/* Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package apimachinery import ( "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "time" "k8s.io/api/admissionregistration/v1beta1" "k8s.io/api/core/v1" extensions "k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1" rbacv1beta1 "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1beta1" apiextensionsv1beta1 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1beta1" crdclientset "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/client/clientset/clientset" "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/test/integration/testserver" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/intstr" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait" "k8s.io/client-go/dynamic" clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes" utilversion "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/version" "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework" . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" _ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) const ( secretName = "sample-webhook-secret" deploymentName = "sample-webhook-deployment" serviceName = "e2e-test-webhook" roleBindingName = "webhook-auth-reader" webhookConfigName = "e2e-test-webhook-config" mutatingWebhookConfigName = "e2e-test-mutating-webhook-config" skipNamespaceLabelKey = "skip-webhook-admission" skipNamespaceLabelValue = "yes" skippedNamespaceName = "exempted-namesapce" disallowedPodName = "disallowed-pod" disallowedConfigMapName = "disallowed-configmap" allowedConfigMapName = "allowed-configmap" crdName = "e2e-test-webhook-crd" crdKind = "E2e-test-webhook-crd" crdWebhookConfigName = "e2e-test-webhook-config-crd" crdMutatingWebhookConfigName = "e2e-test-mutating-webhook-config-crd" crdAPIGroup = "webhook-crd-test.k8s.io" crdAPIVersion = "v1" webhookFailClosedConfigName = "e2e-test-webhook-fail-closed" failNamespaceLabelKey = "fail-closed-webhook" failNamespaceLabelValue = "yes" failNamespaceName = "fail-closed-namesapce" ) var serverWebhookVersion = utilversion.MustParseSemantic("v1.8.0") var _ = SIGDescribe("AdmissionWebhook", func() { var context *certContext f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("webhook") var client clientset.Interface var namespaceName string BeforeEach(func() { client = f.ClientSet namespaceName = f.Namespace.Name // Make sure the relevant provider supports admission webhook framework.SkipUnlessServerVersionGTE(serverWebhookVersion, f.ClientSet.Discovery()) framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke", "local") _, err := f.ClientSet.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().List(metav1.ListOptions{}) if errors.IsNotFound(err) { framework.Skipf("dynamic configuration of webhooks requires the admissionregistration.k8s.io group to be enabled") } By("Setting up server cert") context = setupServerCert(namespaceName, serviceName) createAuthReaderRoleBinding(f, namespaceName) // Note that in 1.9 we will have backwards incompatible change to // admission webhooks, so the image will be updated to 1.9 sometime in // the development 1.9 cycle. deployWebhookAndService(f, "gcr.io/kubernetes-e2e-test-images/k8s-sample-admission-webhook-amd64:1.8v6", context) }) AfterEach(func() { cleanWebhookTest(client, namespaceName) }) It("Should be able to deny pod and configmap creation", func() { registerWebhook(f, context) defer client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().Delete(webhookConfigName, nil) testWebhook(f) }) It("Should be able to deny custom resource creation", func() { crdCleanup, dynamicClient := createCRD(f) defer crdCleanup() registerWebhookForCRD(f, context) defer client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().Delete(crdWebhookConfigName, nil) testCRDWebhook(f, dynamicClient) }) It("Should unconditionally reject operations on fail closed webhook", func() { registerFailClosedWebhook(f, context) defer f.ClientSet.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().Delete(webhookFailClosedConfigName, nil) testFailClosedWebhook(f) }) It("Should mutate configmap", func() { registerMutatingWebhookForConfigMap(f, context) defer client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().MutatingWebhookConfigurations().Delete(mutatingWebhookConfigName, nil) testMutatingConfigMapWebhook(f) }) It("Should mutate crd", func() { crdCleanup, dynamicClient := createCRD(f) defer crdCleanup() registerMutatingWebhookForCRD(f, context) defer client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().MutatingWebhookConfigurations().Delete(crdMutatingWebhookConfigName, nil) testMutatingCRDWebhook(f, dynamicClient) }) // TODO: add more e2e tests for mutating webhooks // 1. mutating webhook that mutates pod // 2. mutating