// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package trace // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace"

import (



// ReadOnlySpan allows reading information from the data structure underlying a
// trace.Span. It is used in places where reading information from a span is
// necessary but changing the span isn't necessary or allowed.
// TODO: Should we make the methods unexported? The purpose of this interface
// is controlling access to `span` fields, not having multiple implementations.
type ReadOnlySpan interface {
	Name() string
	SpanContext() trace.SpanContext
	Parent() trace.SpanContext
	SpanKind() trace.SpanKind
	StartTime() time.Time
	EndTime() time.Time
	Attributes() []attribute.KeyValue
	Links() []trace.Link
	Events() []trace.Event
	StatusCode() codes.Code
	StatusMessage() string
	Tracer() trace.Tracer
	IsRecording() bool
	InstrumentationLibrary() instrumentation.Library
	Resource() *resource.Resource
	Snapshot() *SpanSnapshot

	// A private method to prevent users implementing the
	// interface and so future additions to it will not
	// violate compatibility.

// ReadWriteSpan exposes the same methods as trace.Span and in addition allows
// reading information from the underlying data structure.
// This interface exposes the union of the methods of trace.Span (which is a
// "write-only" span) and ReadOnlySpan. New methods for writing or reading span
// information should be added under trace.Span or ReadOnlySpan, respectively.
type ReadWriteSpan interface {

// span is an implementation of the OpenTelemetry Span API representing the
// individual component of a trace.
type span struct {
	// mu protects the contents of this span.
	mu sync.Mutex

	// parent holds the parent span of this span as a trace.SpanContext.
	parent trace.SpanContext

	// spanKind represents the kind of this span as a trace.SpanKind.
	spanKind trace.SpanKind

	// name is the name of this span.
	name string

	// startTime is the time at which this span was started.
	startTime time.Time

	// endTime is the time at which this span was ended. It contains the zero
	// value of time.Time until the span is ended.
	endTime time.Time

	// statusCode represents the status of this span as a codes.Code value.
	statusCode codes.Code

	// statusMessage represents the status of this span as a string.
	statusMessage string

	// childSpanCount holds the number of child spans created for this span.
	childSpanCount int

	// resource contains attributes representing an entity that produced this
	// span.
	resource *resource.Resource

	// instrumentationLibrary defines the instrumentation library used to
	// provide instrumentation.
	instrumentationLibrary instrumentation.Library

	// spanContext holds the SpanContext of this span.
	spanContext trace.SpanContext

	// attributes are capped at configured limit. When the capacity is reached
	// an oldest entry is removed to create room for a new entry.
	attributes *attributesMap

	// messageEvents are stored in FIFO queue capped by configured limit.
	messageEvents *evictedQueue

	// links are stored in FIFO queue capped by configured limit.
	links *evictedQueue

	// executionTracerTaskEnd ends the execution tracer span.
	executionTracerTaskEnd func()

	// tracer is the SDK tracer that created this span.
	tracer *tracer

	// spanLimits holds the limits to this span.
	spanLimits SpanLimits

var _ trace.Span = &span{}

// SpanContext returns the SpanContext of this span.
func (s *span) SpanContext() trace.SpanContext {
	if s == nil {
		return trace.SpanContext{}
	return s.spanContext

// IsRecording returns if this span is being recorded. If this span has ended
// this will return false.
func (s *span) IsRecording() bool {
	if s == nil {
		return false
	defer s.mu.Unlock()

	return !s.startTime.IsZero() && s.endTime.IsZero()

// SetStatus sets the status of this span in the form of a code and a
// message. This overrides the existing value of this span's status if one
// exists. Message will be set only if status is error. If this span is not being
// recorded than this method does nothing.
func (s *span) SetStatus(code codes.Code, msg string) {
	if !s.IsRecording() {
	s.statusCode = code
	if code == codes.Error {
		s.statusMessage = msg

// SetAttributes sets attributes of this span.
// If a key from attributes already exists the value associated with that key
// will be overwritten with the value contained in attributes.
// If this span is not being recorded than this method does nothing.
func (s *span) SetAttributes(attributes ...attribute.KeyValue) {
	if !s.IsRecording() {

// End ends the span. This method does nothing if the span is already ended or
// is not being recorded.
// The only SpanOption currently supported is WithTimestamp which will set the
// end time for a Span's life-cycle.
// If this method is called while panicking an error event is added to the
// Span before ending it and the panic is continued.
func (s *span) End(options ...trace.SpanOption) {
	// Do not start by checking if the span is being recorded which requires
	// acquiring a lock. Make a minimal check that the span is not nil.
	if s == nil {

	// Store the end time as soon as possible to avoid artificially increasing
	// the span's duration in case some operation below takes a while.
	et := internal.MonotonicEndTime(s.startTime)

	// Do relative expensive check now that we have an end time and see if we
	// need to do any more processing.
	if !s.IsRecording() {

	if recovered := recover(); recovered != nil {
		// Record but don't stop the panic.
		defer panic(recovered)

	if s.executionTracerTaskEnd != nil {

	config := trace.NewSpanConfig(options...)

