// +build windows /* Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package winkernel import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net" "os" "reflect" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim" "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew" "github.com/golang/glog" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait" utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature" "k8s.io/client-go/tools/record" apiservice "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/service" api "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/helper" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/features" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/proxy" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/proxy/healthcheck" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/async" ) // KernelCompatTester tests whether the required kernel capabilities are // present to run the windows kernel proxier. type KernelCompatTester interface { IsCompatible() error } // CanUseWinKernelProxier returns true if we should use the Kernel Proxier // instead of the "classic" userspace Proxier. This is determined by checking // the windows kernel version and for the existence of kernel features. func CanUseWinKernelProxier(kcompat KernelCompatTester) (bool, error) { // Check that the kernel supports what we need. if err := kcompat.IsCompatible(); err != nil { return false, err } return true, nil } type WindowsKernelCompatTester struct{} // IsCompatible returns true if winkernel can support this mode of proxy func (lkct WindowsKernelCompatTester) IsCompatible() error { _, err := hcsshim.HNSListPolicyListRequest() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Windows kernel is not compatible for Kernel mode") } return nil } type externalIPInfo struct { ip string hnsID string } type loadBalancerIngressInfo struct { ip string hnsID string } // internal struct for string service information type serviceInfo struct { clusterIP net.IP port int protocol api.Protocol nodePort int targetPort int loadBalancerStatus api.LoadBalancerStatus sessionAffinityType api.ServiceAffinity stickyMaxAgeSeconds int externalIPs []*externalIPInfo loadBalancerIngressIPs []*loadBalancerIngressInfo loadBalancerSourceRanges []string onlyNodeLocalEndpoints bool healthCheckNodePort int hnsID string nodePorthnsID string policyApplied bool } type hnsNetworkInfo struct { name string id string } func Log(v interface{}, message string, level glog.Level) { glog.V(level).Infof("%s, %s", message, spew.Sdump(v)) } func LogJson(v interface{}, message string, level glog.Level) { jsonString, err := json.Marshal(v) if err == nil { glog.V(level).Infof("%s, %s", message, string(jsonString)) } } // internal struct for endpoints information type endpointsInfo struct { ip string port uint16 isLocal bool macAddress string hnsID string refCount uint16 } func newEndpointInfo(ip string, port uint16, isLocal bool) *endpointsInfo { info := &endpointsInfo{ ip: ip, port: port, isLocal: isLocal, macAddress: "00:11:22:33:44:55", // Hardcoding to some Random Mac refCount: 0, hnsID: "", } return info } func (ep *endpointsInfo) Cleanup() { Log(ep, "Endpoint Cleanup", 3) ep.refCount-- // Remove the remote hns endpoint, if no service is referring it // Never delete a Local Endpoint. Local Endpoints are already created by other entities. // Remove only remote endpoints created by this service if ep.refCount <= 0 && !ep.isLocal { glog.V(4).Infof("Removing endpoints for %v, since no one is referencing it", ep) deleteHnsEndpoint(ep.hnsID) ep.hnsID = "" } } // returns a new serviceInfo struct func newServiceInfo(svcPortName proxy.ServicePortName, port *api.ServicePort, service *api.Service) *serviceInfo { onlyNodeLocalEndpoints := false if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ExternalTrafficLocalOnly) && apiservice.RequestsOnlyLocalTraffic(service) { onlyNodeLocalEndpoints = true } // set default session sticky max age 180min=10800s stickyMaxAgeSeconds := 10800 if service.Spec.SessionAffinity == api.ServiceAffinityClientIP { // Kube-apiserver side guarantees SessionAffinityConfig won't be nil when session affinity type is ClientIP stickyMaxAgeSeconds = int(*service.Spec.SessionAffinityConfig.ClientIP.TimeoutSeconds) } info := &serviceInfo{ clusterIP: net.ParseIP(service.Spec.ClusterIP), port: int(port.Port), protocol: port.Protocol, nodePort: int(port.NodePort), targetPort: port.TargetPort.IntValue(), // Deep-copy in case the service instance changes loadBalancerStatus: *helper.LoadBalancerStatusDeepCopy(&service.Status.LoadBalancer), sessionAffinityType: service.Spec.SessionAffinity, stickyMaxAgeSeconds: stickyMaxAgeSeconds, loadBalancerSourceRanges: make([]string, len(service.