ARG SRC_DIR="/go/src/" ARG GO_ARCH ARG BASE_IMAGE FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} as updated_base # TODO: remove the following cmd, when issues # # are fixed. RUN true \ && dnf -y reinstall${CEPH_VERSION}/el9/noarch/ceph-release-1-1.el9.noarch.rpm \ && ( dnf config-manager --disable tcmu-runner,tcmu-runner-source,tcmu-runner-noarch,ceph-iscsi,ganesha || true ) \ && true RUN mkdir /etc/selinux || true && touch /etc/selinux/config RUN dnf -y update --nobest \ && dnf -y install nfs-utils \ && dnf clean all \ && rm -rf /var/cache/yum FROM updated_base as builder LABEL stage="build" ARG ARG CSI_IMAGE_VERSION=canary ARG GO_ARCH ARG SRC_DIR ARG GIT_COMMIT ARG GOROOT=/usr/local/go COPY build.env / RUN source /build.env && \ ( test -n "${GO_ARCH}" && exit 0; echo -e "\n\nMissing GO_ARCH argument for building image, install Golang or run: make image-cephcsi GOARCH=amd64\n\n"; exit 1 ) && \ mkdir -p ${GOROOT} && \ curl${GOLANG_VERSION}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C ${GOROOT} --strip-components=1 # test if the downloaded version of Golang works (different arch?) RUN ${GOROOT}/bin/go version && ${GOROOT}/bin/go env # other/conflicting versions of protobuf get installed as dependency RUN dnf -y remove protobuf RUN dnf -y install --nodocs \ librados-devel librbd-devel libcephfs-devel \ /usr/bin/cc \ make \ git \ && dnf clean all \ && rm -rf /var/cache/yum \ && true ENV GOROOT=${GOROOT} \ GOPATH=/go \ CGO_ENABLED=1 \ GIT_COMMIT="${GIT_COMMIT}" \ ENV_CSI_IMAGE_VERSION="${CSI_IMAGE_VERSION}" \ ENV_CSI_IMAGE_NAME="${CSI_IMAGE_NAME}" \ PATH="${GOROOT}/bin:${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}" WORKDIR ${SRC_DIR} # Copy source directories COPY . ${SRC_DIR} # Build executable RUN make cephcsi #-- Final container FROM updated_base ARG SRC_DIR LABEL maintainers="Ceph-CSI Authors" \ version=${CSI_IMAGE_VERSION} \ architecture=${GO_ARCH} \ description="Ceph-CSI Plugin" COPY --from=builder ${SRC_DIR}/_output/cephcsi /usr/local/bin/cephcsi # verify that all dynamically linked libraries are available RUN [ $(ldd /usr/local/bin/cephcsi | grep -c '=> not found') = '0' ] ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/cephcsi"]