#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../../.. # Creates a new kube-spawn cluster function create-clusters { echo -e "${color_yellow}CHECKING CLUSTERS${color_norm}" if bx cs clusters | grep -Fq 'deleting'; then echo -n "Deleting old clusters" fi while bx cs clusters | grep -Fq 'deleting' do echo -n "." sleep 10 done echo "" bx cs region-set us-east >/dev/null bx cs vlans wdc06 >/dev/null PRIVLAN=$(bx cs vlans wdc06 --json | jq '. | .[] | select(.type == "private") | .id' | sed -e "s/\"//g") PUBVLAN=$(bx cs vlans wdc06 --json | jq '. | .[] | select(.type == "public") | .id' | sed -e "s/\"//g") if ! bx cs clusters | grep -Fq 'kubeSpawnTester'; then echo "Creating spawning cluster" bx cs cluster-create --location ${CLUSTER_LOCATION} --public-vlan ${PUBVLAN} --private-vlan ${PRIVLAN} --workers 2 --machine-type u2c.2x4 --name kubeSpawnTester fi if ! bx cs clusters | grep -Fq 'kubeMasterTester'; then echo "Creating master cluster" bx cs cluster-create --location ${CLUSTER_LOCATION} --public-vlan ${PUBVLAN} --private-vlan ${PRIVLAN} --workers 2 --machine-type u2c.2x4 --name kubeMasterTester fi push-image if ! bx cs clusters | grep 'kubeSpawnTester' | grep -Fq 'normal'; then echo -e "${color_cyan}Warning: new clusters may take up to 60 minutes to be ready${color_norm}" echo -n "Clusters loading" fi while ! bx cs clusters | grep 'kubeSpawnTester' | grep -Fq 'normal' do echo -n "." sleep 5 done while ! bx cs clusters | grep 'kubeMasterTester' | grep -Fq 'normal' do echo -n "." sleep 5 done echo -e "${color_yellow}CLUSTER CREATION COMPLETE${color_norm}" } # Builds and pushes image to registry function push-image { if [[ "${ISBUILD}" = "y" ]]; then if ! bx cr namespaces | grep -Fq ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}; then echo "Creating registry namespace" bx cr namespace-add ${KUBE_NAMESPACE} echo "bx cr namespace-rm ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}" >> ${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/iks-namespacelist.sh fi docker build -t ${KUBEMARK_INIT_TAG} ${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_LOCATION} docker tag ${KUBEMARK_INIT_TAG} ${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_REGISTRY}${KUBE_NAMESPACE}/${PROJECT}:${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_TAG} docker push ${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_REGISTRY}${KUBE_NAMESPACE}/${PROJECT}:${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_TAG} echo "Image pushed" else KUBEMARK_IMAGE_REGISTRY=$(echo "brandondr96") KUBE_NAMESPACE="" fi } # Allow user to use existing clusters if desired function choose-clusters { echo -n -e "Do you want to use custom clusters? [y/N]${color_cyan}>${color_norm} " read USE_EXISTING if [[ "${USE_EXISTING}" = "y" ]]; then echo -e "${color_yellow}Enter path for desired hollow-node spawning cluster kubeconfig file:${color_norm}" read CUSTOM_SPAWN_CONFIG echo -e "${color_yellow}Enter path for desired hollow-node hosting cluster kubeconfig file:${color_norm}" read CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG push-image elif [[ "${USE_EXISTING}" = "N" ]]; then create-clusters else echo -e "${color_red}Invalid response, please try again:${color_norm}" choose-clusters fi } # Ensure secrets are correctly set function set-registry-secrets { spawn-config kubectl get secret bluemix-default-secret-regional -o yaml | sed 's/default/kubemark/g' | kubectl -n kubemark create -f - kubectl patch serviceaccount -n kubemark