//go:build !go1.21
// +build !go1.21

// This code assumes a non-moving garbage collector, which is the case until at
// least go 1.20

package cutil

import (

// PtrGuard respresents a guarded Go pointer (pointing to memory allocated by Go
// runtime) stored in C memory (allocated by C)
type PtrGuard struct {
	cPtr  CPtr
	goPtr unsafe.Pointer

// NewPtrGuard writes the goPtr (pointing to Go memory) into C memory at the
// position cPtr, and returns a PtrGuard object.
func NewPtrGuard(cPtr CPtr, goPtr unsafe.Pointer) *PtrGuard {
	var v PtrGuard
	v.cPtr = cPtr
	v.goPtr = goPtr
	p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(cPtr))
	*p = goPtr
	return &v

// Release removes the guarded Go pointer from the C memory by overwriting it
// with NULL.
func (v *PtrGuard) Release() {
	p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(v.cPtr))
	*p = nil
	v.goPtr = nil