# End-to-End Testing - [End-to-End Testing](#end-to-end-testing) - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Install Kubernetes](#install-kubernetes) - [Test parameters](#test-parameters) - [E2E for snapshot](#e2e-for-snapshot) - [Running E2E](#running-e2e) ## Introduction End-to-end (e2e) in cephcsi provides a mechanism to test the end-to-end behavior of the system, These tests will interact with live instances of ceph cluster just like how a user would. The primary objectives of the e2e tests are to ensure a consistent and reliable behavior of the cephcsi code base and to catch hard-to-test bugs before users do when unit and integration tests are insufficient. The Test framework is designed to install Rook, run cephcsi tests, and uninstall Rook. The e2e test are built on top of [Ginkgo](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/) and [Gomega](http://onsi.github.io/gomega/) ## Install Kubernetes The cephcsi also provides a script for starting Kubernetes using [minikube](../scripts/minikube.sh) so users can quickly spin up a Kubernetes cluster. the following parameters are available to configure kubernetes cluster | flag | description | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | up | Starts a local kubernetes cluster and prepare a disk for rook | | down | Stops a running local kubernetes cluster | | clean | Deletes a local kubernetes cluster | | ssh | Log into or run a command on a minikube machine with SSH | | deploy-rook | Deploy rook to minikube | | create-block-pool | Creates a rook block pool (named $ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME) | | delete-block-pool | Deletes a rook block pool (named $ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME) | | clean-rook | Deletes a rook from minikube | | cephcsi | Copy built docker images to kubernetes cluster | | k8s-sidecar | Copy kubernetes sidecar docker images to kubernetes cluster | following environment variables can be exported to customize kubernetes deployment | ENV | Description | Default | |----------------------|--------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | MINIKUBE_VERSION | minikube version to install | latest | | KUBE_VERSION | kubernetes version to install | latest | | MEMORY | Amount of RAM allocated to the minikube VM in MB | 3000 | | VM_DRIVER | VM driver to create virtual machine | virtualbox | | CEPHCSI_IMAGE_REPO | Repo URL to pull cephcsi images | quay.io/cephcsi | | K8S_IMAGE_REPO | Repo URL to pull kubernetes sidecar images | quay.io/k8scsi | | K8S_FEATURE_GATES | Feature gates to enable on kubernetes cluster | BlockVolume=true,CSIBlockVolume=true,VolumeSnapshotDataSource=true | | ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME | Block pool name to create in the rook instance | newrbdpool | - creating kubernetes cluster ```console $./minikube.sh up ``` - Teardown kubernetes cluster ```console $./minikube.sh clean ``` ## Test parameters In addition to standard go tests parameters, the following custom parameters are available while running tests: | flag | description | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | deploy-timeout | Timeout to wait for created kubernetes resources (default: 10 minutes) | | deploy-cephfs | Deploy cephfs csi driver as part of E2E (default: true) | | deploy-rbd | Deploy rbd csi driver as part of E2E (default: true) | | test-cephfs | Test cephfs csi driver as part of E2E (default: true) | | upgrade-testing | Perform upgrade testing (default: false) | | upgrade-version | Target version for upgrade testing (default: "v2.1.2") | | test-rbd | Test rbd csi driver as part of E2E (default: true) | | cephcsi-namespace | The namespace in which cephcsi driver will be created (default: "default") | | rook-namespace | The namespace in which rook operator is installed (default: "rook-ceph") | | kubeconfig | Path to kubeconfig containing embedded authinfo (default: $HOME/.kube/config) | | timeout | Panic test binary after duration d (default 0, timeout disabled) | | v | Verbose: print additional output | ## E2E for snapshot After the support for snapshot/clone has been added to ceph-csi, you need to follow these steps before running e2e. Please note that the snapshot operation works only if the Kubernetes version is greater than or equal to 1.17.0. - Delete Alpha snapshot CRD created by ceph-csi in rook. - Check if you have any `v1alpha1` CRD created in our Kubernetes cluster ```bash [$]kubectl get crd volumesnapshotclasses.snapshot.storage.k8s.io -o yaml |grep v1alpha1 - name: v1alpha1 - v1alpha1 [$]kubectl get crd volumesnapshotcontents.snapshot.storage.k8s.io -o yaml |grep v1alpha1 - name: v1alpha1 - v1alpha1 [$]kubectl get crd volumesnapshots.snapshot.storage.k8s.io -o yaml |grep v1alpha1 - name: v1alpha1 - v1alpha1 ``` - If you have Alpha CRD, delete it as from Kubernetes 1.17.0+ the snapshot should be `v1beta1` ```console $./install-snapshot.sh delete-crd ``` - Install snapshot controller and Beta snapshot CRD ```console $./install-snapshot.sh install ``` Once you are done running e2e please perform the cleanup by running following: ```console $./install-snapshot.sh cleanup ``` ## Running E2E ` Note:- Prior to running the tests, you may need to copy the kubernetes configuration file to `$HOME/.kube/config` which is required to communicate with kubernetes cluster or you can pass `kubeconfig`flag while running tests. ` Functional tests are run by the `go test` command. ```console $go test ./e2e/ -timeout=20m -v -mod=vendor ``` Functional tests can be invoked by `make` command ```console $make func-test TESTOPTIONS="--deploy-timeout=10 -timeout=30m -v" ```