default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "bluemix-kubemark-secret"}]}' kubectl -n kubemark get serviceaccounts default -o json | jq 'del(.metadata.resourceVersion)' | jq 'setpath(["imagePullSecrets"];[{"name":"bluemix-kubemark-secret-regional"}])' | kubectl -n kubemark replace serviceaccount default -f - } # Sets hollow nodes spawned under master function set-hollow-master { echo -e "${color_yellow}CONFIGURING MASTER${color_norm}" master-config MASTER_IP=$(cat $KUBECONFIG | grep server | awk -F "/" '{print $3}') } # Set up master cluster environment function master-config { if [[ "${USE_EXISTING}" = "y" ]]; then export KUBECONFIG=${CUSTOM_MASTER_CONFIG} else $(bx cs cluster-config kubeMasterTester --admin | grep export) fi } # Set up spawn cluster environment function spawn-config { if [[ "${USE_EXISTING}" = "y" ]]; then export KUBECONFIG=${CUSTOM_SPAWN_CONFIG} else $(bx cs cluster-config kubeSpawnTester --admin | grep export) fi } # Deletes existing clusters function delete-clusters { echo "DELETING CLUSTERS" bx cs cluster-rm kubeSpawnTester bx cs cluster-rm kubeMasterTester while ! bx cs clusters | grep 'kubeSpawnTester' | grep -Fq 'deleting' do sleep 5 done while ! bx cs clusters | grep 'kubeMasterTester' | grep -Fq 'deleting' do sleep 5 done kubectl delete ns kubemark } # Login to cloud services function complete-login { echo -e "${color_yellow}LOGGING INTO CLOUD SERVICES${color_norm}" echo -n -e "Do you have a federated IBM cloud login? [y/N]${color_cyan}>${color_norm} " read ISFED if [[ "${ISFED}" = "y" ]]; then bx login --sso -a ${REGISTRY_LOGIN_URL} elif [[ "${ISFED}" = "N" ]]; then bx login -a ${REGISTRY_LOGIN_URL} else echo -e "${color_red}Invalid response, please try again:${color_norm}" complete-login fi bx cr login } # Generate values to fill the hollow-node configuration function generate-values { echo "Generating values" master-config KUBECTL=kubectl KUBEMARK_DIRECTORY="${KUBE_ROOT}/test/kubemark" RESOURCE_DIRECTORY="${KUBEMARK_DIRECTORY}/resources" TEST_CLUSTER_API_CONTENT_TYPE="bluemix" #Determine correct usage of this CONFIGPATH=${KUBECONFIG%/*} KUBELET_CERT_BASE64="${KUBELET_CERT_BASE64:-$(cat ${CONFIGPATH}/admin.pem | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')}" KUBELET_KEY_BASE64="${KUBELET_KEY_BASE64:-$(cat ${CONFIGPATH}/admin-key.pem | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')}" CA_CERT_BASE64="${CA_CERT_BASE64:-$(cat `find ${CONFIGPATH} -name *ca*` | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')}" } # Build image for kubemark function build-kubemark-image { echo -n -e "Do you want to build the kubemark image? [y/N]${color_cyan}>${color_norm} " read ISBUILD if [[ "${ISBUILD}" = "y" ]]; then echo -e "${color_yellow}BUILDING IMAGE${color_norm}" ${KUBE_ROOT}/build/run.sh make kubemark cp ${KUBE_ROOT}/_output/dockerized/bin/linux/amd64/kubemark ${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_LOCATION} elif [[ "${ISBUILD}" = "N" ]]; then echo -n "" else echo -e "${color_red}Invalid response, please try again:${color_norm}" build-kubemark-image fi } # Clean up repository function clean-repo { echo -n -e "Do you want to remove build output and binary? [y/N]${color_cyan}>${color_norm} " read ISCLEAN if [[ "${ISCLEAN}" = "y" ]]; then echo -e "${color_yellow}CLEANING REPO${color_norm}" rm -rf ${KUBE_ROOT}/_output rm -f ${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_LOCATION}/kubemark elif [[ "${ISCLEAN}" = "N" ]]; then echo -n "" else echo -e "${color_red}Invalid response, please try again:${color_norm}" clean-repo fi }