webhook that sends empty patch // 2.1 and sets status.allowed=true // 2.2 and sets status.allowed=false // 3. mutating webhook that sends patch, but also sets status.allowed=false // 4. mtuating webhook that fail-open v.s. fail-closed }) func createAuthReaderRoleBinding(f *framework.Framework, namespace string) { By("Create role binding to let webhook read extension-apiserver-authentication") client := f.ClientSet // Create the role binding to allow the webhook read the extension-apiserver-authentication configmap _, err := client.RbacV1beta1().RoleBindings("kube-system").Create(&rbacv1beta1.RoleBinding{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: roleBindingName, Annotations: map[string]string{ rbacv1beta1.AutoUpdateAnnotationKey: "true", }, }, RoleRef: rbacv1beta1.RoleRef{ APIGroup: "", Kind: "Role", Name: "extension-apiserver-authentication-reader", }, // Webhook uses the default service account. Subjects: []rbacv1beta1.Subject{ { Kind: "ServiceAccount", Name: "default", Namespace: namespace, }, }, }) if err != nil && errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) { framework.Logf("role binding %s already exists", roleBindingName) } else { framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating role binding %s:webhook to access configMap", namespace) } } func deployWebhookAndService(f *framework.Framework, image string, context *certContext) { By("Deploying the webhook pod") client := f.ClientSet // Creating the secret that contains the webhook's cert. secret := &v1.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: secretName, }, Type: v1.SecretTypeOpaque, Data: map[string][]byte{ "tls.crt": context.cert, "tls.key": context.key, }, } namespace := f.Namespace.Name _, err := client.CoreV1().Secrets(namespace).Create(secret) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating secret %q in namespace %q", secretName, namespace) // Create the deployment of the webhook podLabels := map[string]string{"app": "sample-webhook", "webhook": "true"} replicas := int32(1) zero := int64(0) mounts := []v1.VolumeMount{ { Name: "webhook-certs", ReadOnly: true, MountPath: "/webhook.local.config/certificates", }, } volumes := []v1.Volume{ { Name: "webhook-certs", VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{ Secret: &v1.SecretVolumeSource{SecretName: secretName}, }, }, } containers := []v1.Container{ { Name: "sample-webhook", VolumeMounts: mounts, Args: []string{ "--tls-cert-file=/webhook.local.config/certificates/tls.crt", "--tls-private-key-file=/webhook.local.config/certificates/tls.key", "--alsologtostderr", "-v=4", "2>&1", }, Image: image, }, } d := &extensions.Deployment{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: deploymentName, }, Spec: extensions.DeploymentSpec{ Replicas: &replicas, Strategy: extensions.DeploymentStrategy{ Type: extensions.RollingUpdateDeploymentStrategyType, }, Template: v1.PodTemplateSpec{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: podLabels, }, Spec: v1.PodSpec{ TerminationGracePeriodSeconds: &zero, Containers: containers, Volumes: volumes, }, }, }, } deployment, err := client.ExtensionsV1beta1().Deployments(namespace).Create(d) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating deployment %s in namespace %s", deploymentName, namespace) By("Wait for the deployment to be ready") err = framework.WaitForDeploymentRevisionAndImage(client, namespace, deploymentName, "1", image) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "waiting for the deployment of image %s in %s in %s to complete", image, deploymentName, namespace) err = framework.WaitForDeploymentComplete(client, deployment) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "waiting for the deployment status valid", image, deploymentName, namespace) By("Deploying the webhook service") serviceLabels := map[string]string{"webhook": "true"} service := &v1.Service{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Labels: map[string]string{"test": "webhook"}, }, Spec: v1.ServiceSpec{ Selector: serviceLabels, Ports: []v1.ServicePort{ { Protocol: "TCP", Port: 443, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(443), }, }, }, } _, err = client.CoreV1().Services(namespace).Create(service) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating service %s in namespace %s", serviceName, namespace) By("Verifying the service has paired with the endpoint") err = framework.WaitForServiceEndpointsNum(client, namespace, serviceName, 1, 1*time.Second, 30*time.Second) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "waiting for service %s/%s have %d endpoint", namespace, serviceName, 1) } func strPtr(s string) *string { return &s } func registerWebhook(f *framework.Framework, context *certContext) { client := f.ClientSet By("Registering