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges)), onlyNodeLocalEndpoints: onlyNodeLocalEndpoints, } copy(info.loadBalancerSourceRanges, service.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges) for _, eip := range service.Spec.ExternalIPs { info.externalIPs = append(info.externalIPs, &externalIPInfo{ip: eip}) } for _, ingress := range service.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress { info.loadBalancerIngressIPs = append(info.loadBalancerIngressIPs, &loadBalancerIngressInfo{ip: ingress.IP}) } if apiservice.NeedsHealthCheck(service) { p := service.Spec.HealthCheckNodePort if p == 0 { glog.Errorf("Service %q has no healthcheck nodeport", svcPortName.NamespacedName.String()) } else { info.healthCheckNodePort = int(p) } } return info } type endpointsChange struct { previous proxyEndpointsMap current proxyEndpointsMap } type endpointsChangeMap struct { lock sync.Mutex hostname string items map[types.NamespacedName]*endpointsChange } type serviceChange struct { previous proxyServiceMap current proxyServiceMap } type serviceChangeMap struct { lock sync.Mutex items map[types.NamespacedName]*serviceChange } type updateEndpointMapResult struct { hcEndpoints map[types.NamespacedName]int staleEndpoints map[endpointServicePair]bool staleServiceNames map[proxy.ServicePortName]bool } type updateServiceMapResult struct { hcServices map[types.NamespacedName]uint16 staleServices sets.String } type proxyServiceMap map[proxy.ServicePortName]*serviceInfo type proxyEndpointsMap map[proxy.ServicePortName][]*endpointsInfo func newEndpointsChangeMap(hostname string) endpointsChangeMap { return endpointsChangeMap{ hostname: hostname, items: make(map[types.NamespacedName]*endpointsChange), } } func (ecm *endpointsChangeMap) update(namespacedName *types.NamespacedName, previous, current *api.Endpoints) bool { ecm.lock.Lock() defer ecm.lock.Unlock() change, exists := ecm.items[*namespacedName] if !exists { change = &endpointsChange{} change.previous = endpointsToEndpointsMap(previous, ecm.hostname) ecm.items[*namespacedName] = change } change.current = endpointsToEndpointsMap(current, ecm.hostname) if reflect.DeepEqual(change.previous, change.current) { delete(ecm.items, *namespacedName) } return len(ecm.items) > 0 } func newServiceChangeMap() serviceChangeMap { return serviceChangeMap{ items: make(map[types.NamespacedName]*serviceChange), } } func (scm *serviceChangeMap) update(namespacedName *types.NamespacedName, previous, current *api.Service) bool { scm.lock.Lock() defer scm.lock.Unlock() change, exists := scm.items[*namespacedName] if !exists { // Service is Added change = &serviceChange{} change.previous = serviceToServiceMap(previous) scm.items[*namespacedName] = change } change.current = serviceToServiceMap(current) if reflect.DeepEqual(change.previous, change.current) { delete(scm.items, *namespacedName) } return len(scm.items) > 0 } func (sm *proxyServiceMap) merge(other proxyServiceMap, curEndpoints proxyEndpointsMap) sets.String { existingPorts := sets.NewString() for svcPortName, info := range other { existingPorts.Insert(svcPortName.Port) svcInfo, exists := (*sm)[svcPortName] if !exists { glog.V(1).Infof("Adding new service port %q at %s:%d/%s", svcPortName, info.clusterIP, info.port, info.protocol) } else { glog.V(1).Infof("Updating existing service port %q at %s:%d/%s", svcPortName, info.clusterIP, info.port, info.protocol) svcInfo.cleanupAllPolicies(curEndpoints[svcPortName]) delete(*sm, svcPortName) } (*sm)[svcPortName] = info } return existingPorts } func (sm *proxyServiceMap) unmerge(other