# Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Build the etcd image # # Usage: # [TAGS=2.2.1 2.3.7 3.0.17 3.1.11 3.2.14] [REGISTRY=k8s.gcr.io] [ARCH=amd64] [BASEIMAGE=busybox] make (build|push) # The image contains different etcd versions to simplify # upgrades. Thus be careful when removing any tag from here. # # NOTE: The etcd upgrade rules are that you can upgrade only 1 minor # version at a time, and patch release don't matter. # # Except from etcd-$(tag) and etcdctl-$(tag) binaries, we also # need etcd and etcdctl binaries for backward compatibility reasons. # That binary will be set to the last tag from $(TAGS). TAGS?=2.2.1 2.3.7 3.0.17 3.1.11 3.2.14 REGISTRY_TAG?=3.2.14 # ROLLBACK_REGISTRY_TAG specified the tag that REGISTRY_TAG may be rolled back to. ROLLBACK_REGISTRY_TAG?=3.1.11 ARCH?=amd64 REGISTRY?=k8s.gcr.io # golang version should match the golang version from https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases for REGISTRY_TAG version of etcd. GOLANG_VERSION?=1.8.5 GOARM=7 TEMP_DIR:=$(shell mktemp -d) ifeq ($(ARCH),amd64) BASEIMAGE?=busybox endif ifeq ($(ARCH),arm) BASEIMAGE?=arm32v7/busybox endif ifeq ($(ARCH),arm64) BASEIMAGE?=arm64v8/busybox endif ifeq ($(ARCH),ppc64le) BASEIMAGE?=ppc64le/busybox endif ifeq ($(ARCH),s390x) BASEIMAGE?=s390x/busybox endif build: # Copy the content in this dir to the temp dir, # without copying the subdirectories. find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs -I {} cp {} $(TEMP_DIR) # Compile attachlease docker run --interactive -v $(shell pwd)/../../../:/go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes -v $(TEMP_DIR):/build -e GOARCH=$(ARCH) golang:$(GOLANG_VERSION) \ /bin/bash -c "CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /build/attachlease k8s.io/kubernetes/cluster/images/etcd/attachlease" # Compile rollback docker run --interactive -v $(shell pwd)/../../../:/go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes -v $(TEMP_DIR):/build -e GOARCH=$(ARCH) golang:$(GOLANG_VERSION) \ /bin/bash -c "CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /build/rollback k8s.io/kubernetes/cluster/images/etcd/rollback" ifeq ($(ARCH),amd64) # Do not compile if we should make an image for amd64, use the official etcd binaries instead # For each release create a tmp dir 'etcd_release_tmp_dir' and unpack the release tar there. for tag in $(TAGS); do \ etcd_release_tmp_dir=$(shell mktemp -d); \ curl -sSL --retry 5 https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/v$$tag/etcd-v$$tag-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xz -C $$etcd_release_tmp_dir --strip-components=1; \ cp $$etcd_release_tmp_dir/etcd $$etcd_release_tmp_dir/etcdctl $(TEMP_DIR)/; \ cp $(TEMP_DIR)/etcd $(TEMP_DIR)/etcd-$$tag; \ cp $(TEMP_DIR)/etcdctl $(TEMP_DIR)/etcdctl-$$tag; \ done else # Download etcd in a golang container and cross-compile it statically # For each release create a tmp dir 'etcd_release_tmp_dir' and unpack the release tar there. for tag in $(TAGS); do \ etcd_release_tmp_dir=$(shell mktemp -d); \ docker run --interactive -v $$etcd_release_tmp_dir:/etcdbin golang:$(GOLANG_VERSION) /bin/bash -c \ "git clone https://github.com/coreos/etcd /go/src/github.com/coreos/etcd \ && cd /go/src/github.com/coreos/etcd \ && git checkout v$$tag \ && GOARM=$(GOARM) GOARCH=$(ARCH) ./build \ && cp -f bin/$(ARCH)/etcd* bin/etcd* /etcdbin; echo 'done'"; \ cp $$etcd_release_tmp_dir/etcd $$etcd_release_tmp_dir/etcdctl $(TEMP_DIR)/; \ cp $(TEMP_DIR)/etcd $(TEMP_DIR)/etcd-$$tag; \ cp $(TEMP_DIR)/etcdctl $(TEMP_DIR)/etcdctl-$$tag; \ done # Add this ENV variable in order to workaround an unsupported arch blocker # The multiarch feature is in an limited and experimental state