# # build.env # # Environment file used by scripts and tools. All (default) versions used for # building, testing and deploying Ceph-CSI are listed here. # # The format should be source-able by shell scripts, but do not assume only # shell scripts consume this file. Variables that reference variables may not # get proporly expanded. # # cephcsi image version CSI_IMAGE_VERSION=canary # Ceph version to use BASE_IMAGE=docker.io/ceph/ceph:v16 CEPH_VERSION=octopus # standard Golang options GOLANG_VERSION=1.16.4 GO111MODULE=on # commitlint version COMMITLINT_VERSION=latest # static checks and linters GOLANGCI_VERSION=v1.39.0 GOSEC_VERSION=v2.7.0 # external snapshotter version # Refer: https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter/releases SNAPSHOT_VERSION=v4.0.0 # "go test" configuration # set to stdout or html to enable coverage reporting, disabled by default #TEST_COVERAGE=html #GO_COVER_DIR=_output/ # helm chart generation, testing and publishing HELM_VERSION=v3.1.2 # minikube settings MINIKUBE_VERSION=v1.22.0 VM_DRIVER=none CHANGE_MINIKUBE_NONE_USER=true # Rook options ROOK_VERSION=v1.6.2 # Provide ceph image path ROOK_CEPH_CLUSTER_IMAGE=docker.io/ceph/ceph:v16 # CSI sidecar version CSI_ATTACHER_VERSION=v3.3.0 CSI_SNAPSHOTTER_VERSION=v4.2.0 CSI_PROVISIONER_VERSION=v3.0.0 CSI_RESIZER_VERSION=v1.2.0 CSI_NODE_DRIVER_REGISTRAR_VERSION=v2.3.0 # e2e settings # - enable CEPH_CSI_RUN_ALL_TESTS when running tests with if it has root # permissions on the host #CEPH_CSI_RUN_ALL_TESTS=true E2E_TIMEOUT=90m DEPLOY_TIMEOUT=10