proxyServiceMap, existingPorts, staleServices sets.String, curEndpoints proxyEndpointsMap) { for svcPortName := range other { if existingPorts.Has(svcPortName.Port) { continue } info, exists := (*sm)[svcPortName] if exists { glog.V(1).Infof("Removing service port %q", svcPortName) if info.protocol == api.ProtocolUDP { staleServices.Insert(info.clusterIP.String()) } info.cleanupAllPolicies(curEndpoints[svcPortName]) delete(*sm, svcPortName) } else { glog.Errorf("Service port %q removed, but doesn't exists", svcPortName) } } } func (em proxyEndpointsMap) merge(other proxyEndpointsMap, curServices proxyServiceMap) { // Endpoint Update/Add for svcPortName := range other { epInfos, exists := em[svcPortName] if exists { // info, exists := curServices[svcPortName] glog.V(1).Infof("Updating existing service port %q at %s:%d/%s", svcPortName, info.clusterIP, info.port, info.protocol) if exists { glog.V(2).Infof("Endpoints are modified. Service [%v] is stale", svcPortName) info.cleanupAllPolicies(epInfos) } else { // If no service exists, just cleanup the remote endpoints glog.V(2).Infof("Endpoints are orphaned. Cleaning up") // Cleanup Endpoints references for _, ep := range epInfos { ep.Cleanup() } } delete(em, svcPortName) } em[svcPortName] = other[svcPortName] } } func (em proxyEndpointsMap) unmerge(other proxyEndpointsMap, curServices proxyServiceMap) { // Endpoint Update/Removal for svcPortName := range other { info, exists := curServices[svcPortName] if exists { glog.V(2).Infof("Service [%v] is stale", info) info.cleanupAllPolicies(em[svcPortName]) } else { // If no service exists, just cleanup the remote endpoints glog.V(2).Infof("Endpoints are orphaned. Cleaning up") // Cleanup Endpoints references epInfos, exists := em[svcPortName] if exists { for _, ep := range epInfos { ep.Cleanup() } } } delete(em, svcPortName) } } // Proxier is an hns based proxy for connections between a localhost:lport // and services that provide the actual backends. type Proxier struct { // endpointsChanges and serviceChanges contains all changes to endpoints and // services that happened since policies were synced. For a single object, // changes are accumulated, i.e. previous is state from before all of them, // current is state after applying all of those. endpointsChanges endpointsChangeMap serviceChanges serviceChangeMap mu sync.Mutex // protects the following fields serviceMap proxyServiceMap endpointsMap proxyEndpointsMap portsMap map[localPort]closeable // endpointsSynced and servicesSynced are set to true when corresponding // objects are synced after startup. This is used to avoid updating hns policies // with some partial data after kube-proxy restart. endpointsSynced bool servicesSynced bool initialized int32 syncRunner *async.BoundedFrequencyRunner // governs calls to syncProxyRules // These are effectively const and do not need the mutex to be held. masqueradeAll bool masqueradeMark string clusterCIDR string hostname string nodeIP net.IP recorder record.EventRecorder healthChecker healthcheck.Server healthzServer healthcheck.HealthzUpdater // Since converting probabilities (floats) to strings is expensive // and we are using only probabilities in the format of 1/n, we are // precomputing some number of those and cache for future reuse. precomputedProbabilities []string network hnsNetworkInfo } type localPort struct { desc string ip string port int protocol string } func (lp *localPort) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%q (%s:%d/%s)", lp.desc, lp.ip, lp.port, lp.protocol) } func Enum(p api.Protocol) uint16 { if p == api.ProtocolTCP { return 6 } if p == api.ProtocolUDP { return 17 } return 0 } type closeable interface { Close() error } // Proxier implements ProxyProvider var _ proxy.ProxyProvider = &Proxier{} // NewProxier returns a new Proxier func NewProxier( syncPeriod time.Duration, minSyncPeriod time.Duration, masqueradeAll bool, masqueradeBit int, clusterCIDR string, hostname string, nodeIP net.IP, recorder record.EventRecorder, healthzServer healthcheck.HealthzUpdater, ) (*Proxier, error) { masqueradeValue := 1 << uint(masqueradeBit) masqueradeMark := fmt.Sprintf("%#08x/%#08x", masqueradeValue, masqueradeValue) if