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package scale

import (

	autoscalingv1 "k8s.io/api/autoscaling/v1"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
	scaleclient "k8s.io/client-go/scale"

// Scaler provides an interface for resources that can be scaled.
type Scaler interface {
	// Scale scales the named resource after checking preconditions. It optionally
	// retries in the event of resource version mismatch (if retry is not nil),
	// and optionally waits until the status of the resource matches newSize (if wait is not nil)
	// TODO: Make the implementation of this watch-based (#56075) once #31345 is fixed.
	Scale(namespace, name string, newSize uint, preconditions *ScalePrecondition, retry, wait *RetryParams, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) error
	// ScaleSimple does a simple one-shot attempt at scaling - not useful on its own, but
	// a necessary building block for Scale
	ScaleSimple(namespace, name string, preconditions *ScalePrecondition, newSize uint, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) (updatedResourceVersion string, err error)

// NewScaler get a scaler for a given resource
func NewScaler(scalesGetter scaleclient.ScalesGetter) Scaler {
	return &genericScaler{scalesGetter}

// ScalePrecondition describes a condition that must be true for the scale to take place
// If CurrentSize == -1, it is ignored.
// If CurrentResourceVersion is the empty string, it is ignored.
// Otherwise they must equal the values in the resource for it to be valid.
type ScalePrecondition struct {
	Size            int
	ResourceVersion string

// A PreconditionError is returned when a resource fails to match
// the scale preconditions passed to kubectl.
type PreconditionError struct {
	Precondition  string
	ExpectedValue string
	ActualValue   string

func (pe PreconditionError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Expected %s to be %s, was %s", pe.Precondition, pe.ExpectedValue, pe.ActualValue)

// RetryParams encapsulates the retry parameters used by kubectl's scaler.
type RetryParams struct {
	Interval, Timeout time.Duration

func NewRetryParams(interval, timeout time.Duration) *RetryParams {
	return &RetryParams{interval, timeout}

// ScaleCondition is a closure around Scale that facilitates retries via util.wait
func ScaleCondition(r Scaler, precondition *ScalePrecondition, namespace, name string, count uint, updatedResourceVersion *string, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) wait.ConditionFunc {
	return func() (bool, error) {
		rv, err := r.ScaleSimple(namespace, name, precondition, count, gvr)
		if updatedResourceVersion != nil {
			*updatedResourceVersion = rv
		// Retry only on update conflicts.
		if errors.IsConflict(err) {
			return false, nil
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		return true, nil

// validateGeneric ensures that the preconditions match. Returns nil if they are valid, otherwise an error
func (precondition *ScalePrecondition) validate(scale *autoscalingv1.Scale) error {
	if precondition.Size != -1 && int(scale.Spec.Replicas) != precondition.Size {
		return PreconditionError{"replicas", strconv.Itoa(precondition.Size), strconv.Itoa(int(scale.Spec.Replicas))}
	if len(precondition.ResourceVersion) > 0 && scale.ResourceVersion != precondition.ResourceVersion {
		return PreconditionError{"resource version", precondition.ResourceVersion, scale.ResourceVersion}
	return nil

// genericScaler can update scales for resources in a particular namespace
type genericScaler struct {
	scaleNamespacer scaleclient.ScalesGetter

var _ Scaler = &genericScaler{}

// ScaleSimple updates a scale of a given resource. It returns the resourceVersion of the scale if the update was successful.
func (s *genericScaler) ScaleSimple(namespace, name string, preconditions *ScalePrecondition, newSize uint, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) (updatedResourceVersion string, err error) {
	if preconditions != nil {
		scale, err := s.scaleNamespacer.Scales(namespace).Get(context.TODO(), gvr.GroupResource(), name, metav1.GetOptions{})
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if err = preconditions.validate(scale); err != nil {
			return "", err
		scale.Spec.Replicas = int32(newSize)
		updatedScale, err := s.scaleNamespacer.Scales(namespace).Update(context.TODO(), gvr.GroupResource(), scale, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		return updatedScale.ResourceVersion, nil

	patch := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"spec":{"replicas":%d}}`, newSize))
	updatedScale, err := s.scaleNamespacer.Scales(namespace).Patch(context.TODO(), gvr, name, types.MergePatchType, patch, metav1.PatchOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return updatedScale.ResourceVersion, nil

// Scale updates a scale of a given resource to a new size, with optional precondition check (if preconditions is not nil),
// optional retries (if retry is not nil), and then optionally waits for the status to reach desired count.
func (s *genericScaler) Scale(namespace, resourceName string, newSize uint, preconditions *ScalePrecondition, retry, waitForReplicas *RetryParams, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) error {
	if retry == nil {
		// make it try only once, immediately
		retry = &RetryParams{Interval: time.Millisecond, Timeout: time.Millisecond}
	cond := ScaleCondition(s, preconditions, namespace, resourceName, newSize, nil, gvr)
	if err := wait.PollImmediate(retry.Interval, retry.Timeout, cond); err != nil {
		return err
	if waitForReplicas != nil {
		return WaitForScaleHasDesiredReplicas(s.scaleNamespacer, gvr.GroupResource(), resourceName, namespace, newSize, waitForReplicas)
	return nil

// scaleHasDesiredReplicas returns a condition that will be true if and only if the desired replica
// count for a scale (Spec) equals its updated replicas count (Status)
func scaleHasDesiredReplicas(sClient scaleclient.ScalesGetter, gr schema.GroupResource, resourceName string, namespace string, desiredReplicas int32) wait.ConditionFunc {
	return func() (bool, error) {
		actualScale, err := sClient.Scales(namespace).Get(context.TODO(), gr, resourceName, metav1.GetOptions{})
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		// this means the desired scale target has been reset by something else
		if actualScale.Spec.Replicas != desiredReplicas {
			return true, nil
		return actualScale.Spec.Replicas == actualScale.Status.Replicas &&
			desiredReplicas == actualScale.Status.Replicas, nil

// WaitForScaleHasDesiredReplicas waits until condition scaleHasDesiredReplicas is satisfied
// or returns error when timeout happens
func WaitForScaleHasDesiredReplicas(sClient scaleclient.ScalesGetter, gr schema.GroupResource, resourceName string, namespace string, newSize uint, waitForReplicas *RetryParams) error {
	if waitForReplicas == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("waitForReplicas parameter cannot be nil")
	err := wait.PollImmediate(
		scaleHasDesiredReplicas(sClient, gr, resourceName, namespace, int32(newSize)))
	if err == wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
		return fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting for %q to be synced", resourceName)
	return err