SHELL = bash BUILD_FLAGS = TEST_FLAGS = COMPOSE ?= docker-compose all: tidy fmt build up test lint build: go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./... builddir: mkdir -p -m 0777 build install: go install ./cmd/ppkmip go install ./cmd/kmipgen ppkmip: builddir GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/ppkmip-macos ./cmd/ppkmip GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/ppkmip-windows.exe ./cmd/ppkmip GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/ppkmip-linux ./cmd/ppkmip kmipgen: go install ./cmd/kmipgen lint: golangci-lint run clean: rm -rf build/* fmt: gofumpt -w -l . # generates go code structures representing all the enums, mask, and tags defined # in the KMIP spec. The source specifications are stored in kmip14/kmip_1_4.json # and ttls/kmip20/kmip_2_0_additions.json. The generated .go files are named *_generated.go # # the kmipgen tool (defined in cmd/kmipgen) is used to generate the source. This tool can # be used independently to generate source for future specs or vendor extensions. # # this target only needs to be run if the json files are changed. The generated # go files should be committed to source control. generate: go generate ./... test: go test $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(TEST_FLAGS) ./... # creates a test coverage report, and produces json test output. useful for ci. cover: builddir go test $(TEST_FLAGS) -v -covermode=count -coverprofile=build/coverage.out -json ./... go tool cover -html=build/coverage.out -o build/coverage.html # brings up the projects dependencies in a compose stack up: $(COMPOSE) build --pull pykmip-server $(COMPOSE) run --rm dependencies # brings down the projects dependencies down: $(COMPOSE) down -v --remove-orphans # runs the build inside a docker container. useful for ci to completely encapsulate the # build environment. docker: $(COMPOSE) build --pull builder $(COMPOSE) run --rm builder make all cover # opens a shell into the build environment container. Useful for troubleshooting the # containerized build. bash: $(COMPOSE) build --pull builder $(COMPOSE) run --rm builder bash # opens a shell into the build environment container. Useful for troubleshooting the # containerized build. fish: $(COMPOSE) build --pull builder $(COMPOSE) run --rm builder fish tidy: go mod tidy # use go mod to update all dependencies update: go get -u ./... go mod tidy # install tools used by the build. typically only needs to be run once # to initialize a workspace. tools: kmipgen go install go install sh -c "$$(wget -O - -q || echo exit 2)" -- -b $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin $(GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION) pykmip-server: up $(COMPOSE) exec pykmip-server tail -f server.log gen-certs: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout pykmip-server/server.key -out pykmip-server/server.cert -days 3650 -nodes -subj '/CN=localhost' .PHONY: all build builddir run artifacts vet lint clean fmt test testall testreport up down pull builder runc ci bash fish image prep vendor.update vendor.ensure tools buildtools migratetool db.migrate