# Contributing to Ginkgo Your contributions to Ginkgo are essential for its long-term maintenance and improvement. - Please **open an issue first** - describe what problem you are trying to solve and give the community a forum for input and feedback ahead of investing time in writing code! - Ensure adequate test coverage: - When adding to the Ginkgo library, add unit and/or integration tests (under the `integration` folder). - When adding to the Ginkgo CLI, note that there are very few unit tests. Please add an integration test. - Make sure all the tests succeed via `ginkgo -r -p` - Vet your changes via `go vet ./...` - Update the documentation. Ginko uses `godoc` comments and documentation in `docs/index.md`. You can run `bundle exec jekyll serve` in the `docs` directory to preview your changes. Thanks for supporting Ginkgo!