Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package proto

import (

	openapi_v2 "github.com/googleapis/gnostic/openapiv2"

func newSchemaError(path *Path, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
	err := fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
	if path.Len() == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("SchemaError: %v", err)
	return fmt.Errorf("SchemaError(%v): %v", path, err)

// VendorExtensionToMap converts openapi VendorExtension to a map.
func VendorExtensionToMap(e []*openapi_v2.NamedAny) map[string]interface{} {
	values := map[string]interface{}{}

	for _, na := range e {
		if na.GetName() == "" || na.GetValue() == nil {
		if na.GetValue().GetYaml() == "" {
		var value interface{}
		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(na.GetValue().GetYaml()), &value)
		if err != nil {

		values[na.GetName()] = value

	return values

// Definitions is an implementation of `Models`. It looks for
// models in an openapi Schema.
type Definitions struct {
	models map[string]Schema

var _ Models = &Definitions{}

// NewOpenAPIData creates a new `Models` out of the openapi document.
func NewOpenAPIData(doc *openapi_v2.Document) (Models, error) {
	definitions := Definitions{
		models: map[string]Schema{},

	// Save the list of all models first. This will allow us to
	// validate that we don't have any dangling reference.
	for _, namedSchema := range doc.GetDefinitions().GetAdditionalProperties() {
		definitions.models[namedSchema.GetName()] = nil

	// Now, parse each model. We can validate that references exists.
	for _, namedSchema := range doc.GetDefinitions().GetAdditionalProperties() {
		path := NewPath(namedSchema.GetName())
		schema, err := definitions.ParseSchema(namedSchema.GetValue(), &path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		definitions.models[namedSchema.GetName()] = schema

	return &definitions, nil

// We believe the schema is a reference, verify that and returns a new
// Schema
func (d *Definitions) parseReference(s *openapi_v2.Schema, path *Path) (Schema, error) {
	// TODO(wrong): a schema with a $ref can have properties. We can ignore them (would be incomplete), but we cannot return an error.
	if len(s.GetProperties().GetAdditionalProperties()) > 0 {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "unallowed embedded type definition")
	// TODO(wrong): a schema with a $ref can have a type. We can ignore it (would be incomplete), but we cannot return an error.
	if len(s.GetType().GetValue()) > 0 {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "definition reference can't have a type")

	// TODO(wrong): $refs outside of the definitions are completely valid. We can ignore them (would be incomplete), but we cannot return an error.
	if !strings.HasPrefix(s.GetXRef(), "#/definitions/") {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "unallowed reference to non-definition %q", s.GetXRef())
	reference := strings.TrimPrefix(s.GetXRef(), "#/definitions/")
	if _, ok := d.models[reference]; !ok {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "unknown model in reference: %q", reference)
	base, err := d.parseBaseSchema(s, path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Ref{
		BaseSchema:  base,
		reference:   reference,
		definitions: d,
	}, nil

func parseDefault(def *openapi_v2.Any) (interface{}, error) {
	if def == nil {
		return nil, nil
	var i interface{}
	if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(def.Yaml), &i); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return i, nil

func (d *Definitions) parseBaseSchema(s *openapi_v2.Schema, path *Path) (BaseSchema, error) {
	def, err := parseDefault(s.GetDefault())
	if err != nil {
		return BaseSchema{}, err
	return BaseSchema{
		Description: s.GetDescription(),
		Default:     def,
		Extensions:  VendorExtensionToMap(s.GetVendorExtension()),
		Path:        *path,
	}, nil

// We believe the schema is a map, verify and return a new schema
func (d *Definitions) parseMap(s *openapi_v2.Schema, path *Path) (Schema, error) {
	if len(s.GetType().GetValue()) != 0 && s.GetType().GetValue()[0] != object {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "invalid object type")
	var sub Schema
	// TODO(incomplete): this misses the boolean case as AdditionalProperties is a bool+schema sum type.
	if s.GetAdditionalProperties().GetSchema() == nil {
		base, err := d.parseBaseSchema(s, path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		sub = &Arbitrary{
			BaseSchema: base,
	} else {
		var err error
		sub, err = d.ParseSchema(s.GetAdditionalProperties().GetSchema(), path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	base, err := d.parseBaseSchema(s, path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Map{
		BaseSchema: base,
		SubType:    sub,
	}, nil

func (d *Definitions) parsePrimitive(s *openapi_v2.Schema, path *Path) (Schema, error) {
	var t string
	if len(s.GetType().GetValue()) > 1 {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "primitive can't have more than 1 type")
	if len(s.GetType().GetValue()) == 1 {
		t = s.GetType().GetValue()[0]
	switch t {
	case String: // do nothing
	case Number: // do nothing
	case Integer: // do nothing
	case Boolean: // do nothing
	// TODO(wrong): this misses "null". Would skip the null case (would be incomplete), but we cannot return an error.
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "Unknown primitive type: %q", t)
	base, err := d.parseBaseSchema(s, path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Primitive{
		BaseSchema: base,
		Type:       t,
		Format:     s.GetFormat(),
	}, nil