	// Setting endTime to non-zero marks the span as ended and not recording.
	if config.Timestamp.IsZero() {
		s.endTime = et
	} else {
		s.endTime = config.Timestamp

	sps, ok := s.tracer.provider.spanProcessors.Load().(spanProcessorStates)
	mustExportOrProcess := ok && len(sps) > 0
	if mustExportOrProcess {
		for _, sp := range sps {

// RecordError will record err as a span event for this span. An additional call to
// SetStatus is required if the Status of the Span should be set to Error, this method
// does not change the Span status. If this span is not being recorded or err is nil
// than this method does nothing.
func (s *span) RecordError(err error, opts ...trace.EventOption) {
	if s == nil || err == nil || !s.IsRecording() {

	opts = append(opts, trace.WithAttributes(
	s.addEvent(semconv.ExceptionEventName, opts...)

func typeStr(i interface{}) string {
	t := reflect.TypeOf(i)
	if t.PkgPath() == "" && t.Name() == "" {
		// Likely a builtin type.
		return t.String()
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", t.PkgPath(), t.Name())

// Tracer returns the Tracer that created this span.
func (s *span) Tracer() trace.Tracer {
	return s.tracer

// AddEvent adds an event with the provided name and options. If this span is
// not being recorded than this method does nothing.
func (s *span) AddEvent(name string, o ...trace.EventOption) {
	if !s.IsRecording() {
	s.addEvent(name, o...)

func (s *span) addEvent(name string, o ...trace.EventOption) {
	c := trace.NewEventConfig(o...)

	// Discard over limited attributes
	var discarded int
	if len(c.Attributes) > s.spanLimits.AttributePerEventCountLimit {
		discarded = len(c.Attributes) - s.spanLimits.AttributePerEventCountLimit
		c.Attributes = c.Attributes[:s.spanLimits.AttributePerEventCountLimit]

	defer s.mu.Unlock()
		Name:                  name,
		Attributes:            c.Attributes,
		DroppedAttributeCount: discarded,
		Time:                  c.Timestamp,

// SetName sets the name of this span. If this span is not being recorded than
// this method does nothing.
func (s *span) SetName(name string) {
	if !s.IsRecording() {

	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	s.name = name

// Name returns the name of this span.
func (s *span) Name() string {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.name

// Name returns the SpanContext of this span's parent span.
func (s *span) Parent() trace.SpanContext {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.parent

// SpanKind returns the SpanKind of this span.
func (s *span) SpanKind() trace.SpanKind {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.spanKind

// StartTime returns the time this span started.
func (s *span) StartTime() time.Time {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.startTime

// EndTime returns the time this span ended. For spans that have not yet
// ended, the returned value will be the zero value of time.Time.
func (s *span) EndTime() time.Time {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.endTime

// Attributes returns the attributes of this span.
func (s *span) Attributes() []attribute.KeyValue {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	if s.attributes.evictList.Len() == 0 {
		return []attribute.KeyValue{}
	return s.attributes.toKeyValue()

// Links returns the links of this span.
func (s *span) Links() []trace.Link {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	if len(s.links.queue) == 0 {
		return []trace.Link{}
	return s.interfaceArrayToLinksArray()

// Events returns the events of this span.
func (s *span) Events() []trace.Event {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	if len(s.messageEvents.queue) == 0 {
		return []trace.Event{}
	return s.interfaceArrayToMessageEventArray()

// StatusCode returns the status code of this span.
func (s *span) StatusCode() codes.Code {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.statusCode

// StatusMessage returns the status message of this span.
func (s *span) StatusMessage() string {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.statusMessage

// InstrumentationLibrary returns the instrumentation.Library associated with
// the Tracer that created this span.
func (s *span) InstrumentationLibrary() instrumentation.Library {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.instrumentationLibrary

// Resource returns the Resource associated with the Tracer that created this
// span.
func (s *span) Resource() *resource.Resource {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	return s.resource

func (s *span) addLink(link trace.Link) {
	if !s.IsRecording() {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()

	// Discard over limited attributes
	if len(link.Attributes) > s.spanLimits.AttributePerLinkCountLimit {
		link.DroppedAttributeCount = len(link.Attributes) - s.spanLimits.AttributePerLinkCountLimit
		link.Attributes = link.Attributes[:s.spanLimits.AttributePerLinkCountLimit]


