Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.

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 * This test checks that various VolumeSources are working.
 * There are two ways, how to test the volumes:
 * 1) With containerized server (NFS, Ceph, Gluster, iSCSI, ...)
 * The test creates a server pod, exporting simple 'index.html' file.
 * Then it uses appropriate VolumeSource to import this file into a client pod
 * and checks that the pod can see the file. It does so by importing the file
 * into web server root and loadind the index.html from it.
 * These tests work only when privileged containers are allowed, exporting
 * various filesystems (NFS, GlusterFS, ...) usually needs some mounting or
 * other privileged magic in the server pod.
 * Note that the server containers are for testing purposes only and should not
 * be used in production.
 * 2) With server outside of Kubernetes (Cinder, ...)
 * Appropriate server (e.g. OpenStack Cinder) must exist somewhere outside
 * the tested Kubernetes cluster. The test itself creates a new volume,
 * and checks, that Kubernetes can use it as a volume.

// GlusterFS test is duplicated from test/e2e/volumes.go.  Any changes made there
// should be duplicated here

package common

import (
	clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"

	. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"

// These tests need privileged containers, which are disabled by default.  Run
// the test with "go run hack/e2e.go ... --ginkgo.focus=[Feature:Volumes]"
var _ = Describe("[sig-storage] GCP Volumes", func() {
	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("gcp-volume")

	// note that namespace deletion is handled by delete-namespace flag
	// filled in BeforeEach
	var namespace *v1.Namespace
	var c clientset.Interface

	BeforeEach(func() {
		framework.SkipUnlessNodeOSDistroIs("gci", "ubuntu")

		namespace = f.Namespace
		c = f.ClientSet

	// NFS
	Describe("NFSv4", func() {
		It("should be mountable for NFSv4", func() {
			config, _, serverIP := framework.NewNFSServer(c, namespace.Name, []string{})
			defer framework.VolumeTestCleanup(f, config)

			tests := []framework.VolumeTest{
					Volume: v1.VolumeSource{
						NFS: &v1.NFSVolumeSource{
							Server:   serverIP,
							Path:     "/",
							ReadOnly: true,
					File:            "index.html",
					ExpectedContent: "Hello from NFS!",

			// Must match content of test/images/volumes-tester/nfs/index.html
			framework.TestVolumeClient(c, config, nil, tests)

	Describe("NFSv3", func() {
		It("should be mountable for NFSv3", func() {
			config, _, serverIP := framework.NewNFSServer(c, namespace.Name, []string{})
			defer framework.VolumeTestCleanup(f, config)

			tests := []framework.VolumeTest{
					Volume: v1.VolumeSource{
						NFS: &v1.NFSVolumeSource{
							Server:   serverIP,
							Path:     "/exports",
							ReadOnly: true,
					File:            "index.html",
					ExpectedContent: "Hello from NFS!",
			// Must match content of test/images/volume-tester/nfs/index.html
			framework.TestVolumeClient(c, config, nil, tests)

	// Gluster
	Describe("GlusterFS", func() {
		It("should be mountable", func() {
			// create gluster server and endpoints
			config, _, _ := framework.NewGlusterfsServer(c, namespace.Name)
			name := config.Prefix + "-server"
			defer func() {
				framework.VolumeTestCleanup(f, config)
				err := c.CoreV1().Endpoints(namespace.Name).Delete(name, nil)
				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "defer: Gluster delete endpoints failed")

			tests := []framework.VolumeTest{
					Volume: v1.VolumeSource{
						Glusterfs: &v1.GlusterfsVolumeSource{
							EndpointsName: name,
							// 'test_vol' comes from test/images/volumes-tester/gluster/run_gluster.sh
							Path:     "test_vol",
							ReadOnly: true,
					File: "index.html",
					// Must match content of test/images/volumes-tester/gluster/index.html
					ExpectedContent: "Hello from GlusterFS!",
			framework.TestVolumeClient(c, config, nil, tests)