func (d *Definitions) parseArray(s *openapi_v2.Schema, path *Path) (Schema, error) {
	if len(s.GetType().GetValue()) != 1 {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "array should have exactly one type")
	if s.GetType().GetValue()[0] != array {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, `array should have type "array"`)
	if len(s.GetItems().GetSchema()) != 1 {
		// TODO(wrong): Items can have multiple elements. We can ignore Items then (would be incomplete), but we cannot return an error.
		// TODO(wrong): "type: array" witohut any items at all is completely valid.
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "array should have exactly one sub-item")
	sub, err := d.ParseSchema(s.GetItems().GetSchema()[0], path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	base, err := d.parseBaseSchema(s, path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Array{
		BaseSchema: base,
		SubType:    sub,
	}, nil

func (d *Definitions) parseKind(s *openapi_v2.Schema, path *Path) (Schema, error) {
	if len(s.GetType().GetValue()) != 0 && s.GetType().GetValue()[0] != object {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "invalid object type")
	if s.GetProperties() == nil {
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "object doesn't have properties")

	fields := map[string]Schema{}
	fieldOrder := []string{}

	for _, namedSchema := range s.GetProperties().GetAdditionalProperties() {
		var err error
		name := namedSchema.GetName()
		path := path.FieldPath(name)
		fields[name], err = d.ParseSchema(namedSchema.GetValue(), &path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		fieldOrder = append(fieldOrder, name)

	base, err := d.parseBaseSchema(s, path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Kind{
		BaseSchema:     base,
		RequiredFields: s.GetRequired(),
		Fields:         fields,
		FieldOrder:     fieldOrder,
	}, nil

func (d *Definitions) parseArbitrary(s *openapi_v2.Schema, path *Path) (Schema, error) {
	base, err := d.parseBaseSchema(s, path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Arbitrary{
		BaseSchema: base,
	}, nil

// ParseSchema creates a walkable Schema from an openapi schema. While
// this function is public, it doesn't leak through the interface.
func (d *Definitions) ParseSchema(s *openapi_v2.Schema, path *Path) (Schema, error) {
	if s.GetXRef() != "" {
		// TODO(incomplete): ignoring the rest of s is wrong. As long as there are no conflict, everything from s must be considered
		// Reference: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#path-item-object
		return d.parseReference(s, path)
	objectTypes := s.GetType().GetValue()
	switch len(objectTypes) {
	case 0:
		// in the OpenAPI schema served by older k8s versions, object definitions created from structs did not include
		// the type:object property (they only included the "properties" property), so we need to handle this case
		// TODO: validate that we ever published empty, non-nil properties. JSON roundtripping nils them.
		if s.GetProperties() != nil {
			// TODO(wrong): when verifying a non-object later against this, it will be rejected as invalid type.
			// TODO(CRD validation schema publishing): we have to filter properties (empty or not) if type=object is not given
			return d.parseKind(s, path)
		} else {
			// Definition has no type and no properties. Treat it as an arbitrary value
			// TODO(incomplete): what if it has additionalProperties=false or patternProperties?
			// ANSWER: parseArbitrary is less strict than it has to be with patternProperties (which is ignored). So this is correct (of course not complete).
			return d.parseArbitrary(s, path)
	case 1:
		t := objectTypes[0]
		switch t {
		case object:
			if s.GetProperties() != nil {
				return d.parseKind(s, path)
			} else {
				return d.parseMap(s, path)
		case array:
			return d.parseArray(s, path)
		return d.parsePrimitive(s, path)
		// the OpenAPI generator never generates (nor it ever did in the past) OpenAPI type definitions with multiple types
		// TODO(wrong): this is rejecting a completely valid OpenAPI spec
		// TODO(CRD validation schema publishing): filter these out
		return nil, newSchemaError(path, "definitions with multiple types aren't supported")

// LookupModel is public through the interface of Models. It
// returns a visitable schema from the given model name.
func (d *Definitions) LookupModel(model string) Schema {
	return d.models[model]

func (d *Definitions) ListModels() []string {
	models := []string{}

	for model := range d.models {
		models = append(models, model)

	return models

type Ref struct {

	reference   string
	definitions *Definitions

var _ Reference = &Ref{}

func (r *Ref) Reference() string {
	return r.reference

func (r *Ref) SubSchema() Schema {
	return r.definitions.models[r.reference]

func (r *Ref) Accept(v SchemaVisitor) {

func (r *Ref) GetName() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Reference to %q", r.reference)