right now, and etcd should work fine on arm64 # On arm (which is 32-bit), it can't handle >1GB data in-memory, but it is very unlikely someone tinkering with their limited arm devices would reach such a high usage # ppc64le is still quite untested, but compiles and is probably in the process of being validated by IBM. cd $(TEMP_DIR) && echo "ENV ETCD_UNSUPPORTED_ARCH=$(ARCH)" >> Dockerfile endif # Replace BASEIMAGE with the real base image cd $(TEMP_DIR) && sed -i.bak 's|BASEIMAGE|$(BASEIMAGE)|g' Dockerfile # And build the image docker build --pull -t $(REGISTRY)/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) $(TEMP_DIR) push: build docker push $(REGISTRY)/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) ifeq ($(ARCH),amd64) # Backward compatibility. TODO: deprecate this image tag docker tag $(REGISTRY)/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) $(REGISTRY)/etcd:$(REGISTRY_TAG) docker push $(REGISTRY)/etcd:$(REGISTRY_TAG) endif ETCD2_ROLLBACK_NEW_TAG=3.0.17 ETCD2_ROLLBACK_OLD_TAG=2.2.1 # Test a rollback to etcd2 from the earliest etcd3 version. test-rollback-etcd2: mkdir -p $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-etcd2 cd $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-etcd2 @echo "Starting $(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_NEW_TAG) etcd and writing some sample data." docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-etcd2:/var/etcd \ -e "TARGET_STORAGE=etcd3" \ -e "TARGET_VERSION=$(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_NEW_TAG)" \ -e "DATA_DIRECTORY=/var/etcd/data" \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ 'INITIAL_CLUSTER=etcd-$$(hostname)=http://localhost:2380 \ /usr/local/bin/migrate-if-needed.sh && \ source /usr/local/bin/start-stop-etcd.sh && \ START_STORAGE=etcd3 START_VERSION=$(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_NEW_TAG) start_etcd && \ ETCDCTL_API=3 /usr/local/bin/etcdctl-$(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_NEW_TAG) --endpoints$${ETCD_PORT} put /registry/k1 value1 && \ stop_etcd && \ [ $$(cat /var/etcd/data/version.txt) = $(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_NEW_TAG)/etcd3 ]' @echo "Rolling back to the previous version of etcd and recording keyspace to a flat file." docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-etcd2:/var/etcd \ -e "TARGET_STORAGE=etcd2" \ -e "TARGET_VERSION=$(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_OLD_TAG)" \ -e "DATA_DIRECTORY=/var/etcd/data" \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ 'INITIAL_CLUSTER=etcd-$$(hostname)=http://localhost:2380 \ /usr/local/bin/migrate-if-needed.sh && \ source /usr/local/bin/start-stop-etcd.sh && \ START_STORAGE=etcd2 START_VERSION=$(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_OLD_TAG) start_etcd && \ /usr/local/bin/etcdctl-$(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_OLD_TAG) --endpoint$${ETCD_PORT} get /registry/k1 > /var/etcd/keyspace.txt && \ stop_etcd' @echo "Checking if rollback successfully downgraded etcd to $(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_OLD_TAG)" docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-etcd2:/var/etcd \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ '[ $$(cat /var/etcd/data/version.txt) = $(ETCD2_ROLLBACK_OLD_TAG)/etcd2 ] && \ grep -q value1 /var/etcd/keyspace.txt' # Test a rollback from the latest version to the previous version. test-rollback: mkdir -p $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-test cd $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-test @echo "Starting $(REGISTRY_TAG) etcd and writing some sample data." docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-test:/var/etcd \ -e "TARGET_STORAGE=etcd3" \ -e "TARGET_VERSION=$(REGISTRY_TAG)" \ -e "DATA_DIRECTORY=/var/etcd/data" \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ 'INITIAL_CLUSTER=etcd-$$(hostname)=http://localhost:2380 \ /usr/local/bin/migrate-if-needed.sh && \ source /usr/local/bin/start-stop-etcd.sh && \ START_STORAGE=etcd3 START_VERSION=$(REGISTRY_TAG) start_etcd && \ ETCDCTL_API=3 /usr/local/bin/etcdctl --endpoints$${ETCD_PORT} put /registry/k1 value1 && \ stop_etcd' @echo "Rolling back to the previous version of etcd and recording keyspace to a flat file." docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-test:/var/etcd \ -e "TARGET_STORAGE=etcd3" \ -e "TARGET_VERSION=$(ROLLBACK_REGISTRY_TAG)" \ -e "DATA_DIRECTORY=/var/etcd/data" \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ 'INITIAL_CLUSTER=etcd-$$(hostname)=http://localhost:2380 \ /usr/local/bin/migrate-if-needed.sh && \ source /usr/local/bin/start-stop-etcd.sh && \ START_STORAGE=etcd3 START_VERSION=$(ROLLBACK_REGISTRY_TAG) start_etcd && \ ETCDCTL_API=3 /usr/local/bin/etcdctl --endpoints$${ETCD_PORT} get --prefix / > /var/etcd/keyspace.txt && \ stop_etcd' @echo "Checking if rollback successfully downgraded etcd to $(ROLLBACK_REGISTRY_TAG)" docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/rollback-test:/var/etcd \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ '[ $$(cat /var/etcd/data/version.txt) = $(ROLLBACK_REGISTRY_TAG)/etcd3 ] && \ grep -q value1 /var/etcd/keyspace.txt' # Test migrating from each supported versions to the latest version. test-migrate: for tag in $(TAGS); do \ echo "Testing migration from $${tag} to $(REGISTRY_TAG)" && \ mkdir -p $(TEMP_DIR)/migrate-$${tag} && \ cd $(TEMP_DIR)/migrate-$${tag} && \ MAJOR_VERSION=$$(echo $${tag} | cut -c 1) && \ echo "Starting etcd $${tag} and writing sample data to keyspace" && \ docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/migrate-$${tag}:/var/etcd \ -e "TARGET_STORAGE=etcd$${MAJOR_VERSION}" \ -e "TARGET_VERSION=$${tag}" \ -e "DATA_DIRECTORY=/var/etcd/data" \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ "INITIAL_CLUSTER=etcd-\$$(hostname)=http://localhost:2380 \ /usr/local/bin/migrate-if-needed.sh && \ source /usr/local/bin/start-stop-etcd.sh && \ START_STORAGE=etcd$${MAJOR_VERSION} START_VERSION=$${tag} start_etcd && \ if [ $${MAJOR_VERSION} == 2 ]; then \ /usr/local/bin/etcdctl --endpoint\$${ETCD_PORT} set /registry/k1 value1; \ else \ ETCDCTL_API=3 /usr/local/bin/etcdctl --endpoints\$${ETCD_PORT} put /registry/k1 value1; \ fi && \ stop_etcd" && \ echo " Migrating from $${tag} to $(REGISTRY_TAG) and capturing keyspace" && \ docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/migrate-$${tag}:/var/etcd \ -e "TARGET_STORAGE=etcd3" \ -e "TARGET_VERSION=$(REGISTRY_TAG)" \ -e "DATA_DIRECTORY=/var/etcd/data" \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ 'INITIAL_CLUSTER=etcd-$$(hostname)=http://localhost:2380 \ /usr/local/bin/migrate-if-needed.sh && \ source /usr/local/bin/start-stop-etcd.sh && \ START_STORAGE=etcd3 START_VERSION=$(REGISTRY_TAG) start_etcd && \ ETCDCTL_API=3 /usr/local/bin/etcdctl --endpoints$${ETCD_PORT} get --prefix / > /var/etcd/keyspace.txt && \ stop_etcd' && \ echo "Checking if migrate from $${tag} successfully upgraded etcd to $(REGISTRY_TAG)" && \ docker run --tty --interactive -v $(TEMP_DIR)/migrate-$${tag}:/var/etcd \ gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-$(ARCH):$(REGISTRY_TAG) /bin/sh -c \ '[ $$(cat /var/etcd/data/version.txt) = $(REGISTRY_TAG)/etcd3 ] && \ grep -q value1 /var/etcd/keyspace.txt'; \ done test: test-rollback test-rollback-etcd2 test-migrate all: build test .PHONY: build push test-rollback test-rollback-etcd2 test-migrate test