package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@io_bazel//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar") filegroup( name = "package-srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]), tags = ["automanaged"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) filegroup( name = "all-srcs", srcs = [ ":package-srcs", "//cluster/addons:all-srcs", "//cluster/gce:all-srcs", "//cluster/images/etcd-version-monitor:all-srcs", "//cluster/images/etcd/attachlease:all-srcs", "//cluster/images/etcd/rollback:all-srcs", "//cluster/images/hyperkube:all-srcs", "//cluster/images/kubemark:all-srcs", "//cluster/lib:all-srcs", "//cluster/saltbase:all-srcs", ], tags = ["automanaged"], ) # All of the manifests that are expected to be in a "gci-trusty" # subdir of the manifests tarball. pkg_tar( name = "_manifests-gci-trusty", package_dir = "gci-trusty", visibility = ["//visibility:private"], deps = [ "//cluster/addons", "//cluster/gce:gci-trusty-manifests", "//cluster/gce/addons", "//cluster/saltbase:gci-trusty-salt-manifests", ], ) pkg_tar( name = "manifests", mode = "0644", package_dir = "kubernetes", deps = [ ":_manifests-gci-trusty", "//cluster/saltbase:salt-manifests", ], ) # These tests just verify that bash can interpret the file. sh_test( name = "common_test", srcs = [""], deps = [ "//cluster/lib", "//hack/lib", ], ) sh_test( name = "clientbin_test", srcs = [""], deps = [ "//cluster/lib", "//hack/lib", ], ) sh_test( name = "kube-util_test", srcs = [""], deps = [ "//cluster/lib", "//hack/lib", ], )