package leafnodes

import (


type runner struct {
	isAsync          bool
	asyncFunc        func(chan<- interface{})
	syncFunc         func()
	codeLocation     types.CodeLocation
	timeoutThreshold time.Duration
	nodeType         types.SpecComponentType
	componentIndex   int
	failer           *failer.Failer

func newRunner(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration, failer *failer.Failer, nodeType types.SpecComponentType, componentIndex int) *runner {
	bodyType := reflect.TypeOf(body)
	if bodyType.Kind() != reflect.Func {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected a function but got something else at %v", codeLocation))

	runner := &runner{
		codeLocation:     codeLocation,
		timeoutThreshold: timeout,
		failer:           failer,
		nodeType:         nodeType,
		componentIndex:   componentIndex,

	switch bodyType.NumIn() {
	case 0:
		runner.syncFunc = body.(func())
		return runner
	case 1:
		if !(bodyType.In(0).Kind() == reflect.Chan && bodyType.In(0).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Interface) {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Must pass a Done channel to function at %v", codeLocation))

		wrappedBody := func(done chan<- interface{}) {
			bodyValue := reflect.ValueOf(body)

		runner.isAsync = true
		runner.asyncFunc = wrappedBody
		return runner

	panic(fmt.Sprintf("Too many arguments to function at %v", codeLocation))

func (r *runner) run() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
	if r.isAsync {
		return r.runAsync()
	} else {
		return r.runSync()

func (r *runner) runAsync() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
	done := make(chan interface{}, 1)

	go func() {
		finished := false

		defer func() {
			if e := recover(); e != nil || !finished {
				r.failer.Panic(codelocation.New(2), e)
				select {
				case <-done:

		finished = true

	// If this goroutine gets no CPU time before the select block,
	// the <-done case may complete even if the test took longer than the timeoutThreshold.
	// This can cause flaky behaviour, but we haven't seen it in the wild.
	select {
	case <-done:
	case <-time.After(r.timeoutThreshold):

	failure, outcome = r.failer.Drain(r.nodeType, r.componentIndex, r.codeLocation)
func (r *runner) runSync() (outcome types.SpecState, failure types.SpecFailure) {
	finished := false

	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil || !finished {
			r.failer.Panic(codelocation.New(2), e)

		failure, outcome = r.failer.Drain(r.nodeType, r.componentIndex, r.codeLocation)

	finished = true