nodeIP == nil { glog.Warningf("invalid nodeIP, initializing kube-proxy with as nodeIP") nodeIP = net.ParseIP("") } if len(clusterCIDR) == 0 { glog.Warningf("clusterCIDR not specified, unable to distinguish between internal and external traffic") } healthChecker := healthcheck.NewServer(hostname, recorder, nil, nil) // use default implementations of deps // TODO : Make this a param hnsNetworkName := os.Getenv("KUBE_NETWORK") if len(hnsNetworkName) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Environment variable KUBE_NETWORK not initialized") } hnsNetwork, err := getHnsNetworkInfo(hnsNetworkName) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to find Hns Network speficied by %s. Please check environment variable KUBE_NETWORK", hnsNetworkName) return nil, err } glog.V(1).Infof("Hns Network loaded with info = %v", hnsNetwork) proxier := &Proxier{ portsMap: make(map[localPort]closeable), serviceMap: make(proxyServiceMap), serviceChanges: newServiceChangeMap(), endpointsMap: make(proxyEndpointsMap), endpointsChanges: newEndpointsChangeMap(hostname), masqueradeAll: masqueradeAll, masqueradeMark: masqueradeMark, clusterCIDR: clusterCIDR, hostname: hostname, nodeIP: nodeIP, recorder: recorder, healthChecker: healthChecker, healthzServer: healthzServer, network: *hnsNetwork, } burstSyncs := 2 glog.V(3).Infof("minSyncPeriod: %v, syncPeriod: %v, burstSyncs: %d", minSyncPeriod, syncPeriod, burstSyncs) proxier.syncRunner = async.NewBoundedFrequencyRunner("sync-runner", proxier.syncProxyRules, minSyncPeriod, syncPeriod, burstSyncs) return proxier, nil } // CleanupLeftovers removes all hns rules created by the Proxier // It returns true if an error was encountered. Errors are logged. func CleanupLeftovers() (encounteredError bool) { // Delete all Hns Load Balancer Policies deleteAllHnsLoadBalancerPolicy() // TODO // Delete all Hns Remote endpoints return encounteredError } func (svcInfo *serviceInfo) cleanupAllPolicies(endpoints []*endpointsInfo) { Log(svcInfo, "Service Cleanup", 3) if svcInfo.policyApplied { svcInfo.deleteAllHnsLoadBalancerPolicy() // Cleanup Endpoints references for _, ep := range endpoints { ep.Cleanup() } svcInfo.policyApplied = false } } func (svcInfo *serviceInfo) deleteAllHnsLoadBalancerPolicy() { // Remove the Hns Policy corresponding to this service deleteHnsLoadBalancerPolicy(svcInfo.hnsID) svcInfo.hnsID = "" deleteHnsLoadBalancerPolicy(svcInfo.nodePorthnsID) svcInfo.nodePorthnsID = "" for _, externalIp := range svcInfo.externalIPs { deleteHnsLoadBalancerPolicy(externalIp.hnsID) externalIp.hnsID = "" } for _, lbIngressIp := range svcInfo.loadBalancerIngressIPs { deleteHnsLoadBalancerPolicy(lbIngressIp.hnsID) lbIngressIp.hnsID = "" } } func deleteAllHnsLoadBalancerPolicy() { plists, err := hcsshim.HNSListPolicyListRequest() if err != nil { return } for _, plist := range plists { LogJson(plist, "Remove Policy", 3) _, err = plist.Delete() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%v", err) } } } // getHnsLoadBalancer returns the LoadBalancer policy resource, if already found. // If not, it would create one and return func getHnsLoadBalancer(endpoints []hcsshim.HNSEndpoint, isILB bool, vip string, protocol uint16, internalPort uint16, externalPort uint16) (*hcsshim.PolicyList, error) { plists, err := hcsshim.HNSListPolicyListRequest() if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, plist := range plists { if len(plist.EndpointReferences) != len(endpoints) { continue } // Validate if input meets any of the policy lists elbPolicy := hcsshim.ELBPolicy{} if err = json.Unmarshal(plist.Policies[0], &elbPolicy); err != nil { continue } if elbPolicy.Protocol == protocol && elbPolicy.InternalPort == internalPort && elbPolicy.ExternalPort == externalPort && elbPolicy.ILB == isILB { if len(vip) > 0 { if len(elbPolicy.VIPs) == 0 || elbPolicy.VIPs[0] != vip { continue } } LogJson(plist, "Found existing Hns loadbalancer policy resource", 1) return &plist, nil } } //TODO: sourceVip is not used. If required, expose this as a param var sourceVip string lb, err := hcsshim.AddLoadBalancer( endpoints, isILB, sourceVip, vip, protocol, internalPort, externalPort, ) if err == nil { LogJson(lb, "Hns