package rbd // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lrbd // #include <stdlib.h> // #include <rbd/librbd.h> import "C" import ( "unsafe" "" "" ) // GetMetadata returns the metadata string associated with the given key. // // Implements: // int rbd_metadata_get(rbd_image_t image, const char *key, char *value, size_t *vallen) func (image *Image) GetMetadata(key string) (string, error) { if err := image.validate(imageIsOpen); err != nil { return "", err } cKey := C.CString(key) defer var ( buf []byte err error ) retry.WithSizes(4096, 262144, func(size int) retry.Hint { csize := C.size_t(size) buf = make([]byte, csize) // rbd_metadata_get is a bit quirky and *does not* update the size // value if the size passed in >= the needed size. ret := C.rbd_metadata_get( image.image, cKey, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), &csize) err = getError(ret) return retry.Size(int(csize)).If(err == errRange) }) if err != nil { return "", err } return C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))), nil } // SetMetadata updates the metadata string associated with the given key. // // Implements: // int rbd_metadata_set(rbd_image_t image, const char *key, const char *value) func (image *Image) SetMetadata(key string, value string) error { if err := image.validate(imageIsOpen); err != nil { return err } cKey := C.CString(key) cValue := C.CString(value) defer defer ret := C.rbd_metadata_set(image.image, cKey, cValue) if ret < 0 { return rbdError(ret) } return nil } // RemoveMetadata clears the metadata associated with the given key. // // Implements: // int rbd_metadata_remove(rbd_image_t image, const char *key) func (image *Image) RemoveMetadata(key string) error { if err := image.validate(imageIsOpen); err != nil { return err } cKey := C.CString(key) defer ret := C.rbd_metadata_remove(image.image, cKey) if ret < 0 { return rbdError(ret) } return nil } // ListMetadata returns a map containing all metadata assigned to the RBD image. // // Implements: // int rbd_metadata_list(rbd_image_t image, const char *start, uint64_t max, // char *keys, size_t *key_len, char *values, size_t *vals_len); func (image *Image) ListMetadata() (map[string]string, error) { if err := image.validate(imageIsOpen); err != nil { return nil, err } var ( err error keysbuf []byte keysSize C.size_t valsbuf []byte valsSize C.size_t ) retry.WithSizes(4096, 262144, func(size int) retry.Hint { keysbuf = make([]byte, size) keysSize = C.size_t(size) valsbuf = make([]byte, size) valsSize = C.size_t(size) // the rbd_metadata_list function can use a start point and a limit. // we do not use it and prefer our retry helper and just allocating // buffers large enough to take all the keys and values ret := C.rbd_metadata_list( image.image, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&empty[0])), // always start at the beginning (no paging) 0, // fetch all key-value pairs (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&keysbuf[0])), &keysSize, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&valsbuf[0])), &valsSize) err = getError(ret) nextSize := valsSize if keysSize > nextSize { nextSize = keysSize } return retry.Size(int(nextSize)).If(err == errRange) }) if err != nil { return nil, err } m := map[string]string{} keys := cutil.SplitBuffer(keysbuf[:keysSize]) vals := cutil.SplitBuffer(valsbuf[:valsSize]) if len(keys) != len(vals) { // this should not happen (famous last words) return nil, errRange } for i := range keys { m[keys[i]] = vals[i] } return m, nil } // rather than allocate memory every time that ListMetadata is called, // define a static byte slice to stand in for the C "empty string" var empty = []byte{0}