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limitations under the License.

package flowcontrol

import (

	flowcontrol "k8s.io/api/flowcontrol/v1"

// Tests whether a given request and FlowSchema match.  Nobody mutates
// either input.
func matchesFlowSchema(digest RequestDigest, flowSchema *flowcontrol.FlowSchema) bool {
	for _, policyRule := range flowSchema.Spec.Rules {
		if matchesPolicyRule(digest, &policyRule) {
			return true
	return false

func matchesPolicyRule(digest RequestDigest, policyRule *flowcontrol.PolicyRulesWithSubjects) bool {
	if !matchesASubject(digest.User, policyRule.Subjects) {
		return false
	if digest.RequestInfo.IsResourceRequest {
		return matchesAResourceRule(digest.RequestInfo, policyRule.ResourceRules)
	return matchesANonResourceRule(digest.RequestInfo, policyRule.NonResourceRules)

func matchesASubject(user user.Info, subjects []flowcontrol.Subject) bool {
	for _, subject := range subjects {
		if matchesSubject(user, subject) {
			return true
	return false

func matchesSubject(user user.Info, subject flowcontrol.Subject) bool {
	switch subject.Kind {
	case flowcontrol.SubjectKindUser:
		return subject.User != nil && (subject.User.Name == flowcontrol.NameAll || subject.User.Name == user.GetName())
	case flowcontrol.SubjectKindGroup:
		if subject.Group == nil {
			return false
		seek := subject.Group.Name
		if seek == "*" {
			return true
		for _, userGroup := range user.GetGroups() {
			if userGroup == seek {
				return true
		return false
	case flowcontrol.SubjectKindServiceAccount:
		if subject.ServiceAccount == nil {
			return false
		if subject.ServiceAccount.Name == flowcontrol.NameAll {
			return serviceAccountMatchesNamespace(subject.ServiceAccount.Namespace, user.GetName())
		return serviceaccount.MatchesUsername(subject.ServiceAccount.Namespace, subject.ServiceAccount.Name, user.GetName())
		return false

// serviceAccountMatchesNamespace checks whether the provided service account username matches the namespace, without
// allocating. Use this when checking a service account namespace against a known string.
// This is copied from `k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/authentication/serviceaccount::MatchesUsername` and simplified to not check the name part.
func serviceAccountMatchesNamespace(namespace string, username string) bool {
	const (
		ServiceAccountUsernamePrefix    = "system:serviceaccount:"
		ServiceAccountUsernameSeparator = ":"
	if !strings.HasPrefix(username, ServiceAccountUsernamePrefix) {
		return false
	username = username[len(ServiceAccountUsernamePrefix):]

	if !strings.HasPrefix(username, namespace) {
		return false
	username = username[len(namespace):]

	return strings.HasPrefix(username, ServiceAccountUsernameSeparator)

func matchesAResourceRule(ri *request.RequestInfo, rules []flowcontrol.ResourcePolicyRule) bool {
	for _, rr := range rules {
		if matchesResourcePolicyRule(ri, rr) {
			return true
	return false

func matchesResourcePolicyRule(ri *request.RequestInfo, policyRule flowcontrol.ResourcePolicyRule) bool {
	if !matchPolicyRuleVerb(policyRule.Verbs, ri.Verb) {
		return false
	if !matchPolicyRuleResource(policyRule.Resources, ri.Resource, ri.Subresource) {
		return false
	if !matchPolicyRuleAPIGroup(policyRule.APIGroups, ri.APIGroup) {
		return false
	if len(ri.Namespace) == 0 {
		return policyRule.ClusterScope
	return containsString(ri.Namespace, policyRule.Namespaces, flowcontrol.NamespaceEvery)

func matchesANonResourceRule(ri *request.RequestInfo, rules []flowcontrol.NonResourcePolicyRule) bool {
	for _, rr := range rules {
		if matchesNonResourcePolicyRule(ri, rr) {
			return true
	return false

func matchesNonResourcePolicyRule(ri *request.RequestInfo, policyRule flowcontrol.NonResourcePolicyRule) bool {
	if !matchPolicyRuleVerb(policyRule.Verbs, ri.Verb) {
		return false
	return matchPolicyRuleNonResourceURL(policyRule.NonResourceURLs, ri.Path)

func matchPolicyRuleVerb(policyRuleVerbs []string, requestVerb string) bool {
	return containsString(requestVerb, policyRuleVerbs, flowcontrol.VerbAll)

func matchPolicyRuleNonResourceURL(policyRuleRequestURLs []string, requestPath string) bool {
	for _, rulePath := range policyRuleRequestURLs {
		if rulePath == flowcontrol.NonResourceAll || rulePath == requestPath {
			return true
		rulePrefix := strings.TrimSuffix(rulePath, "*")
		if !strings.HasSuffix(rulePrefix, "/") {
			rulePrefix = rulePrefix + "/"
		if strings.HasPrefix(requestPath, rulePrefix) {
			return true
	return false

func matchPolicyRuleAPIGroup(policyRuleAPIGroups []string, requestAPIGroup string) bool {
	return containsString(requestAPIGroup, policyRuleAPIGroups, flowcontrol.APIGroupAll)

func rsJoin(requestResource, requestSubresource string) string {
	seekString := requestResource
	if requestSubresource != "" {
		seekString = requestResource + "/" + requestSubresource
	return seekString

func matchPolicyRuleResource(policyRuleRequestResources []string, requestResource, requestSubresource string) bool {
	return containsString(rsJoin(requestResource, requestSubresource), policyRuleRequestResources, flowcontrol.ResourceAll)

// containsString returns true if either `x` or `wildcard` is in
// `list`.  The wildcard is not a pattern to match against `x`; rather
// the presence of the wildcard in the list is the caller's way of
// saying that all values of `x` should match the list.  This function
// assumes that if `wildcard` is in `list` then it is the only member
// of the list, which is enforced by validation.
func containsString(x string, list []string, wildcard string) bool {
	if len(list) == 1 && list[0] == wildcard {
		return true
	for _, y := range list {
		if x == y {
			return true
	return false