#!/bin/bash -e #Based on ideas from https://github.com/rook/rook/blob/master/tests/scripts/minikube.sh function wait_for_ssh() { local tries=100 while ((tries > 0)); do if ${minikube} ssh echo connected &>/dev/null; then return 0 fi tries=$((tries - 1)) sleep 0.1 done echo ERROR: ssh did not come up >&2 exit 1 } function copy_image_to_cluster() { local build_image=$1 local final_image=$2 validate_container_cmd if [ -z "$(${CONTAINER_CMD} images -q "${build_image}")" ]; then ${CONTAINER_CMD} pull "${build_image}" fi if [[ "${VM_DRIVER}" == "none" ]]; then ${CONTAINER_CMD} tag "${build_image}" "${final_image}" return fi # "minikube ssh" fails to read the image, so use standard ssh instead ${CONTAINER_CMD} save "${build_image}" | \ ssh \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -i "$(${minikube} ssh-key)" -l docker \ "$(${minikube} ip)" docker image load } # parse the minikube version, return the digit passed as argument # v1.11.0 -> minikube_version 1 -> 1 # v1.11.0 -> minikube_version 2 -> 11 # v1.11.0 -> minikube_version 3 -> 0 minikube_version() { echo "${MINIKUBE_VERSION}" | sed 's/^v//' | cut -d'.' -f"${1}" } # detect if there is a minikube executable available already. If there is none, # fallback to using /usr/local/bin/minikube, as that is where # install_minikube() will place it too. function detect_minikube() { if type minikube >/dev/null 2>&1; then command -v minikube return fi # default if minikube is not available echo '/usr/local/bin/minikube' } # install minikube function install_minikube() { if [[ "${MINIKUBE_VERSION}" == "latest" ]]; then local mku_version mku_version=$(${minikube} update-check 2> /dev/null | grep "LatestVersion" || true) if [[ -n "${mku_version}" ]]; then MINIKUBE_VERSION=$(echo "${mku_version}" | cut -d' ' -f2) fi fi if type "${minikube}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then local mk_version version read -ra mk_version <<<"$(${minikube} version)" version=${mk_version[2]} if [[ "${version}" == "${MINIKUBE_VERSION}" ]]; then echo "minikube already installed with ${version}" return fi fi echo "Installing minikube. Version: ${MINIKUBE_VERSION}" curl -Lo minikube https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/"${MINIKUBE_VERSION}"/minikube-linux-"${MINIKUBE_ARCH}" && chmod +x minikube && mv minikube /usr/local/bin/ } function detect_kubectl() { if type kubectl >/dev/null 2>&1; then command -v kubectl return fi # default if kubectl is not available echo '/usr/local/bin/kubectl' } function install_kubectl() { if type "${kubectl}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then local kubectl_version kubectl_version=$(kubectl version --client --short | cut -d' ' -f3) if [[ "${kubectl_version}" == "${KUBE_VERSION}" ]]; then echo "kubectl already installed with ${kubectl_version}" return fi fi # Download kubectl, which is a requirement for using minikube. echo "Installing kubectl. Version: ${KUBE_VERSION}" curl -Lo kubectl https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/"${KUBE_VERSION}"/bin/linux/"${MINIKUBE_ARCH}"/kubectl && chmod +x kubectl && mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/ } function validate_container_cmd() { local cmd="${CONTAINER_CMD##* }" if [[ "${cmd}" == "docker" ]] || [[ "${cmd}" == "podman" ]]; then if ! command -v "${cmd}" &> /dev/null; then echo "'${cmd}' not found" exit 1 fi else echo "'CONTAINER_CMD' should be either docker or podman and not '${cmd}'" exit 1 fi } function enable_psp() { echo "prepare minikube to support pod security policies" mkdir -p "$HOME"/.minikube/files/etc/kubernetes/addons DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" cp "$DIR"/psp.yaml "$HOME"/.minikube/files/etc/kubernetes/addons/psp.yaml } # Storage providers and the default storage class is not needed for Ceph-CSI # testing. In order to reduce resources and potential conflicts between storage # plugins, disable them. function disable_storage_addons() { ${minikube} addons disable default-storageclass 2>/dev/null || true ${minikube} addons disable storage-provisioner 2>/dev/null || true } # minikube has the Busybox losetup, and that does not work with raw-block PVCs. # Copy the host losetup executable and hope it works. # # See https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/8284 function minikube_losetup() { # scp should not ask for any confirmation scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "$(${minikube} ssh-key)" /sbin/losetup docker@"$(${minikube} ip)":losetup # replace /sbin/losetup symlink with the executable ${minikube} ssh 'sudo sh -c "rm -f /sbin/losetup && cp ~docker/losetup /sbin"' } function minikube_supports_psp() { local MINIKUBE_MAJOR local MINIKUBE_MINOR local MINIKUBE_PATCH MINIKUBE_MAJOR=$(minikube_version 1) MINIKUBE_MINOR=$(minikube_version 2) MINIKUBE_PATCH=$(minikube_version 3) if [[ "${MINIKUBE_MAJOR}" -ge 1 ]] && [[ "${MINIKUBE_MINOR}" -ge 11 ]] && [[ "${MINIKUBE_PATCH}" -ge 1 ]] || [[ "${MINIKUBE_MAJOR}" -ge 1 ]] && [[ "${MINIKUBE_MINOR}" -ge 12 ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } # configure minikube MINIKUBE_ARCH=${MINIKUBE_ARCH:-"amd64"} MINIKUBE_VERSION=${MINIKUBE_VERSION:-"latest"} KUBE_VERSION=${KUBE_VERSION:-"latest"} CONTAINER_CMD=${CONTAINER_CMD:-"docker"} MEMORY=${MEMORY:-"4096"} CPUS=${CPUS:-"$(nproc)"} VM_DRIVER=${VM_DRIVER:-"virtualbox"} CNI=${CNI:-"bridge"} NUM_DISKS=${NUM_DISKS:-"1"} DISK_SIZE=${DISK_SIZE:-"32g"} #configure image repo CEPHCSI_IMAGE_REPO=${CEPHCSI_IMAGE_REPO:-"quay.io/cephcsi"} K8S_IMAGE_REPO=${K8S_IMAGE_REPO:-"k8s.gcr.io/sig-storage"} DISK="sda1" if [[ "${VM_DRIVER}" == "kvm2" ]]; then # use vda1 instead of sda1 when running with the libvirt driver DISK="vda1" fi if [[ "${VM_DRIVER}" == "kvm2" ]] || [[ "${VM_DRIVER}" == "hyperkit" ]]; then # adding extra disks is only supported on kvm2 and hyperkit DISK_CONFIG=${DISK_CONFIG:-" --extra-disks=${NUM_DISKS} --disk-size=${DISK_SIZE} "} else DISK_CONFIG="" fi #feature-gates for kube K8S_FEATURE_GATES=${K8S_FEATURE_GATES:-"ExpandCSIVolumes=true"} #extra-config for kube https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/reference/configuration/kubernetes/ EXTRA_CONFIG=${EXTRA_CONFIG:-"--extra-config=apiserver.enable-admission-plugins=PodSecurityPolicy"} # kubelet.resolv-conf needs to point to a file, not a symlink # the default minikube VM has /etc/resolv.conf -> /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf RESOLV_CONF='/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf' if [[ "${VM_DRIVER}" == "none" ]] && [[ ! -e "${RESOLV_CONF}" ]]; then # in case /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf does not exist, use the # standard /etc/resolv.conf (with symlink resolved) RESOLV_CONF="$(readlink -f /etc/resolv.conf)" fi # TODO: this might overload --extra-config=kubelet.resolv-conf in case the # caller did set EXTRA_CONFIG in the environment EXTRA_CONFIG="${EXTRA_CONFIG} --extra-config=kubelet.resolv-conf=${RESOLV_CONF}" #extra Rook configuration ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME=${ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME:-"newrbdpool"} if [[ "${KUBE_VERSION}" == "latest" ]]; then # update the version string from latest with the real version KUBE_VERSION=$(curl -L https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt 2> /dev/null) fi minikube="$(detect_minikube)" kubectl="$(detect_kubectl)" case "${1:-}" in up) install_minikube #if driver is 'none' install kubectl with KUBE_VERSION if [[ "${VM_DRIVER}" == "none" ]]; then mkdir -p "$HOME"/.kube "$HOME"/.minikube install_kubectl fi disable_storage_addons echo "starting minikube with kubeadm bootstrapper" if minikube_supports_psp; then enable_psp # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ${minikube} start --force --memory="${MEMORY}" --cpus="${CPUS}" -b kubeadm --kubernetes-version="${KUBE_VERSION}" --driver="${VM_DRIVER}" --feature-gates="${K8S_FEATURE_GATES}" --cni="${CNI}" ${EXTRA_CONFIG} "${DISK_CONFIG}" else # This is a workaround to fix psp issues in minikube >1.6.2 and <1.11.0 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ${minikube} start --force --memory="${MEMORY}" --cpus="${CPUS}" -b