the webhook via the AdmissionRegistration API") namespace := f.Namespace.Name // A webhook that cannot talk to server, with fail-open policy failOpenHook := failingWebhook(namespace, "fail-open.k8s.io") policyIgnore := v1beta1.Ignore failOpenHook.FailurePolicy = &policyIgnore _, err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().Create(&v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: webhookConfigName, }, Webhooks: []v1beta1.Webhook{ { Name: "deny-unwanted-pod-container-name-and-label.k8s.io", Rules: []v1beta1.RuleWithOperations{{ Operations: []v1beta1.OperationType{v1beta1.Create}, Rule: v1beta1.Rule{ APIGroups: []string{""}, APIVersions: []string{"v1"}, Resources: []string{"pods"}, }, }}, ClientConfig: v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig{ Service: &v1beta1.ServiceReference{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Path: strPtr("/pods"), }, CABundle: context.signingCert, }, }, { Name: "deny-unwanted-configmap-data.k8s.io", Rules: []v1beta1.RuleWithOperations{{ Operations: []v1beta1.OperationType{v1beta1.Create, v1beta1.Update}, Rule: v1beta1.Rule{ APIGroups: []string{""}, APIVersions: []string{"v1"}, Resources: []string{"configmaps"}, }, }}, // The webhook skips the namespace that has label "skip-webhook-admission":"yes" NamespaceSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: skipNamespaceLabelKey, Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpNotIn, Values: []string{skipNamespaceLabelValue}, }, }, }, ClientConfig: v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig{ Service: &v1beta1.ServiceReference{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Path: strPtr("/configmaps"), }, CABundle: context.signingCert, }, }, // Server cannot talk to this webhook, so it always fails. // Because this webhook is configured fail-open, request should be admitted after the call fails. failOpenHook, }, }) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "registering webhook config %s with namespace %s", webhookConfigName, namespace) // The webhook configuration is honored in 1s. time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } func registerMutatingWebhookForConfigMap(f *framework.Framework, context *certContext) { client := f.ClientSet By("Registering the mutating configmap webhook via the AdmissionRegistration API") namespace := f.Namespace.Name _, err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().MutatingWebhookConfigurations().Create(&v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: mutatingWebhookConfigName, }, Webhooks: []v1beta1.Webhook{ { Name: "adding-configmap-data-stage-1.k8s.io", Rules: []v1beta1.RuleWithOperations{{ Operations: []v1beta1.OperationType{v1beta1.Create}, Rule: v1beta1.Rule{ APIGroups: []string{""}, APIVersions: []string{"v1"}, Resources: []string{"configmaps"}, }, }}, ClientConfig: v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig{ Service: &v1beta1.ServiceReference{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Path: strPtr("/mutating-configmaps"), }, CABundle: context.signingCert, }, }, { Name: "adding-configmap-data-stage-2.k8s.io", Rules: []v1beta1.RuleWithOperations{{ Operations: []v1beta1.OperationType{v1beta1.Create}, Rule: v1beta1.Rule{ APIGroups: []string{""}, APIVersions: []string{"v1"}, Resources: []string{"configmaps"}, }, }}, ClientConfig: v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig{ Service: &v1beta1.ServiceReference{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Path: strPtr("/mutating-configmaps"), }, CABundle: context.signingCert, }, }, }, }) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "registering mutating webhook config %s with namespace %s", mutatingWebhookConfigName, namespace) // The webhook configuration is honored in 1s. time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } func testMutatingConfigMapWebhook(f *framework.Framework) { By("create a configmap that should be updated by the webhook") client := f.ClientSet configMap := toBeMutatedConfigMap(f) mutatedConfigMap, err := client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(f.Namespace.Name).Create(configMap) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) expectedConfigMapData := map[string]string{ "mutation-start": "yes", "mutation-stage-1": "yes", "mutation-stage-2": "yes", } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedConfigMapData, mutatedConfigMap.Data) { framework.Failf("\nexpected %#v\n, got %#v\n", expectedConfigMapData, mutatedConfigMap.Data) } } func testWebhook(f *framework.Framework) { By("create a pod that should be denied by the webhook") client := f.ClientSet // Creating the pod, the request should be rejected pod := nonCompliantPod(f) _, err := client.CoreV1().Pods(f.Namespace.Name).Create(pod) Expect(err).NotTo(BeNil()) expectedErrMsg1 := "the pod contains unwanted container name" if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg1) { framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg1, err.Error()) } expectedErrMsg2 := "the pod contains unwanted label" if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg2) { framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg2, err.Error()) } By("create a configmap that should be denied by the webhook") // Creating the configmap, the request should be rejected configmap := nonCompliantConfigMap(f) _, err = client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(f.Namespace.Name).Create(configmap) Expect(err).NotTo(BeNil()) expectedErrMsg := "the configmap contains unwanted key and value" if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) { framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error()) } By("create a configmap that should be admitted by the webhook") // Creating the configmap, the request should be admitted configmap = &v1.ConfigMap{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: allowedConfigMapName, }, Data: map[string]string{ "admit": "this", }, } _, err = client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(f.Namespace.Name).Create(configmap) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) By("update (PUT) the admitted configmap to a non-compliant one should be rejected by the webhook") toNonCompliantFn := func(cm *v1.ConfigMap) { if cm.Data == nil { cm.Data = map[string]string{} } cm.Data["webhook-e2e-test"] = "webhook-disallow" } _, err = updateConfigMap(client, f.Namespace.Name, allowedConfigMapName, toNonCompliantFn) Expect(err).NotTo(BeNil()) if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) { framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error()) } By("update (PATCH) the admitted configmap to a non-compliant one should be rejected by the webhook") patch := nonCompliantConfigMapPatch() _, err = client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(f.Namespace.Name).Patch(allowedConfigMapName, types.StrategicMergePatchType, []byte(patch)) Expect(err).NotTo(BeNil()) if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) { framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error()) } By("create a namespace that bypass the webhook") err = createNamespace(f, &v1.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: skippedNamespaceName, Labels: map[string]string{ skipNamespaceLabelKey: skipNamespaceLabelValue, }, }}) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating namespace %q", skippedNamespaceName) // clean up the namespace defer client.CoreV1().Namespaces().Delete(skippedNamespaceName, nil) By("create a configmap that violates the webhook policy but is in a whitelisted namespace") configmap = nonCompliantConfigMap(f) _, err = client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(skippedNamespaceName).Create(configmap) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) } // failingWebhook returns a webhook with rule of create configmaps, // but with an invalid client config so that server cannot communicate with it func failingWebhook(namespace, name string) v1beta1.Webhook { return v1beta1.Webhook{ Name: name, Rules: []v1beta1.RuleWithOperations{{ Operations: []v1beta1.OperationType{v1beta1.Create}, Rule: v1beta1.Rule{ APIGroups: []string{""}, APIVersions: []string{"v1"}, Resources: []string{"configmaps"}, }, }}, ClientConfig: v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig{ Service: &v1beta1.ServiceReference{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Path: strPtr("/configmaps"), }, // Without CA bundle, the call to webhook always fails CABundle: nil, }, } } func registerFailClosedWebhook(f *framework.Framework, context *certContext) { client := f.ClientSet By("Registering a webhook that server cannot talk to, with fail closed policy, via the AdmissionRegistration API") namespace := f.Namespace.Name // A webhook that cannot talk to server, with fail-closed policy policyFail := v1beta1.Fail hook := failingWebhook(namespace, "fail-closed.k8s.io") hook.FailurePolicy = &policyFail hook.NamespaceSelector = &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: failNamespaceLabelKey, Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpIn, Values: []string{failNamespaceLabelValue}, }, }, } _, err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().Create(&v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: webhookFailClosedConfigName, }, Webhooks: []v1beta1.Webhook{ // Server cannot talk to this webhook, so it always fails. // Because this webhook is configured fail-closed, request should be rejected after the call fails. hook, }, }) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "registering webhook config %s with namespace %s", webhookFailClosedConfigName, namespace) // The webhook configuration is honored in 10s. time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } func testFailClosedWebhook(f *framework.Framework) { client := f.ClientSet By("create a namespace for the webhook") err := createNamespace(f, &v1.