#!/bin/bash -e # This script can be used to install/delete snapshotcontroller and snapshot beta CRD SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "${0}")" # shellcheck source=build.env source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/../build.env" SNAPSHOT_VERSION=${SNAPSHOT_VERSION:-"v3.0.1"} TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" SNAPSHOTTER_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter/${SNAPSHOT_VERSION}" # controller SNAPSHOT_RBAC="${SNAPSHOTTER_URL}/deploy/kubernetes/snapshot-controller/rbac-snapshot-controller.yaml" SNAPSHOT_CONTROLLER="${SNAPSHOTTER_URL}/deploy/kubernetes/snapshot-controller/setup-snapshot-controller.yaml" # snapshot CRD SNAPSHOTCLASS="${SNAPSHOTTER_URL}/client/config/crd/snapshot.storage.k8s.io_volumesnapshotclasses.yaml" VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CONTENT="${SNAPSHOTTER_URL}/client/config/crd/snapshot.storage.k8s.io_volumesnapshotcontents.yaml" VOLUME_SNAPSHOT="${SNAPSHOTTER_URL}/client/config/crd/snapshot.storage.k8s.io_volumesnapshots.yaml" function install_snapshot_controller() { local namespace=$1 if [ -z "${namespace}" ]; then namespace="default" fi create_or_delete_resource "create" ${namespace} pod_ready=$(kubectl get pods -l app=snapshot-controller -n ${namespace} -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.containerStatuses[0].ready}') INC=0 until [[ "${pod_ready}" == "true" || $INC -gt 20 ]]; do sleep 10 ((++INC)) pod_ready=$(kubectl get pods -l app=snapshot-controller -n ${namespace} -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.containerStatuses[0].ready}') echo "snapshotter pod status: ${pod_ready}" done if [ "${pod_ready}" != "true" ]; then echo "snapshotter controller creation failed" kubectl get pods -l app=snapshot-controller -n ${namespace} kubectl describe po -l app=snapshot-controller -n ${namespace} exit 1 fi echo "snapshot controller creation successful" } function cleanup_snapshot_controller() { local namespace=$1 if [ -z "${namespace}" ]; then namespace="default" fi create_or_delete_resource "delete" ${namespace} } function create_or_delete_resource() { local operation=$1 local namespace=$2 temp_rbac=${TEMP_DIR}/snapshot-rbac.yaml temp_snap_controller=${TEMP_DIR}/snapshot-controller.yaml snapshotter_psp="${SCRIPT_DIR}/snapshot-controller-psp.yaml" mkdir -p "${TEMP_DIR}" curl -o "${temp_rbac}" "${SNAPSHOT_RBAC}" curl -o "${temp_snap_controller}" "${SNAPSHOT_CONTROLLER}" sed -i "s/namespace: default/namespace: ${namespace}/g" "${temp_rbac}" sed -i "s/namespace: default/namespace: ${namespace}/g" "${snapshotter_psp}" sed -i "s/canary/${SNAPSHOT_VERSION}/g" "${temp_snap_controller}" kubectl "${operation}" -f "${temp_rbac}" kubectl "${operation}" -f "${snapshotter_psp}" kubectl "${operation}" -f "${temp_snap_controller}" -n "${namespace}" kubectl "${operation}" -f "${SNAPSHOTCLASS}" kubectl "${operation}" -f "${VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CONTENT}" kubectl "${operation}" -f "${VOLUME_SNAPSHOT}" } function delete_snapshot_crd() { kubectl delete -f "${SNAPSHOTCLASS}" --ignore-not-found kubectl delete -f "${VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_CONTENT}" --ignore-not-found kubectl delete -f "${VOLUME_SNAPSHOT}" --ignore-not-found } # parse the kubernetes version # v1.17.2 -> kube_version 1 -> 1 (Major) # v1.17.2 -> kube_version 2 -> 17 (Minor) function kube_version() { echo "${KUBE_VERSION}" | sed 's/^v//' | cut -d'.' -f"${1}" } if ! get_kube_version=$(kubectl version --short) || [[ -z "${get_kube_version}" ]]; then echo "could not get Kubernetes server version" echo "hint: check if you have specified the right host or port" exit 1 fi KUBE_VERSION=$(echo "${get_kube_version}" | grep "^Server Version" | cut -d' ' -f3) KUBE_MAJOR=$(kube_version 1) KUBE_MINOR=$(kube_version 2) # skip snapshot operation if kube version is less than 1.17.0 if [[ "${KUBE_MAJOR}" -lt 1 ]] || [[ "${KUBE_MAJOR}" -eq 1 && "${KUBE_MINOR}" -lt 17 ]]; then echo "skipping: Kubernetes server version is < 1.17.0" exit 1 fi case "${1:-}" in install) install_snapshot_controller "$2" ;; cleanup) cleanup_snapshot_controller "$2" ;; delete-crd) delete_snapshot_crd ;; *) echo "usage:" >&2 echo " $0 install" >&2 echo " $0 cleanup" >&2 echo " $0 delete-crd" >&2 ;; esac