kubeadm --kubernetes-version="${KUBE_VERSION}" --driver="${VM_DRIVER}" --feature-gates="${K8S_FEATURE_GATES}" --cni="${CNI}" "${DISK_CONFIG}" DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" ${minikube} kubectl -- apply -f "$DIR"/psp.yaml ${minikube} stop # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ${minikube} start --force --memory="${MEMORY}" --cpus="${CPUS}" -b kubeadm --kubernetes-version="${KUBE_VERSION}" --driver="${VM_DRIVER}" --feature-gates="${K8S_FEATURE_GATES}" --cni="${CNI}" ${EXTRA_CONFIG} "${DISK_CONFIG}" fi # create a link so the default dataDirHostPath will work for this # environment if [[ "${VM_DRIVER}" != "none" ]]; then wait_for_ssh # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ${minikube} ssh "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/${DISK}/var/lib/rook;sudo ln -s /mnt/${DISK}/var/lib/rook /var/lib/rook" minikube_losetup fi ${minikube} kubectl -- cluster-info ;; down) ${minikube} stop ;; ssh) echo "connecting to minikube" ${minikube} ssh ;; deploy-rook) echo "deploy rook" DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" "$DIR"/rook.sh deploy ;; install-snapshotter) echo "install snapshot controller" DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" "$DIR"/install-snapshot.sh install ;; create-block-pool) echo "creating a block pool named $ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME" DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" "$DIR"/rook.sh create-block-pool ;; delete-block-pool) echo "deleting block pool named $ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME" DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" "$DIR"/rook.sh delete-block-pool ;; cleanup-snapshotter) echo "cleanup snapshot controller" DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" "$DIR"/install-snapshot.sh cleanup ;; teardown-rook) echo "teardown rook" DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" "$DIR"/rook.sh teardown # delete rook data for minikube ${minikube} ssh "sudo rm -rf /mnt/${DISK}/var/lib/rook; sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rook" ${minikube} ssh "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/${DISK}/var/lib/rook; sudo ln -s /mnt/${DISK}/var/lib/rook /var/lib/rook" ;; cephcsi) echo "copying the cephcsi image" copy_image_to_cluster "${CEPHCSI_IMAGE_REPO}"/cephcsi:v3.3-canary "${CEPHCSI_IMAGE_REPO}"/cephcsi:v3.3-canary ;; k8s-sidecar) echo "copying the kubernetes sidecar images" copy_image_to_cluster "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-attacher:v3.0.2 "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-attacher:v3.0.2 copy_image_to_cluster "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-snapshotter:v3.0.2 $"${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-snapshotter:v3.0.2 copy_image_to_cluster "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-provisioner:v2.0.4 "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-provisioner:v2.0.4 copy_image_to_cluster "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-node-driver-registrar:v2.0.1 "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-node-driver-registrar:v2.0.1 copy_image_to_cluster "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-resizer:v1.0.1 "${K8S_IMAGE_REPO}"/csi-resizer:v1.0.1 ;; clean) ${minikube} delete ;; *) echo " $0 [command] Available Commands: up Starts a local kubernetes cluster and prepare disk for rook down Stops a running local kubernetes cluster clean Deletes a local kubernetes cluster ssh Log into or run a command on a minikube machine with SSH deploy-rook Deploy rook to minikube install-snapshotter Install snapshot controller create-block-pool Creates a rook block pool (named $ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME) delete-block-pool Deletes a rook block pool (named $ROOK_BLOCK_POOL_NAME) cleanup-snapshotter Cleanup snapshot controller teardown-rook Teardown rook from minikube cephcsi Copy built docker images to kubernetes cluster k8s-sidecar Copy kubernetes sidecar docker images to kubernetes cluster " >&2 ;; esac