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: failNamespaceName, Labels: map[string]string{ failNamespaceLabelKey: failNamespaceLabelValue, }, }}) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating namespace %q", failNamespaceName) defer client.CoreV1().Namespaces().Delete(failNamespaceName, nil) By("create a configmap should be unconditionally rejected by the webhook") configmap := &v1.ConfigMap{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, } _, err = client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(failNamespaceName).Create(configmap) Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred()) if !errors.IsInternalError(err) { framework.Failf("expect an internal error, got %#v", err) } } func createNamespace(f *framework.Framework, ns *v1.Namespace) error { return wait.PollImmediate(100*time.Millisecond, 30*time.Second, func() (bool, error) { _, err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Namespaces().Create(ns) if err != nil { if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "object is being deleted:") { return false, nil } return false, err } return true, nil }) } func nonCompliantPod(f *framework.Framework) *v1.Pod { return &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: disallowedPodName, Labels: map[string]string{ "webhook-e2e-test": "webhook-disallow", }, }, Spec: v1.PodSpec{ Containers: []v1.Container{ { Name: "webhook-disallow", Image: framework.GetPauseImageName(f.ClientSet), }, }, }, } } func nonCompliantConfigMap(f *framework.Framework) *v1.ConfigMap { return &v1.ConfigMap{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: disallowedConfigMapName, }, Data: map[string]string{ "webhook-e2e-test": "webhook-disallow", }, } } func toBeMutatedConfigMap(f *framework.Framework) *v1.ConfigMap { return &v1.ConfigMap{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "to-be-mutated", }, Data: map[string]string{ "mutation-start": "yes", }, } } func nonCompliantConfigMapPatch() string { return fmt.Sprint(`{"data":{"webhook-e2e-test":"webhook-disallow"}}`) } type updateConfigMapFn func(cm *v1.ConfigMap) func updateConfigMap(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string, update updateConfigMapFn) (*v1.ConfigMap, error) { var cm *v1.ConfigMap pollErr := wait.PollImmediate(2*time.Second, 1*time.Minute, func() (bool, error) { var err error if cm, err = c.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(ns).Get(name, metav1.GetOptions{}); err != nil { return false, err } update(cm) if cm, err = c.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(ns).Update(cm); err == nil { return true, nil } // Only retry update on conflict if !errors.IsConflict(err) { return false, err } return false, nil }) return cm, pollErr } func cleanWebhookTest(client clientset.Interface, namespaceName string) { _ = client.CoreV1().Services(namespaceName).Delete(serviceName, nil) _ = client.ExtensionsV1beta1().Deployments(namespaceName).Delete(deploymentName, nil) _ = client.CoreV1().Secrets(namespaceName).Delete(secretName, nil) _ = client.RbacV1beta1().RoleBindings("kube-system").Delete(roleBindingName, nil) } // newCRDForAdmissionWebhookTest generates a CRD func newCRDForAdmissionWebhookTest() *apiextensionsv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition { return &apiextensionsv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: crdName + "s." + crdAPIGroup}, Spec: apiextensionsv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec{ Group: crdAPIGroup, Version: crdAPIVersion, Names: apiextensionsv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames{ Plural: crdName + "s", Singular: crdName, Kind: crdKind, ListKind: crdName + "List", }, Scope: apiextensionsv1beta1.NamespaceScoped, }, } } func createCRD(f *framework.Framework) (func(), dynamic.ResourceInterface) { config, err := framework.LoadConfig() if err != nil { framework.Failf("failed to load config: %v", err) } apiExtensionClient, err := crdclientset.NewForConfig(config) if err != nil { framework.Failf("failed to initialize apiExtensionClient: %v", err) } crd := newCRDForAdmissionWebhookTest() //create CRD and waits for the resource to be recognized and available. dynamicClient, err := testserver.CreateNewCustomResourceDefinitionWatchUnsafe(crd, apiExtensionClient, f.ClientPool) if err != nil { framework.Failf("failed to create CustomResourceDefinition: %v", err) } resourceClient := dynamicClient.Resource(&metav1.APIResource{ Name: crd.Spec.Names.Plural, Namespaced: true, }, f.Namespace.Name) return func() { err = testserver.DeleteCustomResourceDefinition(crd, apiExtensionClient) if err != nil { framework.Failf("failed to delete CustomResourceDefinition: %v", err) } }, resourceClient } func registerWebhookForCRD(f *framework.Framework, context *certContext) { client := f.ClientSet By("Registering the crd webhook via the AdmissionRegistration API") namespace := f.Namespace.Name _, err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().Create(&v1beta1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: crdWebhookConfigName, }, Webhooks: []v1beta1.Webhook{ { Name: "deny-unwanted-crd-data.k8s.io", Rules: []v1beta1.RuleWithOperations{{ Operations: []v1beta1.OperationType{v1beta1.Create}, Rule: v1beta1.Rule{ APIGroups: []string{crdAPIGroup}, APIVersions: []string{crdAPIVersion}, Resources: []string{crdName + "s"}, }, }}, ClientConfig: v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig{ Service: &v1beta1.ServiceReference{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Path: strPtr("/crd"), }, CABundle: context.signingCert, }, }, }, }) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "registering crd webhook config %s with namespace %s", webhookConfigName, namespace) // The webhook configuration is honored in 1s. time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } func registerMutatingWebhookForCRD(f *framework.Framework, context *certContext) { client := f.ClientSet By("Registering the mutating webhook for crd via the AdmissionRegistration API") namespace := f.Namespace.Name _, err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1().MutatingWebhookConfigurations().Create(&v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: crdMutatingWebhookConfigName, }, Webhooks: []v1beta1.Webhook{ { Name: "mutate-crd-data-stage-1.k8s.io", Rules: []v1beta1.RuleWithOperations{{ Operations: []v1beta1.OperationType{v1beta1.Create}, Rule: v1beta1.Rule{ APIGroups: []string{crdAPIGroup}, APIVersions: []string{crdAPIVersion}, Resources: []string{crdName + "s"}, }, }}, ClientConfig: v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig{ Service: &v1beta1.ServiceReference{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Path: strPtr("/mutating-crd"), }, CABundle: context.signingCert, }, }, { Name: "mutate-crd-data-stage-2.k8s.io", Rules: []v1beta1.RuleWithOperations{{ Operations: []v1beta1.OperationType{v1beta1.Create}, Rule: v1beta1.Rule{ APIGroups: []string{crdAPIGroup}, APIVersions: []string{crdAPIVersion}, Resources: []string{crdName + "s"}, }, }}, ClientConfig: v1beta1.WebhookClientConfig{ Service: &v1beta1.ServiceReference{ Namespace: namespace, Name: serviceName, Path: strPtr("/mutating-crd"), }, CABundle: context.signingCert, }, }, }, }) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "registering crd webhook config %s with namespace %s", crdMutatingWebhookConfigName, namespace) // The webhook configuration is honored in 1s. time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } func testCRDWebhook(f *framework.Framework, crdClient dynamic.ResourceInterface) { By("Creating a custom resource that should be denied by the webhook") crd := newCRDForAdmissionWebhookTest() crInstance := &unstructured.Unstructured{ Object: map[string]interface{}{ "kind": crd.Spec.Names.Kind, "apiVersion": crd.Spec.Group + "/" + crd.Spec.Version, "metadata": map[string]interface{}{ "name": "cr-instance-1", "namespace": f.Namespace.Name, }, "data": map[string]interface{}{ "webhook-e2e-test": "webhook-disallow", }, }, } _, err := crdClient.Create(crInstance) Expect(err).NotTo(BeNil()) expectedErrMsg := "the custom resource contains unwanted data" if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) { framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error()) } } func testMutatingCRDWebhook(f *framework.Framework, crdClient dynamic.ResourceInterface) { By("Creating a custom resource that should be mutated by the webhook") crd := newCRDForAdmissionWebhookTest() cr := &unstructured.Unstructured{ Object: map[string]interface{}{ "kind": crd.Spec.Names.Kind, "apiVersion": crd.Spec.Group + "/" + crd.Spec.Version, "metadata": map[string]interface{}{ "name": "cr-instance-1", "namespace": f.Namespace.Name, }, "data": map[string]interface{}{ "mutation-start": "yes", }, }, } mutatedCR, err := crdClient.Create(cr) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) expectedCRData := map[string]interface{}{ "mutation-start": "yes", "mutation-stage-1": "yes", "mutation-stage-2": "yes", } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedCRData, mutatedCR.Object["data"]) { framework.Failf("\nexpected %#v\n, got %#v\n", expectedCRData, mutatedCR.Object["data"]) } }