package e2e

import (

	metav1 ""

const (
	// defaultVaultBackendPath is the default VAULT_BACKEND_PATH for secrets.
	defaultVaultBackendPath = "secret/"

// kmsConfig is an interface that should be used when passing a configuration
// for a KMS to validation functions. This allows the validation functions to
// work independently from the actual KMS.
type kmsConfig interface {
	canGetPassphrase() bool
	getPassphrase(f *framework.Framework, key string) (string, string)
	canVerifyKeyDestroyed() bool
	verifyKeyDestroyed(f *framework.Framework, key string) (bool, string)

// simpleKMS is to be used for KMS configurations that do not offer options to
// validate the passphrase stored in the KMS.
type simpleKMS struct {
	provider string

// vaultConfig describes the configuration of the Hashicorp Vault service that
// is used to store the encryption passphrase in.
type vaultConfig struct {
	backendPath string
	// destroyKeys indicates that a Vault config needs to destroy the
	// metadata of deleted keys in addition to the data
	destroyKeys bool

// The following variables describe different KMS services as they are defined
// in the kms-config.yaml file. These variables can be passed on to validation
// functions when a StorageClass has a KMS enabled.
var (
	noKMS kmsConfig

	secretsMetadataKMS = &simpleKMS{
		provider: "secrets-metadata",

	vaultKMS = &vaultConfig{
		simpleKMS: &simpleKMS{
			provider: "vault",
		backendPath: defaultVaultBackendPath + "ceph-csi/",
		destroyKeys: true,
	vaultTokensKMS = &vaultConfig{
		simpleKMS: &simpleKMS{
			provider: "vaulttokens",
		backendPath: defaultVaultBackendPath,
		destroyKeys: true,
	vaultTenantSAKMS = &vaultConfig{
		simpleKMS: &simpleKMS{
			provider: "vaulttenantsa",
		backendPath: "tenant/",
		destroyKeys: false,

func (sk *simpleKMS) String() string {
	return sk.provider

// canGetPassphrase returns false for the basic KMS configuration as there is
// currently no way to fetch the passphrase.
func (sk *simpleKMS) canGetPassphrase() bool {
	return false

func (sk *simpleKMS) getPassphrase(f *framework.Framework, key string) (string, string) {
	return "", ""

func (sk *simpleKMS) canVerifyKeyDestroyed() bool {
	return false

func (sk *simpleKMS) verifyKeyDestroyed(f *framework.Framework, key string) (bool, string) {
	return false, ""

func (vc *vaultConfig) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s (backend path %q)", vc.simpleKMS, vc.backendPath)

// canGetPassphrase returns true for the Hashicorp Vault KMS configurations as
// the Vault CLI can be used to retrieve the passphrase.
func (vc *vaultConfig) canGetPassphrase() bool {
	return true

// getPassphrase method will execute few commands to try read the secret for
// specified key from inside the vault container:
//  * authenticate with vault and ignore any stdout (we do not need output)
//  * issue get request for particular key
// resulting in stdOut (first entry in tuple) - output that contains the key
// or stdErr (second entry in tuple) - error getting the key.
func (vc *vaultConfig) getPassphrase(f *framework.Framework, key string) (string, string) {
	vaultAddr := fmt.Sprintf("http://vault.%s.svc.cluster.local:8200", cephCSINamespace)
	loginCmd := fmt.Sprintf("vault login -address=%s sample_root_token_id > /dev/null", vaultAddr)
	readSecret := fmt.Sprintf("vault kv get -address=%s -field=data %s%s",
		vaultAddr, vc.backendPath, key)
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s && %s", loginCmd, readSecret)
	opt := metav1.ListOptions{
		LabelSelector: "app=vault",
	stdOut, stdErr := execCommandInPodAndAllowFail(f, cmd, cephCSINamespace, &opt)

	return strings.TrimSpace(stdOut), strings.TrimSpace(stdErr)

// canVerifyKeyDestroyed returns true in case the Vault configuration for the
// KMS setup destroys the keys in addition to (soft) deleting the contents.
func (vc *vaultConfig) canVerifyKeyDestroyed() bool {
	return vc.destroyKeys

// verifyKeyDestroyed checks for the metadata of a deleted key. If the
// deletion_time from the metadata can be read, the key has not been destroyed
// but only (soft) deleted.
func (vc *vaultConfig) verifyKeyDestroyed(f *framework.Framework, key string) (bool, string) {
	vaultAddr := fmt.Sprintf("http://vault.%s.svc.cluster.local:8200", cephCSINamespace)
	loginCmd := fmt.Sprintf("vault login -address=%s sample_root_token_id > /dev/null", vaultAddr)
	readDeletionTime := fmt.Sprintf("vault kv metadata get -address=%s -field=deletion_time %s%s",
		vaultAddr, vc.backendPath, key)
	cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s && %s", loginCmd, readDeletionTime)
	opt := metav1.ListOptions{
		LabelSelector: "app=vault",
	stdOut, stdErr := execCommandInPodAndAllowFail(f, cmd, cephCSINamespace, &opt)

	// in case stdOut contains something, it will be the deletion_time
	// when the deletion_time is set, the metadata is still available and not destroyed
	if strings.TrimSpace(stdOut) != "" {
		return false, stdOut

	// when stdOut is empty, assume the key is completely destroyed
	return true, stdErr