// Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. // Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that // can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. package antlr // The root of the ANTLR exception hierarchy. In general, ANTLR tracks just // 3 kinds of errors: prediction errors, failed predicate errors, and // mismatched input errors. In each case, the parser knows where it is // in the input, where it is in the ATN, the rule invocation stack, // and what kind of problem occurred. type RecognitionException interface { GetOffendingToken() Token GetMessage() string GetInputStream() IntStream } type BaseRecognitionException struct { message string recognizer Recognizer offendingToken Token offendingState int ctx RuleContext input IntStream } func NewBaseRecognitionException(message string, recognizer Recognizer, input IntStream, ctx RuleContext) *BaseRecognitionException { // todo // Error.call(this) // // if (!!Error.captureStackTrace) { // Error.captureStackTrace(this, RecognitionException) // } else { // stack := NewError().stack // } // TODO: may be able to use - "runtime" func Stack(buf []byte, all bool) int t := new(BaseRecognitionException) t.message = message t.recognizer = recognizer t.input = input t.ctx = ctx // The current Token when an error occurred. Since not all streams // support accessing symbols by index, we have to track the {@link Token} // instance itself. // t.offendingToken = nil // Get the ATN state number the parser was in at the time the error // occurred. For NoViableAltException and LexerNoViableAltException exceptions, this is the // DecisionState number. For others, it is the state whose outgoing edge we couldn't Match. // t.offendingState = -1 if t.recognizer != nil { t.offendingState = t.recognizer.GetState() } return t } func (b *BaseRecognitionException) GetMessage() string { return b.message } func (b *BaseRecognitionException) GetOffendingToken() Token { return b.offendingToken } func (b *BaseRecognitionException) GetInputStream() IntStream { return b.input } //

If the state number is not known, b method returns -1.

// getExpectedTokens gets the set of input symbols which could potentially follow the // previously Matched symbol at the time this exception was raised. // // If the set of expected tokens is not known and could not be computed, // this method returns nil. // // The func returns the set of token types that could potentially follow the current // state in the {ATN}, or nil if the information is not available. func (b *BaseRecognitionException) getExpectedTokens() *IntervalSet { if b.recognizer != nil { return b.recognizer.GetATN().getExpectedTokens(b.offendingState, b.ctx) } return nil } func (b *BaseRecognitionException) String() string { return b.message } type LexerNoViableAltException struct { *BaseRecognitionException startIndex int deadEndConfigs *ATNConfigSet } func NewLexerNoViableAltException(lexer Lexer, input CharStream, startIndex int, deadEndConfigs *ATNConfigSet) *LexerNoViableAltException { l := new(LexerNoViableAltException) l.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", lexer, input, nil) l.startIndex = startIndex l.deadEndConfigs = deadEndConfigs return l } func (l *LexerNoViableAltException) String() string { symbol := "" if l.startIndex >= 0 && l.startIndex < l.input.Size() { symbol = l.input.(CharStream).GetTextFromInterval(NewInterval(l.startIndex, l.startIndex)) } return "LexerNoViableAltException" + symbol } type NoViableAltException struct { *BaseRecognitionException startToken Token offendingToken Token ctx ParserRuleContext deadEndConfigs *ATNConfigSet } // NewNoViableAltException creates an exception indicating that the parser could not decide which of two or more paths // to take based upon the remaining input. It tracks the starting token // of the offending input and also knows where the parser was // in the various paths when the error. // // Reported by [ReportNoViableAlternative] func NewNoViableAltException(recognizer Parser, input TokenStream, startToken Token, offendingToken Token, deadEndConfigs *ATNConfigSet, ctx ParserRuleContext) *NoViableAltException { if ctx == nil { ctx = recognizer.GetParserRuleContext() } if offendingToken == nil { offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() } if startToken == nil { startToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() } if input == nil { input = recognizer.GetInputStream().(TokenStream) } n := new(NoViableAltException) n.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", recognizer, input, ctx) // Which configurations did we try at input.Index() that couldn't Match // input.LT(1) n.deadEndConfigs = deadEndConfigs // The token object at the start index the input stream might // not be buffering tokens so get a reference to it. // // At the time the error occurred, of course the stream needs to keep a // buffer of all the tokens, but later we might not have access to those. n.startToken = startToken n.offendingToken = offendingToken return n } type InputMisMatchException struct { *BaseRecognitionException } // NewInputMisMatchException creates an exception that signifies any kind of mismatched input exceptions such as // when the current input does not Match the expected token. func NewInputMisMatchException(recognizer Parser) *InputMisMatchException { i := new(InputMisMatchException) i.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException("", recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer.GetParserRuleContext()) i.offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() return i } // FailedPredicateException indicates that a semantic predicate failed during validation. Validation of predicates // occurs when normally parsing the alternative just like Matching a token. // Disambiguating predicate evaluation occurs when we test a predicate during // prediction. type FailedPredicateException struct { *BaseRecognitionException ruleIndex int predicateIndex int predicate string } //goland:noinspection GoUnusedExportedFunction func NewFailedPredicateException(recognizer Parser, predicate string, message string) *FailedPredicateException { f := new(FailedPredicateException) f.BaseRecognitionException = NewBaseRecognitionException(f.formatMessage(predicate, message), recognizer, recognizer.GetInputStream(), recognizer.GetParserRuleContext()) s := recognizer.GetInterpreter().atn.states[recognizer.GetState()] trans := s.GetTransitions()[0] if trans2, ok := trans.(*PredicateTransition); ok { f.ruleIndex = trans2.ruleIndex f.predicateIndex = trans2.predIndex } else { f.ruleIndex = 0 f.predicateIndex = 0 } f.predicate = predicate f.offendingToken = recognizer.GetCurrentToken() return f } func (f *FailedPredicateException) formatMessage(predicate, message string) string { if message != "" { return message } return "failed predicate: {" + predicate + "}?" } type ParseCancellationException struct { } func (p ParseCancellationException) GetOffendingToken() Token { //TODO implement me panic("implement me") } func (p ParseCancellationException) GetMessage() string { //TODO implement me panic("implement me") } func (p ParseCancellationException) GetInputStream() IntStream { //TODO implement me panic("implement me") } func NewParseCancellationException() *ParseCancellationException { // Error.call(this) // Error.captureStackTrace(this, ParseCancellationException) return new(ParseCancellationException) }