loadbalancer policy resource", 1) } return lb, err } func deleteHnsLoadBalancerPolicy(hnsID string) { if len(hnsID) == 0 { // Return silently return } // Cleanup HNS policies hnsloadBalancer, err := hcsshim.GetPolicyListByID(hnsID) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%v", err) return } LogJson(hnsloadBalancer, "Removing Policy", 2) _, err = hnsloadBalancer.Delete() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%v", err) } } func deleteHnsEndpoint(hnsID string) { hnsendpoint, err := hcsshim.GetHNSEndpointByID(hnsID) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%v", err) return } _, err = hnsendpoint.Delete() if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%v", err) } glog.V(3).Infof("Remote endpoint resource deleted id %s", hnsID) } func getHnsNetworkInfo(hnsNetworkName string) (*hnsNetworkInfo, error) { hnsnetwork, err := hcsshim.GetHNSNetworkByName(hnsNetworkName) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%v", err) return nil, err } return &hnsNetworkInfo{ id: hnsnetwork.Id, name: hnsnetwork.Name, }, nil } func getHnsEndpointByIpAddress(ip net.IP, networkName string) (*hcsshim.HNSEndpoint, error) { hnsnetwork, err := hcsshim.GetHNSNetworkByName(networkName) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%v", err) return nil, err } endpoints, err := hcsshim.HNSListEndpointRequest() for _, endpoint := range endpoints { equal := reflect.DeepEqual(endpoint.IPAddress, ip) if equal && endpoint.VirtualNetwork == hnsnetwork.Id { return &endpoint, nil } } return nil, fmt.Errorf("Endpoint %v not found on network %s", ip, networkName) } // Sync is called to synchronize the proxier state to hns as soon as possible. func (proxier *Proxier) Sync() { proxier.syncRunner.Run() } // SyncLoop runs periodic work. This is expected to run as a goroutine or as the main loop of the app. It does not return. func (proxier *Proxier) SyncLoop() { // Update healthz timestamp at beginning in case Sync() never succeeds. if proxier.healthzServer != nil { proxier.healthzServer.UpdateTimestamp() } proxier.syncRunner.Loop(wait.NeverStop) } func (proxier *Proxier) setInitialized(value bool) { var initialized int32 if value { initialized = 1 } atomic.StoreInt32(&proxier.initialized, initialized) } func (proxier *Proxier) isInitialized() bool { return atomic.LoadInt32(&proxier.initialized) > 0 } func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceAdd(service *api.Service) { namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: service.Namespace, Name: service.Name} if proxier.serviceChanges.update(&namespacedName, nil, service) && proxier.isInitialized() { proxier.syncRunner.Run() } } func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceUpdate(oldService, service *api.Service) { namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: service.Namespace, Name: service.Name} if proxier.serviceChanges.update(&namespacedName, oldService, service) && proxier.isInitialized() { proxier.syncRunner.Run() } } func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceDelete(service *api.Service) { namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: service.Namespace, Name: service.Name} if proxier.serviceChanges.update(&namespacedName, service, nil) && proxier.isInitialized() { proxier.syncRunner.Run() } } func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceSynced() { proxier.mu.Lock() proxier.servicesSynced = true proxier.setInitialized(proxier.servicesSynced && proxier.endpointsSynced) proxier.mu.Unlock() // Sync unconditionally - this is called once per lifetime. proxier.syncProxyRules() } func shouldSkipService(svcName types.NamespacedName, service *api.Service) bool { // if ClusterIP is "None" or empty, skip proxying if !helper.IsServiceIPSet(service) { glog.V(3).Infof("Skipping service %s due to clusterIP = %q", svcName, service.Spec.ClusterIP) return true } // Even if ClusterIP is set, ServiceTypeExternalName services don't get proxied if service.Spec.Type == api.ServiceTypeExternalName { glog.V(3).Infof("Skipping service %s due to Type=ExternalName", svcName) return true } return false } // is updated by this function (based on the given changes). // map is