#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import rados import getopt import sys import json """ CEPH_CLUSTER_NAME=test CEPH_MON= CEPH_AUTH_ID=admin CEPH_AUTH_KEY=AQCMpH9YM4Q1BhAAXGNQyyOne8ZsXqWGon/dIQ== cephfs_provisioner.py -n foo -u bar """ try: import ceph_volume_client ceph_module_found = True except ImportError as e: ceph_volume_client = None ceph_module_found = False VOlUME_GROUP="kubernetes" CONF_PATH="/etc/ceph/" class CephFSNativeDriver(object): """Driver for the Ceph Filesystem. This driver is 'native' in the sense that it exposes a CephFS filesystem for use directly by guests, with no intermediate layer like NFS. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._volume_client = None def _create_conf(self, cluster_name, mons): """ Create conf using monitors Create a minimal ceph conf with monitors and cephx """ conf_path = CONF_PATH + cluster_name + ".conf" if not os.path.isfile(conf_path) or os.access(conf_path, os.W_OK): conf = open(conf_path, 'w') conf.write("[global]\n") conf.write("mon_host = " + mons + "\n") conf.write("auth_cluster_required = cephx\nauth_service_required = cephx\nauth_client_required = cephx\n") conf.close() return conf_path def _create_keyring(self, cluster_name, id, key): """ Create client keyring using id and key """ keyring_path = CONF_PATH + cluster_name + "." + "client." + id + ".keyring" if not os.path.isfile(keyring_path) or os.access(keyring_path, os.W_OK): keyring = open(keyring_path, 'w') keyring.write("[client." + id + "]\n") keyring.write("key = " + key + "\n") keyring.write("caps mds = \"allow *\"\n") keyring.write("caps mon = \"allow *\"\n") keyring.write("caps osd = \"allow *\"\n") keyring.close() @property def volume_client(self): if self._volume_client: return self._volume_client if not ceph_module_found: raise ValueError("Ceph client libraries not found.") try: cluster_name = os.environ["CEPH_CLUSTER_NAME"] except KeyError: cluster_name = "ceph" try: mons = os.environ["CEPH_MON"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Missing CEPH_MON env") try: auth_id = os.environ["CEPH_AUTH_ID"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Missing CEPH_AUTH_ID") try: auth_key = os.environ["CEPH_AUTH_KEY"] except: raise ValueError("Missing CEPH_AUTH_KEY") conf_path = self._create_conf(cluster_name, mons) self._create_keyring(cluster_name, auth_id, auth_key) self._volume_client = ceph_volume_client.CephFSVolumeClient( auth_id, conf_path, cluster_name) try: self._volume_client.connect(None) except Exception: self._volume_client = None raise return self._volume_client def _authorize_ceph(self, volume_path, auth_id, readonly): path = self._volume_client._get_path(volume_path) # First I need to work out what the data pool is for this share: # read the layout pool_name = self._volume_client._get_ancestor_xattr(path, "ceph.dir.layout.pool") namespace = self._volume_client.fs.getxattr(path, "ceph.dir.layout.pool_namespace") # Now construct auth capabilities that give the guest just enough # permissions to access the share client_entity = "client.{0}".format(auth_id) want_access_level = 'r' if readonly else 'rw' want_mds_cap = 'allow r,allow {0} path={1}'.format(want_access_level, path) want_osd_cap = 'allow {0} pool={1} namespace={2}'.format( want_access_level, pool_name, namespace) try: existing = self._volume_client._rados_command( 'auth get', { 'entity': client_entity } ) # FIXME: rados raising Error instead of ObjectNotFound in auth get failure except rados.Error: caps = self._volume_client._rados_command( 'auth get-or-create', { 'entity': client_entity, 'caps': [ 'mds', want_mds_cap, 'osd', want_osd_cap, 'mon', 'allow r'] }) else: # entity exists, update it cap = existing[0] # Construct auth caps that if present might conflict with the desired # auth caps. unwanted_access_level = 'r' if want_access_level is 'rw' else 'rw' unwanted_mds_cap = 'allow {0} path={1}'.format(unwanted_access_level, path) unwanted_osd_cap = 'allow {0} pool={1} namespace={2}'.format( unwanted_access_level, pool_name, namespace) def cap_update(orig, want, unwanted): # Updates the existing auth caps such that there is a single # occurrence of wanted auth caps and no occurrence of # conflicting auth caps. cap_tokens = set(orig.split(",")) cap_tokens.discard(unwanted) cap_tokens.add(want) return ",".join(cap_tokens) osd_cap_str = cap_update(cap['caps'].get('osd', ""), want_osd_cap, unwanted_osd_cap) mds_cap_str = cap_update(cap['caps'].get('mds', ""), want_mds_cap, unwanted_mds_cap) caps = self._volume_client._rados_command( 'auth caps', { 'entity': client_entity, 'caps': [ 'mds', mds_cap_str, 'osd', osd_cap_str, 'mon', cap['caps'].get('mon')] }) caps = self._volume_client._rados_command( 'auth get', { 'entity': client_entity } ) # Result expected like this: # [ # { # "entity": "client.foobar", # "key": "AQBY0\/pViX\/wBBAAUpPs9swy7rey1qPhzmDVGQ==", # "caps": { # "mds": "allow *", # "mon": "allow *" # } # } # ] assert len(caps) == 1 assert caps[0]['entity'] == client_entity return caps[0] def create_share(self, path, user_id, size=None): """Create a CephFS volume. """ volume_path = ceph_volume_client.VolumePath(VOlUME_GROUP, path) # Create the CephFS volume volume = self.volume_client.create_volume(volume_path, size=size) # To mount this you need to know the mon IPs and the path to the volume mon_addrs = self.volume_client.get_mon_addrs() export_location = "{addrs}:{path}".format( addrs=",".join(mon_addrs), path=volume['mount_path']) """TODO restrict to user_id """ auth_result = self._authorize_ceph(volume_path, user_id, False) ret = { 'path': volume['mount_path'], 'user': auth_result['entity'], 'key': auth_result['key'] } self._create_keyring(self.volume_client.cluster_name, user_id, auth_result['key']) return json.dumps(ret) def _deauthorize(self, volume_path, auth_id): """ The volume must still exist. NOTE: In our `_authorize_ceph` method we give user extra mds `allow r` cap to work around a kernel cephfs issue. So we need a customized `_deauthorize` method to remove caps instead of using `volume_client._deauthorize`. This methid is modified from https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/v13.0.0/src/pybind/ceph_volume_client.py#L1181. """ client_entity = "client.{0}".format(auth_id) path = self.volume_client._get_path(volume_path) path = self.volume_client._get_path(volume_path) pool_name = self.volume_client._get_ancestor_xattr(path, "ceph.dir.layout.pool") namespace = self.volume_client.fs.getxattr(path, "ceph.dir.layout.pool_namespace") # The auth_id might have read-only or read-write mount access for the # volume path. access_levels = ('r', 'rw') want_mds_caps = {'allow {0} path={1}'.format(access_level, path) for access_level in access_levels} want_osd_caps = {'allow {0} pool={1} namespace={2}'.format( access_level, pool_name, namespace) for access_level in access_levels} try: existing = self.volume_client._rados_command( 'auth get', { 'entity': client_entity } ) def cap_remove(orig, want): cap_tokens = set(orig.split(",")) return ",".join(cap_tokens.difference(want)) cap = existing[0] osd_cap_str = cap_remove(cap['caps'].get('osd', ""), want_osd_caps) mds_cap_str = cap_remove(cap['caps'].get('mds', ""), want_mds_caps) if (not osd_cap_str) and (not osd_cap_str or mds_cap_str == "allow r"): # If osd caps are removed and mds caps are removed or only have "allow r", we can remove entity safely. self.volume_client._rados_command('auth del', {'entity': client_entity}, decode=False) else: self.volume_client._rados_command( 'auth caps', { 'entity': client_entity, 'caps': [ 'mds', mds_cap_str, 'osd', osd_cap_str, 'mon', cap['caps'].get('mon', 'allow r')] }) # FIXME: rados raising Error instead of ObjectNotFound in auth get failure except rados.Error: # Already gone, great. return def delete_share(self, path, user_id): volume_path = ceph_volume_client.VolumePath(VOlUME_GROUP, path) self._deauthorize(volume_path, user_id) self.volume_client.delete_volume(volume_path) self.volume_client.purge_volume(volume_path) def __del__(self): if self._volume_client: self._volume_client.disconnect() self._volume_client = None def main(): create = True share = "" user = "" cephfs = CephFSNativeDriver() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "rn:u:", ["remove"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " --remove -n share_name -u ceph_user_id" sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-n': share = arg elif opt == '-u': user = arg elif opt in ("-r", "--remove"): create = False if share == "" or user == "": print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " --remove -n share_name -u ceph_user_id" sys.exit(1) if create == True: print cephfs.create_share(share, user) else: cephfs.delete_share(share, user) if __name__ == "__main__": main()