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package prometheusextension

import (

	dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go"

// GaugeOps is the part of `prometheus.Gauge` that is relevant to
// instrumented code.
// This factoring should be in prometheus, analogous to the way
// it already factors out the Observer interface for histograms and summaries.
type GaugeOps interface {
	// Set is the same as Gauge.Set
	// Inc is the same as Gauge.inc
	// Dec is the same as Gauge.Dec
	// Add is the same as Gauge.Add
	// Sub is the same as Gauge.Sub

	// SetToCurrentTime the same as Gauge.SetToCurrentTime

// A TimingHistogram tracks how long a `float64` variable spends in
// ranges defined by buckets.  Time is counted in nanoseconds.  The
// histogram's sum is the integral over time (in nanoseconds, from
// creation of the histogram) of the variable's value.
type TimingHistogram interface {

// TimingHistogramOpts is the parameters of the TimingHistogram constructor
type TimingHistogramOpts struct {
	Namespace   string
	Subsystem   string
	Name        string
	Help        string
	ConstLabels prometheus.Labels

	// Buckets defines the buckets into which observations are
	// accumulated. Each element in the slice is the upper
	// inclusive bound of a bucket. The values must be sorted in
	// strictly increasing order. There is no need to add a
	// highest bucket with +Inf bound. The default value is
	// prometheus.DefBuckets.
	Buckets []float64

	// The initial value of the variable.
	InitialValue float64

// NewTimingHistogram creates a new TimingHistogram
func NewTimingHistogram(opts TimingHistogramOpts) (TimingHistogram, error) {
	return NewTestableTimingHistogram(time.Now, opts)

// NewTestableTimingHistogram creates a TimingHistogram that uses a mockable clock
func NewTestableTimingHistogram(nowFunc func() time.Time, opts TimingHistogramOpts) (TimingHistogram, error) {
	desc := prometheus.NewDesc(
		prometheus.BuildFQName(opts.Namespace, opts.Subsystem, opts.Name),
	return newTimingHistogram(nowFunc, desc, opts)

func wrapTimingHelp(given string) string {
	return "EXPERIMENTAL: " + given

func newTimingHistogram(nowFunc func() time.Time, desc *prometheus.Desc, opts TimingHistogramOpts, variableLabelValues ...string) (TimingHistogram, error) {
	allLabelsM := prometheus.Labels{}
	allLabelsS := prometheus.MakeLabelPairs(desc, variableLabelValues)
	for _, pair := range allLabelsS {
		if pair == nil || pair.Name == nil || pair.Value == nil {
			return nil, errors.New("prometheus.MakeLabelPairs returned a nil")
		allLabelsM[*pair.Name] = *pair.Value
	weighted, err := newWeightedHistogram(desc, WeightedHistogramOpts{
		Namespace:   opts.Namespace,
		Subsystem:   opts.Subsystem,
		Name:        opts.Name,
		Help:        opts.Help,
		ConstLabels: allLabelsM,
		Buckets:     opts.Buckets,
	}, variableLabelValues...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &timingHistogram{
		nowFunc:     nowFunc,
		weighted:    weighted,
		lastSetTime: nowFunc(),
		value:       opts.InitialValue,
	}, nil

type timingHistogram struct {
	nowFunc  func() time.Time
	weighted *weightedHistogram

	// The following fields must only be accessed with weighted's lock held

	lastSetTime time.Time // identifies when value was last set
	value       float64

var _ TimingHistogram = &timingHistogram{}

func (th *timingHistogram) Set(newValue float64) {
	th.update(func(float64) float64 { return newValue })

func (th *timingHistogram) Inc() {
	th.update(func(oldValue float64) float64 { return oldValue + 1 })

func (th *timingHistogram) Dec() {
	th.update(func(oldValue float64) float64 { return oldValue - 1 })

func (th *timingHistogram) Add(delta float64) {
	th.update(func(oldValue float64) float64 { return oldValue + delta })

func (th *timingHistogram) Sub(delta float64) {
	th.update(func(oldValue float64) float64 { return oldValue - delta })

func (th *timingHistogram) SetToCurrentTime() {
	th.update(func(oldValue float64) float64 { return th.nowFunc().Sub(time.Unix(0, 0)).Seconds() })

func (th *timingHistogram) update(updateFn func(float64) float64) {
	defer th.weighted.lock.Unlock()
	now := th.nowFunc()
	delta := now.Sub(th.lastSetTime)
	value := th.value
	if delta > 0 {
		th.weighted.observeWithWeightLocked(value, uint64(delta))
		th.lastSetTime = now
	th.value = updateFn(value)

func (th *timingHistogram) Desc() *prometheus.Desc {
	return th.weighted.Desc()

func (th *timingHistogram) Write(dest *dto.Metric) error {
	th.Add(0) // account for time since last update
	return th.weighted.Write(dest)

func (th *timingHistogram) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
	ch <- th.weighted.Desc()

func (th *timingHistogram) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
	ch <- th