cleared after applying them. func (proxier *Proxier) updateServiceMap() (result updateServiceMapResult) { result.staleServices = sets.NewString() var serviceMap proxyServiceMap = proxier.serviceMap var changes *serviceChangeMap = &proxier.serviceChanges func() { changes.lock.Lock() defer changes.lock.Unlock() for _, change := range changes.items { existingPorts := serviceMap.merge(change.current, proxier.endpointsMap) serviceMap.unmerge(change.previous, existingPorts, result.staleServices, proxier.endpointsMap) } changes.items = make(map[types.NamespacedName]*serviceChange) }() // TODO: If this will appear to be computationally expensive, consider // computing this incrementally similarly to serviceMap. result.hcServices = make(map[types.NamespacedName]uint16) for svcPortName, info := range serviceMap { if info.healthCheckNodePort != 0 { result.hcServices[svcPortName.NamespacedName] = uint16(info.healthCheckNodePort) } } return result } func (proxier *Proxier) OnEndpointsAdd(endpoints *api.Endpoints) { namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: endpoints.Namespace, Name: endpoints.Name} if proxier.endpointsChanges.update(&namespacedName, nil, endpoints) && proxier.isInitialized() { proxier.syncRunner.Run() } } func (proxier *Proxier) OnEndpointsUpdate(oldEndpoints, endpoints *api.Endpoints) { namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: endpoints.Namespace, Name: endpoints.Name} if proxier.endpointsChanges.update(&namespacedName, oldEndpoints, endpoints) && proxier.isInitialized() { proxier.syncRunner.Run() } } func (proxier *Proxier) OnEndpointsDelete(endpoints *api.Endpoints) { namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: endpoints.Namespace, Name: endpoints.Name} if proxier.endpointsChanges.update(&namespacedName, endpoints, nil) && proxier.isInitialized() { proxier.syncRunner.Run() } } func (proxier *Proxier) OnEndpointsSynced() { proxier.mu.Lock() proxier.endpointsSynced = true proxier.setInitialized(proxier.servicesSynced && proxier.endpointsSynced) proxier.mu.Unlock() // Sync unconditionally - this is called once per lifetime. proxier.syncProxyRules() } // is updated by this function (based on the given changes). // map is cleared after applying them. func (proxier *Proxier) updateEndpointsMap() (result updateEndpointMapResult) { result.staleEndpoints = make(map[endpointServicePair]bool) result.staleServiceNames = make(map[proxy.ServicePortName]bool) var endpointsMap proxyEndpointsMap = proxier.endpointsMap var changes *endpointsChangeMap = &proxier.endpointsChanges func() { changes.lock.Lock() defer changes.lock.Unlock() for _, change := range changes.items { endpointsMap.unmerge(change.previous, proxier.serviceMap) endpointsMap.merge(change.current, proxier.serviceMap) } changes.items = make(map[types.NamespacedName]*endpointsChange) }() if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.ExternalTrafficLocalOnly) { return } // TODO: If this will appear to be computationally expensive, consider // computing this incrementally similarly to endpointsMap. result.hcEndpoints = make(map[types.NamespacedName]int) localIPs := getLocalIPs(endpointsMap) for nsn, ips := range localIPs { result.hcEndpoints[nsn] = len(ips) } return result } func getLocalIPs(endpointsMap proxyEndpointsMap) map[types.NamespacedName]sets.String { localIPs := make(map[types.NamespacedName]sets.String) for svcPortName := range endpointsMap { for _, ep := range endpointsMap[svcPortName] { if ep.isLocal { nsn := svcPortName.NamespacedName if localIPs[nsn] == nil { localIPs[nsn] = sets.NewString() } localIPs[nsn].Insert(ep.ip) // just the IP part } } } return localIPs } // Translates single Endpoints object to proxyEndpointsMap. // This function is used for incremental updated of endpointsMap. // // NOTE: endpoints object should NOT be modified. func endpointsToEndpointsMap(endpoints *api.Endpoints, hostname string) proxyEndpointsMap { if endpoints == nil { return nil } endpointsMap := make(proxyEndpointsMap) // We need to build a map of portname -> all ip:ports for that // portname. Explode Endpoints.Subsets[*] into this structure. for i := range endpoints.Subsets { ss := &endpoints.Subsets[i] for