#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail run_cluster_management_tests() { set -o nounset set -o errexit kube::log::status "Testing cluster-management commands" kube::test::get_object_assert nodes "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" '' # create test pods we can work with kubectl create -f - "${kube_flags[@]}" << __EOF__ { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "test-pod-1", "labels": { "e": "f" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "container-1", "resources": {}, "image": "test-image" } ] } } __EOF__ kubectl create -f - "${kube_flags[@]}" << __EOF__ { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "test-pod-2", "labels": { "c": "d" } }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "container-1", "resources": {}, "image": "test-image" } ] } } __EOF__ # taint/untaint # Pre-condition: node doesn't have dedicated=foo:PreferNoSchedule taint kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" '{{range .spec.taints}}{{if eq .key \"dedicated\"}}{{.key}}={{.value}}:{{.effect}}{{end}}{{end}}' "" # expect no output # taint can add a taint kubectl taint node dedicated=foo:PreferNoSchedule kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" '{{range .spec.taints}}{{if eq .key \"dedicated\"}}{{.key}}={{.value}}:{{.effect}}{{end}}{{end}}' "dedicated=foo:PreferNoSchedule" # taint can remove a taint kubectl taint node dedicated- # Post-condition: node doesn't have dedicated=foo:PreferNoSchedule taint kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" '{{range .spec.taints}}{{if eq .key \"dedicated\"}}{{.key}}={{.value}}:{{.effect}}{{end}}{{end}}' "" # expect no output ### kubectl cordon update with --dry-run does not mark node unschedulable # Pre-condition: node is schedulable kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" '' kubectl cordon "" --dry-run kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" '' ### kubectl drain update with --dry-run does not mark node unschedulable # Pre-condition: node is schedulable kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" '' kubectl drain "" --dry-run # Post-condition: node still exists, node is still schedulable kube::test::get_object_assert nodes "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" '' kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" '' ### kubectl drain with --pod-selector only evicts pods that match the given selector # Pre-condition: node is schedulable kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" '' # Pre-condition: test-pod-1 and test-pod-2 exist kube::test::get_object_assert "pods" "{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}},{{end}}" 'test-pod-1,test-pod-2,' kubectl drain "" --pod-selector 'e in (f)' # only "test-pod-1" should have been matched and deleted - test-pod-2 should still exist kube::test::get_object_assert "pods/test-pod-2" "{{.metadata.name}}" 'test-pod-2' # delete pod no longer in use kubectl delete pod/test-pod-2 # Post-condition: node is schedulable kubectl uncordon "" kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" '' ### kubectl uncordon update with --dry-run is a no-op # Pre-condition: node is already schedulable kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" '' response=$(kubectl uncordon "" --dry-run) kube::test::if_has_string "${response}" 'already uncordoned' # Post-condition: node is still schedulable kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" '' ### kubectl drain command fails when both --selector and a node argument are given # Pre-condition: node exists and contains label test=label kubectl label node "" "test=label" kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" '{{.metadata.labels.test}}' 'label' response=$(! kubectl drain "" --selector test=label 2>&1) kube::test::if_has_string "${response}" 'cannot specify both a node name' ### kubectl cordon command fails when no arguments are passed # Pre-condition: node exists response=$(! kubectl cordon 2>&1) kube::test::if_has_string "${response}" 'error\: USAGE\: cordon NODE' ### kubectl cordon selects no nodes with an empty --selector= # Pre-condition: node "" is uncordoned kubectl uncordon "" response=$(! kubectl cordon --selector= 2>&1) kube::test::if_has_string "${response}" 'must provide one or more resources' # test=label matches our node response=$(kubectl cordon --selector test=label) kube::test::if_has_string "${response}" 'node/ cordoned' # invalid=label does not match any nodes response=$(kubectl cordon --selector invalid=label) kube::test::if_has_not_string "${response}" 'cordoned' # Post-condition: node "" is cordoned kube::test::get_object_assert "nodes" "{{.spec.unschedulable}}" 'true' set +o nounset set +o errexit }