# Deploying Jenkins Jobs through OpenShift This `deploy/` directory contains the configuration to prepare running Jenkins Job Builder on OpenShift and update/add Jenkins Jobs in an environment hosted in the same OpenShift project. The used Jenkins environment is expected to be deployed already. This is done by the CentOS CI team when a [request for CI resources](ci_request) is handled. The deploying and configuration of Jenkins is therefor not part of this document. ## Building the Jenkins Job Builder container image OpenShift has a feature called ImageStreams. This can be used to build the container image that contains the `jenkins-jobs` executable to test and update/add jobs in a Jenkins environment. All `.yaml` files in this directory need to be pushed into OpenShift, use `oc create -f <file>` for that. - the `Dockerfile` uses `pip` to install `jenkins-jobs`, the BuildConfig object in OpenShift can then be used to build the image - `checkout-repo.sh` will be included in the container image, and checks out the `ci/centos` branch of the repository - together with the `Makefile` (checked out with `checkout-repo.sh`), the Jenkins Jobs can be validated or deployed - `jjb-buildconfig.yaml` creates the ImageStream and the BuildConfig objects. Once created with `oc create`, the OpenShift Console shows a `Build` button for the `jjb` image under the Builds/Builds menu - `jjb-config.yaml` is the `/etc/jenkins_jobs/jenkins_jobs.ini` configuration files that contains username, password/token and URL to the Jenkins instance (**edit this file before pushing to OpenShift**) - `jjb-validate.yaml` is the OpenShift Job that creates a Pod, runs the validation test and exits. The job needs to be deleted from OpenShift before it can be run again. - `jjb-deploy.yaml` is the OpenShift Job that creates a Pod, runs `jenkins-jobs` to push the new jobs to the Jenkins environment. This pod uses the jjb-config ConfigMap to connect and login to the Jenkins instance. The job needs to be deleted from OpenShift before it can be run again. - `jjb.sh` is a helper script that can be used to validate/deploy the Jenkins Jobs in the parent directory. It creates the validate or deploy job, waits until the job finishes, shows the log and exits with 0 on success. This script can be used in Jenkins Jobs to automate the validation and deployment of jobs. [ci_request]: https://wiki.centos.org/QaWiki/CI/GettingStarted