i := range ss.Ports { port := &ss.Ports[i] if port.Port == 0 { glog.Warningf("ignoring invalid endpoint port %s", port.Name) continue } svcPortName := proxy.ServicePortName{ NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{Namespace: endpoints.Namespace, Name: endpoints.Name}, Port: port.Name, } for i := range ss.Addresses { addr := &ss.Addresses[i] if addr.IP == "" { glog.Warningf("ignoring invalid endpoint port %s with empty host", port.Name) continue } isLocal := addr.NodeName != nil && *addr.NodeName == hostname epInfo := newEndpointInfo(addr.IP, uint16(port.Port), isLocal) endpointsMap[svcPortName] = append(endpointsMap[svcPortName], epInfo) } if glog.V(3) { newEPList := []*endpointsInfo{} for _, ep := range endpointsMap[svcPortName] { newEPList = append(newEPList, ep) } glog.Infof("Setting endpoints for %q to %+v", svcPortName, newEPList) } } } return endpointsMap } // Translates single Service object to proxyServiceMap. // // NOTE: service object should NOT be modified. func serviceToServiceMap(service *api.Service) proxyServiceMap { if service == nil { return nil } svcName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: service.Namespace, Name: service.Name} if shouldSkipService(svcName, service) { return nil } serviceMap := make(proxyServiceMap) for i := range service.Spec.Ports { servicePort := &service.Spec.Ports[i] svcPortName := proxy.ServicePortName{NamespacedName: svcName, Port: servicePort.Name} serviceMap[svcPortName] = newServiceInfo(svcPortName, servicePort, service) } return serviceMap } // This is where all of the hns save/restore calls happen. // assumes proxier.mu is held func (proxier *Proxier) syncProxyRules() { proxier.mu.Lock() defer proxier.mu.Unlock() start := time.Now() defer func() { SyncProxyRulesLatency.Observe(sinceInMicroseconds(start)) glog.V(4).Infof("syncProxyRules took %v", time.Since(start)) }() // don't sync rules till we've received services and endpoints if !proxier.endpointsSynced || !proxier.servicesSynced { glog.V(2).Info("Not syncing hns until Services and Endpoints have been received from master") return } // We assume that if this was called, we really want to sync them, // even if nothing changed in the meantime. In other words, callers are // responsible for detecting no-op changes and not calling this function. serviceUpdateResult := proxier.updateServiceMap() endpointUpdateResult := proxier.updateEndpointsMap() staleServices := serviceUpdateResult.staleServices // merge stale services gathered from updateEndpointsMap for svcPortName := range endpointUpdateResult.staleServiceNames { if svcInfo, ok := proxier.serviceMap[svcPortName]; ok && svcInfo != nil && svcInfo.protocol == api.ProtocolUDP { glog.V(2).Infof("Stale udp service %v -> %s", svcPortName, svcInfo.clusterIP.String()) staleServices.Insert(svcInfo.clusterIP.String()) } } glog.V(3).Infof("Syncing Policies") // Program HNS by adding corresponding policies for each service. for svcName, svcInfo := range proxier.serviceMap { if svcInfo.policyApplied { glog.V(4).Infof("Policy already applied for %s", spew.Sdump(svcInfo)) continue } var hnsEndpoints []hcsshim.HNSEndpoint glog.V(4).Infof("====Applying Policy for %s====", svcName) // Create Remote endpoints for every endpoint, corresponding to the service for _, ep := range proxier.endpointsMap[svcName] { var newHnsEndpoint *hcsshim.HNSEndpoint hnsNetworkName := proxier.network.name var err error if len(ep.hnsID) > 0 { newHnsEndpoint, err = hcsshim.GetHNSEndpointByID(ep.hnsID) } if newHnsEndpoint == nil { // First check if an endpoint resource exists for this IP, on the current host // A Local endpoint could exist here already // A remote endpoint was already created and proxy was restarted newHnsEndpoint, err = getHnsEndpointByIpAddress(net.ParseIP(ep.ip), hnsNetworkName) } if newHnsEndpoint == nil { if ep.isLocal { glog.Errorf("Local endpoint not found for %v: err: %v on network %s", ep.ip, err, hnsNetworkName) continue } // hns Endpoint resource was not found, create one hnsnetwork, err := hcsshim.GetHNSNetworkByName(hnsNetworkName) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("%v", err) continue } hnsEndpoint := &hcsshim.HNSEndpoint{ MacAddress: ep.macAddress, IPAddress: net.ParseIP(ep.ip), } newHnsEndpoint, err = hnsnetwork.CreateRemoteEndpoint(hnsEndpoint) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Remote endpoint creation failed: %v", err) continue } } // Save the hnsId for reference LogJson(newHnsEndpoint, "Hns Endpoint resource", 1) hnsEndpoints = append(hnsEndpoints, *newHnsEndpoint) ep.hnsID = newHnsEndpoint.Id ep.refCount++ Log(ep, "Endpoint resource found", 3) } glog.V(3).Infof("Associated endpoints [%s] for service [%s]", spew.Sdump(hnsEndpoints), svcName) if len(svcInfo.hnsID) > 0 { // This should not happen glog.Warningf("Load Balancer already exists %s -- Debug ", svcInfo.hnsID) } if len(hnsEndpoints) == 0 { glog.Errorf("Endpoint information not available for service %s. Not applying any policy", svcName) continue } glog.V(4).Infof("Trying to Apply Policies for service %s", spew.Sdump(svcInfo)) var hnsLoadBalancer *hcsshim.PolicyList hnsLoadBalancer, err := getHnsLoadBalancer( hnsEndpoints, false, svcInfo.clusterIP.String(), Enum(svcInfo.protocol), uint16(svcInfo.targetPort), uint16(svcInfo.port), ) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Policy creation failed: %v", err) continue } svcInfo.hnsID = hnsLoadBalancer.ID glog.V(3).Infof("Hns LoadBalancer resource created for cluster ip resources %v, Id [%s]", svcInfo.clusterIP, hnsLoadBalancer.ID) // If nodePort is specified, user should be able to use nodeIP:nodePort to reach the backend endpoints if svcInfo.nodePort > 0 { hnsLoadBalancer, err := getHnsLoadBalancer( hnsEndpoints, false, "", // VIP has to be empty to automatically select the nodeIP Enum(svcInfo.protocol), uint16(svcInfo.targetPort), uint16(svcInfo.nodePort), ) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Policy creation failed: %v", err) continue } svcInfo.nodePorthnsID = hnsLoadBalancer.ID glog.V(3).Infof("Hns LoadBalancer resource created for nodePort resources %v, Id [%s]", svcInfo.clusterIP, hnsLoadBalancer.ID) } // Create a Load Balancer Policy for each external IP for _, externalIp := range svcInfo.externalIPs { // Try loading existing policies, if already available hnsLoadBalancer, err := getHnsLoadBalancer( hnsEndpoints, false, externalIp.ip, Enum(svcInfo.protocol), uint16(svcInfo.targetPort), uint16(svcInfo.port), ) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Policy creation failed: %v", err) continue } externalIp.hnsID = hnsLoadBalancer.ID glog.V(3).Infof("Hns LoadBalancer resource created for externalIp resources %v, Id[%s]", externalIp, hnsLoadBalancer.ID) } // Create a Load Balancer Policy for each loadbalancer ingress for _, lbIngressIp := range svcInfo.loadBalancerIngressIPs { // Try loading existing policies, if already available hnsLoadBalancer, err := getHnsLoadBalancer( hnsEndpoints, false, lbIngressIp.ip, Enum(svcInfo.protocol), uint16(svcInfo.targetPort), uint16(svcInfo.port), ) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Policy creation failed: %v", err) continue } lbIngressIp.hnsID = hnsLoadBalancer.ID glog.V(3).Infof("Hns LoadBalancer resource created for loadBalancer Ingress resources %v", lbIngressIp) } svcInfo.policyApplied = true Log(svcInfo, "+++Policy Successfully applied for service +++", 2) } // Update healthz timestamp. if proxier.healthzServer != nil { proxier.healthzServer.UpdateTimestamp() } // Update healthchecks. The endpoints list might include services that are // not "OnlyLocal", but the services list will not, and the healthChecker // will just drop those endpoints. if err := proxier.healthChecker.SyncServices(serviceUpdateResult.hcServices); err != nil { glog.Errorf("Error syncing healtcheck services: %v", err) } if err := proxier.healthChecker.SyncEndpoints(endpointUpdateResult.hcEndpoints); err != nil { glog.Errorf("Error syncing healthcheck endoints: %v", err) } // Finish housekeeping. // TODO: these could be made more consistent. for _, svcIP := range staleServices.UnsortedList() { // TODO : Check if this is required to cleanup stale services here glog.V(5).Infof("Pending delete stale service IP %s connections", svcIP) } } type endpointServicePair struct { endpoint string servicePortName proxy.ServicePortName }