise // keeps invoking Unstage. Hence any errors removing files within this path is a critical // error if !os.IsNotExist(err) { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to remove staging target path (%s): (%v)"), stagingTargetPath, err) return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } } imgInfo, err := lookupRBDImageMetadataStash(stagingParentPath) if err != nil { klog.V(2).Infof(util.Log(ctx, "failed to find image metadata: %v"), err) // It is an error if it was mounted, as we should have found the image metadata file with // no errors if !notMnt { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } // If not mounted, and error is anything other than metadata file missing, it is an error if _, ok := err.(ErrMissingStash); !ok { return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } // It was not mounted and image metadata is also missing, we are done as the last step in // in the staging transaction is complete return &csi.NodeUnstageVolumeResponse{}, nil } // Unmapping rbd device imageSpec := imgInfo.Pool + "/" + imgInfo.ImageName if err = detachRBDImageOrDeviceSpec(ctx, imageSpec, true, imgInfo.NbdAccess); err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "error unmapping volume (%s) from staging path (%s): (%v)"), req.GetVolumeId(), stagingTargetPath, err) return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } klog.Infof(util.Log(ctx, "successfully unmounted volume (%s) from staging path (%s)"), req.GetVolumeId(), stagingTargetPath) if err = cleanupRBDImageMetadataStash(stagingParentPath); err != nil { klog.Errorf(util.Log(ctx, "failed to cleanup image metadata stash (%v)"), err) return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } return &csi.NodeUnstageVolumeResponse{}, nil } // NodeGetCapabilities returns the supported capabilities of the node server func (ns *NodeServer) NodeGetCapabilities(ctx context.Context, req *csi.NodeGetCapabilitiesRequest) (*csi.NodeGetCapabilitiesResponse, error) { return &csi.NodeGetCapabilitiesResponse{ Capabilities: []*csi.NodeServiceCapability{ { Type: &csi.NodeServiceCapability_Rpc{ Rpc: &csi.NodeServiceCapability_RPC{ Type: csi.NodeServiceCapability_RPC_STAGE_UNSTAGE_VOLUME, }, }, }, { Type: &csi.NodeServiceCapability_Rpc{ Rpc: &csi.NodeServiceCapability_RPC{ Type: csi.NodeServiceCapability_RPC_GET_VOLUME_STATS, }, }, }, }, }, nil }