#!/bin/sh # # Check the environment for dependencies and configuration # # check appropriate package installer to recommend corresponding packages RPM_CMD=$(command -v rpm) DPKG_CMD=$(command -v dpkg) # count errors, run script to the end before exiting ERRORS=0 fail() { echo "${*}" > /dev/stderr ERRORS=$((ERRORS+1)) } # create a temp go file LIBCHECK=$(mktemp) mv "${LIBCHECK}" "${LIBCHECK}".go LIBCHECK=${LIBCHECK}.go # check for packages using a compile test cat << EOF > "${LIBCHECK}" package main /* #include <rados/librados.h> #include <rbd/librbd.h> */ import "C" func main() { _ = C.LIBRADOS_VERSION_CODE _ = C.LIBRBD_VER_MAJOR _ = C.RBD_MAX_IMAGE_NAME_SIZE } EOF # check if 'go' is available if [ -n "$(command -v go)" ]; then # in case of a failed execution, the user will be informed about # the missing packages based on whether they are on rpm or debian # based systems. if ! go run -mod=vendor "${LIBCHECK}" > /dev/null; then if [ -n "${RPM_CMD}" ]; then echo "Packages libcephfs-devel librbd-devel librados-devel need to be installed" elif [ -n "${DPKG_CMD}" ]; then echo "Packages libcephfs-dev librbd-dev librados-dev need to be installed" else fail "error can't verify Ceph development headers" fi echo "To build ceph-csi in a container: $ make containerized-build" fi # remove the temp file rm -f "${LIBCHECK}" else fail "could not find 'go' executable" echo "To build ceph-csi in a container: $ make containerized-build" fi # parse the Golang version, return the digit passed as argument # 1.13.9 -> go_version 1 -> 1 # 1.13.9 -> go_version 2 -> 13 # 1.13.9 -> go_version 3 -> 9 go_version() { go version | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed 's/^go//' | cut -d'.' -f"${1}" } # Golang needs to be > 1.13 GO_MAJOR=$(go_version 1) GO_MINOR=$(go_version 2) if ! [ "${GO_MAJOR}" -gt 1 ] then if ! { [ "${GO_MAJOR}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${GO_MINOR}" -ge 13 ]; } then fail "go version needs to be >= 1.13" fi fi # we're building with modules, so GO111MODULE needs to be 'on' or 'auto' # some versions of Go return nothing when GO111MODULE is not explicitly # configured [ "$(go env GO111MODULE 2>&1)" = '' ] || [ "$(go env GO111MODULE)" = 'on' ] || [ "$(go env GO111MODULE)" = 'auto' ] \ || fail "GO111MODULE should be set to 'on' or 'auto'" # CGO needs to be enabled, we build with go-ceph language bindings [ "$(go env CGO_ENABLED)" = '1' ] \ || fail "CGO_ENABLED should be set to '1'" exit ${ERRORS}