// Snapshot creates a snapshot representing the current state of the span as an
// export.SpanSnapshot and returns a pointer to it.
func (s *span) Snapshot() *SpanSnapshot {
	var sd SpanSnapshot
	defer s.mu.Unlock()

	sd.ChildSpanCount = s.childSpanCount
	sd.EndTime = s.endTime
	sd.InstrumentationLibrary = s.instrumentationLibrary
	sd.Name = s.name
	sd.Parent = s.parent
	sd.Resource = s.resource
	sd.SpanContext = s.spanContext
	sd.SpanKind = s.spanKind
	sd.StartTime = s.startTime
	sd.StatusCode = s.statusCode
	sd.StatusMessage = s.statusMessage

	if s.attributes.evictList.Len() > 0 {
		sd.Attributes = s.attributes.toKeyValue()
		sd.DroppedAttributeCount = s.attributes.droppedCount
	if len(s.messageEvents.queue) > 0 {
		sd.MessageEvents = s.interfaceArrayToMessageEventArray()
		sd.DroppedMessageEventCount = s.messageEvents.droppedCount
	if len(s.links.queue) > 0 {
		sd.Links = s.interfaceArrayToLinksArray()
		sd.DroppedLinkCount = s.links.droppedCount
	return &sd

func (s *span) interfaceArrayToLinksArray() []trace.Link {
	linkArr := make([]trace.Link, 0)
	for _, value := range s.links.queue {
		linkArr = append(linkArr, value.(trace.Link))
	return linkArr

func (s *span) interfaceArrayToMessageEventArray() []trace.Event {
	messageEventArr := make([]trace.Event, 0)
	for _, value := range s.messageEvents.queue {
		messageEventArr = append(messageEventArr, value.(trace.Event))
	return messageEventArr

func (s *span) copyToCappedAttributes(attributes ...attribute.KeyValue) {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	for _, a := range attributes {
		// Ensure attributes conform to the specification:
		// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/v1.0.1/specification/common/common.md#attributes
		if a.Valid() {

func (s *span) addChild() {
	if !s.IsRecording() {

func (*span) private() {}

func startSpanInternal(ctx context.Context, tr *tracer, name string, o *trace.SpanConfig) *span {
	span := &span{}

	provider := tr.provider

	// If told explicitly to make this a new root use a zero value SpanContext
	// as a parent which contains an invalid trace ID and is not remote.
	var psc trace.SpanContext
	if !o.NewRoot {
		psc = trace.SpanContextFromContext(ctx)

	// If there is a valid parent trace ID, use it to ensure the continuity of
	// the trace. Always generate a new span ID so other components can rely
	// on a unique span ID, even if the Span is non-recording.
	var tid trace.TraceID
	var sid trace.SpanID
	if !psc.TraceID().IsValid() {
		tid, sid = provider.idGenerator.NewIDs(ctx)
	} else {
		tid = psc.TraceID()
		sid = provider.idGenerator.NewSpanID(ctx, tid)

	spanLimits := provider.spanLimits
	span.attributes = newAttributesMap(spanLimits.AttributeCountLimit)
	span.messageEvents = newEvictedQueue(spanLimits.EventCountLimit)
	span.links = newEvictedQueue(spanLimits.LinkCountLimit)
	span.spanLimits = spanLimits

	samplingResult := provider.sampler.ShouldSample(SamplingParameters{
		ParentContext: ctx,
		TraceID:       tid,
		Name:          name,
		Kind:          o.SpanKind,
		Attributes:    o.Attributes,
		Links:         o.Links,

	scc := trace.SpanContextConfig{
		TraceID:    tid,
		SpanID:     sid,
		TraceState: samplingResult.Tracestate,
	if isSampled(samplingResult) {
		scc.TraceFlags = psc.TraceFlags() | trace.FlagsSampled
	} else {
		scc.TraceFlags = psc.TraceFlags() &^ trace.FlagsSampled
	span.spanContext = trace.NewSpanContext(scc)

	if !isRecording(samplingResult) {
		return span

	startTime := o.Timestamp
	if startTime.IsZero() {
		startTime = time.Now()
	span.startTime = startTime

	span.spanKind = trace.ValidateSpanKind(o.SpanKind)
	span.name = name
	span.parent = psc
	span.resource = provider.resource
	span.instrumentationLibrary = tr.instrumentationLibrary


	return span

func isRecording(s SamplingResult) bool {
	return s.Decision == RecordOnly || s.Decision == RecordAndSample

func isSampled(s SamplingResult) bool {
	return s.Decision == RecordAndSample

// SpanSnapshot is a snapshot of a span which contains all the information
// collected by the span. Its main purpose is exporting completed spans.
// Although SpanSnapshot fields can be accessed and potentially modified,
// SpanSnapshot should be treated as immutable. Changes to the span from which
// the SpanSnapshot was created are NOT reflected in the SpanSnapshot.
type SpanSnapshot struct {
	SpanContext trace.SpanContext
	Parent      trace.SpanContext
	SpanKind    trace.SpanKind
	Name        string
	StartTime   time.Time
	// The wall clock time of EndTime will be adjusted to always be offset
	// from StartTime by the duration of the span.
	EndTime       time.Time
	Attributes    []attribute.KeyValue
	MessageEvents []trace.Event
	Links         []trace.Link
	StatusCode    codes.Code
	StatusMessage string

	// DroppedAttributeCount contains dropped attributes for the span itself.
	DroppedAttributeCount    int
	DroppedMessageEventCount int
	DroppedLinkCount         int

	// ChildSpanCount holds the number of child span created for this span.
	ChildSpanCount int

	// Resource contains attributes representing an entity that produced this span.
	Resource *resource.Resource

	// InstrumentationLibrary defines the instrumentation library used to
	// provide instrumentation.
	InstrumentationLibrary instrumentation.Library