#!/bin/bash GOPACKAGES="$(go list -mod=vendor ./... | grep -v -e vendor -e e2e)" COVERFILE="${GO_COVER_DIR}/profile.cov" # no special options, exec to go test w/ all pkgs if [[ "${TEST_EXITFIRST}" != "yes" && -z "${TEST_COVERAGE}" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 exec go test "${GO_TAGS}" -mod=vendor -v ${GOPACKAGES} fi # our options are set so we need to handle each go package one # at at time if [[ ${TEST_COVERAGE} ]]; then GOTESTOPTS=("-covermode=count" "-coverprofile=cover.out") echo "mode: count" >"${COVERFILE}" fi failed=0 for gopackage in ${GOPACKAGES}; do echo "--- testing: ${gopackage} ---" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 go test "${GO_TAGS}" -mod=vendor -v ${GOTESTOPTS[*]} "${gopackage}" || ((failed += 1)) if [[ -f cover.out ]]; then # Append to coverfile grep -v "^mode: count" cover.out >>"${COVERFILE}" fi if [[ "${TEST_COVERAGE}" = "stdout" && -f cover.out ]]; then go tool cover -func=cover.out fi if [[ "${TEST_COVERAGE}" = "html" && -f cover.out ]]; then mkdir -p coverage fn="${GO_COVER_DIR}/${gopackage////-}.html" echo " * generating coverage html: ${fn}" go tool cover -html=cover.out -o "${fn}" fi rm -f cover.out if [[ "${failed}" -ne 0 && "${TEST_EXITFIRST}" = "yes" ]]; then exit "${failed}" fi done exit "${failed}"